Xtreme Strength


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- My Stories -


Welcome to the index of my stories. Below is a list of all the stories I have released, sorted by the strength the women in them exert.

1,000x Strength

Crashed Tim couldn't have crash landed in a better place.
The Demolitionist When a girl gets excited, there's no telling what can happen.
Action Girl If only real TV was like this.
Action Girl II You'll never look at a boat the same way again.
Superwoman The birth of a true superwoman.
Lightning Meet Superwoman's sister. You'll spot some similarities.
G-Force III Sandy wants to go for a cruise. And what Sandy wants, Sandy gets.
Wrestle These women would eat those WWF guys for breakfast!
In The Beginning A sort of prequel to the 'Superwoman' series - this is the first story I ever wrote!
In The Beginning II A sort of prequel to the 'Superwoman' series - the second story I ever wrote!
Beyond Meet Delina. She's no wimp...

1,000,000x Strength

Beyond II Delina does a 'Military Press'.
Beyond III Delina moves house; or should that be 'moves a house'?
Superwoman II When a Superwoman meets an Action Girl who knows what will happen?
Pumping Iron Six women who can do more than merely 'pump' iron.
Experiment A superwoman is born.
G-Force A beautiful woman becomes incredibly strong.
The Encounter A close encounter of the sexual kind...
Perfect Couple by Paul Smith and Nicki. John and Nina compliment each other totally.

1,000,000,000x Strength

G-Force II Sandy gets to know a girl who is more than her equal.
The Drug A woman receives an extreme overdose of a potent strength drug.
Electric A young woman becomes fantastically strong.
Electric II A gorgeous superwoman experiments with her new-found strength.
Electric III An already superhumanly strong girl's strength is amplified even further.
The Project, Chapter I A genetically engineered supergirl breathes her first breath.
The Project, Chapter II Shannon becomes totally unstoppable and continues to experiment with her body.
The Project, Chapter III Shannon comes to Earth.
Caroline Everson Works Out Wouldn't it be cool if there was a real video like this?
The Holiday This is the first part of an interesting cross-over story with the Aurora Universe. Hope you like it!
Climax More and more of Heather's awesome power is unleashed each time she orgasms.
Show Off Caroline shows off her unbelievable strength.
The Machine Sandra becomes impossibly strong.
Raw Power Caroline experiments with her superhuman strength.
Superwoman Speaks Out A sexy story dictated by Caroline Everson, aka Superwoman.
Uncontrollable This supergirl just can't control her strength.
Girl Of Steel A supergirl shows that she's much stronger mere steel. This story contains illustrations.
Fun At The Docks Juliette plays with some boats.
Weapon Disposal Expert A supergirl decomissions some old military hardware.
Photo Shoot Originally written for the November 2002 XS Contest.
Centrefold A bit unusual, this one - it's a picture, even though it's really a story. Originally written for the August/September 2004 XS Contest.