Show Off
Caroline shows off her superhuman strength.
By Paul Smith (

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WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

It's a bright sunny day, so you decide to take a walk through the harbour. As you are walking along the quayside, you hear a voice behind you.

"Hi!" says Caroline, her voice as sensual as ever, "I hoped I'd find you here."

"Hi Caroline!" you reply.

She's wearing a extra large white t-shirt with a Nike logo on the front. Her breasts are so large and pert that the massive t-shirt has lifted upward, barely even covering all of her breasts, let alone her muscular stomach. Her abs are clearly defined in the sunlight and are moist with sweat, making them glimmer like they are sculpted from steel. The shirt is so tight around Caroline's chest that the Nike logo has been stretched between her nipples, making the tick into an almost completely horizontal line. Her teats are each two inches long and just as wide, and are stretching the t-shirt to breaking point. On an ordinary woman, Caroline's nipples might seem disproportionately large, but thankfully her boobs are scaled in exact proportion to her teats. This meant that Caroline's chest was at least 120 inches in circumference, and her tits didn't droop in the slightest - in fact, they are impossibly pert.

Caroline's long, blonde hair is blow about by the gentle breeze, and her fautless body is evenly tanned all over. Her large, defined muscles glisten slightly in the sunlight and her tight torn-off denim shorts strain to contain her muscular buttocks as they flex rythmically.

She lays down and starts press-ups using just the little finger of her left hand. She effortlessly does a few hundred of them in rapid succession whilst smiling at you sweetly - clearly she doesn't find them even remotely challenging.

"It's a lovely day, don't you think?" she says, pumping her torso up and down against the hard tarmac. Her eyes are full of sexual promise.

"Wonderful. Not a cloud in the sky." As you stare into Caroline's deep blue eyes, your pulse quickens.

"This weather makes me so randy," breathes Caroline, "I want to make sweet passionate love to you right now, but I've got a special treat for you today."

Caroline jumps up and walks past you, deliberately running her fingertips across your crouch, you dick instantly springing to life. You turn to follow her, now looking at her from behind. Her buttocks ripple with every sensual step she takes, grinding against each other with infinite force like two steel balls wrapped in silk.

Very soon, Caroline reaches a large 40 seater coach. She crouches down and slips her hands underneath the 10 tonne vehicle. Without the slightest hesitation, she easily lifts the massive coach off the ground. She twirls around to face you, casually manhandling the vehicle like it weighs nothing.

"I bought this bus especially so that I could show you this," she says.

"W-Wow! I love it when you lift really heavy things!" you reply.

"That's not all I bought it for," she breathes, "not by a long way."

With this, Miss Everson tightens her grip on the vehicle's iron chassis, immediately buckling the metal like tin foil. Then, she casually pulls her muscle-packed arms together, folding the bus in half as easily as you or I might fold a single sheet of paper. Seconds later, the bus is bent double. Caroline effortlessly flattens the folded bus and begins to fold it in half once again. Within a few moments, the coach has been reduced to a quarter of it's original area. She folds the thick steel vehicle once again, exerting hundreds of tonnes of force with ease. Moments later, the unbelievably mangled bus had been folded in half once again. Caroline crushes this flat, and proceeds to fold the coach once more - this time, it really does look like she's just folding tin foil. The noise is tremendous as the metal shrieks in agony, yet Superwoman doesn't appear to be straining in the slightest, despite the fact that she is applying thousands of tonnes of brute force through her slender fingers.

The coach has now been reduced to a mangled sheet of metal about 3 foot square, an inch thick, and about fifty times denser and stronger than normal steel. Again, Caroline folded this in half, and then in half again. She bent the metal like sodden tissue paper - the effort was totally insignificant to her, even though she is exerting millions of psi using her awesome muscles. You quietly cum in your trousers.

After she has folded the ex-coach in half a few more times - exerting almost a million tonnes of raw power in the process - Caroline finally tosses her 'plaything' aside. As she approaches, you notice that her nipples have doubled in length, causing her t-shirt to start to rip down the centre. Her sweating cleavage is now plainly visible between her fantastically pert mammaries. Your penis is erect again.

"I see you had a little...accident," she says, lowering her hand to your crotch.

Caroline gently slips her hand down the front of your trousers and into your damp boxer shorts. Even the gentlest touch of her fingers is enough to make you orgasm instantly, and her superhuman hand is splattered with your warm spunk. She withdraws her hand from your trousers and, staring you right in the eyes, licks your cum from her hand. She sucks on each of her fingers in turn, like a cat making sure she's got every last drop milk. You notice that her nipples have released a small dribble of milk, creating two symetrical damp patches in her ultra-tight t-shirt. Some of the fluid runs towards her cleavage and coats her breasts, giving each of them a white sheen.

There is the sharp sound of tearing fabric as Caroline's teats grow larger still, enlarging the rip in the centre of her t-shirt. As she takes a deep, shuddering breath the t-shirt literally explodes, finally revealing her damp breasts and engorged nipples in their entirety.

"But..there's..more..I'," pants Caroline, trying desperately not to get lost in the throws of passion, "foll-OH!!"

Taking jerky, uncontrolled steps, Caroline leads you towards the edge of the docks and points below. Looking down, you see a brand you mini-submarine.

"For!..You!" she shudders.

You clamber down the ladder and stand on top of the submarine. You open the hatch and look in.

"! OHH!!" she manages.

With that, she reaches down for one of the steel chains that ties the sub to the harbour wall. As she gets a grip on the metal, her body shudders with pleasure once again, and her fingertips instantly slice through the steel like moist putty and the chain falls into the sea. Next, she approaches the other chain and places a hand on the big heavy iron kleat that is embedded into the concrete and holds the other chain in place. As another orgasm rips through her young body, her fingers clamp shut, effortlessly crushing the solid metal like plastercine, making it ooze out from between her fingers like jello. She releases her grip on the iron kleat and the sub's mooring chain just slips off since there is nothing to hold it in place.

You shut the hatch and train the periscope on the Caroline. You see her tear off her ultra-tight jeans, and use the opportunity to experiment with the zoom feature. Her super-hard buns really do look great close up, especially as she runs towards the edge of the harbour wall and dives off and into the sea. You put sub at full throttle and dive beneath the waves, pursuing your superhuman girlfriend. She quickly looses you, despite being in the throws of passion.

Hoping to find Miss Everson, you dive deeper and deeper until you eventually reached the bottom of the ocean. You realise that this is one hell of an impressive submarine - few manned subs are capable of going this deep. The titanium shell has to be several foot thick to withstand the enormous pressure.

Suddenly, you see something ahead. You move the sub closer. It is Caroline. She is totally naked, sprawled backwards across the jagged rock beneath her. Her long blonde hair gently swirls as the current gently sweeps across it. Her body is sharply illuminated by the submarine's bright lights, her immense breasts casting huge shadows across her muscular body and onto the rock behind. Her bosums are fantastically pert, and are each as big a soccer ball. You know that each of them is far, far harder than any substance known to man - not even a nuclear explosion would so much as bruise them.

Caroline's abs are so fantastically defined that the indentations between each of the seperate muscles in her six-pack are over an inch deep. And that's when they're relaxed - when flexed, you know that they bulge out another inch and become even harder than her almighty breasts!

Her waist is thinner around her abs, and widens around her hips. Her vagina is hairy and moist - even now it is oozing hot, thick love juices. These globules of gooey cum drift around in the ocean currents, rapidly turning the water around them to steam as they cool. Caroline's buttocks are even more muscular than her unbelievable abs, and are easily capable of withstanding any force known to man - just like the rest of her glorious body. Even when relaxed, her buttocks are infinitely harder than the rock beneath them. This is demonstrated by the fact that they have not moulded themselves around the shape of the stone beneath them at all. It was as if she was a steel statue resting against the seabed. In actual fact, a sudden movement by Caroline might well split the rock beneath her clean in half!

Superwoman's legs are long and extremely muscular, and her thighs are as thick as tree-trunks, yet they are vastly stronger than mere wood. Her calves are like rock, and her feet are perfectly formed. Further up her body, her back is covered with layers upon layers of thick, rippling muscle. Even the tiniest muscle in Caroline's body is able to perform any feat of strength imaginable - and it's not exactly as if her physique is underdeveloped. Her arms are equally muscular; her biceps alone are as large as baseballs and are capable of curling her arms with trillions of trillions of trillions of tonnes of force without even feeling the strain! Her triceps are large and hard even when unflexed, and her fingers are long and slender, yet equally powerful.

Her entire body is covered with an even tan. Her face is more gorgeous than it is possible to describe, and her beautiful blue eyes are staring straight at you. You simply stare, slack-jawed, at the busty amazon lying in front of you. You just about manage to retain enough self control to stop the sub - if you did not then you would surely have crashed straight into Caroline. Such an accident would undoubtedly have been fatal - not for Miss Everson, but for the tough titanium shell protecting you from the millions of tonnes of water around the sub.

Now that she's got you attention, Caroline sensually stands up. Her body moves with the athletic grace of a dancer. Her muscles ripple and flex with even the slightest movement, her body a symphony of strength and power. She strolls up to a sharp rock poking up from the jagged rock below. The rod is about 3 foot high, 2 foot in diameter at its base, sharping to a needle-sharp point at the top.

Caroline glides up above the top of the point. Still keeping her body completely vertical, she slowly lowers her body onto the worryingly sharp tip. As the razor-edged rock brushes through her pubic hair, the hard rock is sliced apart like cheese in a grater - the stone doesn't stand a chance against such insurmountable might. as the chunks of rock fall to the floor, Caroline realises that a single strand of her pubic hair is far stronger than the rock between her muscular thighs.

Deciding to give the puny stone a helping hand, Caroline lifts her muscle-packed physique from the rock. Then, she reaches between her legs and parts her pubic hairs, revealing her sensitive vaginal lips. Again, Caroline begins lowering her voluptous body onto the spike. The rock touches her nether lips, sending a spasm of excitement through Superwoman's body. She continues to lower herself onto the sharp point beneath her. Unfortunately, even though her vagina is almost completely relaxed, the tough rock still cannot part her moist lips. Instead, the spike crumbles and snaps like sand.

Realising that she needs to help the rock out even more, Caroline reaches down to her vaginal lips with her fingertips and gently parts them. As the cold sea-water floods into her cunt for the first time, Miss Everson shivers orgasmically once again. Once she has recovered, she begins lowering herself onto the stone spike once again. At last, the rock is able to penetrate inside her, meeting the fiery warmth inside.

Her tender vaginal lips brush over the tough rock, cracking and splintering it like rotten timber. The sharp point scrapes over her cliterous. It spasms with excitement, clamping shut with millions of tonnes of force. The rock instantly melts under the tremendous pressure and oozes out from Caroline cunt. The rock quickly cools in the icey water, coating her muscular legs with stone. As Miss Everson casually forces more of the rock into her vagina, her excitement swells and her love juices start to heat up to thousands of degree centigrade. The rock instantly melts as it comes into contact with such fantastic heat, adding layer upon layer to the rock molded around Superwoman's thighs.

Soon, Caroline is sitting on the rocky seabed, the entire spike rammed into her cunt. She shivers with pleasure once more, her vaginal muscles uncontrollably pulling together with a few quadrillion tonnes of brute force, instantly vaporising the remains of the rock. Her muscle-packed thighs flexed with raw power, making the stone that had hardened there crumble like sand.

Eventually, Caroline's superhuman climax came to an end. She stood up, letting the remains of the stone pole tumble from her cunt. Brushing off the clumps of rock that had accumlated on her legs like they were lumps of sand, Miss Everson erotically turns her faultless body towards you. She cups her swollen bosums in her hands, sensually rubbing her fingers over their perfect form. She grasps her nipples between her fingertips and fondles them tenderly. They rapidly grow, quickly becoming impossibly hard even to her superhuman touch. They doubled their size in seconds. They were now truly enormous - each more than two inches long and over an inch in diameter. As she continues her caresses, Caroline turns away from you, turning her body 90 degrees to the right.

From the side, her profile is even more dramatic than it is from the front. The sheer volume of her breasts is incredible - they bulge forwards from her torso by at least two foot and are impossibly pert. Her buffed physique becomes unbelievably thin at her waist, contrasting sharply with her huge muscular buttocks. Her butt is tightly flexed with excitement, the twin balls of muscle squeesing together with enough force to casually crush an ocean liner into oblivion. Her butt cheeks are so fantastically powerful that each has a clearly defined dimple facing away from her beautiful physique.

Miss Everson's nipples are now well over 3 inches long and small wisps of milk have started to leak out of them, swirling around in the underwater currents. As her excitement increases, this dribble quickly turns into a jet, and then a flood, of creamy milk. This stream of white fluid is catapulted through the water, splattering against the rock opposite. You now realise why Caroline has turned away from you - she didn't want to risk destroying the sub with her super-powerful love juices.

Caroline continues to excite herself, and milk is soon blasting from each of her super-hard nipples at hundreds of thousands of miles per hour. The rock that her juices are splattering against starts to yield, huge chunks of compressed rock flying off in all directions.

Slowly, Caroline starts to stride towards the huge boulder in front of her. Her steps are slow and juddery, as if she is struggling to control every movement of her body. As her climax envelopes her, Superwoman is like a wild animal, fighting her instinct to allow her body to extert is full power against something. Even though she can just about control her cunt enough to stop it firing cum with enough force to drill to the centre of the Earth, she still can't resist using an infinitely small portion of the raw power she can feel whelling up inside her.

Soon, Caroline's breasts touch the hard boulder. Her nipples do not make contact with the rock because the sheer force with which her breast milk was ejaculated has long since drilled a pair of holes clean through the massive slab. In fact, calling the rock a 'boulder' is a bit misleading, since it was still definitely attached to the ground - 'cliff face' might be a better description. The huge chunk of rock is at least one hundred metres high, wide and deep. You realise that it must weigh literally millions of tonnes!

Before you can even comprehend the sheer weight of the rock she is about to lift, Caroline has matter-of-factly grasped the rock face with her muscle-packed arms and effortlessly torn it from the seabed. She casually lifts it above her head with one hand before balancing it on the tip of her little finger! You marvel at the look of unrestrained delight on Caroline face as she manhandles the rock as if it was lighter than a single grain of sand.

Next, Miss Everson spreads her arms wide apart on the base of the massive boulder and orgasmically pulls her arms together. Her breasts stretch up towards her muscular neck as she easily exerts billions of tonnes of pressure, making the huge rock shatter like it was made of suger glass.

Within seconds it's all over. The enormous cliff face has been smashed in two, and the few chunks that got caught in Caroline's grip have been ground into sand, topped off with a coating of the super girl's warm love juices. Turning to you with a sex crazed look, she becons you over with her index finger. Obligingly, you accelerate the sub fowards. As you draw nearer, Caroline doesn't move back or signal for you to stop. You try to slow down to avoid hitting her, but you still gently hit her on the nose. The 5 tonne mini-sub instantly stops, throwing you out of your seat and hitting the front window. Now, your face is within inches of hers, with just a thick sheet of reinforced glass in between. She briefly breaks eye contact to look over your shoulder. Then, she points to the drysuit behind you. Obligingly, you walk over and put it on. After you have clipped everything into place, you walk back to the front window and give the thumbs up.

Staring you right in the eyes, Caroline sensually kisses the thick glass. Her lips are full and red, having no need for lipstick. She erotically licks the main viewport, making you orgasm on the spot. She can see the quivering bulge in your drysuit, and a sexy smile spreads across her gorgeous face.

Suddenly, cracks shoot up through the glass as her tongue proves that it is far harder than mere glass. With just a single gentle lick, Superwoman shattered the viewport as if it was made of thin ice. Suddenly, the cabin is flooded with water, the enormous pressure quickly finishing off the rest of the window.

Caroline delicately slips her hands into the hole in the sub's hull left by the porthole. The window is about a foot in diameter, and the titanium is at least as thick. Not only that, but the metal is compressed to make it even stronger than normal. Caroline's huge, muscular arms now obstruct your view of her gorgeous face, but you know that she's enjoying herself.

With seemingly no effort, the thick titanium alloy buckles slightly as she gets a firm grip. The sheer strength of her grasp makes it look like tin foil. Even the casual movement of her tendons dents the steel like melted butter. Slowly, Miss Everson began effortlessly pulling her hands apart. The titanium moaned and groaned with the enormous stress, but Caroline arms were not showing the slightest sign of any strain. In fact, her arms had started to move apart , making the thick titanium wrinkle up like paper.

Suddenly, the foot thick metal shrieked in protest and violently sheared in two. Caroline instantly ripped the sub in two as if it was made of moist tissue paper. In fact, it was far stronger than that - such a feat of strength required Caroline to exert millions of tonnes of force - yet the strain she had felt was totally inconsequential to her muscles.

As the mini sub discintigrates around you, the centre console is ripped in half like it was made of cardboard. The lights flicker and then go out as the power supply is stretched apart like play-doe. Thinking fast, you switch on the head lamp on your diving gear. The two halves of the submarine have been pulled away from underneat your feet and are now being held aloft by Caroline - one in each hand. The spotlight generated by your head light harshly illuminates her gorgeous physique as her gigantic bosums stretch up towards her muscular neck.

She deliberates flexes her muscles as she crushes the titanium using just her fingertips. Muscles bulge out from her arms like softballs, even though her arms are completely straight - God knows how big they must be when contracted! You light barely manages to illuminate the troughs between her fabulous abdominal muscles. You can see her abs rippling in waves as Caroline sensually moves her body. The metal continues to scream in protest against the fantastic forces it is being subjected to.

Very soon, Miss Everson has crushed the remains of the submarine into two balls of super-dense metal, one in each hand. Each clump of titanium is about the size of a tennis ball and weighs several tonnes. Caroline holds the pair of balls out in front of her and squeezes them into a single glob of metal as if they were plastercine! Caroline casually lifts this ball of metal and places it between her enormous mammaries. Given the sheer ease with which she lifts the metal, it's easy to forget that it weighs as much as four family cars put together and was a deep sea submarine only seconds ago!

She wedges the lump of titanium between her gigantic breasts like it is margerine, accidentally smearing some of them metal across her ultra-hard tits. She's so strong that she doesn't even notice what she's done! Then, staring you right in the eyes, Caroline gently flexes her chest muscles. Her huge, pert bosums easily move closer together, totally uneffected by the metal in between. It buckles and whines, but it totally helpless against such raw power. Within seconds, the titanium is little more than a smear. Caroline easily increases the pressure. Moments later, the entire mini-sub has been completely crushed out of existance by the power of her breasts alone!

You cum in your diving suit again. Caroline sees this and smiles. Her smile is so erotic that you climax again. Caroline's smile broadens. She walks up to you and gently grasps you by the hand. She quickly tows you to what looks like a sheer cliff face. In actual fact, it's a huge slab of rock blocking the entrance to a massive underground cave. The musclewoman walks to the base of the huge rock, her hard buttocks rippling with every step. As she crouches down on her haunches, point your head light around the boulder. The underwater fog makes it difficult to see beyond a few hundred metres, so you are unable to see the true size of the boulder. Caroline later tells you that the block is roughly a kilometre along each edge. Not only that, but Caroline made it by compressing a rock a thousand times that size. The end result is an ultra-dense block of stone weighing in at an incredible 10 trillion tonnes.

With ease, Caroline lifts it clean off the face of the Earth.

Her fingertips don't even tremble as they take the strain. Very soon, she is holding the vast block of compressed rock above her head using just the little finger on her left hand. Then, just to show off, she sticks her tongue out and balances the huge rock on it's tip. Her tongue easily supports the massive chunk of stone as if it is a small pebble.

After she has finished showing off, Caroline gently moves the block to one side and eases it to the ground. The sea bed shakes violently from the powerful impact.

Once the vibrations finish, you point you head lamp at the hole that has been revealed. It's actually quick a small hole - only a few metres across. Caroline obviously sealed it off with such a large effect just so that she would have one extra chance to demonstrate her unstoppable strength. Caroline tows you into the underwater cave.

As Caroline swims forward, watch her awesome butt cheeks pulsate with raw strength as they drive her muscular legs up and down with infinite force. Then, to your surprise, you notice that you can see the surface of the water above you. This must be an underwater air pocket!

With a powerful thrust of her thighs, Caroline catapults herself out of the water and into the cave above. You swim to the surface and she turns around and holds your hand once again. She easily lifts you from the water, her muscles not even flexing as she supports your whole bodyweight.

Caroline turns to face you as the water drains from her body. She moves her mouth close to yours. Then, her lips part and she smothers them over your breather. The metal object slips into her mouth and she easily pulls it from your unresisting mouth. Next, she bites down on the rubber tube that connects the breather to your oxygen pack, instantly severing the tube. She lets one end of the steel breather poke out from between her lips. Then, she tenses her lips and lightly presses them together. Without using her teeth at all, Caroline smears the centre of the metal object across her lips, slicing it clean in half. The outer half falls to the ground as Caroline starts to chew on the half that is in her mouth. She deliberately chews with her mouth open so that you can see the amazing ease with which her teeth crush through the steel. If you didn't know better, you'd swear that she was chewing bubble gum, not stainless steel! Very soon, the breather is just a mangled ball of twisted metal. Caroline turns to her side and spits the chunk of metal out. The steel is embedded over two foot deep in the rock beside her. She turns to you and smiles.

She walks behind you and places her thumb and forefinger on either side of one of the straps that hold your oxygen tanks in place. She casually presses her fingers together, immediately cutting through the fabric. She repeats the procedure for the other straps and lifts the heavy air tanks from your back. She walks back in front of you, and places one of the tanks to one side. She wraps her hands around the other one, cushioning the metal tank between her enormous mammaries.

"You'd better stand back, lover. I wouldn't want you to get hurt," she breathed. You step back a few metres.

Caroline slowly starts hugging the oxygen tank tighter and tighter. The 3-inch thick steel whines as it begins crumpling between her arms and breasts. Very soon, the top half has been crushed to half the size of the bottom half, and the lower half has started to swell like a balloon. In fact, that's exactly what it looked like - a balloon - that's how malleable Superwoman made it seem!

Moments later, there was a loud bang, and the casing split apart. But Caroline couldn't stop now - she carried on pressing the metal harder and harder against her skin. The steel was compressed, becoming denser and denser by the second. It started to heat up under the enormous pressure, quickly becoming red hot, then white hot, then beginning to melt. Even though the 3-inch thick steel was now a fluid, Caroline was grasping it too tightly for it to escape, and it was rapidly heated to a gas, and then a plasma. Still, Superwoman did not relent. Within just a few seconds, every milligram of the steel caught between her arms and her breasts was completely crushed out of existence - the metal that she had not touched was totally unscathed. She lifted her arms from her chest, letting the seperate slices of the remaining steel crash to the floor. Her breasts hadn't given so much as a nanometre under the enormous pressure, yet as she reached up and squeesed her breasts between her hands, they looked as soft as a normal woman's. Absolutely incredible.

Next, Caroline turned to the other oxygen tank and held it out in front of her. She slowly pulled it back until the steel was within millimetres of her nipples. As her fat nipples touched the cold metal they started to swell, pulsing outwards with each heartbeat. The steel whined painfully as her teats first dented and then buckled the thick metal. Within seconds, the tank was dented as far as it would go and Caroline's nipples began to sink into the steel like warm margerine. Very soon, her nipples had pushed their way through the metal yet they still continued to inflate. As they grew fatter, the hole the steel wrinkled back like paper, twisting to their whim.

After a few minutes, Caroline nipples have grown to their full 4 inch length and 2 inch thickness. The oxygen tank rises and falls with each breath Miss Everson takes, her awesome body totally uneffected by such a pathetically small weight. As she takes a particularly deep, shuddering breath, her pert breasts rise up and apart slightly. There is a violent shriek as the oxygen tank is ripped apart like damp tissue. As Caroline breathes out again her breasts return to their normal position, pressing the two halves together. Once again there is the sound of metal wrinkling like paper as Miss Everson's nipples smash the two pieces against each other.

Caroline grasps each of the halves, one in each hand. She holds them so tightly that the steel crumples beneath her grip. Then, she effortlessly pulls them from her breasts, making her nipples cut through the metal like treacle. Discarding the pieces, Caroline turns to you and, panting like a wild animal, says:

"Let's fuck."

You nearly pass out as blood rushes to your rapidly inflating member. Caroline smiles, an erotic glimmer in her eyes. She reaches forward and tears off your clothing, then begins rubbing her muscular physique over your skin. You can feel every contour of her awesome body. She lowers her mouth to your cock and ravenously inserts your shaft's full length. You can feel her tongue as it expertly caresses your head. Caroline is clearly in no mood for playing - she wants your seed NOW - and you are helpless to resist her powers. Within seconds, you ejaculate into her warm mouth. She swollows every mouthful, her cunt spasming with excitement as she joins you in orgasm. A stream of love juices oozes from her cunt, spilling out onto the cave floor.

After a few minutes, Caroline's immense climax eventually comes to an end and she falls to the floor, exhausted. You fall asleep on top of her, using one of her ample breasts as a pillow.

The End

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