In The Beginning

by Paul Smith (

A sort of prequel to the 'Superwoman' series - this is the first story I ever wrote!

WARNING: only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

Superwoman was faultless in every way. She had large breasts - both large in diameter and also in cup size. In that sense, she looked very similar to Pamela Anderson. But, in addition, she had the largest muscles I have ever seen (on a man or a woman) - she could easily do any feat of strength imaginable. Her muscles were the sort that even though they were huge, they did not detract from her feminism; instead, they enhanced her sexuality. She usually wore a tight dark blue swimsuit, with a large hole in its centre to show off her perfectly formed stomach muscles. In this swimsuit her breasts could clearly be seen, dying to burst free of their tight clothing - in fact, if her swimsuit had not been blue, she would have looked like she wasn't wearing any clothes at all.

She was working out in the gym lifting impossibly heavy weights when she saw Paul. Immediately, she wanted to make love to him. She worked up a sweat and made sexual moaning noises to attract his attention. When she had done this she started to lift the weights in such a powerful manner that her swimsuit was on the edge of tearing off. Then, she abruptly stopped working out and, looking Paul straight in the eye, she turned her sweaty body to face him. She then deliberately tensed her muscles. This had the effect of making her body slowly grow - her swimsuit could no longer take the strain and it started to rip - revealing her fantastic body beneath.

Paul's eyes strained to get a better view of Superwoman's breasts as they slowly burst free of their clothing. Paul could now see her perfectly tanned skin in all its glory. His penis started to grow at this wonderful sight. Seeing how turned on Paul was getting, Superwoman started to tense her stomach muscles - allowing the lower part of her swimsuit to tear - which revealed her sensitive vagina. She then stood up and easily ripped of the rest of her clothing - leaving only her bare body in front of Paul. She noticed that his penis was now fully grown and was yearning to break free of its container.

Superwoman began to stride towards Paul, pushing away the reinforced steel bars that held up the roof of the gym. As she applied pressure to each of the bars, the metal could be heard buckling under the immense force she was imposing on them - no bar could survive her enormous strength. Looking at this fantastic sight, Paul sprayed his trousers with cum.

Superwoman did not take long to reach the edge of the gym (due to her "direct" route). Next, she decided that she could not be bothered to go via the door, so she instead walked straight through the concrete wall as if it were made of paper. Looking at Paul's still erect penis, she decided to do a bit of indirect foreplay before making love to him.

She walked up to a large juggernaut that was parked outside the gym. She grasped the metal chassis with her strong hands. The metal buckled under her firm grip. She then tensed her leg, arm and stomach muscles so that they bulged, and lifted the juggernaut clean off the ground. As a finale to this particular show of strength she slowly crushed the juggernaut as if it were made of foil - not cast iron. The metal creaked and whined as she increased the force she was applying to it. Eventually, it was crushed so small that it would fit in her hand.

For her next superhuman feat, she picked up a large bolder that was lying beside the road. When she lifted it, she made it look as if it was unbelievably light - the only evidence against this theory was that, as she lifted it, her feat sunk into the ground. Just because she could take the huge weight, that didn't mean that the ground could. She then began to squeese the rock with her mighty arms, until it could no longer take the pressure and it exploded in a shower of rubble.

Next, Superwoman walked up to Paul and did a twirl in front of him to show off her faultless body. He examined her smooth, tanned skin - which was sweating in the heat of the midday sun. He felt her large breasts as they brushed past. They were large and taut.

Suddenly, a gun shot rang out. A squashed piece of metal had appeared on her perfect breast. It had been a bullet until it had encoutered the brick wall that is Superwoman's breast. She looked around for the culprit. She saw him. He looked stunned and examined the rifle he was holding, checking to see if it was working. He fired another shot. This time, Superwoman scraped the flattened metal from the inside of her muscular thigh. She walked menacingly towards the man. She grabbed his gun; it buckled under her mighty grip. He ran to his car, and started the engine. Superwoman grabbed each end of the rifle with a different hand and slowly bent the metal into a loop. As she did so the metal moaned and groaned under the strain - but it could not resist the raw power of Superwoman. It was soon a twisted lump of metal. Noticing that the man was trying to get away, she grasped onto the boot of his car. The metal was squashed under the immense pressure that she applied to it with her powerful hands. She slowly pulled the car towards her (despite the car desperately trying to escape her iron grip). Its tyres whined as they skidded on the tarmac - desperately trying to resist Superwoman's powerful body - but they had no effect whatsoever.

Superwoman then tore the steel door from the car as if it were paper and grabbed the man inside. He tried to resist but all his efforts had no effect whatsoever on Superwoman's strong body. She lifted him high above her head (as she had done with the heavy barbells earlier) and threw him out to sea. A loud splash was heard as he hit the water.

Superwoman now walked back to Paul. She grasped his clothes and easily ripped them off his body. She saw his penis - she was impressed.

"Take me!" she said, rubbing her hands over her sweating muscular body, feeling her smooth breasts and muscles.

Paul walked closer to Superwoman. She lifted him up and forced his erect penis into her body.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" she screamed.

She gently placed Paul on the ground and slowly started to move her vagina over his penis. As the her body heaved up and down, Superwoman grasped at a tree that was nearby. Soon, the lovers reached climax, and Paul's cum splattered the insides of Superwoman. When she reached orgasm, her mighty hand crushed the tree it was holding into a pile of splinters.

"More!" she said, lifting Paul up as if he was as light as a child and carrying him into the gym.

She placed him down on the machine that she had been working out on. She jumped up and grasped on to the steel girders that ran along the gym's roof and lined herself up so that Paul's penis was in her vagina. She then began doing chinups so that Paul's penis rubbed along her moist vagina. As she heaved up and down her muscles bulged out - lifting her abundant breasts up as she easily supported her own weight. She continued to do this for some time, until, at last, Superwoman came and splattered Paul with her love juices. As she climaxed she crushed the steel bar that she had been holding on to without even noticing.

She then ran to the shops and brought a new swimsuit to replace the old one that had been shredded and continued to work out...Until next time she met Paul, that is.