Raw Power

By Paul Smith (psmith_101@yahoo.com)
Caroline experiments with her superhuman strength.

Caroline slips both her hands underneath her tight halter top. She sensually stretches the leather, making it creak painfully. Then, she easily rips it apart like wet tissue. As the torn material falls to the floor, her glorious breasts are exposed to the bright sunlight. Each of them is about twice the size of her head, and is fantastically pert. Her nipples alone are two inches long and an inch thick.

Caroline Everson: The Perfect Woman

Miss Everson reaches to her side and picks up a large paper clip, designed to hold thousands of sheets of paper together - it was made of iron and was so tightly sprung that ordinary people had to use both several fingers to squeese it open. In fact, it was an equally big challenge to Caroline; not because her fingers weren't strong enough - far from it - but because she had to concentrate extremely hard to make sure she didn't crush it out of existance between her fingertips!

Caroline raised to open clamp to her right nipple, and let the clip slam shut. An ordinary woman would have been in extreme pain, but Caroline seemed to revel in the sensation. She picked up another similarly sized paper clip and attached it to her left teat. Then, she closes her eyes and starts to fantasize about sex.

Her pulse quickens, and her nipples start to throb outwards with each heartbeat. They grow in both thickness and length, becoming two inches long and one and half inches wide within just a few seconds. The paper clips have been forced open as far as they will go, but the resistance they offer has no effect on Caroline's swelling teats.

"Mmmm!" moans Superwoman, barely containing the urge to fondle her nipples with her fingertips; such an action would have inevitably lead to the instant distruction of the paper clips.

As Miss Everson's fantasies grew wilder, her nipples pulse larger and larger, becoming far harder than steel. The handles used to open the paper clips are forced to bend backwards as the clamps are opened further than should be possible. The iron whines as it so effortlessly overpowered. The metal that grips Caroline's teats starts to buckle due to their astonishing growth. Both of her nipples are now three inches long and two inches wide. Milk starts to leak from the super girl's nipples, leaking out from the paper clips, dripping onto the ground.

"Ooohhh!" gasps Caroline, her lips trembling with ecstacy.

Suddenly, the clamp attached to her left nipple violently explodes, sending shrapnel in all directions. Moments later, the paper clip on her other teat follows suit, totally outclassed by Miss Everson's pulsating nipples. They are now three and half inches long and two and a half inches wide. Her breasts have grown almost as much - her chest is easily 120 inches in circumference.

"Oh God, YESSS!" screams Caroline, her climax finally upon her.

She rubs her hands all over her muscular body, fondling her engorged nipples between her fingertips with infinite force. A stream of hot milk blasts from each teat, slicing through whatever it touches like a laser beam through warm butter. She has already cut apart two cars and a tree without even realising it.

Thick love juices gush out of her vagina, tearing apart the tarmac beneath her feet like a high pressure hose on a sandcastle. Within just a few seconds, she has drilled a hole hundreds of metres deep.

Thankfully, her orgasm finishes before her cunt drills to the centre of the Earth. Exhasted, Caroline falls to the ground, curls up into a ball and goes to sleep.

It is soon dark, and Caroline awakes. She jogs to your apartment, unlocks the door and goes to her room. After slipping on a white t-shirt and a pair of torn-off jeans, she goes into the lounge, where you are watching TV.

"Hi Caroline," you say, "I was starting to wonder where you had got to."

Caroline gives you a sexy smile.

"I was experimenting," she replies, "It was fun. That gives me an idea. Follow me."

She gently takes you by the hand and leads you out of the apartment and down the street. Miss Everson is wearing a white t-shirt which strains to contain her enormous breasts. Her inch thick nipples poke forwards, acting like poles holding up a tent. Her tits are so large that the shirt does not even reach to the bottom of them, allowing the base of her amazing cleavage to be clearly seen. The shirt is stretched so tight that the muscles on her back are clearly visible, pulsating rythmically as she walks forwards. Her abdominal muscles are amazingly well defined - each section of well-defined muscle bulges forwards from her stomach by at least two inches, bringing new meaning to the term 'washboard abs.'

Caroline's waistline is incredibly thin (about 22 inches around), widening sharply around her hips. Her hourglass shape is further exaggerated by the sheer size and muscularity of her buttocks. Her denim shorts are so tight that they act like a second skin, the dimples in her buns still clearly visible. Her legs are thick with muscle all they way down to her small, feminine feet. She isn't wearing any shoes because there isn't much point given that she is totally invincible.

Her arms are thick with muscle, her biceps at least 20 inches in circumference, perfectly complimenting the rest of her physique. Her neck is muscular, but not enough to detract from her beautiful face. She occassionally turns to you and smiles, the look in her deep blue eyes almost causing you to climax on the spot. Her long, blonde hair billows out behind her in the cool wind. Her vital statistics are an incredible 90-22-45.

Take a moment to visualise that.

Soon, you reach your destination - a museum. Caroline looks around, since it's the middle of the night, the streets are empty. Then, she lifts her free hand up to the heavy metal padlock. She supports its significant weight with the palm of her hand for a second, seeming to size it up. The lock is made of toughened titanium and is three inches thick, the bolt is made from the same material and is about two inches thick. The whole padlock weighs about 50 lbs. You know that Caroline could simply tear it apart, but she obviously wants to impress you more than that. Besides, that would make too much noise.

Suddenly, her fingers snap shut, her hand clenched into a tight fist. The parts of the lock that overhung from her petit hand shoot off to either side, propelled by the molten titanium that shoots out from either end of Caroline's fist. As Caroline slowly opens her fist, you expect to see the horribly mangled remains of the padlock with her fingerprints engraved into the metal. However, as she opens her fist further it becomes apparent that she has exerted much more force than that - she has completely crushed the padlock out of existance! Smiling at you, she places her little finger against the heavy oak door and casually pushes it open.

Once you are both inside, she turns on the lights and then lets go of your hand. She walks backwards, pushing the door shut. Then, she turns sideways so that you can see her hands as she rubs them across the door. As she gently caresses the metal doorknob, the metal starts to squeal, smearing like shampoo beneath her fingertips. Within seconds, she has blended the door into the frame, locking it in a way only she can.

Your dick is rock hard. Seeing this, she smiles and walks up to you, until she is slow close that you can feel her warm breath against your face. She moves closer, her soft nose gently rubbing over your cheek. She moves towards your ear, her breathing becoming shorter and more erratic. Her wet, tender lips are now almost touching your ear.

"Now," she pants longingly, "the fun really begins."

As she speaking her moist lips gently touch your ear, full of erotic promise. Your penis feels as if it is going to explode with pleasure.

Knowing that you cannot survive the full force of her sexual powers for long, Caroline draws away. She is staring at you with a look of pure lust. You cannot help but stare back. She turns towards a suit of armour that is nearby. She unclips the lower half and slips her foot into the left legging. As she pulls the armour upwards, it becomes apparent that the original wearer wasn't as muscular as Caroline - the metal is forced to stretch to it's new proportions. This means that the metal is even more tight-fitting that her denim shorts. The fabric rips as the metal cuts through it, slow tearing it from her hips.

Next, Caroline slides her other foot into the other legging and repeats the same action, with a similar effect on her shorts. Caroline has now put on the lower half of the armour, which was wrapped around her legs so tightly that it looked like metallic cling-film.

Then, Caroline reaches for the torso section of the suit of armour. It is clear that her breasts are far, far too large to fit inside the metal casing - but that doesn't stop Miss Everson from trying. She unclips the armour at the front and swings it open using the hinges at the back. Then, she lifts the metal up and slowly slips her right arm inside it like she is putting on a waistcoat. Even unflexed, her arms prove more muscular than those of the original owner, quickly stretching the wrought iron to considerably dimensions as if it were made of elastic. She then repeated the process for her left arm, with a similar effect.

Now, Caroline has a problem - there is simply no way that her breasts (each of which is over 1.5 foot in diameter) is going to fit inside the metal. Despite this, Caroline easily pulls the front of the casing shut, forcing the metal to wrinkle up against the side of her melons like wet tissue. She unravels this material and pulls it across her breasts as if it is cloth, not half inch thick iron. With a little stretching, the metal just about manages to reach her nipples, still leaving the lower half of her breasts and a great of deal of cleavage on display.

Still giving your her most sensual stare, Caroline reaches for the helmet and gently lowers it over her head. This, at least, fits. She slowly closes her eyes, her vision fixed on you until they are completely closed. Then, she lowers the visor. Her head is now completely surrounded in half inch thick metal, the entire suit of armour weighing several hundred pounds - enough to cripple an ordinary woman, but totally insignificant to Superwoman.

You hear the sound of creaking metal as the lower half of the helmet starts to bulge towards you. The bulge seems to be centered on where you would guess Caroline's mouth is. The metal stretches further towards you, shrieking in agony. Suddenly, it rips, revealing what had so easily destroyed it - Caroline's wet tongue. She erotically licks her lips, her tongue easily pushing aside more of the metal like paper.

Suddenly, there is a violent shriek as Caroline opens her eyes, her eyelids tearing apart the visor like it wasn't even there. She breathes out through her nose, making the strip of metal the covered it tear off and slam into the ground like a leaf in autumn. She reaches up with both her hands and grasps either side of the helmet. She easily pulls it apart like melted cheese. Discarding the two halves, she walks towards you, swinging her hips.

The armour creaks and groans as metal grinds against metal, stretching and buckling around Caroline's body. Despite the enormous resistance that the metal offers to her movements, Caroline's strength is so great that to her it feels as if she is wearing nothing at all.

You cannot stop yourself from cumming in your pants.

Caroline smiles and crouches down on her haunches, causing her thigh muscles to flex slightly, making the iron tear noisily. Her calves meet her thighs, making molten metal trickle down her heel. Ignoring this, Caroline moves her lips towards the damp patch in your jeans. She bites your buckle clean in half, shredding the top of your trousers in the process. Then, she uses her tongue to easily tear apart your zipper and underpants, freeing your throbbing erection. Her powerful tongue pushes your dick about easily, and smothers it with saliver. Unable to take any more, your penis spurts hot cum once again. Some of it splatters against Caroline's face, but most of it goes into her waiting mouth. She laps up every drop, before swollowing it with a contented grin on her face. She doesn't bother wiping the cum from her face.

She stand erect once again and turns her head to look at her bicep. Even now that her arm is straight there is a clearly defined bulge in the metal. She clenches her fist and slowly pulls her arm back. Her bicep swells like a balloon, making the iron shriek in agony as it is stretched larger and larger. There is a sudden high pitched scream as the metal splits apart, yet Caroline has only pulled her arm back 45 degrees! As she continues to move her fist closer to her face, the metal groans and moans, forced to peel back like tin foil by her growing bicep. After a few seconds, her bicep collides with the metal casing that surrounds Caroline's forearm. It easily digs into the metal, quickly making it ooze out like treacle. When muscle touched muscle, Miss Everson could pull her arm back no further. Her bicep was an amazing 21 inches around.

Relaxing that arm, she repeated the procedure for the other arm with a similar effect. You penis is erect once again. Next, Superwoman holds her arms out to her sides, at 90 degrees to her torso. Then, she gently flexes her forearms. The metal surrounding them immediately began to groan, before quickly beginning to split. Very soon, this split expanded enough to meet up with that caused by her bicep's rapid expansion and the metal covering her arms simply fell away, clanging as they hit the cold stone floor. Her tanned arms are now bare, coated with a shimmering layer of sweat caused by her sexual excitement.

Caroline can see that you are about to cum once again, so she kneels down so that her breasts are level with your erect penis. She moves closer so that your dick rests in her ample cleavage. She arches her back and stretches, making her breasts rise up towards you. Your dick is completely enveloped by her warm, soft boobs. The sensation of your hard rod between her breasts excites Caroline, her nipples slowly growing, easily pushing back the metal the covers them.

Miss Everson begins to shiver with excitement, making her breasts wobble like jelly. The sensations experienced by your penis are unbelievably erotic and your instantly blow your wad. Your semen slowly trickles down her cleavage and onto her abs.

Caroline gently slips your dick from between her enormous breasts and stand up again. Her nipples have now grown to 3 inches in length and 1.5 inches in diameter, and have peeled back the armour completely. Miss Everson does a lat spread, making her deltoids fan out so that they tear apart the back of the armour as if was made of wet paper.

Caroline places her right hand on the armour, about where her abs are. She presses the metal back against her stomach until flesh meets wrought iron. Caroline gently pushes the armour against her abdominal muscles, making the metal melt under the pressure. Most of the metal is forced to ooze into the deep troughs between each of the clearly defined muscles on her stomach.

Superwoman lifts her hand so that you can see her abs. Because all the steel has been forced into the troughs in her stomach, it looks as though it is flat. Caroline gently flexes her incredibly developed abdominal muscles, making them clench together and swell forwards. As her abs pressed against each other, the metal was hopelessly outclasses - it instantly melted and spurted out like a shotgun blast, burning deep pits into the wall. When Caroline relaxed her abs, it was clear that none of the metal remained. She was now completely topless. Her breasts are each about as big as a beachball, and perfectly spherical. They are amazingly pert and sit very high on her chest. Her entire body is evenly tanned, with a sensual coating of sweat. Some of your cum is on her cheeks and splattered between her breasts. Her nipples are 3.5 inches long and just under two inches wide. They are far, far harder than any material known to science.

You have a raging erection once again.

Caroline reaches for her crotch and pulls down the metal around her vagina as if she is wearing a pair of jogging trousers with an elasticated strap. The metal shrieks and groans as it is so easily overpowered. Now that her cunt is on full display, Caroline walks up to you and places her hands on your shoulder. She gently (but forcefully) pushes you down slightly, so that your dick is low enough to enter her cunt. Once your penis is lined up with her nether lips, she relaxes her vagina as much as possible and stops pushing you down. You rise up. Even fully relaxed Miss Everson's cunt is still extremely tight, but thanks to the ample librication from her warm love juices, you manage to slip your penis inside her.

Superwoman yelps with pleasure, making her muscles flex compulsively. The metal that surrounds her lower body shrieks violently as it is blown apart by the sudden force. Some of the iron is caught between her tightly clenched buttocks and is immediately squeesed out of existance. Caroline places one hand on your backside and easily lifts you from the ground like you are completely weightless. Then, she moves you up and down, sliding your erect dick in and out of her moist portal.

"Mmmm!" she moans, curling her toes orgasmically. The stone cracks and splits like icing on a cake.

Her nipples have now swelled to their full 4 inch length and 2 inch thickness. They have become impossibly hard - even to Caroline's touch. You fondle them with your tongue, biting on them as hard as you can. Miss Everson shivers with pleasure as her teats start to dribble warm, creamy milk. Once you have drunk your fill you move your mouth away from her nipples. Caroline's teats start to squirt milk with more force now, first just reaching your shoulders, then onto the floor behind you. Very soon, the jet of milk is reaching the opposite wall.

"Oohhh!" groans Superwoman, her cunt starting to release more love juices. The surplus runs down her muscular legs and start to form a puddle at her feet.

As Caroline pants like a wild animal, it's too much for you to take and you cum deep inside her. Her nipples instantly start to squirt milk with much more force that before, the spray from the impact with the opposite wall bouncing back and covering you both with her juice. Her cunt continues to release more and more love juices, the entire room now flooded with the thick liquid.

As her climax overwhelmed her, Caroline lowers you to the ground and angles her cunt away from you. Her nipples blast milk with such enormous force that the stream cuts through the wall like a knife through butter. Her vagina releases literally tonnes of cum with such force that the stone floor is torn apart like sand.

"OHH YESSS!" screams the muscle girl, her climax finally upon her.

She turns to a thick stone pillar and needily rubs her crotch against it. Her pubic hair scraps off chunks of rock like sand, and the juices blasting from her cunt quickly destroy the lower half of the column. Her breasts obliterate the upper portion of the column as if it isn't even there. The remains of the column (which stretch all the way to the high ceiling) rest on her boobs. Since the pillar is a load-bearing structure, Caroline is now supporting several dozen tonnes of rock with her breasts alone. She doesn't even notice the extra weight. The jet of milk from her nipples rips apart the souvenier shop on the other side of the room, cutting through it like a laserbeam.

Finally, Superwoman's climax comes to an end. As she turns to you with a smile on her gorgeous face, the pillar above her starts to collapse, bring the rest of the building with it. Thinking quickly, Caroline grabs you and runs straight through the door by which she had entered earlier, leaving it in splinters.

Caroline scoops you up in her arms and carries you home for more lovemaking.

The End.

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