Girl Of Steel
By Paul Smith, illustrated by Coyote
A supergirl shows that she's much stronger than mere steel.
(Click on the illustrations for larger versions.)

WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

You are in a steel mill and you can feel your heart pounding as you stare at the girl in front of you. She is barely 21 years old but posesses the kind of raw sexuality that others can only dream of. Her body is a mass of gorgeous curves, each one flowing onto the next without a single flaw or imperfection. She is petite at only 5'5" but has large, defined muscles and awesome breasts. Her stomach is tightly packed with a deep, rippling six pack yet her waistline is incredibly slim. Her hips are wide and wrapping in powerful muscle, her hard thighs bulging and she stretched one of her supple legs above her head. Her arms pulsated with power as she reached up and touched the tip of her toes and the dense muscles in her broad back bulged as she stretched her awesome physique. Her breasts are gigantic, each one much larger than her head, and her nipples are an inch long and much harder than steel. She has a perfect hourglass figure, but yet it is her face that really captivates you - it is utterly faultless. She is smiling brightly at you, her cheeks dimpling cutely, and her blue eyes shining brightly. She has a small button nose, full red lips and high cheekbones. In short, she is devastatingly attractive.

The girl is wearing a white bikini that runs down from her muscular neck in two thin strips of fabric and just about covers her nipples before extending down to her crotch where the strips converge just in time to cover her hairy bush. Her clothing leaves very little to the imagination - you can clearly see the fantastic cleavage between her gigantic boobs and her absolutely awesome abdominal muscles as florescent light illumates them. Her long, blonde and slightly frizzy hair runs down her neck, brushes against her feminine shoulders and down her muscular back.

"Hi," she says. You could never have imagined one word could sound so sexy.

"H-h-hi," you stammer. God, she's beautiful. It's amazing you even managed to find the presence of mind to reply at all.

Her smile broadens and she stares you straight in the eyes making you penis become hard almost instantly.

"I'm Caroline," she breathes.

"H-h-hi," you repeat. The girl doesn't seem to mind. In fact, she moves closer so that her body almost touching yours.

"Do you like what you see?" she asks, sliding her hands up her body. She cups her full breasts, slipping her hands under her bikini so that she can rub them over her hardening nipples.

You try to reply but cannot. Instead, you cum in your pants and you barely manage to stay standing. The girl smiles again and moves closer still.

"I'll take that as a yes," she whispers in your ear. Then, she starts to lick and nibble your earlobe, making your penis rapidly grow again. "But do you like strong girls?"

"S-s-strong girls?" you manage. You can see she's very muscular so you wonder why she even asked.

"Yes, really strong ones," she replies. "I'm much, much stronger than I look."

"H-h-huh?" you stammer. How could she be stronger than she looked?

The muscle girl withdrew her tender lips from your ear and plucked a heavy duty wrench from the wall. It probably weighed about 20 pounds yet she handled it effortlessly. Still, she was very muscular so this wasn't totally unexpected. However, what happened next was quite definitely unexpected. She grasped each end of the wrench in a different hand and held it out in front of her. Then, she smoothly bent the inch thick steel in half, casually folding it so that the clamp touched the tip of the handle. You can't quite believe what you have just witnessed, but your dick spasms again.

"H-h-how?" you ask.

"Bending metal has always been easy for me," she replied, "I guess I'm just special."

That had to be the understatement of the year. She hands you the distorted wrench as if to prove that it is made of real metal. The weight takes you by surprise and you almost drop the wrench - she handled it so effortlessly that your subconscious had been temporily fooled into thinking that the object was virtually weightless. You hold the twisted steel in your hands and attempt to bend it back put your exertions have no effect whatsoever. You still struggle to believe that the admittedly muscular yet extremely cute woman in front of you bent it so easily only seconds ago.

"H-how strong are you?" you ask.

"I'm not sure exactly," she replies, "because I haven't yet found anything I can't do. I'm starting to think I'm infinitely strong."

You struggle to come to terms with what you have just heard. Infinitely strong? Surely that couldn't possibly be true, could it?

"I can tell you don't believe me," she said, taking the mangled wrench from your hands, "most people don't - not straight away, at least."

She folds the wrench in half again and again, her massive muscles not even flexing as they exert hundreds of tonnes of force against the hardened steel. You felt how solid that wrench was using your own hands only seconds ago, yet now this supergirl standing before you is treating it like mere play doe. You dick is rock hard once again.

"Even the softest part of my body is much stronger than steel," she says as she pulls aside the strip of material that covers her left nipple, revealing it to you for the first time. It is incredibly large and unbelieveably pert.

She holds the mangled chunk of steel in front of her nipple and then presses the steel against her teat. She then hands the distorted metal back to you and recovers her nipple. The lump is now roughly as thick as it is along each edge, but is still just about recogniseable as a wrench. However, when you turn the lump over you see that one side has a half inch diameter circular intentation in it which is about an inch deep. You come to the almost unbelievable realisation that this was caused by that single, brief contact with one Caroline's nipples. You look back up at her with your jaw hanging agape.

"Pretty impressive, huh?" she asks.

You can only nod. She takes the ex-wrench from your grasp and holds it in the palm of her hand. Then, she wraps her feminine fingers around it and gently squeeses. The metal buckles so easily that it suddenly seems like tin foil. Within just a few seconds the pressure is so enormous that the steel begins to flow out from between her fingers like toothpaste yet she effortlessly continues her smooth motions. Very soon, her fingers touch the palm of her hand, matter-of-factly crushing aside the remains of the mangled wrench. You dick gives your jeans another liberal soaking of spunk - this girl is your fantasy bought to life!

"I can tell you like strong girls. Really, really strong girls," she says, moving closer. She tilts her shapely hips, deliberately flexes her fantastic washboard abs and rests her hand on her muscley buttocks.

Your penis quickly rises to the occasion.

"Why don't you help me out of this outfit?" she breathes.

You eagerly reach out and grasp one of the straps that runs over her shoulder, caught in the dip between her thick neck muscles and her defined shoulderblades, and slowly slide it down her bulging arms. You cannot resist caressing her warm, soft skin as you rub your fingertips over her bicep, elbow and tricep. Amazingly her nipples are so large and pert that the strip of fabric has become hooked on her teat and so her breasts have not yet been revealed to you. You reach for the other strap and slip it from her shoulder, slide it down her arm until it is hanging from her nipple as well.

You slowly reach for her nipples to unhook the fabric from them, but before you can touch them her teats start to dribble milk. This is enough to dislodge the straps covering her breasts and her whole bikini falls to the floor. As her body is reveal to you in it's full glory you struggle to breathe. You dick spasms again but remains erect. Never in your life have you been as turned on as you are now - and she hasn't even touched you yet!

The warm softness of her gigantic breasts contrasts sharply with the hard, defined contours of her sensational abs and muscular arms and legs. Her cunt is furry, moist and very inviting and her nipples are like steel rods covered in flesh. A steady stream of milk dribbles out of them, running down her perfect physique and dripping onto the concrete floor. As she turns around, you can see her muscle-packed back and fantastically thin waistline. Her buttocks are utterly fantastic - each one is large and muscular without a hint of fat and clenching tightly together with unmeasureable force.

As she turns back around you look her in her beautiful blue eyes and she slowly lowers herself onto her knees. She reaches forward and gently rips through your jeans revealing your sodden boxer shorts which cannot hide your full erection. The supergirl grabs the shorts on either side with her fingers and casually pulls them apart. Tossing the ripped fabric aside, she leans forward so that her massive breasts touch your hard dick. Your dick shoots a jet of cum against her body the moment it touches her warm flesh. She just smiles and scoops it into her mouth.

Then, Caroline arches her back so that her nipples are touching the underside of the tip of your (still erect) penis. You can feel the gentle squirt of the milk being released by her nipples as it splatters against your cock. The muscle babe clearly enjoys the feeling of your manhood pressing against her teats because she gasps with pleasure and her breasts start to release more milk, splashing against you dick with enough force to make it bob up and down and it bounces in and out of the stream.

"MMMmmm!" she moans. You cum all over her, splattering her gorgeous face and flowing blonde hair with your seed. But she's not finished yet. "Uuuuhhhh! Yeeahh! Yeeeahh!!"

She throws her head back, her beautiful sparkling blue eyes closed in bliss, her lips slightly apart in a look of unrestrained pleasure. You cum again and again, covering her chest and neck in spunk, but still she isn't finished. Her hands claw at the ground, tearing great chunks of concrete apart like sand and crushing them in their unstoppable grip.

"Ohhh GODDDD!!" she yells, her body spasming in a glorious display of feminine muscularity. Her vagina spurted out a blast of love juices that smashed a hole in the ground like a shotgun blast. Her hot juices quickly melted some of the concrete between her legs. You join her in climax, you dick quivering with excitement as it pumps forth pint after pint of juice all over her body. Your own body is covered with her delicious milk, her mighty orgasm dwarfing your own.

"Uhhh!" she groans before almost collapsing on the floor. You are both out of breath, yet she seems to recover almost instantly.

This woman has just given you the most complete sexual experience of your life and she barely had to even touch you! You yearn to know what it would be like to truly make love to her. The busty amazon stands erect and, not bothering to clear herself up, walks over to a long conveyor that has a wide, thick strip of continuous white hot steel running along it, fresh out of the furnace. Further down the conveyor, jets of freezing water cool the steel to a more manageable temperature, but Caroline walks up to it at the hottest point. She picks up one of the chunks of steel that had oozed out from between her fingers when she crushed the wrench earlier and holds it in her hand above the fast moving block of fresh steel. Then, she clenches her fist so tightly that the steel is force to melt under the pressure. She allows it to dribble out from her fist onto the block of steel. It is an awesome sight - a gorgeous, muscular, big breasted girl crushing a lump of steel so hard that it glows white hot and drips from her fist onto a dangerously close conveyor belt of glowing metal.

Very soon, she has squeesed all of the steel onto the conveyor belt and she moves closer to the fast moving block of metal. She slowly leans forward until her nipples touch the steel, instantly cutting into it like margerine, leaving great long gashes in the tough metal. Shards of the material buckle up against the left side of her teats since the block is moving to her right. The supergirl leans further forward so that her nipples dig deeper into the red hot steel, splitting it apart like rotten wood. She rests one of her muscle-packed arms across the conveyor belt and casually presses downward. Her arm instantly slices through the metal like a knife through hot butter and metal begins to rapidly buckle against her arm. As more and more of the heavy material folds against her pumped muscles the pressure increases to dozens of tonnes of force but still she does not yield. Yet more steel folds against her silky soft skin and the pressure quickly rises to hundreds of tonnes but she doesn't appear to be straining in the slightest. Just when the machine looks as though it is about to explode from the tremendous pressure, Caroline reaches forward with her other hand and tears the enormous chunk of buckled steel out of the machine and removes her powerful arm from the flow of the metal.

Caroline is now holding a lump of metal bigger than she is and weighing many hundreds of tonnes, yet she manhandles it effortlessly. She casually crushes it smaller and smaller until it has been shaped into a white hot rod about 2 inches thick and 20 inches long. She spreads her legs and slips the super dense steel inside herself. Steam fizzes from her cunt as the hot pole evaporates her juices. To your amazement, she manages to force the full length inside herself - yet you know she cannot possibly be that deep, so you realise that she must have force the steel to buckle against her sensitive vaginal walls.

The muscle girl is overwhelmed by her orgasm and falls to the floor. As her magnificent physique pulsates with pleasure on the ground, tearing great chunks of concrete apart like dry biscuit, your dick pumps forth a great jet of spunk against her writhing, sweat-soaked body. You simply cannot believe that this woman can be as sexy as she is - you would not have thought it possible unless you saw it with your own eyes - she is utterly faultless.

As she spasms with pleasure, she briefly places one of her hands between a pair of a giant metal cogs. If you didn't know better, you'd swear her hand would be crushed as the cogs turn. Instead, the mechanism is jammed by her beautiful hand, but it only takes a brief flex of her fingers to sink them into the toughened steel. Having secured a tight grip on the metal the buxom beauty spasms again and effortlessly rips the 2 metre high cog from its fixings. As she groans and moans, she casually waves her arms about, oblivious to the 10 tonne lump of metal impaled on one of her hands. As a particularly powerful orgasm rips through her nubile young body, her cunt squeeses the rod she had inserted earlier with so much force that the metal is forced to ooze out like treacle, yet still her climax continues.

You watch in awe as her fingers slowly tighten their grip on the steel cog. It creaks ominously as her nails cut into the metal like knives through butter. Her fingertips effortlessly sink into the foot thick metal as if it isn't even there. The buffed supergirl continues curling her hands into a fist until her fingers meet her palm - she crushes aside the reinforced steel without even registering the enormous resistance. As the cog begins to fall to the ground, she stretches her arms wide (making her gigantic breasts stretch up towards her beautiful face) and grasps the massive chunk of metal on either side. She can only just reach across the enormous cog, so she uses just her delicate fingertips to easily support the 22,000 pound mass above her head.

"UHHhh!" she groans, her muscles spasming with pleasure. The metal cog shrieks in agony as it is violently compressed between her muscle-packed arms. Yet her muscles barely even flex despite the thousands of tonnes of force they are exerting - even so, they are still extremely large.

Another shiver of ecstacy rips through Caroline's nubile young body and her arms are accidentally pulled together with even more force, making the steel quickly buckle upwards. The ultra-strong sex goddess compulsively pulls the cog downwards so that the cold metal is pressed against her awesome breasts. Her nipples sink into the substance like it is styrofoam as she sensually presses the steel against her perfect curves. The noise of screaming metal is almost deafening as the girl arches her back and smoothly pushes her swollen breasts straight through the foot thick steel, stretching it apart like wet toilet tissue.

Then, she spasms again and presses the two halves of the cog against her mighty body with such force that the metal begins to flow like a liquid. She rubs it across her hard physique like a bar of soap, her nipples cutting through the steel without even realising it.

"YESSSS!!" she screams as she smears the unrecogniseable remains of the cog across her hourglass figure like syrup. Then, she falls to the floor, shivering with bliss. Her hard muscles cut holes in the concrete, splitting it apart like sand.

Within a few moments her climax is over and she lays down on her back and spreads her legs. Her pumped abs ripple sexually as she leans forward and becons you over. You are powerless to resist her invitation and lie down on top of her, gently slipping you hard dick into her warm sex. You both struggle to stop yourselves from orgasming on the spot, and you know that just the tiniest action on Caroline's part could cause you to cum at any second.

The supergirl between your legs knows the effect she is having on you and so she tightens her grip on your cock with her vaginal muscles. This sensation is enough to make you cum - but you cannot because Caroline's grip is tight enough to stop you firing your wad but not tight enough to hurt you. She knows that she can easily stop you from cumming for as long as she wants so she is now free to turn you on without any risk of premature ejaculation. Even so, she knows that the pressure will build and build the longer she holds you back and that that will make the final release even more satisfying.

She begins to slowly curls her biceps, pumping them larger and larger, inch by inch. The enormous muscle balloons away from her arm, swelling outwards with infinite power. Soon, her biceps have reached their peak and you estimate her arms to be at least 20 inches around. She straightens her arm and flexes her bicep again and again, making blood rush to the engorged muscle so that it swells by another few inches. You dick has never been as hard as it is now, yet still her vagina effortlessly holds it back. She elegantly grinds her hard bicep across the rough concrete floor, effortlessly snapping and crumbling the material like sand. She sensually rubs her fingertips over the sand - sorry, the concrete (it's so easy to get confused as you watch her body so effortlessly overpower such a hard substance) - easily splitting it apart like sun-baked mud. Your body spasms as you dick tries to ejaculate its load but it cannot because of Caroline's vice-like grip on its swollen head. She smiles at you, her cheeks dimpling cutely, enjoying the total control she has over you. You feel as though you're almost too excited - if you don't come soon you feel as if you're going to split apart at the seams.

You look down at Miss Everson's perfect breasts that sit atop her muscular physique. Their apparent softness is a dramatic contrast with her rock-hard abs, especially as they ripple at the supergirl's command. She reaches up and grasps a vice that is clamped onto a nearby workbench and pulls it off. In fact, the vice is so securely attached that the wooden bench snaps as if it was rotten, yet Caroline doesn't even slow down as the timber splinters in her hand. Brushing aside the remains of the wood, she unwinds the vice and lowers it onto her nipple. Then, she reaches for your hand and places it on the handle. You take the hint and begin winding it tighter and tighter. The handle has a very low gearing but you still quickly find that you cannot turn it any further - her nipples are as hard as steel. You notice that Caroline is biting her lip as if she is trying to restrain her excitement. Once you have secured the vice, she starts breathing deeper, making her dramatic chest rise and fall, lifting the heavy vice with it. You feel her vaginal juices flooding over your dick - it spasms again, but it still cannot ejaculate.

Suddenly, the vice starts to whine - to your amazement, her nipples have started to grow, slowly stretching the 2 inch thick metal rod between the plates. The thick pole screeches in agony as it is pulled apart, making it become thinner in the centre as her teats apply their unstoppable strength to it. Superwoman's breath shudders as she hears the steel yielding to her nipples as it violently snaps under the fantastic pressure. She relaxes her grip on your penis and grasps the two halves of the vice, one in each hand. Your dick explodes inside her as she orgasmically crushes the hardened tool steel in her hands. She mangles it as if it is melted cheese before squeesing the two pieces together against her chest.

Her cunt gushes warm, thick juices all over your cock as you spasm inside her. She finally orgasms as she effortlessly smears the metal across her gigantic bust, flicking her nipples with her fingertips. She cums again and again, and you cannot help yourself from joining in. Very soon, you are surrounded by a pool her sweet-smelling juices, and she throws back her muscle-packed arms orgasmically. Her arms sink into the concrete beneath her body, cutting through it effortlessly. She arches her back compulsively and thrusts her bulging buttocks against the ground, the rock crumbling against her awesome muscles. You both climax again and again, her pulsating body driving you to unparalleled levels of ecstacy. Finally, after several minutes have passed, both of your orgasms come to an end.

Caroline pants for just a few seconds before fully recovering. She stands up, letting your penis slip from within her moist cunt as she does so. She turns away from you and starts to stride towards a massive cauldron of molten steel that is suspended above a vat. She swings her hips sensually as she walks, emphasising her rippling buns and absurdly exaggerated egg-timer figure. She jumps up to a platform beside the cauldron and reaches for the enormous structure. Now that she is standing beside it (giving you something to compare it to), you can see just how big it really is. It must be at least 10 metres high, and probably twice that distance across. Assuming that it's full of steel, you estimate that it probably weighs at least 5,000 tonnes. Miss Everson reaches out and grasps the metal with one hand, pushing her powerful fingertips into the metal like it is tin foil. She doesn't seem to even be effected by the 1,000 degree temperature of the enormous bowl of molten steel as she easily wrenches it from its fixings and holds it above her head. Her feet sink slightly into the sturdy platform beneath her and it begins to creak and moan under the immense weight Caroline is so effortlessly supporting.

The musclegirl then begins crushing the cauldron between her hands as easily as if it were a plastic bag full of water. The molten metal splashed over the sides as Caroline squeesed her arms together, some of the white hot liquid dripping onto the platform the supergirl was standing on. The platform began to melt where the molten steel touched it, but Miss Everson ignored this and continued crushing the vat above her beautiful face. She smiles at you as the metal continues to yield to her superior strength. Within a few moments she has folded the cauldron in on itself and is folding it smaller and smaller. Eventually she has squeesed it so much that it fits in her palm. She kneeds this lump of metal with fingers, moulding it so effortlessly that it looks like wet clay. She clenches her fist around it and watches with unrestrained pleasure as it oozes out from between her fingers like liquorice.

At this moment the platform she is standing on cannot take the weight anymore and it gives way. Caroline tumbles downwards and splashes into an enormous pool of molten steel. Panicking, you jump up onto your feet and run over to vat. You desperately want to jump in and search for her but you can't get within about 10 metres before the temperature is too much for you to bear so you know you can't help her. You can't see her anywhere. Then, her head suddenly bursts out of the metal and she tips her head back and spurts a fountain of steel out of her mouth. To your amazement, she is swimming in the white hot liquid like it is water! She appears to be totally unharmed - in fact, she seems to be rather enjoying the experience!

You notice that the molten metal is slowly draining towards a nearby steel press and that Caroline seems to be drifting with the current. Very soon, she has reached the side of the vat and she slips down a chute and towards a heavy roller. The two foot thick titanium pole has no chance of flattening her against the ground and it buckles and splits apart the moment it is forced against her muscle-packed thighs. Caroline continues to slide through the machine, her arms, legs, face, breasts and even her nipples playing havoc with the internal workings of the heavy duty machinery. She passively let her body force its way though foot thick iron sheets and enjoyed the sensation of her erect teats gently splitting apart the titanium casing around the machine. Even her hair got caught on a metal pole and cut through it like a hot knife through butter.

Soon, she emerged from the other side of the machine and slipped into an extremely heavy duty metal press. The nubile muscle goddess looked up and saw the shape of the car chassis that the steel was supposed to be moulded into. The press came down onto her amazing body but it was totally unable to move her body even a millimetre. Instead, the metal of the press itself was forced to buckle around her awesome physique. The press lifted again and Caroline slid out the other side of the machine. At this point, she jumped off the conveyor and turned to look at the steel press again. The steel poured in and the press came down. Then it lifted up and the resulting shape was blasted with ice cold water. Caroline reached out and picked up the resulting object (even though it must have weighed at least a tonne) and stood it on the ground.

It was a perfect steel cast of herself!

You stare admiringly at her handiwork - the likeness (apart from the fact that it was made of metal) was remarkable; the owners are going to be really amazed when they see that their steelworks has been accidentally converted into a statue factory! Even so, they'll probably be able to make more money selling such spectacular statues than they can with their current business!

"Of course, this statue is only a pale imitation of the real me," she said as she placed a hand on top of it and instantaneously crushed it flat against the floor. You stare in stunned silence at the amazing easy with which she flattened the steel - her motion was so fast that you barely saw her arm move!

She turns and walks over to a nearby loading yard where train carriages are filled with coal. There is one passenger carriage at the back of the train that is used to shuttle people around the plant. She reaches up and grasps the door handle to this carriage and rips the door off its hinges. Discarding the torn metal she steps into the carriage and offers you her hand. You take it and she effortlessly lifts you on board.

"I've always hated the toilets on trains," she says as she turns towards the lavatory.

She places her hands back to back with her fingers outstretched and pushes them through the steel door. Then, she slowly parts her hands, effortlessly tearing the inch thick metal apart like tissue paper. She easily crumples the steel against the doorframe before deliberately extending her arms to far and buckling the wall as well. Then, she steps into the toilet and straddles the freshly cleaned metal toilet bowl. Her muscular thighs are so huge that as she kneels down the walls are forced to bend away from them. She crouches lower and lower until her inner thighs are touching the rim of the bowl. She slips her fingers into her cunt and starts thrusting them in and out of her vagina. Her digits are coated with her juices and she can hear her moist cunt squelching as she frigs herself. She bites her lip with pleasure and begins to needily buck her hips, effortlessly crumpling the metal bowl.

Her body spasms with pleasure as her climax overwhelms her. Her muscles flex into sharp definition, every vein pumped to the maximum, as her love hole shoots juices with such force that they punch through the steel toilet bowl. Her thighs clench together with infinite force, instantly obliterating what remained of the metal dish. She stands erect - you watch in awe as her cunt continues to blast fluid between her legs so powerfully that the floor is torn apart. She walks up to a wall and slowly presses her nipples against it. The plastic bends backwards at first but soon the force is too much and it begins to crack. Within seconds, her swollen teats have split apart the thick plastic and her enormous mammaries begin to twist and shatter the material instead. Very soon, Caroline has easily forced her whole body through the wall - even her tongue was able to crack the plastic like icing on a cake.

The muscular supergirl reaches across for a solid steel pole that runs from the floor of the carriage to the ceiling. She stretches her arms far apart and grasps the foot thick pole with her slender hands. The rod is so thick that her fingers do not reach all the way around it - so she casually tightens her grip and easily crushes it until it fits in her grasp. Then, she easily tears the steel from it's fixings and holds it in front of her face. The metal whines as she accidentally moves her arms apart slightly, easily stretching the foot thick steel between her powerful arms like liquorice. Oblivious to this accidental feat of strength, the musclegirl leans forwards (accidentally stetching her arms apart again and causing the metal to whine in agony) and bites through the thick rod. It takes her several bites to cut through it because she cannot clamp her jaw around it's entire thickness at once. Her teeth cut through it like it isn't even there and you can't help yourself from cumming in your pants.

She places the two halves so that they run parallel to each other and then grasps the thick bars in her right hand. You watch in awe as her fingers tighten around the metal, easily sinking into it as if it was warm caramel. Her superhuman grip quickly crushes through the metal and the two halves tumble to the floor. She picks these up and again positions them so that they run parallel to each other. Caroline is now holding a bar four times thicker than before (making it two foot in diameter!) but a quarter of it's original length so that it is only about half a metre long. She holds the incredible thick rod at each end and stretches her arms out in front of her. Then, she begins to gently move her arms apart. Your dick spasms again as she casually stretches the solid steel apart at a truly impossible angle. You calculate that to stretch that pole would require over 7 million tonnes of brute force - and yet Miss Everson can clearly not even register the effort! In fact, she is smiling sweetly at you as her muscle-packed arms rip apart the thick metal. She must be many trillions of times stronger than a normal woman to do such a phenomenal strength feat so effortlessly!

The pole shrieks painfully as it stretches thinner and thinner, yielding helplessly to Caroline's superhuman muscles. Suddenly, it snaps with a violent twang and Caroline is left holding two horribly mangled pieces of metal - she had subconsciously tightened her grip whilst pulling apart the steel, pulverising it so easily with her slender fingers that she hadn't even noticed. Winking at you, she sexily tightens her grip so that the steel is forced to ooze out from between her fingertips like melting ice cream. Within seconds she has smeared the metal against her palm and she still isn't even breathing heavily.

She turns her back to you and rubs a hand down her thin waist and onto her large, hard backside. Her buns are fantastically defined, bulging towards you like a pair of bowling balls. She flexes them tightly, clenching them together with so much pressure that it is simply beyond human comprehension. She relaxes them again (they are still awesomely even when they are relaxed) and rests them against against the side of a seat. She flexes them violently, instantly forcing an imprint of her buttocks into the side of the seat. Plastic shards from the seat backing fly everywhere and the foam padding explodes outwards. Her butt easily crushes the plastic and padding that is caught between her cheeks out of existance. She backs up a bit (the seat is easily reshaped around her back and legs) and tenses her buttocks again, taking another chunk out of the puny seat.

She does this again and again, quickly compressing both seats against the wall so that her buttocks are pressed against the side of the carriage. She flexes them once more and they immediately punch through the steel, shattering a nearby window in the process. Caroline backs up once more and easily forces her whole body through the side of the train, tearing apart the 2 inch thick metal like so much tin foil. She delicately jumps down through the hole onto the tracks below and you follow her. She walks up to the heavy-duty hook that connects the carriage to the rest of the train. She jumps up onto it and straddles it with her legs. The hook whines and her muscular thighs dig into the metal. You expect her to pull her thighs together to slice through the four foot thick steel (God knows she capable of it!) but she does not. Instead, she beckons you over with her finger and whispers in your ear:

"Excite me, lover!"

You eagerly reach out and tweak her erect nipple. You are instantly rewarded with a squirt of warm milk. She clamber up and chew on her nipple, blissfully gulping down her gorgeous juice. Looking down you notice that Caroline's vagina has began to leak thick love juices all over the thick hook. You bite down her her super-sensitive teat even harder and begin tweaking her other nipple with your hand. The supergirl groans as you notice that her love juices have become so hot that the metal between her legs is beginning to glow red hot. You bite down with all your might as you watch her slowly sink through the melting steel like plastercine, overpowering the metal with nothing more than the juices from her cunt. Within just a few seconds the steel gives way completely and Miss Everson falls from your eager lips onto the ground below. Now that she has succeeded in seperating the passenger carriage from the rest of them, she turns to it and sinks her fingertips into the buffers (basically two foot disks of steel). She then pulls her fingers closer together, easily crumpling the solid steel between them, so that she has a secure grip on the metal. Caroline knows that it would more efficient to grip the carriage elsewhere but she wants to show off as much of her limitless strength to you as possible.

Then, Caroline slowly lifts her arm upwards, easily levering the massive carriage off the rails as if it is lighter than air. She nonchantly brushes her hair back with her free hand and stares you deep in the eyes. Once again, you penis jettisons a gallon of spunk against her sculpted physique in appreciation. This girl is simply magnificent!

She then reaches underneath the train with her free hand and sinks her fingers into the metal. Having secured a firm grip on the steel, she lets go of the buffer with her other hand and grasps even further forward on the underside of the train. She repeats this until she is holding the carriage roughly in its centre. Then, the supergirl grasps the bottom of the train with both her hands as far apart as she can stretch them. Next, to your absolute amazement she begins to pull her arms together, easily bending the 50 tonne carriage into an inverted U shape. The windows on the train blow out as the sides of the train wrinkle like foil under the enormous stress. The roof violently tears apart down the centre as Caroline continues folding the 4 metre high carriage in half like it is made of tissue paper. Very soon, the musclegirl has distorted the train so that the front and back wheels are touching each other. She adjusts her grip briefly before continuing her demonstration. As she continues to squeese the front and back of the carriage together the solid steel wheels buckle against each other, crumpling like plastercine at her every whim. Within moments the back and front of the train have been smeared together between her muscular arms so tightly that the metal is as flat as a pancake.

Next, the buffed supergirl places her pouting lips against the side of the train and sucks her breath in sharply. To your amazement, the train buckles and twists violently as she sucks it into her mouth like pasta! In a matter of seconds, she has pulled the entire 50T carriage into her mouth with just the power of her lungs. Your dick spasms with approval as she deliberately chews on the 'pasta' with her mouth open, letting you see her teeth and tongue mashing the steel like mashed potatos. She expertly manouvers the 50 tonne chunk of steel until it resting on the top of her tongue. Then, the musclegirl presses her tongue against the roof of her mouth. To your amazement, when her tongue returns to its normal position the steel is no longer there - unbelievably, she has crushed it out of existance altogether using just her moist tongue!

"Impressed?" she says.

You nod enthusastically.

"Please fuck me like you never fucked anyone before," she begs, her voice little more than a sensual whisper.

You walk up to her and wrap your arms around her. With a bit of effort (she is very muscular, after all), you manage to lift her off the ground and slip your hard cock into her moist cunt. You carry her backwards until she is pressed against the back of the rest of the train. She begins to moan orgasmically as you thrust your dick in and out of her. Every time you are about to cum, the supergirl gently squeeses your dick to hold you back a little longer. After about a quarter of an hour of continuous pumping (and ever increasing pleasure for both of you) Caroline notices that you are beginning to tire. Deciding to give you a helping hand, she reaches for your butt and begins to lift you bodily so that your penis rythmically glides in and out of her wet vagina. Surrendering yourself to her infinitely superior strength and endurance, you revel in the sensation of her warm cunt around your hard rod, and use your hands to caress her gigantic mamaries and spectacular abs.

As she pumps your hard dick in and out of her moist cunt, Caroline begins to walk backwards. You watch in awe as she overpowers the carriage's brakes, making the metal wheel scrape painfully against the tracks. Soon, the carriage's buffers clank against the next car and it too is slowly pushed by her mighty thighs. You notice that each carriage is fully loaded with coal and must weigh at least 600 tonnes, yet she doesn't even slow down as you hear another car joining the line. Within just a few moments, she is pushing the entire train - no less than 200 carriages - backwards without even noticing the resistance.

"MMmmm!" she groans as she begins to buck her hips needily. They sink into the wrought iron behind her like whipped cream.

The 120,000 tonne train squeals in agony as it is pushed backwards - until suddenly it smashes into the sturdy steel buffers at the end of the line. Despite this, Miss Everson doesn't even slow down, leading to the inevitable result - the carriages themselves begin to crumple like tin foil. The noise is horrendous, but only serves to make the buffed girl between your legs pump faster and harder, groaning orgasmically as she does so. She runs the fingers of her spare hand against the metal behind her, smearing it so effortlessly that her strength defies comprehension. As more and more of the carriages are crushed flat, the buffer at the end of the rail is ripped from it's fixings and carried backwards until the unyeilding concrete platform is reached. Once again the train begins to buckle up, the hardened toolsteel totally outclassed by Caroline's pumped muscles.

You continue to fondle her erect teats and rippling abs as she applied more and more force to the iron, quickly flattening all 200 carriages against the tough engine at the front of the train. You watch in awe as she backs against the engine carriage - even though it was able to resist the force of the 200 cars being crushed against it, it stood absolutely no chance against the might of a true supergirl and immediately buckled like tin foil. Caroline was now pressing her muscular buttocks against the iron with hundreds of millions of tonnes of force, yet she still did not slow down. The concrete holding back the front of the train began to crack under the stupendous forces the woman between your legs is exerting.

Within moments the entire train has been squashed flat against the platform and is oozing out from behind Caroline's back like play-doe. You grab hold of her head and kiss her as your dick pumps forth literally gallons of spunk into her spasming vagina. She pants like a wild animal as she continue to walk backwards, instantly splitting apart the huge slab of concrete behind her without even noticing. The supergirl climaxes powerfully, her cunt oozing love juices all over your twitching penis as her groans turn into screams. She punches a fist into the concrete behind her and rips it from the ground, exerting literally billions of tonnes of force in the process. Then, with a yelp of ecstacy she smashes it back down against the ground, smashing the kilometre big block into a million chunks with just a flick of her wrist. You both cum and cum until finally you can cum no more.

"Want to come back to my place?" she pants.

Feeling your dick swelling once again deep inside her she knows the answer to her question and she carries you to her mansion.

The End...