The Project, Chapter III
Shannon comes to Earth.
By Paul Smith (

Warning: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

"We're approaching Earth," announced the Supervisor, interrupting John and Shannon's lovemaking.

"What of it?" retorted John, bearly managing to keep his voice level as Shannon pushed aside his jeans and began tenderly licking the tip of his penis.

"The defence grid will detect us. I'm sure they must have a response unit waiting for us."

Reluctantly, Shannon sat up and wiped John's secretions from her full, tender lips. John put on yet another shirt.

"Tell me about this defence grid," she said.

"Each ship has a unique ID that is automatically transmitted to the grid," said the Supervisor, "Our ship's ID has no doubt been blacklisted so they will shoot us if we refuse to be boarded."

"Can we switch off our ID transmitter?" asked Shannon.

"Ordinarily, no. The transmitter is in a self-contained duranium shell on the exterior of the hull to prevent alteration by anyone except EarthGov. I suspect *you* might be able to disable it, but that would do us no good because they would still be able to track us from the heat of our engines. A ship without an ID transmitter is bound to attract a lot of attention."

"Switch off the engines and the radio - I'll fly us to Earth."

With that, Shannon stood up and left through the air lock. She flew to the transmitter and pealed open its shell like an orange, reached inside and ripped out the transmitter with one hand. Then, she squeesed it in two like a tube of toothpaste, crushing it so thoroughly that it was no longer recogniseable. She flew to the centre of the underside of the hull and rested her back against the cool metal. She sunk her fingers into the duranium up to her knuckles and then smoothly steered the craft towards Earth, undetected by the grid. Without their ID transmitter they would be unable to use the autopilot and any long-range communication would be risky.

"Where are we heading?" asked Shannon as Earth began to fill their view.

"To London Sector - it's to the South-East of the centre of that foot-shaped island roughly in front of us."

"Why are we going there?"

"I spoke to an old friend whilst you two were degrading yourselves. He's agreed to help us out," said the Supervisor.

Soon, the ship entered the atmosphere. Shannon enjoyed the feeling the air rushing over her perfectly sculpted body. The outer hull of the ship started to glow red hot against her hands but she was not burned at all - in fact, she temporily held the ship with just one hand as she had to use the other to shield her relatively fragile throat mike. The supergirl slowed the ship to a more suitable speed as London loomed larger in front of them. As the gravity increased, she noticed that the weight of the ship on her shoulders, butt and back was enough to force the metal to mould slightly around her rippling muscles. This was not altogether surprising considering that the ship's entire 1000 tonne weight was pressing down on just a few square inches of her immoveable flesh, putting it under almost half a million PSI of pressure. Every time she moved or breathed her muscles would mould the metal around their new shape like putty.

"Where next?"

"You see that kink in that larger river running through the centre of the city?"


"Head to the large building with the dome on top to the East of that."

Soon, the building was large beneath them. Normally, the computer would automatically route them around the sky road network once they reached this altitude but unfortunately they could no longer use that since the ID transmitter had been disabled. Instead, Shannon had to use her superhuman senses and reactions to track and predict the movement of the hundreds of thousands of vehicles rushing about beneath her at hundreds of miles per hour.

"Where exactly?" she asked.

"Head towards ground level, there's a disused warehouse down there that he's based his workshop in."

The building rushed past them as Shannon ducked and weaved between the fast moving traffic, heading deeper and deeper, until finally the ground was rushing towards them at terrifying speed. She wanted to move quickly to avoid anyone noticing that there was a girl holding on to the outside of the ship. The local police didn't notice her, but they most definitely noticed the large ship (much larger than any of the aircars that swirled about it) and quickly gave chase. Her perfect eyes saw a short, black man with grey hair and a beard waving to them beside an open warehouse. Assuming this to be the Supervisor's contact, she swooped into the building.

* * * * *

Constables Peckering and Gadshaw had been having a quiet day, as usual. Since their primary purpose was to act as a deterrent, they had parked their aircar by a snack bar. Gadshaw was reading a newspaper (filled with the usual pro-government propaganda, but still better than nothing) and Peckering was eating a donut as he watched the cars streaming by.

"Oi!" shouted Gadshaw as jam squirted against his hand. He angrily looked at his companion and saw that he was staring out the window with his jam-filled donut squashed between his fingers. Gadshaw turned to follow his gaze. A large ship of a design he hadn't seen before was diving Earthwards, weaving between the traffic at amazing (and highly illegal) speed. It came within millimetres of a collision of several occasions in just the few seconds that he had been watching it, yet it always seemed to perfectly predict the reactions of the aircars' autopilots so that no collision occured despite its considerable size. Gadshaw could only conclude that the ship had some kind of new engine and guidance system to allow it to move with such unbelieveable agility. In a way, it did.

Without further hesitation, Gadshaw threw aside his paper and started the aircar. He swung the 'stick forward and dived after the kamikaze ship. He couldn't match their speed but he was able to keep them in sight until they swooped behind a building at ground level. Within a few seconds he was able to see that behind the building was an old warehouse which looked big enough to house the ship. He flew in closer and landed as quickly as he could.

Gadshaw and Peckering got out the vehicle and, pistols drawn, shouted:

"Come out with your hands up!"

A short, black man with grey hair and a beard walked out of the warehouse, his hands above his head.

"Get down!" commanded Gadshaw and the man obeyed. He kept his gun trained on him whilst Peckering cautiously entered the building.

It was empty apart from a small aircar and a desk, chair, workbench and bed crammed into one of the corners of the room. Looking around, he could see the vast warehouse from wall to wall and the ship they has been chasing was clearly nowhere to be found. He returned to his companion.

"It's not here," he said, "they must have gone somewhere else when they went behind that building."

"Shit! Our first chase in months and we lose them within seconds! That's got to be the shortest chase in history!"

"The way that ship was moving it's not surprising we lost it. I don't know what the boys back in the station are going to make of this one when we write it up!" joked Gadshaw.

"You win some, you lose some, I guess. Ok, false alarm, you're free to go," said Peckering to the man on the floor. Then, the two officers got back in their car and flew off.

* * * * *

Knowing that the cops were on her tail, Shannon had quickly placed the ship on the ground inside the warehouse. Then, she flew over to the side of the craft and smashed her fingers into the concrete floor. She then smoothly used her hand to cut away a large rectangular slab of the materal like it were sand. Next, she easily levered the 50mx100mx1m 10,000 tonne slab from the ground and moved it to one side, revealing the bare rock beneath.

The supergirl sunk her arms into this and rapidly crushed and squeesed the rock with every orifice of her body, forcing it to rapidly melt under the tremendous pressure. Eventually, she had carved out a 50m deep pit in the rock, her nude body effortlessly crushing half a million tonnes of stone out of existence in less than a second. Then, she picked up the ship and gently lowered it into the hole she had created and reached for the slab she had cut away earlier. She lowered it back into position (sealing herself and the ship inside) just as she heard the police cruiser landing outside. She had to do it gently so that slab's impact with the ground could not be felt by the cops.

Once she heard their aircar take off, Shannon got John and the Supervisor out the ship and picked them both up with one arm. Then, she flew up to the slab and used her free arm to lift up one side so that she could fly into the warehouse. After she had lowered the 10,000 tonne cover back into position she stood erect and looked at the short, black man with grey hair and a beard who was staring at her. She breathed deeply, her spectacular curves sharply illuminated by the harsh lighting in the warehouse (it was permanently dark in the lower levels of the city because of the height of the buildings around them). Her abs rippled and her humungous breasts streatched apart as she smiled at the man.

He sprayed his trousers with cum and passed out.

Shannon ran over and could him in her capable arms before he hit the ground. He awoke to find her face so close that he could feel her warm breath across his face, her swollen mammaries ruffling his hair. Once again, he came and passed out.

The next time he awoke, Shannon was wearing a tight t-shirt which she had borrowed from John (he had been wearing it under his work clothes). However, it was so tight around her stupendous breasts that their silhouette (especially her pert nipples) could clearly be seen and the writing on it was stretched to illegibility. One deep breath from Shannon would rip it apart. The man came again, but this time stayed conscious. He forced himself to look away from the unbelievably attractive woman and turned instead to look at the other visitors.

"Saul!" said the man to the Supervisor, "It's good to see you!"

"Saul?" thought John.

"Baxtor," said the Supervisor, "it's good to see you too."

"And you, my dear, what is your name?" Baxtor asked Shannon, trying desperately to avoid looking at her bountiful bosums.

"Shannon," she replied.

Baxtor's eyebrows flickered and he moved his lips as if to speak, then thought better of it and instead said:

"I apologise for my reaction but in all my years I've never seen a woman as attractive as you. You moved so fast when you first arrived that you were little more than a blur - but when I could finally see what you actually looked like I nearly had a heart attack."

"That's ok," Shannon replied, "I'm rather flattered."

She wondered why his reaction had been more extreme than John's and the Supervisor's. They still both had constant erections when she was around but they had never passed out because of her appearance. Perhaps it was his old age, or maybe because both John and the Supervisor had seen her in the nude since she was first "born", so they had had time to grow accustomed to her otherworldly beauty.

Baxtor introduced himself to John and he helped him to his feat.

"I'll need to change my clothes," said Baxtor, "And I would suggest that the lovely Shannon does the same. She won't blend in around here unless she seriously dresses down."

After Baxtor had changed, he and the Supervisor left to buy Shannon some new clothes. On the way, they discussed Saul's work on the EHG Project and how that had led to the creation of Shannon.

"Are you sure it's wise to name her after you daughter?" asked Baxtor, "It won't bring her back, you know."

"Yes, I know. Still, in a way she *is* my child - I certainly got a lot more involved with her upbringing that I ever did with my real daughter. I always regretted not getting to know her more before she was killed," answered Saul.

"If she's as strong as you say she is, it sounds like you won't ever have to worry about that happening again."

Soon, they reached a local charity shop (the people at ground level were not rich, anything more snazzy would attract too much attention) and deliberately bought the tattiest clothes they could find. In the end, they got a moth-eaten old sweater and a pair of baggy jogging trousers. When they returned, Shannon put on the clothes (the men just about managed to stay standing as they could a brief glimpse of her naked physique) and turned to face them, smiling sweatly.

She still looked stunning.

"Perhaps it would help if you took off your make-up and didn't wash your hair?" asked Baxtor.

"I don't have any need of make-up, and I haven't washed since I was created," replied Shannon, "My body seems to clean itself."

"Impressive," said Baxtor to Saul, "but it does make things more difficult. Perhaps you could splash yourself with some mud and dirt from the street and tousle your hair?"

Shannon followed his suggestion and soon looked as if she had spent her entire life on the streets. Even so, she still looked amazing.

"What about dying and restyling your hair?" suggested John, "You'd still look good, but at least you wouldn't match your description any more."

Shannon dyed her hair deep black and then tried to cut it. The scissors were unable to cut her indestructable hair and they were crushed in her hands.

"Hmmm... I suppose that will have to do," said Saul, "There's only so much that can be done to hide your incredible genetics."

"Well," declared John, "you might be superhuman but I haven't eaten since we left the base. Would you care to accompany me to the local food emporium?"

"Certainly, my love," replied Shannon, hooking arms with John. He led her onto the street and they went to the local fish and chip shop - not exactly the most romantic first date, but it was the best that was available at ground level.

Shannon attracted plenty of hungry stares (and John an equal number of envious ones) despite the fact that most of her awesome physique was covered up. Her breasts pushed out the wooly jumper to such a degree that it didn't take much imagination to visualise her huge bust. The small rips in the material allowed brief glimpses of her tanned flesh to be seen and the shape of her large, hard butt muscles were clearly visible through the jogging trousers. Her face looked spectacular even with the grime that she had rubbed over it and all the staring men sported raging erections. Still, Shannon did not find the stares uncomfortable because she knew they could not threaten her.

Shannon read the menu and frowned.

"What shall I have?" she said, "I've never eaten before."

John silently cursed himself. How could he have forgotten that Shannon had never eaten a meal in her life, since she did not need to do so? Still, he figured it would be a useful learning experience for her. They had originally intended to train her more thoroughly in the ways of the world but the accident had dramatically cut that short.

"No problem, I'll order for both of us."

John just ordered two straightforward portions of fish and chips and the couple sat down at a dirty table near the window. They would have chosen a cleaner table but they were all just as bad.

"Just do what I do," he said.

He opened the bag, picked up a chip and put it in his mouth. He chewed. Shannon did the same. He swollowed. Shannon did not.

"Oh, I didn't realise I was going to have to swollow it!" she said, "I bit the chip a little too hard."

Amazingly, she had just accidentally crushed the chip out of existance with her teeth. It shouldn't have surprised John considering that he had seen her do the same to half a million tonnes of rock earlier, but yet it did.

"Wow!" he said, "you'll just have to make sure you don't fully close your jaw, I guess."

She tried again and this time she managed not to obiliterate the chip before swollowing it. She brimmed with pleasure at her accomplishment. Outside, a figure in the shadows watched them.

"It tastes quite good," said Shannon and picked up another, and another. Very soon, she had eaten the entire bag.

"You ate those fast!" said John, "There's some fish here that you were supposed to eat at the sme time."

John unwrapped the fish and before he could tell her otherwise, his girlfriend had opened her portion and taken a bite. He heard the bones crack and crunch in her mouth.

"This is quite nice, it has a stronger flavor than the chips and an interesting texture," she said, still chewing on the fish and bones.

"It's got bones in it which you aren't supposed to eat. You're should to use a knife and fork," said John, gesturing to the cheap plastic implements on the table.

She picked them up and attempted to pin the fish down with the fork. It splintered apart. For once, it wasn't her superhuman strength that had done it - the cheap plastic wasn't strong enough to penetrate the leathery fish.

"Yeah, this cutlery is pretty useless. There's a tactic to it that I'm sure you'll get the hang of eventually."

"I don't need to bother with that anyway," she declared and picked up the fish with her hands again. She ate the whole thing, including some of the shards of the ex-fork, and seemed to enjoy it.

John had barely started his meal. To be honest, he wasn't very impressed with it.

"Could I have some more?" she asked.

"I can't see why not," said John and gave her his wallet.

Much to her boyfriend's surprise, she came back with everything from the menu and proceeded to eat it all before John had finished his meal. She used her fingers for all of it, even the items which would have burned an ordinary woman's hands.

"Mmmm!" she said, "That was all nice! I think I liked the "hot dog" best. Is it really made from dogs?"

"No. It's supposed to be made from a pig, but God knows what the ones around here are made of. It's a good thing you don't have to worry about your figure," said John, "otherwise you'd be a barrel after a few days on Earth."

After their meal, they walked hand in hand back to the warehouse. Shannon had wanted to stop at a greasy burger bar but John had eventually managed to talk her out. He had explained that he really couldn't afford to spend so much money on food and it wouldn't be fair to steal from these people. Also, he reminded her that they were supposed to be keeping a low profile. Shannon was still a conundrum to him - sometimes she could be so child-like and innocent, yet at other times she could be so mature.

Arm-in-arm, they entered the warehouse. Saul and Baxtor were asleep in the corner of the room so they did not turn on the lights.

"Hmmm... I've got an idea," whispered Shannon.

Taking John's by the hand, she lead him over to the slab that hid their spaceship. With her free hand she lifted the 20 million pound block over her head and used her grip on John to lower him inside. Then, she flew down, gently lowering the slab back into position behind her. It was pitch black inside the hole. Not even Shannon's super eyesight could detect a single photon in the visible range. She could have switched to infra-red but the whole point of this was that they were both blind and would have to make love by touch alone.

John cautiously reached out to find his lover. His probing fingers suddenly encountered the softness of her jumper - and he could feel the hardness of her nipples underneath. He could also hear and feel her warm breath against his neck. He moved lower, pushing the jumper flat against her skin so that he could trace the contours of her gravity defying hooters. As he reached their base, he was surprised by how far forwards he had to move until he found her stomach - the sheer depth of her breasts was unbelievable, almost the full length of his forearms. As he traced down her stomach he was surprised to find that he could clearly feel the shape of her unflexed abs through the fluffy material. He quickly reached the bottom of the jumper and touched her soft skin, thrilling them both. There was a gap between the end of her jumper and the start of her trousers, presumably because he had lifted the bottom of the jumper when he had pushed it against the curve of her chest. He soon found the strap around her waist and slipped his fingers inside her trousers. He moved his fingers downwards until they rustled over her bush. He teased her by moving closer - almost, but not quite, finger fucking her. She let out a quiet gasp of pleasure.

He withdrew and slipped his fingers up under her jumper. Then, John began slowly sliding it up her body, knowing that Shannon would enjoy the sensation of the jumper brushing over her skin like a thousand hands. He felt the movement of the air as she yielded to him and obediently lifted her muscular arms above her head. He moved the jumper higher, tenderly following the curves of her hips, stomach and shoulders. Then, the top jammed - it was caught on her hardening nipples. He knew that Shannon would have enjoyed him ripping it off against them but he also knew that they needed to preserve these clothes as they were her only disguise.

He clumsily reached for her teats and unhooked the fabric. His touch made them harder still and they started to leak cream onto the jumper and his hands. Resisting the temptation to chew on her teats and suck down her lactic delights, he continued lifting the top up over her arms. He could feel and hear her nipples dribbling warm milk over his uniform as he moved closer to lift the jumper off the end of her outstretched fingers. He could smell her beautiful scent all around him. Every time he touched her or felt her breath against his skin a spark of pleasure shot through his body. Somehow, being in the dark seemed to heighten his other senses so that even the briefest touch was like an orgasm. As soft moans escaped from his lover's lips he realised that she was experiencing exactly the same sensations. He placed his hand inside hers and pushed her arms back to her sides (in truth, his pushing only served as a signal for Shannon to move her arms - nothing on this Earth could have moved them without her permission). Then, he slid his hands down, eagerly following the curve of her slim waist and tight butt and slid off her jogging trousers. They sparked with static electricity as they caressed her skin. Once he had pushed them off her buttocks they just fell to the ground around her feet. She gently kicked them aside with her toe.

"You need to change these clothes, they'll attract too much attention," she said, reaching behind John's back.

Then, she used her fingernails to cut the fabric. She cut gashes down the back, front and along the tops of the sleaves and then pursed her lips and gently blew. The fabric just fluttered to the ground. Then, she placed one hand on either side of John's trousers, hooking her fingers inside his boxers as well. Suddenly, she violently pulled the trousers and boxers apart in one swift motion. Even from where she stood, her super senses could feel the increase in his bodyheat. His erect penis sprang skywards and came within millimetres of her crotch. Her super senses felt that, too, and she moved forwards. She stood on tip-toes (making her calf muscles bulge) so that the tip of John's dick touched the entrance to her vagina. The lovers' breathing became irregular as she paused, letting the anticipation build for a moment. Underneath the ship, a pair of eyes watched them, silent and unbreathing.

Then, Shannon lowered herself onto John. They both shuddered and wrapped their arms around one another, pulling their warm bodies closer. The supergirl lowered her hands to her partner's butt and lifted him from the ground. Fuelled by intense her need, she began lifting him bodily up and down, thrusting his hard cock in and out of her tight, moist cunt. Her pleasure was so intense that she felt unsteady so she removed one hand from John's behind and rested it against the wall for support. Ironically, under normal conditions, the wall (or even the planet it was attached to) could have leaned on her and it would have found her considerably more unyeilding that this puny rock wall was relative to her pumped muscles. As the lovers' climaxes approached, Shannon's fingers began gouging deep slits in the rock, making it crumble like sand. John could hear the sharp sounds of breaking stone nearby, but he trusted his girlfriend's judgement not to bring the building down on top of them. Despite this, Shannon knew she was walking a fine line between pleasuring herself and John and literally bringing the house down.

Waves of pleasure ripped through their bodies, and the supergirl's hand broke large chunks of rock away from the wall and crushed them to fine powder in her fist. This powder mixed with the secretions that oozed from her nipples and cunt to make a sort of paste. Finally, their climax was upon them, and they shuddered uncontrollably. Shannon's spasming muscles shook John so violently that he nearly got a concussion and her toes split and crumbled the rock beneath them as they curled with pleasure.

After several minutes of groaning, moaning and screaming, the lovers' orgasms finally came to a shuddering and blissful end. Both collapsed on the floor, their bodies still intertwined. During the night, John had several wet dreams and ejaculated into her cunt, no doubt spurred on by the warm, perfect curves that were still pressed firmly against his torso. Shannon's body instinctively responded and she, too, had wet dreams - her spasming cunt only serving to stimulate John even more. They slept for twelve hours like this in the eternal darkness of that pit, cumming several times an hour until they finally awoke in a pool of their own juices. When Shannon stood up and finally slipped John's dick from her cunt, the cum that had accumulated there overnight flooded down her muscular legs and splattered against the floor. Shannon felt fine, totally ready for action. Clearly, John did not.

"Water!" he croaked. All of the climaxes he had had overnight had left him dangerously dehydrated.

Shannon kneeled down next to him and slipped one of her moist teats between his parched lips. He suckled her gratefully and soon regained some of his strength. Sitting up, he still felt groggy (although a lot better than before) and was totally naked, his clothes shredded.

"Could you get me something to wear?" he asked.

Shannon tenderly kissed him on the cheek and picked up her clothes, along with his wallet. She flew up to the slab and let herself out, gently putting it back in position behind her to preserve John's dignity. She quickly put on her clothes and turned to leave.

"Do I even need to ask what you've been up to?" said Saul.

"No, it sounds like you've already got it all figured out," she replied.

"You shouldn't get attached to him, you deserve much better."

"I'll get attached to whoever I like."

"You can't spend you whole life fucking him. It's nearly midday and you've only just got up! Baxtor and I were wondering where you were."

Shannon noticed that Baxtor was passed out on the floor again - presumably he had caught a glimpse of her before she had put on her clothes.

"Whether you like it or not, my life is my own," said Shannon, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to buy John some clothes."

With that, she left for the clothing store. She didn't really have much idea what to buy, so she tried to get something similar to what the other men in this area were wearing - dirty t-shirts and ripped jeans mostly. She returned a few minutes later with the garments only to find Baxtor and Saul unconscious on the floor. The slab had been broken. Fearing the worst, Shannon peered down into the pit.

John was gone.

To be continued...