Xtreme Strength


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- Ask Caroline -

Hi guys! Caroline here!

For those of you who don't know me, my full name is Caroline Nicole Everson and I'm 22 years old, 5'7" tall, blonde, with a 50 inch chest and 25 inch biceps. I'm also extremely muscular with an amazing hourglass figure and I've been told I'm very beautiful. Not only that, but I'm superhumanly strong and I can fly too! Paul's been writing stories about me for years but we were talking last night and he persuaded me that you lot would really get a kick out of being able to email me. I'll do anything for a laugh so here I am!

You can email me at caroline_everson_superwoman@yahoo.co.uk but be aware that Paul's asked me to post the more interesting emails (and my replies) here. Don't worry, I'll anonymise them. Anyway, you get the idea.


20 February 2004: I've been getting loads of emails (so many that I haven't posted all the answers here yet) but more are always welcome - so please email me at the address above! Anyway, here are my answers to some of the questions I got since last time:

What lucky costume got stretched by your muscles on Halloween?

I considered painting myself green, dying my hair black and calling myself the she-hulk, but that would have been too obvious. :)

In the end I dressed up like Trinity from The Matrix. Unfortunately, I couldn't return the costume afterwards, partially because it had been permamently stretched around my body, but also because some parts of it had been caught between my flexing muscles and had been accidentally obliterated.

But if you had gone as the She-Hulk you could have carried around a tank!

Yes, although I can do that in my normal identity as well. :)

How do you destroy a rubber costume wrapped around your body?

If I curl my arm, flex my abs or press my legs together then the rubber just burns away under the pressure. It usually takes just a deep breath after that to finish it off. :)

What little things did you do with your muscles on Halloween?

I posed a bit, which made the leather whine painfully as it was stretch around my bulging body. Every one of my muscles was still very obvious through my clothes. Even my nipples were very pronounced.

I love the way your super hot cum juices blow and melt everything, would you describe me with more detail how your juices melt any substance touched? (drill and melt titanium, steel, melt walls,concrete, etc)

How they melt it depends on how hot I am and how hard I cum. If I get really hot and just let it slowly trickle down my leg then the titanium I'm standing on quickly gets mushy, then turns red hot, then yellow, then white. At this point I can scoop it up and pour it between by hands like water.

If I cum really hard then even 10 metre thick titanium instantly has a foot thick hole torn through it. The metal is bent away from me like a bullet through a sheet of paper.

wich one is the highest temperature reached by your love juices?

I've been as hot as 10,000 degrees celius but I could easily get hotter.

i read in one of your stories how you melt the opossite wall with your love juices, do you like to melt walls, cars, etc with your super hot love juices?

Yeah, it's a lot of fun - although I'm usually too ecstactic at the time to really notice much. I do occasionally notice the odd car being flipped end over end as it is catapulted up into the air by my juices and that only excites me even more - usually resulting in the obliteration of the vehicle.

do you burned some one by accident?

Not seriously - I'm very careful when I'm around other people.

how sticky your juices are?

They're not especially sticky, although they are very thick - somewhere between shampoo and vasoline. They're a great lubricant.

do you remeber the occasion when your love juices cause more destrucction? would you explain me with more detail please?

One time there was a derelict building I'd been asked to destroy. I lay down on the ground floor and masterbated until I came HARD. I pointed by pelvis straight up and my juices blew straight through the 20 storeys above me, straight out the roof and out into space. As I continued to drive my hand in and out of myself, I deflected by juices in all directions, tearing apart the furniture around me and knocking out the walls of the building. The juices that weren't blasted through the walls started to fill up the ground floor and I had to sit up (flexing my abs impressively) to keep my head out of them.

I came for several minutes, harder and harder, until finally one particularly powerful orgasm caused a jet that took out the steel I-beams that supported the building and it feel down on top of me. I continued to cum as it collapsed which meant there was a clear path out the wreckage when my climax was finally over.

i supose you can control the temperaure of your cunt juices do you like to cover your lover with your warm sticky cunt juice?

Yes, sometimes. (Although it's usually not something I intend to do - it happens accidentally!)

can you explainme the way that your love juices fill the room where you are?, how much time takes?

That really depends on how hard I cum. If I'm gentle then my juices seep out under the door quickly enough for the room to never fill. If I cum a bit harder then I can easily fill the room in seconds, although I have to be careful not to obliterate the furniture by mistake. If I cum really hard then I end up knocking down the walls which is what ultimately limits how fast I fill anything with my juices.

can you do the next experiment please? you fill a hermetic container (a olympic pool size) with your super milk, take a deep breath and you squirt a huge squirt of milk, what happen? all the walls of the container explode by the super preassure of your milk?, tha walls just deform but not explode? or all the container blows away?

It really depends on how hard I squirt it. I'm infinitely powerful so I can easily do any of things you describe.

can you explain me how you make the breakfast for your lover? i supose you give him your super delicius milk, but do you like to use just your super body to make the breakfast? like boild an egg in your super hot cunt, fried the bacon in your super hot tits?, squeeze an orange ainst your super hard nipples?

I hadn't done those things before, but they're very good ideas so I tried them out. They all worked really well except frying the bacon on my tits - whilst they're hot in the sense that they're sexy, physically they're no warmer than my usual body temperature. The egg was tricky as I accidentally came and obliterated the first one we tried. The second one worked well, although I did get yoke inside my pussy. Paul said it tasted great.

I love the way you show your super strength using yor super breath , your super squirt of milk, etc, can you explainme how do you stop a train coming to you just using your super squirt of milk?, can you describe me with a little bit of detail what happen with the train, the wagons, etc when you squirt them.

If I let rip with a really powerful blast then my milk just cuts through the entire length of the train like a laser beam through butter. If I'm a bit more gently and deflect the stream slightly with my fingertips then the front of the train buckles up like it has hit a concrete slab and then starts rapidly accelerating backwards, the wagons behind concertinering into each other. Some of them rip apart and others just explode. Within seconds, the entire train is reduced to unrecogniseable chunks of metal flying through the air.

i love to see you with making facts of incredible strength with a pose of super girl, with your hands in your hips, wath do you do if you see a car runing away with people when they finish to robbery a bank how do you stop them? just use your super lungs for inhalate the air and make the car cuming to you? can you explainme with a little bit of detail how do you stop them?.

I'm usually a bit wary of using my super breath as it's pretty easy to accidentally injure innocent people, uproot trees, implode cars, shred the pavement, that sort of thing. Still, if I really wanted to stop them without breaking my super girl pose, I'd pucker my lips so that when I inhaled the stream was as focussed on their getaway car as possible. I'd have to be careful not to suck too hard otherwise the acceleration might injure them. Even so, I'd probably still accidentally end up with the boot of the car half sucked into my mouth. Then I'd rip off the doors and pick all the robbers up in one hand and carry them to the nearest police station.

when was the first time that you discover the super hot temperature of your love juices (capable to melt any material in the world)? , wich one was your reaction?. how do you feel?

I found out when I first came. Luckily I was masterbating so no-one was injured, although I did burn a hole through my bed clothes and up through the roof. Luckily my juices came down in the middle of the ocean so they didn't do any more harm. Obviously it was a big thrill, although from then on I was much more careful about when I came. Luckily I can fly so when I really want to let myself go I fly off to an uninhabited moon I've discovered.

when was the first time that you discover that your can release much love juices as you like and wich one was your reaction?.do you destroy something?

Again, it was the first time I came. It was only the shock of the building being torn apart in front of me that made me stop.

Hey! I saw you threw me up my comments on the latest update. Thought it was kinda neat to see.. ^_^ I was wondering about something, what ever happen to your sister? Leana Everson?

She's still around, gorgeous as ever.

I remember reading the st-.. Err, Seeing reports on the news about her. Has she grown any stronger over the past while?..

She may have, although she was already incredibly strong - although not as strong as me, of course. ;)

Is she available? ;P Heh. Nevermind about that..

Actually, she is. Maybe you two could meet up? If you did, I'd love to hear about what happened.

I was wondering if you've ever been asked to play an exhibition game of rugby or American football?

Yes, I have. It was somewhat one-sided. :)

Do you enjoy toying with men on the playing field or do you get down to business?

I toy with them - if I really tried then I would win before they even realised the match had started. :)

Pushing aside and lifting those big, heavy guys is easy for me. Even if I don't do that and just let them all grab on to me as I carry the ball to the line they don't have any effect on me. I had the whole of the opposition hanging on to me but I was still able to easily run the full length of the pitch.

And the whole point of Halloween is scariness. I've been thinking about this for some time. I mean, what could possibly terrify you? A chainsaw wielding maniac? A hundred foot cockroach?

Actually, I've got a thing about insects. They're seriously icky. (Although I wouldn't go so far as to say that they terrify me. :)

Maybe Godzilla? No. No. No. They just won't do. This is supposed to be scary, and these "classic" monsters are just a joke to you, right? You'd just laugh as the chainsaw shattered itself on your pert breast, then kick the roach into the next galaxy and finish off by extinguishing Godzilla's flame breath with a squirt of your breast milk. So, then it hit me. The only person who could possibly be a match for you is you. Let me explain that. See, I was watching the Star Trek episode "Mirror Mirror", in which our heroes encounter savage evil counterparts in a "Mirror Universe", and it occured to me, what if you had an evil Mirror Universe counterpart? Someone with all your power and beauty, but none of your restraint?

Let's hope she's got *some* restraint otherwise the universe would be destroyed within milliseconds. :)

The sort of Superwoman who likes to use her power to terrify and dominate lesser beings, just because she can? Would that be terrifying enough for you on Halloween?

Yes, that'd definitely be pretty scary. Of course, she wouldn't be able to defeat me (although I wouldn't be able to defeat her either), but she'd certainly be able to seriously threaten my nearest and dearest, which would be pretty nightmarish.

We all know how strong you are externaly. But how strong are you internaly (heart,brain,lungs,stomach, and so on)

As far as I know, I'm just as strong inside as I am on the outside. I don't know about my brain and heart (how would I test their strength?) but my lungs and stomach are certainly very strong. I've swollowed grenades and demolished buildings with my breath without any problems.

I heard about your defeat of an entire Arion Armada, and so was very interested in meeting you for myself. I come from another galaxy far, far away; but the fame of your impressive deeds has spread even there! I stopped at Velor on the way and they told me of your legendary exploits and how your strength is nearly limitless. This got me very excited. Where I am from I am known as the Ultimate Man (or Ultiman for sort), because I too have incredible strength and other powers like yors. In fact like you I have never found any feat I cannot accomplish, if i put my mind to it.

Personally, I've always found that brute force does the trick. :)

I have never met a woman who can even come close to my power, let alone match me (in a contest or in bed!), but given the stories I have heard, perhaps you are the first. I would very much like to find out for myself if the stories I have heard about you are true. To that end, I would like to challenge you to a contest of strength. The winner gets the glory of being acknowledged as the most powerful being in the universe, as well having the other be their sexual slave for a day.

Sure, you're on! What do you want me to do?

I guess first we should do some warm-up exercises. Do you ever need to warm up, I guess you're so strong that the liklihood of muscle strain is very low?

Yes. I don't normally bother warming up, but I guess there's a first time for everything. :)

I grab a set of special weights I have brought with me, they weight 1 billion tons on Earth. I do a thousand arm curls in under a second before handing them to you. Tell me how long does it take you to repeat the exercise?

Only a billion tonnes?!? To make things a bit more challenging, I fly to the surface of a super-dense neutron star. The weight now weights a billion times more than it does on Earth. I then repeat your exercise in a hundredth of a second (my arm moves at almost a million mph) - I could have done it faster but the bar was almost collapsing under the enormous g-forces as it was. What's it made of by the way? It must be trillions of times stronger than any Earth substance to survive so much abuse. Just to test my strength, I experimentally crush the foot-thick bar between my fingers - it yields as easily as anything else I have crushed. Within a few seconds, I have crushed the entire weight out of existence.

Wow Caroline, you really are as powerful as all the stories say. By the way, those barbells you so easily crushed were made of depleted uranium tempered with my own potent semen, no one (other than me) has ever been able to bend it even a fraction of a millimetre before, and I watched you casually squeeeze it into nothing. Do you feel any strain at all?

No, none whatsoever.

Next, if it's ok with you, I'd like to test the invulnerability of your breasts with my hands. I grab each of your large breasts in my hands and begin to squeeze them. I start off at low power and slowly increase the strength on my grip. Initially I crush them with enough power to turn diamond into powder. I slowly increase the power of my grip until I'm using the same strength that I once used to squeezed a sun into a neutron star. How does it feel?

It feels great! The harder your squeeze, the more turned on I get. My nipples grow beneath your fingers, forcing them apart as my teats pulse forward.

Is there any discomfort at all?

No - there's only pleasure.

I increase the strength of my grip again, until I'm now squeezing them with enough power to turn a neutron star into a black hole. How do you feel?

Awesome! My nipples start to dribble milk over your hands, and my vagina starts to dribble hot juices down my leg.

I lick your milk from my hands... ohh that tastes nice :)

Yes, I've been thinking about bottling and selling it. Might be a nice little earner. :)

I'm not close to my full strength yet, but I don't want to accidently hurt you.

Let it all go, I'm sure you won't be able to hurt me.

Next it's your turn, Why don't you suggest a trial of strength that only superbeings as powerful as us could accomplish?

I was off exploring a few days ago and I found a galaxy that was completely uninhabited, a complete wasteland. Perhaps you could try to crush as many stellar objects into your hand as possible and I'll try to out-do you?

Now don't go anywhere, I'm just going to visit that galaxy and do something special for you... but before I go, I grab each of your teats and give them a quick squeeze, applying almost infinite force, trillions of times stronger that i squeezed your breasts before. I now know that I don't have to hold back at all! Do tell me how it makes you feel to be squeezed with such power.

Incredible! Nothing except my own hands have ever touched my body with such force before. It's a new and thrilling experience for me.

Do you breasts deform at all, or do they hard and unyielding?

They give a bit (even when squeezed by a normal man) but get firmer as they are squeezed more and more. All the power in the universe can't dimple them more than a couple of inches.

I a blink of an eye I'm gone, speeding at many times the speed of light to the distant galaxy. When I'm there I fly to the centre where there is a giant black hole. I fly into the black hole, and with my incredible stregnth begin to push it away from the galactic centre. I push it faster and faster, oblivious to the incredible gravitational forces my body is being subjected to. I begin to fly in a spiral motion, pushing the black hole in front of me. As it collides with stars and planets it absorbs them all, adding them to the already unbelievable mass. In a matter of minutes after I started I have swept the entire galaxy clean of all matter. It is now one giant black hole. I reach out with my hands against the event horizon and begin to press them together. I am actually able to squeeze the black hole. compressing it to an even greater density until all that is left is a perfect spinning sphere in my hand. I know if i squeeze it further i could crush it down to the size of a pin head. It seems I have crushed the black hole so much I have actually destroyed much of the matter so that it is safe for me to bring it back to Earth without destroying the planet.

I fly back to meet you. In all it has taken me ten minutes to accomplish this task. I hold out the small ball that contains all that is left of an entire galaxy. I smile confidently. I'm sporting a huge erection which you can clearly see though my costume trunks. I'm excited to see how you are going to surpass my incredible feat.

I'm impressed, but then I take the galaxy and wedge it down my cleavage. Then, I briefly flex my pecs, pushing my enormous mamaries together with infinite force. The galaxy is smothered from existance instantly. I can effortlessly do that to anything, with any part of my body.

Watching you squeeze an entire galactic mass between your breasts was an incredible sight. I smile as I catch you checking out my package. I'm sure you've never seen one quite so large an unbelievably firm in your life!

It is indeed impressive. Maybe you'd like to use it? I can tell you would. Go ahead - anything is fare game except penetration of my cunt. That's for Paul's personal use only. :)

At your suggestion, I pull my cock from my pants, just to show you how strong it is I grab the billion ton barbell and balance in on my outstretched cock, then casualy bend the bar so it deforms into a horseshoe shape, using the cock as a pivot.

Funny, I thought I'd destroyed that barbell. I guess you had another one. :)

You're right... you did crush that first set of barbells... luckilly I had another stashed nearby... you can never have enough barbells :)

Yes, especially when you're as super as us. You never know when you're going to inadvertantly crush a set out of existence. :)

Caroline, I'd love for you to repeat that trick you did with the galaxy exept this time, I'd love you to squeeze my cock betwen your mammaries instead. I flex my arms, showing off my incredible biceps once again, I'd love you to squeeze my biceps whilst you do it, too.

I lie down on my back and lower you onto my muscle-packed stomach. I slide your fully erect cock between my breasts and reach up to your arms. I gently flex my pecs rhythmically (if I use my full strength I would certainly dismember you), making your penis grow harder and longer still. Milk oozes from my teats and into my cleaveage and acts as a lubricant.

You reach down and fondle my hardening nipples as I caress you biceps. I squeeze them gently, making them give even though they are flexed hard in excitement. You wince slightly and I make a note to be more gentle in future. You can feel my abs bunching and tightening under your butt as my body ripples with pleasure, my breasts still rhythmically sliding against your cock.

I moan in pleasure. The pressure of your breasts against my cock feels incredible. I've never felt my cock held so firmly and tightly before, and I've been with super girls from across many galaxies. I'm slowly beginning to understand the meaning of infinite strength. Your hard abs feel incredible under my butt, their hardness astounds me. I know now I could pound away at them with all my strength, and you wouldn't feel a thing.

As my own pleasure increases, you can feel them rippling beneath you, lifting you upwards. I have to be careful not to let them clench your skin too tightly.

I'm not sure what turns me on more, feeling your incredible body beneath me, or knowing that you're exerting but a fraction of your full strength, holding back so as not to hurt me. I've never been bested before, and to experience it for the first time, by a woman as incredible as you is amazing. My hands drift from squeezing your nipples to stroking and squeezing your biceps. I squeeze with all my power, but know I'm not denting them in the slightest.

I gently flex them and easily force your fingers apart.

Your breasts are so huge I can bend down and lick your nipples, whilst my cock is still inserted within them. I tease them with my tongue and bite down on your nipples as hard as I can, knowing they are completely invulnerable.

Oooh! That feels good!

I begin to drink your milk as it oozes from your nipples. The tatse is like ambrosia! nectar of the gods (or godess in your case.) I feel power and extasy flood through me as the taste of your milk and the constant massaging of your breasts sends me over the edge and I reach an incredible climax, spurting large quantities of cum over your wonderful breasts.

I shriek with pleasure as I feel you spasm against my body, my vagina spurting juices into space.

Caroline, that was the most incredible experience in my life, tell me how can I ever repay you, how can I bring you pleasure in return, I am yours to command.

I place my hands on either side of your waist and lift you up. Then, I lean forward (my astonishing abs coming into even sharper definition) and move you down my body until your head is close to my cunt.

I can't decide where to look, your fantastic abs or your gorgeous cunt. Looking down I see your juices still dripping from your vagina, with my incredible ultivision I can see that your juices glow with energy and power, and I can't wait to feel what they taste like. I wrap my arms around your mighty thighs, my biceps and forearm encircling your quads, your skin is so sleek and smooth, the muscles under your skin feel to me, like daimond would feel like to a person of normal strength. But I know this comparison is barely apt to encompase your awsome strength.

I lean in and begin to lick your juices, I start on your inner thighs, my tongue lapping up your juices as they run down your legs getting closer and closer to your vagina all the time, but teasing you, as I get close, I start at the the other thigh and repeat the process. "Flex your legs for me," I beg, dying to feel the muscles tense as my arm is wrapped around them, and with my face rubibing against them.

I flex my thighs hard. They instantly double in size with such force that the juices that were dripping down them are flicked in all directions. Your arms are helplessly forced apart to accomodate my legs' new size.

My head move up, licking the juices that have sprayed onto your abs. This close, and with the most sensitive part of my body (my tongue!!!) I can feel their immence hardness. I pass my tongue over the hard ridges of your abs, exploring every contour. Once again I beg you to flex for me, flex them as hard as you can, I need to feel them at their ultimate hardness.

I flex them rythmically, like a belly dancer. They bulge larger at my command, swelling into barely believeable definition. Your tongue is caught between the contracting contours, but thankfully I was only flexing gently so it is not seriously damaged. Feeling your tongue so close to my crotch send waves of pleasure shivering through my perfect body.

By this time my cock is hard once more, and has created a deep hole in the ground where I lie, but I ignore it and move my face on to the prize. Your cunt is lying exposed before me, using all my strength I manage to spread your legs wide, thanking you for relaxing them sufficiently so I may do so.

I lap around the edges, making sure I have all of your incredible juices, as I drink your nectar, I feel strength and power flowing into me, I'm probably a thousand times as strong as I was before, but I know that it's still nothing compared to your truly infinite stength.

My tongue penetrates deep into your vagina, I begin to explore deep inside you, drinking in the huge quantities of juices that flow from within you. I find your clit and begin to rub it with my tongue, faster and faster, harder and harder. I'm using all my new found strength and invulnerability to bury my face as deep within you as I can. My tongue is now just a blur, it's moving at ultra-speed inside you.

MMmmmm!! That feels SOOO good!

My lips close upon your clit and suddenly my teeth close down hard taking your clit into my mouth and sucking it with all the power that my mouth and lungs can muster, knowing that with you I need hold nothing back.

Oh, oh, oh YESSS!

My juices fly out with such force as I ejaculate again and again that you are blasted out into space, your own dick making you spin as it also pumps out gallons of cum. We both orgasm again and again and once we are both finished you fly back towards me.

I reach out for your butt and move you bodily so that your penis is in my mouth. I don't even realise that I have just exerted trillions of tonnes of pressure to overcome the resistance offered by your now-enhanced flying powers. I begin to move you up and down so that your hard cock smoothly glides in and out between my warm, soft lips.

Oooh Caroline! That feels so wonderful! Despite our recent exertions, my penis is once again thick and hard, thankfully I have infinite stamina!

You're gonna need it. ;)

You slide my entire body in and out, faster and faster, until I am moving like a blur. My thighs slamming into your breasts again and again. I exert my flying power to the max, just to see what effect it has, but you don't even notice the resistance. I rotate my body until we're in a 69 spinning in space, your warm luscious lips around my penis, and my face now firmly at home in your pussy once again.

Mmmm! That feels so good. My muscles ripple and spasm with pleasure, my breasts jiggling in excitement.

I begin to lick and suck furiously once again, and we build to another simultaneous orgasm. The force of our twin orgasms sends us flying through space propelled at many times the speed of light. We lose track of the number of suns we crash through, causing supernovas in our wake. Black Holes that are casually swatted aside by our passing.

I gulp down your semen. You produce many tonnes of it yet I am somehow able to swallow it all. You lap up my juices but still some of it escapes from between your lips at high pressure.

27 September 2003: Hello everyone! I got lots of emails since last time but I'm always keen to get more - so please feel free to email me at the address above! Anyway, here are my answers to some of the questions I got since last time:

i know that you are very strong , however if you were on holiday and were wearing very little, and you noticed you were getting a lot of looks from poeple, would that mean you would more likely get turned on and do some feats of strength to show off?

Yes. I find my strength very sexy and when I feel horny I usually end up using my strength. One thing usually leads to the other.

say if you were at the beach and there was a ship in harbour, would you try and pull the ship towards you with your hands, or has this every happened to you . and if so can you tell me what you did and what the reactions of the poeple around you were like, and more so what did you feel like ?

Actually, something quite similar to that did happen recently. Paul's writing a story inspired by it. Here's an extract:

"With that, she walks back into the sea (the sight of her ultra-hard buttocks clenching as she walks almost enough to make you cum once again). Once the water is deep enough, she dives down and disappears beneath the waves. For a minute, nothing happens. Then, she walks out of the ocean carrying a gigantic slab of concrete almost 10 metres along each edge. It must weigh at least ten thousand tonnes, yet she seems to be handling it effortlessly! But that's not the most amazing thing - it has a huge chain attached to it that goes over her shoulder and out to sea. Each of the links are two metres long and made from 20 inch thick hardened steel. At the other end, the chain is attached to a gigantic mooring buoy, which the muscular babe in front of you is now easily towing towards the shore. But it gets even more amazing... Attached to the buoy was a ship, and that, too, was now being easily towed inland. Even more unbelievably, the ship was the largest in the world, a full laden three million tonne oil tanker!"

As you can imagine, the people on the beach were totally in awe. A lot of them came, and some even passed out!

As well as guys coming helplessly in their pants when they are around you, even when you are not trying to turn them on, do you find they remain or get hard again more quickly than usual when they can see you?

Well, I'm not 100% sure what's "usual" as I'm quite an "unusual" girl. :)

Guys are never unerect around me, even if I'm fully clothed or they've just cum. Usually all it takes is a smile or a wink to get them to orgasm. It took my boyfriend several months before he was able to look at me naked without ejaculating prematurely and several more months before he was able to achieve penetration - but the wait was worth it! :)

What's the most number of consecutive times a guy has come in his pants just from seeing you nearby or in action?

I'm not sure - they usually run out of semen after the third or fourth orgasm so it's harder to tell - but I can pretty much make a guy come as much and as often as I like.

In how many minutes?

Guys don't seem to need any recouperation time around me (well, maybe they need it but they only get it if I let them :) - so they orgasm more or less continuously if I want them to. One guy had ten in a minute.

Do women cum at the sight of you too?


How old were you when you started having this effect on people?

It really started when I stopped being a girl and became a woman, if you catch my drift. I was a bit of late starter but boy did I make up for lost time. I'd say my sexual powers were in full effect by the time I was 16.

How long would it take you to fill the Grand Canyon with your milk? With your cunt juice?

The main limit on that would be the strength of the rock. I can release as much love juice as I like as quickly as I like.

Ever used a machine gun as a dildo and had it fire bullets up your cunt?

I've not used one as a dildo, but I have used a chaingun to shoot into my cunt. The armour-piercing rounds crumpled easily against by powerful vaginal walls.

Ever set a nuke off in your cunt? (Follow up from someone else's question, you said you didn't feel a grenade explode up there at all).

I'd love to try it, but I fear that it might go off as I squeesed it into my vagina which could be pretty deadly for anything nearby.

Are you sure your IQ isn't higher than 120? 180, maybe?

Well, I wasn't really trying in the test. I guess it could be higher.

Could you extinguish the sun (or, any star) with your milk? With your cunt juices? From Earth?

Yes, although doing it from the surface wouldn't be safe as the velocity I'd have to fire my juices out would be so high that it would probably cause a tornado.

Have you ever sucked your own milk straight from your tits?

Yes. It tastes pretty good - better than any other milk I've ever tasted.

How much could you swallow?

As much as I like, yet it never seem to come out the other end unless I want it to. It's like my body has the ability to create or destroy it on command.

Are there any limits on how much milk you can produce?

Not as far as I know.

Have you ever fisted yourself?

Yes, although it required more strength than I've ever exerted before. I'm seriously tight. :)

Seems that your own flesh would be able to provide a sensation you couldn't get from anything else in the universe.

It does, although I'm very sensitive so I still get a big thrill from being with a normal guy. The added advantage is that I don't have so much control of what he's doing down there which makes it a lot less predictable and more exciting.

Ever thought if using very small blackholes as ben-wa balls? (spherical toys up your cunt)

I hadn't, although I did just fly off to a neighbouring galaxy to try it out. They don't feel like anything else I've put up there. It's sort of like a vacuum cleaner but much weaker (relative to my strength). There is a relatively solid centre but that soon collapsed if I relaxed too much.

Are you fabulously wealthy? What's your approximate net worth?

I'm not especially rich, although people do tend to let me take things if I ask nicely. After all, who's going to argue with me? :)

Ever use a jackhammer as a vibrator? If so, how old were you when you first tried it?

22, as I only just tried it for the first time. It was great, although ever time I tensed by inner muscles at all the handle would start vibrating instead of the tip. I tried holding the handle with my feet, but then neither end could move and the machine broke itself apart.

I Know your teats can fire as much milk as you like and as fast as you like, but wich one is the temperature of your milk?, is up to you? can be super hot or super cold?

It's usually about body temperature, although I have just discovered that if I squeeze my nipples whilst they're firing milk then that warms it up.

What's the preassure of the milk when gets out of your tits?

That really depends on how excited I get. Pretty much unlimited really.

Can you melt steel with your milk?

I can certainly cut steel with my milk, and I just tried squeezing my nipple as I mention above and I was able to melt a car. I've kept the glob it melted into - I'm really rather proud of it. :)

how many time takes to you to fill a pool whit your milk?

The main limitation is how sturdy the pool is - ceramic tiles have a tendancy to break if I squirt them too hard. If it was an olympic swimming pool made of foot thick titanium then I could probably do it in less than a second. I could do it even quicker with stronger substances.

I know that you can fire a squirt of milk with such a force to break a wall of briks, and i think that there is no material that can stop your super milk, but my question number one is which one is the material that offers you much resistance and how much time takes to you to drill it?

We'll I technically I guess that'd be titanium, although I can still drill through it instantly so the difference is academic really.

can you drill the entire planet whit your milk?

Yes, in fact sometimes I have to calm myself down to make sure I don't do it by mistake.

can you freeze things with your super breatrh?

No, my breath is just like a normal woman's breath, except I can blow as hard and fast as I like.

do you like to blow things using your powerfull squit of milk or using your super breath?, ca you give me an example?

I like to do both - although I tend to squirt things with my nipples when I'm sexually exciting so obviously I've got more fond memories of those occasions.

Only the other week a guy had got himself locked in a safe which was time locked for a week. The police wanted to cut him out but none of their tools could cut through the 10 foot thick steel before he ran out of oxygen so they called me in.

I could have just ripped the safe open with my bare hands, but I decided to use my milk instead. I pointed one of my teats at the safe and gently caressed it until it was erect. Very soon, it started to dribble milk - and, as I got more excited, the jet got more and more powerful. Within a minute, it was powerful enough to cut through the steel like a knife through butter and I quickly cut a hole in the incredible thick metal. Then, I reached in and crushed aside the remains of the metal so the man could get out.

i know that your love juices are so hot that can melt steel, and I think that just one dorp of your love juices can ignite a grill even melt it and anything in a radius but how much time take to your love juices to be cold? wich one is the temperature of your love juices and wich one is the distance where we can be safe to be bursted wich them?

How hot my juices are depends on how excited I am. However, they're usually hot enough so that it's uncomfortable for a normal person to be within about a metre of them. They usually take only a few minutes to cool - although obviously they can take longer if they were especially hot to start with.

do you like use your vaginal and anal muscles to destroy things like pipes, guns, or another metalik objects, do you like to squeeze them or melt it?

Yes, very much so. The fact that even my vaginal muscles are infinitely powerful is a big thrill for me. Usually, I like to squeeze objects and feel them surrender to my muscles, but the massive pressure tends to melt them anyway. :)

your nipples expand when tou are exited, do you like to break things with them?, can you give me examples?

Sometimes I break things with them. I use them to cut holes in concrete blocks and to bend steel bars.

when you want to have sex and you are dress, how you remove your clothes?, i mean do you like to expand your tits and break your top, and the same with your jeans?, can you explain me i a little more of detail? how your jeans ripp or the way you like to do it

I do it in all sorts of ways. Sometimes I take a deep breath so that my breasts tear through my top (usually the fabric rips first around my nipples and then falls away from the rest of my body). Other times, I flex each of muscles in turn, exploding away the clothing the covers them. Occasionally, I press my hands against my body so firmly that my clothing disintegrates under the enormous pressure.

in a contest between 1000 firetrucks firing water and one of your tits firing milk who can win the contest?

My teat would win, of course! :)

wath do you like to do with your tits and your milk for impress a guy before you have sex?

Sometimes I let him suckle on my nipples - guys are always impressed with how good my breast milk tastes. Or, if I feel like showing off, I might use my teat to carve his name into a wall. Once, I hooked a metal ring around my nipple and then excited myself. The ring exploded violently as my teat expanded.

What would happen if you flew to the sun?

Not a lot. The surface is a superheated plasma so I'd just pass right through it. I certainly wouldn't get burned. In fact, I wouldn't even get a tan.

what would it be like to feel your bicepts?

Like warm steel covered in silk.

How strong are your Boobs and nipples?

They're both infinitely strong. My nipples have no give in them but my breasts are soft at first but get firmer the more you dent them.

with you being so STRONG why dont you just take over the world?

Because I don't want to. I can already have anything I want, so why bother taking on responsibility for running the planet?

If a bunch of sex crazed bikers came up to you and tryed to hit you over the head to knock you out to do god knows what and failed what would you do to; them?

I'd pick up their bikes and squish them between my mighty breasts so that they oozed out onto the floor. Then, I'd use a lamppost to tie up the would-be rapists and call the police.

If someone put a tranquilizer drug in your food and it put you asleep..

I don't think that could happen as I'm immune to drugs - but hypothetically...

..and woke up in a strange white room Tied extreamly tight to the walls with chains and ropes what would you do?

I'd break the chains and ropes, hunt down my kidnappers and take them to the police.

If you came driving by your boyfriends house one night and saw that it was on fire and he was sleeping and had only 1.5 seconds untill the house would collapse on him what would you do?

I'd run in (smashing through the burning walls with my hard body) and smother his body with mine as the building collapsed around us. Afterwards, I'd get up and throw aside the remains of the house and carry him through the burning embers.

if you went to a gym and had all the strongest guys thier arm wrestle you would you beat all of them or let them beat you?

I'd beat all of them, although I might toy with them a bit first by letting them almost beat me and then easily overpowering them.

Ok if somehow you could get a trillion of the strongest men that have died including samson and stuff and all of the men alive on earth today and took thier streangth and put it into one person and if they arm wrestled you with them using both hands and you using only one could you still beat them?

Yes, no problem! In fact, I could beat them with just my little finger!

Caroline do you ever just gaze at your physiqe and know if you wantyed you could take over the earth

I don't need to look a my physique to know that. I feel my strength every step I make, every car I crush, every bar I bend, every tonne I lift.

Caroline is it true you could desroy the world if you wanted. And will you soon be able to control everyones thoughts.

I could destroy the world, although I don't have the power to control people's thoughts. Having said that, I can make people think sexy thoughts by taking my clothes off. :)

what up. your awsome amazing women.smart muclser and perfect.


how you get the amazxing body

I don't really know - I was just born this way.

and what you do on your free time.

I have wild, passionate sex with my boyfriend.

and you married.

No, not yet.

nd do you now any other muscler women arouund you can hok me up with.

Well, I know some other super women, but they're only as real as me. :)

nd can you rip redwood trees out with one hand

No problem! In fact, once I even knocked one over just by pursing my lips and gently blowing.

Mighty one, is it true that you once fought and killed a T.Rex with your bare fists and your bare feet? If so could you tell your adoring worshippers all about it?

Sure, although I should point at that I didn't actually kill him (I'm not that mean). However, there isn't much to say really as it was all over very quickly. A team of scientists opened up a portal to the past and a T-Rex wandered through before they could shut it. The T-Rex had smashed the lab and was rampaging through the streets by the time I was called in. I did originally try to restrain him by holding his legs together, but he was still able to lash out at people with his claws (although they were rapidly becoming blunt thanks to his continuous attempts to impale me with them). Unfortunately, I'm not tall enough to grab his arms and legs at the same time (well, not without breaking his back - and I didn't want to do that) so I knocked him out with a single blow to the head.

I carried him back to the zoo but unfortunately they didn't have a cage strong enough to hold him. I had to build one by remoulding some old cars and trucks from a nearby junk yard with my bare hands. The zoo were pretty pleased with the way it turned out - especially since the unusual cage (which literally has my fingerprints all over it) has proven to be as much of a tourist attraction as the T-Rex is. :)

I,ve read that you have internal strengh, Have you ever tryed swallowing anything like acid or anything explosive in the stomach with out harm?

I've never tried acid (although I'm sure I'd be fine, although I can't imagine it would taste very nice) but I have swallowed quite a few explosives. Everything from bullets, to grenades and even a nuclear weapo - but they had no effect on me. I couldn't even tell that they had gone off!

Caroline why don't you rule the world and make all women super?

I don't rule the world because I don't want the responsibility. As it is, I can do what I like without having to worry about looking after everyone else. As for make every woman super, I'd have to be really careful not to make any bad women super otherwise they might go out and start killing people, and I wouldn't want that on my conscience.

Eheh, Heya Caroline! I just got through reading the newest update in your section.. That encounter with the woman from Velor really left my mind spinning around like mad. I mean.. Compressing that entire mountain into that little.. Little.. Ahem.. rod. *Shakes his head* Well, I really wish I could have been there to see the whole thing up close. :)

It's probably a good job you weren't. I don't think you would have coped well with the molten lava.

I just dug up an old copy of Playboy that's got an early photoshoot you did. It's that one where you're lying on the beach, that skimpy little towel is just barely concealing you.. You're looking out onto the waves, with your incredible back to the camera.. Woo! I can't believe I had forgotten about it..

I remember that. Just after that photo was taken I accidentally clenched my butt and obliterated that towel. The photographer passed out when he saw me do that!

*Coughs a bit* Well, I did have a question for you. I've been sick for the last couple of days, even now I'm bundled up in so many blankets trying to type this up.. Well, do you ever get sick Caroline?

No, I've never been sick. I guess my body is just asresistant to virii as it is to bullets.

So, here it is, Superwoman. My superfriend Zak wants you to fly outside the galaxy, then shift yourself into the following dimensional coordinates: ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha. This will take you into Zak's Superdense Universe. Once you get there, he wants to see if "Superwoman" can perform the same impressive superfeats in a place where the lightest objects outweigh all the mass in our universe, and where children often play with neutron stars the way our kids play with marbles. So, do you think you're up to it?

Sure, no problem.

Flying out our galaxy was no problem but I was a little unsure about how to shift myself into a different dimension. But then I just sort of used my flying powers to push against themselves and that seemed to work. At first glance, his universe looked (and felt) much the same as ours. I could still move and crush neutron stars with ease, despite their super-density.

At first I though I'd gone to the wrong universe (perhaps a super-weak one as far as I could tell) but when I found Zak He confirmed that his universe was indeed superdense compared to ours. Of course, in his own universe he's no more super than most guys are and he was absolutely awe-struck to see me manhandling objects in his universe even more easily than he had manhandled similar objects in our universe.

He eventually admitted that there was another universe that was as many times more dense than his universe as his universe was compared to ours. He gave me the coordinates and that universe appeared just as insubstantial as the previous, despite being trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions of times more dense. I found many more universes, each more dense than the last but I was able to easily overcome them all. Eventually, I got bored and came back home to write this email. :)

This is getting ridiculous! I should probably stop wasting your time and give up right now, but I'm just too stubborn for that!

I'm glad to hear it! Even though it's unlikely you'll be able to think of something I can't do, I'm certainly having fun doing your suggestions!

In the meantime, would you do me a favor? Would you crush an aircraft carrier out of existance with your super muscles and describe the experience for me in intricate detail from beginning to end? I'd really appreciate it.

Coincidentally, the Navy were just about to scrap one of their older 100,000 tonne Nimitz class ships so I asked if I could do it for them. They were happy to let me as disassembling the thousand foot long vessel the normal way is very expensive and not nearly as entertaining to watch.

First, I swum underneath the boat and carried her out the water. I generated for more thrust by kicking my muscular legs than the ship's 10,000 bhp engines did and I quickly accelerated it towards the shore - accidentally breaking the mooring chains in the process.

Once the water was deep enough I put my feet on the ground and began carrying the gigantic boat up the shore. The concrete split and broke beneath my delicate toes as I easily supported the unbelieveable mass. The ship was bent so much by its own weight the the front and back almost touched the ground despite the fact that I was holding the middle a full 2 metres up in the air!

Next, I began to pull my arms together and down towards my swollen chest. The two foot thick titanium buckled and wailing in agony as it crumpled hopelessly against my far harder body. Then, I repeated the process, crushing more and more of the enormous vessel against my invulnerably physique like it was made of styrofoam.

A crowd had gathered and were watching me from a safe distance. They couldn't see me from where they stood - all they could see was the ship slowly imploding on itself, the metal making so much noise that it could be heard for miles around. Every so often, a window or wooden beam would break with a louder "CRACK!" than any shotgun.

Within a few minutes, I have squeezed the 200,000,000 pound mass against my muscle-packed body, and I'm smearing it across my chest like moisturizing cream. Then, I press with a little more force and the metal is crushed out of existance against my breasts. As I increase the pressure a bit more my breasts dimple slightly - a feat of strength that had been totally beyond the puny metal I had just crushed against them.

I was watching "Star Wars" just now, and I just saw the Garbage Masher scene. You remember, when our heroes were trappeed in that giant garbage masher in the Death Star? Well, anyway, I thought it would be cool if instead of overpowering your typical, run-of-the-mill car crusher, you were to try to overpower one of those gigantic garbage mashers from a galaxy far far away. So, are you up to the challenge?

Of course! Finding the correct galaxy far, far away took a while (George Lucas was frustratingly vague when he filmed his documentary) but I found it in the end. I burst in through the sides of the Death Star and flew down the corridors until I found the biggest crusher. I slid down the shute and fell down into the crusher. It was full of all kinds of strong smelling crap - although I still looked good even when my naked body was covered with it. As I got up I realised I had landed on a sharp metal spike. Any ordinary person would have surely been killed by I hadn't even felt the metal as it deformed against my incredibly tight butt.

Just then, the crusher switched on and the walls started to move together with hundreds of tonnes of force. There was a buckling sound as some kind of metal container was crushed between the plates. I held my arms out to my sides and waited for the crusher to reach me. As the plates moved closer, they crushed the various metal objects that were in the crusher against my skin, but I barely even noticed.

Then, the slabs hit my hands, and the motors powering them were instantly forced to go to full power. My fingers did not move in the slightest, and they started to sink into the encroaching walls. Then, the force stopped - the motors had presumeably exploded as they were pushed far beyond their specifications.

I then destroyed the crusher - and the Death Star along with it (I figured I might as well do my bit to help the rebels) - flew home and had long, hot shower.

If I said you have a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? Please?

:) Sure. I expect you can easily feel my hard curves through my tight clothing. I can certainly feel yours (one in particular :) through yours. :)

20 May 2003: I've been a very busy girl - not only have a been answering lots of your questions but I also had chance to meet up with another superwoman. Read all about it below, your questions first:

I really love it when you do fantastic feats of strength - especially when you crush cars, trucks, buses, tanks, etc. slowly and describe in detail each part you crush and destroy such as the engine, body and etc. Keep it up.

I will! In fact, you've just reminded me of this time the other day when I went to the junk yard and managed to persuade the guy operating the crusher to let me have a go. I guess he must have thought I meant pressing the button, not actually crushing the car with my bare hands - the look on his face was priceless!

I had a lot of fun playing with the car. It was a big, "heavy" estate with a "powerful" V8 under the bonnet. I punched down and pulled the engine out with one hand, my fist crushing into the hardened steel like marshmellow. Then, I stuffed the engine into my fist like a magician with a cloth. I gave my fist a slight clench and when I opened my hand there was nothing there! Then, I picked up the chassis and wrapped it tightly around my hard body like a piece of fabric. Next, I began flexing my muscles and spreading my legs, ripping the vehicle apart like wet tissue paper, making the guy cum in his pants! It was so cute!

Then I started spreading the metal across my muscles like wallpaper paste and he finally came again and passed out. It was so much fun that I did the same to his heavy-duty crushing equipment whilst he was unconscious. Now he'll have to invite me back whenever he needs something crushed. :)

How high can you jump?

I can jump pretty high, although how high is limited by strength of what I'm jumping from - they tend to break if I accelerate too quickly. Of course, if I cheat and fly then I can appear to jump as high as I like. :)

Can I ask you for a date?

Ah, sorry, I already have a boyfriend.

I know that you are extremely powerful and probably have trouble finding the right clothes or tying shoe laces without breaking them so what type of clothing do you wear and how do you not destroy everything you touch?

I tend not to wear any clothing most of the time, but when I do it's usually something tight and form-fitting but casual. I'm particular keen on jeans, t-shirts, bikinis and swimsuits. Thankfully, I have a very good sense of touch so that's why I'm able to avoid breaking everything I come into contact with.

If you have sex in about every story Paul has written about you, why do you never get pregnant?

I'm not sure. I guess I didn't want to get pregnant so maybe having control of that is another of my powers.

Just how big do your nipples get when aroused?

About 3 inches long and 2 inches across.

I love it when you using your boobs and nipples when you destroy things such as cars, trucks and etc.... I read most of your exploits and really love them especially the story where you use your boobs and nipples to destroy things. Can you tell me more how you would destroy things more throroughly and in which I can picture it like the ones I have read. I forgot the titles but I really love them all.

I pick up the 1 tonne safe and press it against my breasts. First my nipples dimple the metal making it cave in like cling film. Then, there's a loud twang as my erect teats puncture the inch thick steel. The metal squeals in agony as it is crushed inwards like a shoebox. My breasts don't give in the slightest as they push straight through the box and out the other side to touch my hands. The steel that is caught between my hands and my boobs oozes out like water. I playfully smear it across my chest before eventually crushing it out of existance.

Do you ever have a problem controlling your strength when Paul gets you in the mood?

Sometimes - especially since the more turned on I get the more I want to use my strength. I usually end up destroying any nearby objects - the bigger the object, the more tempting it is for me to rip it apart.

What type of food do you you eat to keep up your strength and in what quantities?

I don't actually need to eat, although I can eat as much or as little as I like without it affecting my figure.

What do you do for a job or when you need money and where do you live, in what city, in what country?

I live in the UK, although I'm afraid I can't be more specific than that. I don't have a full time job although I occasionally pose for Playboy and magazines like that.

How do you exercice your powerful body to keep your muscles toned?

Thankfully I don't actually need to exercise (if I did then I wouldn't be able to get a decent pump even if I used all the weight in the universe) but I did have a special set of weights made from depleted uranium that weight 100,000 tonnes. The bar alone is 2 foot thick and each of the blocks on each end of the bar are over 100 foot along each edge. It's still weightless to me, although it's fun to show off with occasionally.

How many boyfriends do you have and how do you make love without hurting them?

Just the one, and I avoid hurting him by being very careful. :)

Caroline, can you crush buildings?

Hell yeah! Easy peasy! If they're sturdy enough, I can juggle them and balance them on my tongue and nipples. Then, I can crush them so effortlessly that they might as well be made of sand.

Can you describe your super-breath and how it feels to use it?

It feels much like normal breathing - just a lot harder and faster.

What would happen if you ever started blowing as long and as hard as you could?

It would likely mean the end of the universe. :)

Could you blow the moon out of orbit?

Yes, although it would be hard to avoid splitting it apart in the process.

Hey, what would you say was the heaviest weight you have ever lifted?

It's hard to say because everything feels pretty insignificant to me, no matter how heavy it is. Still, I once lifted rock that I'd estimate weighed about 10 trillion tonnes. It was still effortless though.

Given your feats of strength, I'd think it was your ARMS that measured 50 inches, at least!

If my arms were as big as they ought to be to make me as strong as I am then they'd be as big as the universe itself. I guess it's a good job they aren't. :)

Do have any internal strength?

Yes. Every part of my body is infinitely strong.

Have you ever swallowed anything explosive?

I just went to an army base and "borrowed" a few grenades. I swallowed one, but it blew up before it got to my stomach because it got crushed as it went down my throat. Still, it didn't even push out my cheeks as it went off. I also put one in my cunt but I didn't notice it go off - the only evidence that it had was when I relaxed and let the shards fall out.

Do bullets bounce off your body?

Yes, quite frequently. :)

Have you ever measured your strength against one of those machines they have in amusement parks, where you're supposed to hit with a sledge hammer to send a ball as high as possible? If so, what happened?

I hadn't until a few days ago. I had three goes. The first time I used the sledge hammer one-handed and easily hit it hard enough to ring the bell. The second time I crushed the hammer against my body and then rung the bell by gently tapping the target with my little finger.

The third time, I tore off my clothes and rested my nipple against the target. Then, I masturbated and my nipple instantly grew two inches in length, splitting the target and sending the ball upwards so violently that the bell was torn apart.

The look on the owner's face was priceless. :)

Okay, I know that nothing on this Earth can challenge your super strength, but what if you tried flying into outer space and playing tug of war with a black hole? Since a black hole generates the greatest "tug" in the universe that we know of, it would seem to be a worthwhile challenge for a Superwoman.

Cool idea! On the spur of the moment, I just zipped off to try it out. When I got there I was a bit disappointed to find that there wasn't really any extra difficulty for me compared with overcoming Earth's gravity. :(

Still, it was quite an interesting experience because it was totally pitch black - I had to find my way out by just flying in a straight line until I came back out the event horizon. I think I might have gone through the super-dense centre of the hole, but I'm not sure.

Since you're the most powerful Superwoman in the universe, I wonder if you'd be interested in performing some experiments to test the performance enhancing qualities of your own Super Breast Milk on a mortal subject?

Interesting idea. I just tried it on Paul and he reported that it tasted great and he has been especially perky since drinking it but he hasn't developed any super powers.

I did also discover that my teats can fire as much milk as I like as fast as I like. I had some fun cutting up some wrecked cars with them. (I also cut gouges into the ground below by mistake! I'll have to be careful where I point those things!)

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to travel back in time to just before the beginning of the Universe, find this superparticle, and try to hold back the Big Bang until the force of the explosion overwhelms you, or until you get bored, whichever comes first.

Whilst it is tempting I'm a bit concerned that I might change history - or even accidentally obliterate the universe by mistake!

Did you know you have eye lasers? It's true, you know, I just figured it out myself. See, since the muscles in your eyeballs are infinitely strong, and since the lenses in your eyeballs are indestructible, and therefore much more flexible than an ordinary mortals, you should be able to flex the muscles in your eyes in such a way that light reflected from within your eye will be focused into an intense laserlike beam, in a manner similar to that of a magnifying glass focusing sunlight to set a piece of paper on fire, only much more intense! Go ahead and try it out sometime, and be sure to let me know how it goes!

I just tried it, but I couldn't get it to work. I guess the problem is that the light has to go in through the same lens that it has to go out of. I even broke into a government lab and fired a really powerful laser into my eyes but I still couldn't get it to come out with any more intensity than it went in. Mind you, even the reflections from that beam against my eyes were melting holes in the walls so I could sort of pretend. :)

Here's what happened when I met up with another supergirl:

I'm from a planet far from here. You visited once, don't you remember?!


I watched as they tested you. They kinda forgot about me after the barbell incident. I was SOOO turned on, I forgot myself too!! :) You wiped out a whole Arion fleet! It would've taken a couple dozen protectors to do that! WOW!

Thanks! (Although it sounds like you're about as strong as a dozen protectors so I'm glad they've still got someone to protect them from another invasion after I left.)

How big is your chest? Personally, I don't wear bras, do you?

50 inches. No, I don't wear bras either. Heck, I wouldn't wear any clothes at all if it wasn't for the fact that I'd cause traffic accidents if I did that.

Wow!! How much support does a 50 inch chest need?!

In my case, none at all. I'm very pert. I've balanced buildings on them before and they still didn't give.

A whole building?! I'm a little stronger, can I push on them and see?

Yeah, sure, go ahead! I don't think you'll have much luck though. ;-)

Are you stronger than me, which is 500,000x?

You're that strong? Cool! I'd love to hear about some of the things you've got up to!

As for your question: Yes. I haven't been able to find anything that taxes me yet even though I've lifted blocks of concrete weighing tens of millions of tonnes. I think I might be infinitely strong (Paul certainly seems to thing so).

*pant, pant* Infinitely? As in moving planets and such? Oh my, oh my. I feel alittle inadequete!

Actually, moving planets it pretty tricky although not for the reason you might expect. Their surfaces tend to give way before the planet starts to move. I've found the trick is squash down a few dozen asteroids to make a super-dense slab that you can place on the surface to spread the pressure out a bit.

BTW, you'll have to show me how you squish the asteroids together, mine kept falling apart. :(

The trick is to find the right asteroids. Some are really crumbly (just made of rock) so they don't squish well. Some are made of iron and lead and they work really well - although you have to careful not to obliterate them completely!

When did you learn you cold fly?

It developed as I was growing up, along with my strength. Which turns out to be a good thing because otherwise lifting things at awkward angles would be impossible because I'd just topple over with my flying power.

I just bought this Ground-Mounted Plasma Cannon for a friend and need a target to try it out on, care to oblige? It's pretty powerful!

Yes, sure. The military tried out this really powerful laser on me once. It didn't do much except burn away my clothes. Still, the engineers seemed more than happy with that outcome. :)

Those are my questions! Now my praise, I love you, Caroline! Will you marry me?

Thanks, but I'm a one-man woman. Mind you, the occasional fling with another woman seems to amuse Paul so you never know...

Wanna have some fun, sweety?

Sure. Let's say that I'm with you now. What would you have me do? Or what would you do to me?

What I would do? First I would see how sturdy you are. Heat vision would be first. I would start off slow, a low power at your nipple. Depending on your comfort level comfort level I would continue to increase the power. Would I need my full power?

Yes. Give it all you've got.

I can almost destroy a small moon with it. I would definately try different parts of your body too. ;)

Mmm... That would feel good.

IF you are still standing, I would approach you and gently touch your tits. My tongue would play over your nipple and try to move it. If that didn't work, I would bite into your solid nipple hard enough to bite through a diamond, and then harder.

Yum! Nothing except my own hands have exerted that much force against my teats before. Even though I'm so strong, my sense of touch allows me to feel sensations even more subtle than a normal person can. As you increase the pressure, my pleasure would just rise and rise. My nipples still wouldn't give though.

Putting my hands on both sides, I would press your breasts together with all my immense strength trying cause you ANY discomfort. I don't like to lose, not that I would; but, I might try punching you with earthquaking slams into your body. Think you could handle the abuse?

Easily. It would be fun watching you try, though. :)

And if my wildest fantasy comes true? If you are so powerful? I would hug you just to feel my tits melt into your titanium body! But that's not all...

What would you have me do now? Should I kiss you? First on the lips and then lower, across you breasts, suckling your nipples? Then, maybe I could kiss your tight stomach and down towards your crotch...

Oh, Caroline, I thought you'd never ask! My nipples are getting so hard. I lean over sink my teeth into your nipple. My jaws providing hundreds of tons of force on your hard and erect nipple.

Mmm!! That feels SOOO good!

My hands caress over your breasts. I move my face away and concentrate the full power of my heat vision on your nipple. Does it cause you pain? How does it make you feel?

Hot, and horny - so very horny!

I eventually bring my wet, full lips to yours and kiss you deeply. I use the incredible power of my lungs to attempt to suck the wind from you. I try to compare the power of my tongue to yours. I would love to feel it lick my pussy.

After overpowering your tongue, I tenderly withdraw my lips from yours and lower my mouth down your body, peppering your physique with kisses as I go. I suckle on your nipples for a while, playfully pressing my lips against them with a thousand tonnes of force. I could squeese them harder, but I don't know if you'd be able to take it. A crouch down and I bring my body lower and lower, by breasts gently tickling your stomach and thighs.

I finally reach your neatly shaven bush and fluidly slip my tongue inside. Your juices taste wonderful and I can feel your excitement building as I flick your clit with my tongue. Hot juices dribble down my leg as your arousal stimulates me more than I expected. I lick you out harder and faster than you have ever experience before. I reach behind you and lift you from the ground as I stand erect. I rest you on my 50 inch chest and revel in the feeling of your sweet smelling juices oozing over my face.

A little game - try and catch me! I touch you and say, "You're it!" I streak out over the horizon running at super speed. Think you can keep up?

The tarmac below my feet is torn apart as I accelerate faster than it can withstand. I run through cars and fences like they are nothing, and snap lampposts like twigs as I rapidly accelerate to thousands of mph. Shockwaves shatter windows for miles around and building are torn down by my wake. I catch you up in a less than a second.

I know that I must be running at Mach 3 or better, yet you caught me in less than an eye blink. You are amazing! I stop and kneel in front of you. You are a Goddess above me and I worship your perfect power. I look at your wet clit and once again open the full power of my heat vision on it.

My clit is quickly hotter than it has ever been before, hotter than the surface of the sun. Nearby rocks start to melt around our bodies in the incredible heat.

My tongue licks over your pussy and sizzles. I reach around my hands to your round, taut ass and apply all my incredible strength to my grip. My tongue slides over your wet pussy faster and faster.

Uuuhhhh! That feels so gooood!

Eventually, speed allows me to seemingly be in two places at once. One of me licks steadily at your pussy. My other form grabs your hand and beckons your fingers into my slit. I ask you to lift my body with your finger inside me.

I lift you easily so that your large, pert breasts are level with my face. I start to suckle on your nipples, ravenously stroking them with my powerful tongue. They grow thicker and harder than they have ever done before, and start to leak milk which I gulp down enthusiastically.

Down below my heat vision is turned on going beyond my previous intensity.

The rocks around us boil and my feet sink deeper and deeper. As I move (my body a symphony of muscle and sinew) the molten lava splashes against our bodies like water, sizzling against our sweating, naked flesh.

Something about you makes me stronger! My grip doubles in strength and my laser is concentrated on your clit while I lick your juices! Tell me you want me, Caroline! Show me more of your incredible power!

I want you, baby! I lift you until your thighs are level with my face, and rotate you so that I am standing erect with my mouth touching your cunt and your tongue caressing my vagina. We continue pleasuring each other as I smash and shatter nearby rocks against my body. Still groaning with pleasure, I split and splinter hundreds of giant oaks against our hard bodies, snapping them like twigs. As I feel my first orgasm approaching, I sink my fingers into the ground and begin tearing a gigantic billion tonne mountain from the face of the Earth!

Oh Honey! What do you plan to do with the moutain? I can't fit THAT in my pussy! ;)

I plan to squeese it down, compressing the rock so forcefully that it melts. As I squeeze it harder and harder it glows and oozes out from between my fingers. I push it back in and squeeze harder still. Soon, I have crushed the entire mountain into a 10 inch, super-hard, billion tonne dildo. I begin to thrust it into your cunt.

You have to hold it in me!

I do. I thrust it in and out, the super-dense rod hard enough to penetrate deep inside you.

It's too...it's too heavy!

I support its weight with just my fingertips.

You are soo strong...how can it be?! OHHHH! I'm cumming! I can feel my body's strength doubling as you thrust the mountain into me.

Your juices are so hot that I can feel the mountain start to melt. Your spasming vagina begins to reshape it as your strength increases.

I pound on your breasts with such force that nearby boulders are atomized by the shockwave. Somewhere above us, someone is watching...

I turn my head and with my superhuman eyesight I see a young man staring intensely at us through binoculars. I can see a stained lump in his trousers as his jaw hangs agape.

Wow, I'm really wet! LOL!

Yes, me too! :)

29 March 2003: Wow! What a busy month! I'll post more questions next time - apologies if you wrote to me and your question hasn't appeared here yet. Anyway, here's just a few of them:

Have you ever tried to crush a car faster than a crusher?

I just had a go and the results were pretty conclusive:

Car crusher: 30 seconds
Me: 0.01 seconds

I could have done it faster but I was worried that the shockwaves from my body moving so fast might have injured any passers by. Also, I crushed the car out of existence altogether and the car crusher just squeesed it down to a block about a metre along each edge.

And, if you can beat the car crusher, then you could test your strength out against the machine, by trying to stop it from crushing you.

I just tried that, it was incredibly easy. I started pushing it in and out, as if I was working out with weights, but I really couldn't feel the resistance. I accidentally broke the machine my mistake (the pnuematic pistons that power the mechanism buckled) so I decided to destroy it completely with my superhuman muscles.

I am surprised to think that you do not chat with men that much. I think that men who are intimidated by one such as you are too weak minded to truely think for themselves....

Men do chat with me, it's just that I'm usually the one who starts the conversation. Judging by the bulges in their trousers, I think it's more because they think I'm out of their league than because they're weak minded.

What do you wear in ordinary days?

If I'm not going to a public place I don't usually wear anything at all. But if I do then it's usually just jeans and a t-shirt.

What do you like in guys?

Kindness, a sense of humour and a libido that can keep up with mine. :)

Do you have a boyfriend?

Yes - Paul.

How did you get so strong?

I was born like this. I just got stronger and stronger as I grew up.

What are your current measurements?

50-20-35. More if I take a deep breath. :)

Do try to help others through your strength?

If they're nearby, yes. I don't tend to fly off to every disaster around the world though.

Do you want to have children in the future?

Yes - but not for a while yet. :)

How about you are running later for the train, and as you get on the train platform, you see the train starting to pull away have you ever thought about or have got behind the train and held on to the last carrage and started to pull the train back towards you? I bet the sound of metal screaming would be very loud.

Neat idea. I don't normally use trains, but I just went to the station and tried it. I was deliberately late arriving on the platform and I grabbed the side of the back carrage just as the train started to move off. Might firm grip buckled the steel so easily that I almost crushed straight through it!

Then, I easily overpowered the trains motors. The wheels squealed as they span uselessly against the track. Then, I began lifting the train for reps with one hand. Everyone was just looking at me with this look of amazement on their faces, especially the people who were in the carriage I was lifting.

How about doing a tug of war with 100 trains pulling away and you holding on with one or maybe two hands stopping them from moving?

After my demonstration with the train before I was able to convince that they would get a lot of publicity my testing my strength against 100 locomotives. The press photographers couldn't believe it as I easily overpowered engines with a combined power of millions of bhp. I only needed the little finger of one hand to do it.

How fast can you fly? How fast can you run?

The answer to both of these is "as fast as I like". I try to limit my speed near people to make sure the shockwaves don't injure them though.

Are you very intelligent also?

My IQ's around 120. I'm above average but not superhumanly so.

How about telling to Paul and others a new story of you helping people?

He's seen me help people, although he tends not to write about it because he likes it even more when I just show off. :)

I wonder, milady, do you ever have problems controlling your strength? I'm certain a person who came by their strength the hard way, such as a bodybuilder, would never have to worry, say, about popping a key out of a computer keyboard or accidentally smashing a finger through a desk.

I grew up with my strength so I'm used to it. Still, given that a desk doesn't offer a lot more resistance to me than the air I do occasionally make mistakes.

I wonder what it was like for your parents to raise you then. I don't know if your strength is genetic or the work of some miracle, but if your parents did not have similar abilities they may have feared you.

My strength started out only a few times greater than it should have been but increased as I grew older. Thankfully I never seriously injured anyone although I did break some furniture and knock holes in the odd wall or two. I don't think they feared me, I'm usually very gentle.

Also, your most famous story, the one involving the perfect metal cast of yourself which you squashed, has a man delivering "gallons" of his reproductive fluid. Even the 'superman' types of the Aurora Universe can't generate that much quantity.

Don't tell him I said this, but Paul may have exagerrated his role slightly when he wrote that story. :)

What sort of qualities do you look for in a man, both physically and personality-wise?

It's a cliche but I like a sense of humour and a kind heart. Being athletic is a plus as it helps him keep up with me in the bedroom but it's not that important because even the strongest man is as weak as a kitten compared to me. ;-)

Have you ever been arrested for your accidental acts of destruction? I know no jail could hold you, but have they tried?

I usually try to demolish things that were going to be destroyed anyway. Occasionally, I have broken things I shouldn't but nobody's caught me yet. I guess when people find their factory has been destroyed they don't tend to think that a superwoman might have done it. ;-)

How large are your biceps fully flexed and with a good pump?

25 inches.

What's the most interesting thing you've done with your power?

That's a toughie - there have been so many things... I guess showing off to those Velorians was a highlight. The look on their faces after they found out that they weren't the most powerful beings in the universe after all was priceless!

Have you ever considered getting involved with the world's problems?

It's very tempting to start meddling but I'm afraid if I did that then it would be hard to stop. Before you know it I'd probably be the ruler of the planet and I'm not sure I really want that kind of responsibility.

Would a couple of strong women like you be able to physically keep a small car from driving off?

I guess you haven't read Paul's stories about me. I can easily do that all on my own, with one finger. Then, if you like, I could use that same finger to reduce the car to a smear against the tarmac. Then, I could just as easily rip apart the tarmac itself. And that's just for starters. ;-)


I don't really like hurting guys, even if they want me to. Still, I'd give you a few bruises to remember me by if you like. :)

I could never rape anyone, but if you wanted me to have sex with you then I don't think that would count as rape.


For me that would be very easy. Even my little finger is more powerful than all the men in the world combined. I would playfully pin them all with my muscle-packed body.


I bet it would. Guys explode like that all the time when I'm around, even when I'm not trying to turn them on. I take it as a compliment.

As amazingly fuckable as you are it seems us poor mortals would just be a one night stand with you!

You'd be surprised - I can be very tender.

Even if our cocks weren’t instantly crushed by your pussy you juices would melt our dicks right off or you cuming would blow our dicks off as when you cum it is like a shotgun blast!

Whilst I could do those things, I'm very careful when making love so that I don't seriously injure my partner (like you would be when holding a soap bubble).

I never have any luck with soap bubbles... They always pop on me... With you that must be MESSY! :-(

Thankfully, I'm not just superhumanly strong, but superhumanly sensitive as well. I can feel the weight of anything from a grain of sand to a supertanker - it's just that I can lift either of them easily. Besides, my "soap bubbles" make a noise if I squeese too hard. :)

Still it seems a guy would need a ten foot pole if he wanted to make you cum and not get melted by it.

I've got a lot of self-control. I can hold back so that my cum won't kill the guy - but if I really let myself go then he'd need to be a lot more than ten feet away to survive (even being on a different planet might not be enough!).

That control of the guy killing himself banging against you, ouch the bruises, and you not crushing him but at the same time not really able to have release for yourself till he is a save distance away...that must make you have MAJOR cases of whatever the female version of blue balls are...

For me, holding back just heightens the pleasure. I couldn't ever really let myself go without destroying the planet. Still, I get a lot more pleasure from even a small orgasm than a normal woman does from the best in their lives so it's not like I feel unfulfilled.

When did you first flex your SUPER Muscles and know?

I was born strong, and I got stronger as I grew up. My physique started to noticeably develop as an early teen.

Was it hard being the girl who had developed everything so perfectly first?

Hard, no. Fun, yes. ;-)

Do you try and encourage ordinary woman to try and get their muscles as big and hard as they can naturally?

If a woman is working out next to me then I'll encourage her but I don't generally go out of my way to tell people to bulk up as that might be seen as showing off.

How do you keep from attracting attention to yourself when you just, for you, casually use your SUPER muscles? Like when something is in your way...

Who says I ever try to avoid attracting attention? :) Still, I guess if I was then I'd just move it really carefully (especially if it was quite heavy as the ground shakes if you drop something that weighs more than a few tonnes) and make sure I didn't accidentally grip it too hard (metal gets really noisy when it buckles).

21 Febuary 2003: A few example questions that Paul and I came up with to get you started:

Do you get guys chatting you up a lot?

Not as much as you might think, I guess they're intimidated. Still, it's hard not to get a lot of attention when you look like I do (and not just from guys!). I went through a phase of trying to cover myself up but it didn't really work so I gave up. Heck, if you've got it, flaunt it!

Do you wear panties?

Wow, you just cut straight to the point, don't you? :)
Seriously though - no, I don't bother. Comfort isn't really a problem when you're indestructible. Heck, I could wear trousers made of sandpaper with steel spikes in them and it wouldn't be any less comfortable to me! That and the fact that I really enjoy the feeling of my clothes rubbing against my body every time I move. Mmmm... Maybe spikey sandpaper pants would be a good idea after all. :)

Ask Caroline: caroline_everson_superwoman@yahoo.co.uk

Picture by Coyote.