The Drug by Paul Smith

A woman receives an extreme overdose of a strength drug.

(If you have any stories like this or you've got some good ideas for future stories then don't hesitate to email me at

WARNING: only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

- The Drug -

PART 1 - Creation

"Are you ready Jennifer?"

Jennifer Barr took a deep breath and nodded. A man wearing a white lab coat reached to his side and picked up a syringe full of purple liquid. It was a special chemical designed to quadruple a persons strength. Jennifer had volunteered to try it out. She had always dreamed of being superhumanly strong, in fact it was her secret fantasy. Now, she hoped her dreams would come true.

The doctor lowered the syringe to Jennifer's already muscular arm, and slipped the long needling into her tanned flesh. Then, he slowly pressed the plunger down, until the syringe was empty. Then he returned to the line of monitors to her side. Very soon, the scientists noticed an increase in her heart rate. This was to be expected. However, it was rising far faster than expected. Miss Barr's body was becoming visibly more muscular, the muscles themselves rapidly becoming many times more dense.

"Greg, I don't understand these readings. Her muscles are increasing in strength far faster than we predicted."

"Hmmm... The drug could be being effected by her initial muscularity; our calculations assumed a woman with average strength. However, it's very obvious that Jennifer's physique is by no means 'average'."

"No boss, you don't understand; they're not growing just a couple of times faster than planned, but over three thousand times quicker!"

"What?! Let me have a look," yelped Greg, "My God! You're right! She's already 5000 times stronger than she was before, and still increasing. At least the strength booster should be wearing off now; it's been in her system for almost 5 minutes."

"Greg! Her heart rate has just jumped to 200 bpm! She won't last much longer. In fact, she should be dead already!" screamed a technician.

"Boss! Her strength's increasing even faster than before; she's now well over 150 thousand times stronger than normal!" shouted another man.

"That's not possible! Unless... Did we take into account the fact that women's muscles are three hundred times more dense than men's? Please tell me we did...?" queries Greg.

There's a long pause.

"Shit!" shouts Greg, "But that still doesn't explain the incredible growth we're seeing.. How strong is she now John?"

"Three point five...FUCK ME!!...Three point five MILLION times normal, sir!"

"Holy SHIT!! The drug must have been mixed incorrectly, it's much too concentrated!" Greg taps on his calculator. "It's at least 5000 times more potent than it should have been!"

"Her heart rates at 450 bpm, boss!"

"There's no way she'll survive this!" shouted Greg.

On the table, Jennifer passed out.

"Shit! She's out! Why hasn't the drug run out? More mistakes?"

The heart rate monitor could no longer keep up with Jennifer's super-powered heart, and could no longer give a reading.

"Her strength's just passed the 100 million times mark sir, and STILL rising! If she survives this she'll be one hell of a tough bitch!"

PART 2 - Discovery

Jennifer slowly opened her eyes. As she became accustomed to the light, she could just about make out that she was in a rather plain room, and was lying in what looked like a hospital bed. In front of her was a man, although her eyesight was still a bit blurry, so she couldn't see who it was.

"Things got a little out of control back there; we were afraid you wouldn't make it!"

"You know me better than that, Greg. I don't give up so easily." replied Jennifer. She was about to try and sit up, when Greg shouted:

"STOP! Before you get up, there's something we've got to show you. DON'T MOVE!"

Jennifer was a little puzzled by this, but she did as he said. Greg turned to his side and picked up what looked like a solid brick metal, about 6 inches along each edge. Miss Barr could see he was struggling with the weight, but he managed to carry it far enough to dump it on her stomach. Oddly, Jennifer couldn't feel any force whatsoever.

"Oh my God! I'm not paralysed am I?" shrieked Jen.

"No, quite the opposite in fact," said Greg in a soothing voice, "Now, VERY CAREFULLY reach forward and pick up that block of metal in front of you."

With a quizzical look on her beautiful face, Miss Barr reached forward with a muscle-packed arm and lowered a hand to the cube of metal that rested on her stomach. Then, she wrapped her fingers around the block and prepared to loosely grip it. Instantly, her fingers snapped shut accompanied by a loud, metallic shriek. The solid block was sheared in half in the blinking of an eye, catapulting the two mangled pieces at such incredible speed that they smashed through the room's thick concrete walls like paper.

"Holy shit! Is this some kind of a practical joke?" yelled Jennifer.

Greg was a little surprised by the sheer ease with which Miss Barr had dispenced with the metal block.

"No it's not. That was a lump of pure titanium, the strongest metal known to man. Your fingers just exerted in excess of 10 million pounds of force like it were nothing." said Greg, matter-of-factly.

"What?! I'm 'only' supposed to be four times as strong as I was; not...", Jen did a quick bit of mental arithmetic, "...over 20,000 times stronger! What happened?"

"Don't worry, you're not 20,000 times stronger...You're a hell of a lot more powerful than that!"

"How can I be? That isn't possible, is it?"

"There were...a few mistak-"

"What HAPPENED?" boomed Jennifer.

"Firstly, we completely underestimated female muscle density by a factor of three hundred. Then, we forgot to take into account your initial (rather extreme) strength. Also, the drug was incorrectly diluted, and was over six thousand times more concentrated than it should have been. And, just to add to the trouble, the drug didn't decompose in your system for well over an hour, which made you a further sixty times stronger than planned."

"So how strong am I?"

"We estimate at least two billion times stronger than a fully grown man. Possibly a lot more."

Jennifer Barr was completely speechless. Never in her wildest dreams had she ever imagined being THIS strong. She now knew that there was nothing she could not do; nothing in the universe that could restrain her for even a second. She was the strongest human (in fact, the strongest being) ever created. She could feel herself becoming wet between her legs just at the thought of experimenting with her new-found powers.

She sat up in bed. She heard the sound of several inch-thick steel clamps snapping. She looked at Greg again. She reached for the torn bolt, ripped it from the bed, and held it in her hand. She slowly clenched her hand into a fist around the lump of steel, and watched as it oozed out from between her fingers, feeling no resistance as her hands made the tough metal run like water.

"Why did you even bother trying to clamp me down with these feeble things? What did you expect to achieve?"

"We were afraid of what you might do."

"So you thought mere metal would be able to hold me?" said Jen, squeesing what remained of the steel lightly, making it instantly evaporate under the pressure, the metal hissing out from between her finger.

"Not really, but we didn't know what to do. I've got to admit that we were scared; frightened that there was nothing we could ever do to stop you. We realised that we were completely at your mercy."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you; but chaining me up, however pointless it may have been, was not a very friendly gesture."

With that, Jennifer got out of the bed, and Greg involuntarily flinched. Her body was absolutely awesome. She was still about 5'8'', but every other part of her had been vastly enhanced. Her breasts were now over a foot in diameter each, and were incredibly pert; seemingly unaffected by gravity. This meant that Miss Barr now had at least an 84MMM chest, beautifully complemented by the large, powerful layer of muscle that covered her awesome body. Her biceps seemed particular swollen, making it impossible for Jen to pull her arms back any further than 90 degrees. Her entire body was completely naked.

"As your body grew, you slowly tore out of your original clothes, and we couldn't find any suitable replacements. Even the baggiest of clothes were too small, particularly around those magnificent tits of yours." Greg explained.

"That's okay, I don't care about people seeing my body any more. Hell, I WANT them to look at me, to lust after me. And, I also want to test out my new body."

With that, Jennifer stormed out the room, ignoring Greg's feeble attempt to stop her. She didn't bother unlocking the door, her mind-numbingly powerful body easily ripping through the five inch thick steel like it wasn't even there. She started to stride down the long, white corridor.

PART 3 - Experimentation

As Jennifer walked down the hall, she deliberately stuck her thick, vascular arms out to her side, casually smashing them deep into the thick concrete walls. As she continued to stroll forward, the tough material was forced to crumble like sand to let her fist through. Her strength was so immense that her forward motion was totally unaffected by the hundreds of tonnes of resistance her arms were being subjected to. In fact, Miss Barr was powerful that it was easier for her to move her muscular arms through the two foot thick reinforced concrete than it would be for a normal person to do the same just through thin air. As she watched her awesome physique literally tearing apart the rock-hard substance, Jennifer blissfully closed her eyes for a moment. A long trickle of pre-cum oozed down her hard, muscular legs, leaving a trail all the way down the hall.

Soon she came to a particular tough-looking wall which, she concluded, was the only thing preventing her from being free. Her magificent body slammed into it, her fantastic musculature easily smashing through over ten foot of compressed concrete. Her body didn't even slow down as the wall crumbled like sand against her unimaginably hard body. Even her nipples were more than capable of shattering the concrete like it were not even there. Each one easily withstood almost 200 tonnes of pressure (and they could have easily exerted over ten thousand times more). Within seconds, her tanned, incredibly voluptous and above all, completely nude body emerged from the other side of the wall, littering the ground with large lumps of snapped concrete, many of them weighing over 1000 pounds (enough to crush any ordinary person). Jennifer just kicked them aside, watching with glee as the huge blocks simply shattered against her feet.

Miss Barr looked up, and saw a large warehouse on the other side of the dual carriageway. She marched towards it. She crossed the busy road without looking. Tires squealed as cars skidded off the road to avoid hitting her. The faster ones could not stop, and smashed into her at over 60 mph. Any normal person would have surely died with such an impact. However, as far as the car driver was concerned, he might as well have hit a juggernaut head-on. Jennifer's body did not give at all, and she felt the car buckling around her. She felt it rip apart, the tortured metal screaming as it was effortlessly torn in two around her strong thighs.

In less than a second, the car had been sliced clean in half, but Jennifer was totally unaffected by the impact. In fact, she had hardly felt it. As the two halves of the car toppled over the driver quickly clambered out of his ruined vehicle. Jennifer Barr continued to march towards the warehouse, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Despite his injury, the driver stared at Miss Barr's gorgeous physique and started to drool, his penis instantly snapping erect as he watched her enormous, yet incredibly pert tits as they levitated in front of her chest as if gravity had no effect on them. Her muscular body glistened with sweat, tiny droplet of water running down her gigantic breasts, resting on her large, erect nipples for a moment, and then dripping onto the tarmac below.

Soon, Jennifer reached the central reservation. In front of her was the crash barrier. Most people would have stepped over it. Miss Barr, however, made a point of stepping THROUGH it. The thick steel buckled around her sweating physique like tin foil, before ripping in two like paper. Jennifer didn't even register the strain. She continued to stride out onto the other side of the road. Again, cars swerved to avoid her, afraid of injuring her breathtaking body; little did they know that there was absolutely no chance of such weak things doing any damage at all to this real-life superwoman.

A juggernaut suddenly slammed on its brakes, but it was going far too fast. The 50 metre, 100 tonne vehicle rammed into Miss Barr's shapely figure at over 60 mph. However, even this vast lorry could resist her body's raw strength no more than it could survive an impact with Jupiter. Jennifer's new body absorbed the 6 million pounds of force the impact generated like she had been hit by a fly, not 100 tonnes of hulking steel and iron. She could feel the metal folding around her body, flowing around her like water. She realised that ANY material, no matter how tough, would now feel no stronger to her body than ordinary tap water. As over 150 feet of steel was wrapped around her physique like cling film, her vagina released another dribble of cum. 'God!' she thought, 'I LOVE my new body!'

Realising that the juggernaut was completely wrapped around her, Jennifer Barr casually raised her arms from her sides, matter-of-factly ripping the the mangled wreckage of the truck apart. Her biceps flexed particularly impressively as they forced the metal to flow like treacled beneath her fingertips. Within seconds the huge lump of iron and steel had been completely torn apart by the raw power of a single woman. And she hadn't even found it difficult. Again, she marched onward.

As she approached the warehouse, Jennifer began to notice how enormous the structure really was. It was at least 70 metres height, and twice that in width. She also realised that there was no obvious door (at least not from this direction), so she decided to simply use her strength to gain entrance.

From inside the warehouse, there was a sudden groaning, which echoed around the enormous structure. Then, one of the workers noticed that the wall beside him was bulging outwards. He knew that the walls were made of 20-inch thick steel and were capable of withstanding well over 100 tonnes of force, so he quickly realised that staying put wasn't a such a great idea. As he ran, he shouted to his work mates and, after looking at the rapidly growing bulge, they were quick to evacuate the building.

Seconds later, the metal started to tear, and five feminine fingers poked out through the newly formed holes. As Jennifer strode forward, she could feel the thick steel flooding around her large, pert chest. The metal offered no resistance to her, it was as if the wall wasn't even there. On the other side of the wall, the wall suddenly burst open, almost two foot of thick steel ripped apart like paper by Jennifer's awesome physique. Miss Barr stepped into the huge warehouse and looked around.

There were fifteen shelves side by side, stretching back as far as the eye could see, each one at least 150 foot high. In between some of the gaps between the columns were incredible tall machines, which acted as a sort of mobile lift, reaching all the way up to the ceiling. Also, there were dozens of abandoned forklift trucks.

'Good,' thought Jennifer, 'I can experiment with my superhuman strength a bit more.'

She walked up to one of the mobile lifts, and looked up at it. It was absolutely enormous, and Jen estimated it weighed at least half a million pounds. She decided to use it to test her new-found powers. She gripped the base as loosely as she could manage (her fingers still exerting over 500 tonnes of force as easily as a normal woman could apply a mere quarter of a gram) and the metal instantly started to ooze out from between her fingers, running as if it were mere water. When one of her hands was deeply imbedded in the iron, she stopped moving her fingers, and gently moved her arm upwards. As if it were completely weightless, the gigantic object lifted from the ground, Jennifer's fantastic body easily supporting the incredible mass. In fact to her swollen muscles, the 100 tonne object seemed to weigh less than a twentieth of a gram.

'I love my muscles!' she thought, fondling her large, rock-hard bicep as it flexed underneath the full weight of the huge metal object.

Then, Jennifer violently rammed the thick iron against her far harder body, quickly smearing it across her chest like peanut butter. Within seconds, she was easily spreading it over her hard, muscular body like hot vasoline. The 60 metre high object was rapidly reduced to nothing more than a thin smear on her awesome breasts.

Scraping this off and tossing it aside, Jennifer matter-of-factly turned to one of the abandoned forklifts that littered the warehouse.

PART 4 - Climax

She strode over to the front of the strong vehicle, and grasped the side of the drivers cabin. Instantly, the metal started to ooze out from between her delicate fingers. Relaxing her grip a little, she casually lifted the two tonne vehicle from the ground using only one of her beefy arms. The heavy object floated upwards until the left-hand metal prong was level with Jennifer's inviting cunt. Then, she slipped the cool steel deep within herself. She squealed with pleasure as she felt the metal brushing against her cliterous, stimulating her far more than she had thought possible. The forklift started to whine painfully as her fingertips easily scrunched up the thick metal, quickly folding it more easily than paper.

Just about managing to control her excitement, Miss Barr started to walk around the warehouse, supporting the full weight of the heavy forklift effortlessly as she started to drive its prong in and out of her erotic body. She could feel her excitement whelling up inside her, and this was confirmed when she heard the sound of buckling metal coming from her vagina. Her vaginal muscles were slowly squeesing together, accidentally crushing the steel like putty.

As Jen walked round a corner, she saw a man trying to tip over a photocopier, so he could prop it over on its side. As she stared at him, she could feel her orgasm whelling up inside her. Suddenly, there was a violent shriek as Jennifer's vaginal muscles snapped together, and the man looked up, stunned. Jen was having a completely unrestrained orgasm, and she had totally lost control of her incredible body. Her muscle-packed arms reached blindly forwards, grabbing the sides of the forklift truck. Then, she pulled her arms back against her body, hugging the forklift with all her might. It didn't stand a chance, and was instantly sheared in two.

Peter looked on in awe as the female bodybuilder in front of him did feats of strength that should be utterly impossible. Her body was absolutely fantastic, glowing with nubile young energy as she passionately hugged the remains of the forklift, forcing the last lumps of steel to ooze out like treacle from between her powerful arms. Each of her breasts were far larger than Peter had ever dreamed possible, and her entire body was packed with thick layers of serpentine muscle, rippling as she smeared metal against her hard physique like it wasn't even there. Her face was young and beautiful, her long, blonde hair draped down her broad, muscular back. Her blue eyes were wide open, and staring at Peter. She licked her full, red lips, and slowly walked towards him. Her warm, nude body was an amazing site, especially as she swung her hips from side to side erotically as she walked. Peter's penis started to rise to the occasion. Seeing this, Jennifer Barr felt her nipples hardening, so that they were now thousands of times stronger than steel. Peter stared eye-to-eye with Jennifer, her tanned, sweating body a little shorter than his own (but billions of times stronger), making her about 5'8''.

She wanted to show off to him, to really drive home her strength. She turned to the photocopier he had been trying to lift. She crouched down, and wrapped her arms around it loosely. Her erect nipples punctured the plastic side of the box, and Jennifer stood up; her body easily supporting the extra 100kg like it wasn't even there. She could see that Peter was getting turned on; he KNEW how heavy that box was, and how weightless Miss Barr made it seem. He started to get an idea how strong this mysterious megawoman really was. Then, Jennifer slowly hugged the large photocopier, easily forcing the plastic to shatter against her far harder body. Soon, the machine was nothing more than a pile of broken plastic and twisted metal at her feet. Next, Jennifer Barr turned her attention to the piles of photocopiers, still in their boxes. Each pile was about 10 photocopiers high. She crouched down again and slipped each hand underneath a different pile. Then, she stood up. Her awesome figure easily supporting 2 tonnes. She held her arms straight out in front of her, so that she was hold the weight at a really awkward angle, probably making it at least twenty times harder for herself. Still she didn't find it difficult, despite the fact she was now effectively supporting 40 tonnes. Peter's jaw dropped.

Enjoying herself now, Jennifer tossed the photocopiers aside (they smashed down to earth about 20 metres away) and turned to the high metal shelving that lined the warehouse. Peter turned to watch as she faced the end of one row. Without hesitating, she walked fowards, her magnificent muscles easily ripping their way through hundreds of tonnes of reinforced metal like it wasn't even there. Some shards even tried to enter her cunt, but they found that she was far too tight, and so they were forced to buckle against her sensitive vagina's lips. She shivered orgasmically. Remembering the man she had seen, she sauntered over to him, staring him deep in the eyes the whole time.

Jennifer could see that the man's penis was fully erect, she grabbed his jeans tightly, and ripped them off like paper. Her eyes widened as his penis sprung free. Wasting no time, she walked forwards, gently slipping his cock deep into her cunt.

Peter felt Jennifer's tight vagina envelope his hard love muscle. She began grinding her shapely pelvis back and forth, expertly caressing his swollen head. He felt her beachball-sized breasts pressed firmly again his chest. He could feel her erect nipples as they pressed into his skin. 'God!' he thought, 'This woman's a nymphomaniac!'. Her cleavage was incredible, a huge casm of darkness between her incredibly pert breasts. He watched her biceps gyrating as she pulled him closer. Then, he felt himself rising up as the muscle woman effortlessly lifted him from the ground. Her motions became more rapid, and her eyes closed in bliss. Peter could feel his head swell to bursting point. God, this woman was good!

Jennifer staggered around in uncontrolled pleasure, compulsively ramming her free hand (she needed only one to support Peter) into the thick metal wall. Suddenly, both of the lovers orgasmed, Peter's puny jet of cum completly dwarfed by Miss Barr's violent climax. She lifted her arm compulsively, quickly tearing the warehouse from it's foundations, and throwing the 50,000 tonne object all the way to America. Her body had just exerted over twenty million tonnes of raw power without even noticing.

Now in the open air, Jennifer fell to the floor, curling up in a ball, her muscular body still shuddering with pure ecstacy. Several minutes later, she managed to regain control of her senses. She stood up, taking Peter with her, even though they weren't actually holding onto each other at all.

'I don't suppose you could relax your vagina a bit, could you? I appear to be a bit stuck' said Peter.

'Sorry,' replied Jennifer, relaxing her cunt a little, allowing Peter's still erect penis to slip from her body.

'What's your name lady?' Peter asks.

'Jennifer Barr,' says Jen, 'And yours?'


'You horny bastard; your dick's still erect!' breathes Jennifer.

'It's impossible for me not to get an erection when I look at you. Anyway, I can't help but notice that YOUR nipples are still erect!'

'How about, you know,' Jennifer licks her lips, 'we do it again?'

Looking at Miss Barr's large, pert breasts, rippling muscles and beautiful face, it doesn't take Peter long to make up his mind


Hearing his reply, Jennifer joyfully smashes her hand down on another forklift truck, accidentally forcing the roof to buckle downwards like tin foil, eventually forcing her hand straight through the entire vehicle. The iron flows like water beneath her strong grasp, oozing out from between her fingers like treacle. Still, she doesn't feel any resistance. Peter cums again.

'So, you like my strength do you?' asks Jennifer, 'We'll have to see what we can do...'

Needless to say, Jennifer Barr is a woman of her word. They fuck each other senseless from dusk til dawn, and Jennifer casually lays waste to most of the city purely for Peter's pleasure.