
by Paul Smith

Meet Delina. She's no wimp...

Note: A collection of my stories is now available on Diana's site. The URL is:

(If you have any stories like this or you've got some good ideas for future stories then don't hesitate to email me at

WARNING: only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

You are on the beach, sun-bathing, when you notice a woman in the beach-gym is staring at you. She is sweating in the hot sun and is evenly tanned. Her tits are truly vast and swell from her chest like beachballs, her bikini only just able to contain them. Her body is perfectly muscled; large and defined all over, beautiful buttocks, rippling stomach.

The lady pouts a little and becones you over. Uneasily, you stand and walk over. As you near the woman, you examine her figure even more. Her huge biceps bulge as she lifts each of the dumbbells over and over again. She smiles as you approach, leans forward and kisses you on the cheek. You can't help but notice that the dumbbells are particularly large; each apparently weighing over 2500 pounds; although Delina has no difficulty lifting them. Surely the numbers must be a misprint?

"Hi, I'm Delina," she breathes, "I'm from Hawaii."

"Oi! You!" shouts another man, clearly her boyfriend, "Get off my bird!"

"Piss off Derek!" shouts Delina back. Derek is quite a well-built chap and clearly doesn't like you very much. He walks over, pulling his fists back to hit you.

Delina places a hand in front of him, easily restraining him.

"Piss off bitch!" he says, attempting to push her out the way.

"That does it!" says Delina, grasping on the chest.

Then, with the up most of ease, she levers him off the ground and hold him high above her head, supporting his weight easily. She moves her arms behind her head, arches her back and throws him out to sea.

"As you can see, I'm quite strong," says Delina, flexing her biceps a little, "My full name is Delina Slapow. Very pleased to meet you. I apologise for my EX-boyfriends behaviour. He never quite got over my dumping him. I got a round of applause first time I decked him."

Miss Slapow bends over and places the barbells on the ground, raising her taught bum high in the air. It is a sight to behold. It is large, smooth, firm and perfectly curved. Obviously, this is a woman who takes her bodybuilding seriously.

"I work as a builder, in case you were wondering," she announces, "Well, more correctly, I work as all the mechanical tools as well - I am pretty strong so I can lift huge stacks of bricks, dig through solid rock, carry heavy steel girders up to the top of the construction. Earns me a packet, I can tell you."

"You're THAT strong?"

"Yep. Got it through plain old hard work. Been bodybuilding since I was seventeen. I had all the boys chasing after me at school. By the time I was eighteen, I could easily uproot coconut trees. Also, rather handily, I could rip open coconuts with my bare hands."

At this, Delina moves a little closer, until her bikini bottom is pressed against the fence around the gym. She is only about 5'6", and so looks up and reaches around the back of your head. She pulls you towards her and gives you a french kiss. Her tongue lovingly caresses your mouth, exciting you greatly. You respond and start to feel her mouth. It is warm, moist and clearly very experienced - perfect! After several minutes, you disengage from the kiss. Delina starts to catch her breath.

"That was the best kiss I've ever had."

Her nipples have become obvious through her red bikini top. She looks down at you swimming trunks. You obviously enjoy Delina's company as much as she enjoys yours. She reaches out and brushes the metal fencing away. Her fingers tear through the corrigated iron like it were paper; she does even flinch as she crushes the thick sheet into a small ball.

"You're incredible," you say to Delina.

"I know," she replies, "You know earlier on I mentioned I could rip open coconouts using only my bare hands?"


"Well, its not just that they're good at," she breathes, reaching for your swimming trunks. She pulls them from your figure, allowing you penis to spring skyward.

She turns her back to you and points to her bikini fastener. You undo the knot. She turns around again and let the bikini fall to the floor, revealing the full glory of her chest. Her tits are firm and large, hanging from her body like two enormous watermelons, sweating in the midday sun. They look so beautiful that you cannot resist touching them, feeling them. Delina gladly lets you.

You squeese them lightly and a small dribble of milk oozes from her nipples. You chew on her nipples a bit and they start to release love juice a little more quickly. Within minutes, they are spurting a jet with travels a few metres, raining down on a sunbather closer to the sea. Miss Slapow is completely oblivious to this and continues to stand, head back, eyes closed, smiling blissfully. Her muscles ripple with pleasure as you smother her breasts with their own milk with your hands. Her buttocks tense compulsively, making her remaining piece of clothing literally explode, fluttering to the ground. You rub your cock against the contours of her stomach and work you way down to her vagina.

"Oh YES!!" she yells, her bust swelling. Soon, her nipples are blasting a jet all the way out to the sea-shore.

You slip you dick into her deep cunt and her eyes suddenly open wide, and she sucks her breath in through her mouth sharply.

"Oh God YESS!!!" she screams, ripping some metal railings from the ground.

She wraps her strong arms around you and pulls you even closer, lifting you from the ground. She easily carries you down to the sea-shore and lies down, placing you on top of her. You slide you penis back and forth, in and out of her moist vagina. Her breath quickens.

"Oh uh UH UHHH!!!" she yells.

Derek reaches the shore. Seeing you on top of "his" woman, he dashes over. As he approaches, Delina notices and says: "Fuck off jerk!"

When he refuses to do so, Miss Slapow reaches out with a heavily muscled leg and pushes him away lightly. He goes flying backwards, slamming into a security guard, knocking them both over. The guard is quick to kick him off the beach for 'disruptive behaviour'.

"Serves him right!" sniggers Delina, pulling you towards her again.

You can feel her enormous chest pressed against you, allowing you to feel her hard nipples as they rub across your body. You lower your mouth to them and chew on them lightly, savouring the taste of her warm milk. She bites her lip in excitement.

Waves roll in from the sea and lap around her, occasionally splashin up, onto her figure, wetting it. Her physique looks magnificent, glistening in the sunlight. Her muscles bulge compulsively once more, causing her to tighten her grip on a lump of driftwood beside her. Instantly, it explodes in a shower of splinters.

Delina rolls over so that she is on top, her enormous breasts hanging from her powerful chest, brushing against your face occasionally. Her back is broad, wider than your own, and packed with muscles. You can feel their defined form easily with your eager hands. She sits on you, her back straight, her breasts fully erect, still releasing a spurt of milk. She begins to heave her wide hips over your hard dick, caressing it in all the right places. Her large, perfectly formed buttocks wave erotically in the air. She forces her cunt back and forth roughly, but she is clearly very practiced at turning men (and herself) on. Her motion is so powerful that her pelvic thrusts push you up and down the beach rythmically.

Delina Slapow carefully stands up and says "follow me!" before diving into the water, her beautiful black hair flowing out behind her. She emerges several metres further out, her beautiful body soaked, her hair clinging to her physique. You begin wading out.

"Look at this!" says Miss Slapow, reaching for one of those massive mooring buoys.

She grips it tightly along the edge and begins to lever it from the water, until she is holding it high above her head. It is about the size of a tennis court and made of pure iron. It must weigh at least as much as an average tank. The sunlight reflects off her tits dramatically as they stretch up towards her neck. She seems to be having no difficulty in supporting the buoy.

"If you thought that was good, watch this!" she says.

At this, Delina begins to squeese her hands together, and the buoy begins to groan loudly. It starts to crinkle and buckle upwards, bending like foil. You look at Delina, she smiles; obviously she isn't finding this difficult at all! The metal continues to buckle. Wooden strips start to splinter, then suddenly snap, flying off. The buoy was quickly bent round in into and inverted 'U' shape. Still, Delina continued to compress it. It was soon just a thin smear between her arms, widening where she had not applied her unstoppable strength.

Just to emphasis how strong Delina truly is, she briefly squeeses the massive buoy a little bit too hard for it to take; the thick metal is instantly sheered in half by her incredible muscles.

"Easy!" she said, throwing the heavy object aside, "Now to get back to you!"

After that little demonstration of power, you REALLY can't resist. She sexily becones you with her index finger. You happily oblige. As you approach, she takes you in her arms.

"Oh Delina!" you say, kissing her breasts lovingly.

You wrap you feet around her waist and slide your cock deep into her cunt. She sucks in her breath sharply. Miss Slapow starts to heave her pelvis back and forth rythmically, the water slopping around you. This takes you (and her) to unparalleled levels of excitement. You both kiss each other madly, passionately as you continue to screw each other.

Soon, you are both approaching climax. Delina comes first, her vagina spraying out so much cum that the water around you is soon polluted. You can see the juice blasting out of her cunt under water, the stones being through around by its powerful jet. She reaches to her side and grasps and anchor chain tightly, crushing it almost completely. Then, she tears the anchor from the ground and easily lifts it to the surface (still using only one arm). She presses it against her side compulsively, crushing it to oblivion. As she mangles the steel, she makes it look like treacle, oozing as she squeeses it. Her muscles ripples erotically, and she shakes compulsively. Her nipples are up to full steam again, spraying milk all the way to the shore. You orgasm, pressing yourself against Delina's well-developed chest, feeling its wonderful shape and form.

"Oh my GOD!!!" shouts Miss Slapow, at the top of her husky voice, "YESSSS!!!!!"

At this, she reaches to her side and grabs a boat. Without even flinching, she lifts it out of the water and crushes it. The splinters explode outwards, littering the water with tiny fragments of wood.

Several minutes later, Delina begins to recover. She surveys the wreckage, examines her partner and says:

"That was the best shag I've ever had in my whole life!"

You smile and take her in your arms. She ain't exactly light, but she's worth it. She pecks you on the cheek lovingly. You kiss her vagina in return. It is still warm; ready for the next time...