By Paul Smith (psmith_101@yahoo.com)
This supergirl just can't control her strength

Note: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

For more stories like this, visit http://hilda.thevalkyrie.com/~xtreme/

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Melissa Kern was a shy, nervous girl. She desperately wanted a boyfriend, but her throat always went dry whenever guys spoke to her. It wasn't as if she was unattractive - her figure was generally slim, and her face was incredibly cute. The rest of her body, however, was not up to the same high standard - her breasts were almost non-existant and her silhouette was rather plain. She'd even tried working out, but despite spending many hours at the gym, her body stubbornly refused to tone up.

She was currently sitting in her local nightclub, looking forlorn.

"What's on your mind?"

Melissa was stunned. A guy taking notice of her? She couldn't believe it.

"You don't speak much, do you?" said the man comfortingly.

Melissa shook her head, not sure what to say. The man smiled warmly. Miss Kern felt instantly at ease with him.

"Would you care to dance?" he asked.

Melissa nodded keenly, smiling brightly. The man took her by the hand and lead her to the dancefloor. The couple started to dance.

"So," he said, "what's you name?"

"M-Melissa," she stammered, "Melissa Kern."

"That's a lovely name. I'm Jack. Pleased to meet you."

Melissa smiled, making cute dimples appear in her cheeks. Jack smiled back.

Suddenly, a girl came out of nowhere and pushed Melissa aside. She was wearing a skimpy halter top, revealing a superbly sculpted set of abdominal muscles around her waist. She boasted an even tan and a pair of large, pert breasts sat high on her chest. She had a beautiful face and was obviously a bodybuilder.

"Hi Jack!" she said, completely ignoring Melissa, "Long time, no see! How've you been.

Melissa stepped back, tears whelling up in her blue eyes. Once again, she'd missed her opportunity. She turned around and marched out of the club.

"I wish I was sexier," she muttered to herself as she walked home, "and stronger too; then I wouldn't have to worry about being pushed aside. I wish I was the strongest, sexiest woman in the universe."

Unbeknownst to Melissa, the gem in the centre of her necklace glowed briefly.

Suddenly, Melissa's cunt felt warm, like she was about to climax. As it got hotter and hotter, she could stop herself from gasping with pleasure. Her orgasm exploded inside her. Her vagina spasmed slightly, a small damp patch appearing in her jeans. She could feel another climax whelling up inside her, even more powerful than the first. What was going on?

As her second climax hit, she could feel a tingling sensation spreading out from her cunt, seeming to infect every fibre of her being. Her vagina convulsed again, giving her jeans a more liberal soaking this time. She feel to the floor, completely overwhelmed by the sensations she was feeling. As a third orgasm ripped through her body, she noticed that her clothes were tightening. What the hell was going on?

To Melissa amazement, her pleasure increased even more. She could no longer think straight - she was now completely controlled by her passion. She arched her back, writhing on the pavement in complete ecstacy. She scraped her fingernails over the paving stones, scratching off lumps of rock like sand. Melissa realised that it wasn't her clothes that were getting tighter - it was her body getting bigger! Her breasts had tripled in size, and extra large t-shirt was now tight across them. Looking at her arms, Miss Kern noticed that her muscles were large enough to be visible, and they were still growing by the second.

As another orgasm exploded inside her, Melissa let out a scream of pure pleasure. She now had six-pack abs, and they were becoming more defined by the second. Her nipples had as long and thick as her thumbs, and were in severe danger of punching though her increasingly tight-fit t-shirt. Her muscles were now as large as a those of a middleweight female bodybuilder, and were stilling becoming larger and harder with every heartbeat. Melissa pushed her hands into the ground compulsively, easily sinking them into the rock like it was styrofoam. Then, she uncontrollably pulled her arms towards her, making the rock below crumble like biscuits. Her t-shirt suddenly exploded as her breasts grew larger still.

She yelled once again as another climax swept through her pulsating physique. She could feel the power flooding into her, and she knew that she was capable of any feat of strength imaginable. But it wasn't over yet. Her waistline was becoming slimmer, giving her a perfect egg timer figure, coupled with the most amazing set of abs imaginable. Her muscles now easily matched those of a top heavyweight female bodybuilder, and her breasts were each larger than her head.

As one final climax coarsed through her veins, Melissa knew that there was no feat of strength beyond her, that she was completely invincible. And boy, did it feel good!

After taking a few moments of recover, Melissa slowly stood up and stretched. Her muscles were so large and hard that even when her arms were straight her biceps were still like over-inflated balloons. Her jeans exploded as her buttocks flexed. The rear of her panties was completely engulfed by her buttocks as they tightened. Her panties fell to the floor when she relaxed her butt; the strap had been competely obliterated by the incredible force that it had been so effortlessly subjected to. Miss Kern was now completely naked.

Melissa had one question burning in her mind: how strong was she? She had to know.

She walked up to a Volvo estate parked nearby and reached underneath it with both hands. Then, she began to lift it upwards. To her amazement, it felt completely weightless - it might as well have not been there for all Melissa could tell. She removed one hand and balanced the 1.5 tonne car on the tip of her little finger. Still, it felt completely and utterly weightless. The musclegirl was completely amazed - how could she possibly be this strong?

She was bought back to reality by the sound of the car falling off her the end of her finger and crashing back down to earth. Deciding to experiment more with her strength, she reached out and grasped the door handle as gently as she could. Her hand instantly snapped shut, as if there was nothing between her fingertips, causing molten metal to spurt out from her grasp. She removed her hand and examine the damage - her fingers had cut through the steel like wet taffy, and she hadn't even felt any resistance! Her nipples hardened as she realised how strong she was.

Next, Melissa pursed her lips and gently blew at the door. It instantly folded inwards like a sheet of paper in a tornado, before being ripped off its hinges and tearing through the other side of the car in a fraction of second. It smashed into the wall on the other side of the road at several thousand miles per hour, and was embedded over a foot into the rock.

Melissa laughed nervously.

"Being this strong is going to take some getting used to," she said.

She stepped into the car and sat down in the drivers seat. Her breasts were so large that her 1.5 inch long nipples almost touched the stearing wheel. Miss Kern imagined her nipples growing and tearing through the dashboard like damp cardboard. With each heartbeat, her nipples swelled visibly, becoming fatter and harder by the second. Very soon, her teats made contact with the plastic steering wheel and started to splinter it like matchsticks. Her breasts were inflating as well and were touched it only a few seconds later. There was the sound of shrieking metal as the wheel was effortlessly pushed back by the musclegirl's incredible boobs.

The metal rod that runs from the steering wheel to the front wheels started to twist and buckle, folding against such incredible force. Melissa took a deep, shuddering breath, pushing her breasts up and out. Since the steering wheel was now impaled on her nipples, it was forced up (tearing it from the front rack like plastercine) and back (smashing it against the dashboard). The instruments cracked and twisted against Miss Kern's might, totally unable to resist even her most gentle touch.

Melissa leaned forward, casually forcing her boobs even deeper into the dashboard. Her abs didn't even flex as she did this, even though they had just exerting dozens of tonnes of pressure. The dashboard on Melissa's side of the car was now completely wrecked, so she turned towards the passenger's side of the vehicle. As she rotated her torso, her breasts easily ripped through more and more of the dashboard, splitting it apart like rotten timber.

Next, Melissa stood up, easily pushing her head and upper body through the roof. She shuffled forwards, wrinkling back the roof and dashboard like tin foil. She crouched down (her bulging muscles ripping apart the seats) so that the gearstick was between her thighs. Then, she slowly lowered her body so that the aluminum-tipped metal shaft could enter her cunt. As the cold metal touched her tender vaginal lips, a thrill coarsed through her. She relaxed her cunt as much as she could and lowered her body further still. Her vagina was completely relaxed and oozed love juices, but the metal rod could still not penetrate her. Instead, it began to buckle, whining painfully. Melissa needily crouched lower, her knees embedding themselves into the radio, but the gearstick could still not open her nether lips. There was an almightly ripping sound as the young woman accidentally pushed the entire gearbox out of the bottom of the car.

The close encounter with the gearknob had made her burn with desire, and her vagina gushed a steady flow of thick love juices. These fluids were hot enough to burn holes in the chassis, leaving channels in the tarmac below as they oozed downhill. Melissa stood up again, directing her love juices at the remains of the dashboard, reducing it to a pile of molten plastic and metal in seconds. She walked out the side of the car, ripping through the left A-pillar like it was liquorish.

Then, Melissa walked to the front of the car and ripped off the bonnet, revealing the powerful engine block beneath. She leaned forwards, reaching to either side of the engine. Her breast came into contact with the cast iron, but the extra resistance made no difference to Melissa. In order to reach right behind the engine, she had to lean forward so far that her abs forced their impression into the radiator grill. Her breasts were now completely embedded into the iron, mangling it like syrup. Hooking her arms behind the back of the engine, Miss Kern began to stand erect, easily lifting the engine block.

She was so strong that she didn't realise that she was actually lifting the entire car by mistake. By the time she was standing up straight again, the rear of the car was high above her head, and the chassis was groaning onimously under the stress. Realising her mistake, Melissa violently shook the engine block, snapping the bolts that clamped it to the rest of the vehicle. The body shell smashed to the ground with a resounding 'crash'.

Melissa was now holding the engine block in front of her, easily supporting its 500 kg weight like it wasn't even there. Realising that her breasts had embedded themselves in the iron, Miss Kern found herself getting excited again. Her nipples grew rapidly, easily pushing their way into the iron as if it was melted cheese.

Miss Kern felt the need to hold herself, so she pulled her arms back so that she could caress her teats. Her hands sunk into the metal like it was moist putty, smearing it with literally no effort. Some of the iron melted as she gently rubbed her fingertips over her breasts, cutting through the engine like melted butter. Within seconds the cast iron engine block had been carved into several chunks stacked up at Melissa's feet. She picked up one of these lumps and squeesed it with a single hand. It crumpled like a tube of toothpaste, smearing across her palm like moisturising cream. Her fingers met her palm a moment later and the two halves smashed onto the tarmac.

"Cool!" she said, turning towards the multi-storey car park across the street.

As she begun to accelerate towards her goal, she felt her feet sinking into the stone.

"Oh no," she thought, "I'm getting heavier!"

As she stopped accelerating, she noticed that she stopped sinking into the ground. The moment she started again, the granite beneath her again began to crumble and shatter beneath her toes. Then, she noticed that the fragments seemed to be moving in slow motion.

"Perhaps I'm not getting heavier after all," she realised, "perhaps I'm just getting faster."

With that, she again began to accelerate towards the car park, watching in wonder as the stones snapped and split like sand beneath her delicate toes. She found she had to accelerate incredibly slowly to avoid obliterating the ground altogether.

"Things are going to be very boring if I have to carry on thinking at this speed," she thought.

The moment the thought entered her head, things returned to normal, and Melissa could suddenly see how fast she had actually been moving her feet. It was no wonder the rock had broken so easily - her feet were moving at thousands of miles per hour!

Within the tiniest fraction of a second, Miss Kern had arrived at the automated car park. She walked up to the barrier and jumped on top of it. The sturdy steel plank easily took her weight. She lay face down on top of it, her breasts and legs straddling it. It was so thick that she had no trouble balancing on top, although she didn't realise that it had been unable to part her enormous mammaries, so instead the two inch thick steel had been crumpled backwards like wet tissue paper.

She lifted her chest away from the pole and began to needily rub her crotch against the hardened metal. Her pubic hair proved far harder than steel, and sliced through it like a cheese grater. Still driving her pelvis up and down the barrier, she looked down and saw how her fantastic breasts had buckled the steel. Melissa could feel an orgasm whelling up inside her. Her grip on the barrier tightened slightly, making the solid steel ooze out from between her fingers like syrup, and her cunt began to leak warm juices onto the deformed metal between her legs.

"Uuhhh!" she groaned, arching her head back in bliss.

She needily thrust her crotch against the barrier, almost crushing it in half. More juices flowed from her cunt, splattering against the tarmac below. Sharp peaks of ecstacy coursed through her body, making her compulsively flex her muscles. They grew to incredible size and definition - she could easily win any bodybuilding show she wanted - and literally overflowed with power. The fantastic growth of her thighs caused them to touch each other, obliterating the steel between them.

The end of the barrier fell to the ground, Melissa falling with it. She was so intoxicated with pleasure that she could barely stand, but yet she managed to grasp the portion of the barrier that was still attached to the ground and sculpt it into a point. She moulded it with her hands like it was play-doe, and expertly bent it downwards and guided it into her hot cunt. She reached further forwards, grasped more of the barrier and pulled in towards her, effortlessly wrenching it from the ground.

Her love juices got hotter and hotter, so hot that they began to melt the steel. She pushed more and more of the metal inside her, trying to do it so quickly that it could penetrate her before turning to mush, but it was no use - she was simply too hot. When the entire barrier had been reduced to a pile of molten goo on the floor, Melissa realised that her own hand was the only thing in the world that was tough enough to fulfill her. She stuck three fingers deep into her vagina and began to frig herself.

Steaming hot fluids gushed from her love hole, splattering against the tarmac like a thick waterfall. It burned channels into the ground as it ran downhill, burning through everything it touched. Uneffected by the heat, Miss Kern penetrated deeper and deeper, bucking her hips in a desperate bid to climax. All the time she was feeling more and more pleasure - far more than she normally experienced at climax, let alone before hand - yet her excitement continued to mount.

Suddenly, her orgasm hit her. She felt as if she were going to explode. Her already pumped muscles flexed to incomprehensible proportions, thick veins standing out as she got her first good work out since gaining her super strength. Her nipples spurted milk out across the car park, shattering the windows of a car over a hundred metres away. Her cunt blasted out cum with such force that the road was ripped apart, literally turning the whole thing to a liquid. Several cars were dissolved completely by the super hot gunk.

"YESSSS!!" she screamed, shivering like a wild animal, her awesome physique tearing apart the concrete around her like dry mud.

She continued to groan and moan for well over half and hour, her fingers effortlessly gouging deep rips in the tarmac as if it were liquorish, until her climax finally came to an end. It took her only thirty seconds to full recouperate.

Melissa stood up and the sweat drained down her hard, defined muscles and dripped onto the floor. She surveyed the damage she had done during her orgasm. There was no trace of the barrier she had tried to frig herself with earlier 0 in fact, there was no trace of the central reservation that seperated the 'in' lane from the 'out' lane, nor the booth that once stood on top of it. Instead, the ground had been coated with a warm, sticky substance that seemed to be a mixture of her love juices, tarmac, concrete and molten steel.

The supergirl ran her fingers over her body, revelling in the exquisite sensation of her hands brushing over her swollen muscles, each touch threatening to re-ignite her passion. She looked down at her breasts - each of them was the size and shape of a cannonball, although she knew that they were far stronger than mere metal. Each of her nipples was an inch thick and about 1.5 inches long. She turned her voluptous physique towards and concrete pillar and moved close to it, so that her nipples made contact. If the tried really hard, she could just about feel the pathetic resistance the material offered, but it was clear that it would pose no obstacle for her.

The sensation of the cold, hard rock rubbing against her teats stimulated them, making them slowly grow. She looked on in awe as chunks of concrete were snapped off by her swelling nipples. She knew she would have to be careful not to destroy the pillar, because if she did the whole car park could fall down, and she didn't want to do that - at least, not yet. Still, it was a large pillar, so she decided to enjoy the sensation for a while longer.

Her hardening teats continued to thrust their way into the reinforced concrete. As part of the pillar broke off and fell to the ground, she noticed that her swelling nipple was now pressed up against an inch thick iron rod that ran through the entire slab of concrete. Amazingly, her teat didn't even slow down as it bent the rod backwards, quickly compressing it into and oval shape. The rock behind crumbled under the pressure, but soon her nipple had sliced the iron pole clean in half, and was once again tunnelling into the stone like it was sand. As her nipples approached 3 inches long, Melissa could feel that they were almost fully erect, which meant that they had become even harder than normal.

Melissa carefully backed away from the pillar to avoid snapping it like a twig, and walked over to a parked car. She reached underneath it, and effortlessly hoisted it into the air. She stood on tip-toes, making her calves bulge impressively, and stretched her hands high above her head. There was a sudden screeching noise as the roof of the car caved in, squashed flat by Melissa's awesome muscle-power.

"That gives me an idea," thought Melissa, dropping the squished vehicle to the ground.

She reached for another car and grabbed it on the side. Her fingers got a secure grip on the metal, crumpling up the side of the vehicle like tin foil. Then, Miss Kern casually lifted the car from the ground and placed it on top of the first. After that she repeated the process for another vehicle, and positioned on the top of the pile. She turned to the stack of three cars and crouched down next to it, making her hard buttocks clench together with near-inifinite force.

Next, she slipped her delicate hands underneath the pile and effortlessly lifted it from the ground. Even before she had lifted it to knee height, the top car had been smashed against the roof, but Melissa couldn't feel the extra resistance and easily continued lifted the enormous weight. Soon, she was holding all three cars above her head, each one crushed to only 30cms in height. Melissa removes all but the index finger of her left hand from the underside of the bottom car, and uses her spare hand to lift another car to the bottom of the pile. She easily lifts this up so that it is crushed against the roof along with the others. She is now holding four cars, weighing a total of 6 tonnes, over her head without any strain.

Then, Miss Kern reaches for another car, but it is just out of range. She gently inhales, sucking the car towards her and grabbing it in her outstretched hand. She then crushes this car against the ceiling with the others and repeats the process for another two dozen vehicles. Every time she crushes another car against the roof, she expects it to give way, but it's surprisingly strong so it does not, even after she crushes a thirtieth car against it.

"How frustrating," she says aloud, "I really thought I'd be able to feel the weight by now."

She is currently holding 45 tonnes of crushed metal above her head with a single hand, and she can't even register the strain. Each vehicle has been compressed to only 3 cms in thickness. She lets the huge mass drop. It slams to the ground with an almighty thump, embedding itself about an inch into the tarmac.

Melissa leans forward and presses down on the metre-high lump of metal, but she only succeeds in lifting herself from the ground. Annoyed that there is nothing to push against, she desperately wills herself downwards. She begins to move downwards - but her arms are still outstretched. The steel below her concertina's shorter and shorter, as Melissa pushes down with literally thousands of tonnes of pressure. The tarmac beneath yields almost as much, the steel sinking down a couple more inches into it. Miss Kern knows that her muscles are exerting themselves downwards, but how? It's as if she's able to push against the very fabric of space - she didn't know how it was possible, but it felt wonderful. It seemed that the more of her power she exerted, the sexier she felt. She knew that she was not even close to her limit, but she feared that there may be nothing on this planet that could truly test her.

The metal slab was now only a few inches thick. Melissa stopped pushing and pealed it from the floor as if she was removing a jogurt pot lid. She held the heavy sheet above her head and began folding it in half like laundry. It was now about 2 metres square and six inches thick. She folded it in half twice more - it was now only a metre square but 24 inches thick. She held this in front of her beautiful face and crushed it to only a quarter of an inch in thickness. Her arms flexed impressively as she did this, and her huge pectorial muscles made her gigantic breasts jump as she squeesed tighter and tigher. She folded the metal sheet in half four more times, so that it was a quarter of a metre square and 4 inches thick. She could feel the metal getting warm from all the pressure it was being put under, but she did not relent at all. In fact, she crushed it even smaller, so that it was only an inch thick.

Then, she reached down and parted her enormous boobs with one hand, and used the other to wedge the metal between them. Her pert breasts quickly swung back into position when she released them, and the mangled steel was literally splattered between them. Huge globs of white-hot molten metal spurted out from her cavernous cleavage, punching holes in the concrete walls and ceiling. Wiping some of the superhot liquid from her face, she reached down and easily parted her mammaries - amazingly, there was nothing between them - the metal that could not escape had, quite simply, been crushed out of existence. Even Melissa was surprised - she hadn't even had to flex her pecs to crush her massive boobs together with enough force to obliterate over 45 tonnes of steel.

Miss Kern walked over the car park's central support. It was much larger than the others, was cylindrical in shape, and probably about 10 foot thick. The supergirl jumped up and wrapped her legs as far around the enormous pole as she could, her muscle-packed thighs immediately cracking the pole. She leaned forward (her ultra-defined abs flexing impressively) and wrapped her thick, muscular arms around the pole. Every muscle in her body forced and imprint into the concrete, grinding off huge chunks from the pillar like it was made of sand - even her breasts smashed deep into the rock.

Revelling in her super strength, Melissa began to pull her thighs together. Cracks shot up the pole as her legs sunk into the concrete like knives through butter. Within a matter of seconds, she had broken the pole in two. She was now standing with the entire weight of the car park pressing down on her cunt, desperately trying to penetrate herself. Despite the face that over 500,000 tonnes of force was trying to ram a jagged reinforced concrete pole inside her, her nether lips still clearly had no intention of parting. She realised that there was truly no force on earth that could part her lips unless she wanted them parted. Experimentally, she began to relax her nether lips, slowly allowing one of the iron rods inside the pillar to enter her.

As she felt the hard metal pole pressing against her clit, Melissa could not stop herself from letting out a gasp of pure pleasure.

"Uhhh!" she yelped as she felt the iron begin to crumple up against her far harder clit. It was a sensation that she had never experienced before, but she knew that she wanted more.

As she let more and more of the metal and concrete inside her, she spasmed uncontrollably, her toes grinding slits in the floor as she curled them. Her buttocks clenched together far, far harder than the strongest pnuematic press, and rivulettes of sweat began to drip down her body.

As another jolt of ecstacy shuddered through her body, Melissa could not help herself from clenching her vaginal muscles - instantly, all the metal and concrete inside was squeesed out of existance. Once her nether lips opened again, the musclegirl began to pull down on the huge concrete pillar, the mere 500,000 tonnes of force pushing the pole into her cunt not enough for her needs. She pulled with millions of tonnes of force, quickly compressing hundreds of tonnes of concrete and steel into her vagina. Moments later, her orgasm finally hit her, and she arched her back and fell to the floor. She writhed about on the floor as a huge plume of superheated juices shot from her cunt, cutting through whatever they touched. She accidentally kicked away the remains of the central pillar, and the entire building began to collapse.

Huge lumps of concrete fell onto her magnificent body, but she couldn't even feel the blows. Hundreds of cars piled up on top of her, but the weight was utterly insignificant to her gorgeously feminine body. Her climax continued long after the dust had cleared. The entire building was no more than a heap of rubble. The only clue that she was there was that the rubble in the centre was vibrating violently in time to her truly superhuman orgasm. After an hour, she finally began to relax. Almost immediately, she had full recovered and was ready for more. She opened up her beautiful blue eyes and quickly dug herself out.

The End...?

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Let me (psmith_101@yahoo.com) know what you think. If you like this, why not visit http://hilda.thevalkyrie.com/~xtreme/ for more like it.