Fun At The Docks Juliette plays with some boats. By Paul Smith ( Warning: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age. Juliette Konyha looks much like her namesake, the beautiful Karen Konyha. She has a gorgeous face, hourglass figure, defined muscles, blonde hair, blue eyes and large, pert breasts. However, Juliette's figure takes sexiness to new extremes; whilst Karen's bust size is an impressive 36D, Juliette's is a barely believable 50FF; whilst Karen's biceps are 16 inches around, Juliette's are 25; whilst Karen's face is attractive, Juliette's is utterly awe inspiring. But these differences are minor compared to the different in strength between the two women - whilst Karen is maybe 50% stronger than a normal woman, Juliette's strength is so vast that she has never been able to measure it accurately. Because of this and her other attributes, Juliette is a worldwide celebrity and sex symbol. There was not a man on the planet who did not lust after her. You had had the good fortune to meet Juliette at your local gym three years ago. She had been pressing weights weighing many hundreds of tonnes with a look of boredom on her face. You'd read articles about her in newspapers, about how scientists were baffled by her apparently unlimited strength. Many of the articles had speculated on the levels of her strength, drawing all sorts of graphs and pie charts, asking all manner of experts and including plenty of gratitious shots of her using her powers - but the truth was the no-one really new how strong she was, not even Juliette herself. A team of government scientists had taken her to the gym in an attempt to measure her strength but, despite using every weight in the gym, they had been unable to tax her in the slightest. After the scientists had given up and gone home for the day, you had finally plucked up the courage to approach the buxom supergirl. To your pleasant surprise, you found that she was extremely friendly, very girl-next-door-ish. She revealed that she currently didn't have a boyfriend (a fact that had not appeared in the press despite being the most frequently asked question - you guessed that this was because she didn't want to be constantly chatted up) and, to your neverending disbelief, she actually agreed to go out on a date with you. The following day, pictures of your date had appeared on the front page of all the newspapers, but both you and Juliette were so into each other that you barely noticed. Juliette had quickly realised that you were very turned on by her fantastic strength and so had made a habit of demonstrating her muscles to you at every possible opportunity. Right now, she has just carried you in her arms to the docks where a gigantic aircraft carrier is moored. She is wearing a shirt that is stretched so tightly across her bust that there are oval-shaped holes in the shirt between the buttons allowing you to see her spectacular cleavage underneath. Her nipples poke two obvious lumps in the shirt and almost rip through the flimsy white fabric. Putting you on the ground, the muscle girl places her hands on her shapely hips and begins to take a deep breath. As her lungs expand, her mighty breasts are pushed up and out, making the material around them whine as it is stretched. Suddenly, one of the buttons flies off and smashes a nearby car window, setting off the car alarm and revealing slightly more of her bosums. As she breathes deeper, more of the buttons fly off and the fabric starts to rip and tear around her swelling teats. Very soon, her breasts have burst through her clothing and your dick snaps erect. Several onlookers (which Juliette seemed to attract like moths to a candle) fall to the ground as their pleasure overwhelms them. Next, Juliette flexes her butt and thighs, quickly ripping apart the taught denim that had been wrapped around them. Those passers-by who had not cum before do so now, and even the women start to get a glazed-over look of lust in their eyes. As the last shreds of her clothing fall to the ground, her perfect figure is revealed to you once again - for the first year of your relationship you had been unable to look at her in the nude without climaxing but over time you learned to control yourself - but, even so, Miss Konyha could make you cum at any time she pleased. In fact, a few months ago she had been annoyed at you for forgetting her father's birthday so she had accompanied you to an important speech wearing skimpy backless dress that she knew drove you wild. It was a respectable dress, but Juliette's raw sexuality totally overwhelmed it and any man who even glanced at her got an instant erection (and that was *with* a shawl around her neck that covered most of her cleavage). Worse still, when you got up to do your speech Juliette stared at you with bedroom eyes as if she was mentally undressing you. Then, making herself sweat as if she was hot, she took off her shawl and revealed her all but naked breasts. As she bit her lip in a shy but yet provactive manner you came in your pants and had to grip the lecturn tightly to stay standing. Thankfully, the lecturn had a wide base and your trousers were black so the stain was not immediately visible. However, you did have to resort to holding the clipboard with you notes on it over your crotch as you returned to your seat after finishing your speech. As revenge goes, you could think of few methods more enjoyable, but you certainly wouldn't forget her father's birthday next year. Anyway, back in the present, Juliette handed you the pair of binoculars that hung from her muscular neck and walked down to the water's edge. As she gently lowered her perfect body into the ice-cold liquid the waves broke against her and washed over her huge breasts. Then, she elegantly swam to the enormous aircraft carrier. As she got nearer, you are able to see more clearly how vast it really was - she was just 5'5" but the ship must have been hundreds of feet high and thousands of feet long. She looked like an ant next to a steamroller. She dived down underneath the boat, affording you a brief view of her tight, hard buns as she went down. It was low tide so the bottom of the ship was only a few feet away from the seabed. Juliette swam like a fish until she reached the centre of the boat - although, in the process, her erect teats had accidentally scraped away chunks of rock as she brushed past which was certainly beyond the capabilities of the native sealife. Then, she placed her palms flat against the hull and slowly began to stand up. Unfortunately, the steel was nowhere near strong enough to take such a huge amount of pressure (millions of PSI) and the three foot thick material buckled upwards like tin foil. Annoyed by this, the bountiful Miss Konyha swam back to the surface and looked around. Seeing a huge oil tanker in dry dock, she swam over to it and jumped out the sea. You barely manage to hold back an orgasm as you watch the glimmering water drain from her faultless body, forming puddles around her perfect feet. She boldly marches up the enormous ship and then grasps it at the front end, buckling the two foot thick reinforced steel hull like so much melted cheese. She then proceeds to crush the front of the boat, squishing thousands of tonnes of metal into her fist like a magician with a hankerchief. She compresses more and more of the mile long ship until she had finally reshaped it into a super dense (and super strong) 20mx20mx1m slab weighing a barely believable two *million* tonnes! The irony that she has crushed a multi-billion pound ship in her bare hands (a feat requiring the strength of trillions) so that she could use it to lift an aircraft carrier weighing barely a twentieth of that is not lost on you. Still, one thing you've noticed about Juliette over the last few years is that she's got a wicked sense of humor. She walks back to the aircraft carrier (the weight of the metal she is holding above her head keeps her firmly pinned to the seabed) and places the block flat against the hull of the ship. Then, she begins to stretch her muscular legs - unfortunately, her feet snap and crumble the rock below her rather than lifting the ship. To solve this problem, she uses her flying powers to support the weight of the ship so that the relatively fragile rock beneath her does not have to. Now that her feet are locked in place by her flying abilities, she has no trouble lifting the aircraft carrier out the water as the force is spread over a much larger area by the ex-oil tanker she has sandwiched between herself and the aircraft carrier. Still supporting most of the weight with her flying power so that the rock does not crack beneath her feet she casually walks to the shore. "W-wow!" you stammer. Before today, the most impressive feat she had performed for you was crushing a tank between her thighs and you had had wet dreams about that for months. You wondered how many restless nights this even more incredible demonstration would give you. The boat casts a huge shadow across the ground as she marches up the beach. By the time she is within 50m of you, the ship is over your head. It snags some mooring poles and lampposts, as well the roof of a gift shop, but Juliette doesn't even notice as she rips them apart. Soon, she is within a few feet of you. She steps up onto the hood of the car whose window she had accidentally smashed earlier. The suspension compresses under her weight, but is not flattened because it does not have to take the weight of the aircraft carrier and crushed oil tanker that she is so easily supporting. Then, she begins to slowly relax her flying power and her feet begin sinking into the car's bonnet. It buckles down quickly until it touches the engine block. Next, the tyres pop and the hubcaps twist outwards. The front axle whines with agony as it bends and finally breaks with a deafening "CLANK!" The chassis is now touching the concrete, but still Miss Konyha sinks lower. The engine block begins to compress like a sponge, groaning and moaning as it squashed flatter than a pancake against the ground. The pipes that feed it oil and water burst, making it spurt fluids like dying animal. Very soon, the engine is no more and its pitiful remains are oozing out from between Juliette's toes. Then, the concrete begins to crack and splinter around her feet as she sinks lower still. You have to duck down to avoid hitting your head against the lowering hull of the huge ship as it begins to flatten the roof of the nearby car, as well as several other objects that are around you like bikes, fences and bus-stops. Soon you are lying down in just two feet of space - yet, even now, the supergirl is still supporting 99% of the 2,100,000 tonne weight with her flying powers. Just 1% of the mass above her head is enough to do the damage you have witnessed. "Ok, Juliette - I'm impressed!" you shout out nervously as the ship's hull inches closer, "You can stop now!" "Don't worry, I was just toying with you!" she replies, and flies out the hole that her body has crushed into the ground. Even her breasts have pressed two deep pits in the concrete as if it were sand. Now, she begins to fold the steel above her head, folding it like laundry with her incomprehensible strength. Her muscles flex with power, but you can tell from her relaxed facial expression that she is not exerting herself in the slightest - the tension in her muscles was just good showwomanship. Huge rips appear in the deck of the ship as she pull the aft and stern of the ship towards each other. Helicopters and aeroplanes tumble out as if she had just clumsily ripped open a gigantic crisp packet. Some of them flatten nearby buildings, trucks and cars. "Take me now!" she breathes, still crushing the steel above her head. You don't need a second invitation. You press your body against hers and feel the tension in her muscles as her arms move inexorably closer together, overpowering millions of tonnes of steel without any real effort. Her body is moist with sea water, and you enjoy rubbing your hands up and down her voluptous figure, feeling every contour of her superhuman physique. You quickly take off your jeans and slide your hard penis inside her, reaching around her slim, muscular waist to her back to pull yourself closer still. Her hard, clenched butt feels fantastic as you squeese it tightly in an attempt achieve even deeper penetration. Juliette groans orgasmically. As you thrust your hips faster and deeper, Miss Konyha pulls her arms together with more and more force, quickly squeesing the two ships down to an irregular blob less than a hundred metres across. You lean down and begin to chew on her hard nipples, making them release their warm cream into your eager mouth. The metal above your head whines as it is crushed smaller and smaller by your girlfriend's overwhelming strength. Juliette pulls it down, splattering more and more of the metal against her rippling body until the four billion pound mass is little more than a smear. Watching this awesome feat of strength, you finally cum deep inside her and the supergirl in your arms quickly joins you in climax. She yelps uncontrollably as bursts of pleasure tear through her being, making her compulsively crush the remains of the two boats out of existance altogether against her infinitely powerful muscles. Her muscles flex to their full, spectacular size with each pulse and make your still hard dick cum some more. You can no longer keep your lips over her nipples as the stream of milk becomes too forceful for you to contain. The jet spurts out over your shoulders (soaking what remains of your shredded clothes) and rains onto the spectators behind you. Some of them let it squirt against their own cocks and quickly bring themselves to climax whereas others attempt to lap up as much of it as possible. One enterprising individual even starts filling bottles with the stuff and will no doubt be able to sell it for huge profit later on. Juliette's toes curl (cracking the concrete beneath them) as her orgasm finally comes to an end. She scoops you up in her arms and carries you home, no doubt for some more lovemaking somewhere a little more private where she could *really* let herself go! The End...?