Photo Shoot What's a horny supergirl gotta do to get laid? By Paul Smith ( Warning: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age. You may have heard of Quantum Theory. It basically states that there are no absolute laws governing our universe - instead, events are just more likely to unfold in certains ways, but a different outcome is also possible. For example, if you dropped a ball you'd expect it to fall downwards, but there's a microscopic chance that it might go up - it's just highly unlikely. There's a lot of evidence supporting the theory, so you never know what might happen... * * * Gina McVicar was a Playboy model - and a very successful one at that. In fact, she was so popular with the readers that this was the 5th time she had been invited back, making her the most successful model in the magazine's history. She had long, blonde hair and a perfectly symmetrical pair of breasts sat high on her chest. Her body was nicely toned and men would stop in their tracks when she caught their eye. She was wearing nothing but an old silver necklace. "That's good Gina, just move your arm up a bit... Excellent! " Gina continued to follow the photographers instructions - she done this so many times now that it was almost automatic. Then, she noticed that he hadn't said anything for a full minute. He was just staring, slack-jawed at her. So was everyone else in the room, seriously unnerving Gina. "Err..hello?" she asked. No response. Gina realised that she felt horny. Incredibly so. Every man in the room suddenly looked like a Chippendale in her eyes, even those who were distinctly below average. She desperately wanted to fuck them all, but she knew that would be impractical so she went for the nearest - a trainee called Robert. She stood up and started to walk towards him. She heard a crunching sound from her feet and stopped. She nearly fainted when she looked down. Her breasts had grown several cup sizes from their original DD to a barely believeable FFF, meaning that she couldn't see over them. Pausing for a moment, she reached up and touched her breasts. They certainly felt real, and were even more pert than ever, if such a thing were possible. She noticed a pool of warm metallic liquid sitting at the top of her cleavage. She touched it with her fingers and it evaporated beneath her touch. Then, an unbelievable thought hit her. That was her necklace - as her breasts had grown, they had crushed her necklace between then and made it ooze up between them. To confirm her theory, Gina reached for the necklace chain around her neck, but could not find it. In actual fact, she had grasped it several times but her fingers had just crushed through it before she noticed the resistance. The broken and bent remains of the chain fell to the floor. Miss McVicar heard it, turned around and crouched down, affording her a view of her thighs. They were even more transformed than her breasts! Her legs had been toned before but now they were simply incredible. They were packed with fat-free muscles which were so large and defined that her thighs actually touched each other! Gina suddenly twigged and looked at her arms. They, too, were now thick with muscle. Even unflexed, her biceps were 15 inches around - when she curled her arms they inflated to a record-breaking 20 inches. She parted her breasts with her hands and looked at her arms - they were equally muscular and had clefts over an inch deep. Almost unbelievably, her waist seemed even thinner than before. She reached behind her and felt her buttocks and she was not disappointed. They were like two steel balls wrapped in silk, and clenched tightly together as she crouched. She started to understand why the men were staring - but her incredible appearance wasn't the only reason. Miss McVicar looked down at the remains of her necklace but was more fascinated by the ground they lay on. The solid slabs of concrete had been broken and splintered in the shape of her feet and toes. She leaned forward (allowing the remaining liquid metal between her breasts to drain off) and gently pressed her fingers against the ground. Instantly, the concrete yielded to her insane strength, but yet she couldn't feel any resistance whatsoever. She closed her eyes and concentrated as hard as she could as she moved her hands up and down, in and out, but still she couldn't notice any change in resistance as her palms cut through concrete and air with equal ease. When she opened her eyes again, she noticed that her broken necklace was no longer there - she must have obliterated when she was playing with the floor. She looked back at the path of broken concrete to where she had originally laid. The sofa she had been draped across had hundreds of little rips and burn marks in the fabric, including one especially large one where her butt had been. Gina came to the almost unbelievable realisation that they had been caused by the fabric being caught between the muscles on her back and bum as they grew. All of this was a lot to take in for Miss McVicar. She had secretly always wanted to be strong all her life but she knew (or she thought she knew) that would always remain an unattainable dream. Even so, she had never dreamed of being *this* strong - it defied comprehension. But Gina could not hold her train of thought for long - her mind was quickly clouded with thoughts of sex. Slowly, with an almost feline grace, she stood up and turned, once again mashing the concrete beneath her feet. She lowered her head and gave Robert such a steamy look that he came in his pants. Proud of herself, Gina began walking towards him and let her hips gently sway back and forth, making her abs bunch and ripple in time to her movement. There was a large lighting rig between the goddess and her prey. Ordinarily, she would have gone around it but she was ancious to experiment with her profound strength so she reached out and attempted to move the 500kg object. However, the moment her fingers touched the 2 inch thick solid steel rod it began yielding. Instantaneously, her fingers crushed through the metal, forcing it to spurt out between them like molten lava. Thankfully, none of the jets was heading towards any of the people in the room other wise they would have been dead before they knew what had hit them. Shocked, Gina withdrew her hand and the light began to fall over, since there was no longer anything attaching the top half to the bottom half. She had accidentally crushed the thick steel between her fingers out of existance altogether. As the light shattered against the floor (the shards of broken glass just bounced off Gina's flesh), the supergirl realised the awful truth - that she could never have sex with a man again. If she tried, she would certainly end up killing him. Sobbing, she turned and forced herself to walk away from him. Since her eyes were covered, she didn't see the steel I-beam in front of her, and she certainly didn't feel it as it buckled against her body. First, her nipples sank into the foot thick metal. Then, the rod was twisted backwards by her unyielding breasts. Next, the lower portion of the beam flattened against her stomach and had the shape of her abs pressed into it. Finally, the shrieking steel bent around her crotch and was torn apart between her bulging thighs as she walked forwards. The I-beam had been a load-bearing structure and the roof began to cave in as she ploughed into the brick wall. As her perfectly proportioned body disappeared from sight, the men finally regain their senses and evacuated the building. The last of them just got out before it finally began to collapse. Thousands of tonnes of brick, mortar, steel and concrete pounded down against her body but she continued to walk at the same pace as before. Steel bars bent and buckled against her ultrahard physique as powered through the pile of rubble. A huge slab of concrete ten foot thick broke apart as she finally emerged from the wrecked building. Finally uncovering her eyes and wiping them with the back of her hand she looked around and realised what had happened. "Oh no!" she thought, "I've killed them all!" Then, she noticed all the staff were standing in the car park, still staring at her. "Thank God!" she thought, "But I'm still a menace to society. I've got to get as far away from everybody as possible." Miss McVicar ran off into the woods. Occasionally, she would misjudge a step and catch her foot on a tree's root - but instead of being tripped up, she would break the root instead - or, on more than one occasion, she accidentally uprooted the entire tree! Once she was deep into the forest, she finally stopped and sat down on a log. Her buns forced an impression into the wood and it splintered and cracked as she got comfortable. "What now?" she thought. Gina still felt desperately randy so she parted her legs and began to frig herself. She had to spread her legs to almost 180 degrees in order to make a big enough gap between her enormous thigh muscles for her to fit her hand between. As they had spread, her legs had split and splintered the oak beneath them like it was rotten. As she slipped her fingers inside herself she felt a jolt of pleasure hundreds of times greater than she had ever experienced before, even at climax - but yet she did not orgasm. It seemed that it was not just her musclepower that had been enhanced - it was her enjoyment of sex, too. Another electrifying spasm swept through her body as she slipped her fingers deeper and her buns clenched together so violently that the log exploded beneath them. The friction set what remained of the log on fire as she fell to the ground, still frigging herself. She writhed in pleasure as ecstacy engulfed her. Her feet sank into the mud beneath her, and then into the bedrock below. She punched her free hand deep into the ground as well. As she bucked with delight, a serious of earthquakes shook the surrounding area. "YYYEEESSSSS!!" she screamed, the volume of her voice uprooting trees for miles around. She orgasmically stretched her body, extending her muscle-packed arms and legs as far as they would go. The rock beneath her began to crack and split apart under the incalculable pressure. Then, There was a deep groaning noise as a deep crack formed in the Earth's crust. Amazingly, she was unknowingly breaking open the entire planet like an easter egg, revealing the hot molten core inside. Rock and earth broke like sand as her body became fully erect, tearing apart buildings all around the world like they were made of paper. She gasped and moaned as shuddering waves of pleasure shook her body and the world. As her climax ended, Gina realised what she had done and quickly bought the two halves together with such force that the rock fused into a solid slab once again. "Even out here I'm a menace to humanity," mourned the supergirl, "What am I going to do?" There was only one thing she could do - learn to control her strength so that she could help, not hinder, humanity. But that's a story for another day...