Weapon Disposal Expert By Paul Smith (psmith_101@yahoo.com) A supergirl decomissions some old military hardware. Warning: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age. Sara Nordin had had exceptional strength, agility and beauty ever since the day she had been born. The scientists had been unable to explain where she had got her powers from since they had unable to perform any tests on her since their instruments just broke against her indestructable skin. Thankfully, she had been an obedient and intelligent child otherwise the world might not have survived her teens. It seemed that every day she grew stronger - and more sexy. By the age of 16, it was clear that she was never going to lead a normal life. The only way to use her powers responsibly was to become a superheroine - she chose the name "Mega Girl" although that hardly portrayed the true level of her strength. As the years passed, her strength and beauty only grew even more overwhelming. She had no qualms about showing off her strength and body and frequently did shows for charity, earning billions annually. When had been asked to dispose of some old tanks the government no longer wanted she had jumped at the chance - she just loved to use her strength. Having flown to the depot, she was directed to the row of tanks that needed to be decomissioned. She stepped forward so that her fat nipples touched the front of one of the tanks. She was excited by the feeling of the cold metal and her sensitive teats immediately started to swell, pulsing longer and thicker with each heartbeat. The reinforced steel creaked as Sara's nipples sunk into the material, making it look like moist putty. Her breasts swelled slightly, angling her teats a bit higher than usual, accidentally levering the 80 tonne tank clean off the ground! Each of her nipples was casually exerting a twisting force of five thousand tonnes, yet she still couldn't feel the slightest resistance. As Miss Nordin's excitement increased, milk started to leak from her fat teats. The fluid was propelled with such force that the steel in front of her nipples started to fold back. Soon, her nipples had drilled a pair of identical holes in the tank, and the twin jets were spurting up into the sky. Mega Girl was shuddering now, and took a deep breath, making her breasts move apart slightly. Even this casual motion was more than enough to rip the heavy tank clean in half. The noise the metal made as it was torn in half was deafening, creaking and moaning in sheer agony. Yet still she didn't even notice the resistance of the tank as her wet nipples tore it apart! Finally, Sara came, her cunt blasting a thick jet of her love juices against the ground with such force that they quickly cut through the concrete. She screamed at the top of her voice, expelling a gust of air from her lungs with such force that the tank was ripped into thousands and tiny fragments. Mega Girl fell to floor, her body paralysed by bliss, her fingers gouging holes in the ground. She continued for several minutes, panting and gasping like a wild animal, until her climax was finally over. Miss Nordin wiped the sweat from her brow, and walked up the the next tank in the row. Within a few hours, she has finally finished sensually mashing and moulding the steel against her invulnerable body and has reduced 1000 tanks into a glob of hot steel. She easily picks up the 80,000 tonne lump and begins massaging it against her large, impossibly pert breasts. Her nipples cut and split the dense metal like tissue paper and within moment she is smearing the steel across her body like moisturising cream. The supergirl revels in the pleasure of overwhelming a material hundreds of times stronger and denser than normal steel and within just a few seconds she has completely obliterated the 176 million pound mass against her infinitely harder body. She turns to the astounded officer who has been assigned to her. "What next?" she asks, panting needily and staring at his erect cock which is obvious through his trousers. It takes all of the man's self control and trainign to stop himself from collapsing in a spasming heap. "We have some warships in dry dock over there - perhaps you could dispose of them too?" he says. "With pleasure," Sara replies whilst licking her lips, "and then perhaps I can attend to your other needs?" The dam finally breaks and the officer climaxes and passes out. "Oh well," says the muscle girl, "hopefully the warships will be able to satisfy me."