- What's Old -
Below you will find a summary of all the modifications that were made to this site during June 2008.
15 June 2008
Sorry for the huge delay since the last update, I'll try not to take so long with the next one. Don't forget you can send your submissions for next time to me at psmith_101@yahoo.com.
- Win a date with a superwoman:
- As "The Superior Sex, Chapter 4" included pictures by me I excluded it from the contest. Even so, Pat Mallon still wrote my favourite contribution of the month with "Basic Training" - congrats Pat, and thanks to everyone who sent in a story. I'll write a story of Pat's choosing for the next update.
- Videos:
- Stories:
- Comics:
- Pictures:
- Links:
- JDM's homepage A huge selection of muscle morphs for your viewing pleasure.