The Superior Sex

By Pat Mallon

Illustrations by Paul Smith


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.


Chapter 4:  Chapter 4:   Strength times 10000 for the five young women.


After Caroline confirms her appointment for her class next Thursday with the Military Officer, she quickly get dressed, minus her top which was blasted off her breasts by several shotguns barrages and quickly begins to jog back to her apartment to secure additional clothing. Caroline immediately heads out of the park and towards the interstate highway.  However, she zigzags as she sprints at 120 kilometers an hour, purposively slamming her sexy muscular body into anything protruding out of the ground.  Street sign, lamp post, parking barriers, steel chain, several large trees, a construction trailer, and a few boulders are obliterated by her body as she effortlessly jogs.


The steel post of street signs are instantaneously bent forward as Caroline’s body runs into them.  The metal signs are sheared off the steel posts and then crumbled, shredded, and chewed up between Caroline’s well-developed upper thighs.


Tall lamp posts and street lights are sent flinging forward as Caroline’s body slams into the lower section of the fixtures.  The tall steel posts are either sadistically slashed off their foundations with metal bolts exploding or steel plates ripping apart.  Electrical sparks shoot from between Caroline’s thighs as her power leg muscles short out the electrical cabling.


The steel parking barriers posts, connected with thick chain between them are easy prey for Caroline.  She deliberately attacks the center of the chain, drawing the steel chain tight against her super flat stomach and watching as the chain pulls the steel post out of the ground.  She deliberately slaloms along 200 meters of steel posts and chains, snagging about 40 posts connected together with steel chain.  The large mass being pulled by Caroline’s stomach doesn’t slow her down at all.  The only thing it does do is raise a lot of dust and debris.  After she has completely torn all the post out of the ground, she grabs the 20 sections of chain pressing harmlessly against her stomach, raises the chain up to her breasts, and places them in her cleavage.  The heavy steel chain is chew, grinded, and crushed apart by the simple bouncing around of her large firm breasts from jogging.  The remains of the steel posts and chewed up chain leaves a trail of destruction behind Caroline.


Next Caroline knowingly selects several large trees, slamming her body hard into the center of the tree, but not before picking up large concrete park benches.  She holds the park benches straight out in front of her body, positioning it between her thighs and breasts, and as she crashes the concrete park bench into the center of the tree, Caroline enjoys the sight of her body crumbling the park bench into the large tree.  It only takes a fraction of a second for her muscular body to demolish the concrete bench into dust and debris before her body contacts the large trees.  The trees have no recourse, they are immediately up rooted, snapped in half, and sent plummeting end over end leaving a field of broken and splintered wood.


The construction trailer catches Caroline eyes and she has to make a quick decision.  Jog through the trailer lengthwise or widthwise.  Since the trailer is 4 times longer than wide, Caroline decides there would be more enjoyment for her sexy powerfully built body to jog through the trailer lengthwise.  She doubles her speed to over 250 kilometers per hour and slams into one end of the construction trailer.  Caroline’s muscular sexy body confirms the laws of inertia; a body at rest tends to remain at rest, (the large steel trailer), and a body in motion tends to remain in motion (Her Body).  Caroline’s sexy female body collides with the end of the trailer at over 250 kilometers an hour and dissipates more energy that a 12 point earthquakes on the Richter scale.  Caroline body transverses the 20 meter long trailer in about a quarter of a second.  The trailer never moves an inch, however as Caroline exits the trailer, she notices every bit of material that was in the direct path of her body is now compressed against the front of her body.  Sections of steel, flooring, tables, file cabinets, chairs, plumbing, and electrical are compacted and resemble a stacked sandwich.  Caroline also laughs as she notices that there is a perfect tunnel through the trailer and it’s the same dimensions as her body.


Caroline turns her attention next to a very large boulder and aims directly at the center of the boulder.  She still has a large mass of material in front of her body from the trailer and smiles as she increases her casual jogging speed to 500 kilometers an hour.  When Caroline’ body contacts the 50 ton boulder, every bit of material is instantaneously vaporized as she crushes the material against the huge bolder. Then within the next .5 milliseconds, the 50 ton bolder explodes into a billion fragments as Caroline body penetrates deep into the solid rock.


Caroline slows her speed down to 120 kilometers as she approaches the interstate highway and laughs to herself as she thinks about her five students and what they will be capable of accomplishing when they complete her class.


Caroline reaches the interstate and needs to cross the divided highway, but first she wants to have some fun with her body and strength.  She is now completely nude, since the remains of her clothing were removed from her body as she blasted her body through a menagerie of large solid objects.   She quickly observes the highway and sees two 18 wheelers side by side.  She trots herself down on the highway and continues until she is between the two eighteen wheelers, about in the middle of their two large trailers.  Caroline looks up and can see both drivers via their side mirrors and they have their eyes and mouth wide open.  She reaches out with her hands and grabs each of the trailer’s massive steel under frame with her hands.  She then carefully lifts each of the trailers off the ground and off of the tractor while effortlessly jogging.  Caroline moves to one side of the highway and places the outside lane trailer on the inside lane’s tractor.  After she has completed this, she races around to the other tractor and places the other trailer on its tractor.  She now speeds up until she is in front of both tractors, turns her body around and sprint backwards, waving her hands at the two drivers.  She continues for about a half kilometer down the highway, turns around and dashes to the south bound lanes of the interstate.  Of course, Caroline has to get through the concrete barrier separating the north and south bound lanes, so she stops dead on the highway, strolls over to the two meter high concrete barrier and slams her right fist through the 50 centimeter thick concrete barrier.  The barrier section is over 10 meters long, but Caroline easily picks up the barrier, lifts it over her head with only one hand and walks under it to the south lanes of the highway.  She then casually tosses the concrete barrier several hundred miles into the atmosphere where it disintegrates upon reentry in a fiery display.


Caroline continues jogging along side traffic and easily passes vehicle after vehicle. Her powerful nude body is attracting all kinds of attention. She simply waves to every one and greets them with a sexy smile.  And just as she is about to exit the freeway, one large vehicle pulls up next to her nude body.  It is a large HUMVEE and the guy riding shotgun rolls down his window and yells, “You fucking bitch, are you some kind of weird freak”?



Caroline stares at the chap, her eyes wide open and with a pissed off expression on her young face.  The guy in the car then flips the finger to her and this get Caroline very disappointed.  She slams her fist through the door’s handle and lock, and then tears off the door with a quick pull of her arm.  The large door of the HUMVEE is sadistically torn from both its hinges and locks.  Caroline tosses the door aside and jumps into the door opening of the HUMVEE. She leans over to the guy that just gave her the finger, look him directly in his face and yells, “What did you call me”?  But before he could answer, the driver screams at Caroline, “FUCK YOU BITCH, get off by vehicle or I’ll knock you off”.  Caroline shakes her head back and forth and says in a quiet tone, “You two jerk offs have got me very upset; now I’m going to give you an education in polite manners”.


With Caroline still hanging in the door frame of the large HUMVEE and bend over staring at the two guys, her shapely round ass is well extended out from the vehicle’s door frame.  The driver steers his HUMVEE onto the shoulder of the highway and as close as possible to the steel poles of a large overhead highway sign.  He speeds his vehicle to over 160 KPH and attempts to knock Caroline off his HUMVEE.  Caroline immediately recognizes what the driver is attempting and smiles at him as she says, “You assholes”.  Caroline then even pushes her firm round ass out further just as the HUMVEE arrives at the dual steel columns of the large overhead highway sign.


“BLAM, BLAM” is all you can hear as Caroline’s round firm ass slams into the two steel columns.  A section of the first steel column is immediately reshaped inward into a nice rounded indentation by Caroline’s firm ass just before it is blasted backwards with such force, that the steel column rips off its foundation, buckles in two and collapses.  The second steel column makes completed contact with Caroline’s ass and is again reshaped before the steel column is violently separated from its foundation and collapses forward into several jagged pieces.


The two guys in the vehicle are speechless; they have a frightening look on their faces as they stare at Caroline’s magnificent nude body hanging in the doorframe of their vehicle.  Caroline takes a deep breath, expands her chest muscles, flexes her arms and shoulder muscles, pushes out her firm breasts and stands up in the HUMVEE’s doorframe.  The upper section of the door frame presses against her upper chest and is bent upward until it rips apart and burst open. A good section of the steel roof buckles upwards and finally explodes open by Caroline’s huge firm breasts as they transverse upward through the metal roof of the HUMVEE.  Caroline next takes her left hand, crosses her upper body with it, and pushes her fingers into the metal roof at the junction of the roof and the windshield.  She fingers slice through the steel roof with simplicity as she crumbles a good handful of metal into the palm of her hand.  The super strong Caroline then pull her hand back and tears off half the metal roof and bend it over backwards as if it were just made of cheap tin foil.  She steps into the HUMVEE, over the guy riding shotgun, and settles down between the two guys.  The other half section of roof is pushed aside and backwards so she can stand up with no obstructions.  Caroline settles down in the large vehicle by wiggling her tight round ass into the dashboard and crushing it downward about 20 centimeters.


After Caroline makes herself very comfortable on the dash, she spreads her long muscular legs along either sides of the console, flexes her leg muscles and crushes a section of the console inward.  She next looks down between her legs and observes the stereo and radio system, the GPS system, environmental controls, and various other expensive toys and controls mounted in the console and dash.  She tenderly reaches down as far as possible with her right hand and places her right hand through a section of the console, breaking any steel, plastic, or other material with easy.  She continues burrowing her hand down, back, and under the dash, slashing both a deep gouge into the console and the dash.  Caroline finally yanks her hand forward and tears out all the gadgets in the console and dash, along with various sections of metal, frame, and wiring. She raises the mangle mess of contraptions up through her legs and hold then in the air while she lifts her legs and rests her legs straight out between the two seats.  Caroline places the mangled mess of contraptions on top of her thighs, puts her hands on her hips and begins to flex her leg muscles.


“What are you doing bitch” yells the driver in a raised tone of voice, to which Caroline softly replies, “Demonstrating the basic principles of a crusher, shredder. Just watch”.


Caroline slowly flexes her right thigh, then her left thigh, then both thighs together. This causes the material on top of her thighs to drop between her thighs where each flex of her muscles grinds, chews, shreds, crumbles, crushes, and splinters the material.  What remains is a ground up material that resembles fine sand that falls down from between Caroline’s thighs and onto the floor of the HUMVEE.


While grinding up the material between her thighs, Caroline is surveying the faces of both guys and she can see a state of confusion in their expressions.  And once she has completed toying with the contraptions, she says quietly to the driver, “Please pull your vehicle onto the shoulder of the road and stop.  I want to see if I can lift this vehicle over my head with one finger before I bend it in half with my bare hands”.


The driver stares at Caroline and says as he floors the gas pedal, “Fuck You Bitch, I’m going to the police”.


Caroline shakes her head and softly says, “Idiots”.  She then stands up, turns around and faces the front of the vehicle and sits down between the two guys.  She again places her long power legs between the console and says to the driver in a loud voice, “STOP THE VEHICLE NOW”.


When the driver refuses to slow down, Caroline simply shakes her head and slams her legs through the floor of the vehicle and onto the hard concrete of the highway below.  Caroline presses her feet forcefully into the concrete and instantly scrapes a deep gouge in the highway as the large vehicle comes to an abrupt stop.  The HUMVEE stops so quickly that the air bags deploy, forcing the two occupants back in their seat.  The only thing that happens to Caroline is her huge breasts and pert nipples simple rip the air bags apart as she sways her breasts back and forth. Caroline next uses her feet to side step the vehicle onto the shoulder of the road.


The driver still has the gas pedal to the floor and the rear tires are spinning and smoking.  The driver quickly shifts to 4 wheel drive and now has all 4 tires spinning and smoking.  However, Caroline has her feet planted in the ground and the vehicle is going anywhere.


“Please turn the motor off” request Caroline in a very loud voice to overcome the deafening sound of the motor and tires.  She goes to reach for the ignition key but the driver grabs her hand and stops her, he thinks.  Caroline plays along and lets him move her hand away from the ignition key.  She then turns toward him, shakes her head back and forth and sighs.  She then scoots forward until she is in the center of the console, closes her legs and with a thunderous “KABLAM”, crushes the transmission, and transfer case between her legs.  Various metal gears, clutches, harden steel shafts, explode with brutal force between Caroline’ legs but all the material simply falls to the ground without leaving a mark on Caroline. The force of Caroline’s legs crushing the transmission also causes the engine to instantly quit, as the sudden stop of the transmission causes the crankshaft to break in two.


Caroline looks at the driver, who is looking down at the mangled metal between Caroline legs as says to him, “Now wouldn’t it been easer for you to just turn off the ignition, here let me show you”.


Caroline takes a finger of her right hand, plunges it into the steering column just below the ignition key and carves out all the metal around the ignition key.  She pulls the ignition assemble out of the steering column, tearing out the wiring, and lifts the ignition key up to the drivers face and says, “Now watch, it’s very simple.  To shut off the engine when requested by someone of the superior sex, you just turn the key of OFF”.  In addition, as Caroline is telling the driver, she simply turns the ignition key to the “OFF” position.  The driver is just staring at Caroline’s hand and the ignition assembly that is about 10 centimeters from his face.  Caroline then closes her hand and crushes the ignition assembly with her palm and fingers until it oozes out as a molten glob of material.  Caroline stands up again with her legs spread out across the remains of the crushed console, and stares at the two occupants of the HUMVEE.  She reaches down, grabs their seat belts, and gives them a yank, tearing the belt’s anchor points out of the metal floor.  She then yells, “OUT” and immediately both chaps jump out of their HUMVEE.  They stand on the side of the road and stare at their vehicle and Caroline standing there through the torn off roof.  Caroline places her hands on her hips, looks at the two chaps staring at her muscular body and says to both of them, “I’ll exit through the back door and then do a little light lifting”.


Caroline marches directly towards the rear of the HUMVEE.  Her powerful legs and thighs tear the front buckets seats from the floor as they are pushed aside by the force of her powerful legs.  The same with the rear seat as Caroline’s feet slash the metal frame apart like its dried grass.  The back section of the HUMVEE’s roof slashes open and peels aside by Caroline’s pert breasts as she continues walking.  She adjusts her height and sways her firm young breasts so her nipples cut and dice the steel roof apart before her large pert breasts carve a deep passageway through the metal roof.  Caroline exits the rear of the HUMVEE by simply walking through the back door and rupturing a large gaping jagged hole in the rear of the HUMVEE.  The sharp jagged edges of the torn metal scrape against Caroline’s tanned skin but cannot produce the slightest scratch or marking against her nude body.


Caroline jumps down from the HUMVEE, walks around to the side of the vehicle, and stands there with her hands on her hips, staring at the two chaps.  “Well what do you think”, ask Caroline?  However, the two males say nothing as the just stare at Caroline.


Caroline scans the two chaps with her sexy eyes and says, “I have to update my Female Body Building routine for this year’s competition. Would you like to observe a glimpse of my female muscles”?  Caroline stands there silent as one chaps shakes his head yes and the other guy no.  Therefore, Caroline just snickers as she flexes her commanding muscles, first she starts with her legs, showing off her calves and thighs and standing on her toes.  She rotates her hips, places her hands behind her head and show off her perfectly flat stomach.  A few bounces of her pectorals and a massive display of her biceps cause the two chaps to grab their inflated cocks.


“Well, its time for me to exercise, “AH Hum”, with a little weight.  This HUMVEE might be a good start to a less than strenuous workout”, says Caroline as she reaches down with her left hand and places it under the HUMVEE and grabs the right side steel box frame for the large vehicle.  She begins to crumble the steel frame with her fingers and hand as she secures a solid grip.  The sound of the steel crinkling up in he hands causes both chaps to stare intently at Caroline.



Caroline takes a slight breath and with a nod of her head and a flick of her hair sideways, she easily raises the HUMVEE over her head in a single effortless motion.  She holds the large vehicle over her head with her left hand, flexes her biceps of her right hand, and balances herself on her right toes as she flexes her left leg in a sexy pose.  She begins to do reps with the HUMVEE and after about 100 in 20 seconds, she yawns and covers her mouth with her right hand.   She looks at the two chaps, shakes her head back and forth in a nonchalant display and balances the HUMVEE on her middle finger.   “I truly though this HUMVEE would give me a much more strenuous workout”, says Caroline as she reaches up with her right hand and grabs another part of the steel box under frame.   With her hands stretched out and clasping the steel under frame, Caroline begins her FBB routine.  She stretches, she poses, and she flexes all her muscles as she continues her superb FBB routine.  However, she is also holding the HUMVEE between her hands and the huge vehicle bends, twists, curves, and crushes, around her muscular commanding body.  The huge vehicle turns into a soft pretzel as Caroline completely reshapes the HUMVEE.  After about a minute of torture to the vehicle, Caroline flips the HUMVEE around to the other steel frame and completes her routine.  The large HUMVEE bends around her shoulders, then it crushes across her back.  Caroline’s firm ass reshapes the metal and her super flat smashes down the large vehicle until it half it original size.


Caroline enjoys playing with her new toy as she continues her FBB routine and crushes the object to one-forth it original size, then one-eight it size.  She reduces the tires, motor, frame, bumpers, fenders, suspension, and drive train to the size of a basketball by the time she completes her body building routine.  Caroline briskly strolls up to the two chaps while holding the crushed glob of material that was once their HUMVEE against her super flat and muscular stomach.  She tightens her abdominal muscles, takes a deep breathe, and pats the glob of crushed metal into her abdomen. Caroline’s hands quickly flatten the basketball size glob until it’s only 5 centimeters thick and spreads it around until it coverall her completed midsection.  She then pulls it away from her stomach and shows it to the chaps.  Their eyes are wide open as they witness a highly defined impression of Caroline’s navel and stomach muscles in the flattened mass of steel.


Caroline whimper in a soft voice as she shakes her head and says, “I’m definitely out of shape, just look at this impression.  The indentations of my stomach muscles are not perfectly symmetrical, their off a millimeter and the edges are not perfectly sharp, pronounced, clear, and clean. They sort of taper off slightly.  I’m going to definitely increase my exercise routine starting tomorrow morning”.


The two chaps just stare at Caroline as she smiles and says, “I hate to leave you here, but I have to get back and prepare for next week, now don’t get into any more trouble”.  Caroline then takes off and runs at close to the speed of sound to her apartment.


It’s Sunday morning and Caroline is up and headed for her classroom to exercise and prepare next week’s classes.  When she arrives, Linda is sitting at a desk and seems to be doing school work. She is intently reading and preparing a document on her laptop when Caroline walks up to her and says, “You’re early Linda”.  Linda replies, “I have a paper to complete for my advance behavioral studies class on “Female Internal Strengths” and I do my best thinking when I’m sitting in this room.


“Great” replies Caroline, “I’m just going to practice my fitness routine.  I use the area where the wrap around full length mirror is located, I’m very critical of every muscle in my body”.  Linda just softly says, “I wish I had your muscular shape and fitness”.


Caroline simply replies, “I’m going to exercise with some weights as I enhance my routine, your welcome to join me at any time”.  Linda thinks for a few seconds, saves her work on the laptop and replies, “I would enjoy a good workout with you and observe your fitness routine”.  


Caroline and Linda walk over to the area where the mirrors are located and Caroline says, “On Linda, I hope you don’t mind, but I do my personnel exercises in the nude.  I’m looking for any possible flaw in my muscular body”.  To which Linda replies, “Have you ever found a flaw Caroline”?


Caroline and Linda go to the exercise area, remove their clothing and begin to collect some weights.  Both Linda and Caroline pick up some 500 Kilo barbells, however, Linda can only carry two, one in each hand and struggles slightly to lift them over her head.  Where as Caroline picks up six for the barbells and easily carries them over her head with one hand. Caroline begins a warm up series of stretches and lifts. The 500 Kilo weights react to her extreme strength as if they weigh .5 grams.  She spins, rotates, lifts, and balances the weights as she stretches her perfect muscles.


Linda just stands there and watches Caroline as she does some basic exercises with the 500 Kilos weights.  Finally Linda says to Caroline, “These 500 Kilo are the heaviest we have in the class room.  We are not yet sufficient strong to exercise with the 10000 Kilo settings on the equipment.  We tried to make weights up to 1500 Kilos but the steel bars bends from the extra weight when we attempt to lift them up”.


Caroline replies as she places her weights on the floor, “Oh, I can correct that little problem.  Linda, would you please go and obtain 5 of the steel bars that are 3 meters long”?


Linda walks over to the weight area, grabs five 3-meter long steel bars and brings them back to Caroline.  Linda hands the 5 steel bars to Caroline and Caroline says, “Today’s modern steel is so cheap, they only manufacture to the exact strength specification and not a gram more”.



Caroline takes the five steel bars, places them together and begins to squeeze the steel bars together in her hands.  She immediately crushes the 5 steel bars down to the thickness of just one bar and completes the task in about one minute.  Linda just watches in amazement as Caroline crushes, and compresses the five steel bars together, and when she is finished, Linda could not tell that it was made from five individual bars.  Caroline puts the new steel bar down and says to Linda, “This bars should be much stronger, let’s transfer all the weights from these 500 Kilo units to this new bar”.  Linda and Caroline transfer all the steel plates that are a meter in diameter and 4 centimeter thick from the old bars to the new steel bar.  The two girls handle the heavy disk like they are poker chips at a game of Texas hold-em.  Within a minute, the two girls have made a new barbell that weighs 2000 Kilo.


Caroline reaches down and picks up the new barbell, and she raises it directly over her head with her one hand.  She twirls the bar around several times and says to Linda, “This should be safe for you to lift. I just needed to verify its structural integrity”.


Linda smiles and says, “Thanks” to Caroline.  When Caroline puts the weights back down, Linda attempts to pick up the 2000 Kilo barbell.  First, since it’s almost 3 meters long with only a narrow gap in the middle to clasp the bar, Linda has a difficult time balancing the weight as she lifts it up to her chest. The barbell begins to fall to one side but Caroline quickly uses her one finger to help stabilize the weight.  Once Linda has the weight center and balanced, she attempts a few curls.  Slowly, but steadily, Linda lifts the 2000 Kilos and completes a series of reps.  Caroline just stands there and watches as one of her young endowed students exercises with 2000 Kilos.  She also observes Linda’s muscle development.  Her long legs are developing excellent muscles around her thighs, her hips are well shaped, and her ass is firm and round.  Linda’s stomach and mid section muscles are well defined, and her breasts are pert and firm.  Her shoulders are straight, rounded, and her biceps have doubled.  Her long brunette hair only accents her deep bedroom eyes.


Linda can only do about 10 curls before she puts the weight down and she says, “WOW, that’s a heavy lift, now let me attempt to lift it directly over my head”.  Linda reaches down again, hoists the weight and lifts it directly over her head.  She a little shaky on her feet but Linda completes a set of 10 reps with the 2000 Kilo weight.



Caroline admires her young student Linda as she watches her lift the large weight and Caroline says to Linda, “That excellent Linda, all you need is a slight improvement in your lifting technique and I believe you will be able to lift the 2000 Kilos without any problems”.


Caroline looks around the room and says to Linda, “Linda, bring that 2000 Kilo weight over to my special barbell”.  Caroline and Linda stroll over to the massive barbell that is special for Caroline’s use and Linda says, “That weight is something else, your five students together have tried to just roll it and we cannot budge it a micrometer.  How heavy is this weight”?


Linda is standing next to the massive barbell, and she is touching one of the massive metal plates that are over two meters in diameter and 10 centimeters thick.  There are many plates on each side and the entire length of the barbell is 8 meters with only a meter in the middle to allow access to the large steel bar.


Caroline replies to Linda, “I’m not sure how heavy this barbell weighs, it’s very difficult to calculate and there is no scale that can measure its weight.  I made the steel bar by crushing a complete battleship that probably weighed 80,000 tons. Of course, I let the crew fire all their weapons at my body first.  The first plate is from a complete 100-car freight train that blocked me one day from passing.  The second plate, oh yes, that is the remains of all the tanks, armor vehicles, artillery pieces, and other toys of some large army, I play with them for hours.  The third plate I manufactured by crushing a massive 2 kilometer long steel bridge.  OOOH, I remember how easily the massive steel girders crushed against my body.  This plate was a steel mill, complete with all 10 blast furnaces.  And so on, plate after plate”.   Linda just smiles and she says, “Let me see your technique for lifting Caroline”.


Caroline walks to the center of the massive barbell and stands there with her well-formed hips pressing against the 10-centimeter thick steel bar. A touch of Caroline’s sexy hips against the massive weight causes it to roll slightly and Linda to back away.  Caroline says to Linda, “OOPS, forgot how easily I can move this weight”.


“Now Linda”, says Caroline in a soft feminine voice, “The proper technique for lifting heavy weights or any large heavy object is very simple.  Do not be concerned about all those books, training videos, and manuals, for these items only tell you how to hold you hands, how to use your legs, the proper stance, appropriate posture, and discipline.  The correct method to lift any heavy object is in how sexy you can lift the object.  Men adore strong women, but they absolutely worship strong women who use their strength together with a sexy and teasing attitude.  Now watch how I handle this barbell”.


Caroline spreads her legs slightly, squats down, which accentuates her leg muscles and places her large pert firm breasts under the steel bar of the massive barbell.  With her hands on her ass, Caroline then just slowly stands up and lifts the massive barbell up off the ground.  The better than a million tons barbell raises up with ease and Caroline’s massive breasts don’t sag or indent a nanometer.  Caroline stands there, the massive weight rising and falling as she effortlessly breaths.  The massive weights bending the steel bar slightly.  Caroline then takes her right hand, slides it off her ass, down onto her thigh, up passed her pussy, onto her super flat stomach, and in between her deep cleavage of her breasts.  When her hands comes out the top of her cleavage she extends her middle finger, presses it against the massive bar balanced on her breasts, and raises the massive multi megaton weight over her head as if it were a balloon.



Caroline smiles at Linda and says, “Now let me see what you can do with the barbell you have at your feet”.


Linda smiles, wets her luscious lips with her tongue, reaches down with both hands and raises the 2000 Kilo weight up to her chest.  She holds the weight steady, only a few centimeters from her aroused nipples.  Linda takes a deep breath, pushes out her chest and teases herself and the cold steel bar by rubbing and chafing her hard nipples against the hard steel bar. She pulls the weight back into her breasts and raises and lowers the weights as she massages her large tits with the 2000 Kilo weight.  Linda next, turns the massive weight from horizontal to vertical and lets the large steel plates rub against her muscular thighs.  She teases and taunts her legs with the cold hard steel and then spreads her legs wide open.  She pulls the steel bar into her upper body; the massive steel plates at the lower end of the barbell are sheltered between her powerful thighs, the upper plates directly over her head.  Linda is still holding the massive weight in the air with both her hands as she slowly begins pull the steel bar of the weight into her cleavage. She again teases her nipples as she moves the bar back and forth across her tits.  Linda then pulls the steel bar back into her deep cleavage, takes a deep breath, and watches as her large breasts surround the steel bar.  She slides the bar up and down between her tits a few times before she places the steel bar back down on the ground.  She looks at Caroline and Caroline replies with a smile and a positive nod.  Linda then walks to one end of the 2000-Kilo barbell, spreads her legs slightly, reaches down and pick up the end of the bar bell with one hand and lifts the bar up between her legs.  Linda slowly slides the cold hard steel up and down against her thighs, taunting the heavy barbell as the one end easily lifts off the ground.  Linda continues raising the steel bar until it is rubbing against her hot pussy.  She continues teasing herself and finally says to Caroline, “I should have done this last night to those five guys at the GYM.  Maybe they would have been a better screw”.


Caroline and Linda laugh as they get dresses just as her students begin arriving at the classroom.


Natalie is first to arrive at the classroom and immediately sees the 2000 Kilo weight, and says, “A new barbell, I hope it’s more useful than the guys from the GYM last night, they could not even hold up their own asses”.


Natalie immediately changes into her exercise clothing, walks to the 2000 Kilo weight, picks it up, and carries it to a workout bench.  Natalie exercises with the massive weight for a few minutes and says, “WOW, that’s an excellent workout for my muscles and it looks like the legs of the bench bend somewhat”.  Natalie then counts that plates and yells, “YES, 2000 Kilos”.


Linda turns to Caroline and says softly, “Please allow me show the girls that special technique you taught me today”.  Caroline replies, “Of Course you can Linda, and try not to get into too much mischief today”.


Within the next few minutes Cathy, Amy, and Patty all arrive and change into their workout clothing and all five girls begin to talk about the guys that were suppose to demonstrate their weight lifting skills.  The girls all laugh as comments abound, “They could not lift 100 kilos together, and they only could use a workout bench for sex”.  Linda then says to the girls, “I think Caroline arranged this last night to help keep us out of trouble, we are at a very vulnerable time in our training.  For me, my goal is to crack one of those 10000 Kilo weights by tomorrow, and I’ve already beginning today with this 2000 Kilo weight”


Natalie replies, “Linda, let’s break the 10000 Kilo setting on the exercise equipment today while the other girls first practice with that 2000 Kilo”.  Linda replies as she softly smiles, “I want to break the 200000 Kilo setting, and do it with a sexy simplicity”.  Natalie quickly returns, “I definitely understand”.


Linda travels to the exercise machine for upper body training while Natalie takes the machine for exercising her legs.  They both set the pins so only the first of the 20 weights is engaged.  It weighs 10000 Kilos and the girls have never been able to lift the weight, but both Natalie and Linda are determined.  Natalie is sitting on the leg machine and begins to push hard with both her legs.  Her exercise outfit is extremely tight, especially since it’s her original, and her muscles have since increased over 25 percent in pure mass.  Natalie pushes hard, grabbing the bench with her hands and showing strain through her body, but she manages to push her legs to their full extension and lift the 10000 Kilo weight.  She does a total on five reps, however, on the fifth rep, her solid thick thigh muscles expand substantially and her exercise outfit splits open from midway on her thigh to her waist.


Linda snickers as she says, “WOW, Natalie that’s impressive”.


Linda then grabs the thick steel bar over her head and begins to pull down.  She wraps her legs around the massive bench and strains as she uses all her strength to lift the 10000 Kilos.  And she succeeds.  She also does several reps and as she is pulling down on a rep, her expanded shoulder and chest muscles causes the top of her exercise outfit to burst open and snap back, exposing her large pert breasts.  The other four girls all look at Linda with AWE. 


Natalie responds, “DAMM, looks like we are going to require new and larger size workout clothing when we continue these exercises”.    


Cathy replies, “But I don’t have the money to buy new outfits” as she stands there holding the 2000 Kilo weight over her head.  Cathy has completed about 20 reps with the weight and her expanded chest and shoulder muscles have caused her hard pert nipples to explode through her top and rip a hole in the material.


Caroline hears her student and says to them, “Girls, here a $1000 dollars, go purchase the necessary workout clothing you require and get the best”.


Amy replies, “Thanks Caroline, but how are we going to pay you back, we barely have money to school expensive”.  Caroline answers, ‘Amy, believe me, in a few weeks you will be able to repay all the money with plenty to spare”.


Linda then says, “Thanks Caroline, we all appreciate your kindness.  And girls, I don’t plan on getting a large size outfit, I plan on getting the tightest, sexy outfits possible because I can just imagine the looks on guys’ faces as we exercise with heavy objects and burst our clothing off our bodies with just our soft expanding female muscles”.


There a few seconds of silence, the all the girls yell “YES”.  They all thank Caroline and continue their exercise regiment.  Within an hour, each of the girls are able to exercise on all machines at the 10000 Kilo setting.  They all have issues with their torn, ripped, and popped open clothing. Also, they all attempt to lift the 20000 Kilo but to no avail.  Finally Natalie says, “Let’s go occupy ourselves with some large cars, vans, truck, and other large heavy wheeled objects, and perhaps there will be some real men associated with these”.


Linda snickers and says to the girls, “YEA, it its got wheels or dicks, it’s screwed”.


The girls change into their skimpy, sexy regular clothing, place all their weights and exercise equipment in its proper place and leave the classroom. 


The five super sexy young students stroll from the class room and commence girlish chatting, “Let’s go to the main shopping area, we can purchase new attire for our workouts”, says Cathy.  While Natalie replies, “There are some car and truck dealerships in that area; I could test my little muscles on some real vehicles”. “But how are we going to get to the shopping area”, asks Amy.


Linda gives a sexy smirk and replies, “Let’s stroll by frat house lane.  I’m sure we can negotiate a friendly ride”.


The girls proceed to Frat house row, and along the path, test their ever increasing strength.  Bending and twisting metal sign post is both easy and amusing for the girls as they try to imagine the consequences for drivers.   They move vehicles to the wrong side of the street, and turn vehicles around so they are facing the wrong way, as they sing; “Girls just want to have FUN”.


Upon walking down Frat house row, they pass a Frat house with a guy hanging out a window and Linda flaunts her sexy well-developed body as she yells to the guy in the window, “Hey, could you give five helpless young girls a ride down town.  We would really appreciate the transportation”.   The jock in the window surveys the five girls with his eyes acting as laser beams as he scans their well developed bodies.  He then yells back, “Of course I will take you down town, my car is just over there as he points to a massive SUV in the parking lot”.    The jock immediately races out of the Frat house with his keys dangling in his hand.  He run to Linda and says, “Ready”, to which Linda replies, WOW, what a nice, big, large, expensive, and heavy vehicle for a college student”, and the jock replies, “OH that SUV is not mine, it belongs to my brother, an alumni, who is visiting me, my vehicle is on the other side of that SUV”.


As Natalie approaches the massive SUV, she cannot see any other vehicle on the other side of the SUV and she asks the Jock, “Where is your vehicle”, and he replies, just on the other side of the SUV”. Natalie walks up to the center of the massive SUV and says to the girls, “I’ll just lift this SUV up and see what’s on the other side, it’s easier that walking around this monster”.  So Natalie reaches down with her left hand and places it under the steel frame of the massive vehicle and effortlessly tilts and lifts it up to her firm large chest, causing her massive breasts to bulge out of her top.  She next reaches out with her right hand and clasps a cross member in the middle of the frame and raises the entire SUV over her head.  Natalie has difficultly stabilizing the 3 ton vehicle since she is not sufficiently strong to crush the steel frame and sink her fingers into the metal.  Natalie wobbles as she adjusts her hands to compensate for the vehicles awkward weight distribution.


Natalie is looking at the four other girls and they begin to laugh and point.  At first Natalie believes she is the cause of their laughter until she hears Linda say, “What a piece of shit.  It’s a dilapidated sub compact, a used “YUGO”.  Does it actually run and I doubt the five of us can fit inside that wreck”.  Natalie turns around and begins laughing herself as she sees the useless excuse for a car.  Patty runs over to the YUGO, picks it up over her head with her hands and carries it around to the Jock. 


Patty stands in front of the jock with the YUGO over her head and begins to spin the car and do reps as she says to the guy, “How far do you believe I can throw this piece of junk”.  The jock says nothing; he just stares at Patty as her chest muscles force her enormous breasts to burst upward and through her halter.  He also scans Patty’s legs and ogles at her massive thighs as she has her legs spread apart for better balance.


All the girls glance at the guy, who is flabbergasted, he cannot talk because is tongue is dangle out his mouth and dripping salvia.  But then Linda yells, “WOW, look at his ample crotch, his cock is ready to explode through his jeans”.


Natalie, in the meantime, drops the large SUV to the ground and sets off the car’s alarm.  The loud beeping causes another guy to rush out of the dorm and it’s the jock’s brother.  “What the fuck is going on”, he yells as he runs up to his SUV and turns off the alarm as he also stares at Patty still holding the YUGO over her head.


Cathy smiles at the new guy as she places her hands on her hips, flips her head sideways, and thrusts out her breasts, and says softly, “Can you take five little girls to town in this nice big vehicle, we would be most appreciative of the ride”.


“Your out of your minds, I’ve got to many things to do today”, says the alumni, as he watches Patty effortlessly put the YUGO back down on the ground. 


Cathy then asks quietly and respectfully, then, can we borrow your big bad vehicle for the day”?


The alumni yells back at Cathy, “Hell no bitch”.


Cathy glances and smiles at the alumnus and replies very softly, “OK, permit me, or should I say my body, to persuade you to let us employ your SUV for the day”.  So Cathy walks to the YUGO, grabs the door handle and gives it a sharp tug.  The cheap door-handle tears from the sheet metal, leaving a jagged hole in the door.  Linda next slams her curvy hips into the side door and pushes the door inward, ripping the lock completely out of the frame.  There is now a large gap between the door and the frame and Linda places her hands in the gap, grabs the door and literally pulls the door back through the frame and continues to pull forward, bending the hinges back to the breaking point.  It only requires Linda a few seconds of bending and rocking the door until the metal hinges break apart.  Linda takes the door in her one hand, flings it, and sends it sailing like a Frisbee off into the distance.  She eyes the two guys with a sexy eye piercing peek over her shoulder as she enters the back seat of the YUGO.  Once seated in the center of the back seat, Linda spreads her legs and wraps them around both front seats.  She places her hands on the door frame, just where the frame meets the roof and begins to close her long sexy powerful legs and push upward with her hands.  The low-grade front seats of the YUGO begin to crush into each other.  The metal bolts the hold the two seats to the floor are first to concede to Linda’s leg muscles and they rip through the floor board.  And as the seats collapse into each other, Linda’s leg muscles resemble a massive hydraulic press as the muscles in her calves and thighs crush the two seats together.  She continues the relentless pressure as her legs crushes the bucket seats tightly together, causing them to break apart.   Also, her arm muscles push up on the metal roof, deforming not only the roof but the entire shape of the sub compact YUGO.


Linda tosses aside the broken front seats; then she kicks open the other door open with her feet and leaves the vehicle, brushing off crushed and mangled pieces of the bucket seats from her legs and thighs. And as she rounds the car, she laughs as she sees Natalie and Amy stroking the super hard cocks of the two guys.


Natalie reaches in the alumnus’s pocket, grabs his car keys, tosses them to Linda and says, “Ok guys, hop in the back seat.  And Linda would you please drive as Amy and I entertain these two gentleman in the back seat.  This should take too long”.


The two guys jump into the back seat of the large SUV, immediately followed by Amy and Natalie who remove their scant clothing.  The two girls without delay tear open the pants of the two guys, grab there super hard cocks, sit facing their bodies, spread their legs across the guys hips and begin to screw the two guys.


Linda hops in the driver’s seat, as Cathy and Patty also hop into the front seat.  Linda fires up the SUV and begins to drive away.  And to help Natalie and Amy with some additional sexual pleasure, Linda drives over every curb, step, sidewalk, and bump she can find.  The extra rocking of the SUV only causes Natalie and Amy to hump and screw the two guys at a more feverish pace.  Both Natalie and Amy are relentless with their screwing, pounding the two guys endlessly until they both explode inside their bodies.  Natalie and Amy keep on thumping the two guys, trying to get every gram of pleasure from their bodies as Linda keeps finding object to run over.  But the two guys are in Nirvana.  The smile on their faces, the relaxed condition of their bodies, and their limpness, indicate to Natalie and Amy that they are now worthless as sex toys.  So Natalie yells to Linda, “Pull over”.  Linda stops the large SUV near a grassy patch and Natalie and Amy toss out the two guys onto the grass.   Linda turns around to Natalie and Amy and says with a chuckle in her voice, “Not bad girls, just a nice start to a Sunday afternoon”.  Natalie and Amy both put their clothing back on as Amy replies with a smirk, “Let’s go find some large heavy things that my body can use as play toys”.  To which Linda replies, “Men or trucks”.  Natalie counters in a sexy voice, “BOTH and lots of them”.


Linda drives to the main strip in town where many car dealers have their showrooms and it’s not long before they are in an area of several car dealers.  It’s Sunday, just after noon, and the car dealership lots are open but the dealerships offices are all closed.  Linda selects one dealership that seems to have a large quantity of cars, plus SUV’s, Hummer’s, and other various trucks of different sizes.  She swings into the dealership’s lot, slams on the breaks and stops the car by the main building.  Patty turns her head to Linda and says, “Why did you stop here, the large trucks and vans are on the other side of all these lightweight useless cars”.  Linda replies to Patty by saying, “Practice, practice, practice”.  Patty smiles, rubs her big tits with one hand, and her thighs with her other hand and says, “OOOH, down BODY down, it will only be a moment before you can have some fun with those big bad trucks”.


The girls all snicker as they exit the large SUV and head for several row of large truck, SUV, Hummers, and Vans.  The several rows of new cars in their path just act as amusement for the girls. The girls easily lift the cars over their head, steadying balancing the car.  They easily exercise using cars as weights.  Patty does squats, Linda does overhead reps, Cathy does setups while holding a car over her head, and Amy performs pushups while Natalie stands on her back with a car in each hand.  In about a minute, the girls get bored: cars are just to light.  They begin to toss the cars aside, as they walk towards the rows of large trucks as Natalie says, “I hope these vehicles are more of a challenge for our sexy muscular body than those useless lightweight cars”.  


Natalie is first to reach a large extended cab truck that has a large diesel engine and dual rear wheels.  Natalie goes directly to the front of the truck, places her hands under the front bumper and lifts the front of the truck straight up and over her head.  She then swings her other hands under the truck, grabs a section of steel frame and lifts the entire truck up vertically and holds it over her head with just one hand.  She balances the truck for a few seconds before it falls back down to the ground with a thunderous thud. 


“That was easy, even large trucks are effortless, what’s a girl suppose to do for exercise”, says Natalie.  Linda thinks for a second, and then grabs another large identical truck, lifts it up by one end and slams it upside down on the other truck so the extended cabs are crammed into the beds of the trucks. “Try this configuration”, says Linda as Natalie smile and replies, “Still looks easy”.  Natalie grabs the truck again by the bumper and lifts both trucks over her head and balances them with one hand until they fall back to the ground. 


Linda strolls over to the two truck heap and says to Natalie, “Let me try to lift this wreck”.  So Linda grabs the front steel bumper with one hand, spreads her legs apart which causes her tight short skirt to raise up to the top of her thighs, places her other hand on her hips, and slowly lifts the truck off the ground.  She purposely pushes out her chest and as she lifts the truck she sways her hips, and forces the front grill of the truck to scrape against her large firm breasts.  And as the grill scraps across her tits, it forces her skimpy top to roll up and above her magnificent breast.  She taunts the truck’s grill with her nipples for a few seconds, causing her nipples to enlarge and harden.  She continues to tease the grill with her pert young breasts as her nipples break apart sections of the decorative grill.  Linda continues to lift the trucks over her head and once she has them balanced with one hand over her head, she takes her other hand and begins to rub her body with that hand.  She starts with her thighs, then her super flat stomach, next she grabs one of her breasts and raises it up to her mouth where she massages her nipple with her long hot tongue.


Linda COOS, and MOANS, as she does repeated one handed reps with the trucks as she sexually massages her body.  The four other girls all watch Linda intensely and Cathy finally yells, “WOW, that turn me on, let alone what it can do to poor helpless guys”.


Linda finally tosses the trucks about 50 meter away and replies, “Remember, it’s not how much we can lift, it’s how sexy we can lift”.


The five girls go crazy. Every truck and vehicle on the lot is uses as practice for both their strength and sexuality.  They pack three to four trucks on top of each other with cars sandwich in between as they all practice strength and sexy exercises.  The girls are all having fun, but Cathy concludes that the large truck and vehicles are boring as she see the large dealership sign by an entrance and decides to test her strength between the two large steel poles supporting the sign.  She runs over to the sign, pushing aside several vehicles with her body, and jumps up on the concrete foundation.  The concrete foundation is about a meter high and the two steel columns are about a meter and a half apart.  The columns are made of steel, 30 centimeters in diameter, and support a sign 20 meters in the air.  Cathy places her body between the two steel columns, stretches out her well-built body and places a hand on each of the columns and a foot at the base of each column.  She then looks up and sees a car stopped dead in the street just at the sign.  There are four heads gawking out the window and its four young guys just staring at her.


Linda gives them a dumb look as says, “OK guy, haven’t you ever seen a girl before”.


One guy roars back, “Not with a sexy body like yours.  WOW you have a sexy shape and firm muscles”.  Linda smiles erotically and replies with a sexy tone in her voice back to the four guys, “Well thank you very much.  Oh, by the way, do you appreciate a young, intelligent, sexy, horny, and strong female”?


The guys basically stare as Cathy begins to press hard against the two steel columns.  Her arm, leg, thigh, shoulder, and chest muscles all bulge out of her tight clothing as she attempts to push the two steel columns apart.  She pushes harder and harder and the only thing that yields is Cathy’s clothing.  Her tight cut off jeans begin to split because of her upper thigh muscles, her tight fitting blouse pops three buttons as her chest and her firm pert breasts expand beyond the limits of the material.


Finally, one of the guys yells, “Do you actually believe you can push apart those metal columns”?


Cathy relaxes, takes a deep breath and replies, “Of course I can bend these columns, it’s my clothing, I’m worried about, I only have one outfit.  OH, do you guys mind it I remove all my clothing and try again to push apart there columns”.  There is dead silence, just a positive bobbing of four heads.


Cathy quickly removes her clothing, and again positions herself between the two steel columns and starts to push outward with her hands and arms. She pushes hard; a considerable strain on her body is evident as every muscle in her body expands to the bursting point. After about 30 second of applying every bit of strength Cathy’s body can exert, the two steel columns begin to bend outward.  Cathy continues to push with her body until her arms are straight out, bending the steel columns.


“That was tough”, says Cathy to the four guys as she jumps down off the concrete foundation and walks over to their car. She walks over to the front passenger’s window, places her hands on her hips, pushes out her chest to emphasize her large breast and deep cleavage and stands there for a few seconds.


“WOW! You’re super strong” says one of the guys. And you’re turning me on. Can you demonstrate some more of your incredible strength”?


Cathy first puckers her succulent lips, secondly she opens her enticing mouth, thirdly she wets her lushes’ lips with her long tongue, and finally speaks in an ultra sexy voice, “With absolute sexual pleasure. Let me begin to show you what the asset of my body can perform with your light weight car”.


Cathy reaches down and clasps the underside of the vehicle with her hand and lifts the vehicle straight up.  The vehicle is tilted 45 degrees and the four guys all fall to the far side of car.   They hasten back to the one side, but it’s difficult, the car keeps rising and falling as Cathy does boring reps with her one hand.  Two of the guys finally are able to look out the window and all the see is Cathy doing repeated reps with one hand, nude, and absolute showing no sign of fatigue.  They also observe Cathy’s superlative muscles and her fabulous deep cleavage.


Cathy drops the vehicle back down on the ground and says, “Come on guy, give me something tuff and sexy.


One guy yells, “OK babe, let’s see what your absolute perfect body can do with that metal street sign and maybe I’ll wake up from this dream”.


Cathy grins as she sexually gleams over her shoulders with her bedroom eyes and replies, “With pleasure”.


Cathy strolls over to the metal street sign post and positions her shapely ass and shoulders against the metal post so the four guys see her side profile.  She lifts her right leg and places the bottom of her foot against the steel post to exploit her leg muscles.  She then raises her right hand over her head and grabs the steel post with her right hand.  Cathy wiggles slightly, getting her nude firm body tightly against steel post.  She places her left hand on her hip, turns her head towards the four guys, look intently at the guys as she waters her lips with her tongue and pulls down on the steel post with her hand.


The steel post is about 8 centimeters in diameter and about 3 meters in height.  The steel post easily begins to bend forward across Cathy’s shoulders as she pulls her hand forward.  The steel post bends 90 degrees across her right shoulder and once it’s even with her shoulders. Cathy places her right leg back down on the ground and spreads her legs apart as she rotates her body so the four guys can see her front side.  She continues to bend the sign down, keeping her sexy body perfectly straight.  The metal post bends around her shoulder and Cathy directs the large metal sign on the top of the steel post to her upper thighs.  She pushes the large rectangular metal sign between her legs and it folds over effortlessly between her power upper leg muscles.  Cathy then closes her legs and her muscular thighs crush the metal sign into a glob of scrap metal.


Cathy looks at the four guys and says tenderly, “EASY”.  Then with the steel post still bent over her shoulder, she leans forward, slowly bending at her slender waist until her upper body is parallel to the ground.  The steel post conforms to the shape of her ass and bends to the shape of her body.  And this causes the steel post to rip completely out of the ground.  Cathy then stands back up and walks over to the car with the four guys.  And as she walks, she takes the bent steel post, and places it around the back of her neck. Once at the car, she stands by the passenger side door, spreads her legs slightly and begins to wrap the steel post around her neck.  She also bends the steel post downward and across her large firm breasts.  Cathy teases her nipples as she crosses her breasts with the bent steel post and crisscrosses the steel post between her deep cleavage.


The four guys all sit back in their car and grab there swollen cocks.  Cathy immediately removes the steel post from around her body, grabs the door handle and pulls.  Unfortunately for the door handle, the door was locked and the handle breaks in her hand..  Fortunately for Cathy, she just grabs the door frame of the car, tears the door open, and jumps in the back seat between the two guys.  The guy on her right has his clothing sexually removed by Cathy. She just tears apart this shirt, pants, and shorts, and then jumps his super hard bone. She pounds him ferociously and he lasts about 30 seconds until he blows his wad.  By this time the other guy is undressed and Cathy immediately fucks him silly.  He lasts almost a minute before she drops him out the door and pulls one of the guys from the front seat into the back seat and begins sexually driving him crazy.  She sits on his lap, facing forward and screws him relentlessly, while the last guy in the front seat places his cock between Cathy breasts.  She is pitiless; she pounds the one guy with her pile driving ass and uses her large firm breasts to squeeze the man hood out of the other guy. 


It’s over in less than a minute, both guys blow their manhood just as Cathy is about to reach her second organism.  She screams loudly from the pleasure and the four other girls all come running over to observe what has occurred.


Linda looks at Cathy and says jokingly, “Cathy, you didn’t share with the rest of us girls”. To which Cathy answers, “There wasn’t enough to share”.  The girls all laugh as they dresses, head back to their SUV as Natalie says, “Let’s go find us some men, I’m horny as hell”.


To be continued.