Ron & Bridgette part 3: The First Workout

by Sean Porter


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"So how was the first day back?"


Ron hung his coat up in the closet, dropped his keys on the coffee table, let out a long breath and grinned.  "Pretty good, I guess."


Bridgette cast a knowing glance in his direction.  "Not much fun being back at work, huh?"  He shook his head.


"Same for's so hard to go back to a routine after two weeks off.  I couldn't concentrate."  She dropped her eyes as her cheeks turned slightly red.  "I kept thinking about...well, you know."


It wasn't often that Bridgette acted shy, especially about sex, but Ron found it quite cute at the moment.  He eyed his wife of sixteen days, wondering what she was up to.  She had only gotten home a few minutes before him, he knew, and hadn't changed out of her standard work apparel of slacks and a buttoned shirt.  She was still looking pretty good to him, though.  She recovered her composure, glancing back at him and asking casually, "Are you hungry for dinner right away, or..."


The question drifted away, unfinished, as they both thought about what they really wanted at that moment.  Ron shrugged casually.  "I dunno..."


There was a pause as they looked at each other.  Each knew what the other was thinking, but it was somehow strange to say it.  In that moment, Ron realized that they had no routine for this yet.  On their honeymoon, they hadn't given much thought to anything other than sex.  For the first two weeks of their marriage, every day had been about one thing, almost exclusively.  They hadn't yet had to figure out working, cooking meals, cleaning, leaving the house and coming home, all of the regular things of life.  All of that would come, and eventually they would settle into a regular way of doing things.  And this moment, on the first day of regular life, might have a lot to do with how they eventually ended up.


Well, Ron thought, I know how I want us to end up, and he grabbed his wife and pulled her body tight against his, giving her a hard, urgent kiss that conveyed all of his raw lust for her that had built up since the last time he saw her, 9 long hours ago.


She moaned and responded passionately, pressing against him and shoving her tongue into his mouth.  Her hands stroked the back of his head and roamed quickly downward as her leg rubbed against his.  They bumped clumsily against a wall, frantically groping and tugging at clothing as they dropped to the floor.  Ron's shirt tore away from his chest; Bridgette's pants slid rapidly down to her knees.  She pulled away from him, gasping for breath as her hair fell across her face.  "Wait," she panted.  "I want to try out my wedding present."


* * * * * * *


Ron's wedding gift to Bridgette had been a fully equipped, extravagantly stocked weight room, complete with every piece of fitness equipment she could ask for.  It had cost him every penny of his life savings, but he couldn't think of a better use for the money.


Seeing Bridgette's eyes light up as she swung open the door to her own personal workout sanctum, Ron knew again that every penny had been worth it.  She strolled into the spacious room, her eyes passing slowly over each gleaming apparatus, each heavily loaded rack of free weights, each chin up bar and treadmill, and finally arriving back at his lopsided grin.  Her own perfect mouth was twisted into a sexy smirk.  Wordlessly, she slipped out of her clothing and casually posed for him in her black bra and thong.  His eyes drank in her body, practically bulging out of his skull as they took in her full, round breasts; her flat, toned stomach; her narrow waist and wide, curvaceous hips, and her dazzlingly long, perfectly shaped legs.


"I can't wait to try it all out," she purred.  "I've been imagining it...using my strength, really pushing myself to my limits...with you watching."  Her voice was hypnotic and seductive.  "Ever since the night we both told each other our secrets, I've been saying it...I want to show you my strength...I want to be your fantasy...I want to blow your mind.  Now I'm going to show you what I mean when I say those things."  Her lips curled into a full smile, full of excitement.  "Are you ready?"


Ron was so excited at this point, he could only nod, eagerly and emphatically.


"Good."  Bridgette turned and strolled casually towards the butterfly press.  Seating herself on the cushioned seat, she reached down to set the weight at 300 pounds.  Like most of the equipment Ron had purchased, this machine was specially designed to go up to 2000 pounds.  A few of the leg exercises could go higher.


She raised her arms and positioned them on the large pads beside her shoulders.  Smoothly and confidently, she swung the pads forward and brought them together in front of her face, then eased them back again.  Ron gawked appreciatively at her slender, feminine arms as they moved steadily back and forth, appearing as hard as steel.  Then his gaze wandered to her chest.  Each time the stack of weights rose behind her, Bridgette's pectorals pushed her ample breasts forward, stretching her lace bra to the limit as her arms pressed them sexily together.  And on each stroke back, her back arched as they separated, expanding while still retaining their perfect spherical shape.  Ron stared, transfixed by the alluring movements of her breasts as she repeatedly pressed the weight, until her sultry voice recaptured his attention.


"Ron, this workout is all for you.  Everything I do is for your enjoyment, and you can ask me to do anything you want."  She followed his stare, looking down at her own chest.  "And you can take anything off of me that you want," she smiled.


Her words made him realize how badly he wanted to see her breasts in their full glory as she performed this particular exercise.  He dashed to her side and clumsily unhooked her bra.  It fell to the floor as she spread her arms wide, the weight dropping smoothly behind her.  Then, as he moved back to watch, she pressed the pads again.  The weights soared back up, and her gorgeous breasts quivered, thrust forward by her fully flexed chest and pressed together by her well-defined arms.  They were exquisitely round and firm, the nipples hardened into beautiful buds.  He stared silently, helplessly entranced.


Bridgette bathed in his attention.  Her legs were spread wide and moisture was steadily seeping through her thin panties.  She loved seeing him like this, loved to be so sexy and strong for him.  Seeing him drool and stare as she exhibited her power was intoxicating to her; it turned her on more than anything else could.  She took her arms off the pads long enough to increase the weight to 400 pounds, then smoothly performed another set of reps.  Ron's eyes nearly popped from his head as her breasts thrust out once more, firm, perfectly defined spheres pushed majestically forward by her powerful pectorals.


At last she stood up from the machine, ready to move on to something else.  Her husband looked as if he couldn't handle much more, but she had plenty in store for him.


* * * * * * *


Her next destination was a rack of free weights.  She selected two dumbbells, so loaded with weights that only her small, feminine hands could have gripped them successfully.  Making sure that Ron could read the numbers on each disc, she let him do the math in his head rather than simply telling him she held 500 pounds in each hand.  Letting her hair fall across her face, she peered at him through it as she began curling the massive weights up to her chest, alternating her left and right hands.  Her biceps swelled with each rep, bunching into smooth, round, hard mounds as the heavy discs came up to touch her firm nipples.


She let out a gasp of pleasure as she felt Ron's fingers close around her left bicep.  He squeezed as hard as he could, feeling her arm explode with power as it pumped the weight up and down.  Her bicep felt as hard as steel, expanding and contracting beneath her warm, smooth skin.  She slowed her movement, letting him feel every twitch of her strength as she eased the heavy dumbbell up gradually, watching it progress inch by inch until it reached her naked breast.  Then she held it there, her bicep fully flexed, letting him test its incredible hardness and enjoy its shape.  Just the simple touch of his hand on her muscle, feeling her strength, was stimulating her sexually...her nipples growing rigid, her pussy seeping more and more fluid through her panties.  She knew how intensely he got turned on by her displays of strength, and realized that working out for him would have just as much of an effect on her, if not more.  She just wondered how long they could resist giving in to their desires, and what would happen when they did...


* * * * * * * *


Bridgette lay back on the benchpress, gripping the handles tightly.  This was one of Ron's favorites, she knew, and she wanted to give it everything she had.  The weight was set to the maximum amount, 2000 pounds.  Her fingers clenched the hard rubber; her teeth ground together.  With a soft, sexy grunt, her arms pushed up hard.  Her chest tightened, muscles expanding and hardening until her silky, bronzed skin looked stretched tight over them.  Behind her, the entire stack of weights rose slowly as her arms extended.


Thus far, everything she had shown Ron was just fooling around, basically for show.  Nothing difficult, really.  But this was a challenge.  She could do it, she knew, but this was really the first time she had pushed herself, tried something hard, with anyone else watching.  Before now, if she was going to really work her muscles she wouldn't have wanted another person to be there, especially considering the amount of weight involved or how much energy it might have taken out of her.  But with Ron it was different.  He wasn't intimidated by the weight; the more she could do the more turned on he got.  And the more he was enjoying it, the more she did as well.  As she pushed the full ton of iron up, lowered it back down and raised it again, she felt her body surging to life rather than tiring, her muscles tingling as if wanting more, her heart pounding with adrenaline but also with desire.  She was so turned on now, her pussy was leaking warm nectar at a steady rate.  She looked up at Ron, his mouth hanging open and his eyes glazed with pure lust as he watched her arms pumping like steel pistons, her naked breasts quivering with each rep.  The weight was getting lighter and easier.  She completed her 20th rep and kept going, her muscles responding to the challenge as if providing her with more strength on demand.


"Oh wow," Ron moaned.  "You really can do're so unbelievable, baby..."


"I told you," she whispered, breathing deeply.  "If you want me to be able to do it, I can do it."


She pumped the weight again, harder....


"I can do anything you want.  I'm going to get stronger."


Again, and again, the weights going up and down faster...


"And stronger.  A lot stronger..."


The weights were slamming up and down, banging loud and hard against each other.


"S-s-stronger?"  Ron could barely repeat the word.


"Uh huh," Bridgette grunted, her lips forming a half-grin as she thrust the bar up at full speed.  "I told you once before...but I think you were falling asleep."  She pursed her lips as the handles dropped back toward her chest for an instant, then shot back upward once more.  "See, I haven't really tried to get stronger for a long time.  There was never really any reason to.  But now..." she looked steamily up at him.  "I have a REALLY good reason."


He stared at her as she did three more reps, then stopped.  Her breasts gleamed with sweat, rising steadily with every breath she took.  She looked back at him.  "I just want to keep getting stronger and stronger for you.  I want to be strong enough to do anything you can dream of, anything you can image.  I want to be able to do things you CAN'T imagine."


Her eyes flickered up and down his body.  "Take off your clothes, baby."


Ron blinked, then quickly shed everything he was wearing.  His rigid cock pointed up, huge and purple.  He wanted her so badly right then...


She slipped one hand lightly under his testicles, caressing him gently.  Her long fingers stroked softly up and down the length of his shaft.  Her other hand gripped the benchpress handle tight.  "Did you hear me, Ron?  ANYTHING you can imagine."


As her left hand softly and slowly stroked his throbbing cock, her right hand pushed hard against the bar.  She gritted her teeth and her muscles instantly hardened into sharp, rigid contours, but her touch on his dick remained gentle and sensual.  Slowly, inch by inch, the two thousand pound stack of weights rose all the way up, lifted by her single arm.


Without warning, thick, warm semen spurted over her hand and across her naked body.  "Mmmmmm," she purred excitedly.


* * * * * * *


Ron stood back as Bridgette centered her shoulders against the bar, preparing to lift it from the rests and do some squats for him.  He had already watched her stack six two-hundred-fifty-pound plates on each end, totaling 3000 pounds.  Her small hands cupped the abnormally thick iron bar as she grinned knowingly at him.  Flexing her calves and rising up on tiptoe, she heaved the massive barbell from the rests and settled it against her shoulders.  Her bare feet took two steps forward, then planted firmly on the cement floor.  Her long legs were coming to life, the hard, sexy curves becoming more prominent beneath her deeply tanned skin.  Her knees bent; her ass bulged as she pushed it out; her thighs flexed as she lowered her body.  Balancing on the balls of her perfect feet, she crouched all the way down, keeping her back perfectly straight, her breasts thrust proudly forward.  She hesitated for a brief moment, then pushed back up, her legs even sexier as they bulged against the 3000-pound pull of gravity on her weights.  Just for effect, she gave a girlish little 'unhh' as she completed Rep Number One.


Ron's eyes drank in her legs at their best, tracking slowly up her entire body.  She was still wearing the tiny thong she had started off with, but nothing else, and he was completely naked.  He suddenly wanted, very badly, to take off her thong.  'Well,' he thought, 'she said I could take off whatever I wanted...'


He approached her from behind, careful to avoid the impossibly heavy bar as her legs pushed it up and down.  His fingers slipped inside the thin string on either side of her hips, and as she straightened up, slid her wet panties down her statuesque legs.  She moaned appreciatively and casually stepped out of them, first the right foot, then the left.  It wasn't until days later that Ron realized how incredible it was that she had been able to do this.


As she dropped back down into another squat, Ron's hands remained on her legs, tracing from her ankles, up the rigid, curvaceous muscles of her calves, and along the sleek, rippling thighs as they pushed up a ton and a half without any apparent effort.  She slowed her pace, descending again in slow motion, thrusting her ass out at him as his hands stroked her taut legs.  He couldn't stop touching her body; like a powerless addict he only pawed and gripped her more frantically.  He grabbed her rock hard ass, he ran his fingers up her chiseled stomach, he cupped and squeezed her amazingly firm, round breasts.  With every clumsy grope, his wife's moans of pleasure only grew louder and more urgent.  Many times he had touched her with the goal of pleasing her, and had been very successful, but right now he was only thinking of his own lust, his desire to feel and experience her perfect body in action.  But it was clear that she was enjoying this as much as she had ever enjoyed anything his hands had done.  She groaned, grinding her ass against him with every rep, and gasped passionately at each new place he touched.  Her body was incredible, skin warm and wet, taut against her hard and shapely muscles as she continued to do the impossible without difficulty.  She spread her legs wider, crouching so low her ass nearly touched the floor, and cried out, "Ohhhh yes Ron, keep touching me...grab me, take me!  It feels so good...feels like I get stronger every time you touch me.  I can do anything as long as your hands are on my body..."


Getting more and more turned on, Ron slipped a hand between her legs.  A steady stream of hot juices was already flowing down her thighs.  He stroked her sensitive clit, causing her to suck air between her teeth and bringing a fresh gush of nectar.  He slipped two fingers inside her, and she whimpered with pleasure.  Faster and faster she pumped herself up and down, grinding against his hand as if she wasn't even aware of the ton and a half balanced across her shoulders.


"Ohhh Ron," she moaned, "Look..."  As he kept frantically fingerfucking her, Ron turned his head up to watch her hands raise the bar from her shoulders.  Still pumping up and down with her legs, Bridgette was now lifting the weight fully into the air above her head.  "Oh yes," she gasped, "Oh yes, oh yes, yes yes YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS..."  An explosive climax shook her entire body as hot juices gushed from her pussy, flowing over his hand and soaking her thighs.  She kept the bar up over her head the entire time, not wanting to endanger Ron, but as the orgasm flooded her senses she felt as if she could have bent it in half without trying.  As the intense pleasure began to fade, she lowered herself all the way down for one last squat.  Letting the bar drop to her chest, she pushed it back up overhead as her legs straightened up.  She held the pose for a moment.


"Mmmmmmm, that was sooo good," she sighed, finally letting the bar drop back into the rests behind her.  Running a finger through the juice which coated her legs, she licked it clean and smiled.  "What should we do next?"


* * * * * * *


She had made him cum already, and now he had done it to her, just by touching her while she worked out.  Ron knew what he wanted now...he had to have her.


She was eager for it too...but neither of them wanted the workout to be over, either.  They were both thinking the same thing.  Ron said it first.


"Can we have sex while you're lifting something?"


Bridgette broke into an eager grin.  "Uh huhhh," she breathed.


Ron looked around at the vast array of equipment.  ""


In the coming months, they would discover hundreds of different answers to this question, but in this case, Bridgette went to a low bench next to a rack of free weights.  There were several dumbbells as well as long barbells loaded with a variety of amounts.  She bent over, resting her left hand on the padded bench and straddling it with straight legs.  With her right hand she picked up a dumbbell and began curling it.


Looking over her shoulder at him, she playfully explained, "This is only 500 pounds, like I was doing before.  But when you start fucking me," she said, strongly emphasizing her favorite word as she wiggled her shapely ass, "I'm sure I'll want more."  She gestured to the loaded rack.


Not waiting for any further invitation, Ron straddled the bench behind her and grabbed her hips tightly.  She cooed with pleasure as he sank his engorged cock in her dripping wet pussy.  Her legs spread apart slightly, guiding him in at the perfect angle and pushing back against him just a little.  With her right hand she smoothly curled the weight, keeping her arm vertical and bringing the thick weights all the way up to her shoulder, then slowly lowering them almost to the floor.  Again.  And again.


Ron moved his whole body back and forth, pushing into her all the way, feeling the hard, round muscles of her ass press back against his pelvis, then sliding out, almost all the way out so that only his throbbing head was still held tight between her supple lips.  Within a few strokes, his thrusting was perfectly matched to her arm curling the weight.  Experimentally, Ron quickened his pace.  As his rigid member pounded her faster, Bridgette easily kept time with him, her slender arm effortlessly pumping the quarter ton up and down as she moaned with pleasure.


Ron didn't want to increase his pace too quickly, preferring to prolong this workout as much as possible.  He eyed the rack of weights next to them, took a deep breath, and kept his rhythm steady.  As if reading his mind, Bridgette dropped her 500 pound weight with an impatient grunt and grabbed an 800-pound dumbbell.  "Oh yeah," she moaned, "that's better."  She pushed back against him, taking him deeper.  "Fuck me Ron, come on..."  Her voice was urgent, her arm pumping the weight faster then he could match now.  "It feels like you're making me stronger...unhhh...feels like I just get stronger every time you pound me, baby!"


Ron could hardly believe his ears, but the proof was soon to follow as Bridgette lowered the 800-pound dumbbell to the ground right over the 500-pound one she had just discarded.  As he gawked in disbelief, she stretched her long fingers around the criss-crossed handles of both weights and picked them both up.  Ramming his cock into her harder than ever now, he watched her curl the 1300-pound mass with ease.  "Ohhh yeahhhhh..." she cried out, "fuck me hard, Ron...Yesssss!!!"  He kept pounding her with everything he had, his cock throbbing against her tight, slippery cunt.  She gasped and screamed with pleasure, her arm moving faster and faster until she simply tossed away both the dumbbells and reached for a long, fully loaded barbell.  Picking up the huge weight one-handed, she curled it a few times as Ron tallied up the weights on either end in his head.  It held a full ton.


Bridgette switched to a two-handed grip now, which meant she was still bending over but without holding herself up against the bench.  She was supporting 2000 pounds with her hands, bending over at the waist, and somehow keeping her balance, all while Ron kept pounding her pussy as hard as he could.  As he watched, she gripped the thick bar tightly, her small fists right up against the massive stacks of thick weights on either end of the bar.  Even knowing what was coming next, it was a shock to watch it happen.  She let out a long, low moan, her voice thick with pleasure and desire, and began to bend the huge barbell completely in half.  The solid iron creaked loudly as it folded over on itself, her slender arms shaking as they overpowered the tough metal until the two stacks of heavy weights collided into each other.  At that moment, Bridgette's moan grew into an orgasm shriek, and her pussy spurted hot juices all over the bench.  Ron climaxed at the same moment, shooting his load deep into her spasming cunt.  "Ohhhh god," Bridgette gasped, her body quaking with a second climax as she slammed down the mangled weight, bending all the way over to take him as deep as possible as he exploded.  He kept thrusting and pounding until he had spent every last drop.  Finally he dropped onto the bench, which was slippery with her cum by now.


"Mmm," his wife purred, picking up the bent barbell and passing it easily back and forth from hand to hand.  "I can't wait to find out how strong I can get after a few more workouts like THAT!"


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To be continued...