Basic Training

By Pat Mallon


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.


Donna attempts to enlist in the military:


Donna is 18 years old, just graduated from high school, and cannot find decent employment.  She was an excellent student but did not have the funds for college.  So she decides to enlist in the military.  Her only concern is she is a bean pole and she is not sure if she can pass the physical. 


Donna is almost 6 feet tall, about 110 pounds, with the shape of a long 2 by 4.  She is very conscience of her lack of physical assets and is basically very shy.  She has only a few close friends and does not date very often.  She is very plain and simple with an attractive face, pleasant smile, and she is always neat.  She attempts to dress with clothing that helps give her curves and female definition, but it’s impossible.


She applies for the military, and gets an appointment to take the medical, physical, and intellectual tests at an induction center to see if she qualifies.  Donna has no problems with the intellectual test but the physical tests are difficult for Donna, she simply does not have the muscles or strength to pass several of the tests.  The military also gives her the basic medical test, which includes, blood, urine, and a new test to check and record her DNA.


By the end of the day, Donna is exhausted from all the tests and physical strain, but she still gets a personal interviewed so the military can determine her status.   The person interviewing Donna is very polite, courteous, and understanding.  The interviewer discuses the results of the tests with Donna and Donna can tell there is an issue. 


The interviewer reviews her computer screen and tells Donna all of the tests are completed except the DNA test, but that is not critical.  However, the military requires young personnel that are physical muscular and strong to endure the pressure of the military.  Donna tries not to shed tears, but it’s difficult.  She tells the interviewer, she understands and that for all of her young life, she has tried to put on weight and muscle, but she just can’t.  “I’m resolved to be a skinny as a rail”.    The interviewer comforts Donna with small talk and says if she could gain some weight and muscle, the military would reconsider.


Although, Donna could not directly see the interviewer’s computer screen, she could tell by the reflection in the glass behind the interviewer, something changed.  There is bright red flashing on the screen.  The interviewer quickly reads her screen and then enters data into the computer.  Donna quietly says, “Something wrong”.


The interviewer, not thinking, replies, “Your DN       ah ah test”.   The interviewer reads her screen for a few more seconds then looks at Donna and says, “The military has many positions that do not require initial physical strength; it’s more important to have the ability to think, analyze, or command.  If you are interested, we have a highly motivating, very stimulating, and rewarding position with an immediate advancement in rank and a signing bonus if you pass the simple basic training”.


Donna smiles and replies, “Are you sure you have the right person”?  The interviewer replies, “Oh Yes, would you like to begin your paper work now. I can guarantee you will be assigned to a basic training base in a warm sunny climate just an hour from the hottest city in the world”.


Donna can believe this opportunity and she quickly says, “Let’s get started with all the paperwork”.


The interviewer reaches in her desk for a folder and as she hands it to Donna, a high ranking officer enters the room.  The interviewer immediately stands up and salutes the officer.   The high ranking officer says to the interviewer “I need to talk to you in private”, so the two military personnel leave the room.


Donna is curious, so she peaks around at the computer screen and the large red flashing message and it only reads, “DNA test results.  Code RED---Code RED--- extreme potential for special project “ADVANCED FEMALE MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT”, retain individual at all costs”. 


Just then the door reopens and the high ranking officer and the interviewer reenter the room and Donna quickly sits back in her chair.  The high ranking officer, presents himself to Donna, shakes her hand and says, “I understand you are very interested in enlisting”.


“Oh Yes, I believe it will be great opportunity for me, and maybe you can put some pounds on my body during basic training”.


The officer smiles, and replies, “Oh yes, there is nothing like basic training to develop strength and muscles.  And if you are interested, we can enlist you tomorrow and fly you to your basic training base.  It’s in a much warmer and snow free climate than here”.


Donna replies, “What time tomorrow shall I report”?  The general replies, “A military driver will pick you up at your house at 8 o’clock.  And all you will need are of few personnel belonging and a change of clothing.  We will supply everything else that you require and you can complete this paper work tomorrow.”


Donna is very excited as she leaves the inductions center and returns home to tell her family and friends.


At 0800 a car arrivers at Donna’s house and a young military officer greets Donna.  He is very polite, cheerful, and thankful, as he assisted Donna with her small suitcase.  Once in the car, Donna says hello to the military driver and another military person.  Donna and the young officer get into the back seat and the officer introduces the driver and the other person.  “He introduces the driver, Sgt Bill Walters, and the other person, Sgt Nancy O’Hara.  Bill turns around and nods politely as he says, “Hello”.  Then Nancy turns around and also says hello in a soft professional tone as she reaches for Donna’s hand.  Nancy gives Donna a firm handshake and Donna just stares for a few seconds and says “I’m glad to meet you”.


Donna is speechless.  She has never seen a woman like Nancy. 


Nancy is in her dress uniform and it is extremely tight on her body.  Not because her uniform is too small but because she is so muscular, build, and shapely.  Nancy is about as tall as Donna, but is at a minimum double her weight.  Her arms and biceps muscles are bulging out the short sleeve blouse.  Nancy chest has expanded her blouse to where every bottom is stressed to the popping point.  Her calf muscles are enormous and her thighs completely take up all the room is her short skirt.


Nancy knows Donna is in “AWE”, so she starts the conversation and she is very polite, thoughtful, and helpful.  She assures Donna that this enlistment will be very rewarding. She also tells Donna that basic training will be very special, hard but gratifying and when finished, she will have the rank of sergeant”.


Donna smiles as she asks Nancy, “Will I be able to put on a few pounds to my thin body”.   Nancy smiles and she flexes her one arm, causing her biceps to double in size and replies, “Absolutely guaranteed”.


The remaining segment of the trip is swift, entertaining, and informative.  Donna, Nancy, and the young officer fly on a special military jet to the special basic training base.  It’s in a warm climate but isolated.   A private limonene picks up the three individuals and Donna is shown her barracks and her private room.  Nancy goes over the basic rules.  You must stay in this area of the base.  There is a movie theater, a commissary store, a mess hall, a recreation area completed with a well equipped gym.


Nancy continues the tour and says to Donna, “You will start tomorrow morning at 0500 and your days will be 16 hours long.  Its hard work, lots of training, lots of food and in a few weeks, lots of fun”.    Nancy also informs Donna that there will be a total of 20 girls in this new recruit class and that she and two other female sergeants will be the drill instructors. 


Nancy continues explaining the details to Donna as the walk around and says, “As your drill instructor, I will be very tuff, both physically and mentally.  It’s my duty to break you down and then build you up.  I will not give anyone in this class any slack.  It’s do as I say or your out”.


Donna replies, “I completely understand, and when you say, “Build you up”, do you mean you can put some weight and shape on my body”.    Nancy replies confidently, “Oh yes, I hope to double your weight with pure muscle, absolute no fat”.


Donna and Nancy continue to chat as they walk across the parking lot to her barracks, when a military Hummer vehicles comes screaming across the parking lot.  The driver heads straight for Nancy and Donna and slams on his breaks only a few feet from Donna.  The large military vehicle slams into Donna’s leg and there is a loud crash as the steel bumper of the Hummer is wrapped half way around Donna’s upper thigh.  Donna doesn’t budge a millimeter, she stares at the driver, puts her hands on her hips and yells, “You fucking idiot”.  The then walks around to the driver’s window and says to him, “If this new recruit was not with me, I would teach you a good fucking lesson”.


The driver replies back to Donna, “Any time you want to teach me a good fucking lesson, I’m ready”.


“Fuck you asshole”, is Nancy’s only response.  The driver looks at Nancy’s incredibly muscular and shapely body and says, “I’ve got firsts on that new recruit, she quite cute.  I can’t wait until you add mounds of muscle and super shape to her body.  Oh, what her name”?  “Get lost fuck head”, responds Nancy as she turns around and walks back to Donna.


“Are you OK Nancy, that guy ran his truck directly into you”?  “Oh I’m OK; he came close but missed me and hit that guard post”.  Donna turns her head around, looks at the crushed bumper on the Hummer and then looks as the hole torn in Nancy’s skirt.  She doesn’t say anything.


As Donna and Nancy enter the barracks, Donna says, “I like this place already.  There are 100 young healthy males for every female, and all the females are so muscular and shapely”.   Nancy grins and replies, “Be ready for reveille at 0500”.


Its reveille 0500 and 20 young girls rush from the barracks and onto the parking log.  It’s still dark but Donna can recognize that the 20 new recruits are from all different facets of life.  Some tall and thin, some short and thin, medium build, and some slightly over weight.  Nancy, the drill instructor, hollers at the girls to form a straight line according to height, tallest on the right.  Donna is the tallest and she immediately starts the line.  Nancy barks out commands and orders and when the girls are all in a straight line, she tells then the schedule for the day.  Then she says, the first order of business is to learn how to address your superiors and salute.


“SIR is the first word out of your filthy mouths and SIR is the last word out of your grimy mouth”.  This continues as the girls all pay attention to Nancy and obey her orders.  And as daylight breaks, the girls get a better gander at Nancy in her fatigues.  What a specimen of a woman.  Nancy calves are bulging apart the tops of her combat boots, her pants can barely hold back her thighs, and her super flat stomach is obvious by her super tight belt. Nancy’s firm ass fills out every centimeter of space in her seat.  Her chest and shoulders stretch out her blouse almost to the bursting point, and her biceps fill every inch of her short sleeves blouse


Just then two more females join Nancy, one is an officer and the other is the assistance drill instructor.    Both females are similar to Nancy, massively muscular and very sharply.


Nancy immediately snaps to attention and salutes the officer and all twenty new recruits just gawk in amazement.  Both Nancy and the officer are more muscular stunning than before.  Their massive chests, shoulders, and arm double in size as they suck in their stomachs, push out their chests, and raise their hand to salute.  Both women now have massive amount of firm fresh boobs attempting to burst through every opening in their blouses.  And with the amount of cleavage they are showing, it’s obvious to all 20 recruits that neither woman is wearing a bra.


Nancy introduces both female personnel to the recruits, and explains their functions, and then she talks to the officer in private and the officer glances over to Donna.    Nancy and the officer walk towards Donna and Donna know they are looking directly at her.  The officer goes to shake Donna’s hand, but Donna attempts to salute. The officer says softly to Donna, as the officer takes Donna’s hand, “You don’t have to salute yet, your still in civilian cloths.  Now, I understand you are a last second enlistment. Well, I would like to personally welcome you to this special basic training and all the benefits it will bestow on you”.  Donna smile and says, “Thanks You,      Sir” as she stares again at the massive muscles and shapely female features of the young female officer.


Nancy rushes the new recruits to breakfast at the mess hall, then to indoctrination classes, then to drill, then to supply were they will get their new military uniforms.  The drill instructor scream, yell, and order the young women through doors, lines, and paper work.  The girls all go to a counter where male soldiers ask for their sizes and they give the new recruits their new military clothing.  When Donna arrives at her place at the counter, the male soldier behind the counter asks what size skirt and blouse.  Donna replies, “SIR, size 1 skirt, and a size 3 blouse, SIR”.  The soldier stares at Donna as replies, “We don’t that anything that small, you scrawny bitch”.  Donna’s puts her head down for a second, but before she could say or do anything, she hears Nancy scream in a thunderous and defiant voice, “Soldier, what did you call this person”? Nancy looks up and watches as Nancy rushes to the gate for access behind the counter.  Nancy doesn’t grab or unlock the gate, she just smashes her legs into the thick wooden gate and it bursts open and shatters into a hundred pieces of splintered wood.  The metal lock simply tears off the counter frame as Nancy marches up to the soldier.  She stands at attention in front of the soldier and stares at him.  Nancy’s huge chest is pointing at the soldier’s face, and his head and eyes are directly facing her massive, deep, and over exposed cleavage.


The soldier is standing at attention and Nancy yells, “You fucking butt head, I should shove your puny useless head between my tits and swing your worthless carcass like a mop to clean up this place. Now get this woman the appropriate uniforms”.


Donna says nothing; she glances at the obliterated gate that is shattered all over the floor and she stares at the soldier behind the counter.  He is still standing at attention, and is scared. Finally, Nancy turns around and exits the counter by simply jumping up and over the counter.   Donna receives a completed set of clothing and a smile from the young soldier as he says, “You must be someone special”.


The next week is identical, drill; class work, training, physical workouts, medical test, shots, running, eating, running, eating, running, eating, taps, sleep, and reveille.


Nancy is tuff on all the girls, but also respectful, she teaches them equally and thoroughly.  She helps them with their posture, their stature, their manners, and their dress.  Nancy does have fun and one day during morning inspection, Nancy picks on Donna about her uniform. Donna’s military work uniform does not fit her skinny body.  Her clothing drapes over and down her body.  There is absolute no shape to her shoulders, her chest, her waist, her hips, or her legs. 


Nancy almost brings Donna to tears as she screams at her, “Your uniform is a disgrace to the military, it’s untidy, it’s wrinkled, it’s baggy, it’s uneven”.  After a few minutes of this drill instructor’s tear down, Donna is trying to hold back the tears.  Nancy knows what she is doing and then whispers in Donna ears, “Don’t worry, in a few weeks you will be able to take a deep breath and flex slightly and that uniform will burst off your new body like a wet paper sack.  Keep up the good work”.    Donna is all smiles as she stands at attention and gazes at the massive well-formed muscular body of Nancy.


The second week is even tougher, the girls run several miles before breakfast.  And they are all amazed as Nancy keeps up with the new recruits as if it’s a walk in the park.  She even run backwards and Donna cannot help to stare in amazement the Nancy’s massive muscular body.  Nancy huge breasts bounce to the cadence that she sings marching songs to keep the girls going.


Donna is consuming massive amounts of food, but at the end of the second week, she hasn’t gained an ounce.  She is also burning off massive amounts of calories.


At then end of the second week, the military had to release 6 of the girls; they simply could not keep up the pace.


The third week starts out identical to weeks one and two, drill, exercise, training, food, tech training, and no rest.


Just after breakfast and a 5 mile jog, Nancy tells the girls to fall in and calls them to attention.  She explains they will be given several special medical tests, EKGs, MRIs, and other body scans.  This will be used as a base line for later tests.


A military bus arrives and the girls all take their seats.  The bus drives away and across a long deserted stretch of highway.  After an hour, the bus arrives at the base of a mountain and for several miles; all the girls observe is heavy chain link fence, barb and razor wire, watch towers, tanks, Humvees, and Armor Personnel carriers patrolling the interior and exterior of the fence.  They arrive at the main gate and the bus pull over to a parking area.  Two military police personnel enter the bus and Donna and the other girls all drop their jaw wide open.  It is two military police personnel with M16 automatic weapons slung over their shoulders.  And they are female; young, large, muscular, and exceptionally built females.  One of the police personnel is larger in statue that Nancy.


It’s a sight for the new recruits, two gun carrying females, young, massive, attractive, and built.  And just like Nancy, their uniforms can barely keep their muscles in place.  Donna especially notices the slings on the M16 rifles and how far they extend to make it past their massive breasts.  One police person even has the sling lodge in her cleavage and all it does is pull apart her already tight uniform and expose more cleavage.


The two guards are polite, professional, but strict.  They go over the rules to enter and travel in the underground facility.  They also explain that this facility is designed to take a nuclear blast and will be used if we are ever attacked.


The girls all leave the bus, march in single file to a process room, get special ID badges, and then walk to the main entrance of the facility.  And on the way they observe some strange occurrences.  There are piles of bent and twisted steel girders.  Large army tanks with their turrets missing.  Other tanks with their guns barrels bent and tied into knots.  Some APC have huge holes in the side and it looks like they were blasted from the inside out. 


Donna takes everything in prospective, since this is a special military base, there must be special reason.  However, when she spots an army tank that has obviously been destroyed by a huge hole in its side, she thinks nothing of it until she notices that it is being pulled aside by a single military person.  Even at two hundred meters away, Donna’s excellent eyesight can tell it a muscular well built female and she appears to have raised the army tank with her arms and is carrying by herself.  Donna explains this to herself as an optical illusion or a depth perception issue.


Once at the main entrance to the underground facility, Donna marvels at the massiveness of the facility.  Several army tanks directly guard the facility, guards everywhere and they are all muscular well build females carrying weapons.  The immense doors are a series of four interlocking super hard and dense metal.  Each section is 3 meters thick.  The first door slides upward, the second slides downward, the third slides to the right and the fourth slides to the left and then all interlock. 


Once inside the facility, there are more guards, every door is a massive vault like door with all kinds of security features.  The main walls are reinforced concrete, 10 meters thick with layers of steel immersed in them.  The interior walls are solid reinforced concrete over two meters thick and the entire facility is a mile deep in solid granite.  Donna is impressed with the facility and everyone is so cooperative and friendly.  The girls are escorted down the main hallway and Donna sees several incidents that puzzle her mind.  At one turn, she notices a female guard holding two male soldiers over her head by there belts, and she appears to be laughing At another turn, she glimpses a female guard standing a attention in front of two male officers and her weapon, a M16, is lodged in her cleavage and she is supporting the weapon straight up with just her large female breasts.   Donna just takes mental notes as she proceeds to a room. To enter the room, a female guard opens up the vault like door.  Even though the door is over one meter thick solid steel, the powerfully built female guard swings the door open as if it’s a silk curtain.


Once inside the room, the girls are greeted by several doctors and nurses.  They are polite, and indicate to everyone that the testing will take most of the day.  So the girls start with the paper work, completed all their forms, and start the tests.  This scan, that scan, more scans, more special scans, and all with large equipment and many special operating procedures.


At the end of the day, each girl is given a personal overview of their results.  For Donna, she not sure what to expect but the doctors give her very good news.  “Donna”, the doctors says, you are very healthy and in very good health.  However, one of the tests did not take to our stringent standards. I have scheduled you for another test next week”.  Donna smiles at the doctor and says, “Is it that test where the lights in the building dimmed when the operator started the test”.  The doctor replies, “Yes, it is that special test”.


The girls return to their barracks and for the third week, training is even more difficult and demanding.  The recruits run 10 miles before breakfast, exercise and stretch constantly, close order drill, obstacle courses, and the start of weight training.  Donna is keeping up but it’s tough and she is sore, plus she hasn’t gained an ounce of weight, she worried that she has lose weight with all this physical training.


At the end of the third week, several more girls cannot keep up with the vigorous program and are released.  Donna’s only rest period is when she returns to the underground facility for that test that did not properly complete. The test takes several hours because they needed to do it several times.


At the start of the forth week of basic training, there are only 6 recruits remaining in the group.  They all have similar characteristics, tall, at least over 5 foot 8, slender, attractive, and all have devoted themselves fully to the program.


Nancy calls her young recruits to fall in and they immediately do and form a straight line.  She excitedly informs the remaining recruits that this week’s basis training will be different.  There will be some physical training, and drill, but you will now be indoctrinated into military procedures.  You will travel to the rifle range and learn how to use a weapon.  You will become familiar with tanks, armor personnel carriers, helicopters, and other military equipment.  Also, your regiment will include more weight training in the gym.


Latter in the day, Nancy lines up her recruits and says they will jog to the rifle range for proper use of weapons.  The girls are all ecstatic since they will get a respite from all the extreme physical activity.  They jog 6 kilometers in less than half an hour, arrive at the rifle range.  They have a 3 hour class on handling weapons and then go out to the rifle range.   The range is in use by other soldiers, qualifying for their yearly certification.  Donna is first to arrive and looks down the rifle range and sees a person standing in front of a target.  Again, even from 100 meters away she can easily recognize the person is a strong muscular female soldier standing in front of the target.  She is standing there with her hands on her hips, her legs spread, and her chest pushed out, as if in a defiant posture.


All of a sudden, about 100 automatic weapons open fire at once and discharge their complete clips.  Every bullet from the 100 weapons slams into the body of the female soldier standing in front of the target and tear her clothing to shreds in a second. She actually taunts the soldiers firing their weapons by forces out her vivacious breasts and captures bullets in her cleavage.


“Cease fire on the firing line”, blares loudly over the firing range’s loud speaker.  Everyone ceases firing immediately and the female soldier in front of the target just seems to disappear behind the sand hill.  The six new recruits say nothing and Donna just ignores the situation as the new recruits take their position on the rifle range and learn how to use an automatic weapon.


The recruits continue their day with more physical training, and a hearty supper.  Once back at their barracks, the new recruits completed their barracks chores and begin to gab about all the things they has seen in the last week.  They all admit they have seen extraordinary things but they cannot explain what is happening.  Donna indicates that all the female soldiers at the base are very muscular and very strong.  They seem to believe that we can become as muscular.  I haven’t gained a gram in weight or a millimeter in size since I’ve been here. 


One of the other girls says, “Let’s weigh ourselves and keep track”.


The six recruits go to the exercise area in their complex and weigh themselves. And to Donna’s surprise, she gained 5 kilograms.  “WOW, that a shocker.  I wonder where the weight went to on my body”, says Donna.  One of the other girls replies, “We been so busy, we have not taken the time to appreciate ourselves.  Donna, your hips are slightly rounder and you are a least an “A” cup bra”.


The girls take time to reflect and all agree to continue as a team.


As they walk through the gym towards the exit door, Donna stops by a barbell and says, “Now if I could only lift this weight, it must weigh about 100 kilos”.  Donna and the girls all laugh but Donna reaches down, grabs the barbell with both her hands and to her amazing delight, she can pick up the weight and brings it up to her chest.  Donna takes a deep breathe, smiles, and says, “I’m like this”.


The next morning, at reveille, Nancy tells the recruits today’s addenda.  After some morning exercising, calisthenics, and a full breakfast, we will go to our field training area.  It’s an area where you will learn how to survive in the field, and you will simple adore feasting on “MRE” rations.


After breakfast, Donna runs the recruits to the field training area.  It’s an area with tents, open outdoor facility, no electricity, no comforts.  The recruits and Nancy begin jogging to the area, however, the dirt road to the field area is also the road tanks and APCs take to get to their training area.  The 6 girls and Nancy easily jog along the road, singing songs to help pass the time.  Along the way, every tank and APC that passes the girls, hoots and hollers at the girls.  Nancy answers them back telling them to go suck off.  The girls all laugh, as Nancy has no issues keeps up with all the sexy commentary from the young horny male soldiers.  She was used to this from the soldiers and seemed to enjoy the rivalry.


Nancy and the girls reach the field training area and they begin field orientation.  They did not like the “Meals, Ready to Eat”, as Donna says, “How is a girl going to put on weight with this garbage”.  Nancy chuckles and says, “Someday these will save your life, their high calorie, high fat, but bad tasting”.


Nancy has her recruits lined up outside a tent explaining elements of surviving in the field when an APC stops on the main road.  A soldier opens the top hatch, puts his head up and scans the area.  The soldier immediately spots Nancy and he can tell she and her recruits are the only personnel in the area.  The driver of the APC immediately turns off the main road and down to the area where Nancy is instructing her new recruits.  The APC speeds past Nancy and almost smashes into her body.    It proceeds for another 20 meters, stops, turns around and heads back towards Nancy.  This time Nancy has to jump out of its path and as the APC passes her body, she screams at the top of her lungs, “Fuck you assholes”, do that again and I’ll rip that play top apart”. 


The APC again stops, turns around and maneuver directly at Nancy’s large muscular body, and just as the APC reaches Nancy, she steps quickly aside and as the APC passes her massive body, Nancy swings her solid hips into the back end of the APC and her hips thump the APC with a thunderous thud.  The APC’s thick armor steel plated back end crushes inward and then the entire APC swings around 360 degrees, the steel tracks of the APC are broken apart from the impact of Nancy’s hips and the vehicle comes to stop several meter from Nancy.


Nancy turns to her new recruits, shakes her head in discuss, and says, “Young women, it’s time you are shown the full potential of this basic training class, now just observe how strong and sexy a young women will be when she finishes this class.


Nancy turns around, walks over to the driver’s door of the APC and flips him the finger through the small window.  She raises her arms up over her head and places her hands in the small window port and slowly but steadily pulls the steel door down and away from the steel frame.  She crumbles the steel door down like an accordion, until it is even with the floor. The steel hinges and locks tearing and shearing off the frame like soft bread.  She looks up at the driver, places her hands on her hips and yells loudly, “YOU IDIOT, now I have to demonstrate to my new recruits how strong and sexy a female soldier can be compared to you useless excuses for a male”.


Nancy shakes her head at the APC’s driver as she reaches for the underside of the APC.  Her hands tear through a section of the steel tracks, breaking apart the steel treads until she finds a solid shaft of one of the treads rollers.  Nancy next raises the 20 ton APC over her head with her one hand and quickly places her other hand under the APC.  She stands there with the APC raised over and walks over to her new recruits.  And they are in AWE.


All six girls are speechless; they just eye Nancy standing here with the massive APC over her head.  Nancy smiles at her recruits and says jokingly, “It’s like a birthday present; you try to guess what’s inside by shaking”.  So Nancy shakes the large heavy APC several times and says, “OOOH, it think its a dozen sex toys.  Let’s open it”.


Nancy slams the APC back down on the ground, walks to the rear, grabs hold of the large rear armor plated door, glances again at her recruits and says, “I’ll just peel off the door as if it’s wrapping paper”.  And with that, Nancy curls her fingers into the side of the large steel door, crushing the super hard steel and begins to pull the steel door off to the side.  The large armored door is designed to open and lower from the top to permit the soldiers to exit, but Nancy peels back the door sideways like it’s a piece of wrapping paper.  She rolls up the steel door in a tight wad bends it in half and just tosses it away.  Nancy gazes inside the APC and yells, “Just as I suspected, it’s full of sex toys”.   She stands there with her hands on her hips, her shoulders rolled back, her stomach sucked in, and her chest thrust out.  After a few seconds she screams at the 12 soldiers inside the APC, “OK fuckheads, what are you going to do with those cheap ass weapons in your possessions”.


Nancy begins to laugh as about 8 M16 rifles open automatic fire on her powerfully built body.  Bullet after bullet slam into her muscular female body and Nancy doesn’t even flinch. The projectiles from the 8 automatic weapons simply bounce and ricochet off her body without leaving the slightest scratch or mark on her well tanned skin.  However, Nancy’s clothing is torn and shredded apart as the soldier fire at every part of her body.  The soldiers reload many times and fire thousands of rounds at Nancy until she is totally nude.  The only evidence that Nancy was bombarded by thousand of bullets is the crushed remains of metal bullets lodges in the deep cleavage of her enormous breasts.


After the soldier have removed all of Nancy’s clothing via their weapons, Nancy strolls over to the back opening of the APC, sits down on the floor with her long powerful legs wangling out the back.  She requests a fully loaded weapon and a soldier reluctantly hands her his M16.  Nancy spreads her strong legs, wets the muzzle end of the weapon with her tongue, places the steel barrel in her mouth and pulls the trigger.


Immediately, 25 hot copper bullets slam into Nancy mouth and she doesn’t cringe a muscle, she simply smiles as she removes the weapon from her mouth and blow out some smoke. She then chews up the metal bullets and spits a wad of metal out he mouth. Nancy quickly demands another clip, reloads the weapons, places the muzzle between her large pert tits and again pulls the trigger.  Another 25 hot copper bullets wedge into Nancy deep firm cleavage. After the weapon is emptied, Nancy shakes her chest muscles and flings the crushed and smashed bullets onto the ground.  She demands another clip from the soldiers; reloads and places the barrel of the weapon between her legs and inserts the muzzle into her hot wet pussy. Nancy gives herself a sexually massage with the barrel of the weapon for a few seconds before pulling the trigger. Nancy moans as the entire clip is emptied into her scorching pussy.  Even after the weapon is empty, she continues to pump the barrel of the M16 in and out of her cunt.  The front sight of the M16 has long broken off the end of the barrel and the barrel is now slightly bent.  Nancy jumps off the back of the APC, stands facing the inside of the APC, and holds the M16 up and screams at the soldier, “Weren’t you taught the proper procedures of protecting you weapon. The only thing this weapon is useful for now, is an aluminum bat.  Soldier I hope you have another weapon on your person that is harder and stronger than this useless piece of metal”.  Nancy then takes the M16, bends it in half with an easy flex of her arm muscles.  Next she places the bend weapon between her monstrous breasts where it tightly wedges in her cleavage.  Nancy flexes her chest muscles and all the soldiers and the new recruits can hear the metal of the weapon begin to crush.  Nancy flexes her right side and then her left side and her massive tits crush, bend, curl, and smash the cheap metal apart until it breaks in half and falls to the ground.


Nancy smiles, shakes her head at the soldiers, turns to her recruits and says, “This should take about 12 minutes, AT EASE women”.  She then jumps up onto the APC and within a few seconds, several pair of torn trousers and ripped shirts came sailing out the back of the APC.   Three seconds later the APC begins to rock and the 6 new recruits are all talking between themselves and gawking at the APC.  Within 10 seconds, the 6 new recruits watch as two holes are punched from the inside out on the side of the APC.  They are near the top of the APC and a little less than a meter apart.  Donna immediately recognizes Nancy’s hand as her fingers appear in the holes and crumble and crush the steel armor siding of the APC.


Donna and the new recruits can hear Nancy “COOING and MOANING” and the soldiers cursing.  Then the APC stops rocking for a few seconds, but again starts to rock and bounce.  Two more holes are punched in the side of the APC just to the left of the original holes.  So on and so on, rocking and hole punching along the side of the APC.  Finally Donna says, “WOW, Nancy is screwing the hell out those soldier and she is doing it as a close order drill routine”.  The other girl all laugh as they inspect their bodies for any sign of muscle gain.


The Nancy versus the young soldier’s show continues as Nancy goes from soldier to soldier, punching new holes in the side of the APC.  When Nancy gets to the sixth soldier, she doesn’t punch a hole in the side of the APC but instead she punches two holes in the top of the vehicle.  One of the new recruits says, “That soldier must have pillows under his ass to absorb Nancy’s pounding”.  And Donna replies, “She probably is sitting facing away from his ugly face while she screws him insane”.


Nancy continues her bodily assault on the APC, screwing the other six soldiers on the other side of the APC.  And as she predicted, in about 12 minutes she has screwed all the soldiers, rendering their bodies useless.  The APC stops rocking for a few seconds then the one side of the APC budges abruptly outward and the armor plating burst open with an ear piercing blast.  The steel plating splits apart and is pushed back as Nancy’s super muscular nude body simply walks through the side of the APC like it’s a silk curtain.


Nancy walks over to her recruits and Donna says in a loud voice, “WOW, when are we”.  But before she could finish her sentence, Nancy yells, “TEN HUT” and the girls snap to attention.  Nancy then says in a technical tone of voice, “And that concludes our lesson on the effective of armor on an APC.  Now let’s get ready to sprint back to the barracks where we will commence with some heavy weight lifting so we can develop your skinny asses and flat chests into something more muscular and shapely”.


Nancy retrieves a new uniform and looks around as says, “OK girls, each of you pick up one of those concrete parking lot dividers, place it over your back shoulders and lets get some exercise to increase your muscles”.  The girls all go over and pick up a concrete separator; they are about 2 meter long and about 20 centimeters square and weigh over 150 kilos.  To the girl’s surprise, they can lift the concrete and have no problem jogging back to the barracks with the 150 kilos on their shoulders.  Nancy carries two huge concrete barriers that weigh 5000 kilos, one in each hand, and one concrete separator that is wedged between her massive tits.  The concrete separator wedge between her colossal breasts only lasts a few hundred meters because the jogging causes her bouncing breasts to smash and crush the concrete into broken chunks rubble.


Once back at the main base, the girls stop at the chow hall, consume enormous quantities of high calorie food, and then proceed to the weight lifting area of the base gym. 


Nancy and her recruits enter the gym and could have gone anywhere in the large gym.  But Nancy goes directly to a weight bench were three guys are exercising.  One guy is bench pressing 200 kilos and the other two are spotters.   Nancy walks up to the bench, snicker as she tells her new recruits, “Absolute pathetic, only 200 kilos. Now watch what a woman can accomplish.”


“Fuck you BITCH, I’m using this bench”, says the guy on the bench.  Nancy shakes her head in disgust, then steps over the guy on the bench and spreads her legs across the guy’s midsection and sits on his hips.  She then grabs the 200 kilo barbell with one hand and easily picks it up and brings it to her chest.


“This is a light weight, would you guys grab about 20 additional plates and put them on the bar”.  There is a silence and the guys just stare at Nancy as she keeps pushing the steel bar into her chest to expose more of her mountainous cleavage.


“NOW ASS HOLES”, yells Nancy, and the two guys start loading weight after weight onto the bar.  It’s doesn’t take long before the total weight is 800 kilos and Nancy is still holding it with her one hand.  She starts to do repetitive one handed lifts with the weights as she addresses her new recruits. “Troops”, says Nancy, “Men like strong sexy women; it turns them sexually on faster than a light bulb.  Just watch”.  Nancy continues her reps with her right hand as she stands up over the guy’s waist and users her left hand to remove her clothing.  She then rips open the guy pants, grabs his cock, strokes it a few times and then sits back down on him as she inserts his super hard cock in her pussy.  Nancy screws the guy, hammering and pulsating her hip with the impunity of a jackhammer.  Nancy enjoys her brief respite of pleasure for the male soldier, but he blast is wad into her body and goes limp as Nancy is just getting her body primed.


“OK girls, noticed how swiftly a strong sexy sensitive woman can humble a so called strong male.  However, there are a few tricks to get them revived and it involves sexy use of our strength.  Now watch”, says Nancy as she picks up a steel plate that is a meter in diameter, and about 8 centimeters thick.  It has 100 kilos stamped on it for identification.  Nancy takes of deep breathe, and as she exhales, she bends the plate in half with her hands as she flexes her shoulder muscles.  The thick steel plate bends like a piece of paper and Nancy bends the steel plate until the two ends touch.  She next wedges the bend steel plate in between her enormous tits, where her pert firm breasts have no issues holding it tightly in place.  Nancy places her hands behind her head, flexes her shoulder muscles, expands her biceps, and thrusts out her chest.  The steel plate lodge in Nancy breasts begins to crush flat and the sound is both deafening and invigorating.  Nancy’s recruits simply stare in amazement as her large breasts crush the steel plate flat with nothing but her chest muscles.


“OH YEA”, screams Nancy, as she begins to hump the soldier again, “His cock has risen to the occasion”.  Nancy screams, moans, and yells expressions of delight as the soldiers finally brings to body to an organism.  It only lasts a few seconds for the soldiers again collapses into uselessness, as he just lies on the workbench almost comatose.


Nancy gets up off the workout bench, lifts the soldier up and on the floor and then places the bent and flattened steel plate on the workout bench.  She again sits on the workout bench and the steel plate.  The steel plate is between her powerful legs and Nancy glances at her recruits as she says, “Oh another trick to turn a male on sexually”.  Nancy then begins to close her legs and her potent thighs promptly begin to crush both the workout bench and the bent steel plate.  It takes less than 10 seconds for Nancy’s huge thigh muscles to crush the bench and the steel plate in half.  Nancy stands up, gets dressed, turns to her recruits as says, “Thank you for your undivided attention; I will sign your certifications for weight training.  And also, notice those other two guys, look at their crotches”.  The recruits all look as Donna yells, “They both creamed their uniforms, what a waste”.


Nancy continues to instruct her recruits on weight lifting.  Each of the six girls can easily exercise with 300 kilo to start and after 4 hours of strenuous exercising, they can exercise with 600 kilo.  The recruits finally finish and Nancy says, “Construct yourself a bar bell of at least 600 kilos.  We will begin tomorrow workout by running several miles carrying the bar bell on your shoulders.  I’ll see you girls in the morning”.


The girls go back to their barracks, but before they go to there rooms they begin to chat.  Donna says, “I’m going to weigh myself, I believe I have gained more weight”.  Therefore, Donna goes to the scale, takes off her uniform and jumps on the scale. “DAMM, I put on another 7 kilos but I don’t feel any heavier”.  One of the other girls replies to Donna, “Not only have you put on weight; it’s all in the appropriate locations.  Donna, your legs have a shape, you backside is getting round, your hips have curves, and you actually have a little cleavage.  Make a muscle for us”.  Donna giggles, as she is embarrassed. However, she raises and curls her arm to see her bicep and again to Donna’s surprise, she actually has a bicep muscle.  All the girls weigh themselves and check out their muscles and it’s obvious, Donna has increased the most”.


Next morning, reveille, the recruits fall out and then run 10 kilometers while carrying 600-kilo barbells on their shoulders.  Donna does not even work up a sweat.  Off to breakfast, massive amounts of food consumed. Back to the gym, 1000-kilo weight lifting is a breeze for all the girls.  Donna even has no problems with 2000-kilo weights.  More running, but with 1200 kilo weight.  A massive lunch, then there is more exercising.  Donna is up to 4000 kilos, the heaviest in the gym and it is becoming very undemanding for her.


“FALL IN, TEN HUT” screams Nancy, as a muscular officer arrives.  Nancy salutes the officer, hands her some folders and the officer addresses the recruits.


“I congratulate you on your outstanding training performance in this program.  Your drill instructor believes you will be the finest class she has ever had the privilege to training.  Now we will begin your second phase of training, your physical training is important, but will be less and less as your will be involved with other military duties.  It’s a privilege and an honor to be associated with you, I and your drill instructor will have a brief meeting with each individual”.  The muscular female officer goes and congratulates each of the six girls.  Donna is the last to have the meeting and as she enters the office, she salutes the officer.  “At ease Donna, please have a seat”, says the officer.  Donna takes a seat and the officer says, “Your training record is spectacular Donna. How do you like your improvement to yourself”?


Donna is all smile as she says, “I can’t believe how much I have improved, mentally and physically.  This has been a very satisfying experience”. 


“Would you like to continue your improvements”, says the officer, and Donna replies respectively, “Most definitely YES”.


“Excellent” replies the officer, “Starting immediately, Nancy will be your personnel trainer for your accelerated training program”.  Donna is all smiles as she takes a deep breathe. 


“OK Donna, lets get started, a vehicle will arrive shortly”, says Nancy as all three leave the office.  The vehicle is waiting for Nancy and Donna and they enter and head for the super secret area.  Donna asks Nancy in a quite tone, “Accelerated training program”.  Nancy replies, “Yes, Accelerated training Donna.  To be specific, remember what I did to that APC yesterday”.  Donna has a smirk on her face as she says “YES”.   Nancy replies, “Within a week, you should be able to do the same, Any Questions”.  “NO Questions”, replies Donna.


Once at the super secret facility and through security, Nancy and Donna go to a special section of the building and a special body-scanning machine.  Donna lies of a massive table and a massive mechanical arm like device with a large glass lens moves over her.  As the medical personnel start the device and scan her body, Donna sees the lens glow a deep red, and a tingling sensation flows throughout her body.  It takes about 5 minutes to complete.  Several doctors examine Donna and request she take the scan again.  This time the lens glows a fiery red and a super massaging pulsating sensation floods her body”.


After the scans, Donna gets up and says, “WHOA, that was something else”.  The medical personnel check Donna and then turn to Nancy and say, “Donna is exceptional. Continue her training and report back in two days”.


Donna and Nancy leave the super secret facility and Nancy says, “Time for some special training, are you ready for some serious muscle development”.  Donna smiles with a smirk and says, “Let’s begin”.


As the two women leave the underground facility, Donna notices that their vehicle was not in the parking area.  However, before she could say anything, a 60-ton army tank pulls up and Nancy says, “Our new ride, we are going to a special area for weight training, that gym back on base is now useless”.


The turret hatch flings open and the tank’s commander says, “Ladies, please come aboard”.  Donna easily jumps up in the tank and enters the turret through the hatch.  Her long slender body has no problem getting into the tank.  She is followed by Nancy.  However, Nancy has an issue with the hatch.  Her chest and breasts are larger that the hatch, so she has to be careful or her muscular chests with simply push the solid steel aside vas if its soft foam.  The tank commander yells to Donna as she enters the hatch. “Hey Nancy, make sure those big tits of yours don’t screw up my hatch opening like they did the last time you entered my tank”.  Nancy only response is, “Shove it up you useless ass”.


Nancy and Donna are in the tank and it takes off.  They travel several miles to a special exercise area. The ride is rough, but the commander is talkative and informative to Donna.  He introduces himself and asks it Donna how she likes her training.  It is obvious from his questions that he knows Donna is special and she will be super muscular, super strong and super sex very soon.  The finally arrive at what looks like a graveyard of used military equipment and Donna and Nancy exit the tank.  The tank commander gives Donna a lift by grabbing her nice round ass as says to her as he pushes her body up, “You’re exceptionally cute, I can’t wait until you pack that uniform with pure sexy muscle, and how about a date”.  Donna just stares at the commander as Nancy replies, “Won’t waste your time or energy on him Donna, it’s not worth the effort”.


“You fucking bitch, I didn’t ask you”, yells the tanks commander as both Nancy and Donna jump off the large armor tank.  Nancy flips him the finger and says, “Get lost butt face”.   The commander then turns his main gun towards Nancy and aims it directly at her massive chest.  Nancy walks up to the main gun, unbuttons her blouse, and places her large right breast in the barrel of the gun.  Nancy’s tits are much larger than the massive gun so only part of her tit is in the gun barrel.  Nancy then screams at the commander, “I dare you to fire; it will give my nipple more of a thrill than your tongue ever can”.  The commander snickers, thinks for a second and says, “Donna, just for an accurate reference, would you place your right breast in my big gun”.  Donna looks over to Nancy and Nancy gives her a blank stare back.  Nancy they says, “Shortly Donna, you will take pleasure in placing your breasts in that gun, splitting the steel barrel like it wet tissue paper, have your nipple tickled by the exploding shells, bending the barrel like it’s a soft pretzel, and using that barrel to get yourself a little excited.  Give this asshole a little thrill and something to remember”.  So Donna undoes her blouse, and is standing there in her bra.  She looks down, shakes her head, and says to Nancy as she unhooks her bra, “My breasts, they have more than doubled in size, I’m at least a “C” cup”.   Nancy gracious smiles as she watches her young recruit sexually stroll up to the tank’s large gun and place her right breast in the barrel.  Donna looks at the tank’s commander, plays with her left breasts with her hand as she taunts the hard steel gun barrel with her nipple.  She then blows him a sexy kiss.


Donna backs away from the tank’s gun and the commander yells, “Hey Nancy, can I watch you train your cute young recruit, I want to see her develop hard sexy muscles and maybe she will be stronger and more understanding than you”?  Nancy smartly replies, ‘You can watch you stupid idiot, but you aren’t going to get any”.


Donna and Nancy walk towards a large field of used, obsolete, and damaged military equipment.  It’s a grave yard of tanks, trucks, artillery, APCs, locomotives, and other heavy equipment.  As they walk, Nancy tells Donna that the weights in the gym are useless, they only go up to 5000 kilo.  Those tanks weigh 60 tons.


Nancy walks up to a large military truck, easily picks up the front with one hand as says, Donna, this will do for starters, pick it up and exercise”.  “What” is Donna’s answer as Nancy gives her a glancing stare.  “OK, I’ll pick it up” is Donna new answer.  Donna grabs the military truck and to her absolute surprise, easily picks up the truck.  Donna picks up the large truck via the front bumper and does over 100 reps.  She walks further under the truck, clasps the front axle, places it on shoulders and does 100 squats as Nancy counts them out.  Donna finishes this exercise by seizing the steel frame and lifting the entire truck off the ground.  She does squats and reps simultaneously as she says to Nancy, “I think my body is growing muscle and mass by the minute”.  Nancy just shakes her head as she continues to count off the reps.


Donna crashes the heavy truck back down on the ground with a commanding thud and walks around to Nancy.  Nancy is at the front of the truck as says to Donna, “NICE” as she clasps the thick large steel bumper of the truck.  Nancy glances at Donna and then Nancy tears off the front bumper with a flick of her wrist.  The metal bolts explode apart and leave jagged holes in the under frame.  Nancy holds the bumper up to Donna and says, “Donna, take this pathetic steel bumper and bend it in half”.  Donna takes the steel bumper with one hand holds it horizontally and bends it in half.  The bicep muscles in Donna arm and her shoulder muscles flex and expand to supply all the strength necessary to easily bend the thick metal.  “Again”, orders Nancy and Donna folds the bumper in half for a second time.   Again”, orders Nancy and for a third time Donna folds the thick metal bumper in half.  This time however, Donna did show a little strain as the bumper is now 8 times as thick.


Nancy grins as she asks Donna to pick up the front of the truck with on hand and tear out the entire front axle and wheels. Nancy immediately obeys her orders, with enthusiasm and pick up the front of the truck.  She clasps the solid metal axle and with a quick yank of her hand, severs the front axle, wheels, breaks, and tires from the truck.  She shows the broken and worn metal like a trophy to Nancy.  Nancy smiles and says, “Donna, look at the army tank that brought us here.  The crew is sitting on top of the turret and they all have binoculars and are watching us.  Now throw that mass of metal at the tank, and try to hit that useless mass of machinery. 


Donna starts to laugh as she holds the thick metal axle like a spear and flings it at the army tank.  Although, the tank is 100 meters away, Donna strength and accuracy are perfect.  The front end of the truck goes sailing towards the tank like a missile and the four crew members jump off the turret and scamper to the far side of the tank, just as the axle assembly slams into the tank and burst apart.  The tank’s commander jumps on the turret, proceeds inside the tank and swings his main gun around and aims it at the two women.  A laser range finger beam then lights up Nancy’s chest as it centers in her deep cleavage.  Nancy turns to Donna and says, “I’ve only one change of uniform, so I’m going to remove all my clothing”.  Nancy strips nude and just as she starts to walks towards the tank, the commander yells “You bitch, I’m going to give it to you”.    Nancy just flips him the finger as she replies, “FUCK YOU” and continues walking a safe distance from Donna. 


Nancy stands in an open area, 100 meters from the tank, and defiant as hell.  She thrust out her breasts, flexes her massive muscles, points to both her nipples, then her pussy, then places her hands on her hips, and arches back her shoulder.  She is the perfect specimen of a super powerful woman and she giggles as the laser beam zeros in on her right nipple, then her left nipple, and finally her hot wet pussy.


Three high explosive rounds from the tank’s main gun blast into Nancy body and there is a corona of light, dust, and smoke around her body.  Nancy emerges from the smoke and laughs as she walks back to Donna, grabs her radio and contacts the tanks commander. Donna’s eyes are wide open, she not sure of what just occurred, but she hears Nancy shout into the radio, “Missed you fucking asshole, you were 2 centimeters high on right nipple, 3 centimeters low on by left nipple, and you would have missed my pussy by 5 centimeters if I did not compensate for your piss poor aim”.


Donna checks Nancy’s body, there is not a scratch, mark, or imperfection on her body, but before Donna could say anything, Nancy says, “Just screwing with their minds, tomorrow, you should be able to do the same.  Now back to your strength exercises”.


Nancy guides Donna to the back of the large military truck and they begin small talk.  Nancy says to Donna, “If you don’t have another change of uniform, may I suggest you remove your clothing, these next series of strength test will tear your clothing to shreds”. Donna glances at Nancy and says, “But those guys in the tank will see me nude”.  Nancy doesn’t say a work, just looks at Donna.  Donna stares back at Nancy, then stares at the guys on the tanks and says, “Your right, maybe I should flaunt by body, I do feel extremely sexy since I’m a little bit stronger”.  Donna then strips nude to the cheers or the tank crew.


Nancy then directs Donna to rip off the bed of the truck so she can step over the set of dual wheel with her legs.  Donna obliges as she holds the frame of the truck with one hand and peels back the entire upper section of the truck with her other.  Steel, metal, iron, and large bolts offer not resistance to Donna’s ever increasing muscles and strength.  She pushes the top of the truck aside as she steps over the first set of dual wheels.  Nancy they steps over the second set of wheels, facing Donna and she says, “Donna, just crush the wheels, breaks, iron frame, springs, and whatever else is between you strong thighs in half. Just follow my example.  Both super strong females crush a set of large dual wheels between their thighs and legs like its whip cream.  Crushed metal, tires, other parts extrude from the two females legs as its soft ice cream on a hot summers day.


For the next 4 hours, Nancy has Donna testing her new strength on heaver and heaver objects.  Ever time she perform a new feat of strength, her muscle grow larger and larger and she get stronger and stronger  Nancy guides Donna through large trucks, APC, artillery, old railroad cars, and tanks.  Donna not only can lift a rail road car with two tanks on it, she bends, then twists, then crushes the thick steel undercarriage like it’s a blade of grass.  She tears off the turrets of tanks, then crushes main gun between her legs.  She splits the barrels of large artillery pieces with nothing but her large vivacious breasts and nipples. 


Finally, Nancy asks, “Are you ready for Dinner”?  Donna replies, “I’ve work up a healthy appetite, I’m ready to go to the mess hall”.  Nancy replies to Donna, “Not necessary”, as she takes the radio and reports back to base, “Project X69, send all necessary provisions”.


Nancy and Donna sit back and Nancy says to Donna, “How do you feel after this little exercise.  Donna replies, “Sexy, very, very sexy.  I can not believe how strong I have become in just this afternoon”.  Donna then reaches down and picks up a large chunk of solid steel and holds it up to her breasts.  She places the metal chunk between her breasts and crushes it between her tits until it turns into something that resembles hot chocolate syrup. 


Donna confides to Nancy, “Four week ago I was a skinny rail, in the last two days, I’ve doubled my weight, went from a flat board to a shapely female with shapely hips, round ass, muscles everywhere, and from less than an “A” cup bra to what has to be much larger than a “DD”. Nancy smiles and says, “Just the start of something grand”.


Both girls hear the sound of several trucks coming towards them and Nancy says, “We better get dressed”.  However, when Donna tries to put her uniform back on it does not fit her muscular body.  She has grown to the point where she can only fasten the bottom two buttons of her blouse, and her pants split apart as she forces her thighs and ass into them.  Nancy just looks at Donna and says, “SEXY, very SEXY, the drivers of these trucks are going to go absolute fucking nuts”.


Three large military trucks pull up and Nancy goes to the first truck.  Two soldiers jump out with two enormous trays of food which both Nancy and Donna consume.  Then they consume two more trays of food as Nancy says, “You require massive amounts of food and nourishment to build up more muscle on your body. Now are you ready for dessert”.  Donna replies, “You should have told me, I would have saved some room for dessert”.  Nancy laughs loudly as she looks as Donna and says, “Come with me, you’ll have room for this dessert”.


Nancy takes Donna to the back of the second large military.  The tailgate is up and the back is closed by two metal doors so Donna cannot see what is inside the military truck.  Nancy then says, “Tear apart those stupid useless fucking metal doors, and Donna use those firm pert “DD” tits of yours to do it properly”.


Donna pushes out her chest, forcing her “DD” tits to push aside her blouse and presses her tits against the two doors.  Her hard aroused nipples instantly puncture the steel and her tits push the doors inward.  She continues to push her chest forward until her large breasts burst through the steel doors and pushes back the tailgate.  Donna then moves from side to side, ripping apart the steel doors like two silk curtains.  She continues to push aside the steel door until they are wrapped around the sides of the truck.  Donna lolls back inside the truck and smiles as she sees 10 young healthy soldiers with all kinds of tools, chains, weights, and steel bars.  She turns around to Nancy as says, “YES, definitely DESSERT”.  Nancy looks at Donna, smiles and says, “They are all yours, be gently with them; my DESSERT is in the other truck”. 


Donna places her arms up on the tailgate, revealing her super muscular arms, and shoulders, she takes a deep breathe, forcing her breasts outward and pushes the tailgate inward until her nipples pop through the cheap metal.  Donna scans the back of the truck and says in a very sexy voice, “What are you guys going to do with all those heavy metal playthings you have in your possession”.  There is dead silence, except for the metal ripping sound of Donna’s nipples slicing apart the metal tailgate.  Finally, one soldier says, “It’s your initiation or our bragging rights Donna.  There is a contest as to who screws you first.  That why Donna has keep you clear of men.  It’s our task to test your sexy strength and who ever impress you the best, get first FUCK”.


Donna blows them all a sweet sexy kiss, then using her arms and hands, crumbles and crushes the tailgate around her large well-rounded tits, tearing the metal tailgate to shreds as if it’s tissue paper.  She then looks down and feels the large metal towing hook attached to the frame rubbing against her flat stomach She knows the soldiers cannot see the hook, so Donna reaches out with her hand, and rip open the floor of the truck, pushing aside the floor like dust balls.  She then grabs the large metal hook and bends it straight upward from its curved back shape with a simple wrist of her wrist. “Well soldiers, let me set the tone of this inspection, as she grabs the steel frame of the truck and bends the entire rear bumper and frame down so the took hook is now below her waist.  Donna coos as she then spreads her legs and positions her hot wet pussy directly over the steel hook.  She next lowers her gorgeous muscular body and wiggles her tight ass to accept the steel tow hook inside her pussy.  Donna takes a deep breathe as she pulsates her hips up and down and teases her sex organ with cold hard steel.  After a few seconds of pleasure, Donna backs away from the truck and tears off the tow hooks from the steel frame of the truck causing a loud metal wrenching sound.  She removes the steel hook from her pussy and displays it to the soldiers like a trophy as she jumps up into the truck. 


The soldiers are all smiles as they rub their swollen cocks.  Donna’s is almost literally out of uniform, her massive chest is budging out her blouse because she cannot fasten the top buttons. Her shoulders and arms have burst open several seams, and her thighs have split her pants apart.  She inspects the soldiers, touching and taunting their bodies and she examines all their paraphernalia they have brought for her to impress them with her strength.


Donna is no longer that shy skinny girl, now she is a muscle goddess, absolute beautiful, and she has lost all her shyness from the weeks of basic training.  She notices the objects the soldiers have in their possession. There meters of thick heavy chrome plated chain, crowbars, sledgehammers, bolt cutters, solid steel hand weights, large bayonets, and other solid steel tools.


Donna starts with the first soldier, who uses a crowbar to try and separate her gigantic breasts, the next soldier has her muscles wrapped in chains, the third soldier tries to push a bayonet through her upper thighs, another uses bolt cutters on her striking beautiful muscular body. Another soldier pounds her body with a sledgehammer.  Donna goes through all 10 soldiers, sexually destroying all their toys with her body when they are finished testing her strength.


By this time, Donna’s clothing has been completed removed, and she stands around the 10 soldiers, looks that them sexually, and finally says, “You soldier, are first FUCK, I enjoyed the way you wrapped these heavy chains around my biceps, my thighs, and my chest,  only to have my muscles burst them apart with simple flexing.   Donna then reaches down to the soldier, tears off his clothing and screws in insane.  And Donna likes the sex.  She screams from the organism the soldier delivers her body but he only lasts a minute.  She continues down the line, screwing each and every soldier and reaching an organism from each soldier.  However, her sexual pleasure is short lived as she exhausts and hobbles the sex organ of every soldier.


Donna exits the military truck and there is Nancy and Nancy says, “Excellent, especially for your first time.  Who got the privilege of being first”?  Donna replies, “The one with the biggest smile”.


Nancy has Donna continue with destroying object in the military equipment graveyard.  Within the next several hours, Donna is able to crush anything she pleases between her thighs. Tank turrets, artillery pieces, steel girders, armored bulldozers and any other piece of metal she straddles.  She can bend anything over and over and crush it between her breasts with only a deep breath. She can blast her hands through a meter of solid armor and peel it open like a wet tissue.  Plus, she is gaining muscle and mass, she is just a massive and muscular as Nancy.


The two super females finally finish the day’s training and get transported back to their barracks.  The next morning, Donna borrows a uniform from Nancy and goes directly to base supply.  The clerk just stares at Donna as she stands there, her body bursting out of her uniform.  Donna looks at the clerk and says, “Something larger”.  The clerk gets her a new uniform and says, “What size Bra”.  Donna laughs and she thrust out her chest muscles, popping open every button on her blouse.  Her massive breasts are completely exposed and Donna replies to the clerk, “There’s no bra sufficient large to contain these puppies”.  The clerk simply grabs his cock and creams his uniform.


Donna meets Nancy back at the barracks and a military vehicle takes them to a helicopter pad.  They board a large transport helicopter which transports them to a special weapons testing area.  The area has several well fortified structures, and well defined and protected entrenchment areas.


Donna and Nancy get off the helicopter and they are escorted to the director of testing.  Donna is introduced to her and the director asks Donna if she know the morning’s schedule. Donna replies, “Oh yes, Nancy explained all the details on the helicopter ride. You will use my body for testing your latest projectiles. Everything from bullets to missiles will be tested against my female body”. The test director then glances inside the helicopter, shakes her head and says, “Nancy”.  Nancy replies with a blank stare.  For inside the transport area of the helicopter were over 10 soldiers, laying almost unconscious on the floor with their clothing rip off their bodies and their weapons all crushed into pieces.


The test director takes Donna to the test area.  It’s a massive concrete embankment fortification.  Donna is placed at one end, a meter from a thick concrete wall. About 10 meters away are over 100 automatic weapons behind a massive steel wall.  They are all remotely controlled.  Surrounding the concrete sides of the test area are life size test dummies soldiers.  There are also about 20 high speed digital cameras behind bullet proof glass filming everything.  The test director gives Donna a bullet proof vest and asks her to place it over her chest.  It barely fit.   The test director then explains to Donna the test.  The 100 automatic rifles, ranging from normal caliber to heavy caliber to very heavy caliber will open fire for about a minute.  We need you to stand there with your hands behind you head, your chest thrust out and your legs close together.   The test is automatic and when finished, we can review the results on our special monitors.  Donna just smiles as she gets into position.


Five, four, three, two, one, and all 100 automatic weapons open fire on Donna’s super sexy body.  Over 100000 bullets slam against Donna’s skin in a defined pattern. Every part of Donna’s body is repeatedly slammed with a variety of projectiles.  Armor piercing, explosive, and super dense materials projectiles discharge into Donna’s massive muscular body.  Within 1 second, the bullet proof vest is torn to bits along with every stitch of clothing on Donna’s fantastic body. 


Once the strength test is over, Donna is given a new uniform and is escorted to the test center’s main office where she is shown the results of the bombardment against her super strong body. In very slow motion detail, the test director and her staff examine the results on 20 large high definition screens.  They explain in detail to Donna the useless effects of the projectiles against her super body.  Donna watches as projectiles blast between her muscular thighs and lodge between her leg muscles.  Bullets that wallop her cunt hairs are shredded into thin ribbon like metal shavings that curl up and float to the ground. Ammunition that slams directly into her super flat stomach, simply flatten out and drops harmlessly to the ground. Any rounds that smashes into her gigantic breasts are ricocheted off her breasts and usually slams into the test dummies with devastating effects. Rounds that smash directly into her engorged nipples are first flattened, then mushroom around her nipple before splitting in half.  Those objects that enter her vast deep cleavage are forced into dense wedges of crushed metal that are further compacted by the simple act of Donna breathing.  And the extremely slow motion detail of super hard armor piercing rounds being annihilate millimeter by millimeter by Donna’s sexy body cause several young male soldiers to grab their cocks and run for the bathroom.


Donna is all smiles as she witnesses the extraordinary muscles of her beautiful body making total waste of military firepower.  The test team played several of the recordings over and over, from various camera and angles, and all the recordings were of projectiles striking against sensually parts of Donna body.  Finally, Donna says, “That has me slightly aroused.  Do you have any other test to sexually tease my body”, as she squeezes her breasts with one hand and massages her upper thighs with the other hand. 


The test director turns to Donna and says, “Of course we have other test, this was just the preliminary test.  Are you ready for some real firepower”?


Donna gleams at the test director and Nancy and replies, “Let’s get started”.  


They all travel to another massive concrete embankment; same as before but larger, except this one has 5 massive artillery pieces and 5 heavy tanks at the business end.  Donna takes her stance at the far end and the test director instructs Donna that this is a two part test.  For the first minute, simply allow the massive shells to blast against her body.  All ten cannons will fire about 100 shells each at your body.  There will be a 10 second pause and the second bombardment will commence.  The shells will be fired in sequence one every two seconds.  Please try to catch the shells and then destroy them with your female body.   For the first part of the test, please remove all clothing, stand at attention, with your chest thrust forward.  For the second part of the test, use your discretion on how to catch the high speed shells.   Donna is all smiles as she takes off her uniform, takes a sexy stance with her breasts pert and stands at attention.


The test begins, cameras roll, shell after heavy shell scores direct impacts on Donna sexy female muscles.  The massive assault on her body doesn’t even cause Donna to blink.  The explosions are thunderous and every part of her body takes this frontal assault.  One minute later there is a pause and Donna relaxes as she awaits the second part of the test. The super high speed shells again blast at her young body and Donna has s difficult time catching the shells, She just too strong.  Her hands crush the shells like they are soft sponge cake.  It takes a few attempts but Donna soon learns how to catch the shells from the cannons.   Then she gets her enjoyment as she catches her first shell. She holds it tight in her hands and spreads her potent muscular legs and slams the shell between her legs and up into her hot wet pussy.  The shell explodes with all its devastating force, but has not effect on Donna.  Next shell, and the next shell, and more shells, and Donna catches and then crushes the massive shells into her body, playing with the massive shells as if she was taking a soft sponge bath.


The test is over and Donna goes to the test center and again they play back the bombardment of Donna’s body in excruciating slow motion detail.  Each shell is marked with identification for type and gun.  Special markings are on the shells so the rotation and speed can be accurately calculated, and special marking to determine how the super hard shells crush, compact, disintegrate, and react to Donna’s muscular body.  Donna listens to the engineers as they talk technical terms, such as spin rate, compression factor, heat exchange, energy absorption, and many others. However all Donna witnesses is massive projectiles, over a meter in length slamming into her body and are crushing flat or breaking apart under their own energy.  Donna observes solid steel easily compacted against her flat stomach muscles as it turns into plasma gases from the energy releases.  The projectiles that smack her upper thighs crumble like soft butter around her legs and hot liquid metal extrude from the gap between her upper thighs and her waist.  The extreme expression of sexual pleasure on Donna’s face is very evident in the slow motion playback as massive shells virtually change from solid metal to hot liquid energy as they tease her super hot and sensitive pussy. 


One super slow motion playback caused the cock on every male watching to explode in their pants.  One, large, massive, two meter long, armor piercing shell struck Donna’s right breast perfectly.  The point of the super hard shell contacted Donna’s nipple directly and as the test team replayed the sequence, its pure sexual pleasure.  The test team played the sequence frame by frame, with each frame only showing a microsecond of time.  The shell strikes Donna’s nipple, the super hard, super dense metal cannot force her nipple back a micrometer.  The hard metal of the projective collapses as Donna’s extremely strong nipple penetrates the tip of the shell.  The shell mushrooms around her breast and become denser as the entire shell compresses against Donna’s breasts.  The front of the projectile immediately turns white hot as thick metal begins to completely surround her large pert breast.  By the time the shell has completed mashed around Donna’s breast, it has also transformed into a semi-vaporous mass and as the shell passes her breasts and explodes around her body, the team can observe Donna’s right nipple emerging from the burned up metal shell.


The test team continues to calculate all their data, other calculate how many more times they can creams their uniform.  The test director then turns to Donna and says, “Ready for your last test, this is our major test”?  “Of course my body is ready” replies Donna as she flexes her muscles and rips apart her a good portion of her uniform. 


The test director escorts Donna and Nancy back to the helicopter and as they enter the helicopter, Nancy smiles and says, “Excellent, fresh meat. I mean soldiers.  You have first choice Donna”.


The helicopter takes the team to the end of a 5 kilometer test track; it looks like very straight and level railroads tracks. Once at the end of the test track, the test directors requests Donna to stand between the tracks at a special point, stand “AT EASE” with your shoulder and chest pushed forward.  She then explains the purpose of this last test.


“Donna”, the director says, “This is our high speed rocket sled test track. A rocket will propel a sled down the tracks at over MACH 6 and on the front of the sled is our newest heavy tank with double the armor plating.  The entire sled will contact you body and we will record the results, just as before.  Smile for the cameras”.


The test team goes to the control building 200 meters to begin the test, but Nancy says, “I’m staying here; I want an up close and personnel view of this test”.


Donna stands in the center of the test track, her massive breasts acting as dual beacons for anything coming down the test track.  She inhales and puffs up her enormous chest, as she sees a massive cloud of smoke coming towards her body from the far end of the test track.  But before Donna can even think, she sees a blur and then is encompassed by a fireball of molten metal.  At Mach 6 speed, it only takes a second for the 200 ton rocket sled to blast into Donna’s muscular body.  The specially armored tank along with the rocket sled is obliterated as it strikes Donna’s massive muscles.  The entire tank, sled, and rocket motor compress against Donna’s body as her body slices apart the sled.  The metal compresses and compacts against her skin and any open between legs and arms act as nozzles to super heated and compressed metal to escape.  The entire sled explodes with a thunderous blast, sending debris for miles into the air.


After the fire and smoke clear the track there is Donna laughing as she crushes anything compresses against her body into molten metal the flow down her body and burns into the ground.  She massages her skin with her hands, stroking her thighs, pussy, and breasts in a sensual matter as there is a sexual gleam of delight on her young attractive face.


Nancy walks over to Donna through the massive field of molten and blasted metal and says to Donna, “How did that feel on your hot, sexy, young, strong, super body”?   Donna is still moaning as she replies to Nancy, “That was fantastic, but I need a good Fuck right now”.   Nancy replies to Donna by saying, “I completely understand, just watching this test also turned me on.  Lets improvise”.


Everything around Nancy and Donna is obliterated, nothing exist in its original form, so Nancy begins to walk up test track until she arrives at an intact section to test track.  Nancy stands over one of the rails, takes off her clothing, bends down and with her one hand clasps the steel rail of the test track as pulls it up.  Even though the steel rail is anchored in a concrete foundation, Nancy easily pulls the rail upward, bursting steel bolts and anchoring plates like pop corn.  The raises the steel rail over her head, causing it to pull tightly up her legs, into her thighs, and against her pussy.  Nancy sucks in some air from the pleasure of the rail massaging her pussy, and then she sits down on the steel rail, allowing her massive thighs muscles to crush the rain in half.   Nancy spreads her legs wide and gently forces the steel rail into her pussy, teasing and taunting her cunt as the steel rail is forced inside her body. 


Donna yells, “WOW. I’ve got to try this”, as she takes the other rail, tears it from the tracks foundation and forces it into her sex canal.  Both super women go crazy with the pleasure they are giving themselves, and after about two minutes of pleasure and 200 meters of steel rail annihilate inside their bodies, Donna says, “OOOH, that felt great, but I still would rather have a horny, hot, super sexed soldier”.


Both girls laugh as they get up and walk back to the control center where they again watch the results in super slow motion.


Back at the main test center’s control building, Donna and Nancy have lunch.  During lunch, Nancy receives a cell phone call, looks around, and replies, in 5 minutes, behind the main building.  Nancy indicates to Donna positively, if she would enjoy a tour of the facility and Donna replies “OK”.  The two women quickly disappear, and have no problem going to the back of the building.  Locked door are simply a joke as they precede to the outside of the building near some storage buildings.  Nancy takes Donna to a storage shed and when they enter the shed, Donna yells, “YES, a whole fucking platoon of hot horny soldiers, your turn to pick first Nancy”.  For the next hour, Donna and Nancy, screw every soldier relentlessly until they are completely exhausted.  Both Donna and Nancy scratch a notch in every soldier’s weapon if they are able to drive them to a climax, and there were many weapons with rows of notches scratched in the steel by their fingernails.


Nancy and Donna return to the test center, and Nancy says there is an exciting test this afternoon and it can be fun.  You will be scored on this test, but it’s just a formality.


“What’s the test” ask Donna and Nancy replies, “The five kilometer obstacle course run”.


“OOOOOH, this sounds sexy, what kind of obstacles are going to get in the path of my BODY”.  Nancy replies “Everything imaginable in the military arsenal”.


The two super women go to their transport helicopter and Donna jumps inside and says loudly and sexy, “Fresh provisions, and Nancy, you have first choice” as she smiles and scan about 10 new troops who will escort them on their trip.   The trip takes 15 minutes and Nancy and Donna take advantage of the situation by screwing all the young troops.


Once Donna and Nancy arrive at the obstacle course, they are dropped off at the starting point and Nancy gives the instructions.  “It’s a 5 kilometer course and you must run along the red painted trail.  You cannot go around, under, or over any obstacle.  You must go through the obstacle, obliterating the obstacle with your female attributes.  You cannot go outside the red painted trail.  Also, there will be live ammo, mines, mortars, grenades, bard wire, razor wire, concrete fortifications, pill boxes, machinegun nests, trucks, tanks, cannons, tanks barricades, walls, and bridges.  There will be observers on the side of the course and they will give a score of 1 to 10 for each object you destroy.  You will also be scored on how fast you completed the course.  Any questions Donna”?  “Absolutely none, my body is tingling to get started” replies Donna as she flexes her massive muscular body”.  


“OK, at the sound of a large gun shot, start the course”, says Nancy, and all Donna can hear is the clanging of metal. It’s a large tank and it pulls up just to the side of her and aims it large gun directly at her cleavage and fires.  The high explosive shells burst apart between Donna’s cleavage, but has not effect on her body as she begins running the obstacle course at full speed.


First obstacles:  100 meters of barb wire, razor wire, land mines, electrified chain link fence and a ring of snipers firing at her muscular body.


Donna scampers through the coils of barb and razor wire as if its cob webs. The front of her body collects the barb and razor wire and all that occurs is her clothing is torn off her body.  The barb and razor wire collect between her calves and breasts and is dragged behind her like pieces of string dangling in the breeze.  Donna’s thighs rip apart the barbs and the razor fangs, shredding them apart.  Donna’s large pert breasts prevent the wire from going over her body, and her nipples get aroused by the sharp wire scrapping across them.  Every 10 meters, Donna grabs a handful of the wire and rips it apart across her bouncing breasts.  She steps on high explosive mines and all this accomplishes is to blast the barbs and razor fangs into her pussy.  Donna doesn’t even realize snipers are blasting her body with high velocity bullets.  She approaches a heavy chain link fence and just as her huge tits are about 25 centimeters from the fence, jolts of high voltage electricity jump from the fence to her nipples.  All this accomplished is to get Donna’s nipple engorged and hard.  She screams sexual delights as the high voltage tingles her pussy after her thighs rip a large hole in the metal fence.  Donna never uses her hands to slice through the electrified fence, her bouncing breasts and driving thighs completed the task with impunity.

Effect on Donna:  Slight sexual sensation.


Second set of obstacles: A series of wooden walls, horizontal logs, meter high concrete barriers, brick walls, and soldiers firing mortars in her path.

Donna follows the red path to the wooden wall and blasts her body through the 3 meter high wall.  Normally a soldier is expected to climb over the wall, however, Donna simply blasts her body thought the wooden wall.  Even though it’s made of large wooden timbers, her body splinters the thick wood into kindling.  As she exits the wooden wall the path leads to a series of large logs set across the path.  All the logs are over a meter in diameter and at various heights.  Soldiers are supposed to climb over and under the logs.  Donna doesn’t even blink as her legs snap the first log in half, her breasts shatter the second log, and her super flat abdomen explodes the third log.  There are over 20 massive logs and none can slow Donna’ quick speed.  The logs are reduced to broken and snapped scrap of lumber scattered over the course.   Next is a series of meter high concrete barriers designed to stop commercial vehicles?  There are 5 barriers lined across the path in series.  It only takes five steps for Donna’s legs to blast apart all 5 barriers and send them flying across the course. Two meters after the concrete barrier is a 2 meter thick brick wall, 4 meters high.  Donna’s body contacts the wall at full speed and 5000 brick explode into a pile of rubble, just as a mortar barrage targets in on Donna. The exploding mortars shells only cause Donna to snicker as she enters the next section of the course.

Effect on Donna: None, no muscles strain on Donna’s body.



Third set of obstacles: Military Hummer’s, trucks, and APCs, with soldiers firing rocket propelled grenades.


The red path continues with a series of hummers, trucks, and APC lined up.  Some are placed head on and others are sideways on the path.  But for Donna, this is irrelevant, for as she approached each vehicle, she blasts her body into the vehicle, crushing the fronts or the sides inward.  As soon as a meter or two of steel crushed flat against her fantastic body, she uses her hands and arms to either rip the vehicles in two, or fold the steel in half and cram it between her legs to let her thighs chew the metal into pieces of scrap. Rocket propelled grenades exploding against her muscles were not even noticed except for the several direct hits on her pussy.

Effect on Donna:  A boring yawn from Donna as nothing strains a muscles.



Fourth set of obstacles:  Tank barriers, concrete walls, and machine gun nests, with aircraft strafing from directly ahead.


A series of army tank barriers are now in the path and these consist of massive steel girders imbedded in the ground and sticking up about 1 to 2 meters and several large concrete structures, a meter high that resembles children’s “JACKS”.  Donna darts directly into the first of 10 steel girders.  For the steel girders that are only 1 meter high, her legs and thighs first flatten the steel then bend it over as her thighs either rip it completely out of the ground or shear it off.  For those steel girders 2 meters high sticking out of the ground, Donna’s breasts capture the steel and crush it flat in her cleavage and then bend it forward.  Then her nipples scrape and slice the steel into sharp jagged points.  Finally, these steel girders are bent over and forced between her legs and against her pussy where the crushed thick steel girder scrapes and grinds her pussy, giving her a little pleasure.  Large caliber bullets from strafing aircraft are only felt if one directly hits her stimulated nipples.   The concrete tank barriers are lackluster for Donna because they simply explode into rubble when she smashes into them with her body. A machine gun nest is next and the only reason Donna knows the machine gun is firing bullets are the small explosion on her skin from the tracer rounds.  She first contacts the machine gun’s barrel with her upper thighs which guides the hot barrel up and against her moist cunt.  The metal barrel is too soft to give Donna a thrill as her thighs grind the metal barrel against her cunt.  The entire machine gun and several sand bags are immediately pushed into a massive concrete wall.  Donna does not know the thickness of the wall, but she knows it’s not that strong because when her two breasts slam into the reinforced three meter high concrete wall, the concrete fractures and splits up the middle.  By the time Donna’s shoulders contact the concrete, it too late. The meter thick concrete falls aside as two broken chunks.   What remains of the steel reinforcing rods is quickly broken by Donna’s legs and arms as she transverses through the concrete without losing any speed.

Effect on Donna: Slight sexual sensations from thick steel rubbing her pussy.



Last set of obstacle:  Tanks and massive concrete fortification.  Plus heat seeking missiles.


Several tanks are placed across the red path.  They are staggered about 10 meters apart with the first one head on across the path and the next tank sideways across the path.  Their large main guns are pointing down the path and are remotely controlled.  The first tank fires at Donna, directly striking her flat stomach.  There is no effect on anything until Donna’s body slams into the main gun, buckling it backwards and snapping it off the turret.  And as she approaches the front of the tank, Donna slams her hands down onto the massive armor plating causing the tank to violently flip over on top of her.  Donna continues to run at full speed and lets her body cut a swat through the tank’s metal and armor.  Thick metal is sliced open and gouged out like a knife through soft cream. The next tank is sideways across the path and it fires a round directly at her and it strikes her left breast.  Donna laughs as the shell’s explosive effect is harmless against her large firm tit. Then her left breast makes direct contact with the massive gun’s steel barrel.  As Donna’s breast penetrates the super hard steel barrel, her breast rips apart the gun barrel, causing it to peel open as if it were a paper straw.  The gun barrel finally splits completely apart like a banana peel just as Donna’s body contacts the side of the tank.  Two swift punches from her hands and two kicks from her legs, blast a long wide hole in the side of the tank.  As Donna continues through the side of the super hard metal, her shoulders bend the armor, tank treads, rollers, and metal skirts inward with utter ease.  She exits the other side of the tank by again blasting a hole through the armor with her young powerful body, but not before she punches the turret of the tank with her fists and sends it sailing 100’s of meters into the air.  The next tank is facing head on and it fires a shell and it strikes her directly at her crotch and sends a sexually vibration through her body.    This tank however, is position against a massive concrete and steel fortification that is 5 meter high and of unknown thickness.  The red path also leads directly to the massive concrete and steel fortification.  Donna doesn’t flinch or slow down, she continues to the front of the tank at a full speed run.  Donna’s breasts strike the front armor of the tank, placing a massive dent in the armor the size and shape of her tits. When her shoulders and chest muscles slam into the front armor, the force of Donna body send the tank violently backwards into the steel and concrete wall.  The back of the tank collapses inward about two meters from the impact and bounces forward off the wall.  However, Donna is again at the front of the tank with her hands ripping off the main gun and bending it like a piece of string into a knot.  Donna upper body again smashes into the tank and forces it backward, but it’s up against the massive steel and concrete wall.  The army tank has not choice but to begin compacting between Donna’s muscular body and the massive wall.  The wall does no give and Donna’s body does not give. So the 70 ton army tank simply crushes flat against the wall.  Thick armor, steel, drive mechanisms, the engine, and axles all crush flat against Donna’s body.  Donna applies so much pressure with her muscles that the steel super heats as it crushes into a compressed substance only a meter thick.  And as Donna’s muscles push the last meter of super compressed armor and steel against the massive wall, the metal explodes as a super hot molten liquid and burns into the wall a half a meter.  The remainder of the tank is sliced in half lengthwise and kicked aside by Donna’s legs. Donna continues running into the massive wall, her bouncing breasts annihilating the steel and concrete of the wall like a sledge hammer on chalk.  The lower section of the wall explodes, sending concrete and steel outwards as her body blast through the wall like a cannon shell through soft plaster.  The other side of the 4 meter thick wall cannot take the pressure and it blast outward as Donna’s body continues on its journey.  She exits the far side of the concrete and steel wall as full speed, chunks of concrete and massive pieces of steel being pushed forward by her body.  Most of the steel and concrete has turned super hot from the force of Donna’s body and as she continues her run along the course, she crushes the steel down against her pussy to give herself a little extra pleasure.  She follows the red path for a few seconds and sees several high speed missiles zeroing in on her body.  They are heat seeking missiles and their target is the hot spot between Donna’s legs.  Donna’s pussy is so hot the missiles have no problem finding their target.  Missile after missile homes in on Donna’s hot pussy, striking with uncanny accuracy.  But all the missiles do is give Donna some additional pleasure and she continues to the finish line.

Effect on Donna:  Finally some real use of her strength and a little sexual pleasure.


Donna crosses the finish line and is greeted by Nancy, the test director, her commanding officer, and other VIPs.  They all await her final score, and when they tally up the points, Donna has set a record for the obstacle course. She poses for some pictures with the VIPs, then puts on another uniform and poses again.  She is very sexy when she flexes her muscles and poses for the cameras.


The base commander finally greets Donna, and as she salutes the high ranking officer, several buttons pop off her blouse, exposing her massive deep cleavage.  She also splits open the right sleeve of her blouse as her bicep expands as she raises her arm. 


The commanding officer takes a deep breathe, and salutes Donna back.  However, his cock rises faster and harder than his arm.


“Congratulation, Donna, you passed our basic training course with highest honors.  Your new rank will be sergeant. Also, because of your excellent hard work and performance, I would like to recommend that you attend our Special Forces school”.  Donna smiles and says, “Thank you sir, I would enjoy the Special Forces school”. 


The commanding officer replies, “Great, and if you pass with the highest honors, we will promote you to an officer.  But it will be difficult; you will be in a class with about 100 strong young men who also want this privilege”.  


The commanding officer then smiles and says to Donna and Nancy, “Why don’t I introduce both of you to our Special Forces. I can transport you to the other side of the base and begin training immediately”.  Both Nancy and Donna are ecstatic especially and are personally transported to the Special Forces school in the commanding officer’s private helicopter.


To be continued