- What's Old -
Below you will find a summary of all the modifications that were made to this site during June 2009.
4 July 2009
Good news! FfejL (author of MegaMan Meets His Match) has kindly offered to take over the site, so any future contributions should be sent to him at XStrength@gmail.com. Of course, I'll still be reachable at the usual email address and will still contribute to the site occasionally. Just one more mini-update before I go...
Ok, enough from me - over to you, FfejL!
[And this is FfejL just popping in to say, first and foremost, thank you, Paul for all of your hard work over the years. I'm a giantic fan of yours, and of this site, and it's an honor to take it on. You've left big shoes, sir, great big shoes.
I will also add that it is my intention to keep this site exactly what it is: the number one repository on the web for stories, comics, and pictures of Xtremely Strong women. I wouldn't have it any other way. -- FfejL]