Xtreme Strength


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- Caroline Everson -

Four for Dinner

“Working late?”

“Huh?” GeekNerd looked up to see Sharon standing in his office. He hadn't heard her enter.

“Uhhh....” was all he could manage to get out as he looked at her. Good God she was stunning! Barely dressed in an oh-so-short black dress, sleeveless, with spaghetti straps holding it up on her shoulders, not that it needed to be held up, her ample bosom straining the fabric close to the breaking point.

“You like this dress?” she asked unnecessarily.

“It's not the dress,” he said as he lit a cigarette, “but the one wearing it.” He mentally patted himself on the back for that line.

“How about now?” she purred as she flexed her biceps.


“Or now?” she whispered as she also flexed her legs.

“Oh God!” he managed.

“And now?” she whispered as she flexed her chest.

He stared open-mouthed at her, the fabric stretched beyond what any material should have been required to handle. How was it that her nipples were still constrained? They were sticking out what seemed to be miles! He could almost touch them with his tongue!

“Watch this,” she said as she produced a steel rod 6 inches thick and began slowly bending it in her hands. She slipped it behind her back and wrapped it around her chest. As she took a deep breath, the bar deformed and stretched, with her nipples gouging out two deep depressions in it. She wrapped more of the bar around her leg, and flexed her quad, further deforming the metal.

“Could you shape it for me with your tongue?”

“Sure,” she replied, as she brought more of the bar to her mouth and bit off a chunk. Then she took the chunk and wrapped her tongue around it. As she started licking, he could see the metal flattening and stretching, becoming ever more malleable. She took the piece inside her mouth, worked it around a bit, then opened wide and stuck out her tongue. It was unbelievable; she had tied it into a bow!

“Come to dinner with me, and I'll show you more afterwards,” she promised as she took his hand and effortlessly lifted him into her arms.

There was a knock on the door. GeekNerd snapped out of his reverie. “Come in.”

Sharon entered the office in her usual jeans and sweatshirt.

“God you're beautiful!” he blurted out. Realizing what he just said, he immediately blushed and turned away.

“Why thank you,” Sharon smiled. What was up with him today?

“I'm sorry, I apologize. I didn't mean to offend you.”

“You didn't offend me,” Sharon laughed. “Every woman wants to hear that they're beautiful.”

“You're not every woman. You're special.”

“Oh really? I thought Caroline was the only special one for you.”

He was getting in deeper all the time! How could he get out of this one? “Caroline is special in a professional sense.”

“And me?” Sharon was enjoying this. She knew he had an attraction to her. Now if only she could make him admit it...She rolled up her sleeve and flexed her bicep.

He lit a cigarette; he needed time to think. “You're my employer's daughter. I can't say anything more.”

“You've been around the military too long!” she shouted. “You're entirely too much spit-and-polish!”

“What?! But I'm a civilian!” Now he'd done it! She was pissed at him! Why did women have to be so difficult?

“Ha ha! Sorry, it's just that I've dated men stationed here at the base before, and even low rank enlisted guys weren't in as much fear of the General as you seem to be!”

Women! Now she's thrown him another curve ball! How to respond? “Does the General mind if you date military from the base?”

“No, he just wants me to be happy.” What's he getting at now? It's so hard to tell with this guy!

“That's a nice attitude to have. Are you dating anyone special now?” Seeing an opening, he darted through it. Time to change the subject.

“No, not since I came back from the Heavy Planet.” Is this it? Is he finally going to ask me out?

“Speaking of which, I've been reading the report you submitted...” Subject changed!

“Hold on! We're not done yet!” No, he's not going to change the topic now, not when we're this close!

Drat! Just when he thought that he was safe, he's back in the trap! He took another puff and slowly exhaled before saying, “You're special in a lot of ways. Not only are you beautiful, but you're so strong, and smart too. That really attracts me.”

Had he just admitted it? “So you're attracted to me?”

“Well of course I am. Any man would be!” Now what?

“Why don't we have dinner together tonight then? Say six o'clock at my place?”

Is this some kind of trick? No woman wants him around! It must be, but what? “Why not let me cook for you instead? Six o'clock at my place?”

“You can cook?” This is something new. Most guys can't boil water!

“You'll be the judge of that after the meal. Let's just say that I'm glad you're invulnerable!” Inject a little humor, and lower her expectations, so if the meal is good, she'll be pleasantly surprised.

“Yes, I'm invulnerable, but you're not. For your own good, I insist my place.”

“All right then. You need to invite Caroline and Paul to join us.”


“Yes, I trapped her in the chemical tanks last night. After she got out, she said she wanted to discuss my concerns about Paul’s safety. If she and Paul are free, tonight would be a good time.”

“Uh, did she say anything else?” Sharon asked nervously.

GeekNerd could sense her unease. “She mentioned that the two of you had lunch yesterday, and you told her about the trap.”

“Oh, I hope you’re not angry with me.”

“How could I be angry? You were concerned about her reaction to seeing Paul in danger. I was too. I’m actually glad you told her.”

“Wow, that’s a relief!”

“Besides, how could I ever be angry with you?”

Sharon took GeekNerd in her arms and hugged him gently. “I love you,” she whispered in his ear.

“You…you really mean that? How can you?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m not the strong protective brute type that women like.”

“That doesn’t matter to me. No man is strong compared to me! So I look for other things.”

“General, you need to see this,” Lt. Mitchell said into the intercom.

“What is it?” asked General Horshac as he entered the room.

“It’s a surveillance tape I made surreptitiously of GeekNerd’s trap area. I’ve been wondering what I’ve been missing; his traps seem as if they would work, and the plans seem perfect, but somehow Caroline continues to escape. I was hoping to find out what keeps going wrong.”

“So did you find something?”

“See for yourself,” Lt. Mitchell responded as he started the tape.

“Ha! We’ve got him now!” General Horshac exclaimed as he viewed the portion of the tape showing GeekNerd handing his pistol to Paul. “Giving your weapon to the enemy is totally against procedure! Get his COTAR on the phone!”

(Note: COTAR, Officer in charge of contractors)

“There’s something else,” Lt. Mitchell warned. “Listen carefully to this next part.”

“Oh my. So Sharon was collaborating with Caroline! I’ll have to speak to her about this.”

“I’m not sure how much of a difference that made. GeekNerd is obviously overly concerned with Caroline’s well-being. So concerned, in fact, that I have to wonder if he didn’t deliberately make these traps so that Caroline could escape easily.”

“Wouldn’t you have been able to spot the weakness when the trap was presented?”

“Maybe I overlooked something. In my defense, the guy is so smart that the weakness could have been deeply imbedded.”

“Well, no matter now. A new weapon was just delivered to the base, and I can’t wait to see if it will stop Caroline!”

“A new weapon?”

“Yes, it’s called a plasma pinch laser. A new contractor, Andrea, is setting it up for testing.”

GeekNerd knocked on the door. It opened it to reveal Sharon standing there in an oh-so-short black dress with spaghetti straps.

“Aren't you going to come in?”

GeekNerd snapped out of his deja vu moment and entered. As he passed, he looked up into her eyes. “I never noticed how tall she is,” he thought.

“Do you like my heels?”

“Yes indeed. I like looking up to you.”

“Really? I'm tall enough that I don't usually wear them. It makes some guys uncomfortable.”

“It's probably not the heels that makes them uncomfortable.”

“Oh? What else could it be?” she smiled down at him.

“Maybe it's the thought that one wrong move and you could utterly destroy them with your strength.”

“Could be. Why don't you have a seat? I'm just finishing up in the kitchen.”

“Smells delicious. Need any help?”

“Sure. Thanks for volunteering.”

“Lead on.”

“What can I do to help?” GeekNerd asked.

“Well, the beef roast should be done now. I'll get it out of the oven,” Sharon said, as she opened the door and retrieved the pan with her bare hands.

GeekNerd watched in awe. “Pour the drippings into this pan. I'll make gravy.”

“That must be Paul and Caroline,” Sharon said as the doorbell rang. “Why don’t you keep stirring the gravy while I let them in.”

“Wow, he even helps in the kitchen,” Caroline joked as she entered.

“Why of course,” GeekNerd replied. “I need to do something to show her that I’m of some use. I put the rolls in the oven, by the way.”

“The rolls should be ready,” Sharon said as she opened the oven door and again pulled out the pan in her bare hands. “Oh, they smell delicious.”

“The gravy's ready.”

“OK, let's eat.”

GeekNerd pulled out her chair for Sharon. As she sat down, he couldn't help but stare as her short dress rode up, exposing even more of her luscious legs. Sharon looked up and smiled at him. “Yes, he's a leg man,” she thought.

But just as GeekNerd took his seat, there was an urgent knock at the door.

“Who can that be?” Sharon exclaimed as she got up.

“The General perhaps?”

“No, he's working late tonight,” Sharon replied as she walked to the door.

Sharon opened the door to reveal a frazzled-looking woman.

“Is GeekNerd here? I really need to talk to him.”

“Andrea?” GeekNerd exclaimed.

“Thank God you’re here. We’ve got BIG problems.”

“Tell me about it,” GeekNerd said as he got up and took Andrea to the side.

“Is it safe to talk here?”

“Sharon, may we use your bedroom?”

“Sure, go ahead,” Sharon replied. “We’ll wait for you.”

GeekNerd returned several minutes later. “Andrea is in charge of installing and testing a new plasma pinch laser weapon on the base. The General has evidently fired the weapon tonight before it was calibrated, and aimed it at the Moon. The weapon should only have enough power to raise a dust cloud on the Moon, but it appears that it caused considerably more damage than that; it knocked off enough of a chunk from one area that the Moon has begun wobbling. If the wobble gets worse, it’s possible that the Moon will disintegrate or go out of its orbit. A conference call is being set up now, and I need to be in on it. I’m sorry, but I’ll have to ask you to excuse me.”

“That’s terrible!” Sharon exclaimed. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“We need to ensure that the weapon is not fired again, by the General or anyone else,” GeekNerd replied. “Why don’t you and Andrea go to the base and disable the weapon? Just make sure that you don’t destroy it; it will need to be analyzed later to determine its exact power level.”

“I’ll leave immediately,” Sharon agreed. “Paul and Caroline, why don’t the two of you stay here. I’ll be back shortly and we can talk.”

“I’ll be on my way too,” GeekNerd said. “Andrea will join me later on the conference call. I don’t know how long it will take, so don’t wait up for me. I’ll rejoin you all when I can.”

Two women entered the base. “Where do you have this weapon set up?” Sharon asked.

“Right in here,” Andrea replied as she pointed to the security door. Using her key card, she opened the door and Sharon and Andrea entered the area.

“Sharon! What are you doing here?”

“General! Do you know what you have done?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve knocked a chunk off the Moon!” Andrea replied. “It’s started wobbling and may shake itself apart or come out of orbit!”

“But I was just test firing it!” The General protested. “I just wanted to see if it was powerful enough to take out Caroline.”

“We can’t allow you to fire it again,” Sharon intoned. “We’re going to disable it now!”

“Hold on, daughter. I’ve been lenient with you before when you have destroyed equipment, but this is different. I’m going to have to put my foot down on this one. Hands off!”

“Sorry General. We have to disable it,” Sharon replied sternly. “And you know that you can’t stop me!”

“Physically, you’re correct,” General Horshac replied. “But I’m warning you, if you destroy it, I’m going to have to put you in the same category with Caroline. Daughter or no, I’ll have no choice but to come after you too.”

“And I’ve got no choice either,” Sharon intoned. “We must disable the weapon.”

“Remove this crystal,” Andrea said, pointing. “But don’t damage it.”

General Horshac jumped in front of the crystal. “Over my dead body!”

Sharon strode over to the General. “No one’s going to die here,” she stated as she picked up the General with one hand. With her other hand, she carefully removed the crystal and handed it to Andrea.

“I would suggest that you two leave this room,” Sharon stated matter-of-factly. “I’m going to seal the doors shut.”

Lt. Mitchell fled the room. General Horshac ineffectively squirmed in Sharon’s arm, but he was held tightly. “If I put you down, will you leave on your own, or will I have to carry you out of here?” Sharon asked.

“I’ll leave,” General Horshac replied. “But you’ve totally crossed the line on this one.”

“I’m sorry to have put you in so much trouble,” Andrea consoled. “I never meant for it to go this far.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Sharon replied as she used her fingers to weld the steel doors shut. “This has been building up for some time now.”

“What are you doing?” Andrea exclaimed.

“Ensuring that the room can’t be entered,” Sharon replied as she continued her work, rapidly moving her fingers over the steel until it softened, then pressing the door into the frame.

“Wow, how can you do that?”

“It’s something Caroline did on the alien ship. GeekNerd explained how it works, the friction and pressure heats the metal to the point at which it melts.”

“I knew you were strong, but I had no idea just how strong! Is Caroline as strong as you are?”

“She’s stronger than me.”

“That’s unbelievable! Still, I hate to see a father and his daughter at such odds.”

“I know, I don’t like it either. But this had to be done. That should do it for the doors, now let’s go back and rejoin Paul and Caroline.”

“No, I need to join GeekNerd on the conference call. You go back to your place. It would be better if you kept the crystal with you for safekeeping.”

But only two eat

“That’s rather rude of them,” Paul complained. “Inviting us over here and then the both of them leaving!”

“Cut them some slack,” Caroline replied. “If the Moon is in danger of falling apart, the effects on Earth could be devastating.”

“True. What do you want to do now?”

“Well, the food smells delicious, and I’m hungry. Let’s eat!”

Paul and Caroline were just finishing up their meal when Sharon returned.

“So how did it go?” Caroline asked.

“No problem with disabling the weapon,” Sharon replied. “It won’t function without this crystal.”

“What’s wrong?” Caroline could sense Sharon’s discomfort.

“The General was really angry with me that I disabled it. I’ve never seen him so angry with me,” Sharon sobbed. “He even threatened to come after me.”

“Don’t worry,” Caroline consoled. “You know you’re invulnerable and he can’t hurt you. And you know I’ll be there to help you any way I can.”

“Thank you. But I hate seeing him this way.”

“Maybe given time he’ll come around. In the meantime, why don’t you get something to eat? Your food was absolutely delicious!”

“It sure was!” Paul chimed in. “If only Caroline could cook that well!”

“Hey now!” Caroline chided as she hugged Paul.

“Just kidding,” Paul grinned as he kissed Caroline. “You know I love your food.”

“I’m too upset to eat now,” Sharon said. “Maybe I’ll just have a cigar with some wine to loosen up.”

“Would you like us to leave?” Caroline offered.

“No, please stay. We still need to talk.”

“All right then,” Caroline agreed. “Paul and I will watch TV for now. When you’re ready to talk, just come join us.”

Sharon entered the living room and sat in a chair opposite the sofa where Paul and Caroline were seated together. Caroline switched off the TV.

“Feel like talking now?” Caroline asked.

“Yes, I’m better now,” Sharon replied.

“I’m all ears.”

“Tell me about your relationship.”

“Sure, what do you want to know?”

“GeekNerd is attracted to me, but he also seems to be frightened of my strength. It’s really rather strange; he enjoys my strength feats on objects, but even when I hug him gently, he cringes with fear. Do you have the same problem with Paul?”

“No, Paul trusts me completely; he knows that I would never hurt him in any way.”

“If I may interject here,” Paul said, “I think I know what his problem is. If Caroline were to hug me using even one thousandth of one percent more strength than she should, it would crush every bone in my body. But using an additional one percent of my strength in grasping something would have no effect. It’s a matter of Caroline not only having extraordinary strength, but also of having extraordinary control over it, that is the key.”

“So how do I convince GeekNerd that I have such control?”

“I think that rather than talking, you need to show him,” Paul advised.

“Sure,“ Caroline agreed. “Let’s go to the regional park tomorrow. I know just the thing to show him!”

“Sounds great,” Sharon said. “I’ll fix a picnic lunch for us.”

“Now that we have resolved that,” Caroline said, “What now? It is getting rather late. Do you know when GeekNerd will return?”

“No, I don’t. But you’re right, I hadn’t noticed the time. We would like the two of you to spend the night. GeekNerd had a new mattress delivered yesterday and he was quite adamant that he wanted you to try it out. It’s on the bed in the guest bedroom; I’ll show you the way.”

“A new mattress?” Paul asked. “What’s this about?”

Caroline also had a quizzical look on her face, but then a smile formed on her lips. “Could it be…?”

“What, you know something about this?” Paul enquired.

“Maybe. When GeekNerd had me captured in the Rubber Room trap, he told me he could make a mattress of the material forming the trap. Perhaps this is it?”

“I don’t know,” Sharon said. “He said it would be a surprise for you. Why don’t we check it out?”

“Oh yes!” Caroline squealed in delight. “Paul, feel how soft this is!”

“A bed of nails would be soft for you!” Paul joked as he felt the mattress. “Wow, this IS soft! But it can’t support us.”

“Ah, but it can. Just press down on it,” Caroline replied.

“How can this be?” Paul exclaimed. “I’m barely making a dent in it!”

“Satisfied?” Sharon asked.

“Oh yes!” Caroline exclaimed. “This is wonderful! I can’t wait to try it out!”

“Go ahead,” Sharon said. “I’ll wait up in the living room. See you two tomorrow.”

Sharon sat down in her chair, but the day had been taxing for her and she soon fell asleep.

“Good morning,” GeekNerd whispered as he gently touched Sharon’s hand.

Sharon opened her eyes and blinked in the morning light. “Good morning. Come here,” she said as she took GeekNerd in her arms and gave him a kiss. “Did you just get back?”

“Yes, the conference call lasted all night. I’m sorry I couldn’t return sooner.”

“It couldn’t be helped. I did disable the laser, that’s the crystal for it on the table.”

“Yes, Andrea told me. She also told me the General was quite angry.”

Sharon began to sob. “Yes, I’ve never seen him that way before.”

“I’m sorry to have put you through that. But that laser had to be disabled.”

“I know. I would do it again if I had to.”

“It was a mistake for me to have sent you. I should have sent Caroline instead. I just thought that if the laser were hidden, you would have a better chance of finding it, since you are familiar with the base.”

“It’s not your fault.” Sharon gave GeekNerd a kiss on the cheek. “In your place, I would have sent me also. Have you had breakfast yet?”

“No, there wasn’t any food in the conference room.”

“Let’s fix some then.”

“All right, I’ll help. Are Caroline and Paul still here?”

“Yes, they’re in the guest bedroom. Caroline was thrilled with the mattress.”

“Good! I hoped she would like it.”

“Why don’t you start the coffee while I cook the bacon? Are you going to make one of those mattresses for me?”

“Sure, I can do that,” GeekNerd said as he filled the percolator.

“Well, maybe then I should ask why Caroline got the first one,” Sharon said as she put the bacon in the pan.

“Well, uh…it’s just that we talked about it first,” GeekNerd stammered as he plugged in the coffee pot. “Please forgive me.”

“Hey, I’m kidding,” Sharon giggled as she picked up GeekNerd and gave him a kiss. “I think it’s wonderful that you gave her a present.”

“I think it’s wonderful too!” Caroline said as she entered the kitchen. “I smelled the coffee brewing.”

“Your nose is really sensitive,” GeekNerd pointed out. “It’s just now starting to perk. Glad you liked it.”

“I loved it too,” Paul said. “It was so comfortable for me, and it withstood Caroline’s thrashing without being destroyed. You can’t imagine how many mattresses we run through every week!”

“Thrashing?! You seem to enjoy it!” Caroline protested as she gave Paul a hug and kiss.

“You know I do,” Paul replied as he returned the kiss.

“The bacon’s ready, time for the eggs,” Sharon said. “Now watch me.” Sharon took the eggs from the carton and held them in her hand. “See, they’re not breaking.”

“Should they be?” GeekNerd asked.

“They would be if I could not control my strength. Now watch,” she said as she placed one egg on her bicep and folded her arm.

“Impressive,” GeekNerd admitted as the egg remained unbroken.

“Give me one of the eggs,” Caroline said. “I’ll give him a foretaste of the demonstrations we’ll show him later.”

Sharon gave Caroline an egg and all watched as Caroline took the egg in her hand and closed her fist. She then drove her fist into the cutting board, breaking it in two. Finally, she opened her fist, showing that the egg was still intact. “See, I can use my strength to not only destroy, but also to protect.”

“I see. What’s this about later?”

“We decided to go to the park after breakfast,” Sharon said as she retrieved the egg from Caroline and placed it in the pan. “We want to give you a demonstration.”

“A demonstration of what?”

“Just wait and see. It’s time you got a surprise,” Caroline replied.

“The eggs are ready. Let’s eat.”

By Lark6019

A Walk in the Park

“Tired?” Sharon asked as GeekNerd closed his eyes. “Why don’t you take a nap while Paul is driving us to the park? You can rest your head on my shoulder.”

GeekNerd opened his eyes and looked at the bulging muscles. Her shoulders were so wide! But yet, it still looked inviting. He smiled as he lowered his head. She felt so good!

Sharon smiled back as he fell asleep. Caroline glanced back as she noted, “We’ll keep quiet for him. I don’t doubt that he needs the rest.”

“Yeah,” Sharon agreed. “The poor guy was up all night.”

“Darling, we’re here,” Sharon said as she gently roused GeekNerd.

He opened his eyes and blinked. “How long was I asleep?”

“About an hour. Feeling better?”

“Yes indeed. But I could use some coffee.”

“Sure. I packed some in the basket,” Sharon replied as she got out of the car.

“Great!” GeekNerd said as he joined her at the trunk. Sharon poured him a cup and he began to drink it. “Beautiful place,” he noted as he looked about at the heavily wooded area. “But no one else is around.”

“That’s one reason we chose this place,” Caroline stated. “We can show off all we want.”

“Now that sounds interesting,” GeekNerd replied as he lit a cigarette.

“I’m eager,” Paul agreed. “What do you have in mind?”

“You’ll see,” Caroline replied. “This way.”

The four entered the woods and walked several hundred yards. The trees ended at a small lake with a sandy beach. Flowers were growing at the edge of the sand. A number of large boulders were also in the area.

Caroline reached down and picked four roses. She carefully removed the thorns and handed one to each of the other three and kept one for herself.

“Let’s play a little game here,” Caroline challenged. “We’ll each hold a rose in our closed hand, and with that hand, we’ll perform a task. Then we’ll open our hand and display the rose. Whoever damages the rose the least, is the winner.”

“What sort of task do you have in mind?” Paul asked.

“For Sharon and myself, the task will be to split a boulder in two. For you two, the task will be simpler; you’ll just drive your fist into loose sand. Are you up for it?”

GeekNerd looked confused. Seeing this, Caroline walked onto the sand and bent over. She moistened the sand with lake water and formed it into two pyramids, each about 8 inches high. “Your task is simply to drive your fist into this sand,” she said.

“I’m game,” Paul stated.

“Me too,” Sharon agreed.

“What about you?” Caroline asked GeekNerd.

“I’m not sure what you’re up to,” he replied. “There may be some trick here, but I don’t see what it is. So I’ll go along.”

“Great! Now let’s get started,” Caroline exclaimed as she stepped up to one of the boulders and drove her fist into it, cleanly splitting it in two. She then opened her hand, showing that the rose had not lost a single petal!

“Wow!” GeekNerd exclaimed. He picked up the rose from her hand and closely examined it, even pulling a few petals off. “There’s no trick here. And there’s no way that I can beat you at this game.”

“Maybe you can tie me,” Caroline suggested. “Go ahead, drive your fist into that sand.”

GeekNerd drove his fist into the sand, then withdrew it. He opened his hand, showing the rose, but one petal had fallen off. “Oh well, I lose.”

Paul then drove his fist into the sand. When he opened his hand, it was obvious that he had used too much force; the rose was crushed.

Sharon was last. She drove her fist into a boulder, splitting it in two. She then opened her hand. Her rose was fully intact!

“Want to examine my rose?” Sharon asked GeekNerd.

“No, now I see the point. Just as Caroline showed with the egg back at the apartment, you women can use your invulnerability to protect something. That is quite impressive, I must admit.”

“It’s not just things that we can protect,” Caroline pointed out. “Come this way for the next demonstration.”

The four walked around the lake. At the far side, the ground did not continue, but instead formed a cliff. Looking down, GeekNerd could see that the bottom, over 100 ft below, was full of sharply pointed rocks.

“Watch out,” Caroline warned. “If you fall, those rocks would slice you to bits.”

“Unless Sharon were there to catch me?”

Caroline smiled as she replied, “You really catch on fast! But I’ve got something more dramatic in mind. Paul, jump off this cliff.”


“Just do it! I’ll protect you!”

Paul jumped. Then Caroline jumped. GeekNerd watched as Caroline went into a dive, passing Paul and landing first, shattering the rocks underfoot. She quickly extended her arms and caught Paul. Paul waved up at him.

“Your turn,” Sharon said.

GeekNerd jumped. His body rolled during the fall, ending with his back to the rocks and him looking straight up at Sharon. Something was wrong here, Sharon was still standing on the top! He began to panic, but then remembered that Caroline was on the bottom. Perhaps she would catch him? But she was holding Paul!

Just then, he felt liquid on his back. Had he peed his pants? No, that wasn’t it. The force of the liquid increased, now it was like a fire hose. Some sprayed around him, he could see that it wasn’t water, it was white. More sprayed out, now his fall was slowing. He reached out and took some of the overspray in his hand and tasted it. Milk! Caroline was spraying him with her milk!

Still more sprayed out, now his fall had stopped and he was motionless in the air! Then he saw Sharon jump off the cliff. She turned her body to face him and was soon on top of him. Wrapping her arms around him, she gave him a kiss. He eagerly wrapped his arms around her as he returned the kiss.

Suddenly, the liquid stopped and GeekNerd and Sharon began plummeting to the bottom. He did not panic, he was in the arms of the woman he loved. She would protect him! And she did, by thrusting out her hips to upset their balance; now she was on the bottom as they continued to fall. He could see the rocks rapidly approaching. Sharon broke off their embrace and pulled his arms from around her, holding his palms above her shoulders.

Then they hit. Rocks and dust flew from the impact zone as Sharon’s invulnerable body decimated the puny granite below! “Now you can hug me again,” she whispered. “I had to stop you before we hit, otherwise your arms would have been shattered below me.”

And hug he did! Harder than he had ever hugged before! And he kissed her harder and longer than he had ever kissed before!

“God I love you!” he exclaimed.

“And I love you too!” she whispered into his ear.

“Why didn’t you kiss me like that?” Caroline shouted at Paul.

Paul silenced her by pressing his lips to hers.

GeekNerd and Sharon finally ended their embrace. “That was incredible,” GeekNerd stammered. “It was completely beyond my wildest dreams!”

“Welcome to the world of Xtreme Strength,” Paul smiled.

“I’ve been in that world,” GeekNerd replied. “I’ve seen Sharon lifting and throwing a tank. But this…this…”

“This is up close and personal,” Paul finished. “When you are the recipient of the bounties of an xtreme strength woman, when you feel her power used to protect you, it’s different.”

“That’s why I have to ask, why me? What can I possibly offer in return?”

“Offer your love, she’s still a woman,” Paul replied. “She’s superhuman, but she still has womanly needs.”

“Exactly!” Sharon agreed. “And you’ve treated me more as an actual person than any of those other men I’ve dated. You know way more about me than any of them do. Some of them don’t even know my name, or want to know my name for that matter. To them I’m just a walking pussy, but to you, I’m a complete person. And I love you for that.”

“I’m…I’m at a loss,” GeekNerd stammered as he lit a cigarette. “I need time to digest this.”

“Speaking of digesting, didn’t you bring a picnic lunch?” Caroline asked Sharon.

“Sure did,” Sharon replied. “Hungry?”

“I sure am,” Paul stated. “Let’s eat.”

Caroline, still holding Paul in her arms, jumped up to the top of the cliff. Sharon stood and took GeekNerd in her arms. “Going up,” she giggled as she also jumped up to the top of the cliff. Sharon gently put GeekNerd on the ground. But as she stood up straight, her clothes fell off!

“What’s going on here?” GeekNerd asked.

“The rocks cut our clothes to shreds,” Caroline replied. GeekNerd looked and confirmed she was also naked.

“Here, take my shirt,” he offered to Sharon.

“How chivalrous,” she replied as she donned the garment.

“It’s certainly not that I don’t want to see you naked, but there may be others around,” he explained.

“You see, that’s what I love about you,” Sharon said. “You’ll put yourself out for me on a moment’s notice.”

“Of course I will. I would do anything for you. You are the same way; back there you ensured my arms were protected when we hit the rocks.”

“You’ll find that comes naturally to us,” Caroline said as she donned Paul’s shirt. “I guess it’s in our womanly genes. Now let’s get going, I’m hungry!”

By Lark6019

Picnic in the Park

“Damn him, the fool!” General Horshac screamed as he slammed down the phone.

“What’s wrong?” Lt. Mitchell asked.

“GeekNerd’s COTAR agrees with him and refuses to punish him for handing over his weapon to Paul Smith. Well, if he won’t, I will! Give the order to the MPs, GeekNerd is hereby banned from this base. If he resists, shoot him dead!”

“Shoot him dead? Isn’t that rather extreme?”

“Are you questioning my authority, Lt?”

“No sir!” Lt Mitchell snapped to attention and saluted. “The order will be given.”

After lunch, GeekNerd lit a cigarette and Sharon lit a cigar. As the two smoked, Sharon moved closer and then said, “Let me show you something.”

She got up and picked up a large rock. She began running her hands over it, flaking off layers and easily shaping it as if it were made of modeling clay, until it took on the form of a penis. She looked over at GeekNerd, with a questioning look in her eyes.

“Yes, that’s about my size,” he smiled. “I hope it’s sufficient for you.”

“Oh yes,” she giggled. “It’s certainly more than adequate.”

Sharon changed her position so that she was standing with her legs apart, spreading her pussy. She then took the rock and thrust it completely inside her.

“Is this what you’re worried about?” she asked as she tightened her cunt. A loud crack was heard, followed by dust flowing from her, the remains of the once solid rock.

“I would like to keep what I’ve got,” GeekNerd nervously replied. Caroline, Paul, and Sharon laughed in response.

“Give me your pen,” Sharon instructed. GeekNerd gave her the cheap plastic pen from his pocket. Sharon then stuck the pen halfway inside her. “Try to pull it out.”

GeekNerd grasped the exposed portion with one hand and tugged. The pen did not move. He placed his other hand over the first and pulled hard. Still nothing! It was as if it were glued in place! He put all of his weight into it, still it would not move!

Sharon then released her muscles and the pen dropped to the ground. “Examine it closely, you will see that it is undamaged.”

He picked up the pen and looked at it closely. She was right! He also noticed that it was wet. Curious, he licked it with his tongue, it was delicious! But in addition to her juices, it also contained rock dust; he began spitting out the dust.

“Hey, if you want a taste, just let me know and I’ll flush for you,” Sharon laughed as GeekNerd’s face turned bright red.

“I’m sorry, but you taste so good!”

“Thank you. I taste even better when there’s no foreign substance in there.”

“I’m sure you do,” he laughed.

“If you liked that, I’ve got a trick to show you,” Caroline smiled as she took a banana and started to peel it. But she stopped peeling after about an inch. She then spread her legs and shoved the banana in until only the peeled portion was showing. “Go ahead and pull the banana out of me.”

GeekNerd grasped the banana and pulled. To his astonishment, the fruit easily came free, leaving the peel inside her! “That’s quite a trick!”

“You see, life with an xtreme strength woman is never dull,” Paul grinned. “She always has some surprise for you.”

“You enjoy seeing her show off, don’t you?” GeekNerd asked Paul.

“Oh yes indeed. It’s a thrill for me. She’s truly an amazing woman.”

“As is Sharon,” GeekNerd agreed as he gave her a kiss. Sharon returned the kiss.

“If you had the chance to go to the Moon with her and watch her literally move mountains, would you?” GeekNerd asked Paul.

“What are you getting at?” Paul responded.

“Just a thought. I’m considering a plan to rectify the wobbling of the Moon.”

“Oh, the conference call last night,” Sharon mused. “How did it go?”

“Not well at all. Everyone agreed that there is a problem, but no one had any ideas on what to do. There will be another call tonight.”

“But you do have an idea?” Caroline prompted.

“Maybe. Would you be willing to go to the Moon to move rocks from one area to another?”

“Sure. I’ll do anything I can to help,” Caroline responded.

“Hold on here,” Paul cautioned. “How do we know this isn’t another trap?”

“Well,” GeekNerd responded as he lit a cigarette, “for one thing, you are not in custody. For another, sending Caroline to the Moon wouldn’t work as a trap; she could simply jump back to Earth.”

“Valid points,” Paul agreed. “But maybe this is just the initial planning stage for the trap? Or maybe you do something to her while she is on the Moon?”

“If I can’t hold her on Earth, what makes you think I would have a better chance on the Moon, with its lower gravity? Besides, my budget is nowhere near large enough to fund a Moon mission!”

“How would we get to the Moon?” Caroline asked.

“Good question. I’m still working that out.”

“What time is the conference call tonight?” Sharon asked. “We may need to start heading back.”

“Yes, we will need to be leaving soon.”

Andrea stopped at the guard post as she was leaving her office. “Hello guys,” she smiled at the MPs.

“Hi Andrea. Leaving for the day?”

“Yes, but I’m not off duty. I have to attend a conference call tonight.”

“Bummer. Did you hear about GeekNerd?”

“No. What about him?”

“We got new orders, straight from the General. He is banned from the base. If he tries to get by us, we’re authorized to shoot to kill.”

“Shoot to kill?”

“Yeah, it’s strange. I kinda liked the guy, so if you see him, let him know.”

“Sure thing. Thanks guys.”

By Lark6019

Conference Call

“Oh bloody Hell, another jam up!” Paul muttered.

“What’s wrong now?” Sharon asked.

“Traffic just ground to a halt again,” Caroline replied. “I can’t see anything wrong up ahead; I don’t know why we’re stopped.”

“Well, we still have a little time left,” Sharon said. “But not enough to let me fix you dinner.”

“That’s all right,” GeekNerd responded. “It’s the thought that counts.”

“Yes, but a thought won’t keep you from being hungry.”

“And I am hungry…for you,” he whispered as he gave Sharon a kiss. She returned the kiss and gave him a hug.

“At last, we’re moving again,” Paul interrupted.

GeekNerd arrived just in time for the conference call to begin. He met Andrea at the door and the two entered the building and took their places at the table in the room.

“Before we start, I need to tell you something,” Andrea said. “I had the strangest conversation with the MPs at the base today as I was leaving…”

“Thanks for telling me,” GeekNerd replied as she finished. “No need to tempt fate; I won’t go on the base again.”

The speaker came to life with its usual crackling static noise.

“Time to start,” GeekNerd said. “Roll call, everyone. Golf and Alpha here.” For security reasons, everyone went by a phonetic alphabet letter instead of giving their actual names.

“All present and accounted for,” Golf said at the end of roll call. “Now on to business. Bravo, what are your findings?”

“You asked me to determine if the wobbling of the Moon is increasing, decreasing, or staying the same. I don’t know how to do that.”

GeekNerd threw up his hands in frustration. “Take a series of photos of the Moon through your telescope. Use the highest speed film you can find. Vary the shutter speed of the camera, and see at what speed the photo is not blurred. Do the same each day. If you need to increase the shutter speed to get a clear photo, then the wobbling is getting worse. Okay?”

“Sure, I can do that.”

“While you’re at it, doesn’t your university have a structural engineering department?”

“Why yes it does.”

“Good. That department should have a shaker table for seismic restraint design training. Once you have the Moon photos and the correct shutter speed for the camera, take the camera with you and have the shaker table set up. Adjust the table so that an object attached to the table is photographed clearly. This will give us an idea of how bad the Moon is shaking.”

“Sure, I’ll do that. How many days should I photograph the Moon?”

“Photograph it every day until you are told to stop, and plot the shutter speed setting for each day, so we can see if a trend develops. Now, Charlie, what did you find out?”

“Charlie here. You asked me to determine the power output of the laser. I’ve set up an investigative team and they’re on their way. They should be arriving tomorrow morning.”

“Fine. Delta, what did you determine?”

“You asked me to determine how large a chunk broke off the Moon, and what sort of force would be required to cause the break off. The chunk itself partially broke apart, and the largest remaining piece is about 300m by 200m by 50m. The weight of this piece is unknown. Also unknown is the required force to cause break off, we do not know enough about the substrata of the Moon.”

“Have you done a spectroscopic analysis of the chunk?”

“My instruments are limited, but preliminary analysis shows solid rock similar in the basics to the Moon rocks the Americans brought back to Earth.”

“All right, you’ve done what you can. Assuming the chunk is solid, work up an approximate mass, also assuming a density similar to the American Moon rocks. This will give us a starting point, and something with which to compare our other calculations.”

“Since there are numerous smaller pieces, I’ll double the mass of the largest piece to take them into account. I should have something for you by tomorrow.”

Andrea was watching GeekNerd in amazement. By title, his position was the same as hers, and yet he had clearly taken charge of not only the conference call, but the entire investigation! It was the same back at the office, he was the one people came to when they needed help, and he always seemed to have the answers. One would think he was the supervisor, and there were rumors to that effect. The actual supervisor never seemed to leave his office, and always seemed to call in GeekNerd before assigning anyone to a task.

He was certainly always cordial to her and willing to lend a hand, but never even hinted at wanting any sort of relationship with her outside the office. In fact, Sharon was the only woman she had ever seen him with.

Paul, Caroline, and Sharon arrived at Sharon’s apartment. The three entered and the women began preparing dinner as Paul watched.

“That was quite a demonstration you gave GeekNerd today with that rock,” Caroline remarked. “The look on his face was priceless!”

“Yes indeed,” Sharon agreed.

“Of course, he wasn’t the only one,” Caroline continued, looking at Paul. “You had a worried look, too.”

“Well,” Paul stammered, “it is a valuable part, after all. And you could do the same thing.”

“Why yes, I could crush a rock also,” Caroline laughed. “But that’s not what you were concerned about, is it?”

“You could easily crush me,” Paul blushed.

“But if I did, then you wouldn’t be able to satisfy me in bed. So don’t worry!”

“Believe me, I’m not worried.”

“Well, good. But you certainly looked worried.”

“Well, maybe a little bit,” Paul conceded.

“That brings up a point,” Sharon said. “I wanted to show Caroline and you a device that GeekNerd gave me. He calls it a wave director; it’s something like a vibrator, but works on sound waves.”

“How interesting,” Caroline mused. “Does it work?”

“Does it ever! It’s fantastic! And for you, Paul can adjust the controls while you are using it.”

“Interesting indeed!” Paul agreed. “Where is it?”

“I’ll show it to you later. But first, let’s have dinner.”

Meanwhile, back at the conference center, the conversation continued.

“Hotel, what have you found out?” GeekNerd asked.

“You asked me to calculate how much mass loss would have been required to initiate the wobbling of the Moon. Not enough is known about the internal structure of the Moon to be able to determine the weight of the Moon, and not enough is known about planetary behavior to even be able to hazard a guess as to mass loss. Sorry.”

“So what you’re saying is that the idea last night from India, of using the laser to blast off another chunk from the Moon, probably won’t work, then. We don’t know how much was broken off, and we don’t know how consistent the Moon is, so we wouldn’t know where to aim the laser.”

“Right. Plus just like you said last night, we don’t know what effect removal of more mass would have on the orbit of the Moon.”

“India, do you agree?”

“Unfortunately, yes. Not unfortunately because it was my idea, but unfortunately because it was the only idea.”

“What now? Does anyone have any ideas?”

Silence on the line. Andrea could tell that GeekNerd was growing impatient. “Tell you what,” she said, “let’s take a 5 minute break to consider things.”

“Let’s go outside and have a smoke,” Andrea suggested to GeekNerd. “You’re stressing out and it may help you to think.”

“Good idea,” GeekNerd agreed.

Meanwhile, back at Sharon’s apartment, dinner was over.

“The meal was delicious!” Paul exclaimed. “Congratulations to both chefs. But now, you promised to show us the wave director.”

“So I did. Follow me.”

“So this is your bedroom?” Caroline asked.

“Yes, and this is the director,” Sharon replied as she handed it to Caroline.

“Hmm, not very impressive,” Caroline mused as she carefully examined the fountain-pen-sized object. “What’s this wire for?”

“That connects it to the other part, which is in my closet,” Sharon replied. “In here.”

“What are all these controls?” Paul asked.

“I’ll show you. But first, Caroline should get undressed.”

“I’m liking this already!” Paul exclaimed.

“Hey now!” Caroline reprimanded. “There will be time for that later!”

“Now, Caroline, just insert it into you, then I’ll turn it on. See, Paul, this is the on/off switch.”

“Ohh, it’s moving inside me!”

“Yes, it centers itself automatically. Now I’ll increase the amplitude with this control. Just tell me when it feels right to you.”

“Oh yes, right there!” Caroline squealed.

“Good! I was beginning to think it wouldn’t be strong enough for you; we’re near the top of the adjustment band. Okay, Paul, you see where this setting is?”

“Yes, got it. So I set it there every time?”

“No, go by what Caroline says.”

“Next we’ll adjust the frequency with this control. Caroline, let me know when it’s right.”

“Oh God yes!” Caroline screamed as her pussy gushed and gushed.

“I think that’s about right,” Sharon smiled.

“Wow, she’s really enjoying it!” Paul exclaimed. “And it’s still functioning! It is amazingly durable; usually by now, a dildo is totally trashed!”

“Yes, it’s lasted me for some time now,” Sharon agreed. “It also has a protective feature; it will turn itself off if the external pressure becomes too great.”

Caroline continued to gush and scream in pleasure. Then suddenly she stopped. “Oops, sorry, I broke it.”

“Pull it out, let’s take a look at it,” Sharon replied.

“Looks all right to me,” Paul said.

“To me also,” Sharon agreed. “put it back in, I’ll reset the safety switch. If you squeeze it too hard, it will stop.”

Sharon adjusted the controls and reset the switch. “All right Paul, why don’t you control it this time?”

“Sure. But what is this other control, labeled ‘periodicity’?”

“I don’t know. GeekNerd modified it to include that, but he hasn’t told me what it does.”

“Caroline, do you want to try it?” Paul asked.

“No. What you were doing before was fantastic! Let’s do it again!”

And soon, Caroline was gushing again.

“It seems frustrating for you in there,” Andrea noted.

“Yes, it is! These people are the tops in their fields, and yet they need to be told what to do, to be led by the hand the whole way!”

“Give them a break! This is something totally new for them. They’re still getting used to the idea of the Moon wobbling in orbit. Who would have thought that would happen?”

“True. But they should be able to think of things on their own!”

“Agreed, and some are handling it better than others. You, as a prime example.”

“Thank you. You know, sometimes I think they are too specialized; that they can only relate to a very specific area, and fail to see the whole picture. ‘Can’t see the forest for the trees’ comes to mind.”

“You’ve hit the nail on the head again!”

“You know, I do have an idea. Let’s go back inside.”

The conference call resumed. “Still nothing? Well, here’s a new idea,” GeekNerd said. “What I’m proposing will sound ridiculous, but I’m convinced it will work. My current assignment involves super women, with unlimited strength and invulnerability. I’ve met four so far, and I’ve spoken briefly with two concerning this idea. Basically, the idea is to go to the Moon, plant seismometers on the surface, and move mass from one area of the Moon to another, to bring the Moon back into balance. Comments?”

“Hotel here. How will you know how much mass to move? That’s one of the big problems, isn’t it?”

“That’s why we’ll plant the seismometers. We’ll move enough mass to balance the Moon, however much that is. And if the shaking worsens when we start moving mass, we’ll know that we must move the mass from a different area. Also, since the mass will remain on the Moon, there should be no problem with its orbit.”

“India here. How are you getting to the Moon?”

“The American Space Shuttle is the obvious choice for human transport. Of course, it will have to be modified to make a Moon flight, since it is a sub-orbital vehicle. I believe we can limit the required modifications if we have the super women throw the Shuttle into orbit.”

“India again. How do we get the Americans to go along with this? They are denying responsibility for damaging the Moon.”

“I suggest calling a United Nations meeting to discuss the Moon problem and to put pressure on the Americans to allow their Shuttle to be used. Zebra, can you get started on that?”

“Zebra here. Sure, I have contacts in a number of countries, I‘ll have them all start pushing for the UN meeting in their own countries.”

“So we’re all in agreement here? Anything else before we go? Alpha and Golf, signing off.”

The Sun was rising as GeekNerd and Andrea left the building. Andrea was stunned. “Do you really think that plan will work? How well have you thought it out?”

“I thought of it today. So far, it’s just a rough outline, but I should be able to begin fleshing it out before the UN meeting.”

“Who would go on such a mission?”

“Caroline and Sharon would have to go, of course. Paul Smith is willing. There are a number of astronauts, some of them would go to handle the actual flying of the Shuttle.”

“Would the Americans allow their astronauts to go?”

“I would think that they would want their own people to go; after all, it’s their Shuttle. If they won’t, perhaps some Russian cosmonauts would go.”

“What about you? Someone needs to supervise placement of the seismometers and movement of mass.”

“I hadn’t considered that far ahead. I’ll go if needed, but not unless I’m actually needed. I’m not just going along for the ride.”

“Is there anything you want me to bring you from the base?”

“Why thank you. Sure, you can clean out my desk; I’ve got extra cigarettes there and a coffee mug. Other than that, all the paperwork is on the computer, and I can access that from anywhere.”

“Want to get anything to eat? Maybe some coffee?”

“No thanks. But could you give me a ride to Sharon’s apartment? I’ll have breakfast there.”

Breakfast at Sharon’s

Sharon awoke to the sound of singing and water running. She rubbed her eyes in confusion and then remembered that Paul and Caroline had stayed the night. She listened closely; yes, that was Caroline singing in the shower. She arose and got dressed and was going to the kitchen to start breakfast when she saw the car pull up out front. Curious, she looked out of the window and then smiled as she saw GeekNerd get out. She ran to the door and opened it just as he approached.

He was glad to see that she was already up. He had thought that she might still be asleep and rather than wake her, he had thought that he would just wait for her on her doorstep. Of course, he was glad for more than that; she looked absolutely ravishing this morning!

Sharon picked him up and kissed him deeply. He melted into her arms and returned the kiss. Their embrace finally ended and she set him back down on the ground.

“Good morning! How did it go last night?”

“Now that I’m with you, it’s a good morning,” he replied. “Last night was awful, but we can talk about that later. Do you have coffee?”

“I’m just now getting up. Why don’t you make some while I start breakfast?”

“Gladly,” he offered as they entered the apartment together.

Sharon began dicing peppers and onions with a knife. “I thought we would have omelets this morning,” she said as she noticed him watching her.

“That’s fine. I was just curious as to why you were using a knife instead of your fingernail.”

“It’s a little easier this way. Tools are still useful to me.”

“How about for something tougher?” He asked.

“Well, if I’m cutting say a coconut, then I’ll use my fingernail. But for dicing, a knife works better. I still have to be careful not to hit my finger, of course. Not that the knife can cut me, but the blade will dull if it hits my skin.”

“I don’t see a knife sharpener in here,” he noted.

“Let me show you,” she replied as she drew the knife blade across her finger. He watched as the blade bent on contact!

“This knife is now useless,” she said as she showed him the bent blade. “To sharpen it, I just do this,” she continued as she placed the blade between her fingers and pulled it through. He looked, the blade was now straight!

“To complete the job and put an edge on it, I just do this,” she continued as she ran her fingernails across the blade. “And now to test it,” as she easily sliced the onion.

“Wow! You constantly amaze me!” He exclaimed. “I never imagined it would be so useful having an Xtreme Strength woman around!”

“AN Xtreme Strength woman?”

“THIS Xtreme Strength woman,” he corrected as he kissed her.

Paul and Caroline entered the kitchen. Caroline was beaming. “Oh, there’s the inventor himself!” she exclaimed as she gave GeekNerd a kiss on the cheek.

“What’s this about? Oh, did Sharon show you the wave director?”

“Yes indeed, and it was amazing!”

“I’m not the inventor,” he averred.

“But you’re the one who thought to use it this way! If I had known you were going to give me one, I wouldn’t have tried so hard to escape your traps!”

“Don’t thank me yet. We need to talk seriously after breakfast.”

“Now that we’ve eaten, we need to talk,” GeekNerd began. “Do you remember yesterday in the park, when I was asking you about going to the Moon?”

“Sure,” Caroline replied. “What about it?”

“The conference call last night went very badly. No one had any ideas at all about how to stabilize the Moon. As a desperation measure, I put forward my idea. I hope you don’t take offense.”

“Wait a minute,” Paul intoned. “You mean that it wasn’t theoretical? You actually want us to go to the Moon?”

“I’m afraid so. The conference call participants are working to set up a United Nations meeting to present the proposal and to get the US to agree to allow their Space Shuttle to be used.”

“How could you do that?” Paul yelled.

“Calm down,” Caroline consoled. “Just think about the adventure. Most people would kill to ride on the Space Shuttle!”

“But he had no right!” Paul insisted.

“You’re correct,” GeekNerd agreed. “And if you don’t want to go, I’ll understand. But I would ask you, if you won’t go, will you allow Caroline to go?”

“Come on darling, you know you want to see me work,” Caroline entreated.

“Well, sure I do. But how well have you thought it out? Is this some half-baked scheme? I know the Shuttle is not capable of going to the Moon!”

“Honestly, right now it is a half-baked scheme. I’ll be working on it and hopefully it’ll make sense by the time the United Nations meeting convenes. So I’ll ask you to keep an open mind and suspend judgment until then.”

“Seems fair enough to me,” Caroline said. “How about it, Paul?”

“I don’t like the idea of you going to the Moon with him,” Paul insisted. “If you’re going to go, then I want to go with you, just to make sure he doesn’t pull any funny business.”

“I would have hoped you would want to go to be with me,” Caroline pouted.

“You know I do,” Paul said as he kissed her on the cheek.

“That’s better,” she smiled as she returned his kiss.

“I don’t know who is going yet,” GeekNerd said. “Can we get the Heavy Planet team back together?”

“Well, Amazon Girl is part of the General’s team of superheroes,” Sharon replied. “So I doubt that the General would allow her to go. As for Sarah Wallace, I haven’t seen her lately.”

“I ran into her the other day,” Caroline said. “The Heavy Planet really seems to have affected her; since she returned, she has devoted her life to Christ and has started a ministry. I think she calls it ‘Muscles for Christ’ and ministers in gyms and body building events.”

“Wow, I guess she’s out, then,” Sharon exclaimed. “So that just leaves the two of us.”

“You two should be enough,” GeekNerd said. “So the whole crew would consist of you two, Paul, and however many astronauts it takes to fly the Shuttle.”

“What about you?” Sharon asked. “Aren’t you coming along?”

“I hadn’t really considered it,” GeekNerd replied. “I tend to think I might just get in the way.”

“I would love for you to come with me,” Sharon encouraged.

“I want you to come along also,” Paul challenged. “That way, I’ll know you haven’t rigged the Shuttle somehow.”

“You really don’t trust me at all, do you?”

“No, I don’t.”

The conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. Sharon opened it to reveal several men.

“We’re here to pick up a crystal,” one said. “We’re from the team investigating the plasma pinch laser.”

“GeekNerd, do you know these men?” Sharon asked.

“No, I don’t,” he replied. “Can I see some ID?”


“Who sent you?”

They replied.

“Are you obtaining voltage profile graphs from the Electricity Authority?”

“Sure, we’ve got them with us. There were some spikes in voltage that day; we’ll have to check the exact time the laser was fired to see if perhaps it occurred during a spike.”

“OK, they seem genuine,” GeekNerd said. “Go ahead and give them the crystal, they’ll need it to test the power level of the laser.”

Sharon gave the men the crystal and they departed. “Perhaps I should go with them to unseal the door to the room?”

“No, you said the General was riled at you,” GeekNerd advised. “It would be better for you not to let him see you until he has cooled down. The men will use a cutting torch to open the door.”

“What was that about?” Paul asked.

“They are testing the laser to determine its exact power level at the time of firing. It shouldn’t have been able to damage the Moon, but perhaps if voltage spiked and the settings weren’t correct…well, who knows?”

“But why all the cloak-and-dagger?”

“We had to make sure they were genuine and not sent by the General. In his current state of mind…well, who knows?” GeekNerd replied.

“Interesting. You don’t trust the General any more than I trust you,” Paul mused.

“We each have our reasons. But you should remember that when it appeared to me that Caroline was in trouble, my only concern was her well-being.”

Swimming to New York

“My goodness, the time has flown fast!” Sharon exclaimed as she finished packing the suitcase.

“Yes it has,” GeekNerd agreed. “Of course, it’s only been a week.”

“True, but you’ve certainly been busy.”

“Yes, I had to whip the Moon trip plan into shape.”

“I don’t understand why you won’t be presenting it yourself at the UN.”

“That’s not in my job description; I will gladly defer to a supervisor for that. I’m not a public relations sort of guy.”

“But we’re still going to the UN.”

“Right. I’ll be there, but standing on the sidelines, in case any questions are posed that the supervisor can’t answer. All right, I’m finished packing.”

“Me too. And there’s the cab out front. Let’s go.”

The cab dropped them off at the pier. Sharon and GeekNerd walked over to the cabin cruiser and boarded.

“You were really lucky to get this boat so cheap,” GeekNerd exclaimed. “It’s really nice inside!”

“Yeah, the guy on the base sold it cheap. Seems the engine developed an oil leak and seized. Luckily for us, we don’t need an engine.”

“Not with you around! You are a truly amazing woman!”

“Do you still think so?” Sharon asked as she shed her clothes and flexed her muscles.

“More so than ever!” he replied as he kissed her and felt her biceps.

“Just tie this tow rope to me,” Sharon requested as their embrace ended.

GeekNerd watched as she jumped into the water. He unfastened the mooring lines from the pier and gave her the signal. Sharon began swimming, easily pulling the boat along behind her.

It was fascinating to watch as her muscles flexed with every stroke; not only her arms, but her shoulders, her back, and her legs. As they left the port, she began lengthening her strokes; the boat was rapidly picking up speed. GeekNerd sat at the table in the cabin smoking a cigarette and watching her through the windshield. What a sight to see! What a woman!

His view didn’t last for long, however, as Sharon continued to gain speed, moving her arms and legs much faster now. She was kicking up a large rooster tail behind her, and the water was crashing down on the front of the boat, obstructing the view out. He hadn’t counted on this when he had suggested they take a boat to New York from the UK; he had been looking forward to a relaxing cruise. But there were no convenient transatlantic schedules. Then Sharon had suggested this, that she would pull this cabin cruiser the entire distance herself! Was there nothing beyond her capabilities? And yet, Caroline was even stronger!?!

Sharon turned her head and looked behind her. Her rooster tail was obscuring the boat! She began slowing her strokes until she could clearly see the boat and GeekNerd inside. She was glad to see that he seemed to be doing just fine. He looked down at the GPS unit and then gave her a signal to swim in a more northwesterly direction. She signaled back that she understood, changed course, and put on the speed again. She had to cover 700 miles before supper, and she needed to get a move on!

GeekNerd watched as Sharon began swimming harder, her muscles really showing her efforts, until her rooster tail again obstructed his view. He had thought that he might work on the Moon plan some more, but the boat was bouncing too much in her wake to be able to read or write. As he lit another cigarette, he was thankful that he didn’t have a problem with motion sickness; with the rough ride, someone without an iron stomach would definitely be sea sick by now.

As the trip continued, he hit upon the idea of using the GPS unit to calculate speed. He was amazed when the figure showed over 70 mph! No wonder the ride was so rough; it was amazing that the boat was holding together! Sharon would slow occasionally to check her direction with him, but would then return to her fast pace. He checked the speed several times and it was consistent; it was as if she weren’t tiring in the least. And yet, look how much effort she was exerting! Far more than any man could possibly hope to achieve, and yet this was no wind sprint; she had been keeping up this pace for hours! What a woman!

Soon after dusk, he noticed the boat slowing. When he could see out of the windshield, he noticed lights on the horizon. Checking the GPS unit, he confirmed that they were approaching Iceland. Sharon had stopped swimming and was treading water as the boat continued forward on inertia; soon she was alongside.

“What are those lights?” she asked. “Is it land?”

“It should be Iceland,” he replied. “The end of the journey for today. Just swim slowly into the harbor and we’ll tie up for the night.”

“Sure thing.”

Sharon swam ahead of the boat and began pulling it into the harbor. When they reached the pier, she swam to the front of the boat and began swimming against it, bringing it to a rapid stop. GeekNerd attached the mooring lines.

“How was the ride?” Sharon asked as she climbed aboard.

“Rough but fast,” GeekNerd answered. “And totally unique; no one else in the world except an Xtreme Strength woman could give me a ride like that!”

“I would give you a hug, but I’m all wet. Let me take a hot shower and then I’ll rejoin you.”

As she left, he mentally congratulated himself for adding the electric generator to the boat’s propeller; in addition to providing navigation lights, it also powered the water heater. He had been sure that Sharon would appreciate a hot shower after swimming all day in the cold North Atlantic water.

And he was right; when Sharon returned, she was beaming! God she was beautiful! Her dress really showed off her incredible figure, and her muscles were still pumped up from swimming all day. It was a good thing the dress was sleeveless; he doubted that her arms would fit into a sleeve!

“Do I look all right?” she purred. The look on his face already told her the answer, but she wanted to hear it from him.

“You look more than all right,” he said as he took her in his arms. “You look incredible!” he whispered as he kissed her. “I still can’t believe a woman who looks like you would want anything to do with me!”

“Believe it, you’re the one I want! But first, can we get something to eat? I’m starving!”

“Of course, you must be famished after your swim. According to the guide book, there’s a nice restaurant just a few blocks from here.”

“Great! And then afterwards, we can come back here to spend the night together.”

The next morning, Sharon and GeekNerd had breakfast together in town and then returned to the boat.

“Ready for the next leg?” GeekNerd asked.

“Sure,” Sharon replied. “Will this one be as long as yesterday’s?”

“Actually, it will be even longer, around 800 miles. But today, if you want to stop earlier, we can; it can be as short as 300 miles.”

“I don’t understand. Are you saying we can stop in the middle of the ocean?”

“Well, yes we could. But what I’m really saying is that the next stop is Greenland. If you want a shorter trip today, we can just cross the Denmark Strait. The longer distance will take us to the southern tip of Greenland, which is much closer to Newfoundland, the destination for tomorrow.”

“Let’s just cross the strait then. That will give you a smoother ride. Once we’re within sight of the coast, we can continue until nightfall, and see how far we get.”

“You don’t have to worry about me; I’ll be fine. But thank you for your consideration; I really like to see you swimming. Let’s get started.”

This time, with Sharon swimming slower, the rooster tail effect was much less, and GeekNerd could view Sharon from the windshield. And the view was truly spectacular; such an amazingly beautiful woman, with such an incredible body, with all her muscles working as she swam. God what an absolute vision she was! And, most unbelievable of all, she was his girl friend!

Caught in his revelry, he didn’t notice the boat slowing, but then snapped out just as Sharon was signaling to him, requesting a direction check. He quickly looked at the GPS unit and signaled back to her, whereupon she resumed her swimming.

Land came into view in the early afternoon. He was somewhat surprised; Sharon must have been swimming faster than he thought. She turned and began swimming along the coast. A finger of land caught her by surprise; she made an abrupt turn to avoid it. The boat, being attached by the tow rope, was slower to make the turn. Sharon saw this and put on a burst of speed. GeekNerd watched as the boat barely missed the reef.

Sharon changed direction again. The boat swung around in a wide arc, bouncing GeekNerd around in the cabin. Suddenly, the boat hit an underwater obstruction; evidently the reef continued below the surface. GeekNerd was thrown hard against the side of the cabin and was knocked unconscious!

Sharon had just made her turn when she felt a sudden drag on the tow rope. She swam harder, but then surged forward as the rope broke. She immediately turned back and saw to her horror that the boat was sinking fast! Panicked, she rapidly swam back to the boat and began searching for GeekNerd, but he was nowhere to be seen! She swam underwater and found him inside the cabin, unconscious against the wall. The table in the room had broken loose and was pinning him in place. She quickly tossed the table aside and took him in her arms, then swam to the surface.

She tried to revive him once on the surface, as she treaded water. Unsuccessful in this, she placed his arms around her neck and rapidly swam ashore. She gently laid him on the ground and breathed into his mouth. He coughed up a mouthful of water as he revived.

He was in a daze. He thought he must be dead, or dreaming, as he opened his eyes and saw before him a woman whose beauty was truly otherworldly. Where was he and who was this amazing creature? And she was smiling at him? And now what was she doing, her face was approaching his!

Sharon was relieved, no, ecstatic, when she saw him open his eyes. But something wasn’t right, he wasn’t looking at her as his girl friend, but rather as a stranger. She decided to give him a kiss.

Her face was almost against his, and now she was pursing her lips. What was she doing? And then, her lips were pressing against his, and her arms were going around him. She was kissing him! He returned the kiss, then gave her another, and still another. This was marvelous! This was…this was…this was Sharon! She was his girl friend! No wonder he thought he was dreaming! For him, to have a girl friend like this, it was a dream!

As the kiss ended, Sharon pulled her face away to have a better look at him. Ah yes, she thought as she looked into his eyes, now there’s someone in there. “Are you all right? I thought I might have lost you there.”

“Now I am. I was out of it there for a while, though. Thanks for saving my life.”

“I’m sorry. I should have known that reef extended under the water.”

“Don’t blame yourself. There’s no way you could have known. It’s not your fault; if anything, it’s my fault for not guiding you better.”

Sharon kissed him again. “God I love you so much. I would never be able to forgive myself if I let anything happen to you.”

“And I love you too,” he replied as he returned the kiss.

Their kiss ended, he sat up and looked out onto the water. “Where’s the boat?”

“It sank when it hit an underwater reef. I don’t know how much you know, I found you unconscious in the cabin.”

“I remember now, the boat must have hit something; it stopped abruptly and I was thrown against the wall. That must have knocked me out; I don’t remember anything else.”

“Are you sure you’re all right now?”

“I think so,” he replied as he stood up. But before he was fully erect, he lost his balance and started falling.

Sharon caught him before he hit the ground. “Maybe you should just sit here for a while and rest.”

“Yes, I suppose I should.” He reached into his pocket for a cigarette, but the pack had gotten soaked. “Damn, these aren’t any good!”

“Do you have any more on board?”

“Sure, in my suitcase.”

“Why don’t I swim back out to get our suitcases? I hadn’t thought of it earlier, I was only concerned about you.”

“Yes, that would be good.”

Sharon got up and went into the water. He watched as she swam to a point in the water and then dove in. She was only under for a few minutes before she returned to the surface holding the suitcases. He was wondering how she would swim back with them when she easily tossed the cases onto the beach and then started swimming back.

The suitcases hit the beach with tremendous force, kicking up sand in all directions. The impact was too much; the suitcases broke apart, spilling their contents everywhere. GeekNerd spotted his cigarettes and crawled over to the fresh pack, eagerly opening it and lighting one up.

Sharon soon joined him on the beach. “Gosh I’m clumsy today,” she pouted. “First I sink the boat, and now I destroy the suitcases!”

“Don’t worry about it. They weren’t designed for underwater use anyhow. See, all our clothes are drenched. These cigarettes are good only because the pack was unopened. And besides,” he smiled, “I love everything about you, even if you are clumsy.”

“Hey!” she giggled, “I could use a little understanding here.”

“You know I’m kidding,” he said as he kissed her.

“You mean you’re kidding about loving me?”

“You know better than that,” he replied as he kissed her again.

“Do you want me to try to repair the boat?” Sharon asked as the kiss ended. “I’m not sure how, but maybe you could talk me through it?”

“No, the hull is fiberglass. To mend it, you would need special glue, plus sheets of fiberglass cloth, plus fiberglass coating, none of which we have. Your Xtreme strength won’t help here.”

“So what do you want to do now? Do you know where we are?”

GeekNerd took the GPS unit from his pocket and looked at it. “I know we’re on Greenland, but exactly where I don’t know. This GPS unit is waterlogged; it must have shorted out. I know we have to go south, but I’m not sure how far.”

“Do you want to start now? Are you up to it?”

“I’m not sure I can walk yet; I’m still feeling rather groggy. The sun is starting to set, so why don’t we just stay here for the night and travel in the morning?”

“Sounds like a good idea to me. I’ll gather some wood so we can make a fire.”

“Great! Then we can dry our clothes.”

“And have dinner. I should be able to catch some fish for us.”

“Really? I didn’t know you fished.”

“I don’t. But I can swim faster than any fish. They don’t stand a chance against me!”

“I’m more amazed by you all the time! Is there anything you can’t do?”

Sharon merely smiled at that and went to gather the wood. Soon they had a good fire burning. GeekNerd used some of the wood to fashion a drying rack for their clothes. In the meantime, Sharon went back into the water and soon emerged with fish in her hands.

“What is it about cooking on an open fire that makes food taste better?” GeekNerd mused.

“Maybe it’s just that we are hungry,” she said.

“Or maybe it’s the company,” he smiled. “Of course, with a woman as gorgeous as you around, it’s hard to concentrate on the food.”

Sharon gave him a kiss before returning to her fish.

Sharon and GeekNerd awoke the next morning. She gathered more wood and rekindled the fire.

“It would be nice to have some coffee,” she mused.

“Yes, and we’ll have some,” GeekNerd said. “I have a jar of instant in the suitcase.”

“But we don’t have water. Except salt water, of course.”

“We’ll make our own. We just need to distill some.”

“Excuse me?”

“We’ll boil some salt water over the fire. We can use the coffee jar for that. Then we’ll catch the steam that comes off and condense it. We can use the jar lid for that. The condensed steam will be pure water, which we can catch in a mug.”

“Sounds simple enough. I can hold the jar and lid, that way you won’t have to make a special holder for them.”

“Great! Another reason an Xtreme Strength woman is nice to have around!”

“ANY Xtreme Strength woman?”

“THIS Xtreme Strength woman,” he smiled as he hugged her.

Sharon watched as he poured out the coffee on the ground to empty the jar. Then he filled the jar with water from the ocean and handed it to Sharon.

He watched as Sharon held the jar over the fire. The flames were lapping at her hand, yet she continued to hold it easily, with no signs of stress. Even when the water started boiling, she didn’t seem to be bothered in the least!

“Do you feel the heat from the flames?” he asked. “I’m just curious; it doesn’t seem to bother you.”

“Of course I do. I feel the heat, but there is no pain.”

“And can you feel the difference in temperature as the jar heats up?”

“Yes indeed, I know the water is boiling now even without looking. And I can feel the steam rising with my other hand holding the lid.”

“It’s still just amazing to me. You are so sensitive to things, and yet you feel no pain.”

“To me, it’s normal. Pain is something totally foreign to me. And I suppose it’s the absence of pain that allows me to be so sensitive; a normal person would have released the jar before it got this hot, so they wouldn’t have noticed a further rise in temperature. Of course, I’m noticing the temperature because I’m not distracted.”

“I’m not sure I’m following you. Distracted?”

“I’m concentrating on the jar right now. If you were to hit me, or pull my hair, right now, I would feel it but I wouldn’t really notice; it would be the same for you if a fly landed on you. Or if I felt you pulling my hair and started concentrating on that, then I wouldn’t really notice the jar getting hotter.”

“So you can only notice one thing at a time?”

“No,” she laughed, “what I’m saying is that if I concentrate on one thing, I am very sensitive to small changes in it, and may not notice small changes in other things. If I’m not focused on just one thing, then I’ll notice everything.”

“I suppose a normal person is the same way. If they are reading a book, and really engrossed in it, then they may not notice the room getting darker as the sun sets, until it becomes so dark that they can no longer see to read. But if they were not reading, then they would notice the sun setting.”


Soon, the mugs were full and GeekNerd retrieved the coffee and added it to the water. They both enjoyed their morning brew.

“Let’s get dressed,” GeekNerd said. “We should be getting started; I don’t know how far we need to go to reach a town. Then tomorrow we can catch a plane to New York.”

“Ooh, what happened to the clothes?” Sharon exclaimed.

“It’s the effects of them being waterlogged with salt water,” GeekNerd replied. “That’s why they are full of white spots, it’s the salt left behind when the water evaporated as they dried. They’ll also be stiff, but they should loosen up some as we walk. We can wash them later in town.”

“I’ll grab the suitcases,” Sharon said. “It’s only fair; after all, I’m the one who broke them.”

He didn’t argue with her. It would be a long walk, and she was the one who would have no trouble handling them all day long.

It was getting dark by the time Sharon and GeekNerd arrived in town. They found a hotel and checked in.

“Long day, huh?” Sharon asked. “I need a shower. Want to join me?”

“No, you go ahead alone. I know you like it hot, and it’ll be relaxing for you. I’ll wash our clothes; I saw a laundromat down the hall.”

GeekNerd returned to the room to find Sharon waiting for him on the sofa. “Why don’t you join me?” she purred.

“In a bit. I need to wash up first; I don’t want to get salt on you.”

“I wouldn’t mind, but go ahead.”

He emerged from the shower and started getting dressed. “What are you doing?” she asked. “I thought you were going to join me.”

“I certainly could, but I thought you might want to get something to eat first.”

“You’re always thinking of my needs. But right now, I need you.”

“And I definitely want you,” he replied as he took her in his arms.

By Lark6019

Making like King Kong

GeekNerd and Sharon arrived in New York around Noon. They checked into a hotel and had a bite to eat, then started exploring the city. They decided to visit Central Park and had a nice time enjoying the bucolic scenery.

They didn’t notice him hiding in the bushes. That was what he wanted, to take them by surprise. He jumped out in front of them, flashed his switchblade, and demanded their money. Maybe he would demand something else; this was truly a babe!

Sharon reacted quickly to the would-be mugger. She grabbed GeekNerd and put him behind her, out of harm’s way.

GeekNerd offered no resistance. He and Paul had discussed this earlier; a normal man with an Xtreme Strength woman, when put into danger, should use the woman as a shield. This way, she knows he is out of the line of fire, and she can concentrate on ending the threat. For her, whatever the threat is, it makes no difference; she cannot be harmed because she is invulnerable.

What a wimp this guy must be! Hiding behind this babe, this luscious babe! But yet, he must have some hold over her, because she isn’t shrinking back; in fact, she seems almost bold in the face of his knife!

Sharon stared at the mugger, judging his abilities. Then she made her move, quickly grabbing the blade of his knife in her hand. She felt the metal deforming as she tightened her grip, before flicking her wrist, breaking the blade off and tossing it aside.

He couldn’t believe she had actually grabbed his knife by the blade! Her hand should have been a bloody mess, yet there was no blood. And no blade either, as she had somehow managed to break it off! Maybe she knew Kung Fu, or Jujitsu, or whatever it was called; those people broke cement blocks over their heads and slept on beds of nails. Well, whatever she was, she was no match for his gun! He quickly drew it out of his pocket and pointed it at her.

GeekNerd had seen Sharon grab and break the knife with ease, but now the mugger had drawn a gun. The bullet would be harmless to her, but he would have to be careful not to get hit by it. He crouched down a bit to ensure he was fully shielded by her.

Sharon saw the gun, with silencer attached. She wanted to be careful. She knew GeekNerd was out of the line of fire, but if she got bullet holes in her clothes, people might start asking questions she would rather not answer. Therefore, she would try to catch or deflect the bullet with her hand. She began to move her hand into position.

He saw that the babe was totally without fear at the sight of his gun. What, was she high on something? But then she started moving her hand. No, not his time! She wasn’t going to pull another fast one on him again, not after that trick with the knife! He fired the gun.

Sharon’s hand darted into position. The bullet hit her palm, then ricocheted back and hit the mugger in the thigh.

He couldn’t believe it! His bullet had ricocheted off something and had hit him. He had shot himself! He looked down; evidently the bullet had hit a blood vessel, judging from the blood spurting out of his pants leg. And oh the pain! He screamed in agony and fell to the ground, writhing.

“Let’s get out of here,” Sharon said as she grabbed GeekNerd and beat a hasty path from the area.

A short distance away, they spotted a mounted policeman on his steed. “Do you want to report this?” GeekNerd asked.

“No. There will be too many questions. Such as, ‘Why would a mugger shoot himself?’ and ‘Why is there a powder burn on your hand, but no blood?’ Better that we say nothing, but do this,” she replied as she gave the rump of the horse a solid whack. The animal bounded off in the general direction of the downed mugger. “Better to let the cop find him.”

“You know, Paul was right about how to handle an incident while with an Xtreme Strength woman. It rather goes against my nature, but it’s the only policy that makes sense. You were never in any danger at all back there.”

“That’s right. And having you behind me, under my protection, allowed me to concentrate on the mugger. So we still operate as a team, only the roles are reversed.”

“I’m just sorry he spoiled our time here in the park. I just want to leave now.”

As they neared the edge of the park, Sharon looked up. “Hey, isn’t that the Empire State Building over there?”

“Why yes indeed. Did you want to tour it, to go up to the observation deck on the 86th floor?”

“Yeah, that would be great! And we could maybe have dinner up there; I understand it has a nice restaurant.”

“That’s the building from the King Kong movie, isn’t it?” Sharon asked as they walked towards it.

“Well, it depends on which King Kong movie,” GeekNerd replied. “It was in the original, with Fay Wray, but the remake featured the World Trade Center towers.”

“The original, of course! The ape carried Fay Wray all the way to the top, right?”

“Right. Then they buzzed him with those old-time bi-planes, and he fell off to his death.”

“Why don’t we do the same?” Sharon mused. “Only the roles will be reversed; I’ll be King Kong and you can be Fay Wray.”

“What do you mean?” GeekNerd asked as they arrived at the building.

“This!” Sharon replied as she took him in her arms and effortlessly jumped from the sidewalk to the 6th floor roof.

“Wow!” GeekNerd exclaimed as Sharon walked to the building tower. She closely examined the limestone exterior wall and then took off her shoes.

“Here, hold these for me,” she requested. “I’ll need to use my toes to climb while holding you.”

“I could ride piggyback and hold your neck, that way both your arms would be free,” GeekNerd offered.

“No, in the movie, King Kong held Fay Wray in his hand. So I will hold you in one arm. Ready?”

“Sure,” GeekNerd replied rather uncertainly as Sharon picked him up with one arm. He sat on her hand and placed his arm around her neck, with their faces together.

“Oh don’t worry, I won’t drop you,” Sharon exclaimed as she sank her toes into the limestone and began climbing the wall.

Sharon stopped her climb. “Here, let me show you something,” she said. “I’ll use just my big toe on my left foot to hold us,” she continued as she took one more step up the wall. She began bouncing up and down, then she jumped up over 10 ft and then sank her toes into the wall again. “Now look down, and you will notice that there is only one hole in the wall, because I did that with just one toe.”

GeekNerd looked down, and indeed there was only one hole. Stunned, he did the only thing he could think of, he kissed her. Sharon’s smile showed him she appreciated the kiss. “Lead on, ape woman,” he whispered.

The climb was fascinating for him to experience. Sharon’s toes so easily penetrated the hard limestone, it was almost as if she were climbing a ladder! She used her free hand not to pull herself up, but instead just as a balance. She was quickly climbing; he spotted through a window a sign indicating they were already passing the 14th floor!

As they passed the 30th floor, he heard sirens from below and looked down. The police were arriving. He had heard that people climbing the building were arrested for trespassing. He was not looking forward to an arrest; it would be bad publicity for the UN meeting. “Maybe we should go inside,” he suggested.

“No way! King Kong went to the top, and so shall I!” Sharon exclaimed as she picked up the pace.

Paul and Caroline were enjoying the view from the 86th floor observation deck when he happened to look down and spotted GeekNerd and Sharon coming up the wall of the building. He quickly pointed them out to Caroline.

Caroline looked down in envy. She should have been carrying Paul like that!

Paul noticed her look. “What, did you want to carry me up the building like that?”

“Don’t you think it would be fun?”

“Yes, it probably would be. Of course, we would have to evade the police. Perhaps we should try somewhere more remote, like Mt Everest?”

“Mt Everest!?! Maybe you’re right, the police are arriving now. We can’t let them get her!” she exclaimed.

“What can we do?” Paul asked. “If we try and stop them, we’ll just be arrested too!”

“We can close this door,” Caroline said as she shut it. “And we can block it from opening,” she continued as she melded the steel door to its frame with her finger.

Minutes later, there was banging on the door. “This is the police! Open this door, now!”

“What do we do now?” Paul asked.

“Nothing,” Caroline responded. “If they ask why we didn’t immediately open the door, we’ll just say that we were away from it and didn’t hear them.”

“Hurry!” Caroline shouted to Sharon. “The police are at the door.”

Paul looked down. He couldn’t believe how fast Sharon was scaling the building. The first time he had seen her, she looked quite small, but now she was rapidly approaching!

Sharon was absolutely scurrying! GeekNerd barely had time to observe floor signs through the windows as they rapidly ascended. 50th, 55th, 63rd, 71st Soon he could see Paul and Caroline leaning over from the observation deck.

Sharon slowed her ascent as they reached the observation deck. Caroline had already sheared the suicide prevention fence, and Sharon climbed through it onto the deck.

“Here, let’s swap blouses,” Caroline suggested. “Maybe we can throw off the police that way.”

“Good idea,” GeekNerd agreed as he and Paul also switched shirts.

There was more pounding from the door, and more shouts by the police. “Coming!” Caroline called out.

“Now remember, just act natural,” Caroline reminded. “All four of us were just up here sightseeing when we heard the knocks on the door. And we don’t know why the door is shut; one of us may have inadvertently bumped it, causing it to close and lock.”

“Take down that sign,” GeekNerd suggested as he lit a cigarette. “That will further distract them.”

Sharon reached up and tore the metal “No Smoking” sign off the wall and crushed it to the size of a chewing gum wrapper before tossing it to the floor.

Caroline ran her fingernail over the door, shearing her weld and allowing the door to open. “Sorry officers,” she said as the police entered. “We were on the other side and didn’t hear you knocking.”

The police stared at Caroline. Sharon’s blouse had been rather loose-fitting on her, but on Caroline, her breasts strained at the fabric, her erect nipples close to breaking through.

“Hey, you can’t smoke here!” one officer yelled at GeekNerd. “Didn’t you see the sign?”

“What sign?”

“That one there,” the officer pointed at the now bare wall. “Well, it was there, I don’t know what happened to it,” he said as he looked at the floor, hoping to spot it. “Well, you can’t smoke here, so put it out!”

“Certainly, officer,” GeekNerd responded as he flicked his butt and entered the building, followed closely by the others.

“Stop them!” one of the policemen said to the others.

“On what charge? They’re not the ones we are after, it’s the ones climbing the building,” another policeman replied as he looked over the observation deck, scanning the walls. “Hey, where are they? Did they fall?”

“No, there’s no indication of that. That must have been them up here.”

“But we were looking for a brunette in a blue blouse, and the one up here was wearing pink.”

“Idiot! The brunette was wearing pink, but her blonde friend was wearing blue! They just switched blouses!”

“Do you want to go after them now?”

“No, it’s too late. They’ve already left.”

“So what’s going on here?” GeekNerd asked Paul as they joined the line for the restaurant. “Why are you and Caroline here?”

“Sharon called me earlier,” Caroline replied. “We planned to have dinner here tonight.”

“That’s right,” Sharon agreed. “I called her while you were in the shower. We set up this dinner date, but I didn’t think to climb the building until I saw it from the park. We had only agreed to meet at the observation deck. Are you sorry I climbed it?”

“No way! That climb was incredible! I love being with an Xtreme Strength woman!”

“ANY Xtreme Strength woman?”

“THIS Xtreme Strength woman,” he replied as he kissed her.

GeekNerd’s Final Report

GeekNerd and Sharon walked down the hotel hallway and approached the door. Sharon knocked.

The door opened to reveal Caroline and Paul. “Please come in,” Caroline greeted. “We’re almost ready.”

“I brought my final report along with me,” GeekNerd said. “I wanted you two to see it. Maybe after you read it, Paul will start to trust me.”

“Let’s see it,” Paul replied.

To:  Military Command
From:  GeekNerd
Subject:  Final Report concerning Caroline Everson

     The military is aware of the extraordinary abilities of the subject Caroline
   Everson and is also aware that her abilities could be used in furtherance of
   its missions.  Repeated contacts with the subject have shown her to be
   independent in thinking and not amenable to taking orders.  In order to try to
   modify her thinking in regards to lawful orders, General Horshac was chosen to
   try to use any and all weapons at his disposal.  He was chosen due to his
   command of other superhuman personnel.
     The General was unable to effect any change in Ms Everson or to cause her
   any bodily harm or even discomfort.  Therefore the Command sent me to assist.

Report on assignment:
     General Horshac provided me with adequate office space and supplies and
   with adequate numbers of personnel.  My direct military contact was with Lt
   Mitchell, an excellent officer.
     When first assigned the task, it appeared simple enough.  Since Ms Everson
   is so superhumanly strong, it should have been enough to trap her in a manner
   such that her strength was nullified, in order to confuse her and make her
   pliable to our needs.  This proved not to be the case, however, as she exhibited
   a high degree of intelligence.  The expression “Strong as an ox and half as
   smart” definitely does NOT apply to her!  Although I deliberately chose
   non-standard traps, she was able to break free of all without difficulty.

     In my opinion it is not possible to cause Ms Everson any discomfort using
   any weapon currently in the military’s arsenal or in testing.  It is also not
   possible to confine her in any way.
     However, it should be possible to use her in military missions.  As the
   expression goes, “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.”  In
   her case, she loves to show off for her boyfriend Paul Smith, and he loves to
   watch her.  Therefore, if a way can be found to have Mr. Smith observe from a
   safe location, Ms Everson should be amenable and even eager to perform
   extraordinary feats.
     Finally, I feel that General Horshac has completed his assignment of using
   available weapons on Ms Everson and should no longer pursue her in this manner. 
   Although the General feels as if he has failed, it should be pointed out to him
   that no one could succeed and he has given the task his best efforts.  Giving
   him a commendation should allow him to move on to other things.


“It sounds to me like this Moon trip is part of the report,” Paul challenged. “I trust you even less now!”

“Look at the title, it is the ‘Final’ report,” GeekNerd answered.

“That’s just words on paper,” Paul retorted. “This trip goes along exactly with what you advised.”

“Huh? This isn’t a military mission!”

“True, but it could be the prototype for one.”

“It’s just coincidence,” GeekNerd said in desperation. “I have to agree, the timing looks suspicious, but I had nothing to do with the firing of the laser or its effects on the Moon.”

“I’m still suspicious. Maybe the United Nations meeting we’re attending will convince me otherwise.”

“Speaking of which, we need to be leaving now if we’re to get there on time,” Caroline advised.

The UN approved the Moon mission and convinced the US to allow its Space Shuttle to be used.

To read about the Moon mission, click here.

By Lark6019

Caroline and Paul lay together in the rubble near Mt Everest's peak, the boulder Caroline had warmed with her amazing strength keeping Paul from freezing in the icey temperatures. They watched the remnants of the shuttle they had just escaped from burning up in the atmosphere above them. Caroline kissed Paul tenderly on the cheek, holding him close to her naked body to help warm him. She slipped one arm under his legs and the other beneath his neck and then gently lifted him with immensely powerful, muscular body.

"Where now, lover?" she asked.

By Paul Smith

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