Xtreme Strength


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- Caroline Everson -


Welcome to the joint story page. Below is the beginning to an Xtreme Strength story which I'd like you to send your continuations to. I'll pick the best and add them here, for other people to build on. Ideally, your additions should be a few paragraphs long, and fit with the style of the the rest of the story. I reserve the right to edit your submissions before adding them here. Remember to state in your email if you want me to reply or not, and also whether you want to be given credit on the site. Anyway, on with the show...

The Story

Caroline Everson has just finished pumping iron in the gym, sweat running down her brow and dripping onto her swollen breasts. Her skin is darkly tanned and glistening under the harsh artificial light. She is wearing a bright pink bikini which holds her immense bosums to tightly that it almost looks as though it is painted on. Her washboard-like abs are sharply visible, even whilst relaxed they are still like a flesh-covered mountain range, but many times harder than the strongest rock. Caroline erotically flicks her sweat-soaked blonde hair away from her sensual blue eyes, making her huge biceps swell like balloons. After running her fingertips up her hard, muscular body she turns to face the immense steel weight rack that looms in front of her.

The rack runs the full length of the wall (about 50 metres) and is about one metre in height. The inch thick steel bolts that rivet it to the floor are totally unnecessary given the 33,000 pounds of weight that pin it to the ground. Next, Caroline crouches down on her haunches, making her immense buttocks swell to the size of basketballs, becoming many trillions of times harder than steel. Next, she slips just her little finger underneath the huge rack. Then, she slowly begins to stand erect, accidentally thrusting her proud breasts forwards as she does so.

By Paul Smith

Her right nipple touches the cold end of one of the 180 lb. dumbbells. The contact springs the nipple to attention, extending it toward the weight. The firmness of her breasts and steely nipples lifts the end of the weight then presses the weight against the wall. The weight has nowhere to go. Trapped between her expanding nipple and the concrete wall, the bar in the dumbbell bends as her nipples thrust forward. Stopped from bending more by its own distorted shape, the barbell falls victim to the impossibly hard 2 inch long nipple still bearing down on it. The half inch thick extremity, now harder than any metal known, first dimples, then pierces the end of what once was a dumbbell. Her nipple is now embedded over an inch deep in the end the mass of iron.

As she breathes in and out, the captive lump rises and falls with her heaving breast, imposing no resistance on her at all. Leaning forward, she inhales and presses the lump against the concrete wall. The bar bends double, forming a near sphere shape.

She suddenly inhales, forcing the 180 lb. ball through the wall like a cannonball. As the dust clears, a foot-diameter hole is revealed in the wall. Through the hole she can see similar sized holes in the row of six parked cars outside. She has shot the mass over a quarter mile, piercing all six iron engine blocks with ease. She concentrates again on lifting the rack of weights.

By Morphinman

Caroline begins to pull up against the weight rack with just her little finger. The metal beneath her smallest digit is quickly outclassed, her fingerprint immediately engraved into the metal by the casual strength she is exerting. The 3-inch thick steel screams in pain as it is forced to bend upwards like plastercine, yielding with no apparent resistance to Caroline's hard muscles.

Suddenly a violent 'twang' echoes around the room as one of the inch thick steel bolts holding the rack to the floor snaps apart under the incredible pressure. Less than a second later another rod is wrent asunder by the immense force that Miss Everson continues to unleash. A moment later another bolt rips apart, then another, then another until the cacophony of tearing metal is deafening. Within a few moments, hundreds of the inch-thick poles have been torn apart like wet clay, Caroline's smallest finger now the only thing supporting the 33,000 pound mass.

Without even having to flex her huge biceps, Caroline easily lifts the 15 tonne weight upwards until one of the horizontal support struts runs parallel to her erect nipples. Turned on by her exertions, Miss Everson's already large teats begin to grow once more. Her warm nipples are quickly pressed against the cold steel, casually dimpling the material as if it wasn't even there. Within a few seconds, Caroline's teats are forcing themselves deep into the thick metal, making it groan as it is so easily overpowered. A moment later, Miss Everson's nipples have swollen to their full 3-inch length, crushed an inch deep into the metal. As Caroline removes her little finger from underneath the weight rack, her nipples remain completely pert, totally unaffected by the additional 15,000 kilogram mass they are now supporting.

By Paul Smith

Caroline feels the cold of weight rack pulse through her entire body, causing her to shiver slightly with pleasure. She takes one hand and grasps the rack. The steel bracing groans as it is crumpled in her light grip.

"That feels so good, I feel so aroused," She said to herself.

It had not even taken effort to set the immense rack down. She turned to the other side of the room where a monstrous barbell sat on a special rack. The plates were made of special material made of depleted uranium alloyed with lead; compressed to make it the heaviest know substance. Each plate was 3 meters in diameter and a meter thick. Dozens of plates were on each end of the bar. It must have weighed well over 1000 tons. The weight was something of a toy, tiny for her. She reached out her left hand and began to curl the bar.

Meanwhile across town in a deserted warehouse another woman also went through a workout. She was many things Caroline was not. Where Caroline was fair and beautiful, she was dark and plain with a nose that seemed slightly too large. Caroline was perfect in form; this woman was a little too stocky. One thing they shared, both were powerful and potentially deadly. Sharon was not nearly as strong as Caroline but she was a dynamic fighter.

Five immensely powerful men surrounded Sharon, each with a heavy club or hammer. She smiled and urged them forward.

By Kent

The first man heaved a sledgehammer behind his head and started to swing it towards Sharon with all his considerable might. She nimbly ducked away from the powerful blow and grasped the sledgehammer as it swung earthwards. Then, using the secure grip she had on the hammer, she flung the 250 pound man into one of the other thugs, knocking them both unconscious.

"One little girl too much for ya?" said Sharon, fluttering her eyelashes at the remaining men.

"Fuck you, BITCH!" bellowed a club-wielding man, charging towards Sharon.

Before he could swing his spiked club, Sharon had driven an almighty punch into his stomach. He flew across the pavement and slammed into a brick wall with a painful thump. Out for the count, he collapsed into a heap on the ground.

The two remaining thugs realised that attacking one at a time was doing no good whatsoever. They both charged towards her at the same time, coming from opposite directions; after all, she couldn't possibly defend herself against both of them, could she?

Sharon gracefully rotated her body so that the men were charging towards her shoulders. As they drew nearer, Sharon's arms shot out to her sides and grasped each of the men by their collars. Using a combination of skill and brute force, she lifted both of the men above her head, her large biceps flexing hard under the strain. Their heads smashed together with a resounding 'crunch!' and Sharon dropped the two limp bodies onto the pavement.

Meanwhile, back at the gym, Caroline was growing bored of lifting such a pathetic weight and slowly began tightening her grip on the thick metal pole that ran between her powerful fingers.

By an anonymous author

In seconds it split in two.

Caroline dropped the halves of a once thick iron bar to the floor, easily beaten by her super fueled muscles. She drew her fingertips lightly over her stomach, up across her heaving chest, and down her biceps. The golden brown skin burned beneath her touch, tossing unearthly flames on an already smoldering passion.

Deep breaths filled her lungs as Caroline softly cooed to herself, dreaming fantasies in her mind of her unstoppable super strength. She gazed across the gym floor at an iron weight rack fully loaded and bolted to the wall by iron-strong braces. Plates of varying weights dressed the rack in disarray.

Caroline approached the rack. Her tight bikini top long torn asunder by her earlier exertions, she inhales deeply and eagerly thrusts her naked wet breasts out, fists clenched and muscles taut.

Whether she saw the weight bench or not didn't matter. Breathing deeply, naked breasts like invincible melons, Caroline continued her march, tearing through the bench. The loaded bar, steel bolts, iron seat, and foam padding split, broke, and bent against her steely abdomen and long legs, incapable of resisting her physical strength.

Caroline purred softly, feeling the iron strength of the weight bench crumple against her, brush her maidenhood, and slide about her legs. It proved unable to stop this unstoppable maiden. The once proud and strong weight bench split apart in beaten ruin to her super muscles.

Upon reaching the weight rack bolted to the wall, Caroline did not stop. Her fiery passion had pushed her to new heights. Her naked breats pushed against the iron plates, her abdomen and maidenhood brushed up against the support bars as she marched forward against the wall. Caroline did not intend to halt her march in any way.

Her steel hard breasts easily tore through the iron plates. They crumpled uselessly beneath her nipples alone. They stood no chance against such indominatable strength. Her breasts pulsated with inhuman power, her long muscled legs quaked from the passion broiling within her body, but Caroline pushed her naked body forward.

The iron weight rack and brick wall behind surrendured to her strength. As Caroline marched forward the bent and broken rack split in half, the cold iron torn like tissue paper against her naked breasts. The plates clattered in disarray to the sidewalk, the conquered steel beams in the wall broke apart, torn in half by a female strength far greater than they could withstand. The brick wall crumpled to dust at her feet, caking her golden brown, wet skin in masonry powder.

Caroline breathed deep, her unstoppable breasts still out thrust, her super pumped muscles fueled with mythological strength, and no intention of stopping her march through this weak city.

By James E-olas

Still dizzy with eros, Caroline strides confidently to cross the street. Then, a Police cruiser rounds the corner, lights flashing. Had someone called the police about the rucus at the gym?

Caroline turns to her left just in time to see the 4000lb car, and she defiantly lifts her right foot. The police car hits Caroline's left shin and stops as if it had hit a stone wall, the strong front bumper crumpling around Caroline's leg like cardboard. Then, Caroline smashes her right foot on the bonnet, her barefoot crushing the front of the car down and tearing through the hood shattering the iron V8 with just her toes.

Caroline then climbs up on the remains of the hood and squats in front of the windshield. The Policeman inside doesn't know what he hit. In shock and bruised by his seatbelt he looks up to see Caroline, who looks like a naked and powerful greek Goddess. Aroused by the fear in the man's eyes, Caroline idily fingers her womanhood.

"Goodness, you're insatiable," Caroline thinks to herself.

This thought arouses her enough to make her womanhood SPURT lovejuice like a shotgun blast, immediately shattering the windshield. The policeman's face is now a mask of terror and lust as he reaches for his own shotgun.

"Ummm..Do you think you can make me come with that bang-stick of yours, officer?" asks Caroline.

Caroline then stradles the windshield's frame, her bare ass delighting in the cold hood and broken glass, her feet crumpling the roof back like newspaper.

"Don't move!" shouts the terrified officer.

"Go ahead, lover," says Caroline reaching for the shotgun, just as the cop pulls the trigger.

Caroline feels little pinpricks all over her body, arousing her nipples so that they stick out 2 inches.

"I've got an idea," says Caroline, fingering one of her breasts with one hand while using two fingers of the other to place the end of the shotgun barrel at the entrance of her nether lips.

The cop fires again. the powerful shotgun shell feeling like no more than the gentle flick of a finger against Caroline's clitoris, the steel shot not even able to make it's way between her wet lips.

Caroline spreads her nether lips with her fingers, "MORE!" she demands like an angry goddess.

The poor, scared policeman pulls the triger again and again until the powerful shotgun's gentle puffs bring Caroline to climax. Urgently, Caroline grabs the shotgun out of the cop's hands and rams it into herself. Her powerful vaginal muscles crumple and crush the shotguns barrel like an overripe bannana.

"UUUUUUUHmmmmmh!" Caroline roars, her legs spasming, crushing into the front of the cop car. Her feet tear though the cowl and dash.

Caroline throws the now useless scrap of the shotgun away, her legs now stradling the officer. Her feet stroke his sholders and face. In desperation, the police officer pulls out his 9mm automatic pistol. Caroline looks down at the man with a smile and begins rubbing her clitoris and tilting her hips upward. Then, Caroline spreads her butt-cheeks, giggling excitedly.

"OH! is that little one for my warm, sensual ass? That would feel GOOOOOOOD, UMMMM."

Caroline wheels about, crushing and shreading whats left of the front of the once strong police cruiser beneath her indomidably strong and muscular thighs. Caroline is now basicaly kneeling with her knees scrunching into the mangled up dash of the car, with the cop between her powerful calves. She gives him a smoldering sex crazed stare over her wide muscular shoulders while brushing her wild long dirty blond hair from her eyes.

"Come on little lover," says Caroline, arching her athletic back to flair her big powerful muscular glutes, "Show me what your little pea-shooter can do!"

The officer just sat there shaking, holding the pistol up in front of him; unable resist staring at Carolines beautiful ass.

"What are you waiting for, pea-shooter?" said Caroline, revelling in the fact that she was dominating an armed authority figure, in the normally weak position of having her back turned.

Just then the policeman desperately shoves the barell of the 9mm pistol hard up aginst Carolines asshole. Caroline begins to frantically rub her clitoris to get a bigger orgasm this time. The cold gun-barrel pressed up against her hot asshole making her body shiver wildly.

He pulls the trigger, the recoil from the powerful ammunition violently snapping the cop's forarms back, spraining his arms. Meanwhile all Carolines hungry ass feels is a gentle flick, making her tingle, lusting for more. The squished up bullet failed to even penetrate the light clench of her super-human sphyncher.

"Pitiful!" she screams, "Is that all your 'lethal' weppons can do?" says Caroline as she reaches behind her to grab the handgun from the terror stricken man.

With her powerful fingers, Caroline shoves the warm barrel of the gun up her behind, the steel deforming slightly as it parts her asshole. She shoves it in up to the triggerguard.

Starting to rub her clit again Caroline takes the officers hand and puts it on the gun, "Shoot me up the ass punny one," she says in with an almost amimalistic purr.

Again the cop pulls the triger. However, this time Caroline is also pinching a nipple and stroking her fingers in and out of her womanhood. This time the bullets light flick is inside her, and is the straw that breaks the camel's back.

This time Carroline climaxes HARD!

She pants, hisses and moans loud enough to shatter windows. Caroline's inhumanly strong inner mucles flex and clench as her hips churn up and down. Caroline's asshole pinches the hard automatic pistol in half like a stick of warm margarine, the handle half falling onto the cop's lap. Caroline hurridly retrieves it and shoves it into her hungry vagina, who's inhumanly strong churning muscles crush like an empty pack of cigarettes.

The ammunition remaining in the gun handle goes off from the pressure, the tinny pops feeling like mere carbonation bubbles to Caroline, but they are sufficient to send her into yet another powerful erotic climax. Caroline's churning bowels squeese the guns barrel in half like mere peanut butter, the now molten steel squeesing out of her asshole to run down her thighs and harden there.

After her ass cools down and the crushed gunhandle falls out of her vagina, Caroline looks over her sholder at the cop, and says "You! Kiss my cunt and steelcrushing ass!"

"Yess Mistress, Oh my Goddess Yessss, annnything !" says the dumbfounded former authourity figure as he leans forward to kiss and lick Carolines ass crack and labia.

Momentarily satisfied, Caroline kisses the cop on the forehead as she turns to leave him there, sitting mumbling stupidly in his crushed and torn apart police car.

By David E

As she spins around, her hard thighs tear apart the remains of the dashboard, ripping it apart like moist taffy. Then, Caroline marches towards the closed hardware store across the street. She sensually walks up to the shop's locked door and gently presses her body against the cast iron shutters that have been pulled down across the metal-and-glass doorway.

As Caroline casually increases the force with which she presses against the reinforced metal, the thick iron slowly starts to emit a high-pitched shriek. Her nipples make the metal look like plastercine as they easily sink into it, apparently stretching the tough material like it wasn't even there. Suddenly, a loud 'PING!' echoes around the streets as one of the metal rods is torn apart by the immense pressure Caroline is so easily exerting. A moment later, another iron pole is torn apart, then another, then another, until the resulting cacophony is almost deafening.

Soon, the cast iron grating has been effortlessly torn apart by the might of Caroline's nipples alone. She steps forward, this simple motion easily bending aside the remains of the iron mesh and smashing her breasts through the door's window. Caroline inches forward a little further, stretching the door's main horizontal support beam across her muscular torso like mozzerella cheese. The lower window to shatters, littering the shop floor with sharp fragments of glass.

Caroline takes another step forward, and the remains of the door are shredded completely. Her feet crunch against the shattered glass on the ground, but it is her toes that damage the glass, not the other way around. Caroline examines the contents of the shop.

"Hmmm... Chainsaws, pick-axes, power tools and quad bikes." Then, with some glee in her voice, she says, "I think I can have some fun in here!"

By Paul Smith

Firing up a weed whacker, Caroline sensually massages her incredibly enormous powerful breasts, the tickling sensation showering her with an endless wave of mindnumbing orgasms. Lost in the depth of her endless pleasure, Caroline doesn't hear the proprietor enter the rear of the shop. He's flabberghasted to see the front of his shop in shambles and the sight of this exquisitely formed, totally nude woman with a physique so dynamically powerful yet so soft in her femininity casually and sensually massaging herself with a power tool that would chew up any man in seconds.

Forgetting all fear, he rushes to her feet and begins rubbing them with both hands. Working his way to her calves and finally lingering at her awesome thighs. He is delirous with desire. Wanting nothing than to experience her obvious physical strength and to be both crushed and nurtured by a set of fantastic breasts imagined only in his wildest fantasy. Caroline, finally noticing the additional sensations, peers down and smiles at the adulation of a new friend. Reaching down she gently seats him in the palm of her hand. With feminine grace she raises him to her face, being careful to not startle him with her unstoppable force. Holding him directly out in front of her with just the palm of her sensual hand, she allows him several moments to adapt to his unbelievable circumstance. Brushing the fingers of her other hand over his crotch, he immediately shudders in the most complete climax he's ever experienced. Drawing him into her breast, she whispers in his ear, her breath alone causing a rapturous arousal that few ever experience. With her fingertips, she slightly presses his face into a giant breast so powerful that every square inch could easily resist a billion tons of pressure. Her gentle press softly caresses him into sexual oblivion while at the same time almost suffocates him against her awesome breasts. He is more helpless than a newborn baby and he profoundly revels in the totality of her feminine physical strength.

By Terry R

Steve(the proprietor) wakes up thinking it was just a dream. Unfortunately, the mess in his shop proves otherwise.

"Where did she go? What was her name? At least I have the memories."

Rummaging through his inventory (what's left of it) he finds his Elsa Strongova tapes. Elsa was his fantasy goddess- until today anyway. But to ease his mind, Steve decides to pop in one of the tapes. After all, this mess won't be cleaned up overnight. Especially with all of these car parts lying around (but more on that later).

"But wait!" Steve says to himself, "I could watch the muscle goddess on the surveillance tapes!"

Some time passes, actually much more as he rewinds certain parts of the tape, but he continues watching the parts after he fell out exhausted. He notices 2 men in ski masks sneaking in through the back entrance and heading for the cash register. Meanwhile, Caroline is still fingering herself off. She comes out of her trance-like state and asks herself "what the hell are they doing?"

The big one (there's always a big one and a little one) grunts and pays her little attention, trying to get the job done. The little one, however, is entranced by the muscular maiden and speaks in crude, chauvinistic tones to Caroline hoping she will be impressed by his toughness.

"Look! There's enough cash here to go legit," he says, "but we can buy a woman first. How about it bitch?"

"I'll disregard that remark as you don't know what you're dealing with." Caroline replied.

"What if we make you!" says the little one, jabbing his finger into Caroline's rock hard abs (until the pain started).

Noticing Steve in the corner, Caroline realises that she should take care of this quickly.

"But 2 against 1 isn't a fair fight," she says, "for you!"

With that, Caroline picks up the aforementioned weed eater and bends the metal in half, biceps not even straining but still fully pumped. The big one wets his pants! However, the little one isn't impressed (yet).

"Nice parlor trick missy - but I don't quit so easy."

With that, he picks up the chainsaw expecting to hold Caroline at bay. However, she simply strides toward him - still naked, muscles rippling - grabs the blade and starts shaving her (already hairless) armpits. By the time she's finished, the blade is smoking. The little one runs to the getaway car but it doesn't move (I wonder why). Initially, Caroline is holding the car by the bumper with just one hand, but since this is too easy she lifts it overhead (again using only a single hand).

Next, she strips the car of all its parts and....

"Damn!" says Steve, as the tape ends, "How will I ever thank you?"


"I'm sure we can agree on a form of payment that is - shall we say - mutually agreeable," replies Caroline.

Steve's heart skips a beat as he hears Caroline's voice behind him. He turns around as she steps out of the shadows. The light from the setting sun casts dramatic shadows across her shapely physique as she moves closer. Soon, Steve can feel her warm breath across his face. She reaches down and grasps the denim around his jeans. A smile passes across her lips as she feels his inflated member through the fabric.

She tears off his jeans and underwear in one swift, easy motion, allowing his erection to spring free. Caroline reaches behind him and easily lifts him from the ground with a single hand. Then, she slides his penis into her moist vagina, sending shivers of bliss pulsating through her infinitely powerful body.

Then, she begins driving Steve's dick in and out of her cunt, sending them both into peroxisms of bliss, making them convulse uncontrollably like wild animals. Caroline reaches to her side and grabs hold of a nearby pick-axe and easily lifts the heavy object from the ground with a single hand.

She inserts the thick metal blade between her swollen mammaries, which easily clench together with enough pressure to hold the large axe firmly in place. She can tell that it is just a matter of seconds until her climax overwhelms her completely.

By Paul Smith

Caroline pants and coos deeply, feraly. Steve would have cum half an hour ago if it weren't for Caroline's super sensitivity and control, her inner muscles clenching only enough to prevent Steve's orgasmic release and not quite enough to injure him. Caroline revels in her control, her perfect toes pawing and clenching at the concrete shop floor reducing the durable surface to fine powder under her sweaty wrinkled soles.

Having offered himself to an indomitable goddess, Steve experiences an amazing blend of terror and ecstacy; even her most gentle lovemaking is like a violent assault. He knows his mortal body alone could never hope to fully pleasure the superwoman Caroline.

Meanwhile, Caroline kneeds her full breasts, pushing them together. The axehead between them is a razor sharp 15lb piece of forged chrome-alloy steel. It surrenders like a marshmellow, squeeseing out from between Caroline's inhuman boobs first as red hot paste and then as white hot liquid. This fluid runs down Caroline's muscular tanned abs towards her pubes.

Oops! Wait a minute - Steve's eyes are huge with terror, the 7000 degree liquid steel is inches from his manhood!

Caroline waits until the last second to release Steve and pull him to safety by his collar. The molten steel dripping onto her swollen clit and the thought of her total domination of Steve sends yet another orgasmic rush (the biggest yet) through Caroline's super body.

Setting Steven down carefully Caroline jams her fingers into her super hot sex as her juices start to flow mightily from within.

Instead of mixing with the molten steel, Caroline's superhot girlcum vaporises the metal on contact, turning it into a metalic steam that flashplates her abs, breasts and thighs.

As Steven's cock is finally released, the sight of a superhuman chrome goddess is something this tool man could not resist for the world.

Suddenly, Caroline hears the sound of heavy machinery outside. She hears the 'vup vup vup' of helicopters overhead. The army is here!

"Who called those killjoys?" asks Caroline.

"I don't know," answers Steve, "but you'd better leave the back way, so you don't get in any trouble."

"Mmmmm..trouble! Do y'know what? I think that sounds like fun!" says Caroline with mischievious confidance, a little eros appearing in her feral blue eyes.

By David E

Caroline walked out of the gym and looked at the big army that had surrounded the building. Dozens of tanks, armored jeeps, cannons, rocket launchers and soldiers were waiting for the order to open fire. Some helicopters flew over her with all their guns ready to fire.

"Put your hands over your head and walk slowly towards us!" said the commander of the army.

The girl smiled and looked at one of the helicopters.

"What a puny machine!" she thought to herself.

Then, she took a deep breath and started to blow at the helicopter. A great hurricane billowed out from her lips, the helicopter was dragged by the breath of the girl and smashed into the ground where it exploded with a loug bang. The commander ordered the troops to open fire on the girl. The tanks and cannons started to fire at her. The first shots exploded against her chest but to her it felt like only a gentle caress, unable to move her breasts even a single inch. After a few seconds the army fired all their weapons against the powerful girl.

"That barely even tickled me!" said Caroline and giggled.

She walked up to the nearest tank and took a grip on the armored steel, deforming it like butter as she started to apply pressure. In seconds, the tank was reduced to the half of her size. The crew took the opportunity to escape from the tank while Caroline continued to compress the tank until finally she had crushed the powerful war machine into a little dense blob of steel about the size of a tennis ball. This was the most amazing feat of strength the soldiers had ever seen in their lives.

Another tank tried to shoot her, but Caroline took the main gun and easily twisted it so that it pointed into her mouth. She treated the gun as if it was a giant penis and started to suck it. Her far harder lips and tongue deformed the steel like a hot knife through butter. Then, the crew fired the gun, but when the bullet touched her tongue, it exploded without causing her any damage. For her was like a drink of hot tea. She lifted the tank using only her pinky and started to spin it like a basketball, she only needed an infinitesimal part of her strength to do it. Finally, she casually threw the tank to air (it landed on the other side of the ocean, thousands of miles away) and looked towards the rest of the tanks.

"Well, boys. Do you want to play some more?"

Some soldiers tried to kill her with their machine guns, but the bullets bounced harmlessly off her body. Then, she took one of the machine guns and forced it to point at her cunt. She pulled the trigger but the bullets were deflected by her pubic hair, far harder than any human substance. Searching for more stimulation, she pressed the gun against her labia and pulled the trigger again. The powerful bullets were unable to penetrate her sex and she accidentally destroyed the gun against her.

Then, Caroline started to throw the soldiers into the air like they weighed nothing. She only needed a little flick of her pinky finger or a touch of one of her breasts to do it. The poor soldiers didn't have a chance and they flew through the air like papers in a hurricane. She saw three tanks run away from her, she took the first with one hand like it was an empty shoe box and threw it to the air. Then, she took the other two tanks (one in each hand) and started to juggle with the three tanks like a clown at a circus.

The army finally gave up and retreated when they realised that their weapons were absolutely harmless to Caroline.

By an anonymous author

Carolime walked through the city she had just reduced to carnage. Suddenly, a blue gust of wind took her by surprise, knocking her down and into a building.

"Your destuction is over, lady. Turn yourself in and you won't get hurt!" said a voice.

It was the voice of a superhero called SuperGuy. He had a farmboy type look and his physique was athletic, to say the least. His muscles were not as big as Caroline's (and she was 5 inches shorter than him) but by most human standards he was impressive. He wore tight clothing to show off his body.

Caroline smiled up at him and then lifted him up with a single arm. Then, she gave him a good pinch on the butt.

"Boy, you're a cutie!" she breathed.

He blushed and tried to shake himself free.

"Unhand me woman!" he screamed.

He tried to escape from her gentle grasp but could not. She gave him a deep kiss. Her tongue explore the deep corners of his mouth and wrestled effortlessly with his tongue. Her kiss took his breath away. She held his head in her hand as they exchanged saliva. The 'mighty' superhero's arm went limp like a doll as he realised that resistance truly was futile. She contiued her kiss and erotically sucked on his lip.

Saliva dribbled down his cheek as the kiss got more sloppy. After 6 minutes (that seemed like just a few seconds) she finally stopped kissing him.

"You say no but your dick says yes," she said to the speechless man as she rubbed his hard dick through his tight pants.

She let the man drop. It took him a moment to regain his strength. Caroline just stood smugly and waited for him to get up. He was a little more cautious now.

"Alright, you've forced me to get rough!" he said.

"Please do," she smiled.

He punched and punched her, hitting her with enough force to take out tanks and buildings. Her tits bounced slightly, making her coo erotically, but not hurting her in the slightest. It only made her nipples grow harder.

"Ohhhhhh yeaaaaaa doooooooo it like that!" she laughed.

He started punching at super speed. He gave it everything he had got. After 2 minutes he was exhausted. She started slapping him around like a child. Then, she easily pushed him into buildings and cars, getting more excited as she did so. He was simply astounded by her fantastic strength and for the first time in his life he was also frightened. This was a fight for his life, yet he found that he was also somewhat turned on. Still, he tried to punch her once more. She easily grasped his fist and forced him down, making him kneel. His face was directly in front of her dripping pussy.

"Hmmmmmmmm...This a nice position," she joked.

By Chris Brown

Slowly she spread her thighs further apart, her hand grabbing the back of his head and pulling it into her steaming crotch. SuperGuy had quickly realized that, although he was by far the strongest MAN on Earth, he had no hope of overpowering Caroline. He trusted that his well vaunted invulnerability would protect him from serious injury. Never in his life had he felt anything like the kind of pressure with which her thighs were squeezing his head.

SuperGuy gave up trying to force her thighs away from around his ears, and begun to absorb the most wonderful scent from right under his nose. In a flash, his hands moved up to her mammoth mammaries. Fingers that had crushed diamonds now began to use that same pressure on her fat, two inch long nipples.

"Oh God, that feels so good," cooed Caroline.

Meanwhile, SuperGuy's harder than steel tongue began to flick and suck her clit at superspeed. Soon his head was just a blur between her thighs as Caroline's breathing became very raspy.

"Oh God, OOh God, yes, yes, YES!" shouted Caroline. The volume of her screams smashing windows for a three mile radius.

The power of this orgasm, the first that she hadn't help to bring on, forced her off her feet and flat on her back. She stayed there for several minutes just enjoying the sensations pulsating through her body.

Raising himself from between her legs, SuperGuy hopped up and sat down on her hard, muscular stomach. Even as he sat upright, his monster penis was laying between her breasts, the head only inches from her lips.

"Well, I think it's your turn now. After all, fair is fair," said SuperGuy, as he continued to lap up her juices from his face.

Caroline was momentarily shocked as she thought some three inch wide licorice stick was nestled in her bosom. Then she realized that when she had collapsed onto her back, his penis had been driven through the tarmac at such speed that the tar had melted around it. But she had always liked licorice.

Caroline looked up into his eyes, down between her breasts, then back to his eyes. Then with a quick thrust of her hips, she tossed him off to land on his back 25 feet away. Racing over to where he lay, Caroline looked down at his supine form, his marvelous manmeat waving proudly.

"Who ever said I was fair? I have the power to take what I want, when I want it. And right now cutie...I want you!" breathed Caroline as she lowered herself toward his prodigious pole.

By Sparty

Meanwhile, in a bunker one hundred miles beneath the Earth's surface, General Horshac stood behind Lieutenant Mitchell's observation post and watched the action on the screen.

"Incredible," he muttered. "Even SuperGuy wasn't able to contain her!"

Lieutenant Mitchell didn't answer, he was too engrossed in the action on his screen to notice the general behind him. In fact, he probably wouldn't have noticed if Godzilla were behind him at this moment. The only thing he saw was that woman. Wearing out the world's mightiest man, laughing as the police and the military tried in vain to take her down with their most powerful weapons, then squishing and distorting their weapons and vehicles as though they were made of putty, instead of steel! The fact that she was naked only increased his awe, since he could see that she wasn't faking this with an armred battlesuit, that she was in fact, a godess. She was incredible! She was...


Mitchell jumped, then turned around and was surprised to see General Horshac standing behind him. Blushing beet red because of the things he had been thinking of doing when he thought he was alone, he stammered, "Y-yes, sir?"

"I said that woman must be stopped at all costs, Lieutenant. We've exhausted all other options." General Horshac sighed and pinched his nose in an effort to bring his own thoughts into focus. With difficulty, he pushed his own lustful thoughts down and continued. "Bring the Particle Beam Cannon online."

"Y-yes, sir." said Mitchell, and began punching in a sequence of commands, nervous at the prospect of actually using it against a living being. Oh sure, he had seen her deflect bullets and artillary shells and even withstand the strongest blows of SuperGuy without any trouble, but he doubted even SHE could survive this. After all, the Particle Beam Cannon took the heat and concussive force of a one hundred trillon gigaton nuclear explosion and focused it into a tight laserlike beam. Among all the "Star Wars" hardware currently in orbit, it was the closest thing to a "Death Star" they currently had, and now they were going to use it against that cute superwoman. Mitchell almost hesitated when the screen blinked green, indicating the weapon was ready to fire, but his sense of duty was stronger than his libido, so he used the high powered telescopic camera to aim the cannon and hit the red "FIRE" button.

Caroline stood looking around for something else to use her strength on when something hit her from above. The heat and force of the beam hammered against her body like a supercharged piledriver, but to her, it felt just like she was taking a hot shower with the nozzle set on "massage". Even as she enjoyed the "shower", she had to admit to herself that she was impressed. After all, if SHE could feel the heat and force being emitted by this thing, it must have been very powerful indeed. "MORE POWER!" roared the General when he saw that woman withstanding the particle beam so easily.

"Sir," said Mitchell. "I've already set the cannon's particle beam to its maximum safe setting! If we try to push more power through it, it'll blow!"

"DAMN YOU, I WON'T STAND FOR THIS INSUBORDINATION!!!" roared General Horshac as he hauled Mitchell out of his chair and hurled him across the room. He didn't even bother to take Mitchell's recently vacated seat as he madly hammered the power increase setting button and screamed "DIE, SUPERBITCH, DIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Mitchell staggered to a position behind the General, and both watched the action on the screen intently. For a moment, as the screen brightened from the increased beam intensity, they both thought the powerful girl was doomed. Then, it happened. First, the beam sputtered out, then there was a blinding flash in the bunker as every screen in the facility overloaded from the massive feedback from the Particle Beam Cannon's meltdown. After they blinked the sparkles from their eyes and the dim red emergency lights came on, they both looked at each other and said in perfect unison, "Ah, Hell..."

Caroline sighed as she felt the heat and pressure sputter out. Apparently, her impromptu "shower" was over. Turning towards another part of the city, she made a mental note to find out what that thing had been that had been firing at her. After all, even a superwoman got wound up too tight occasionally, and that thing had given her her first decent massage in years. Just as she was about to start walking, her supersensitive ears picked up an interesting conversation.

"Now what, General? How are we supposed to deal with that superchick when you've destroyed our superweapon?"

"That's enough, Lieutenant! We haven't been beaten yet! We'll focus the beams from several satellite laser cannons on her at once! That should finish her off!"

"And how are we going to aim them, sir? Your little stunt with the Particle Beam Cannon knocked out all the computers in this facility!"

Intrigued, Caroline set off in the direction the conversation seemed to be coming from. As she walked and listened to the heated discussion, she came to the startling realization that they were talking about HER! Well, at least now she knew what that thing that had hit her had been, a "Particle Beam Cannon". Finally, Caroline reached the spot she thought the conversation was coming from, except that she seemed to be all alone. At first, she wondered if she had only imagined the whole thing, but then the heated discussion began again and Caroline realized it was coming from beneath her! She bent down and, getting a firm grip pulled the earth beneath her apart. Tearing open the super reinforced armored bunker as though it were aluminum foil, then dropped down into the hundred mile deep pit. Landing gracefully, she turned to the two officers who sprawled on the floor, gaping at her.

"Hello, boys," she said, smiling sweetly, "Got any more toys for me to play with?"

By Supergeek

Caroline landed in a squat at the bottom of what appeared to be a deep 20 x 20 foot elevator shaft, her sexy super-powerful legs absorbing thousands of tonnes of force. The impressions of her bare feet in the steel floor were only an inch deep, instead of her feet penatrating the foot thick steel elevator platform completely. Lucky for the guard on duty too - because Caroline's crotch, the vagina that tamed SuperGuy into a grovelling submissive, that very coose was about a half an inch from having reduced the scared 18 year old lad's face and head to jelly beneath it.

The first thing Caroline noticed was the other guard who quicky jumped to his feet and pointed his machine gun at Caroline's face. Caroline smiled at him and purred, after SuperStud these little cotton candy men and their tissue paper toys would be refreshing.

Caroline reached out and gently grabbed the barrel of the gun and pulled it towards her face. She made a pouty submissive doe-eyed face as she looked into the guards eyes and began to lick and kiss the gun like a lovers phalus. This all happened so quickly that the guard had no time to react, instead he became flushed with embarassment as the naked Goddess before him began to lick and then suck hard enough on the toolsteel gun to tear and smear it like icecreem, licking now molten chunks of steel off the gun and swallowing them with a deep sexy YUUUUMMM!

For the finale, Caroline sucked the gun until the frame imploded and sucked the vanquished weppon into her mouth like pasta noodles and swallowed hard. There was a few little pops in her stomach from the unfired bullets. Caroline looked at the guard before her and smiled, the look of terror on his face was priceless, just before Caroline burped. If she hadn't put her hand over her mouth to be ladylike, the full force would have splattered the man in front of her. Instead, he was merely thrown 10 feet across the room and slammed into the wall hard enough to be instantly knocked unconsious.

Meanwhile, the guard beneath her struggles against the weight and gorgeous aroma of the Superfemme above him. The heat that radiates from Caroline's mighty cunt scalded his face as he desperately tried to jam his automatic pistol between her powerful nether lips.

Just as Caroline realises there is a second guard and what he is trying to do, she feels a tingle between her legs that yields to the suggestion. Just in time, Caroline reaches back behind her and grabs the gun just before her cunt unleashes a 10,000 degree blast of love juices that melts the front of the gun completely off so that it drips down her hand like chocolate syrup.

Looking down at her young captive with a mischievious smile, Caroline says: "I don't think you want to play with my cunt, babe. It's a little too hot for the likes of you!"

With that, she shows him the melted in half gun and seductively licks the remaining liquid steel off her hand and fingers. The shock and sweet aroma of Caroline's hot juices is too much for the guard and he is rendered unconsious.

More frustrated, powerful and gorgeous than ever, Caroline walks down the steel walled corridor into the complex. Now and again she runs her hands along the 5 inch thick walls, shredding them like paper with just the slightest touch of her fingertips.

"How many jelly-bag little men will it take to get me off like SuperGuy?" Caroline contemplates.

By David E

Caroline walked around the base and was making short work of the guards. Two of them were attacking her from both sides with shotguns. She grabbed one shotgun and placed it in her pussy and then put the other one in her ass. She looked straight in the guard's eyes, making him shake with excitement.

"Fire, NOW!" commanded Caroline.

Bang Bang Bang!

"Ohhhhh yesssss fuck yeaaaaa mmmmm!" moaned Superwoman.

The bullets that could take down an elephant shot into her pussy and ass and sent pleasurable sensations through her body. Her juices quickly turned the metal into mush. She took the two guards and stripped them. She pick them up, one with each hand, and held them up in the air.

"You naughty boys. What should I do with you?"

The guard shook in fear.

"Just cute little cock mmmmm.. Looks like you got hard. You like my muscles, huh? You like strong women, huh?"

She flex her arms, making her huge biceps bulge impressively. She took one guard and kiss him hard. His breath was taken away and he went limp. Her tongue explored his mouth and playfully wrestled his own. She toyed gently with his cock and he shot cum all over the place. The other guard was trapped by one of her biceps. It was pressing against his dick, massaging it. He had an intense orgasm.

"Oops, look like I wore out my toys!"

Suddenly a gush of wind exploded through the base and Caroline was sent through a thick metal wall. Caroline got up and saw Superguy standing in front of her.

"This madness ends NOW!" said Superguy.

"Thought you were finished, but I'm glad to see you got your spirits back up," replied Caroline.

"This time I brought some friends," Superguy announced.

Suddenly a couple of heroes appeared.

"The name's Wolvieguy, babe. I'm the baddest guy around. My bones have been proven indestructible so far and my claws can cut through anything," said a hairy man.

"Name's Fire. I can fly and..ummmm..shoot fire," said a teenage boy in red spandex.

"Name's presto. I am a master magician," said the next in the line.

"My name's Amazon Girl. I'm equal to Superguy in strength but have amazon fighting skills, a sword and an indestructable rope."

"Name's darkman. I'm human but I have a lot of cool toys."

"Name: plastic dude. I can stretch and change form like silly putty."

"You're going down, toots," declared Wolvieguy.

"No wolvie! She's too dangerous to just attack like that!" said Superguy.

Wolvie dug his claws in her but it didnt even break her skin!

"Impossible!" he said.

Caroline just smiled and grabbed his claws and snapped them in half and slapped him across the room.

By an anonymous author

And then all hell broke loose. Seeing their pal out cold sent the other heroes into a frenzy of furious (but ultimately futile) attacks against Caroline. Fire hit first with a barrage of fireballs hot enough to burn through the vault at Fort Knox in a matter of moments, but she simply smiled at him in her sexy way and began fondlng her breast. Fire couldn't understand what she was up to, so he wasn't prepared when a jet of milk shot out of Superwoman's nipple, hitting him with the pressure of a firehose and slamming him against the wall.

Taking some teargas pellets out of his utility belt, Darkman called to Presto and Amazon Girl.

"Presto, use your 'gravity spell' on this chick! Amazon Girl, once she's been rendered helpless, you and I will finish her off!"

"Right!" said both heroes, and set to work while Caroline watched.

Presto waved his hands around, muttered some weird incantation, and unleashed his patented 'gravity spell' on Caroline. Usually, this spell focuses the weight of the entire world into the victim , making him or her too heavy to move, but the only effect it had on Caroline was that it caused her to sink halfway into the reinforced steel floor. Darkman and Amazon Girl quickly took advantage of Superwoman's 'helpless' state and attacked her with everything they had. Darkman led off with a barrage of shurikan, (throwing stars) which hit her boobs and bounced off without causing her the slightest harm. Next, Amazon Girl wrapped her lasso around Caroline at superspeed and slashed her stomach with her sword. Well sir, that sword just broke like it was made out of styrofoam when it hit Superwoman's invincible abs, then she flexed her arms, snapping the lasso like string. Next, both Amazon Girl and Darkman hit her with every martial arts move in the book, but Superwoman didn't even feel their feeble blows, and she slammed them both into the wall with just a sweep of her luxurious hair.

Meanwhile, Superguy and Wolvieguy were watching this with big grins on their faces and big bulges in their tights.

"Well, Wolvie, was she everything I said she'd be?" asked Superguy.

"Oh yeah, bub..." replied Wolvieguy.

"Well, come on," said Superguy as Plastic Dude bounced between Caroline and the wall for the twentieth time, "let's put the plan into action."

Clapping his hand sharply, Superguy shouted "Okay people! It's time to initiate 'Plan B'!"

Caroline paused in her 'handball' game, allowing Plastic Dude to escape and rejoin his comrades. What sort of futile attack were they planning now with this 'Plan B'? She got her answer soon enough as the heroes lined up in front of her, took a deep breath, and burst into song.

"*Sit on my faaaace
And tell me that you love me!
I'll sit on your face and tell you
I love yooooouuuuu toooooo!
I love to hear you or-a-lize!
When I'm between your thighs
You blow me awaaaaay!
Sit on my faaaaace,
And let my lips embrace yooouuuu!
I'll sit on your face
And then I'll love you tru-ly!
Life can be fine
If we both 'sixty nine'!
And we sit on our faces
In all sorts of places and lay
'Till we're blown awaaaaaaay!*"

Caroline smirked as they finished their tune. Now *this* was the sort of 'plan' she *liked*!

By Supergeek

Let's not forget about Steve... or the fact that the world still turns:

"We interrupt this regularly scheduled programming to bring you this Channel Four NewsBreak."

"Hello, I'm Rebecca Parks. This is Channel 4 News, live at what's left of the City of Industry. I'm speaking to you live from our traffic chopper, as there's really no safe area on the ground for us to land." For this big a scoop, their lead anchor didn't dare stay in the office. This was Pulitzer, pure Pulitzer... if she survived it.

"A woman appears to be on a catastrophic rampage, just wrecking everything within sight. Literally everything, with her bare hands and anything else she feels like using. The City itself has been vaporized by a huge nuclear blast. We're still uncertain if the woman caused the blast or not. This is absolutely unbelievable."

The cameraman zoomed in from their heights to capture the image. At the same time, the editors in the booth two hundred miles away blurred the image. Destruction or no, the FCC could be watching. News or no, you just didn't show pictures like that on the public air. The editors sent a stern warning over the private radio to the cameraman: get shots of the destruction, not the woman, you dummy. A naked woman is not going on the air. A crater and rubble where the woman isn't will go on the air.

"We're still at this time unable to identify the woman in any way. We're also unable to identify those who are defending the ground against her. However, two things are certain: the local police department has failed against her, and the army has failed against her."

"We are able to identify a few survivors of the blast which struck the City of Industry a few minutes ago. At this time, a Channel Four Mobile News Team is on its way to 24 Hour Fitness on the western edge of the City of Industry, to interview a Mr. Steve Hinckman. We'll get more details for you as they come in."

"This is Rebecca Parks, live, Channel Four News at the City of Industry. Dear God, what..." her voice said with concern and depression. She'd never seen anything like it in fifteen years of broadcasting.

"This has been a Channel Four NewsBreak. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming."

By an anonymous author

Meanwhile, completely oblivious to the carnage that was taking place nearly a hundred miles away, two of the gym regulars were watching Sarah Wallace go through her workout. It was necessarily a light workout. But then, any workout in this gym would be a light workout for Sarah.

The bar was loaded with the 'official' gym record for the deadlift. Transferring the bar to her left hand, Sarah ripped off a set of fifty curls to match what she had just done with her right arm.

"I could use a little more weight," she said, holding the bar horizontally in front of her chest. "You guys want to help out?"

"What do you want us to do?" the smaller of the two men asked. Tim Jameson was six-three and two hundred fifty pounds, easily dwarfing the voluptuous blonde. His older brother Tom had an inch and fifteen pounds on him.

"Why don't you guys get on?" Still holding it horizontally, she lowered the bar almost to the floor, the heavy bar resting in her hand as easily as one of the men might hold a towel.

The bar remained rock steady as the two men straddled the end caps, facing each other. At her direction, the two men hugged the massive plates in front of them and lifted their feet from the floor.

With the two men fully supported on the bar, it began to move. But it did not move down. The two men hung on as she easily curled the bar to her chest, the additional five hundred plus pounds seemingly making no difference to her.

Doing fifty reps, she transferred the bar to her right hand and repeated the exercise. She went through four more sets with each arm, the two men hanging on for the ride of their lives.

"I guess that's enough of that for now," she said, setting the weight down on the floor and letting the two brothers off. Clasping her hands together in front of her, she began pushing.

Her own arms provided far more resistance than the puny weights could do. Her biceps grew and grew, until they were touching her breasts. Yet they continued to grow, pushing her breasts upward.

Something else was growing on each of the two men. They might have hurt themselves if she hadn't stopped, relaxed her arms, and let them fall to her sides. The brothers let out the breaths they hadn't noticed they were holding.

"You guys want to give me a rubdown?" She wasn't breathing hard, and there wasn't a trace of sweat on her arms. Nonetheless, she linked arms with the brothers as they walked toward one of the massage tables.

The men knew that giving her a rubdown was as hard a workout as anything they could do with the weights in the gym, all of their strength unable to do much more than move her silky skin over her steely muscles.

They also knew that the rubdown would be followed by an even more grueling workout, either in the sauna or in the shower. They would pleasure her to the limits of their endurance before she would leave them exhausted and barely conscious.

Nearly a hundred miles away, the carnage continued.

By an anonymous author

Rebecca Parks looked up in horror as an asteroid that was almost a mile wide and had to be that in length was coming towards Earth at an amazing speed. During the confusion, Caroline ran into the street to meet the asteroid. Jumping up to catch it, she caught it in one hand and punched it with the other. It was instantly disintegrated by her gentle punch and the Earth was saved by the most powerful person anyone had ever seen.

Caroline landed to find a dozen cameras and microphones in her face and two dozen reporters asking her who she was and how powerful she was. She answered their questions but was never comfortable, it was at that moment that the superheroes that remained after she had dealt with them decided to attack.

By Jeremy Wilson

In the deserted warehouse, Sharon looked at the five assailants.

"Is that all you've got?"

Then another man appeared.

"Jeez Sharon, did you have to be so rough with them?"

"Well Pete, you said they were fighters."

Pete looked at the five.

"Didn't give you much of a challenge, huh?"

"No they sure didn't," Sharon replied. "Will you give me a love tap?"

"Sure," Pete replied. He really loved doing this to his girl friend. Pete picked up the sledgehammer and swung it with all his might at Sharon's stomach. Sharon stood still with her hands on her hips smiling at him. The sledgehammer contacted her with such force that the solid oak handle broke in two. Sharon caught the hammer head and showed it to Pete. The tempered steel was partially flattened, but instead of being smooth on the end, the head was dimpled with an impression of her abs!

"What would you like me to do with it now?" Sharon asked.

"You know I'm a tit man," Pete replied.

Sharon smiled and placed the deformed hammer head between her breasts. Then she placed her arms at each side and squeezed. The pressure was more than the metal could handle, it began oozing down her stomach. She looekd at Pete; it was obvious from the tent in his shorts that he was really enjoying this.

"General!" Sharon gasped. Pete immediately came to attention, as did the five other men.

"At ease," General Horshac said. "Pete, why don't you join my daughter and I for dinner tonight?"

"I'd love to," Pete replied.

At dinner, General Horshac briefed Pete and Sharon about communications he had received from an alien race. The aliens were requesting the world's strongest people to assist them in exploring what hey were calling a heavy planet, with 1,000,000 times Earth's gravity. After Pete left, the General and Sharon continued talking.

"OK General, what's really up here?" Sharon asked. "It's not like you to assist anyone, alien or otherwise."

"You're very perceptive, daughter. That's why I want to send you, to spy on them and ascertain their capabilities and motives. If they're thinking of attacking us, I want to know about it and how to defend ourselves. I'm just ucky that you happen to be so unbelievably strong."

"What about the asteroid that Caroline destroyed? Sharon asked. " Did the aliens send it?"

"That's a very good question. None of our obsevatories or radars were able to pick it up. We're not sure why, the scientists think from preliminary findings that it's due to the specific composition of minerals. No one thinks the aliens had anything to do with it, but I'm wondering that myself. That's one of the things I hope that you'll be able to find out once you're working with them."

"You know I'll do my best. Who else is going?"

"Three other women. You'll meet them tomorrow."

Or at least Caroline thought that they were going to attack. Instead, Amazon Girl slowly stepped forward to speak with Caroline one-on-one. "Caroline, General Horshac is in communication with some aliens who have an interesting proposal. Would you please come with me to hear it? I promise, no tricks this time, OK?" Caroline agreed and went with Amazon Girl down to the underground bunker. Amazon Girl directed her to an office where two other women were sitting. "Caroline, allow me to introduce you to Sarah Wallace and to Sharon," Amazon Girl said.

The ladies said their greetings and admired each others physiques. Considering the size of their muscles, it was inevitable that an armwrestling match would ensue. First, amazon Girl wrestled with Sharon, the match was close but Amazon Girl was the victor. Next, Sarah and Caroline wrestled. Never before had Sarah had any difficulty in putting down an opponent, but this time, Caroline's arm seemed immovable. Sarah grabbed the heavy steel table with her free hand, causing the metal to squeal out as it began to buckle under her grip; but still Caroline just smiled at her. With an almighty effort, Sarah threw everthing she had into her arm, but still Caroline did not move! Desperate, Sarah began to rise in her seat, but this was too much for the table; it collapsed in a heap.

"Well at least the match has to be called, you didn't beat me," Sarah said, although she knew that Caroline was in fact the winner. Caroline just continued to smile at her.

"What's going on in here?" asked General Horshac as he entered the room. "What on earth happened to the table? It was specially made to withstand a nuclear blast!"

"Just girls having fun, General," replied Amazon Girl. "We're all here anytime you want to start your briefing."

After introductions, the General started the brief. "Aliens have contacted us about something they've found. They call it a heavy planet. It's about the size of Earth but has 1,000,000 times Earth's gravity. These aliens come from a planet with two distinct races, the "grays" your typical big-eyed skinny-limbed beings who do all the mental work, and "browns" something like Chewbacca from "Star Wars" who do all the physical work. Seems they would like an assist from us in exploring this heavy planet. Are any of you girls interested?"

"What's in it for me? Sarah asked.

"Just think of it," Caroline replied, "For once, maybe we can get a good workout. Just think, a barbell that weighs one ton on Earth would weigh 1,000,000 tons on that planet!" Thinking of the possibilities, Caroline's pussy started to leak juices; she was soon joined by Sarah and the others.

"Count us in!" they all said in unison.

"Great, I'll make the arrangements and notify you about travel plans" said the General.