- Miranda, Chapter 2 -

By Paul Smith, Sean Porter, Pat Mallon, Larafan, Stoneyman, Gettar82, Nelson and The Collector.
This story is adult in nature - leave now if you're below the age of consent in your country. Otherwise - enjoy!

"Well...there's something about me you don't know. Actually," she added hesitantly, "there's a lot about me you don't know." She was smiling, but also chewing her lush lower lip, which made her look unbearably seductive.

Scott squirmed uncomfortably. He was already suspecting as much, but he politely replied, "We've known each other all our lives, Miranda. What could there be that I don't know already?"

"Just one thing, but...it's a big thing." There was no easy way to say it, so she decided to just plain say it. She took a deep breath, her chest expanding against her tight tank top. "I'm really strong."

Scott blinked. He opened his mouth, but Miranda didn't let him reply yet.

"Not just fairly strong...not just strong for a girl." Her beautiful eyes were wide now, and staring straight into his. "Really. Strong. Stronger than you, stronger than any man...stronger than a hundred men." She was much, much stronger than that, in fact, but she was trying to break this to him easy. "Remember the bus almost falling off the cliff? I caught it." Scott's jaw was hanging open. "With one hand. Remember the cops? Well, I crushed their guns with my...uh, with my bare hands. Then I totalled their car. And it was completely easy for me."

Miranda's voice was less than a whisper now, her breath barely pushing the words past her perfect teeth. "I've never told you, because I was afraid you would think I was a freak. But I want you to know...because...because I really like you." She looked away from his gaze now. She was shaking a little. She wished Scott would say something, but was afraid of what he might say. Finally he opened his mouth to speak.

His voice croaked and then he collapsed to the floor.

* * * * *

Scott awoke to find Miranda looking down at him with a worried frown. As he came to, he saw her beautiful face change from a look of concern to an enchanting smile.

"Thank God you're ok - I was worried that you might have hurt yourself before I caught you."

It was at this moment that Scott realised that he was being cradled in Miranda's capable arms. They felt surprisingly hard against his body.

"I-I'm sorry, that doesn't normally happen to me," he replied.

"That's quite alright. At first I thought you were so repulsed or afraid of me that you had had a panic attack, but then I noticed your trousers." Another wry smile.

Scott looked down and saw that he had soaked his jeans with cum.

"Oh GOD!" he exclaimed, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to.."

Miranda placed a finger on his lips to silence him and then moved closer so that he could feel her warm breath against his face.

"That's ok, I'm glad I please you so much. So, would I be right in thinking that my strength turns you on?"

"Y-Yes, very much!"

"Well," said Miranda, delicately kissing his lower lip, "I'll have to see what I can do."

Miranda gleamed her large bedroom eyes at Scott and said is a soft sexy tone, “Please keep this little secret of mine to yourself. For, since I decided to go to college and discovered you were also going to State University; my mind went insane with both pleasure and possibilities. I hope to participate in as many sports as possible to earn scholarship money and I just want to share all my experiences and triumphs with just you”.

Scott took a deep breath as he attempted to sit back up in his seat. Miranda assisted him by first pulled him into her massive chest. She kept her eyes on Scott and she noticed by the smile on his face that he enjoyed the feel of her large breasts. She pulled his body against her massive tits in such as way that her enormous firm breasts wrap around his upper arm. Scott glanced down at his arm and it had disappeared into two mountains of firm pert flesh. Miranda’s thin tight top has also disappeared as she rose up and Scott’s arm pulled her top down. Only Miranda’s two swollen nipples kept her tight skimpy top from falling off her breasts.

Miranda finally pulled Scott completely up and she placed her arm around his shoulders as she sat sideways on their seat. She moved close to Scott and whispered in his ear, “I’m incredible strong, there is no feat of strength I cannot perform. It’s not how much weight I can lift any more, it’s how I enjoy lifting the weight”.

Scott looks at Miranda as replies, “You mean you can press, snatch, clean and jerk, 200 kilos”.

Miranda giggles as she clasped Scott’s open hand and placed it between her upper thighs and pressed her leg together and said, “200 million kilotons”.

Scott shakes his head as Miranda moves his hand even higher on her thighs until it’s next to her crotch. And Miranda continued her sentence by adding, “With my little finger”.

After a few seconds of silence, Miranda said to Scott, “I know it’s beyond your imagination and I fully understand, so I basically need to demonstrate my extreme strength, but first, I would enjoy you touching and feeling my muscles. Rub your hand up and down my legs as I flex my thigh and calve muscles, enjoy the firm round shape of my backside as I stretch, try to pinch any thing but tight firm skin on my flat stomach, and slide your hand down my skirt and squeeze”.

Miranda showed Scott a sexy smile and a twinkle in her eyes and Scott began to use his hand to explore Miranda’s lower super sexy and muscular body. And Scott could immediately tell she was enjoying his hand as he firmly massaged her muscles.

Miranda let Scott fondle her lower body for a few seconds and then raised her arm and posed her bicep. “Now Scott, you have two hands, why not work my bicep”. Scott’s eyes opened wide as he witnessed Miranda’s massive bicep muscle literally explode her arm to double its normal size. Scott uses his open hand to clasp her arm but he can barely squeeze Miranda’s bicep muscle. Her muscle is rock hard and as Miranda relaxed her arm, Scott’s hand finally got a solid grip around her arm. But once Miranda flexed her bicep again, Scott’s hand simply opened up.

Scott sort of pulled his hand away and looked at Miranda. She smiles, gave him a kiss on his lips and said, “It’s OK Scott, your hand has no chance against my arm muscle, in fact, thick steel chain wrapped around my arm doesn’t even stand a chance. Believe me, I’ve done it. Remember, it’s going to take time for you to get familiar with my strength. Just use your imagination and what ever you can imagine, I can and will accomplish with ease”.

Scott, heart began beating faster as he again caressed and stroked Miranda’s body and muscles and Miranda enjoyed Scott as he massaged her massive muscles.

Miranda continued to cuddle close to Scott, and she pushed her massive breasts in and out of Scott body. Finally, Scott moved his hand down from Miranda shoulders onto her breasts and down into her deep cleavage. His fingers quickly maneuver into her nipple. Miranda responded by pushing her chest muscles outward and Scotts cupped his hand around her full breast. His hand could only cover a small area of her large breasts, but they are firm and pert.

Scott continues his exploration of Miranda’s body and muscles for several minutes and they are really enjoying each other. Suddenly the bus slowed down, made a right turn, and stoped.

The bus driver then announced to everyone, “Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at the bus terminal. For those of you going to State University, there is a free shuttle that runs about every hour to the school”.

Miranda and Scott quickly broke their embrace and stood up. Miranda had to adjust both her flimsy top and short skirt as they gather their belongings and began to exit the bus.

Scott let Miranda out first from their seat, took her hand and they began to walk single file down the aisle towards the front door. Miranda purposely walked slow and lets everyone else get well ahead of her. She then turns around to Scotts and said slowly and softly, “I would appreciate if you would dream up an incredible feat of strength for me to accomplish before the next shuttle bus to the campus arrive. I need to eliminate any doubt in your mind about my strength. Remember, I get turned on sexually when I demonstrate my strength to a man, especially when it also turns him on sexually. Now don’t be bashful, use your imagination”.

Scott and Miranda exit the bus, collect their luggage and realize they have almost an hour until the campus shuttle bus is scheduled to return.

Scott's head was spinning as he watched the bus pull away. Since the age of thirteen he had dreamed of being 'more than friends' with Miranda, of being lucky enough to call her his girlfriend. He had fantasized about her athletic body, how strong it might be and how she might use that strength to please him. He had never believed it could ever happen.

But now, his wildest and most outrageous fantasies were being far surpassed.

Not only did Miranda want to be his girlfriend; not only had she just invited him to explore her incredible body in detail, and shown obvious pleasure at him doing so, but she also claimed to be far, far stronger than he had ever dreamed she could be, and wanted him to enjoy her strength. "Dream up an incredible feat of strength for me to accomplish..." He recalled her instructions and his heart raced. He watched her as she walked innocently away from him, carrying both her suitcase and his without any apparent difficulty. There was just a hint of a sultry sway in her hips as she walked, as if she knew he was staring at her and wanted him to. "This can't be happening to me," he said to himself, but he hoped like hell he was wrong.

She carefully set their bags down by the waiting area where the other students were standing around, chatting with each other or just waiting for the shuttle with bored expressions on their faces. Then she turned around and walked back to him, staring into his eyes expectantly. "Well?" she said, standing very close to him. "We have nearly an hour before the shuttle comes. Have you thought of anything yet?"

He shook his head. "Sorry, I guess I'm still..."

She grinned. "It's okay. I know this is sudden. Come on, let's go somewhere. Our bags will be fine, and I don't want anyone else to see me show off. Remember, my strength is only for you..." She leaned closer and purred into his ear, "...and it's ALL for you." She slipped her small, soft hand into his.

The terminal was an isolated building at the intersection of two highways; there were no other signs of civilization in sight. Miranda led Scott away from the building and into the cool forested area away from the road. "Just let your imagination run wild," she instructed him, her voice quivering with excitement. "Remember, there's absolutely no feat of strength I can't perform for you...and I really want to prove that to you!"

They were alone now, surrounded by tall trees. Looking at her firm, supple body again and remembering how it had felt in his hands a moment ago, Scott realized it was true. His mouth went dry as he began to think. He was with a super-strong, super-sexy woman who wanted to demonstrate her strength for him. All he had to do was ask her and she would do whatever he wanted. He still couldn't believe it, but that was why she wanted to prove it to him. He stopped walking and looked into her eyes. "Okay," he said.

"You see that tree over there," he said, pointing to a huge redwood tree that had fallen in the recent storm, "Can you lift it?"

Miranda rolled her eyes.

"Of course I can! Remember, there's no feat of strength I can't do!"

She walked in the direction he had pointed, but didn't realise he had been pointing at the fallen redwood and instead walked past it towards the even more vast sequoia behind it. It must have been over 40 foot in diameter and easily have weighed over a thousand tonnes - but the really amazing thing was that it was still very much alive and was very securely attached to the ground.

Miranda reached the enormous tree, crouched down and spread her arms wide against its base. The 300 foot tall sequoia utterly dwarfed her, but yet its 3 foot thick bark cracked helplessly as her fingers secured a firm grip. Her hard butt flexed like never before as she smoothly began to straighten her legs.

At first, the packed mud compressed beneath her delicate feet, but then deep cracking noises snapped through the air. The ground began to bulge upwards as the roots were brutally pulled up through the ground, tonnes of wood splintering helplessly. Then with a final, sharp crunch the main base of the tree tore in half and Miranda was holding the full, incomprehensible mass over her beautiful head.

"Well, it looks like little ole' Miranda is mighter than the mighty sequoia," she said, smiling knowingly.

Scott was lost for words. "That was awesome!" he eventually managed.

"That was just for starters, now watch this!"

Miranda is holding the massive sequoia over her head with her left hand and she meanders over to a large rock about a meter in diameter and a meter high. She jumps up on the rock and begins to do reps with her left hand. After about 100 quick reps Miranda said to Scott, “This is so effortless. Now observe what my legs muscles can do to this rock”. So Miranda squats down on the top of the rock, straddled her long shapely legs around the rock, and said to Scott as she is still doing reps with the massive sequoia, “Any preference as to how I crush this rock in half with my legs”?

Scott is speechless, one eye is watching Miranda lift the massive sequoia over and over with her left hand, and his other eye is watching her stunning legs wrapped around the large rock.

Miranda again giggled and said to Scott, “Would you prefer me to bring my legs together quickly and crush the rock in half in one easy motion, or would you prefer for me to flex my leg muscles and slowly crumble and grind the rock in half”?

“YES”, is Scott’s only answer as he scrutinized Miranda’s sexy body and shapely muscles?

“Please come over here Scott and place your hands high on the upper section of my legs, and experience my muscles. Especially, as I crumble and shatter this rock in half by flexing my legs muscles”.

Scott wobbled his head, and slowly walked over to Miranda. He first looked up at the massive sequoia tree still being repeatedly lifted up and down with her one hand.

Then he slowly and softly places his open hands on Miranda’s shapely muscular thighs and smiles at her. Miranda returns the smile to Scott as she takes her right hand and places it on top of Scott’s right hand. She pressed down on Scott’s hand and slowly slides his hand higher on her thighs. She repeats the same move with Scott’s left hand.

Scott takes a deep breath as he squeezed Miranda’s thighs muscles. His fingers clasped her powerful throbbing muscles and he began to massage her thighs with all his strength. Miranda softly and sexually “COOS” as she flexed her leg muscles against the large granite rock. Her muscles expand and the solid granite cracks and cleaves as small chunk of rock fall to the ground. Miranda relaxed her muscles and Scott stared in awe at the deep impression Miranda’s thigh muscles carved into the solid rock.

Miranda again pressed her long powerful legs against the rock and flexed her thigh and calf muscles. Her muscles tore deep into the solid granite and shattered large chunks of the rock. Miranda repeated the process several more times until her legs were completely imbedded in the rock. Scott’s hands were still on Miranda’s upper thighs, and he was still squeezing her muscles with all his strength when Miranda said, “Scott, I’m going to crush this rock in half with a single movement of my legs. Please place your hands on my large firm chest muscles”.

Scott slowly removes his hands from Miranda’s thighs and places them on the side of her large breasts. He can’t believe this is happening; the girl of his dreams is a super goddess with super strength.

Miranda then takes Scott’s right hand from the side of her breast and places the palm of his hand directly over her nipple and said to him, “Why don’t you take some of the rock fragments and place then deep inside the cleavage of my breasts. I’ll simply crush the rocks to dust with my chest muscles at the same time I crush this large rock in half with my legs.

Scott immediately obeys Miranda’s request and picked up a rock about the size of his fist and places it deep between Miranda’s breasts.

Miranda gives Scott a soft kiss on his lips, closes her legs and thrusts out her chest. Immediately, the large rock between her legs is shattered in half. The rock between her large breasts is crushed into rubble and dust. And at the same time she is still doing reps with the massive sequoia tree.

Scott takes a gulp of air, stands up and said, “Miranda, you’re incredible”.

Miranda just turns to Scott and scans his body with her eyes. She then takes her right hand and places it directly on his super hard cock and rubs it several times.

“Wow, now this is a nice piece of lumber you have in your pants Scott. I believe I’m strong enough to lift this heavy log”, said Miranda as she tossed the large sequoia tree aside as if it were a twig. She then turns around to a flat spot on the large rock and pulls Scott between her open legs. Scott offers no resistance as he lies between her legs and slowly pulls off her top to expose those large firm breasts. Miranda used her hands to undue Scott’s belt and pull down his pants and they start to get very passionate. Scott uses his hands and tongue to explore every millimeter of Miranda’s muscular body. He pulls up Miranda skirt and she sexually recited in his ear, “Oh Scott, please place your lumber in my hot body”. Scott positions himself perfectly and is ready to have his greatest sex ever. Nothing can stop him now.

“VROOOOOOOOMMMMM”, the sound of a large engine revving vibrates the wooded setting. And a large “HUMMER” is just a few meters from them.

There are four people in the large vehicle and the one riding shotgun said, “Looks like we are going to bag something on this hunting trip after all”.

Miranda looked over her shoulder and back to Scott.

"Friends of yours?" She smiled.

"Not hardly."

"I swear, the men on this planet are beginning to annoy me. It's any wonder I don't just take over. Present company excluded, of course."

"I hope so..."

The driver remained shifted the Hummer to park while the rest of the hunters dismounted.

"Look she's already naked and ready," one of them grinned.

Miranda appeared next to one of the greasy hunters. It seemed to the rest of the men that she was in two places at once for a blink. Once their brain realized she had stopped, she flicked her hunter in the chest. Everyone wince at the 'thud' and watched him arch into the air. She leaned forward, puckered, and gently blew.

"Who the...WHAT THE FUCK?!" The driver exclaimed as his partner disappeared over the tree tops.

"You see, Scott? Light as a cotton ball!" She winked at the group.

"Boo." Another hunter stumbled when he heard her speak in his ear. No one had seen her move. She just wasn't standing in her previous spot anymore.

He fumbled around with his rifle and aimed both barrels at her chest. He looked through the sites and up to her face through the valley between her breasts. She seemed bored with the whole thing.

"They're harmless as cottonballs, too!" She smiled down. Stupid anger brought his finger down on the trigger blasting her full in the right breast. He gasped. Miranda reached down. The hunter watched in amazement as she pinched the right barrel shut.

"One more try?" She offered. "Here, I'll even get a little closer. You can't miss."

Finding he couldn't move, paralyzed with fear and awe, she helpfully pulled the trigger for him. She sighed again. Scott noticed she seemed to enjoy it.

"Okay let's make sure it's empty." Miranda started from the stock end and strained the barrel like a noodle flattening the entire length.

She felt her nipples swell and harden. She knows nothing is harder than her own nipples, and she was ready to prove it.

<< Chapter 1 That's all folks..