- Miranda, Chapter 1 -

By Paul Smith, Sean Porter, Pat Mallon, Stoneyman and Nelson.
This story is adult in nature - leave now if you're below the age of consent in your country. Otherwise - enjoy!

Scott had known Miranda for nearly all his life. They had been friends as kids, awkward buddies in junior high, and had been on good terms throughout high school despite hanging out with different crowds. There had never been any romantic activity between them, but every so often Scott allowed himself to dream that it might be possible. Miranda was exceptionally attractive, with wavy brown hair, large grey-green eyes and delicate features. At 5'10" she was only an inch shorter than he, with long, graceful legs which were always on display in warm weather. She was also not shy about her large breasts, which to Scott seemed perfectly round and impossibly pert. Combined with her narrow waist and curvaceous bottom, they gave her a heart-stopping figure.

But despite her cheerleader-like looks, Miranda would rather be on the field or court than the sideline. She was athletic, competitive, and excelled at whatever she did. She played on all the girls teams and didn't mind practicing with the boys if asked, though she wasn't the type to make waves by actually trying out for their teams. Most of Scott's friends were uncomfortable enough with the mere thought that she was probably good enough to take their spot.

But Scott loved Miranda's athleticism as much as he loved everything else about her. He suspected she was even better than she let on, and stronger as well, and it was the thought of her strength that most excited him. He stole glances at her sleekly muscled limbs at every opportunity, and fantasized about what she could do with them if she really tried. But the last thing he wanted to do was put their friendship in jeopardy. Not once had he ever raised the subject with her.

After graduation Scott was delighted to learn that he and Miranda would be at the same college in the fall. This wasn't entirely coincidental, since he had found out all he could about her plans and done his best to model his after them, but luck had done its part as well. They spoke about it a few times and looked forward to studying together as they had on occasion in junior year, when they had shared a couple classes. It was a big school, but they promised to make an effort to hang out together from time to time.

The day arrived on which they were to take the bus to campus together. Scott was at the depot early, and watched through the window as Miranda kissed her parents goodbye, then carried her two large suitcases to the luggage area without difficulty. The bus arrived and Scott boarded, taking a seat near the back. He watched Miranda get on. She saw him, smiled, and made her way toward him.

She was stunning, as always. Scott tried to steady his breathing. Her tan skirt was just short enough and tight enough to turn heads. Her white t-shirt also hugged her tantalizing frame and showed off her tanned shoulders and arms. Her smile was dazzling and perfect and disconcerting. When she sat down next to him, she even smelled beautiful.

"Excited?" she chirped, squeezing his knee.

"Oh yeah," he replied, shifting to hide just how excited he really was.

"I'm so glad we're going together," she said, crossing her legs and smiling at him. His heart skipped beats. He knew she only meant going to college together, but what was wrong with imagining for just a moment that they really were Going Together?

They talked for a while, catching up on their summers, but eventually each settled into a book and all was quiet. Scott's attention wavered between his novel and Miranda's perfectly formed ankle and calf.

It was over an hour into the trip when the bus hit a patch of gravel, swerved, and began to skid sickeningly toward the ditch.

In fact, "ditch" was rather understating it - "ravine" would be more accurate. There was a thick layer of mud across the road and there was no way the bus was going to stop in time. Time slowed as adrenaline pumped into Scott's veins and conversation stopped as everyone stared helplessly at the steep drop ahead.

The one saving grace for Scott was that at least he would die next to the love of his life. He turned back to look at Miranda again, but was surprised to find that she was not in her seat. At that moment the bus came to a sudden halt as if it had hit a tree. Scott blinked and Miranda was back in her seat, smiling at him.

Everyone looked at each other in disbelief, but Scott stared, dumbfounded, at Miranda.

"What just happened?" he asked.

Miranda placed a single finger on her full, tender lips for a moment with an almost silent "shhh!"

Just as confused as everyone else, the bus driver got out of his seat and walked out to the front of the bus. There was a large dent as if it had hit something very solid, but yet there was nothing there.

"Looks like we hit a rock, folks - although we must've knocked it down the hill as it ain't there no more," he said as he got back on the bus.

He optimistically turned the key and the engine burst into life. He experimentally crunched the gearbox into first and lifted his foot of the clutch. The engine was no longer firing on all cylinders, but was just able to get the bus moving again.

The engine stalled and the bus driver attempted to bring it back to life, revving the engine to maximum and dumping the clutch - just at the same time as Miranda stood up to survey the situation.

When the bus driver dumped the clutch, the bus bucked, jumped forward a meter, and the engine sputtered. Miranda who was standing up at the time, pretended to loose her balance and fell forward and to the side of her seat. She grabbed the round steel hand rail on top of the seat in front of her and fell in Scott’s lap. And to secure herself, Miranda placed her arm around Scott’s back and squeezed him tightly, and pulled his body tightly into hers. Miranda’s firm large breasts pressed deep into Scott’s upper arm muscles and she made certain he could feel that soft flesh as she moved her breasts across his body. Scott takes a deep breath as she watches Miranda’s large breasts rub across is arm and it’s perfectly obvious she not wearing or required a bra.

Miranda apologized softly to Scott as she stood up and thrust out her breasts. But just then, the bus driver again dumped the clutch and the bus jerked forward. This caused Miranda to fall face first to the back of her seat.

Miranda could have grabbed onto the metal hand rail on the top of the seat back and slow her fall, but she had another sexy idea. Since she had her large breasts already thrust forward, she allowed them to slam directly into the round steel hand rail on the seat top. Plus, with her nipples enlarged from teasing Scott, she aimed her nipples directly at the steel handrail.

There was this metal crumbling sound followed by two muted metallic “PINGS”, and Miranda turned her head towards Scott and slowly lifted her attractive body off the top of the seat back.

Scott took a deep breathe and gasped as he saw the steel handrail on the top of the seat bent and pushed downward to the perfect shape of Miranda breasts. He shook his head in disbelief but by the time he regained his senses, Miranda delicately swept her fingers and hand across the round hand rail and straightened out the steel. However, the two round holes punched by her nipples were still very evident in the steel.

Scott shook his head again but before she could say anything, the bus driver yelled to everyone in the bus, “The motor won’t run, so I need everyone off the bus and the men to help push the bus off the road and up to that parking area just ahead. We are blocking traffic so everyone please stay to the one side of the bus”.

Everyone got off the bus and all the men went to the rear of the bus and tried to push the bus up the road to the parking lot, but it was to no avail. There combined strength could not budge the large bus. The bus driver cheered them on, but without air pressure, the brakes were locked solid. The men tried and tried but could not budge the bus.

“Men”, Miranda through to herself, “They cannot pour piss out of a boot, even if the instructions were written on the heel”. Therefore, she walked around to the side of the bus facing the road where no one could see her, grabbed hold of the steel rim of the front tire with her one hand and gently pulled. The bus immediately moved forward and the men in the behind the bus started to yell, “Yes, it’s moving, keep it up”. Miranda simply pulled the large bus along as if it were a toy as she strolled towards the parking area.

The men actually believed they pushed the bus over 100 meters to a parking area and the bus driver said to everyone, “Thanks, I’ll call for another bus. In the meantime make yourself comfortable either in the bus or in this roadside bar but remember, there is no air conditioning in the bus without the motor running”.

Miranda walked from the far side of the bus and stood next to Scott and they both looked at the roadside bar for a few seconds until Scott said, “Great, an out of the way roadside bar named “THE OUT HOUSE”.

Deciding to make the best of the situation, Scott and Miranda followed several of their fellow busmates toward The Out House bar. They ordered beers and made their way to a small table in a back corner where they wouldn't be disturbed.

Scott sipped his watered-down brew and stared at Miranda, who seemed to be demurely avoiding his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he made himself speak.

"Miranda, what the hell just happened?"

"What do mean, Scott?" she asked innocently, with just a slight twinkle in her eye.

"Back there, we almost skidded off a cliff, but then suddenly we stopped. And you disappeared for a second, right when we were about to go over. The next thing I knew you were back again. It was so weird...and then, when we started moving again and you fell..."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that," Miranda said with a lopsided grin. "I hope it didn't bother you the way I landed on you!"

"No, not at all," Scott replied. "But then you also landed on the seat, and it almost looked like you...I don't know. It was weird, that's all."

Miranda didn't reply for a while. She seemed distracted, and stared at the crude words carved into the wood of the table. But eventually she raised her eyes to his.

"Well, you're right. It was pretty unusual. The thing is, there's something very unusual about me, and I guess part of me just wanted to take the opportunity to show you." She rested her hand gently on his. "I've wanted to tell you for a long time, but I never knew what you would think. I was afraid you'd..."

Scott frowned. "I'd what?"

Miranda hesitated. Just then a large, well-built man bumped into their table. He had a full beard, and his small grey eyes were permanently fixed on Miranda's well-endowed chest. "Hey baby, why don't you forget about this wimp and try a real man instead?" He pointed to himself, not missing by more than six inches.

They both tried to ignore him, but he leaned in closer, bathing them in his foul breath. "You know you want to, baby."

"He's no wimp, and I'm certainly not interested in you," said Miranda, turning to glare at the drunk.

The man's eyes flicked towards the bar (where his mates were eagerly looking on) and he then made a big mistake - he grabbed Miranda's toned arm, the tight muscles clearly visible underneath her tanned flesh.

"I wasn't askin', babe, I was tellin'!" said the brute as he attempted to pull her away with him. She didn't move an inch - he might as well have been pulling against a concrete slab.

"Let go of my arm," said Miranda with a hint of menace in her voice.

The thug redoubled his efforts.

Miranda reached across and gripped the man's wrist with her other hand. She then easily pulled it away from her arm, forcing him to lose his grip.

"What the hell?!?" said the man as Miranda used her grip on his arm to pull him towards her. Several of his mates at the bar stood up.

"Errr.. Miranda?" said Scott, totally failing to get her attention.

"I said no, and I meant no!" boomed Miranda, forcing the drunk to his kness.

"Miranda, I think we should go," said Scott. Miranda was oblivious as the thug's buddies loomed closer. "Those guys don't look too friendly."

Two other brutes came to the table and stood directly at the heavy wood table’s edge. They both leaned over the table and one said with a slur, “She sure looks like mighty good fucking. Let’s teach this pretty thing a lesson on manners”. Both of the brutes laughed as then leaned more forward and attempted to grab Miranda. Moreover, just as the two brute’s upper legs and crotches were pressing into the table, Miranda gave the underside of the table a sharp jerk, sending the heavy wooden table into their crotches. She did it so fast and efficiently that no one noticed the table had moved. Only the painful _expression on the two brute faces told the true story.

Miranda then stood up, put her hands on her waist and said to the two brutes, “Gentlemen, I said no”.

The rest of the local bar clientele all got up and stared at Miranda and Scott. And Scott being the perfect gentleman, also stood up in a act of protecting Miranda as he places himself in front of her body. Miranda simply pushes her body closer to Scotts and holds him around his waist.

“Let’s get out of this place,” says Scott to Miranda, as most of the other bus passengers head for the front door.

“Ok, let’s go,” said Miranda as they head for the front door and Scott tossed a twenty on the table.

However, before Scott and Miranda can make it to the front door, the locals block their exit.

Miranda takes hold of Scott’s hand as said, “Don’t be afraid, we should be OK, I think I just saw a police car pull up.”

The bar room door opens and two local police officers enter the bar, look around, and ask the bartender what’s going on.

The one toothed bartender replies to the police officer, "Well cousin Bill, this here bitch is causing all kinds of trouble. She trying to solicited money for sex, harassing the customers, and refuses to pay her bar tab."

The police officer then walks up to Miranda and gets a good gander at her. “Wow!" is the first word from the overweight police officer's mouth.

The two police officers slowly scan Miranda’s body from her head to her feet. The one officer just rubs his cock as the other takes a deep breath.

“Now these charges are serious little girl and we are going to have to take you to the station for questioning,” says the extremely fat officer as he grabs Miranda's upper arm.

“Whoa! You got some muscles little girl. Which is all the better for us,” said the one police officer. The other police officer then grabs Miranda other arm, but not before he cops a handful of her firm young breasts. The two officers then lead Miranda outside the bar and towards their patrol car.

With everyone outside the bar, the bus driver yells, “Good news, a new bus is almost here and we should be on our way in about 10 minutes”.

Scott looks at Miranda with a sad expression as the two officers place handcuffs on Miranda and manhandle her as they toss her in the back seat of the patrol car.

Miranda glances back at Scott from the patrol car window and says to him, “Don’t worry Scott, please hold the bus for me, I’ll be back in about 10 minutes”.

The one police officer rubs his dick as few times and said to Miranda, “I don’t think you will be back any time soon bitch, we got some serious charges against you to examine.”

Scott leans against a signpost as tears come to his eyes, and he watched the two officers drive Miranda away.

"Man, if I had a dime for every time I heard that excuse." Both uniformed men broke into laughter. The passenger looked over his shoulder at Miranda. She was a bit disgusted as his eyes wondered over her body.

"This really isn't my day." She sighed. "Look, I'm apperently not making any progress with you, so have a wonderful night."

The officer who'd been watching was confused by her statement. His face changed from confusion to panic as Miranda's image blurred. She sank into the upholstery behind her as the car passed through. She became a solid picture of perfection and stood in the road smiling at her self.

"Wow! It really does work. The Flash had that speed thing figured out." She checked over herself once more and turned to walk back to where she'd left Scott.

The police seemed to come to their senses as they screeched to halt up the road. The large Crown Vic turned toward Miranda and rushed in to close the distance.

"Here we go again..." She rolled her eyes. The thought occured to her to simply run away. They'd only hound her, she realized, and so she stood her ground.

"Okay, gentlemen. Let's get this over with. The easy way?" She cupped her large breasts with a smile. "Or the easier way?" She flexed her right arm for them to see.

The two officers stepped cautiously from their vehicle, weapons leveled at Miranda. She remained motionless, smiling sweetly at them and still flexing her bicep. They tried to keep their hands steady as they stared in awe at the swollen, chiseled mound of muscle rising from her arm.

"The way I see it," the alluring amazon said softly, "you two are guilty of arrest without cause, and sexual harrassment. Now if you get back in your vehicle and drive away, I'll just forget all about this. But if you insist on coming closer, I will personally administer your punishment. And I can assure you, it won't be as lenient as the state's would. Though I'll admit," she added, her lip curling, "you may find it more exciting."

She took a deep breath, her breasts expanding and straining her already overtaxed tank top. There was a deafening report, and a bullet glanced off her left breast, singing a hole in the thin material. The officers stared in disbelief.

"Now THAT was assault," Miranda chastised.

Moving more quickly than their eyes could see, Miranda snatched both of their weapons from their hands. "We better make sure you don't hurt anybody with these." She wedged one of the pistols between her heaving breasts and pursed her lips in a sexy pout as the metal crumpled against her silky skin.

Sliding the other down her shorts, she closed her eyes for a brief moment as a moist crunch reverberated in the officers' ears, followed by several muffled pops. When her eyes opened again, they were glazed over with pleasure. A damp spot was spreading over her crotch. "Mmmm," she moaned, "that felt good. But I need more..."

The officiers looked on in awe as she walked up to the front of their vehicle. She then gently slid her shorts down her long, muscular legs, sensually wriggled her hips to help them over her hard, rounded butt. She wore no panties and the juices oozing out of her cunt were clearly visible as they glistened in the setting sun.

Then, she leaned forwards and spread her arms out wide. Her delicate fingers crumpled the metal with seemingly no effort as she began to pull her hands together. The front of the two tonne vehicle collapsed under the enormous force, twisting and ripping like tissue paper. The radiator split and squirted boiling water against her lithe body, soaking what remained of her clothing. The headlamps shattered the moment her fingers touched them, and the metal grill and bumper crumpled like cardboard. Even the solid steel bull bars collapsed like drinking straws against her unstoppable strength.

There was a deep groan and as the radiator and the front of the engine began to crumple inwards. The force required to do this was many times greater than that required to crush the vehicle's bodywork, but Miranda seemed to find it just as easy as before. In ten glorious seconds, she had crushed the front of the vehicle down to a 2 inch thick rod of super dense metal that she now held in just one hand.

Her hard derriere shattered the remains of headlamps as she sat down, spread her mighty legs and lay back. Then, just by rotating her wrist, she levered the heavy vehicle off the ground, angling the crushed front towards her moist vagina. Biting her lip to contain her growing pleasure, she gently slipped the shaft inside herself, revelling in the sensation of the metal smearing against her clit. Then, amazingly, she let go of the shaft altogther - her cunt now supported the full weight of the vehicle with seemingly no effort.

"Put the vehicle down now!" said the youngest of the officers, optimistically, "Or I'll shoot!"

Smiling, Miranda stared the officer straight in the eye and began tensing her inner muscles.

“And what weapon do you have remaining that can shoot”, replied Miranda as she slowly rocks her hips back and forth and works the super harden metal shaft inside her super hot body.

“If I remember correctly, I transformed your cheap metal handguns into JELL-O using nothing more that my soft sensual body. So if you have a weapon on you, it must be concealed. OOOOOH!! I guess I’ll have to search your bodies for hidden weapons”, coos Miranda as she removes the dense metal rod from her hot pussy and stands up. The two officers stare at Miranda and gawk in amazement at the super hot steel rod that she removed from her pussy. It’s a crumbled, twisted mess of hot mangled steel with steam boiling off it from the moisture of Miranda’s moist pussy.

Miranda gently tosses the steel rod aside, along with the two ton vehicle and it sailed off until it smashed into a massive oak tree. Then using her quick speed, Miranda immediately positions herself directly in front of the two officers. The officers are confused and try to step back but Miranda reached up and grabbed their badges.

“Now gentlemen, do you object to a full body search”, Miranda said to the officers as she tears off the badges from their uniforms. She then places the badges in her deep cleavage and begins to push out her chest. Miranda’s enormous breasts push forward and bulge outward from her tight top. The material in her top stretches almost to the bursting point and her nipples pop through the material. But what caught the officer’s attention is the sound of metal being crushed, for as her breasts push forward, the metal badges are compressed down to the thickness of a piece of tin foil. The excess metal is simply extruded out the top of her firm young cleavage.

Miranda relaxes her chest and quickly positions her hands on the officer’s chests. She slowly moves her hands down their bodies, taunting and teasing the officers as she proceeds. Down their chest, across their ribs, past their hips, and onto their legs her fingers meandered. And while she is searching their bodies with her hands, her massive breasts are sunk deep into the officers chests. Finally, Miranda brings her hands up the officers’ legs and places her hands directly over their pulsating cocks.

“Concealed weapons”, Miranda softly coos as she squeezes their cocks. “Now, I’m going to require a better inspection”, Miranda said as she uses her fingers to cut, tear, and rip open their trousers. Both officers are mesmerized and gasp for air as Miranda tears open their pants and pulls out their cocks. Miranda then backs up a step and looked down at the two officers cocks and said in a discussing voice, “Oh great, a fucking pea shooter and a toy pop gun, nothing that can possible harm me. But let me try to get them to shoot”.

So Miranda looks around and sees a section of steel guard rail protecting an embankment and walked over to the guard rail. Using her one hand, she placed her fingers under the steel rail and pulled upward and tore off a section of the steel guard rail like it’s a sheet of paper. She used both her hands to wad up the thick steel into a crumbled mass the size of a tennis ball and placed it deep into her cleavage. She then stared at the solid steel post that anchored the guard rail and grabbed it with her one hand. Her long fingers squeezed and crushed the steel post like it’s a soft wet sponge and with a simple lift, tore the steel post out of the ground. She took the steel post back to the two officers and said, “If you can get your cocks as long and hard as this post, I’ll consent to you fucking me”.

“What are you going to do with that solid piece of steel young girl”, asked one of the officers? Miranda wets her lips with her tongue as replied, “Give myself a lot more sexual pleasure than both of you could ever give to me”.

So Miranda scanned the area and observed a large rock over two meters in diameter close by and went over to the rock and sat down on it. She spread her long legs wide open and flexed her powerful thigh and calf muscles as she stared at both officers. And with absolute simplicity she used her hands to force the steel post into her hot pussy. Her hands crushed the metal post down to a reasonable diameter to start the entry into her body and after that, just the rocking her hips and a slight guide of her hands allow the steel post to enter her hot body.

Miranda relaxed and cooed soft sexual moans as the steel post disappeared inside her body. The broken and fractured bolts which once held the guard rail only added additional pleasure as they also teased her sexually. Miranda takes her time but it only requires less than a minute for her super body to consume the entire metal post. And when she finished with her play thing, she looks up at the two officers and realizes both men have shot their wads.

“Well, I guess those concealed weapons are now fully discharged and can hurt anyone. So I’m going back to my bus”, said Miranda. She then turned around and looked at the massive rock she was sitting on and smiled. She bends over at her waist, flaunted her firm ass at the two officers and spread her arm apart and clasped them around the massive rock. Her hands burrow into the granite stone and formed an excellent grip, and with a gentle lift, removed the rock from the ground. She lifted the five ton rock over her head with ease and actually looked bored with its weight.

She stares at the two officers and then at the remains of their vehicle and said to them, “Explain this you two assholes”, as she throws the massive rock at the remains of their vehicle. The rock flew to the vehicle at almost supersonic speeds, hit the vehicle and the massive oak tree and sent both sailing back into the deep woods.

Miranda walked to the two officers, grabbed both their cocks and said, “If I were you guys, I’d get an operation to get bigger weapon”.

The two officers looked back up but Miranda was gone. She used her incredible speed to leave the scene and travel back to the bus.

As Miranda appeared back at the OUT HOUSE and the bus, Scott sees her approaching and runs to her.

“What happened, how did you get back. Are you all right, Oh I’m I glad to see you? The bus is ready to leave”, said Scott. And Miranda looked at Scott and said, I’ll tell you when we get on the bus. So Scott and Miranda get on the bus and take their seat in the back. Scott being a gentleman, let Miranda in first and she took her seat. And as Scott entered the seat, he looked down into Miranda massive and heaving cleavage and shook his head as she saw the crushed metal ball wedge between her breasts. Miranda also looked down and said to herself, “How do I explain this”.

"What's the matter, Scott?" she blinked.

"Miranda? What IS that in you- I MEAN..." he flushed.

"What's what, Scott?" she was counting on his being a gentleman. She pretended to stretch her arms out in front of her. The dense lump of metal heated to nuclear tempratures. She smiled innocently at her friend. She enjoyed teasing him so.

"N-Nothing, Miranda. I was just wondering what happened. That's all"

"Aww!" She tensed her chest for a slight moment. "You were worried about me?"

"Y-Yeah. Of course." Scott tried not to look down her cleavage. He noticed that it became deeper for a moment. A deep glow faded between her mounds.

"Thank you, Scott! That's very sweet." She kissed his cheek. She hoped he wouldn't press the issue. Her chest tingled. She looked away and sighed as the last of the metal was pressed into nothing. It was a small feat now. Her strength had grown so great, she wasn't sure she had any limits anymore. She loved every second, however.

She'd kept it a secret for so long from the world. She desired so much to show the entire world. Maybe Scott could be a step in the right direction. She looked over at him.


"Yeah, Miranda?"

"I have something I want to tell you."

"What is it?" Scott asked nervously.

That's all folks..