HERE IS THE DISCLAIMER: DO NOT READ THIS IT WILL WARP YOUR MIND AND YOU MIGHT THINK ABOUT STRANGE THINGS YOU HAVE BIN WARNED!!!!!!!! SUSPEND REALITY AT THE DOOR!! HERE IS THE SECOND DISCLAIMER: DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU ARE OFFENDED BY BAD SPELLING OFFAL GRAMMAR AND JUST PLANE BAD USE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE--I WENT TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS THIS IS YOUR TAX $$$$$ AT WORK Martie Trashes The World It was a cool and clear night at central park. Some whare in the distance a clock chimed midnight. It's an old wives saying that if your out past midnight then your up to no good and, in central park at midnight especially tonight most every body out is up to nothing nice except for Martie whom is not up to any thing good or bad . The strangest person out this night is martie just ling on her back eyes closed just enjoying the nice cool night breeze and relative silence of the park with out a care in the world and, at this point she isn't up to any thing bad Across the street from the meadow that Martie is laying in is a small gang of 13 of New York cities dumbest,meanest and, Sadistic youths ranging in age from 12 to 20 all armed knives and/or guns of one sort or another. they are Walking there turf music blasting from there boom box, When one of them spots a lone figure (and what a figure at just over seven feet the best legs any whare connecting to hips that flare out and then in to a perfect wast and the wast lead to a nice athletic muscular stomach which is over shadowed by two of the most massive breast they each have the apparent mass of a large beach ball but sag just enough to each side and stretch the accompanying shirt to it limits to show that they are the most perfect breast on what appears to be the most perfect body, the face of this glorious woman's body is hidden behind the tremendous breast but to the young punks thinking (or lack of) her face must be as perfect as the rest of her and, How right he is, Siting atop the most perfect shoulders and neck is the head of this female sex goddess Her jet black wavy hair frames a face with the perfect ice blue eyes and the perfect button nose and magnificently red lips which can part in to a smile that can cause any man to go week in the knees or, her lips can form the most horrifyingly savage snarl on the face of the earth. The dumb young street punks signals the rest of the gang that there is somebody on there turf and, once they see the this that this woman is lying in the middle of the meadow which is far enough away that to martie the sound from this overly loud group is only back ground noise in nights crisp air. They surge forward in an unruly pack. Now if any of these dumb punks every watched the news they would be running in the opposite direction as or possibly faster than there legs could carry them for as quite a few(the first estimates are in the hundreds thousand, yup!) have found out Martie is not the "chick" you want to piss off. You see three days ago martie transformed from the ugly chubby week Martha whom did not have a very nice childhood in he small southern town she grown up in to, the fabu and unstoppable uber babe martie whom destroyed and killed almost half of the eight thousand population of the sleepy town of smith, Georgia and a good portion of the Georgia state police, national gard and, federal military that tried to stop her using every thing short of weapons of mass destruction on her (and there own population too)and, all they did was to mess up her hair and, giver her the best organism she ever had during which she destroyed over 15 acers of state park, Including a small camp ground which was only half full, oh yea the ranger satin for the poor park was in her pleasure zone. during the confusion of martie's rampage she literally jumped right out of there with out any one the wise and nearly launched herself in to outer space thankfully (for her, not us)or paris) she landed right on the Eiffel tower the impact of her landing was so tremendous that for 5 miles around the Eiffel tower every thing was destroyed in a huge crater and paris was nearly totally levelled by the resulting earthquakes and martie walked out of the resulting destruction only to have another super powerful orgasm as she surveyed the destruction she caused then after she got her self composed she test jumped around europe causing mini spots of destruction hundreds if not thousands of miles apart in only a mater of fifteen minuets because by then she figured out how to jump about in smaller leaps and also how to land with out causing earthquakes that levelled the resulting country side. She ended up in spain by the cost with out causing any destruction what soever (and in her jumping practic she totally lost any one trying to track her) and not being the least bit worn out from the past few hours decided to take a swim and swam right back to the good ole U.S of A. with out causing to many tidal waves , anyway martie has ended up unnoticed in New York city and is just trying to absorb what has happened to her with out casing any catastrophic damage. Because you realize deep down martie is a sweet girl of seventeen who as she thinks about it now, is very uncomfortable being one of the biggest if not the biggest mass murderess in the history of the human race. And that is how martie has come to rest in the middle of a meadow in central park. Well once agen back to the approaching gang. Martie is so lost in her thoughts that you could drop mount everest peak first on her head and she would'nt even notice it. Duke the the leader of the gang is the first of the 13 to reach Martie and, he stops dead in his tracks once he is near enough to see martie's whole figure he stands stunned by her raw physical beauty. The rest of the gang falls all over each other trying to get a good look at the supper sex goddess laying on the ground before them, they stand just staring for 5 minuets in silences just staring at the unearthly beauty. duke is the first to come to his senses and decides to have some fun and pulls out his trusty switch blade. the others in the gang are now starting to focus on reality now that duke is moving towards the incredible babe. Lucas the youngest member of the gang and Dukes little brother whom is just 12 shouts to duke "yo man I found her You Should let me go first" and duke in a fit of benevolences Thinks and says "ok your first time should be special any way and you can't get much more special then this babe." Lucas can't belive his incredible luck as he moves toward her Duck stops lucks and hands him his switch blade "just in case the bicth wakes with a start gets wiled threaten her with this." lucas snatches the blade and nearly trips over his feet to get to her. Lucas is a young breast fiend and he is in breast heaven. He grabs to hands full of all ready straining shirt fabric and with a mighty tug the shirt burst apart and Marties two titanic breast burst forth lucas cant even get both arms around one massive tit, the rest of the gang is cheering him on hooting and hollering, finally he gets the massive breast under control and pulls the thumb size nipple in to his mouth he sets his tung to work slobbering all over the giant mound of flesh, Then he feels her body start to respond and he nipple starts to swell in hi mouth. As all this is happening Martie is deep in a coma like trance(she has always been a deep sleeper)because wile her body might never need to rest agen her brain is another story and she needs to rest her mind every few days or so. and now she is having a very erotic dream that Brad Bitts is fondling her giant tits, slowly her consciences replaces her sleeping mind and she notices brad has an odd New York accent and all his friends are watching. Full consciences slams into Marties mind and the first thought is that Brad is not ding a bad job on her tit as she slowly arches her back and opens her eyes and sees a small teenager slobbering on her right breast. Martie snaps into a siting position so fast and hard that lucas does'nt get thrown off but, his body gets bent in the wrong direction and he is now for the few remanning seconds of his life looking at his heals and, most of his abdomen is compressed with so much presser between her mammoth breast and her lap (as martie unctuously flexes muscles in surprise) that his abdomen is completely vaporized and then the blood rushes out from his whats left of lucas's mangled remains. Martie slowly get up to standing position and lightly kicks lucas%27s remains away from her but, her light kick hits the body so hard that it splatters in a fine mist of goo and gore all over the twelve remanning gang members. Now all of the gangers are stunned because one just by siting up this huge woman crushed a person like a bug and, two she is better than there best fantasy imaginable. Now Martie was never a happy rizer and, being fondled and oggeld by a group of total strangers doesn't help her mood (i mean she is sill upset about kill all those people in Paris. She really didn't care about her home town they were all assholes anyways). Now Duke is starting to realise that his little bro has been killed be this huge sex goddess. Duke pulls his trusty tec-9 out and unloads the 32 round mag at her. The thunderous sound of the gun snaps most of the others out of there daze and they follow Dukes action and arm them selves with the various weapons they have on them. The spray of 9mm rounds hits Martie in her impressive chest. to her I feels like a very light mist, Which gets her even more aroused then she is from lucas's earlier tit sucking, Now she needs to finish what was started, Martie stands arrow strait and gives the rest of the gang the most inviting sexiest smile she can Which, as she sees has the desired effect all of the gangers except three of them look all most stunned by her shear presence and beauty. the three who are not affected are Duke, Durell and, Jeff. Duke is to upset about his little bro to be affected much and, well Durell and Jeff butter there bread on the wrong side (if ya know what I mean). Martie in her best come hither voice look right at the bilgiest goon and says in her sweet southern accent "hello big fell whats your name" he responds "Cooldawg baby" "Mmmmm that sounds nice, ya want ta mess around some Cooooldawg" Cooldawg doesn't even answer he almost runs right into marties open and inviting arms. now Cooldawg is not a small man at 20yr old he is six foot five and 280lbs and built like a brick shit house but compared to marties height of seven foot two he looks like a chubby preteen. he only comes up to her chin but he does get a look at the ultimate valley of flesh on the planet. her breast look like two over stuffed industrial sacks of flour but they sit ever so pert,so soft and perfect in a teerdrop shape on her athletic body. Martie welcomes him in to her arms scops him up and kisses him ever so gently. Unfortunately for Cooldawg Martie's genital kiss crushes his lip into his teeth which shatter and further brakes hi entire mouth and nose the force of her kiss keeps Cooldawg from ever making a sound. Cooldawg doesn't know what hit him as she picked him up he feeles his breath knocked from him then he put his mouth over the most perfect rose red lips and tried to give her a savage kiss but what happen was that the suction from Martie was so grate that he couldn't even scream as his face was pulverised by Martie gentile kiss. Martie's hand lithely slid down his back his entire body was flatten in to a blood film. Meanwhile Duke was reloading his gun while Durell and Jeff got there lead pipes out and started to beat Martie on the back. It felt to Martie as if some one was tickling vary lightly on her back which only served to excite her more and get her hot and wet. Martie turned around to the left to see who was trickling her, Her massive breast slammed it to Durell hitting him in the upper chest and head shattering his week body as if it were not even there and, launched his broken body across the meadow and into a large out cropping of large rocks to be smeared into gory putty. Jeff could not take seeing his lover utterly killed by this massive tower of feminine power he charged her using his lead pipe as a lance and ran striate at her, the pipe rammed Martie right in her hot wet cunt but, it did not penetrate but a wave of pleaser shot through Martie her hand reached out and grabbed jeffs hand around the bar mangiling flesh bone and lead the she opened her hot pussie up to except the led pipe a small jet of of supper hot steam escaped scorching jeffs upper thighs. he let out a horrific scream as his clothes,skin,muscle and, bone melted like an ice cube in a volcano, only it melted faster. now duke had reloaded his gun and was ready to kill this woman, As he got he in his sights he noticed the body of the grizzle remains of jeff and, Durell was no where to be seen. The rest of the gang was staring dumbly at the larger than life hyper sex goddess who had just killed three people like they were bug. Duke got over his shock over seeing two more friends killed and. Shot Three quick shots at Martie all of them hitting Martie right in the face, Needless to say this really didn't bother her much except for the noise and the bright flash as the bullet made sparks from bouncing of her eyes and, It ruined the moment for Martie. This pissed her off because she was getting very aroused. Just then Duke gave a war cry "ARRRRGGGggg KILL THAT BICTH" and the rest of the gang snapped out of there trance like state and moved forward to attack Martie withe guns and knives. the ten remaining punks surrounded Her with duke facing Martie. Now Martie was fully awake and the absurdity of the situation hit Her, She has wiped out a small town and nearly wiped out Paris and caused cataclysmic damage all over the world, And these stupid punks were going to try to kill her didn't they see how she just wiped out the other three maggots. Martie chuckled softly to her self an Duke and the others levelled there guns at he and opened up on Her. Bullets sprayed Martie all over her body. It felt to Martie as if a lite breeze ticketed her body all over, all at once it felt so goooood to he that she started to get very aroused very fast. The bullets that hit Marie flathead and bounced off her and right in to the gang members four of them died and three were wounded in the hail of bouncing and ricocheting bullets. When the light but noiseiy breeze stopped Martie stopped and looked around and surveyed the situation. Some how the dead and wounded lay behind her the three left untouched were Duke standing directly in front of her an two others on earthier side of her just with in arms reach. Martie reached out a grabbed the two young goons at her side handilng them as if they were filled with helium. She had them by the back of there shirts right in front of her. Duke was to awstruck to move, So he just stood there as this sex goddess singel handedly crushed his gang with out even seeming to try. As Martie helled her two little captives she was wondering what to do with them one wasn't half bad the other looked like a tall(6'5") skinny ugly dirty sinky troll. So Martie gently tossed him up in the air, He gently got tossed fifty feet in the air and came rushing down to the earth to scared to scream, just as he thought he was going to hit the ground a powerful wind picked up and the next thing he knew he was being blown up in to the sky like a insignificant dust ball only once he got up ten thousand feet he started to lose consciousness and freeze at twenty thousand feet he started to descend and the friction started to wake him up then he noticed that a jumbojet was coming right at him he started to flap his arms and scream the pilot tried to avoid him but, the lone person was such shock the pilot did not react quick enough and trollboy got sucked in to a jet engine. Which caused the plane to crash killing everybody on board. Now Martie had Marvin by the back of the shirt and as she was quite horny she decided to finish the job she lay down on the soft (to Her) Ground right on top one of the wounded men with a wet crunch of bones his cries were silenced. She then placed marvin against her massive breast (Which only one was as big as his torso) with his legs strataling her neck. Seeing his bulging crotch using only her lip being extremely careful She pealed his pants right off him. Marvin was stunned this giant sex goddess just ripped off his leather pantes with her lips and preceded to give him the absolute best blowjob of his life. Martie started to inhale and exhale so rapidly that Marvin cummed five times in rapid successon then she very gently spit him out sending him twenty feet and knocking him out cold. but Martie was not satisfied and Duck was still just standing there slack jawed martie got up gave Duke her best sexiest smile and motioned him to come, Duke was enthralled. After seeing this supper voluptuous ultra hot sex goddess (words cant describe her) smile and beckon him he forgot all about his gang. Duke had a raging hard on and martie wanted him in side her now so, She kelt down so she could rip dukes clothes off (Duke was surprised at how easy she seamed to rip his clothes like it was a wet napkin)and, then duke stood necked in front of this goddess and she put her hands on His ass an as she lie back she pulled duke down on top of her. Martie tried to calm he self down she did not want to get her self to hot and fry him, get to excited and crush him or, get to wiled and buck him into space. So she to deep breathes and softened her self so He could penetrate her and he started pumping Martie tried to stay calm (honest), But She couldn't resist she need him to go faster so just using her cunt she pushed and puled Duke in her at about twenty times a second felling her orgasm mount she needed Duke to in her deeper so uising just a little force she pushed Duke in deeper now she could feel her sexual furry start to peek just a little more she felt Duke go so deep then an orgasm more power than a nuclear warhead Martie let out a mown that shatter every thing within three blocks of Central park. Duke died long before bring gently stuffed in to Marties pussie then compressed by her hand and vagina in to nothingness. After this martie calmed down and took in the devastation and Quickly had another orgasm destroying any thing that was left standing or living. Further Martie she came to the conclusion that she did not care if she killed any more people. Who is gona stop her. NOT THE END