From Martha To Martie OR The Beginning Of The End! By Z-Man This is the customary disclaimer: Do Not read this if you are offended or get upset by,(1) violence, sex, and super powerful women who can do whatever they want to whom ever they want or, (2)awful spelling, Gross misuse of grammar and, just plane bad English. Remember you have bin warned if any of this applies to you do not read the following. Do not e-mail me with any complaints about how rotten my use of (or lack of use) the english language is, Instead e-mail your congress man (or what ever you have if you don't live in the U.S.A.) and tell him or her how the current education system sucks and your plans to change it. and if none of this bothers you then read on Martha....... Martha was in her room thinking about why her life sucked? her name MARTHA she hated it. It sounded frumpy sort of like her, Which leads her to point number two her body it was as shapeless and,Pudgy in all the wrong places. Number three she wasn't even smart, all she ever got in school was "c's". Why couldn't She be like her Mom when she was alive She was so beautiful but, She died when Martha was only two years old. Her friends or lack of them, It was the middle of her senior year and ALL of her friends had stopped talking to Her. Why? well her former best friend Gina or, The human stick at 5'10" She was all arms and legs but She had a growth spurt(or a fill out spurt) over summer vacation and now was not a human stick any more she looked better then a super model. Gina was all ways a tom boy in to every sport imaginable and even weight training so when she filled out she was impressive, In fact she became so popular that that she would go weeks with out even calling Martha and, She started siting at the popular table at school, Leaving Martha to sit in there favorite spot at lunch time alone, But yesterday day was the the worst no EVIL day Martha's former best friend started picking on her in the gym locker room, Flaunting her perfect body, Gina was 5" taller then Martha and Gina used her height to good effect on Martha towering over her pushing her 38E breast in Martha's face saying "god my tits are so big compared to yours, oh those bump on your chest are just nipples" giggling she glanced over to her popular friends who were laughing then she went on bending at the waist running her hands down her smooth well shaped and defined legs said "oh my, my hips come up to your belly and look at your rippling fat legs next to mine you know I was contacted by a play boy photograph who saw me in the mall, And he said my leg were the best he had ever scene and, Compared to yours they are" now the other girls in the locker room were laughing and taunting her them selves this went on as Gina next compared faces with Martha Gina compared her unbelievably perfect skin so smooth and tan, Her full plush red lip and, her deep crystal blue eyes, "next to the greasy pizza of a face" as one of the laugh girls exclaimed to every body. This went on for another 10 minuets until the Mrs. Trebell came in wondering why they were not in the gym. The rest of the class went by in a dark haze for Martha because every chance Gina to show off or make Martha fell small She took. By the end of gym Martha was almost in tears But she still had to change in the locker room back to her normal clothes. Martha tried to slip in the locker room a few minuets a head of time so she would not have to deal with Her former friend. Just as Martha was buttoning her pants She could here the door opining to the locker room and here the voice of Gina and the others coming in, And a felling of dread came over Her. Gina rounded the locker bank and saw Martha with her shirt over her head, Reached out and grabbed it from Martha's unsuspecting hands then Gina and Her friends played keep away until Gina decided to flush Martha's shirt down the toilet. All the girls were laugh so loudly that they could not here Martha crying. Martha had had enough, She tolled her self that she was never going to be picked on agen so, She turned to face Her tormenter and took a swing at Gina but, Gina who was in top shape easily dodged the clumsy blow and stuck Martha back with a blow that hit Martha right in the nose braking it with a loud crack, knocking Martha to the ground and when she hit Her head on the hard tile floor she lost conciseness. All the girls watched as Martha hit the floor, Some gasped when they saw how hard Martha hit the floor but after a minutes inspection they noticed she was breathing then one of them wanted to know what they should do of course they all were looking to Gina to decide so, She said "leave he if any one misses her I'll be superseded" and then She started giggling, Then she started to to take her gym clothes off so she could take a shower. Gina loved this part of the day because She got to strip naked in front of the other girls and show off her body to them and with out Martha thar to taunt she decided to pick on all of the girls, Smiling to Her self She thought how much She loved having the most beautiful, sex, hot and best of all, the most Powerful body in the school. Martha was not shore whare she was, The last She remember was the gym room and she tried to defend Her self. Ohhh what had she done she was going to be tormented for ever, She started to sob. As She was sobbing She failed to notice that Her voice was changing and She had Her eyes closed or she would have noticed that her feet were moving/GROWING off the bed. Then Martha in a fit of rage and frustration slammed he fist down on the bed. The bed made a loud wrenching sound and fell apart dropping Martha to the floor. Martha stood up just as nurse Bitters came in the small room used to let sick students rest, The nurse was a big woman at over six feet tall most people the first time seeing he thought she was a ugly man or even a troll and She was not a nice lady and, all ways liked to bully the students (except for the popular ones) so when nurse Bitters came in the room Martha tensed up, A strange warm sensation came over her body starting with her head and moving down Martha's body, It was so intense that She almost forgot a bout the nurse, Who now was yelling something at Martha. After the felling went away Martha could Hear the nurse yelling at Martha "You fat little bicth look what you did, I tolled your daddy to stop feeding you, God damn it girl are you listening to me?" The nurse who was looking at the bed was in front of Martha didn't even notice that Martha was now a full head taller then her and much bigger all a round Martha was staring in a mirror that was in the corner of the small room and she couldn't belive what she saw. There staring back at her in the mirror was a totally deferent person and that person was totally BEAUTIFUL, a sex goddess her most amazing assets were Her tremendous breast easily the biggest she had ever scene they were the size of over inflated beach balls but they were in the perfect tear drop shape, they must of stuck out over two feet from her chest and hung down below her rib cage and her nipples were the size of thumbs and, The areola was at least the size of a 9inch paper plate. Then she noticed the rest of Her Magnificent body Her legs were sooo long and shapely with just the right hint of mussel they seemed to go on for ever up to her hips which flared out into the ultimate of buns and hips she turned to look at he buns and saw that thar was no ripple of fat on Her two cheeks She thought that She could crack a walnut Between them (oh just wait till She finds out just what She can crack with them) Her hip were were and so shapely in part because the turned in to a very tight and skinny (on Her body) waist, and Her stomach was so flat and tight Martha was Smiling to her self because, If this was a dream She never wanted to wake up but, Something in Her felt like this was no dream and, as She looked at the body in the mirror again she was drawn to Her? (it was just starting to sink in that this uber baby was her) Tremendous tits, now She held her arms out in fount of Her to inspect them and just as the rest of her had changed so did Her arms they were longer and even shapely with just that hint of muscle and Her hands were just as gorgeous with her fingers even looking sexy her finger nails were at least an inch long and looked as if they had just had a manicure. And now Martha looks at Her Face and is stunned by what She sees it is the most beautiful, sexy and, Just plane hot face that She has ever scene on any other woman that she has ever scene her lips are so red, full and, shaped so perfect that Martha smiles and is almost bolled over by the beauty of Her smile. Her teeth are perfectly strait and so white. And Her nose is just right for her mouth, Just the right size and shape. Then She comes to Her eyes and all most gets lost they are such a deep rich brown and in a perfect almond shape with long eye lashes and eye brows that arch just ever so delicately over the most perfect face the world has ever scene. Her hair spills over her back like a grate brown water fall Her hair is so thick and lustrous and wavy that it looks like it could trap someone in it and it hangs down past Martha's waist. Now as Martha is taking in her new Her new Look, Nurse Bitters had turned around and saw this huge necked woman facing the mirror so the Nurse picked up a broom that was lying in the corner an stated to yell "YOU PERVERT GET SONE CLOTHES ON AND, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH LITTLE MARTIE!!!!"and started to beat the woman with the broom. The yelling snapped martha out of her daze Martha felt Something crawling up he back and tried to brush it of but her tremendous breast was in the way so turned around to see why the nurse was yelling at her. As She turned around out of the corner of her eye She saw Something coming at her head and brought her hand up to block it when it hit her arm Martha was expecting pain but it was just a little tickling sensation like the Nurse was using a feather. The Nurse puled back to swing agene but this time Martha raised Her arm to Knock the broom aside. Only she didn't just knock it aside She Hit the broom near the base and with such force that the broom handel shattered in to a thousand peaces and, The head of the broom being made out of steel got knocked right through the wall and into the woods, making a one foot hole in the wall six feet up. The shock of the blow knocked Nurse Bitters on to the floor and in to the corner. Martha stood over the now frightened Nurse as Nurse Bitters mumbled "wh-who are you?" Martha smiled to Her self more than to the scared Nurse Bitters and said in a deep throaty (like Kathleen turners voice) "well I ain't LITTLE MARTIE any more" Nurse Bitters looked confused for a second then She under stood saying "Oh my god y-y-y-YOUR MARTIE" than passed out. Martie smiled and laughed to her self (and realized just how sexy her voice was). Walking towards the closet in the small room she wanted to fined some clothes (being a good and modist southern bread girl She did want to cover her self up some what) She opened the door only when she grabbed the doorknob she herd a scrunching sound and then the doorknob felt like it wasn't even there, Now this confused Martie as she raised her hand to her face to see what she was holding, It looked like a molten lump of mettle, Martie giggled to her self (which now was more of a throaty chuckle) as she now was beginning to under stand what was going on once agen a broad smile split Marties face as testing Her theory She put her hand on the door and not even meaning to Her hand went right Through it like it wasn't even there, Wow thought Martie and now she tried to be even more careful using both hands she ever so lightly griped the door by the door frame on the wall and gently pulled on it, Immediately the cinder block and metal wall and door made a crunching and screeching noise as the whole door and frame was riped free of the wall. Martie was standing holding a door&doorframe which she was all most positive should weigh a lot She further tested her theory by folding and crumpling toe door until it fit in the palm of her hand laughing she then closed her hand as tight as she could and to Her surprise Her fingers met her palm with no resistance at all. Now remembering why She was going in the closet she looked for some type of clothing, In the closet she saw some clothing it all looked like it was for Nurse Bitters so Martie thought that just maybe Something might come close to fitting her being as careful as she could Martie rifled through the closet of clothe until She found a pair of jeans agen being very careful She tried not to crunch the delicate (in Her hands every thing is delict) fabric she slid on the jeans but at about the knee her foot and leg would not fit, so thinking for a moment she folded the jeans in half and riped the legs right off the pants turning it in to a very short shorts which she slipped into only to find that around the hips it was far to tight and the side seams split right up to the waist band and then the waist was to big in fact to keep the pants on Martie had to tie the waist in a knot which was no easy feat for Her and in the end She just gently squashed the waist until it fused together. Now for a shirt Martie looked down at her chest and thought this is going to be very long search once agen She started to go through the closet of clotes until She came to an over size red sweat shirt which the arms she knew wold be to short so She plucked the effortlessly off and then slipped the shirt on over Her head, Now on an other person the shirt would be a Huge room for two but, On Martie it was the size of a baby tee-shirt in fact the sweat shirt riped right down the middle exposing a tremendous am amount of cleavage and also a long the side under the arms exposing some of the sides of he big breast. Now thought Martie this is much better she moved to the mirror to get a look at Her self and still could not belive it was Her in the mirror a supper hot sex goddess was staring back just barely contained in her clothing as she turned to leave she remember about Nurse Bitters and glanced over in the opposite corner only to see that she was gone, So Martie wasn't sure what to do but she did know that Gina was gon'a regret the this day!! Glancing at the clock Martie saw that it was now lunch time, Gina would now just be getting Her lunch from the lunch lady. Martie started to walk out of the room She heard a loud crunching sound, Turning around she saw that Her breast were wider than the doorway and Her tits had smashed through the wall. Martie was giddy with power, She was so excited with her power, Her nipples were getting bigger and harder, her pussy was getting warm and wet too. Martie felt a warm felling in the pit of her stomach, It was the felling of supreme power! Martie looked at the door in the nurses office and started to reach for the doorknob but stopped, reaching out with both hands, one above the other, She puled the door off its hinges and crumpled the heavy metal door like sheet of note book paper and dropped the remands of the door behind her like a discarded soda can. once agen Martie was faced with the problem that the doorway wasn't wide enough for her huge breast to fit through, This time She just walked right through the door way, As She walked through it She heard the cement crack and crumble, But amazingly felt no resistance what so ever, The wall didn't even dimple Her flesh at all but, It did cause her all ready over taxed shirt to rip some more down the front revealing about a inch of Her areola on the top and along the insides of Her breast. Nurse Bitters head throbbed, Why was She on the floor then She remembered, Opining her eyes She saw the girl/Martie? and, It all came back to Her then She remembered the girl's/Martie's strength and power, Why Martie only hit the broom and the force of that blow not only Knocked the Broom out of the Nurse's hands but sent her flying into the corner of the room , And sent part of the broom through the cinder block wall. Nurse Bitters took a good look at The tall beautiful girl, The girl was to busy looking at her self in the mirror to notice that Nurse Bitters was up. As Quietly as She could the Nurse got up out of the room and ram to the office as fast as Her stout leg could carrie Her. As soon as She made it to the office She nearly fell apart ranting about a super powerful girl. Nurse Bitters finally calmed down when the principal tolled one of the secretaries to call the police (But the Nurse did'nt see Mr. Skinner wink at the Ms. Morton so She would'nt call the police) Mr.Skinner picked up his trusty paddle and headed of to the nurses office which was just down the hall across from the auditorium. As He rounded the corner out of the office he heard a loud crashing sound and, the door to the nurse's office seamed to buckle outwards and then the wall collapsed and two of the BIGGEST breast followed by the most beautiful woman He had ever scene. Mr.Skinner mumbled to him self "Damn she wasn't lying" As Martie walked through the wall She turned to to the left to head towards the lunch commons, She saw Mr.Skinner standing there with his paddle. Mr.Skinner acting on reflex alone looked at Martie and said "What is the meaning of this young lady" and heald the paddle in a threating position. Martie smiled to her self and decided right then and there that She had had enough Mr.Skin (as he was called by the student body because He at one time was vary fat but had lost most all of the excess weight and now had a lot of excess skin hanging from his bones) should be waving that thing in Gina's face NOT HERS! Martie said "What are you go'na do about it Skin Bag." Mr.Skinner said "Ok young lady your coming with me" and He walked over to where Martie stood and was about to grab Her arm when He heard Her laugh looking up all He could see were two of the biggest tits he had ever saw in His life, He couldn't see Martie's face, He was not what was considered a short man at 5'11" but he couldn't see her face right now because her tits were so big and she was at least a foot taller then him self. Martie was eating this up, So She bent over to see where Mr.Skin was and accidentally knocked Him on the head and knocking him to the floor, Martie didn't even feel him hit Her chest she only heard him hit the ground in a crumpled heap. Stepping back and looking down Martie saw Mr.Skinner knocked out laying on the hallway floor. Martie was not sure how Mr.Skinner got knocked out until She saw the big red mark on his forehead, Then She realised that She had knocked him on the head with Her spectacular tits. Mr.Sinner lay on the ground unconscious his paddle was laying next to him. Martie bent down to get the paddle being very careful to TRY and not crush the paddle into oblivion She laid the Her left hand down on the tile floor palm up and gently pushed down on the floor, The floor was no match for Marties power it didn't even offer any resistants to Marties hand as she slid Her hand through the tile and concrete floor and then slid her hand under the paddle, Gently gripping it being mindful to pay attention not to crush it. Paying as close attention as She was Martie did engrave/press Her finger prints into the base of the paddle just by holding the paddle in her lightest grip. Martie not wanting to wait another minute to find gina stepped over Mr.Skin's unconscious body And, Proceeded to the lunch commons to find Gina.