A New Heroine in Town by Zip_Q, zip_q@yahoo.com Chapter 1 Supergirl was patrolling the skies of Metropolis, on the lookout for signs of disturbance. Her cousin, Superman was still in intensive care, his back broken and body beaten, by a mystery assailant. Superman had not regained consciousness since he was discovered a week ago in a coma. The doctors believed he was in some sort of Kryptonian regenerative coma, whilst his super healing struggled to repair the massive damage inflicted on his body. So Supergirl had taken up his mantle as protector of Metropolis, until he recovered. She was concerned, anyone who could do that much damage to Superman, was a threat indeed. Could Doomsday have returned? Not that she was worried about her own safety, mind. Unlike her cousin, Kara had long ago abandoned the pretence of a secret identity; she no longer felt it wise to try to blend in with the humanity. This decision had allowed her the freedom to train her Kryptonian body to its maximum potential. Ever since her cousin had died the first time when fighting Doomsday, she was determined to be fully prepared, come what may. Through a strict and demanding training regime, which involved strength training under the influence of an artificial red sun, in the Fortress of Solitude, combined with extended stays under the intense gravity of Jupiter, and extended exposure to the rays of the yellow Sun of Earth within the corona itself, she had transformed her body. Before, she had looked no different than any healthy athletic girl of 18, people seeing her in the street, might have mistaken her for a swimsuit or fitness model. No more! Supergirl now stood 6’1” in her boots, in reaction to her training regime; her body had developed extreme musculature. She was as large as a heavyweight female body builder. Whilst she had little body fat in most places, unlike many female body builders, her breasts had more than maintained their previously impressive size. They were truly massive, and stood out proudly with no sagging from her muscular chest. With her biceps measuring a massive 20” when fully pumped, she struck fear into any villain. She now truly dwarfed her cousin, both in size and strength. The last time they had arm wrestled, he hadn’t been even able to move her arm a millimetre, even with both of his arms combined, and she’d become even stronger since then. Supergirl used both her x-ray vision and super hearing to scan the area for any signs of trouble. As she was about to turn in for the night, she overheard a radio transmission from a nearby aeroplane. The plane was calling in a mayday, something about engine trouble. She scanned the sky to locate the aeroplane there it was, clearly in trouble with one engine on fire. She flew towards it a maximum acceleration. Just as she got close, she was buffeted aside by the force of a sonic boom. Something was heading for the plane. Supergirl used her x- ray vision to see what was going on. To her astonishment, she saw another super hero one she did not recognise, fly towards the plane, grab it by the wing and fuselage and guide it safely to the ground. The hero’s costume seemed to be a dark parody of hers, where Supergirl wore red; this hero had black, eecept for a large flowing red cape that obscured most of his form. But even at this distance, Supergirl could tell the unknown hero was huge, much bigger than Superman, probably as big as Supergirl herself. Supergirl watched in the distance as the plane safely landed. A huge crowd of reporters met the hero. Who clamoured after the identity of the new hero. Supergirl was surprised, when she heard the reply – Power Woman! Supergirl did a double take, what she had taken for massive pectoral muscles at a distance were actually huge breasts. Supergirl examined the other heroine again; She had a physique equally as impressive and huge as Supergirl herself, combined with long golden hair, and generous lips. She and Supergirl could have been sisters. Emblazoned across her black chest was a large red ‘P’ distorted by her massive breasts, that pushed out proudly against the material of the costume. Supergirl did a double take, Power Woman’s breasts were even larger than her own. "Impossible," she thought. "They must be fake! Even if she is super strong, she can’t have a body that good." Just then, finished with her interview, Power Woman flew off. Supergirl decided to follow; she had to find out more about this woman, this Power Woman. Supergirl followed Power Woman to an abandoned warehouse near the docks. She waited until Power Woman entered, then followed her inside. “Ah, Supergirl, I was wondering when you’d show,” said Power Woman as she entered. “Come to see for your self have you?” She smiled. “Oh by the way, how is Superman doing? Last time I saw him he was looking a bit worse for wear. “What!” Gasped Supergirl, “You know what happened to Superman?” “Know…! I CAUSED what happened to him,“ she laughed. “Oh! Don’t get concerned – it was an accident. You see Superman and I met last week, whilst rescuing a stricken oil tanker. It was obvious immediately that he was infatuated with me. Afterwards we had a brief tussle, and he pleaded with me to have sex with him. “I warned him of the possible consequences of such intimate contact… but he insisted that his invulnerability was powerful enough to protect him. He’d just had his third orgasm, and was nearly spent, when it happened. I was distracted by the pleasure he was creating, and foolishly believed him when he said he was completely invulnerable so I let my self-go with an unrestrained orgasm. I had no idea that the pressure on his spine would be too great – it snapped. Then it got worse, shocked by what I had accidentally done, I relaxed by flying power a moment, and my breasts, crushed his ribs as well. Seeing he was in a critical state, I flew him to the medical facility at Star Labs. I didn’t hang around for any questions; it would have been too embarrassing for him. “He was still conscious as I flew him to the lab. He told me, that it was the best fuck he’d ever had in his life, and it was definitely worth the pain!” “You’re telling me, that your orgasm put Superman in a coma!” exclaimed Supergirl. “Sorry, that’s too bizarre to be true. Besides, I happen to know Superman is a married man!” “Believe what you want, Supergirl! Just don’t get in my way, and we’ll get along fine. Start trying to interfere with the way I fight crime, and you’ll find yourself in the bed next to your Cousin.” Despite the menace of her words, Power Woman said the last with a smile. “That sounds a lot like a threat to me,” warned Supergirl. “Just a statement of fact,” replied Power Woman. “Superman was no match for me, it follows that, as his cousin, you will be equally outclassed.” “If you think a few taunts, are going to make me start a fight with, you, think again.” “Oh well! Looks as if you need a reason to fight. What if I said, that I know how to heal Superman?” “What? How?” “Fight me – if you win I’ll tell you” ...to be continued in Chapter 2.