Beyond Ultimate Seeing how close the poll results were for this contest, I’ve tried to work all 4 options into this story – focusing on the winner. I’ve invented a hero for this story because I think it’s fairly easy to find Super Lois, Super Lana and Betty Ross Hulk stories – and it gives me a little more freedom. Sarah clicked off the Television set, frustrated with the news, more coverage of “Ultimate Man”. He’d shown up on the scene about 2 years ago – and the media had made him it’s cover story ever since. Sure, he was impressive: strong enough to move mountains, faster than sound, smarter than Einstein and all that other crap they’d managed to quantify in those tests they’d put him through last year when he’d finally consented to an interview. Of course, he was quite the humanitarian too – so the people loved him for that. Unlike the comic books, there were no Supervillains for the Superhero to fight, so he just went around righting injustice, and averting tragedies and other such nonsense. It was ridiculous. Sarah couldn’t believe anyone with as much power as “Ultimate Man” had would bother helping people with it. She was sure the only person more frustrated by “Ultimate Man” was her boyfriend Greg. Ever since “Ultimate Man” had shown up Greg couldn’t stick around long enough to watch live footage of disasters on Television – something which had been Sarah’s favorite past time long ago. Nope, as soon as it came on, he fled the room. She couldn’t blame him – she knew it was just a matter of time before “Ultimate Man” was on the scene again. Moments after the TV was off, Greg was coming back out of the bathroom. “That little scene ended?” he asked. “Yep.” Sarah replied, “Ultimate Man saves the day again.” As usual, though she didn’t realize it – her sarcasm was lost on Greg. Greg was a big fan of “Ultimate Man”. He had to be. He was “Ultimate Man”. He was dating Sarah because he thought she was a genuinely good person. That – and she was a physical match for Greg. As his alter ego “Ultimate Man”, Greg was 7’ of power, but as Greg Ringer, he was 5’4” of scrawny. He always joked that he was wiry. Sarah was 5’ even, and nothing much to look at. No breasts to speak of – in fact, her shape bore a strong resemblance to Greg’s. The two had been a couple on and off for the last 2 years – ever since Greg had come to this town. Tonight had been planned special. It was Valentines and it was going to be the first time the two had sex. And not just the first time with each other – both were virgins up till tonight. Greg was glad that saving the people from the earthquake hadn’t taken long and spoiled the evening. After a romantic meal, the two retreated into Sarah’s room, where they began the act. Greg’s excitement built quickly while Sarah experienced her first time as more painful than pleasurable. Until, Greg’s arousal triggered his transformation. Sarah’s mouth dropped open as muscle began forming all over Greg’s body – dense, superhuman muscle. As it developed his small body began growing taller – and other parts grew as well. Sarah felt as if she was going to be ripped apart by the massive member inside her, tearing her mind away from the shock that her boyfriend was “Ultimate Man”, the man she reviled. Greg, meanwhile, was oblivious. The added tightness increased his pleasure and in moments he was in the throes of an orgasm, cumming into Sarah. Sarah felt as if she was almost being shot off Greg. If it weren’t for how tightly his member was in her, she might have been. She couldn’t believe the pain she was experiencing. Suddenly the pain left, replaced by a heat starting at her pussy and spreading rapidly through her body. She was suddenly possessed of sexual pleasure, and began humping Greg’s massive cock like crazy, even as both it, and Greg, began to dwindle. The heat flowing through her seemed to focus in her muscles and her breasts and it grew hotter still, driving her to even greater pleasure. She could feel her body begin to change. Non existent breasts began developing into A cups. Scrawny legs began to fill with toned muscle and grow longer. Toothpick arms filled with pleasing strength. Her unkempt hair flowed out with new body and down her back. When she recovered she looked down at Greg – asleep from exhaustion and seeming oddly small. Sliding off of him she made her way to her mirror and stared stunned at her reflection – as it was capped off by a pair of large firm breasts. The 6’ top of the mirror revealed nothing beyond the top of her remarkable pair of tits. She followed her remarkable curves down past her slender waist, out over her hips and down the sexiest legs she’d ever seen. She didn’t doubt for a moment – she now possessed the power of “Ultimate Man”. Ecstatic she attempted to use his Porting ability and found herself standing on the roof of her apartment building instantly. With a shout of joy she set out to test her new abilities. Greg woke from a sleep filled with pleasurable dreams to find that Sarah was gone. He got up and noticed her clothes still strewn about. He made his way out to the living room, wondering what had become of her. However, his own concerns had to wait as he turned on the morning news to see if anyone needed his help. Sure enough an apartment building right inside the city was being shown. Something had happened to it’s foundations and it was rocking back and forth – about to fall. In a moment, Greg transformed into “Ultimate Man” and went into action. Sarah watched on as “Ultimate Man” saved the building she’d almost toppled when she got upset with a cab driver and casually punched the building. She couldn’t believe it. She knew she had his strength, and yet he seemed to still have it too. And based on the difference between her feminine build and his masculine build, she suspected he had a slight upperhand in leverage and strength. As long as he still had that, she couldn’t have her fun. Her mind whirred through the possibilities, until coming upon the notion that perhaps if she had sex with him again, she would gain even greater power. Her power lust, combined with a growing sexual need within her propelled her forward into “Ultimate Man”. By the time he’d recovered, he was naked, a sexy amazon pressed up against him. He reacted to the woman the only way any man could. His cock leapt forth and into her. The two rolled about on the pavement locked in ecstasy. Cars were smashed aside carelessly by their passion as Sarah feverishly worked to extract a load from him. And she succeeded in a matter of minutes, despite “Ultimate Man”’s superhuman fortitude. She felt the heat building within her, and felt it flow out through her body again. Still working herself on Greg’s cock she felt it shoot another load, and the heat doubled in intensity, driving her to greater sexual excitement. She could feel Greg’s body softening beneath her. As she bucked in unrestrained ecstasy. The soft body beneath her broke in half as her legs tightened around it’s waist, shattering the superhuman bone and muscle there with ease. A cry of pleasure issued from her throat, the sound traveling across the city with such intensity, several adjacent buildings were leveled, and every window in the city was shattered. Finally coming down from her ecstasy Sarah stood up and looked at herself. If anyone had managed to survive in her vicinity to see her they would have been enslaved instantly to the 10’ sex goddess that stood amidst the rubble. Her greatly increased intellect measured the extent of the disaster and realized that each time Ultimate Man her strength had been geometrically increased. As Ultimate Man was 100,000,000 times as strong as an ordinary man, after their latest love making session she was 100,000,000 times 100,000,000 times as strong as he was. Or rather, had been. Flexing her arm Sarah was greeted with a rising bicep, into which was packed the power of all the men on earth combined, and multiplied almost 200 billion times. Picking up a piece of debris that had to weigh at least 5 tons she laughed maniacally. She couldn’t even feel its weight. A casual toss sent the chunk of concrete flying into space. She watched as it impacted with the moon in the morning sky, the massive satellite being shattered by the impact of her gentle toss. That’s when the notion struck her. Nothing on earth could test her strength – but perhaps the earth itself could. She floated off the ground, using her Flight powers to give herself leverage against the planet, she gave it a shove. The earth rocketed away from her casual shove leaving it’s orbit far behind. In mere moments, it’s entire population was dead as the atmosphere was ripped from the planet and all were exposed to the vacuum of space. Even that had been too easy. She casually wondered if “Ultimate Man” had been even stronger than he let on. With a smile she set her sites on the tremendous black hold that was the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and Ported to her target.