Bulma's Wish By Supergeek (supergeek4368@webtv.net) Bulma's wish is granted. Note: this story borrows from the Dragonball Z series, which is the coolest show, except that it doesn't have any superwomen! So I wrote this story to fix that... BULMA'S WISH At last, Bulma had located the seventh Dragonball. Soon her fondest wish would be granted, and she would never have to worry about being the "helpless damsel in distress" again. As she drew closer to the last Dragonball, Bulma was talking to herself, saying, " So, they think they can just drag me along on their adventures and then leave me alone and helpless while monsters and marauders and who knows what else tears the planet apart while I'm on it? Well, boys, when the Dragon grants my wish, I'll be stronger than all of you put together, then we'll see wo's really 'helpless'". Bulma slid the pack off her shoulders and dumped the six Dragnballs onto the ground where the seventh Dragonball waited. At last, the moment had come. Bulma raised her hands above the Dragonballs and shouted "Arise, Dragon!" The sky darkened and lightning flashed as the Eternal Dragon arose from among the Dragonballs and said "I AM THE ETERNAL DRAGON! I WILL GRANT YOU ONE WISH THAT IS WITHIN MY POWER! STATEYOUR WISH!" "Eternal Dragon!" replied Bulma. "I wish to be the strongest person in the universe!" "VERY WELL, AS YOU WISH!" said the Eternal Dragon, and with that, lightning shot through Bulma, and every part of her body surged with incredible power. At last, the lightning subsided, but Bulma still felt power surging through her. "YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED!" said the Eternal Dragon. " AND NOW I BID YOU, FAREWELL!" And with that, the Dragonballs shot out to the ends of he Earth, leaving Bulma alone to test her newfound powers. Just then, a band of huge, hairy ogres emerged from a nearby cave an approached Bulma with heavy spiked clubs in hand. It was obvious what they planned to do, so as the first ogre raised his club to strike, Bulma's hand shot out and gabbed the spiked end quick as thought. To her surprise, the spikes felt more like soft clay than hard steel. She had no time to consider this, however, because the other ogres had surrounded her, and now they began to swing their clubs in earnest, trying to turn Bulma into a red smear. Bulma hardly felt these blows, however, and she realizedthe Eternal Dragon, in granting her wish, had made her absolutely invincible. Finally Bulma said "All right, that's enough!" and quickly finished off the remaining ogres, afterwards throwing them back into the cave they had come from. "Now to make sure these jerks don't bother me again!" said Bulma, and with that, she grasped the mountian on either side of the cave entrance and pulled her arms together, squeezing the huge mountian into a pile of rubble! "Oops," said Bulma "i'm going to have to be more careful, I'm REALLY strong now!" Bulma leaped into the sky and began flying back home. "Wow, I can hardly wait to show everyone how much stronger I've gotten !" said Bulma as she flew. "I'll bet I could win any contest they could come up with now!" As she approached her father's lab, Bulma noticed a plume of smoke rising into the air. She landed and used her powerful vision to take stock of the situation, and what she saw wasn't pretty. The area near Capsule Corporation, where her fater worked was devestated, and her friends Goku, Picallo, Krillen, and Vegeta lay strewn about. To Bulma's relief, she heard heartbeats coming from all five of her friends, so she stopped worrying about them for the moment and focused on the source of the devestation. Standing amidst the carnage was a monster armed to the teeth, literally. His mouth was full of sharp teeth that looked capable of tearing through steel. He looked like a twelvefoot gator, and stood surveying his handiwork, even as Bulma surveyed him. Bulma ran toward the monster at warp speed, reaching him in a zillionth of a second and throwing him into the ground so hard he hit lava. Bulma stood over him with righteous anger in her eyes. "Are you responsible for this?" asked Bulma, indicating the destruction around them. "Yesss," hissed the monster "I am. I have crussshed the greatessst heroesss of thisss world. Now with my fellow Gatoreansss, I ssshall crusssh all resssissstanccce on thisss puny dussstball." "Not if I can help it!" said Bulma defiantly. "Too late, foolisssh Earth female! No forccce can withssstand our mighty armada, which isss landing even asss we ssspeak!" "We'll see about that!" said Bulma, and leaped into the air to meet the assault . A billion Gatorean gunners saw a petite blue haired female flying towards them and opened fire with everything they had. They pummeled her with shot after shot until a Gatorean Commander said "Ccceassse fire, sshe isss sssurely dead by now." But when he smoke cleared, they found Bulma unscathed, although her clothing wasn't. Unfortuneatly, the Eternal Dragon had not given her an invulnerable wardrobe, and her outfit had disintigrated under the barrage. "That was my favorite outfit!" shouted the enraged Bulma, and flew toward the Gatorean Armada. They resumed trying to blast her out of existance, but they might as well have been shooting spitballs, for all the effect they were having on her. Bulma reached the first ship and, grasping the blazing cannon barrel, bent it around so that its blasts destroyed the ship. She plunged throughships like they weren't there. She laughed as bombs, laser blasts, and missiles struck her body with no effect. She deflected the billion ton ships that tried to ram her like beach balls. The Gatoreans were in a full panic now. "Sssound the retreat!" shouted the commander. "sssound the retreat!" But it was too late for them, as Bulma zipped around, grabbing the remaining five hundred million ships and fused them all into a single mass. Just in case you're keeping score, Bulma is holding five hundred quadrillion tons with ease.She plays with her new "ball" for a while before she finally gets bored with it and throws it away. And I mean WAY away, because her casual toss carried the huge mass clear out of our galaxy! "Well, that takes care of that." said Bulma as she landed again. The she noticed the crack she had made earlier where lava was bubbling and threatening the ctizenry. "I'd better cool things down around here, fast!" said Bulma, and with that, she blew on the lava to do just that, cooling it back into solid rock again. In fact, she may have overdone it, because several volcanoes all over Earth mysteriously sputtered out in the midst of erupting, But I don't suppose anyone's going to give Bulma a hard time about that. Bulma found some clothes and went back to her friends, who were reviving. "Ooh, what happened?" groaned Gohan. "Well kid," said Bulma "there were these nasty aliens who knocked you around, but fortuneatly, I wished for invincibility from the Dragon, so I was able to take care of them!" "Wow, cool." was all the others could say "Well, come on guys. You don't expect me to clean up this big mess by myself, now do you?" said Bulma. And with that, they set to work restoring the great city. THE END