Chapter 1 The Revelation She hated her job. But if she hated anything more than her job it was her boss. Although fresh out of business school, Victoria has excelled in her work. She closed business deal after business deal through all her hard work, determination and not to mention her street and book smarts. Yet she does not receive the kind of rewards she knew she deserved. She looked at herself in the mirror of her room. Her side was adorned with pictures of her idol, She-Hulk. Victoria loved and envied She-Hulk at the same time. Although she only saw her once in real life, but it was an experience she would never forget. Victoria was riding the bus on the way home when she realized the road was crowded with traffic, which the driver explained was due to an accident ahead in the road. The bus inched forward and then she saw her. It was one of the most beautiful things in the world she had ever seen. A large dominating yet ever-so feminine figure bent over and lifted a 40 ton truck from the ground over her head as though she were delivering pizza. Victoria’s mouth was hanging to the ground as she marveled at such a beautiful sight. From then on, she praised She-Hulk’s name. Victoria regarded her flowing blonde hair cascading down to her shoulders, which complimented her undeniably beautiful face. Her deep green eyes penetrated her own soul. Even at 26, she never got used to her intense green eyes. ‘Perhaps I will need them today,’ Jessica said to herself as she gathered her work bag and strapped it over her arm. ‘If he doesn’t give me a promotion, I am going to quit,’ she thought to herself. With that she walked towards the dining table where her fiancé was still finishing up breakfast. Jake was a big man with a kind heart. He owned a gym ten blocks away from their apartment which he often urged Jessica to start going. He never forced her, of course, for he loved Victoria too much to ever make her do anything she did not want to do. ‘Bye honey,’ Victoria said softly into Jake’s ear. “You show them, Vicki! Don’t come back here without a raise…..or unemployed!” Jake said in jest. The young couple shared a passionate kiss as Jessica headed for the door. Jake walked to the door admired her girlfriend’s figure from afar. Standing 6’4” himself, he towered over Victoria’s 5’7” body. But what a body that was, Jake thought to himself. Her flowing blonde hair swayed in the wind and her business suit accentuated her shapely feminine curves. B-cup sized breasts adorned her chest, which added volume to her athletic body. He could see her arms were toned, as the short sleeve shirt Jessica was wearing showed off the hours of work as a nationally ranked swimmer and track star in high school. Her arms led down to a thin waist and a tight ass. As she walked he could see her graceful movements way her body back and forth like a metronome. Lean, athletic and long legs were made more so by the 3” high heels she was wearing. Jake could only thank God that he was fortunate enough to have a girl like that. The bus was always late. No matter how early she woke up, the bus was always late. She took out the book she was reading, a fantasy novel called The Dark Elf Trilogy and began reading. How she loved fantasy novels! She loved the feeling of being taken away from her current troubles and plunging herself in a new world. She read four chapters before the bus arrived, partly because she was a fast reader and partly because the bus…..was always….late. The bus stopped in front of her work place and she quickly gathered her things, ran to the building and took the first elevator up to the 24th floor. As the doors opened, she walked calmly to her desk. As she began to sit down, her boss stared down at her. She looked at her watch, then turned her eyes back to her boss. “I’m not even late, I’m two minutes early even.” “Not by my watch.” “Come on, even that clock says I’m on time!” Victoria said, pointing to the circular white office clock. “I don’t care. Come on time or I’m cutting your next pay check.” And her boss walked away. This encounter only strengthened her resolve to either quit or smack her boss across the face before she quit. Lunch time arrived as all her many office friends offered to go eat together. Respectfully, she declined. She had business to take care of. ‘Excellent, everyone would be at lunch so that they would not hear me screaming my head off at my boss,’ Victoria thought to herself. She stormed into his office and argued her case. Her boss, of course would have none of it. He kept on saying something like women in the work force or something about her age. “You are a great….asset to the company though,” her boss put in, as he eyed her up and down, from her legs to her breasts somewhat unsubtly. That alone put her off. “That’s it. I quit,” she said. She wound up to smack him across the face when all of the sudden she heard windows shattering and automatic weapons firing. She instinctively ducked down behind a chair, when swiftly, a masked man grabbed her by the collar and dragged her next to the radiator. Zip tie handcuffs were put over her, anchoring her to the metal bars. Immediately afterwards, she saw her boss in the same condition, but whimpering like a sad dog. “what a sissy,’ she thought to herself. She looked around to see at least 20 armed men rounding up eight more office employees. One of them, obviously the leader, made a call on a cellphone. “I have ten hostages. If you want them to live, you will release General al-Rashid in forty-eight hours,” he spoke in fluent English and hung up the phone. “Great, Islamic fanatics,” she said to herself. Although she had several Muslim friends, she hated fanatics of all religions. Six hours passed, and from what little Arabic she picked up on a summer internship way back when, she understood that diplomatic talks were not going well at all. She surveyed the office one more time, and saw that they were laying explosives on the walls, the floors and the ceilings. Make no mistake, she thought to herself, these guys are not playing around. She studied the terrorists well, trying to see if any had identifying scars or marks. She caught the eye of a bear of a man, as big, if not bigger than Jake. He strode towards her and she immediately looked away. Nevertheless, she still heard the thumping footsteps get closer, and felt the shaking of the floor. He grabbed her face and began talking to her. She did not have to know Arabic to discern what he was saying to her, as she could feel his breath upon her face. A firm hand grabbed her by the shoulder as she tried to shake off her tormentor. Fortunately for her, she heard the leaders voice berate the large man, and she was immediately let off the hook. Not before a giant tongue wiped across her ear, and he was gone. Two hours before the deadline, and she understood talks still did not improve. Victoria saw the same gigantic man was talking to their leader. She heard the words beautiful woman, as both men occasionally looked towards her. The leader gave a nod and the giant marched towards her. The leader took out his cellphone and spoke. “Since you do not take our demands seriously, we shall kill one of our hostages. She will be RAPED to death. Achmed is a very lonely man. She will be dead in,” he looked towards the large man, who put up four fingers, “forty minutes,” the leader said into the phone again. Victoria trembled as her restraints were cut by a man with scissors. Never had she been so afraid in her entire life. She felt her teeth chatter as her legs clenched together. In front of her, the huge man, obviously Achmed, unzipped his pants and pulled out his semi-erect member. Her eyes were wide in terror. She did not know how big it was, but comparing it with Jake’s, whose penis was a hefty 8”, this guy must have been packing at least 10”! ‘Oh my God, he will rip me apart!’ she shouted to herself. ‘Please someone, do something,’ she thought as she looked around. She saw her boss, and laughed to herself. What a pathetic waste of biomass. At least she will die knowing what a useless piece of garbage he was. But reality snapped back towards her, as the raging member became bigger and bigger. A large hand was rubbing up and down the shaft and over the head. Achmed pointed it into her face. She could feel the heat from the massive object already. With strength she never before felt or thought possible, she was flipped over onto her stomach. She felt her pants slip away as she fought against with all her might. Searing pain racked her mind. She tried to close out her mind to all things, to just crawl into a tiny corner and block out reality. It continued for God knew how long, but the pain kept on coming. ‘This guy is a machine, Jesus Christ.’ It continued, that is, until everyone heard a knock on the door. Guns immediately were cocked and pointed to the door. “Is this the line for Kingda-ka?” asked a muffled high pitched voice. Guns fired, Achmed didn’t even bother putting his member back into his pants (not like it would have fit there). Everyone expected to hear a body fall, but it never came. Only silence. Then as though a rocket launcher was fired into the door, the room was filled with splinters as the shattered portal was demolished by an undeniably extremely powerful force. “Sorry, I must have missed the turn at Albuquerque,” said a deep, sexy female voice. As the dust settled, Victoria could not believe her eyes. A green profile was visible in the hallway. Then a green foot stepped into the room. Following that foot came a long muscular leg that contained enormous amounts of power, but was so smooth that it was extremely feminine. Victoria, even though in pain, looked at her own leg and could not deny that her frame was diminished in the presence of such a sight. The figure stepped forth, and announced herself. “Hello boys, can She-Hulk join in the fun?” Guns were fired from all angles as 20 men unloaded clips after clips of ammunition, each round bouncing harmlessly off her flawless skin. It went on for minutes, as Victoria looked in awe at the jade giantess welcomed all the armor piercing rounds upon her skin, laughing at their futile attempts to harm her. “Get my back while you are at it boys,” she said, as she turned around and flexed a double biceps pose. Victoria’s mouth would have dropped to the floor if she weren’t on the ground already. The tattered uniform slowly revealed She-Hulk’s glorious muscles. Her fists were held tightly and lead to two chorded wrists that deflected every stray bullet. Her arms were massive and put every female figure and bodybuilder to shame. Mountains of muscle were loaded onto her shoulders as Victoria could almost see each muscle fiber strain for its owner. She-Hulk’s famed peaked biceps were nothing like what Victoria saw in her comics or posters. They were even bigger in real life! They must’ve been at least 18” which although were not as big as Jake’s, were much more pronounced and feminine. She desperately wanted to feel them. But Victoria’s favorite part of She-Hulk’s flex were her lats. She was in heaven as she eyed those monstrous wings. Every muscle, both big and small, was heavily pronounced. “Oh yeah, that’s the spot,” She-Hulk moaned loudly in a voice that would make any man get an instant hard-on Victoria would have started masturbating if she were not so sore. Victoria’s nipples, she noticed, were rock hard and jutted out from her shirt, but she did not care. She just was in awe of this green goddess before her. The firing stopped as every gun was overheated and out of ammunition, as She-Hulk turned around with a gorgeous grin on her beautiful face. “Too bad, I was rather enjoying that!” She went around the room on a flash, throwing and twisting men around as though they were harmless balloon animals. The terrorists rushed towards the door to escape her wrath, only to run into the arms of waiting policemen. Whether She-Hulk did it intentionally or not, Achmed was the last man standing. She looked down at his member and even the glorious She-Hulk was impressed. “Too bad, we could’ve had fun,” She-Hulk said, as she bit her lip suggestively. Achmed rushed at his adversary and brought down his fist upon the taller 6’7” She-Hulk. The blow bounced off her head harmlessly as she grabbed Achmed by the waist and through him out the door like a 350 pound bouncer tosses a skinny 16 year old boy from a bar. Throughout that spectacle, Victoria did not notice she was drooling. She-Hulk dusted off her hands, escorted the remaining hostages out and walked over to Victoria to help her up. Victoria could hardly stand, partly because she had just been raped and partly because she could not believe her idol was there standing in front of her. Victoria looked up at She-Hulk with her deep green eyes. She found this hard because of the mammoth boobs that stood proudly off her heroine’s chest and partially blocked her view, but nevertheless, she stared at those luscious green eyes. Victoria noticed she had the same effect on She-Hulk as their eyes locked together. It was only broken when Victoria slumped forward, unable to stand anymore and fell into the arms of her idol. She wrapped her arms around her green goddess’s waist for support and felt the Kelly green abs of steel in her face. The warmth emanating from She-Hulk put Victoria at ease as she began licking each valley and crevice that made up the flawless emerald stomach. Victoria did not know what she was doing, but her head wormed its way up She-Hulk’s body, feeling the muscles become flexed. Her hands worked the shreds of clothing covering her rescuer and revealed her mammoth green globes. Victoria could not help herself and wrapped her lips around the cherry-sized nipples in front of her. She-Hulk immediately fell back towards the ground as the smaller woman obviously could not contain her sexual urges. Even She-Hulk did not resist those urges and simply let the beauty in front of her work her magic nor could she deny the surprisingly beautiful features of this comparably small female that served to excite her very much. Pleasure radiated from her nipple as She-Hulk felt a small, delicate hand work her other breast. She pushed Victoria’s head into her boob as Victoria eagerly nibbled and used her tongue in order to satisfy her idol, her rescuer and her goddess. Moans from both women became louder and louder. With her other hand She-Hulk ripped a leg off a metal desk and began shoving it into her waiting vagina. In and out, in and out the steel rod went, pleasuring She-Hulk like no other. Waves and waves of pleasure assaulted both partners. No words were exchanged. No words had to be exchanged. The continuing rhythm of the sexual encounter beat on as it went faster and faster. Victoria worked her mouth upwards and found her lover’s lips and embraced her with a passionate kiss, replacing the bare breast with her other hand. She squeezed the mammoth orbs with all her might, denting them only slightly; how soft yet how so hard they felt! Lithe, athletic legs straddled the green giantess as both women were on the verge of an orgasm. So different was the size dynamic that Victoria found herself rubbing her breasts on She-Hulk’s vast, muscular shoulders, but Victoria could not have cared less. Moans turned into shouts of ecstasy as both women climaxed. Pelvic bones pressed harder and harder into each other. Victoria did not want it to end, but slowly the pleasure ebbed away and both women looked deep into each other’s eyes. “Victoria,” she heard herself say, “My name’s Victoria.” She-Hulk could only giggle as she bent lower and kissed her new lover. “What was it like?” Jake asked the next morning. “It was horrifying, they had automatic weapons. They were going to kill us. I know it.” Victoria responded. “No,” Jake said, as he edged closer to his fiancé. “What was She-Hulk like? It’s ok. I don’t mind. In fact, when you are not watching sometimes, I jack off to your posters of her. Only I pretend you are her.” Victoria stared wide-eyed at Jake. She never knew this about him, but she found it rather intriguing. “So….you like girls with…muscles?” “Yes, I do. Why do you think I ask you to work out at the gym?” Jake asked with a grin. “I’m sorry I never told you this before. I just never had the chance.” “Well, I don’t mind buffing up a little for you babe” Victoria said with a wink. “But She-Hulk was everything I dreamed of and more. She saved my life. Now I am going to make a promise to myself. I will never be helpless like that again. I’m going to be strong. I’m going to be like She-Hulk. Plus, now that I know it turns you on…” she said as she leaned towards Jake. She straddled him with her perfectly toned legs, his hands squeezing her firm thighs from hours of training. She put her hands around Jake’s muscular neck, turned her head at an angle and drove her tongue into his mouth. The chair Jake was sitting in immediately tipped over, but that did not stop the cute young couple at all. Jake in turn wrapped his thick arms around his girl’s supple waist and held her tight against his body. While it felt so good to feel her body against his now, he could not wait till she puts on some muscle on her already smoking hot body. But he promised himself that he would never push her too hard in her training. He just loved her too much. A quick jerk to the head brought him back in the moment as he looked into his girlfriend’s eyes and smiled. “I’m going to be big strong and muscular just for you.” Victoria said. She got up and pushed her man back down onto the floor as he tried to rise with her. She kneeled down and unzipped her lover’s pants. She reached inside and furiously grabbed his rock hard member. When she noticed she could not pull it out from his pants, she vigorously pulled them down and stripped him naked. The raging hard on was flailing around and she immediately grabbed it. She could hear Jake groaning and feel his massive legs clench in anticipation. Like a tigress feasting upon her prey she tried to engulf Jake into her mouth, only to go half way even while throating. She did not care about the mild discomfort, only the insane amounts of pleasure she was giving her fiancé, as he sat up and gingerly held her head, caressing her golden locks in his hands. She wrapped her hands around his waist and thrusted the penis into her mouth, using her teeth to glide along the huge shaft, her tongue tickling the red head. Jake could no longer contain himself as he pressed her head forcefully into his groin, his waist bucking up and down. Victoria returned with an even greater ferocity of her own, using suction to further pleasure her lover. Finally Jake’s self-control was waning and no longer could hold back. With a loud groan, Jake released his load into her girl’s mouth, which she quickly ingested with soft, pleasurable moans. Victoria rolled off of her lover on to the floor, breathing heavily and exhausted. Jake spooned with her as both lay on the kitchen floor together. They knew they were extremely lucky to be with one another. Since the gym was making money, Victoria was in no rush whatsoever to go into another job and instead focused on her training. They started off light, working with toning five pound weights and elastics, but Victoria sped through the first day with ease due to her previous athletic training. Soon Jake put Victoria on the serious heavy machines, and her body reacted very well, showing good form and technique. At the end of every day Victoria would always love the deep burning feeling she received. In the morning she would pose in front of the mirror and go through a series of flexes to see her development. No matter how much her muscles burned, she always enjoyed the feeling of absolute power when going into a double biceps pose she saw She-Hulk doing on that eventful day. Once in a while Jake would join and watch her pose, noticing some fast and steady improvements on her girl’s body. Often these posing sessions led to Jake slowly inching his way to engulf his girlfriend in a huge hug and eventually to passionate love making. Nothing was more rewarding than these sessions. She felt like the strongest woman in the world. Her growth increased after altering her diet to protein fortified meals complete with whey and other supplements. But never did she ever think about using chemicals. Not on her body. It would be completely natural for her. No one noticed this increase in growth more than her fiancé, as shown in his more intimate attitude towards his girlfriend. She noticed he paid more attention to her body while she bent over to pick something up, which she enjoyed immensely. Seeing her with such determination only motivated the man in wanting to get even stronger himself, as both began to train furiously. One night while sitting on their bed, Victoria looked Jake in the eye and brought her arm level to the floor. She clenched her fist and slowly but surly brought her fist up into a 90 degree angle. Sure enough, Jake saw a growing bulge in her arm, which grew along with his own bulge in his briefs. Finally, the muscle reached its peak, and Jake was stunned at the vast increase in size in so short amount of time. With a quivering hand, he reached out and touched her arm and felt the dense, hard muscle with his fingers. Victoria could not help but giggle. He took out a measuring tape and wrapped it around the sexy exposed arm. “15 inches! You just added three inches to your arm in a month!” “Oh yeah, and I am only going to get stronger and stronger, babe.” Jake could not help himself. He threw the tape aside and gently mounted his girl. His engorged member slid deep into her, splitting her nether lips out wide. Victoria sucked in her breath as she felt it penetrate her inch by inch. Jake leaned over and whispered into her ear, “I promise I will be gentle.” Jake thrust his hip back slowly and thrust it back in. Victoria felt his penis leave her and fill her up again, sending shivers along her body. Slowly at first, Jakes movements gathered speed, like an accelerating locomotive train. Each thrust brought his entire shaft out, leaving his ever so sensitive head in, and plunged the shaft back. Victoria’s pelvis could not help but aid in her lover’s motion. Faster and faster the train went as Jake noticeably picked up speed. Soon, his arms moved to a double grab under his girlfriend’s arms and holding onto her shoulders. The bed began to creek as each thrust only fed to the pleasure of both partners. Victoria could not hold back any longer. She flung her head back and wrapped her arms around Jake’s huge chest, her hands not even close to touching on the other side, which did not matter to her. Soon both partners were thrusting each other just as hard as the train was on the brink of top speed. Then it happened. Victoria went wild in a crazy sex lust. She needed to orgasm. NOW. She used her long and newly muscled legs to wrap around the man on top of her and began thrusting her pelvis harder and harder into the welcoming cock. Her abs swelled with the effort of each thrust to a smooth feminine six-pack. Her screams of ecstasy filled the room as she pumped harder and faster, harder and faster. Both began climaxing as both pumped with all their formidable strength. The orgasm took over the minds of both partners. Nothing mattered to them anymore, and all they were left with was the feeling of each other in their arms and the pure, beautiful ecstasy that enveloped them both. Breathing came to a slow, as Victoria began letting go, and Jake slid to the vacant bedside. They looked into each others eyes for the longest time. They both knew they would spend their entire lives together at that moment. Neither had to say, “I love you.” But little did they know, a mysterious van across the street was parked, its occupants nodding in agreement with one another. “She is the one,” a shadowy figure declared. “Begin the Tau radiation calibration to her DNA. And also to….” “Just lock the door when you are finished, ok Vikki?” She was too concentrated and tired to reply other than giving an extra loud grunt as she heaved the 34 pound dumbbell up to her shoulder for yet another rep. She heard the door close and finished off her third set of hammer curls. Breathing heavily, she used a towel to wipe off the copious amounts of sweat on her forehead and was ready to dive into chin up reps. After finishing a quick 15, she decided she would get a quick mirror flex session then warm down. She looked into the mirror, and raised her arms and brought her fists to her head. For some reason, she found she could no longer bend further than the 90 degrees position. When she looked down at her gorgeous peaks, she realized that her biceps have swollen to block off such a movement. She rushed for the tape measure and read 17 inches! She nearly squealed in joy! “I am so strong now!” Instinctively she picked up a five pound dumbbell and tried compressing it. But no matter how hard she tried, there was no way that metal would bend to her will. Laughing at herself for such foolishness, she chucked it over her shoulder, mumbling “Impossible.” She expected to hear the dumbbell hit the floor. As seconds ticked away, she still heard nothing, until a voice broke the awkward silence. “Impossible? I think not,” said a deep, extremely feminine, French accented voice. Before Victoria could ask herself “what the heck?” she heard the crunching of metal. As she turned around she instinctively caught a flying object. She looked at it, seeing individual finger marks molded into what she knew to be the weight she just threw. It looked like someone crushed it more easily than she could crush a Coke can. She turned her head upwards and she could not believe her eyes. Perfection. It was the only word that could come to her mind. She was perfect in every single way. Her feet were smooth as though the eternal sea smoothed and eroded all imperfections away. Her calves were enormous, spreading wide from her shins. Victoria could see each and every muscle in this being’s quads, forming massive thighs that rippled with every movement of this magnificent person. A tiny waist led to the most defined six pack she has ever seen in any bodybuilding magazine or even fantasy webpage. Each looked like a brick placed by a mason onto her stomach, they were so large and defined. Obliques angled away from the powerful sight, each one protruding inches away from her body. Then came the breasts, easily DD, Victoria estimated. Huge, but not strange or disgustingly so. Each globe was a firm sphere of perfection resting on huge slabs of pectoral muscles. The shoulders were massively wide to say the least, and made even Jake look like an anorexic 14 year old sissy girl. Arms were so thick with muscle, Victoria could not imagine how movement was even possible. All this led to the most beautiful face in the world that looked like a super hot version of Megan Fox. Victoria had to admit that she was not nearly as beautiful as this striking individual before her. Jet black hair cascaded down her broad muscular back. At long last, she spoke. “Hello Victoria Brown, my name is Sarah.” Victoria fell to her knees and marveled at Sarah’s beauty. She decided that although she was not as tall as She-Hulk, a “mere” 6’2”, this woman standing before her demoted even the powerful She-Hulk to a demi-god status. “H-how is this possible?” Victoria managed to whimper. Sarah smiled, revealing her pearl white teeth. “Oh,” she said innocently. “You mean ‘zis?” Sarah turned around and flexed her arms and back into an absolute wall of muscle and beauty. Michelangelo himself could not have created a more stunning image out of marble if he spent 5 lifetimes on it. Victoria could see every muscle was striated beyond belief. Her back was webbed and woven out of nothing but muscle. Biceps were at least 30 inches with back muscles that looked like huge ropes running up and down her spine. She saw muscles on this angel pronounced and massive before her that are not even visible on even the biggest body builders. Victoria immediately orgasmed and fainted at such an awe-inspiring sight. Chapter 2 Choosing (this chapter has a lot of background information) She woke up in a white room with bright lights. She was bound to a medical bed in the middle of the room. “Whatever the hell it is these people are going to do to me, it was worth seeing that angel from heaven,” she silently said to herself. “Vikki?” asked a familiar voice beside her. It was Jake! Both their eyes went wide when they saw each other. He too was tied down by restraints, his arm inflating to huge proportions trying to detach himself. “Good afternoon!” said a calm, comical and ominous voice. “Sorry for the whole abduction thing, but it takes a lot to explain how you two got lost during a hiking trip together to the whole world. Before you freak out, lemme explain. It would be best if you do not interrupt me while I explain. You are part of a global project created in 1931 to counter the rise of a similar Nazi run project. While you may think that Einstein’s theories that led to the creation of the atomic bomb was his greatest effect on the world, very few people know that he was also a master biologist. Combining his two sciences, he found he was able to perfect the process started by other scientists that condense human muscle and make them much….much much much…much much stronger. He discovered Tau radiation from creating a reaction chamber where the subject would become hundreds of times stronger. Unfortunately, not every human body reacts like this upon exposure, resulting in the deaths of several very brave Allied soldiers. He discovered that all humans have a mathematical equation in relationship to their affinity to Tau radiation. For example if a person’s equation were simply Tau=X, the person’s strength before exposure is simply 1. Through Tau radiation, Einstein found this number can greatly increase. While the rudimentary equipment at that time increased this number, or X factor to only about 300 to 500.” “Only 500?” Victoria thought to herself with a laugh. The project was monumental in countering the super strength Nazi forces, as a literally underground battle between the two projects raged on, which we refer to as The Tau Conflict. Both sides agreed to wage war underground in order to minimize casualties of normal human soldiers and civilians. That is not to say Axis powers did not secretively deploy super humans or SH in the front. We countered them above ground with as minimal a force as possible in order to avoid escalation. World War 2 ended, yey! Good for us, bad for Hitler. 1954, alien space shuttle contacts the U.N. challenging us to a match of strength and combat. They realized that we were so technologically backward that a war between our two species would result in the nuclear detonation of the world, rendering Earth useless to them. In addition, the Kilik race, as they called themselves, who look very much like us, did not believe in slavery nor mass extinction. A bet was made, and it was agreed that if Earth was to win, fair trade would be established between us, or if not, we would have to give them “protection resources” of trees and water, apparently it was valuable to them. Nevertheless, the match included many warriors from both sides, strength against strength of human and kilik athletic and combative events that lasted 5 years. We were losing desperately for the first two. That is, until a young beautiful girl from France was recruited by the name of-“ “Sarah?” Victoria and Jake asked at the same time. “Ah, of course you have met her, how silly of me. That was how we got you here. Sarah usually has this effect on those she meets for the first time. You were out for a week and a half! Yes, Sarah Beauvais was recruited into the project. However, upon Tau radiation exposure, she experienced a massive absorption rate. Analyzing her genetic material, we figured her Tau radiation equation to be Tau=(9.998x10^9978)X^99235. An amazingly, ridiculously high equation. Never before have we encountered a subject with an exponent in their equation, let alone a coefficient so ridiculously high. She absorbed all the radiation we threw at her. She kept growing in stature and in strength until she felt absolutely no resistance in our super dense gravity gyms, which you will later learn about. Although she swept through the kilik competition with ease, she met her match with a young, extremely strong male kilik champion. While he won every event they were matched up in, they all looked like Sarah could have won each of them as well. So impressed by her strength, this champion, Zharthul by name, urged his elders to make fair trade with the formidable Earthlings. After a settlement was made, trade talks were finalized. A flourishing alliance formed, as well as an intimate relationship between Sarah and Zharthul reinforced our alliance with the Kilik race. And so goes our story, as even today, we uphold our alliance to them.” “Now that we have gone through a whole half century’s worth of super secret history, it is time for you two to make a choice. You can join the program and train with us as long as you want. But if you choose this, you will not return home for…. let’s just say a very long time. If you say no, your memory will be erased of this entire matter, and you will return to your homes from your “hiking trip” and continue to lead your happy normal lives. The choice is yours, but before we let you decide, we want to show you the facilities. Would this be agreeable to you?” They looked at each other and nodded. “Good, let’s start with the tour then boys and girls!” The restraints disappeared in a blink of the eye and the white room disappeared. They found themselves standing in an old warehouse, in front of a skinny scientist in a lab coat. “Greetings! You have just experienced some of the advantages of Kilik technology. I’m Doctor Patrick Sullivan from Ireland, but everyone just calls me Doc. I’m the lead scientist for the Tau Project, specializing in genetics and biology. If you please, could you follow me and we will start the field trip.” He pressed a series of buttons in the floor which revealed a white flight of stairs leading down into a scientific complex. The trio went down and through a series of voice and code activated doors. “Lady and Gentleman, I introduce you to the Tau Project,” said Dr. Sullivan as he swiped a card into a slot and the doors opened and they walked on a hovering platform which soared around the complex. They saw hundreds of extremely muscular men and women congregating around machines. “The weight sets are actually holograms. They produce any amount of weight the user can think of, from fractions of an ounce to trillions of quadrillions of…. googlebillion megatons. You get the point. Any amount of weight you can imagine.” Grunts as the figures below pumped out reps after reps of what Jake and Victoria could only imagine are obscene amounts of weight. “Scientific advances has increased how much Tau radiation can increase X factor. Now it depends a lot on the genetic make up of the person as to how high X can go.” “We will go to the common room now and meet my superiors,” doc said. The platform landed in a business like room overlooking the exercise arena. “Please, come and sit. Let us talk” said a calm male voice. Chairs and a conference table appeared out of thin air, which the three sat at. Across the table, they saw people, both male and female in business attire, some superhumanly muscular and tall, some average size. There were 10 in all, but they both recognized Sarah, as she broke the awkward silence by saying “It is so good to see you both so today! I ‘ope I did not shock you both too much, no? As you can tell I saw you both individually so that we could transport you to this facility. But please, do not feel frightful or intimidated, let us talk about your prospective future ‘ere!” Of course, she was fully dressed in business attire. Neither Victoria nor Jake could feel comfortable in the room, seeing the massive forms in front of them, looming over them like adults over five year old children. Indeed both of them felt very small and insignificant at the moment. “Hello, I am Dr. Richard Wagner, representative of the U.N. to Project Tau,” said a normal sized man. “I would like to officially welcome you to our facility. As my colleague Dr. Sullivan has introduced to you to the history and function of this place, I want you both to feel very welcome and comfortable here. My job is to maintain relations between our world leaders and those of the project’s in addition to making sure this facility stays top secret. We hope very much that you would join us as we believe you would be making a huge contribution to our team, your country and your fellow man. “I am William McCartney,” said a booming deep Australian voice. Victoria and Jake looked ahead to see the biggest man they have ever seen, and must have weighed at least one thousand pounds by the way almost 3 Jakes could fit between his shoulders and the way he towered above the rest of the members of the panel. “If you choose to join the program, all expenses, room and board, food and training equipment, will be paid by the U.N. In return, you will be at our call. Make no mistake, we are training soldiers! Although we are a family, we must strengthen and protect ourselves. The universe is much bigger than you know. The Kilik Empire is but one of the thousands of races in our galaxy alone. While we have developed strong diplomatic relations with them and they are a force to be reckoned with among the other alien species, not all other races share their values of freedom and justice. Zharthul, if you will.” A man sitting next to Sarah rose from his seat. Victoria and Jake gave each other a look. Sarah did herself good by choosing him as her lover. He was as tall as he was graceful. His face was angular and strong. “While we can protect you and your planet from the hundreds of warlike nations wanting to colonize Earth for its vast natural resources they believe you are wasting, their forces are gathering and massing into an army greater than your, I am sorry to say, tiny planet can ever imagine. However, with the promise of the ingenuity of your race, and your fascinating relationship with your Tau radiation,” he paused and smiled at Sarah, who smiled back, “we believe a force of superhumans, along with our support, can make alien warlords think twice before they attack Earth. This panel has agreed that your genetic make up could surpass every and all of our expectations, especially yours, Ms. Brown. Both of you hold much promise for us. If you wish, we can analyze and replicate an exact model of your home in our facility. We will take every step to make sure you wish to stay here and participate in our project. We will give you a week to make your decision, but until then, you may call this place your home.” “Thank you for your hospitality,” Victoria said for both of them. Dr. Sullivan led them back to the hover platform as Victoria and Jake saw Sarah give them both a wink before the panel disappeared into thin air. The hover platform brought them to the living quarters where they saw, as promised, a replication of their house overlooking a beautiful sunset. “You would be surprised what is possible with Kilik technology. We trade for it with nuclear waste, water and trees. For some reason they find our nuclear waste usable for some purpose,” doc explained. “Why don’t we share this with the rest of the world?” they asked together. “First of all, the technology belongs to the U.N. so we would not be able to release it to the public. People would fight over copyrights and the whole world would be a mess. Plus the kiliks say that the best thing to do is to let the human race discover technology on its own, which it is doing at a very fast pace. Obviously, we are still very far behind though. So, if you have any questions at any time, give me a call. Just think of my name and your house will call mine on a speaker phone. I love this Kilik technology stuff!” Dr. Sullivan said in a wide grin as he swooped off in his hover platform, spinning 360 degrees, going upside down, sideways and every other way like a kid playing a new video game, shouting and yippying all the way. Dinner was automatically prepared for them, the house provided them with whatever they thought of, which then appeared on the dining plates on their table. For the rest of the week, they explored the complex. They awed at the massive men and women at the holographic machines. Some ventured over and told them of their experiences at the Tau Project, all of which were extremely positive. While the prospect of a full fledged war has intimidated some, most are proud to serve their planet in its defense. The week ended too quickly, and Friday night, both began to seriously talk about their future. “Victoria, I have always been a patriot. I was about to join the army. That is, before I met you. But now, when I hear that some friggin alien army marches against us… it is just too much for me to take. We must fight against them.” “Yes, but think about what it might do to our relationship. Would you mind me... I mean, if I looked like… like Sarah, would you mind? I mean, I knew you loved muscle, but is that too much for you?” “Honey, whatever you do with your body, I will always love you. We will still live together, look at Sarah and Zharthul.” Victoria contemplated the matter. She longed to be like Sarah, and she always fantasized Jake becoming humongously muscular as well. But she considered herself to be a pacifist, and believed that everything can be resolved. Nevertheless, she knew nothing about intergalactic relations. “Home, call Dr. Sullivan. Tell him we say yes,” Victoria said with conviction. Chapter 3 Training Begins The Doc picked them up in his hover platform 9:00 the following morning and brought them to the exercise arena. And there she was, clad in a white t-shirt and short shorts. Sarah was no less spectacular than the day Victoria, and she assumed, Jake saw her. Her flowing black hair was tied in a bun, making her appear taller, almost as tall as Jake. She smiled at them and shook their hands. “You must accept my apologies, we ‘ave not been properly introduced. Victoria Brown, Jake Sherman, I am Sarah Beauvais à votre service,” she said with a low bow, which flexed her glutes, showing her broad shoulders and chiseled back. Victoria gulped at the same time Jake did, as she felt her nipples hardening, poking through her bra and tee-shirt. She did not need to look down to see Jake’s member hardening at a very fast rate. “Victoria, if you would follow me please. Jake, you have met William McCartney and Dr. Wagner. They will be with you shortly. Do not worry, training ends at 1900 hours. You love birds will be back together then, although I doubt there would be much love making by the time we’re done with you!” Sarah said with a grin. “Victoria, let’s get started!” “Don’t you worry Victoria, you are in very good ‘ands!” Sarah said with a smile. They walked away from the main area of the arena. Victoria felt ever so small walking next to this titaness, this goddess beside her. She looked up at Sarah, only to find that her massive deltoid was blocking off her entire face from view! How small Victoria really was! She brought Victoria to an empty area of the arena and typed in a few digits into a holographic computer. A normal gym, much like the gym Jake owned back home, appeared around the two women. “Ok Victoria, for the first day, I would like to measure your current strength, which I fortunately got to see some of back in your gym! Let us start with some body weight exercises, shall we?” The day passed quickly, the exercises becoming increasingly difficult. She worked her entire body till exhaustion. She vomited several times during the work out, but the motivation Sarah provided kept her going. By the end of the day, she had done push ups, sit ups, chin ups, pull ups, bench press, bicep curls, lat pull downs, leg presses and endless sprints up and down a track. “You ‘ave done very well Victoria, you should be proud! I ‘ave never seen one so motivated and in shape before. But do not let this complement be an excuse to slack off! Or I will run you to the ground,” Sarah joked. “I have gotten much data and gotten a very good assessment of where we shall go from ‘ere. Tomorrow, we shall give you your first dose of Tau radiation if your DNA tests are compatible. So I shall see you tomorrow eh?” “I have one question. Will I… I mean, will I be as big as you?” “Oh no, do not be silly! This,” she went into a lat spread, which made Victoria start drolling, “is the result of many years of training and exposure to Tau, or as some Americans like to call it, Vitamin T!” “Can I. . . can I feel them?” Victoria asked as she inched closer to her mentor and trainer. Sarah replied by raising her arms in a double biceps pose and ripping off her shirt, revealing her glorious breasts and the rest of her exquisitely ripped body. Victoria slowly made her way towards the angel before her. Right before she could reach out and touch Sarah, Victoria lost all strength and fell to the floor, due to the sheer excitement coursing in her veins. From here she touched Sarah’s foot with her finger and slowly summoned the strength to kneel. She worked her hands up the beautiful ankle and to the diamond cut calves. She could barely register how massive they were in her hands. She could not even dent the powerful muscles! She began licking up her shins, so smooth and flawless. Victoria could hear appreciative moans from Sarah as she suddenly began flexing her legs. Victoria was blown away, she thought Sarah was already flexing! She could not even wrap one arm around the massive thing. Her hands moved up to the thighs, feeling each deep crevice. Her hand playfully brushed up against the bigger woman’s crotch, getting a moan from its more than happy owner. Victoria looked up and saw to her amazement, the most massive, sexy and feminine muscle she has ever seen. Sarah’s biceps were so beautifully peaked and defined, yet had a smooth, feminine touch at the same time. Victoria could no longer contain her excitement, as she jumped on to her mentor, who was still standing and flexing her arm. Victoria straddled the massive deltoid which did not even budge when she tightened her thighs around it. She lay her body onto Sarah’s outstretched arm, which was easily supporting Victoria’s entire body weight. She wrapped her legs around Sarah’s head, pressing her crotch into her face. She lowered her body onto Sarah’s waiting arm, her breasts surrounding those perfectly peaked biceps. As though she felt a jolt throughout her body, Sarah stuck her long, capable tongue into Victoria’s waiting vagina. Thrusting her body back and forth, Victoria’s nipples rubbed against Sarah’s powerful bicep and forced Sarah’s tongue deep into her cunt. Victoria’s movements increased in speed, as she was fucked like never before. Both partners moaned in ecstasy, as Sarah began massaging her breast with her other hand. Never before had Victoria met anyone so experienced as Sarah, as she felt her partner pushed all the right buttons at the exact times. And then, Sarah found it, an area so sensitive, so stimulated at this very moment by her partner. A new g-spot Victoria never knew she had, and yet this goddess has found it in minutes. Sarah swirled her tongue around the area, driving Victoria wild with pleasure. Within seconds it was over. Victoria went limp in pleasure and nearly lost consciousness, when Sarah caught her. She brought her smaller companion back to her home, who was groaning in happiness all the way. She fell to her bed, next to Jake, who was already fast asleep, just as tired as she was. Chapter 4 The First Dosage