Val By Morphinman For the past several years, I had spent a considerable portion of my spare time and money researching muscle growth and strength in humans. I had always been intrigued with the idea of increasing human potential beyond its current limits, preferably by several orders of magnitude. To this end, I had constructed my own lab in an abandoned warehouse near the waterfront. The rent was cheap and the location convenient to my "real" work Over time, I had acquired samples of various DNA from different species and had worked to splice the strands appropriate to strength together with human DNA in the hope that the combination would become viable. My preliminary research showed that while it was possible to successfully perform this sort of "gene therapy", the results were not nearly potent enough for what I was hoping to achieve. Experiments on test animals showed an increase in strength (and resultant size) of about 100-150% which was good but not great. My next series of experiments involved a purely synthetic compound which caused existing muscle tissue to strengthen and rematrix itself into a more efficient pattern while stimulating nutrient absorption, size increase and actual cell reproduction. By modifying the sequencing somewhat, I was also able to compensate for changes in muscle strength at a tendon and bone level. Unfortunately the formual only seemed to work on females. My synthetic was specifically tailored to human sequencing and therefore required human subjects for testing. I felt that my best chance for acquiring a subject would be to advertise in the local gyms for a volunteer interested in trying a new form of supplementation. It took about a week or so before my advertisement was answered and that was when I met Val. We had arranged to meet at my lab in the early evening and I would explain everything to her then. My heart skipped a beat when she walked through the door. She was incredibly built already. Even through her street clothes you couldn't help noticing her defined pecs and shoulders, thick arms and phenomenal legs. And gorgeous to boot. "Val, I presume?", I said, extending my hand and trying not to show my excitement at finding such an incredible specimen. "That's me", she replied good-naturedly, "You wanted a big gal so hear I am." "I also wanted a gal who wanted to get even bigger. Looks like you're already pretty big", I ventured.. "Not big enough. I can never get big enough. And I'll do just about anything to do it too. I've tried supplements, alternative exercise techniques, steroids and even HGH but none of them worked nearly well enough for me. I want to get huge and I want to do it fast." The sincerity in her voice cleared any last doubts I had about her suitability for the experiments. "Alright then. But before we begin, I have to warn you that there are some risks. This compound has never been used on humans before and the results are pretty much unknown. I have taken every precaution I can but there are no guarantees." If she was going to back out, now would be the time. "If it means I'll get bigger, I'm willing to risk it", she said. "Okay. We'll figure this out together", I said with a wry smile. "First, let's get some baseline measurements. If you'd take off your clothes, I'll get set up." As she disrobed, I punched up the data charts on my computer and gathered my measuring devices. When I turned around I was treated to one of the most phenomenal bodies I had ever seen. I was barely able to control the swelling in my crotch as I took down her impressive numbers. 5'9" tall, 149 lbs, 42" chest, 15" arms, 25" thighs and a 22" waist. After I had finished taking body fat measurements and contraction ratios, I looked up from my computer. "I must say I am very impressed. I couldn't have designed a better candidate", I said honestly. Val grinned and shot a double biceps pose at me. "When do I get to really show you something?" "Right now", I said, turning to my lab bench and picking up a small vial of my enhancer. Reached across and handed it to Val. "One of the problems I think we will have with this stuff is that you won't be able to eat enough to make it work very fast. So I have incorporated an energy absorption mechanism into the solution as well. It will allow your body to absorb energy from any source and convert it directly into usable fuel by the solution. The absorption mechanism is controlled by muscle stress so when you flex really hard, the absorption sequence is active. When you are relaxed or not exerting too much force on your muscles, the absorption sequence is inactive. For tonight's experiment, I have rigged up some high-intensity lamps that will act as an energy source for you once you have taken the solution. If you will just stand over there beneath the lights." I motioned her to a slightly raised area where I had positioned several powerful floodlights. She stood on the platform with the vial in one of her hands, grinning. "Ready when you are", she said. I turned on the floods to half power and said, "Alright, drink the contents of the vial It will take a few minutes for the solution to enter your blood stream so relax". Val uncorked the vial and downed the liquid in one gulp. "Tastes pretty rank", she said, "But anything for science." A couple of minutes passed and I said, "Alright, start flexing. There should be enough in your system now to begin the reaction." Val obliged me by hitting some really hard most muscular poses, a side biceps, some leg contractions and a lat spread. "I don't know if it's working yet but I feel pretty good", she said. "Remember, the solution has to replace your existing tissue before it builds new muscle. You should be significantly stronger at this point even though you don't look different yet." "Let's find out", Val said, picking up a pair of 150lb dumbbells from the rack behind her. She started to curl them. Slowly at first and then with increasing ease. "Not bad! Not bad at all!", I said, barely able to contain my excitement. "You ain't seen nothing yet", Val said, obviously pleased with herself, "Watch this..." Val put down the dumbbells and hit a very hard lat spread. As she did, I could actually see her muscles swelling, growing right before my eyes. Her lats were getting wider and thicker, the definition on her obliques was becoming razor sharp. Her chest was heaving with new striations appearing with every breath.. Her shoulders were broadening and her whole body appeared to be developing at a phenomenal rate. She struck a double biceps pose and I nearly came in my trousers. Her biceps were pumped much bigger than they had been only moments before. The shape was incredible with full, round peaks and the "double cut" ridge down the centre of the flexed muscle. I couldn't guess as to the size but I was more than impressed. Val turned her head to view her arms and was obviously pleased with what she saw. "Damn! I'm huge! Hey doc, come over here and bring the tape measure will ya?" I shut down the lights, grabbed the tape and strode excitedly onto the platform. "How do my arms measure up?" Val asked cockily. My hands were shaking slightly as I drew the tape across her massively flexed arm. I swallowed hard and said "24 and an half inches. Not bad for a ten minute work out." We both grinned at each other. "Let me check your chest", I suggested. She smiled and flexed her huge pecs. The thickness was incredible. They stood out several inches beyond her upper abdomen. "Does 58 inches sound about right?" I said, becoming extremely aroused by the closeness of such an incredible physique. "I can live with it", Val replied casually, "What about my legs?" Dropping to my knees, she flexed her quads and the tape measure jumped in my hands. The muscle definition was incredible. Every fibre was visible through her skin. The vascularity was astounding. I could see the veins pumping with power and had to marshal my self-discipline to stop myself from licking them right then and there. "34 inches on the quads and 23 inches on the calves. " Very nice. I expect you've better than tripled your strength too." I said, my heart racing at the possibilities, "Care to test your strength?" "What do you have in mind?" Val asked self-assuredly. "I don't know. Start with the bench press?" I suggested. "Sounds good to me. Lemme see. If I'm three times stronger, then I'll need about 600 on the bar. Do you have anything that can hold that kind of weight?" Val asked. "As a matter of fact, I do", I said, motioning her to the bench near the back of the platform. "I have a friend who is a metallurgist and he forged a set of weights designed just for this sort of circumstance. See those plates? They're the same size as standard 45's but each one weighs ten times as much. The bar is made from one of the hardest titanium steel alloys on the planet and weighs about 450 lbs. too. All the other weights back here are of the same material so rack 'em up." Val walked over to the bench and pulled one of the 450 plates off the rack as if it were nothing and proceeded to load the rest of the bar to 1500lbs. She threw her arms back, stretching her gigantic chest and reclined on the bench. Carefully, she positioned her hands on the bar and pushed. As she did, I could tell that the magnitude of our success was greater than I thought by the smile spreading across her face. She brought the bar down to touch her chest and pressed it up again effortlessly. She proceeded to do this eleven more times before she replaced the bar. "1500's okay for a warm up, but looks like I'll need some real weight to see what I can do", Val said, flexing her mighty chest. she returned to the rack and loaded the bar to an even ton. She lay down and pressed a single rep with perfect form. "Too light", she declared and loaded another ton. She tried the press again with this weight and he seemed more comfortable. She went for eight reps then jumped to her feet, muscles flexing. Val was a very happy lady. I was extremely gratified as well, not to mention horribly turned on. "I love this!" Val exclaimed. "Are the effects permanent? Will all this wear off? Do I have to keep taking it? What's the deal?" she reached for a pair of 300lb dumbbells and started curling with incredible ease, watching her mammoth biceps contract into perfect boulders of muscle. "The effects are permanent. You don't need to take any more of this stuff. It has become part of you now. Your muscle, tendon and bone tissue has mutated into progressively stronger material. They operate the same way they always have but they are considerably stronger now and have a much higher capacity to grow and reproduce. The energy-absorbing cell modification means that you can grow without eating tremendous quantities of food though you are likely to get very hungry if you work out without an adequate power source around." "I can feel that already", Val said, putting down the dumbbells. "I'm pretty starved right now. Wait a minute. You mean I'd continue to grow if there were enough power around here to feed my muscles? What's an adequate power source? How big can I get? How fast will I grow?" She was obviously excited at the prospect. "Basically, your muscles will grow as fast as the power source can feed you, assuming the mechanism is activated by intense muscle contractions. Those high-wattage floods give off a good deal of light and heat and you were able to absorb that light pretty easily and translate it into muscle. You can use just about any energy as a power source. Electrical, sunlight, mechanical energy, anything. You can even use the old standard food but you'll have to eat a lot and it isn't efficient. Don't get me wrong, you still want to eat but to gain muscle, you want something that is immediately available, not something you need to digest. How big can you get? I really don't know. That's part of what I want to find out with these experiments." "No problem there", Val smiled. "I want to get enormous. But right now, I want to shower and get some dinner. I know a place around here that has an all you can eat buffet. I think we should show them what that really means." "Okay", I said, "There is a locker room around the corner. Shower up while I shut down the lab." Val turned her mighty torso and headed off for the showers. I couldn't help watching her incredible back and legs (and phenomenal glutes) as she strode powerfully toward the back of the warehouse. My heart was pounding and it wasn't just scientific satisfaction either... I began shutting down the lab, deactivating my equipment and putting my formulae under lock and key. Before I did, I copied the data from the automated sensors into the computer. The sensors kept track of various physical variations on a coarse level. Things such as mass, overall dimensions, body heat, etc. were transferred into my research logs. I annotated the data with my own observations. As I did so, I could hardly believe what I was writing. Val had gained 30 lbs of muscle and her strength had increased by a factor of 8. Much more than I had anticipated. Not that I was complaining. She had added 6" to her chest and 4" to her arms and legs while her waist remained the same. Her body fat had been reduced to 4% and I could only guess that her stamina had increased in accordance to her strength. Val returned the next day. She looked smaller. At least the definition is still there I thought. As she stepped onto the platform, I took a look at my sensor readings and then looked again. According to the read-outs, while her overall size had diminished from yesterday's maximum, her mass had actually increased by about five pounds over the previous day's maximum. Curious, I thought I would try an experiment. "Val", I said cautiously, "Go over to the weight rack and try curling with the 300lb dumb bells you threw around yesterday." "If you say so, but don't expect me to do much with them. I've shrunk to what I was before and I used to max out at about..." She caught herself in mid-thought as she easily lifted each 300lb weight from the rack and began curling them with incredible ease. "These are as light as a feather! I'm stronger than I was last night but I'm not as big. What's the story doc?", she said, trading the 300's for 400's and curling furiously. I considered this a moment and then it hit me. "My formula increases strength by mutating the muscle, tendon and bone tissue itself. Each mutation is stronger than the previous one, partially by virtue of the number of cells and their size but also by their density and organization. I suspect that what we are seeing here is the body finding its equilibrium size. As you can see, your strength is about the same as it was last night as is your weight. In fact you are a little stronger and a little heavier. Must have been all that food you ate. If you were to work out without an adequate power source, as you are doing now, you would force your tissues to reorganize themselves into more and more efficient forms. In essence, you would get smaller in size but actually become denser and stronger per unit volume. When you work out with an adequate power source, your muscles will grow in both size and strength. In fact, now that your tissues have mutated into a more efficient form, the next time you work out with a power source your strength should increase even faster than before." Val put down the dumb bells and said, "Let's try it. I like getting strong but I want to be huge too. This exercise I've been doing for the past few minutes already has my arms down to 18 inches, I'd guess. Let's go for mass!" "Okay by me", I said as I moved to warm up the floods. "It will take a few minutes for the lights to warm up. Just sit back and relax." Val was clearly disturbed by loosing her hard-earned size and was fidgeting impatiently on the platform as the lights slowly began to brighten. "You said I could use any power source, right?" Val asked anxiously. "That's right. It's Einstein's old E=mc^2 rule we're applying here", I responded, wondering where she was going with this line of reasoning. "Good, 'cause I don't want to wait for the lights to warm up." Val moved to the high-tension feeder cables for the flood lights, removed the connector and strapped the bare wires to her belt. There was an arc, a snap and a flash as the leads made contact with her abdomen. Oddly, she didn't appear to be hurt in the slightest. Then she began to flex. Fast, hard poses, one after another. Lat spread, double biceps, chest poses, legs, faster and faster. As she flexed, electrical arcs flew from the lead wires and connected with her muscles. As they did, I could see her muscles expanding, swelling once more with incredible power. She flexed harder and harder and her muscles grow bigger and bigger. She was easily as big as she had been the day before and she didn't appear to be slowing down. Val looked at her arms and rubbed her hands across her boob-covered pecs and abs. Se hit a most-muscular pose and I swear every muscle in her body grew an inch. Her vascularity was astounding. Her pecs were huge slabs of striated muscle which stood a good foot away from her upper abs. And the abs! She must have had ridges three inches deep between her muscles. Her arms were incredible. The size and shape of the biceps was beyond human. The striations on her triceps were so far beyond my experience that I could do nothing but stare. I glanced down at my instruments and saw that her weight had increased to nearly 350lbs and was moving up at better than a pound per second. She moved over to the weight bench and instead of loading weights, she picked up the bar and walked toward the centre of the platform. She grinned at me and placed her hands at opposite ends of the bar. With what seemed like little effort she slowly began bending the bar double. The arcs of electricity were flying faster and faster as she bent the bar further and further. The lights began to dim as she drew more and more power from the main grid and I could see her muscles growing thicker and bigger. Muscles on muscles. She was more than human. Much more. As she brought the ends of the bar together she threw it down and hit a most muscular pose. There was one huge burst of electricity and then the whole room went dark. A breaker had gone somewhere I quickly hit the emergency lights from my console (all of my equipment had a redundant power supply) and gazed at the being before me. The emergency lights were able to light the platform dimly. That coupled with the first rays of dawn coming through the skylight revealed an incredible site. There stood Val, her superhuman form heaving and her hands roaming over her massive chest and arms. Her sweat pants had been ripped to shreds as she grew and now there was nothing but tattered ribbons of cloth hanging to her impossibly narrow waist. "Get me a mirror", Val said commandingly, her voice a little deeper than before. Stirred from my revery, I quickly hopped onto the platform and opened the mirror doors along the back partition. The mirrors were a variant of those used in department stores for viewing clothing only these were about six feet per segment so the view was much wider. For Val, it needed to be. As Val caught a view of herself, I heard her whisper "YES!!!" She strode to the back of the platform and slowly brought up her arms into a double biceps pose while she flexed her abs and quads ."This is what I've been wanting for a long time", Val said with obvious appreciation for her new body. "We need more light in here. I want to see what I've got and I don't want to miss an inch of it." "Alright. Stay here. I'll go and flip the breaker." I said. I stepped down from the platform and headed for breaker room. I opened the panel and reset the switch. The lights came on immediately and I quickly headed back to the main area. When I arrived, I saw Val transfixed with herself, flexing, rubbing and squeezing her muscles with great passion. I grabbed my tape measure and hopped onto the platform. "God this is great doc", Val said. "I've always wanted to be this big. Got the tape? Let's see how big I am. I gotta be bigger than anyone else, even the guys! "My hands shaking with excitement, I brought the tape around her chest as she flexed. I let my fingers glide gently over her massive muscles. An indulgence I know but I couldn't resist. I had created a woman who was my idea of physical perfection. My eyes nearly bugged out when I read the number. "What is it?" Val asked." 82 and 3/4 inches." I swallowed hard. "Damn! I like it!" Val said with enthusiasm. "Check out my arms!" Val raised her right arm and flexed her biceps. I couldn't have been prepared for the sight which greeted my eyes. Her biceps had grown so large that there wasn't a millimetre of space between the inner elbow tie and the start of the muscle or the biceps and the deltoid. The biceps themselves were beyond massive yet with a peak which could only be described as parabolic. Full, defined, vascular with veins the size of garden hoses pulsing powerfully. Her forearms had grown to incredible dimensions as well. Completely shredded bands of muscle which looked like they belonged to a bodybuilder's leg rather than a forearm. They were impossibly full and defined. I brought the tape measure around the flexed arm and read off the measure."34 and 1/2 inches", I said, my voice quivering. "Val, you are the most incredible physical specimen in the world." "I am more than that", Val said. "I've become a goddess!" Looking in the mirror, Val hit a most muscular pose and started feeling her powerful body again. I dropped to my knees and brought the tape around her thigh. She obliged me with a hard flex and I read the number."42 inches even", I said. I dropped to her calf and stretched the tape. "Your calf is 30 and 3/8 inches". I had to be dreaming. Val was too incredible for words. "Let's see what I can do! Come here and hold on. We're going to have some fun." Obediently, I walked over to Val who picked me up with one hand and put me on her shoulder. Her traps were so wide and her upper pecs so thick that I could sit comfortably without holding on. I did hold on though. I wanted to experience as much of her mega-massive body as I possibly could. She strode over to the door and stopped. "I think you better get down for a second", Val said seriously. "Looks like this door is too small for my shoulders to get through. I'll have to do something about that." She positioned herself right in front of the door and with a single, sharp push, ripped the door from its hinges and sent it flying across the parking lot. It landed in pieces about 100 feet away. Next, Val moved her massive arms through the door until her shoulders touched the steel door frame. "See? I thought I was too wide for this door", she said and proceeded to spread her shoulders and arms slowly into the frame. There was a groaning of metal followed by the sound of concrete crumbling. Wider and wider she pushed her shoulders until the door frame split open at the top and concrete fell from the top of the frame. Val took the remains of the frame and ripped them from the wall. She proceeded to bend and twist them into a knot and then crumpled them like a piece of paper and threw it aside. "You would have needed a new door anyway", Val said. "I was too big for the old one." I couldn't argue with that. "If you want to test yourself, we should stroll over to the pier on the other side of the warehouse. It hasn't been used in years and there's plenty there for you to play with", I suggested. "Alright, let's go", Val said, once again, lifting me onto her massive shoulder. It was still only about 0600 but the light of dawn was just about to break into daylight as we made our way to the pier. At the pier were several cranes, some old freight carriers and several old-style fork lifts, dormant and neglected. I hopped down from her shoulder and Val approached one of the old fork lifts. It was an old diesel variety and was used to lift heavy boxes onto and from docked ships. Val looked at it a moment, figuring out where she could get a good grip. Then, approaching it from the side, she gently tipped the lift to one side and moved her other hand across the bottom to the opposite side. With no more effort than a normal girl picks up an empty cardboard box, Val proceeded to lift the entire vehicle off the ground and press it over her head. With a tiny shrug, she sent it several feet in the air to land once again in her hands, now spaced so they could grab both sides. "This is too easy", Val remarked as she slowly brought her hands together. As she did so, I could see her muscles ripple powerfully across her chest and upper arms. The fork lift groaned as its centre was crushed by the incredible force being exerted by Val's incredible body. She then took the lift in one hand and heaved it into the bay. It flew for nearly 100 yards before splashing into the dark waters. I just stood there in amazement. Val was apparently capable of just about anything. She looked around and made her way toward one of the cranes imbedded into the dock. Very tall, the crane itself didn't weight very much but its base was part of the warf which was made of re-enforced concrete. Val considered this for a moment then, with one mighty punch of her great fist, broke through the concrete base and penetrated a couple of feet into the pier. She followed suit with her other fist a couple of feet away. She squatted down, showing her incredible legs and ass and slowly started to raise herself. The striations on her hamstrings and quads as well as her chest and upper arms were beginning to make themselves known as I heard the terrible sound of crumbling concrete and ripping steel. Val had apparently managed to grab hold of a couple re-enforcement beams imbedded into the concrete and was essentially lifting the section of the dock with the crane right out of it's foundations.. The piece she was lifting was easily a twenty foot cube of solid concrete and metal and she appeared to have no difficulty with it at all. She turned to me, not even breathing hard and asked "Where do you want it?" I was too stunned to reply and just pointed toward the water. With a deliberate effort she threw the huge slab high into the air. I watched it hurl toward its eventual splash down several hundred feet away. Obviously satisfied with herself, she looked right at me and started flexing her chest and legs. "I could use a little attention after that little test", she smiled invitingly. "Anything you want", I said, my voice breaking at the thought of finally worshipping this goddess. "Come here and appreciate me", Val said arrogantly. "My muscles deserve to be worshipped. I need to be worshipped." It was as if he had read my mind. I quickly walked over to her and began rubbing my hands against her huge pecs, my tongue tracing the incredible striations on her massive muscles. I had been with female bodybuilders before and had always been aroused by hard muscles. Muscles which didn't give way when you squeezed. Val was different though. Her muscles were so dense that it felt as if I was worshipping a marble statue. Her muscles didn't give a millimetre yet the pulsed with inconceivable power and heaved as she breathed slowly in and out. She took her massive left hand, grabbed me under the arm and brought me over to her right shoulder. She extended her right arm and started flexing her biceps. "Feel my arms! Lick them! " Val commanded. I crawled out onto her enormous arm which was nearly as thick as my torso and began squeezing and rubbing and licking her superhuman muscle. She would flex and relax her biceps slowly and I would feel the wonderful surge of power with each pulse. I began rubbing my crotch against her shoulder and could feel the strength of her boulderous deltoid beneath my cock. I wrapped my arms around her biceps as she relaxed it and squeezed with all my might. It didn't budge. Then, as she slowly flexed again, her power broke my embrace and I was overwhelmed with the reality of having an arm this size beneath me. I climbed back onto her shoulder and climbed across to her other arm. This time, she chose to have me work on her forearm and so I climbed all the way out on her extended arm and began feeling her superbly developed forearm. Thick ropes of muscle contracted and relaxed, dancing in a ballet of strength and raw power. I licked them, tried to bite into them massaged them, worshipped them all the while wondering how far this would go... When Val had finished throwing around the equipment at the dock we returned to the lab, I atop her massive shoulders. She let me down outside the door and she squeezed her way through the shattered portal. It felt as if I had lived in a dream for the last couple of hours. Val was so far beyond my wildest dreams that I would do anything for her now. All she had to do is ask. She was obviously pleased with the way the morning turned out and as soon as we got back into the lab, she beelined for the mirrors on the platform and started flexing again, rubbing her hands across her superhuman muscles. Without taking her eyes off herself, she said, "We have to go out and show this off today. I'm too hot to keep indoors." She hit a double biceps and I nearly came again. "Well there isn't anything I can do to keep you here," I said, "After what I saw on the dock, I don't think there is anything ANYONE could do to force you into something." I advanced slowly behind her massive back, completely hidden from view by its massive proportions and started to gently rub my hands over her Herculean muscles, feeling every ridge and striation as it rippled and flexed. "I want to go to the gym and see what the guys say to this!" Val said, spreading her lats to their full, 4-foot width. "Alright. If that's what you want," I said. "You had better get into some clothes before you go over though. While I'm sure they'll be turned on by you buck naked, I'm pretty sure we'd get arrested if we went out on the street this way." Val grinned and headed off to the locker room. I shut down the equipment and followed her in. She was standing by a locker trying to fit her oversized legs into a pair of compression shorts. The fabric was already straining against her 42" thighs and her huge, hard glutes. She looked ready to explode right out of them. We walked out to the door and realized there was no way I could lock up the lab: Val had completely destroyed the door frame. "Oops," she said, blushing. Looking around, she saw several sheets of corrugated aluminum stacked against the loading bay. She walked over to them, picked up a sheet and bent it double and then double again as if it were a piece of paper. She walked back, hastened us to leave and wedged the aluminum into the door space. "That should hold until you get a new door," Val said, satisfied with herself, "Being mega-strong comes in handy." We walked over to my car and encountered our next problem. Val was considerably larger than the average person and all I had was a two seater. I took off the roof, moved her seat as far back as it would go and asked her if he could squeeze inside. With considerable effort, she was able to crunch herself into a mass of ultra-dense muscle that just barely contained itself to her side of the car "That must be uncomfortable," I said. "It is," Val replied. "Just hope I don't have to breathe too deeply or I'll crush your dash-board." "The sooner we get there the sooner you can get out of this thing," I said. "Just tell me were to go." As it turned out, we were only about ten minutes from her gym. When we got there, she opened the door and immediately stretched, flexing her massive physique again. "Damn that was cramped," Val said. "You better think about hiring a van or something to get us back." "Will do," I said. "We're here. Shall we go in?" Val looked at me and grinned, "You bet." I opened the door for Val and she slid in sideways: her shoulders were too wide for the door. We crossed to the desk where the attendant was sitting, reading MuscleMag. He wasn't one of the "big boys", but he was built. I gave Val her membership card (her wallet was with me: no room in her compression shorts). "Morning Jim," Val said, casually putting down her membership card. "Morning Val," Jim said, quickly glancing up. Before her eyes had refocused on her magazine, he threw her head back and stared at Val. "Jesus! What happened to you?!?!" Val grinned and said "Just been working hard. This is my friend Vlad. I said he could work out with me today. Is there a problem with that?" Jim couldn't take his eyes off Val's incredible muscles. He was just sitting there with his mouth open and his eyes bulging. "Hello? Jim?" Val said, waving her huge hand in front of Jim's eyes. "What? Oh, no problem. Sure, go ahead. The gym had the usual early-morning crowd of about a dozen or so guys, most of them big and pushing some serious iron. As Val walked by each of them, they did a double-take, stopped what they were doing and just stared. Stared at that huge muscular back, those impossibly wide shoulders, the tiny waist, the phenomenal glutes and those oaken thighs. Val made her way casually to an open flat bench. "Today's a chest and biceps day," she said, grinning knowingly. Both of us were quite aware there wasn't enough weight in the whole gym to give her anything more than a warm up, but this was showtime and Val liked being in the spotlight. "Let's warm up with 495," she said, "Help me load this bar." "Sure," I said, and began loading my side with five plates. As we did, I noticed a lot of the guys had come over to watch. Val went to the end of the bench and sat down on the end. She quickly glanced at the stares of utter incredulity on each of their faces and said, "Yeah, about 495 is a good warmup for BICEPS." The audience's eyes got bigger still and they started talking among themselves. Val was obviously enjoying this. One of the big guys (whom I later learned was named Paul) spoke up, "I don't care how big you look, nobody does curls with 495. It just isn't possible." Val grinned. "Maybe for you, but not for me." She got up and walked to the back of the bench, put her hands under the bar at shoulder width and lifted the bar off the supports. Staring right at Paul, Val slowly curled the bar in perfect form for twelve reps. The crowd had fallen silent during this amazing feat and then broke out in cheers as she put the bar down. Everybody came over and congratulated Val. They were all slapping her on the arms and shoulders, smiling and saying they'd never seen anything like it. Its my opinion they weren't congratulating her as much as they were trying to touch her monstrous muscles. In either case, Paul still wasn't convinced. "There's got to be a trick. No way you're as big and strong as you look," Paul said, scowling. "No trick," Val said, "Just 32 inches of rock-solid biceps." Val flexed her right arm and the sight of the boulder-size peak, pulsating with power, nearly made me embarrass myself in front of the entire gym. Looking around, I could see I wasn't the only one turned on. "Mind if I try?" Paul asked. "Go ahead," Val said. "I'll spot you." Paul walked around to the back of the bench and Val moved out of the way. Paul grasped the bar and with some effort lifted it off the supports but couldn't curl it more than a few inches. "Here," Val said, "Let me help." She manoeuvred in behind Paul, pressing her huge boobs and slab-like pecs hard against Paul's back, extended her arms outside Paul's, linked her index finger on either side of the bar and started to lift gently. Suddenly the bar was lighter in Paul's hands and he was able to curl it with some difficulty. As he did so, I could see Paul struggling with the realization that Val was everything he claimed to be: ultra massive and super strong. He also seemed to be very uncomfortable about the rise he was getting in her shorts. Paul put the bar back and Val moved back. "Okay," Paul said, grudgingly. "I guess you are pretty strong. What I want to know is how? Nobody is your size. And you weren't this big on Monday. Nowhere near this size. How did you do it?" "I'm not ready to tell anyone yet," Val said coyly. "I need something to drink. Vlad, join me at the juice bar?" Val had a quizzical look on her face. She had something to tell me but I wasn't sure what it was.. I accompanied Val over to the juice bar and ordered a couple of carb boosters. The drinks were dispensed. While we drank, Val told me about Paul. "He's going to be a pain," Val said. "He's used to being top dog around this gym. He's won several local and regional shows and doesn't like being bested." "I guess he's going to have to get used to it," I grinned, playfully punching Val's massive shoulder. For the rest of her workout, Val had a major audience. More people stopped their workouts and started following Val from station to station, watching her incredible muscles break every gym record with ease. I, of course, knew that she was deliberately restraining herself. They gym bench press record, for example, was 615lbs. Val used 765lbs for her standard set of barbell curls. Her bench press was too great for any of the free-weight stations, so she improvised with a Smith machine, two fully loaded bars, wracked one atop the other, and an additional ten plates stacked on top of the support beam. All totaled, 2340lbs for 12 reps. And she wasn't even breaking a sweat. Between sets, Val would give her audience what they wanted by flexing her huge body through some of the most incredible poses these guys had ever seen. She encouraged the guys to feel her muscles while she flexed. A few did readily, then more and more until finally, all of them were comfortable with the thought of rubbing their hands all over her mega muscles. After an hour, there wasn't a guy in the gym who wasn't sporting a raging hardon. Paul was the only one who kept his distance, keeping to his own workout.