URSA'S REVENGE By Supergeek Ursa regains her powers. Ursa clung to the ledge in desperation. Every fibre of her being burned with hatred for the son of Jor-El. That accursed "Superman" had tricked her and stolen her powers, and murdered her beloved Zod and their pet Non. Ursa gritted her teeth and swore that she would regain her powers and have her revenge upon the son of Jor-El. Finally, Ursa clawed her way up out of the pit and made her way to the crystalline control panel. As she examined the controls, a cruel smile came to Ursa's lips, and a plan formed in her mind. She would soon regain all her powers, and then she would defeat "Superman" once and for all. After making the modifications, Ursa stepped into the molecule chamber and activated the machine by remote control. As her body was bombarded by energy, Ursa smiled again. By her calculations,she would be ust as powerful as she had been before. However, just as the treatment was almost complete, the aurora borealis flared up, causing a massive power surge in the molecule chamber, and increasing Ursa's power far beyond her wildest imaginings before destroying the Fortress in a spectacular explosion. Meanwhile, in the great city of Metropolis, or, more specifically, in the offices of the Daily Planet, Clark Kent was busily typing up a story on political corruption when the office began shaking violently. "What's going on? There are no faults around here, so this can't be a natural quake," thought Clark. "I'd better investigate this as Superman!" Clark ducked into the supply room and flew out the window as Superman. Using his x-ray vision, he searched the city for the cause of the earthquake until he found it, or rather HER. Standing on the ocean floor, Ursa was holding the North American continent up with one hand and shaking it vigorously. Spotting Superman with her super vision, Ursa flew up out of the ocean and landed on the dock. "Ah, 'Superman', I was hoping you'd show up," said Ursa. "Now watch as I destroy your precious city!" Ursa inhaled sharply and blew a huge gust of wind at Metropolis. Statues, skyscrapers, trees and everything else in the city was thrown about like leaves in a hurricane and demolished for several minutes. Finally, when the city had been destroyed, Ursa stopped and said, "Well, what did you think of my little demonstration?" "I don't know how you got your powers back Ursa," said Superman, "but I'm putting an ed to your reign of terror right now!" Superman charged forward at full speed, intending to tackle Ursa and subdue her.Ursa, however, just stood with her hands on her hips and watched as "Superman" bounced off her mighty chest like a rubber ball. "Oh, I'm sorry 'Superman'," said Ursa mockingly. "Did I forget to mention that I'm 1000000000000000000000000000000000 times stronger than you?" "Impossible!" said Superman. "I'm the most powerful man in the universe! I've even beaten you and your cohorts! There's no way you could beat me, even if you did somehow regain your powers!" "I reversed the polarity on your molecule chamber in order to regain my powers," Ursa gloated, "but a power surge increased them beyond my wildest dreams! Now, son of Jor-El, I will crush you like a bug!" "We'll see about that!" said Superman, and began hurling a barrage of heavy items at Ursa to try and take her down. Driven by the force of his super muscles, even a paper airplane has the power to pierce steel, yet, amazingly, Ursa stood there smiling as boulders, manhole covers, full cement trucks, and every other heavy object close at hand smashed into her with no effect except to demolish the things that had been hurled. "Is that the best you can do 'Superman'?" asked Ursa in a mocing tone. "Let me show you how it's done!" Then she flicked the Man of Steel with her pinky and sent him hurtling into deep space until he slammed into Pluto. Superman tried to retaliate,but before he could move, Ursa was all over him with a barrage of kicks and punches that left him battered and reeling. He tried to hide inside the planet Jupiter, but Ursa inhaled the gas giant into her mighty lungs, exposing him once again. He tried to flee, but no matter where he went, she was there, an invincible obstacle no matter how hard he presseed his attack. For example, when Superman tried using his heat vsion, Ursa just said "Ahh, that feels good! Now it's my turn!" then she used her own heat vision and scorched Superman, along with the planet Venus, burning the superdense gases of that world out of existance. Finally, he tried freezing her with his super breath, but she broke free and used the power of her own mighty lungsto freeze the planet Saturn, where they had been fighting, solid, encasing the Man of Steel in an icy tomb for all time. Ursa looked around at the devestation she had unleashed and smiled. She had laid waste to an entire solar system in her enthusiasm, but one little solar system was no great loss to the Queen of the Universe, after all. Ursa flew into the endless depths of space to survey her domain. THE END