...Hath No Fury, Part Four - Vanessa and Scherezade By T.S. Howard (xerxes.net@worldnet.att.net) Vanessa became ecstatic. Her transformation was occurring again. HEr power, size, and strength were all increasing before her foes' eyes. The would-be rapist and his chubbier cohort watched in awe and fear at the growing powerhouse before them. Donny, the man who was attempting to force himself upon little Vanessa, still had his erection exposed. The sight that Vanessa was becoming made him feel even stiffer. Vanessa stood up from the floor. Her skin was now a dark, deep, and rich tan. She looked like she had been on the beach for hours. Her pajamas, which were still tearing, were now a distant memory. Her huge pectorals and titanic tits put on a fabulous display of muscularity and femininity. Her hair was at an impossible length and was now so red, that it resembled an inferno. Her arms were so thick and muscled, that she barely had to put a flex in her biceps to make them swell and bulge. Those bronzed thighs had so much muscle and girth to them, that every step was bodybuilding show-like spectacle. Vanessa tore the rest of her shredded PJs from her silky, tanned skin and flexed nearly every muscle in her body. The sight caused Danny to climax and cum all over the floor in front of him. both men were fixed to their places on the floor. Vanessa, whose very mind and personality have also seemed to change along with her body, moaned. She rubbed her breasts and felt her nipples grow longer and harder. Vanessa dropped her head to look at th massive juggs and her huge, mountainous biceps touch one another. Then she let only her eyes up to spy a look at the men who helped trigger her re-transformation. "What the fuck do you want?" asked the Amazonian figure in a disgusted and bold way. Vanessa took note at how direct she was now. Plus, she noted the change in her voice. It was very feminine, almost too feminine. There was a balance between super femininity and bass and whisperiness to it. More bass and sass in it than it was when she was "normal". The two trembled at the superior size of the woman, yet were aroused and attracted to her looks and voice. One of the men answered her. "We're here to steal-uh-your stuff??" said the pot-bellied male. VAnessa walked over to her couch and lifted it off the floor with no trouble. Her 5'8" frame had no trouble holding it up. Then she broke it in half! She threw the broken sofa at the theives and said, "Here! Take the damn thing! Here's a TV too!" She lifted the 40" set off the floor without a slight bit of effort. She hurled the contraption at the two. They scattered as the near 150 pound electronic device flew towards them. It shattered into peices. The criminals traded glances and headed for the door. Vanessa ran ahead of them with explosive speed and power. Her hulking physique blocked the forced opening. She quickly grabbed up the two. "Oh no! I'm far from done with you!" She threw them down to the floor. They hit it so hard, that they fell through to the apartment below. Vanessa lept after them. The occupants of this apartment ran out of the door screaming. Vanessa lifted the pain-filled assailants and threw them out of the window. They flew out and down to the street. All she heard was a thud and car horns sounding. Vanessa, who's now enraged, uses her awsome strenght to push out the wall that the window she tossed the two men out of was located. She jumped down to the sidewalk nearly eight stories down. She ran down the steet with amazing speed. She was as fast as a track athlete could get. Her huge muscles pumped and powered her as she raced from the scene. Sirens wailed. Vanessa realized that if she could seriously injure two burly men between 200 and 250 lbs., then she could really mess up Queen and her antics once and for all. She found a place to hide her bulging body and slipped inside of an abandoned factory. Her muscles and her strength had her so horny. She found a comfy place and decided to let go of her sexual tension. She liked her fingers and masturbated on an old office couch. Her nipples were harder than ever. She played with them and squezzed and rubbed on her swollen clit. She reached out to an old vending machine and started to crush it as she came. Her swollen arms were packed with amazing power. She had to use it. She found a large machine and a giant vat nearby. HEr pussy grew wet with anticipation and her nipples erected at the sight of all that heavy metal. She punched a hole into the vat. Then she took the same hand and gripped the eedges of the hole. The metal wrinkled at the pressure of her girlish hand. THen she lifted the thirty-foot tall vat off the ground with ease! With one hand! Her left hand! (She's a righty) The power that she felt was amazing. She felt no pain or strain. She was SO strong.Her mammoth bicep curled into a massive mound on her arm. The peak and size of the muscle were staggering. She had bigger biceps than most men on earth ever could have. She tossed the vat with a yawn, and turned to the massive construct before her. It was well over fifty feet tall. Plus, it had to weigh at least that of a 747 at it's girth and complexity. She gripped it and heard the steel being crushed and crimped by her powerful hand. Without a thought or breath, she lifted. The machine was being torn from its anchoring. The heavy duty bols, each weighing 25 lbs. each, flew off. Her swelling right bicep and growing libido were too much fo it. The more she lifted, the more her bicep flexed, and the more aroused she got. She squatted down, while lifting this amssive machinery into the air, and lifted a tenfoot long lead pipe. She used her left hand to drive 8" of that pipe into her vagina and have her way with it. The stimulation from the pipe mad eher feel so good. She felt a power in her vagina she never felt before. Her muscular womanhood was crushing and crunching the pipe! She pulled out the crinkled metal dildo and looked at how bent up it was. SHe was exhilarated. The huge factory equipment now was over her head. She had forgotten about it, especially since it was like a feather to her. She tossed it and continued to sex herself with the pipe. She had to use more and more of it, because her pussy was wearing the pipe out. She crinkled up over 6' of that pipe in her efforts to satisfy her raging hormones and her pulsing, thumb-sized clitoris. After a few minutes, she came. Sweat was all over her awesome body. The factory was in a shambles. It was condemned, and she was wrecking it for the city. She plopped back on the couch and rested. She wasn't tired, just calmer. She cosed her eyes and reveled in the recent orgasm. As she relaxed, her body slowly returned back to her original state. Vanessa hadn't noticed, but when she woke up half an hour later, she did. Vanessa stood up. She noticed somethiing was wrong. She found a mirror and looked in it. She looked normal. Then she noticed it. She was taller than before. She wasn't 5'2", she was now 5'5"! She didn't know why. Then it hit her. Every change leaves a little bit of her "new" self behind. She figures that she'll be her "new" self permanently after a few more transformations. She grinned and laughed at the prospect. She knew that she had what she needed to take on Queen and her bullying once and for all. She even had a plan. . . .. . .To Be Continued Next time: Party Crasher!