...Hath No Fury, Part Three - Vanessa, Queen of the Urban Jungle by T.S. Howard (xerxes.net@worldnet.att.net) It has been a few hours since Vanessa turned into the huge, mega-muscular woman that now walks up the street naked. Her glorious 51E breasts bounced freely as she traversed the streets of the tiny town which housed the lab that she used to turn her into this woman. She loved the way she felt. She had super-strength coursing her thickened, skin embossing veins. She had veins racing up and down her arms and legs; both of which were bulging and pulsating with superhuman muscles. Her long red hair was draped down her huge, mountainous back. Her muscles were at least three times the size of a normal female bodybuilder's. She was even bigger than a male bodybuilder! A lust ran through her body. Vanessa rubbed the immense muscularity that she now possesed and began to grow aroused. Her nipples extended to 3" thick and 4' long! Her muscles began to swell as she stopped and flexed them! Her biceps seemed to grow! They rose and formed a peak that measured at least 32"! Her bronze buttocks now looked like a larger, more muscular version of Jennifer Lopez's. Her other massive arm was bent back so she could fondle her hair as if she were posing. Veins exploded upon her physique almost magically! Sinew and muscle fibers grew more apparent. She was so shredded now, she looked like she had no skin covering those mounds of hardened, muscle-laden flesh! She sensuously lifted her leg slightly. Her left leg was now bended and her knee met up with the other one. Now she was standing on one leg. Her quadriceps resembled her arms. Swollen and ripped! Her pussy was now soaked. She took her roght arm out of its bicep pose and reached for her wqarm, moist womanhood. She stroked the throbbing clitoris, and shuddered. It had grown too! Now it was swollen and at least the size of her thumb! It was also far more sensitive! After a few strokes, she fell to the street and began to outly masturbate on the concrete. Her clit was even possessed by her super-strength. After five minutes, she orgasmed. And what an orgasm!She bent a nearby manhole cover with ease as she came. Her muscles seemed even more pumped up! Vanessa stood up and grabbed a buldozer that was nearby. Now she had a lust to use her strength! She lifted the 'dozer with one hand and smiled. She looked at her engorged arm and watched it stiffen with power. She tore the thing apart right after that.It was easy for her. She had to see just how strong she really was. She grabbed the edge of a twenty-five story building that had just been put up. No one was inside and it was the heaviest object that she could find. She squeezed her hands more, tightening her grip. Soon, the brick wall that she was facing began to crack. She begon to lift the building. It made a great deal of noise as she began to rip the massive structure from its foundation! Her muscles weere now so swollen, that she had to eget an inch taller to support it all! Now she was 5'8.5"!She lifted the construct above her head and held it up with one hand! She had to be at least hundreds of thousands of times stronger than normal! She decided to crush the building, rather than attempt to put it back. So she did exactly that! Vanessa's earth shattering strength began to fill her with confidence. So much confidence, that she began to develop a new persona. She even thought differently. All of a sudden, she felt differently! She felt the same feeling that she felt when she bulked out of her clothes earlier. This time, however, she was shrinking! Her new muscles began to receed underher bronze skin. Her swollen boobs began to fade. her legs were growing smaller. Her hair returned to its natural color and length. Her strength dwindled back to her nomal force. Soon she was Vanessa again. She looked at herself though a window. Her reflection was no longer as it was a while ago. She began to cry. She was herself again! Sh had no clue as to why. However, her super-strong form made a lot of noise with that building, which was now a pile of rubble at her size 5 feet. She ran off in search of some cover and some clothes. Twelve hours later. . , Vanessa had returned home. She had hitched a ride with a man earlier. She rose out of her bed and hit the shower. She looked at herself in the full lenght mirror on the shower door. She saw her scrawny, normal version of herself. She wanted the ultra-buffed, mega-titted, voluptuous, super-pussied, extraordinary version of her. She even came up with a name for her superior other self, since she had a different personality for it, Scherezade, Queen of the Urban Jungle! However, she had no clue as to why her "other" regressed. She figured that it may have never meant to have been. Vanessa sat down and watched television. A popular game show was on called, "Masterminds". She sat and watched the program. A few minutes into it, she dozed off. Vanessa was suddenly snapped awake by the sound of her door being forced! The feeble door was no match for the explosive that rendered it asunderTwo heavy men walked inside and began to tear the place apart.One of them spied her on the sofa. Vanessa tried to run, but he was quicker. "Well. . . What have we here?" His cohort looked at the two. VBanessa was being held up in a choke hold. "Donny, I don't care about her, just get her shit!" he relpied. "I gotta have a taste!" he yelled as he ran his finger down her shuddering cheek. She was powerless to sop him. "OK! Have her, then kill her! I don't wanna get ID'd and sent up for a rape rap!" A twisted smile played accross Donny's face. He threw her down and pinned her with his 300+ lb. weight. He knocked over her couch and began to force her legs open. He undid his pants and let his 9" erection out. He then began to stroke his long member over her face. Vanessa was frantic. She fought to get him off of her, but to no avail. He was too heavy and strong. Tears ran from her eyes. Anger, pain, and disgust were running through Vanessa's mind. She continued to struggle until. . . The feeling came again. She felt strange. Her body felt like it was on full automatic. She began to breath heavier and deeper. She frantically looked around. Her assailant's dick was still quivering in her face. Anger caused her to continue fighting.She made some headway. She could feel herself growing stronger, and larger! Her breasts began to expand like balloons. Her pajamas were now filling with her orbs of flesh. Her muscles began to blossom as well! soon her whole pajama set was filling up with her body! The scum on top of her felt more aroused as he watched her tits swell. Her pajama's buttons began popping off. One hit him in the eye. Her sleeves began to split at midarm, right where her biceps were. She had one arm bent, so the encroaching mound of muscle's forming peak accelerated the tearing of one of her sleeves. Her hips and waist were widening along with her legs. They blew up and caused her pajama pants to explode!Both could hear the crackling of flesh an sinew as well as the ripping and shredding of cloth. Her hair turned fire red again and legthened out. Her bronze flesh became more and more visible! Her tits were now at full size. Her strength was also approaching critical. Now it was overwhelming, but she was still getting stronger! She began to rise up from the foor, her pajamas were now splitting off of here and going every which way. Her attacker and his partner were in for a shock and surprise. . . Next Time. . . Vanessa and Scherezade!