...Hath No Fury, Part Two by T.S. Howard (xerxes.net@worldnet.att.net) Vanessa drove herself to the lab. she had tears in her eyes. She could not believe that her mortal enemy, Queen would do such a thing! Now she was going to get even!! The door was unlocked. She easily invaded the lab with stealth. The place was devoid of people though, so she didn't have to sneak. The securiy cameras were all off. Her friend would program some false images into the video database so security wouldn't get suspicious. She entered the chemical lab first. A vast array of beakers and test-tubes sprawled before her. She put her long red hair up and looked at the storages. She found what she wanted. Viles and beakers full of androgenic and anabolic compounds. Animal testosterones from humans, lions, and panthers. She even found samples of hormones and steroids. she took all of these compounds and poured them into a large beaker. The smell was acrid. She covered the beaker and left that lab. she then entered Genetic Research. Here, she set the beaker, full of its potent mixture, down onto a large, technical device. The machine roared to life. She looked through the attached microscope and used a laser-like device to manipulate the amino acids in the vile compound she created. She spliced here and there, and eliminated this and that. After all is said and done here, she takes the beaker and carries it to its next destination: Nuclear Studies. Here she stood before a juggernaut of a machine. It was a nuclear reactor core. Many conduits and cables connected the monsterous device to other large, forboding constructs. she finds a small platform wih an encasement surrounding it. It is here that she places the beaker. She shuts it inside and moves over to a lit console. Her eyes were filled with madness. She looked angry and displaced. Her dishoveled clothes and her messed up hair made her look like a mad scientist. Tears still ran down her soft, youthful cheeks. Her gray eyes had redness around them. Her thin, small frame stood before the elaborate panel. She pushed a few buttons and toggled a few switches. A hum began to emit from the hulking machines around her. Then a bright light flashed in the enclosed platform. You see, she engineered the formula so that the genes that made up the naturally-occurring chemicals in her "brew" would be enhanced and mutated by the intense radiation that she bombarded them with. The brew was now a yellowish color. It was originally clear. She put on a radiation suit and opened the casing. She slowly removed the beaker. She put it in a lead-lined vault and flipped a switch. A deeper hum than the last sounded. The vault door opened and she took off her lead gloves and removed the beaker. She snatches off the helmet and opens her mouth. She drinks down every drop of the stuff. The taste was terrible; even worse than Ipikak syrup. She stoodfast for a moment. She waited for something to happen. Alas, nothing did. Angered by the failure of her work, she went to the Chemical Studies lab to fetch her coat. She stormed out of the building and headed for her car. She couldn't park in the lab's parking lot, because the cops check it every twenty minutes. So, she had to park across the street in front of a convienence store. Unfortunately, her car had a white slip tucked underneath a wiper blade and a Boot on the front tire. "Shit! Can't anything go right in this miserable life!" Vanessa exclaimed. She was pissed. she lost her job, her experiment failed, and now this. She read the ticket. A scowl disfigured her beautiful, exotic face, "What the fuck!! A $275.00 ticket for parking here after ten! Damn it!" Her anger and frustration led her cry on the car. She pounded on the hood. Her hand hurt, but she didn't care. She began to tug on the device attached to her wheel. Her anger was building even more than it was. Tears flowed from her gray eyes. Her red hair was flung everywhere. Then, her hair was growing longer. A warm feeling rushed along with the blood her racing heart was pumping to her every extremity. She was feeling stronger. Her nails grew longer and thicker. She was furious, yet she was feeling strange. It was nauseating, painful, and ecstatic all at the same time. She felt her hands getting a better grip on the boot. Her tears still ran down her soft, curvy face. She looked at her hands. They grew slightly before her eyes! They were'n much bigger than they were, but they were big enough to grip the boot tighter. She saw her forearms inflating. Her breathing was deeper and calmer, but she was still furious. She continued to tug on the boot. Now her fingers were piercing the metal, slowly, but surely. Her clothes were beginning to feel tighter. she gritted her teeth as she continuedd to feel pain from the tightening garments and her exertion on the device. Her breasts were swelling beneath her brassiere. The pinching and tightness were beginning to increase, along with the diameter, weight, and volume of her mammary glands.Her jacket and blouse were slowly beoing pushed outward from her chest. She looked down and saw the growth. She was stunned. She continued to feel stronger with each moment. Her bra began to split and bust open beneath her blouse. She could hear the ripping and breaking of silk, lycra, and plastic beneath her shirt. The pain was still increasing, but she had a fraction of relief. Her pain caused her to pull even harder on the boot. Now the metal squealed beneath her hands' increasing force on it. The bolts were streching. She felt even stronger as she was pulling the thing off! It was as if the feat was accelerating the increment of her strength. Her tits were up to a 44DD now, much larger than her busted bra, which was pressed against her still swelling breasts and her taut blouse. The blouse had even more to contend with, for her muscles were beging to grow even more. They were pumping slowly, but they were coming around. The spaces in between buttons were becoming ovals, then circles! Her flesh was darkening as all of this was happening. The Boot was freed from the car, along with the tire! She held the objects in her hands. She stood up. She was a little taller too! Now she was 5'4". Not much taller than she was before, but it was taller. Her blouse began to emit a tearing sound in the back. There was an oval shaped hole in it! It was expanding as her back was expanding! She had as much muscle on her back as a Mr. Olympis contestant had. It was thick and bumpy.Not to mentio wide! Her shoulders were bulging, along with her lats. They were now at least 50" in width by now, and still growing! Her breasts were now making a V-shaped tear in the front. Buttons were flying. Her breasts had a bit of natural sag to them, but only enough to see her thickening pecs! They were rippling and thickening, pushing her now 50DDD breasts out even further! Her arms destroyed the sleeves! Her triceps blossomed to 28" and her biceps were bulging at 26"! She crushed the tire and Boot in both of her hands. Her legs and buttocks had exploded out of her jeans. Her thighs were now 32" and her calves were 22"! Her hips were now an astounding 44" and her waist came out to a mind-boggling 36"! Her growth ceased. Now she was 5'7.5", weighed 230 lbs. had 4'5" of fire red hair, 28" arms, 32" thighs, and was now a 51E-36-44! All that and still had gray eyes, but her face had grown even more sexy and beautiful! Her skin was so bronzed now, that with her enhanced, exotic face and her long, untamed hair, she looked like some Amazon jungle princess! Especially with the way her shrouded clothes draped on her. Her slanted eyes focused on her pitiful '72 Cadillac. She glided over to the hulk of a car as if she were still her former size! Her large, bronze breasts were soft to the touch. The cold night air (and her "hulking-out") caused her nipples to erect. The grew out to a length of four and a half inches! They were thick too! They were also hard, for they punched through the metal door as if it were tissue. She squatted down and grabbed the chassis. Her powerful hands crushed the metal with ease and she slowly stood up. Her muscles began to swell even larger as the flexed and rippled violently while she performed the task. It was so light to her. It felt like she was picking up a sheetv of paper! "Holy shit! I'm soooooo strong!!!!!!" The car had to weigh at least two ro three tons, plus the weight of everything in it, but it was a feather to her. She crushed the automobile. It squealed and wheezed as she easily turned the raggedy vehicle into an accordian. The hulk was now in a ball in her small, feminine hands. It still weighed the same, it was just a 73" diameter "ball". She took it in one hand and hurled it. It hit a building more than half a mile away! The sound the collision made was deafening! The building was wrecked! So was the car! The large, muscular woman strolled for home. She pushed over a condemed ten-story building along the way. With her new "She-Tarzan" or "SuperJane" looks and awesome strength, size, and sensuality, she had a weapon that would crush all of Queen's dreams. But, now she was curios as to what she was going to wear. Plus, she had an insatiable hunger for sex now! All of that pumped-up testosterone must of increased her libido, as well as her muscle size and density! She was going to have to do something about both problems when she got home. . . Next Time: Amazonian Vanessa Becomes Queen of the Urban Jungle!