...Hath No Fury, Part One by T.S. Howard (xerxes.net@worldnet.att.net) This is the story of Vanessa and Queen. they are both 21. They grew up together in the same neighborhood. It is the beginning of the 22nd Century. The year is 2105. the place is the megalopolis of Chicago. Vanessa Hunter is a a good, timid soul. She's 5'2" and weighs 109. She's an exotic looking girl with red hair, tan skin, and sexy, gray eyes. She was a good student in school, and has always been pretty smart. She's quiet and shy, but has a decent social life. She's cute with very long, wavy hair, which reaches her butt. She's got a small frame that goes 32-20-34. She had a modest set of B-cup breasts that fit her. She had a narrow, yet bulbous Jennifer Lopez-like butt. That was her best trait, as most of the men who dated her say, aside from her face. Queen Falconi is, and always has been, Vanessa's rival. Ever since childhood, Queen's been after everything that Vanessa's had. In high school, she stole every boyfriend that Vanessa had. She still does to this day. Queen's always bullied Vanessa, all because she's smaller. Queen's a good-looking Italian-American babe. she's 5'7" and weighs 132. She has a nice frame on her that garners most men's attention. she's a curvy 37-24-36. She has a full set of D-cups that always fill her tops with alarming results. Queen was named after the rock band, for her parents concieved her while playing a "Queen" album. They have always lived by each other. Why? No one can say. The truth is, Queen always was envious of Vanessa. She had a better education, better friends, better family, you name it. The only thing Queen has, that Vanessa doesn't, is an exciting, fun and adventure filled life. vanessa moved to the small town of Hillside, located somewhere near Philadelphia, about two weeks ago. She landed a job with a small accounting firm out here and she wanted to get away from Chicago's hustle and bustle. Not to mention her lifelong tormentor, Queen. To no avail, she didn't escape Ms. Flaconi, she had moved out there a few months before then. She worked as a bartender in the small town. Everything is quiet between the two, for a while anyway. Then a few weeks ago, Queen got Vanessa fired by framing her for an embezzlement scheme. Vanessa lost her job, and her senses. Revenge is on her mind now! That was the last straw. vanessa always had a keen interest in science. She is good at chemistry and biology. She's been a wiz at it all of her life. She knows a lab technician who works at a lab a few miles from town. There, they did research and experiments on different chemicals and radiation and their effects on living things. She figured that she'd give him a call. "Hello," said Vanessa, "I'd like to talk to Gabriel in biotech, please. . ." She waits until her friend is routed on the line. "'Ness, what do you want?" Gabriel sounded surprised to hear from her. "I need the lab tonight. I have to do some work. Can you get me clearance?" Gabriel shifts the phone with uneasiness, and then says, "Sure. I can. Need a partner?" The earnest in his voice is obvious. "No, Gabe. This is my project! I need to do this alone," Vanessa replies. "All right," pity and disappointment came to his voice, "Be here by ten or you won't make it." The phone clicked out. Vanessa rests the receiver back to it's hook. She stands up and grabs her jacket. She pulls her car keys from her purse and bolts out of the door. . . To Be Continued. . . Next time: Altered States!!!!!!!!!