By The Mole

Part 01

"Bye, John!" Jessica waved as she walked back to her car. It would be a long drive back to North London, and it had been a very long day. "See you again tomorrow!"

"Paul's in tomorrow, Poppet," the big Welshman smiled. "But I'll give you a call Thursday about that shoot with Safety Brian."

"Okay, Sweety," Jessica laughed and blew John a kiss. "Bye…"

Some of these amateur photo shots can be quite fun, she thought as she made her way around the M25 shortly after, but they're hard work.

By the time she got home, the beautiful blonde model was ready to go straight to bed. Without bothering even to check her phone messages, she made straight for the bedroom, got undressed and climbed into bed. In no time at all, she was dreaming peacefully…

It was sometime later that Jessica became aware of a presence in her room. She wasn't quite sure how she knew, but some sixth sense told her she wasn't alone.

Quietly and calmly she reached out for the pair of scissors she knew were on her dressing table and once she had those she flipped the switch on the table lamp beside her. Holding the scissors out with one hand and her duvet to cover herself in the other, Jessica looked around the room. To say she was surprised by what she saw would be like saying Pele was okay at playing football.

To her utter disbelief she saw a tiny man dressed in green floating on a small cloud at the end of her bed. 'I'm still asleep,' she thought to herself, relieved. 'It's a dream…'

"No it isn't?" said the little man abruptly, apparently a little insulted.

"Pardon?" Jessica politely asked. It is a dream after all, she thought. Might as well get involved and enjoy it…

"You were thinking this is a dream," the little green figure continued, showing definite signs of annoyance now. "Its not you know…"

"Er…" Jessica wasn't expecting this. "Then what would a three foot guy be doing in my room sitting on a cloud?"

"I'm on a mission…" he grinned with pride. "My first actually…"

"A mission from God, I suppose?" Jessica laughed thinking of the Blues Brothers movie.

"Oh, what?" the green figure looked distracted. "Oh, He doesn't get involved in any of this. Far too busy… No I represent certain… parties that have concluded that your planet needs... well… a little help…"

"Help? With what?"

"Oh everything…" the green-clad man emphasized his statement with a vague wave of his hand. "Crime, disease, poverty… Times are hard…" Then his little cloud began to float around the side of Jessica's bed.

"Ah! Ah!" Jessica held up her scissors and tried to look severe. "No you don't… That's near enough…" There was no point in taking chances, after all. She didn't want this turning into a nightmare.

"Okay, okay…" the figure rapidly backed off, holding his arms out defensively. "Careful with those… These clouds damage easily. Anyway, there's no need to get upset… I'm just here to make you an offer."

"What offer?" Jessica eyed him suspiciously. "What are you talking about?"

"The help thing…" the tiny guy continued. "We'd like you to be our representative on Earth; to help right wrongs, combat evil doers and er… generally save the day. Of course the job comes with certain special powers and stuff…"


"Well money for a start…We can't have you working when you could be out catching bad guys & rescuing people from burning buildings can we?"

"No… I suppose not…" Jessica mused. "But why pick me. Is it because I'm a caring person, with a good sense of right and wrong, and with the conviction to carry the job through?"

"No…" the guy continued, completely straight-faced. "You've got long straight hair and you'd fill out a costume really well…"

"Well, really!" Jessica didn't know what to think. Was that a compliment, an insult, or both. Either way, it was rather personal…

"Well I've studied what you Humans believe a hero should be like," he looked thoughtful for a moment. "They seem to come in a variety of forms…most confusing... There's the big green guy… some chap who climbs up walls… and several people who wear these red and blue outfits with their underclothes on the outside…" He indicated his lower torso by way of illustration.

"Well I thought this last type would be the most non-threatening… especially in the female variety. So after careful checking you seem to be the ideal candidate…"

"Oooh…" Jessica was actually having fun with this now. She couldn't wait to tell her friends Linsey, Lorna and Kerry about this after she woke up. "Me! Ideal? Fancy that…"

"Yep, you meet the requirements perfectly! You've got the lovely straight blonde hair and huge breasts… all important aspects…"

"Excuse me…!" Jessica wasn't sure whether to feel flattered or offended by the little man's clumsy remarks as she glanced down at her 42 inch G cup bust. "They're not… okay they are, but that's no reason to go around making personal remarks." She pouted prettily.

"But I am being correct in every way, am I not?" the floating intruder looked puzzled. "You have the straight blonde hair and…"

"Yes!" Jessica cut him off before he could embarrass her further. "I know all that, but you don't just go around making remarks like that about women's… women's… Well, you just don't, okay?"

"I will never understand you Humans," the figure sighed. "Now I must go. Do you want to help your planet or not? This is, as you Humans say, a once-in-a-lifetime offer and is not refundable."

"I'd love too!" Jessica gave a broad smile at the strange little man's use of English. "This should be fun!" This could be the best dream ever, she thought, idly.

"Very well," the figure continued. "If you would please to lie down."

"Okay," Jessica replied, slightly suspiciously, holding up the scissors once again. "But no funny business. Remember, I have… I… have… th…" But she was asleep before she finished the sentence…


Part 02

"These!" Jessica awoke with a start, pointing an empty hand toward the far wall. Oh, drat, she thought. I've woken up, and just when it was getting interesting…

As she showered and got dressed, Jessica wondered what it would have been like to have continued the dream and enjoy some superpowers. I could have caught criminals, she thought for a moment; or rescued people from burning buildings, or… she smiled… moved that sideboard and found that twenty pound note I dropped behind it.

Still… No time for daydreaming now, she thought. I'm due back at Foxley this morning.

"Oh, shoot!" Jessica cried after she'd made her way out her front door to find her car boxed in between her neighbours. "Not again…" Why did her neighbours insist on doing that? It wasn't the first time, and she was really annoyed.

Knocking at their doors didn't help. Both neighbours were out… How was she going to get to Purley on time for her modelling session? She hated keeping people waiting…

Jessica stood by her car for a few moments before pushing the Mondeo behind it out of frustration, and it moved! Jessica was stunned… The owner must have forgotten to put the handbrake on! That was silly of him… or had he done that so she could move it? Well, it didn't matter Jessica thought as she easily rolled the large car back several feet. The important thing was that she'd now be able to get her car out. Being in a terrible rush, only in the very back of her mind did Jessica consider how unusually easy it was…

Nearly an hour and a half later and Jessica was at Foxley Studios getting changed. Several minutes later Brian, her amateur photographer, arrived looking pleased with himself.

"Hello Paul!" he called cheerfully, beaming a grin a mile wide. "Jessica, I'm really sorry I'm late, but wait until you see what I've brought with me!"

"Morning Brian," Paul looked up, relieved for an excuse to stop photographing the umpteenth Beechams packet - part of a job he'd got for photographing pharmaceuticals for a chemist's new advertising campaign.

"Hello Brian," Jessica replied with a heart-melting smile. "That's okay, just don't do it again…" She laughed to show she was joking and Brian and Paul joined in. "So what have you got with you?"

"I've got that Supergirl outfit I was telling to you about, and even a phoney metal bar for you to bend… if you don't mind…?" Brian sounded quietly hopeful, almost like a child asking for some sweets.

"That's okay…" Jessica smiled to herself, adding the final touches to her lipstick. "It'll be fun. Something different…"

"I'll just put the bar in the studio," Brian dropped the bag containing the outfit on a seat beside Jessica and went through into the studio. His face showed a grin even wider than normal. He took some time to set out his camera equipment while Jessica got changed. Usually Brian liked to take pictures of Jessica in her everyday clothes, but today he couldn't wait to see her in that Supergirl outfit!

Several minutes later Jessica walked in, and Brian looked up to greet her. His mouth opened but no words came out. He just stared open-mouthed as Jessica walked across the studio to the white background he preferred to use.

Brian had always had a crush on the whole Supergirl idea, but he wasn't prepared for the vision that was now standing not six feet away from him. Jessica looked stunning! She was one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen - adorable looking with luscious blonde hair; her long legs stretching out from beneath the uniform's short skirt - causing Brian to glance down for a moment in admiration.

But his gaze was almost immediately dragged up to the front of Jessica's outfit. A hopeless lover of big breasts, Brian's thoughts turned to how no one had ever… ever… filled out a Supergirl uniform like Jessica was now.

"Wow!" Brian breathed in wonder as he stared at the way Jessica's amazing figure stretched the tight blue top out by several inches. Then with a tremendous effort of will, he regained some composure and looked up at Jessica apologetically. "Oh, Jessica… I'm really sorry… I just er… wasn't ready… You look… terrific…" He was almost lost for words.

"That's okay," Jessica smiled. "You really think so? It doesn't make me look fat?"

"No way!" Brian wondered why she worried so much about that. She looked fabulous… "You look incredible! And I knew you'd look terrific in that outfit!" he gasped. "As I said… Wow!"

"Thanks," Jessica smiled dazzlingly and struck what she thought would be a good opening pose for Supergirl - hands on hips, legs slightly apart and chest thrust out.

"Oops… Forgot my spare film," Brian put his camera down on the floor and made his way toward the door. "Sorry, Jessica. I'll be back in a minute."

It took a couple of minutes for Brian to reach his car and retrieve the forgotten film. When he came back he absently noticed that Jessica was wielding the metal bar, testing its weight. He turned to put his spare film on a table.

"It's very good, isn't it?" Jessica commented as she bent the bar into a horseshoe shape. "It looks very realistic…"

"Its okay," Brian turned back from the table. "It should fool the camera from a distance. But I…"

Jessica looked up at Brian's sudden silence to see him staring at her in amazement. She was used to being stared at, but Brian looked as if he'd seen a ghost. "What's the matter?" she asked, concerned, after she'd twisted the bar into a simple knot.

"That… that…" Brian repeated, pointing accusingly at the bar in Jessica's hands. "That…"

"That what?" Jessica tried not to laugh at Brian's comically bewildered expression, but she couldn't prevent a big grin spreading across her face.

"That… that's not my bar…" Brian continued to point, his hand shaking.

"Not your bar…" Jessica laughed at his joke. "Very funny…"

And she carried on laughing until Brian reached down under the desk behind him and stood up holding a rather cheap imitation metal bar in his hands. It was already slightly bent at each end under its own weight.

"You mean…" Jessica pointed at the rather floppy 'metal' bar.

Brian nodded silently…

"That… that's…"

Brian nodded again…

"Then this is…" Jessica looked down at the twisted metal in her hands for a moment.

Brian shrugged…

Jessica silently handed the twisted metal over to Brian and watched with some confusion as he tried and failed to untie the metal knot. Finally he gave up and passed the bar back to her before watching in awe as she twisted and bent the metal back into roughly its original shape.

"How…?" Brian started and couldn't finish the words.

"I don't know…" Jessica's mind raced. What's happening to me, she thought… She wondered if she ought to be frightened, but in truth she felt more excited than scared. It was like in her dream… Her dream!

Putting the metal bar down, Jessica proceeded to tell Brian all about the strange dream she'd had the night before with the small green figure who had offered her these… powers.

"Well it would appear you weren't dreaming…" Brian finally spoke. He'd listened in silence throughout Jessica's strange tale. "But what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know…" Jessica sat on a small wooden stool. "I need to think about this. So I'm super strong… What else I can do? Can I leap tall buildings with a single bound?" She laughed.

"Perhaps you should talk to someone about this?" Brian suggested.

"I am…" Jessica looked at Brian and smiled. "I'm talking to you. And I'd appreciate it if you didn't say anything to anyone else just yet. Until I've sorted out what I want to say, and to who…"

"Of course," Brian reassured her. "I understand… well part of it anyway…"

"Thanks," Jessica looked at Brian for a moment. "I need a good friend right now. Do you think you're up to the job?"

Brian smiled, and nodded. He'd do his very best…