Tara and Natalie By David E (artdeco@erols.com) Tara and Natalie team up. Note: This story is only suitable for those over 21 years of age. Jennifer, Natalie and Talia stumbled upon my home and place of employment,Wheer's River Road AutoMarine, AKA Winona's Garadge; several months ago. My employer, best friend of 13 years; and Land Mistress Winona Wheer, hired the mechanicaly gifted Talia on as a Auto sevice technition, this is great because with her super strength she do'snt need tools. I introduced Jenn to the manager of one of my Dad's buisenesses, A topless club; Jen's now the headliner and Bouncer at "Mr B's Lounge". Natalie though, was harder to place and for a while she hung out with us at the Garadge, websurfing and reading stuf about Vampires and death, all the time. Than It hit Winona, although Nat's skinny and small,(FOR A TAREN GIRL) her nearly six foot hight and lean muscular 650 pounds would make the perfect sidekick for her friend Tara. Tara has her special hotrods built here at the Garadge, right now Talia and I are just fininshing off a one of a kind, 2000 Lincon LS with a custom jade paint job and Ford Cobra V8. Tara and Winona have known eachother longer than I've known Winona. They met at a local Lesbien hangout about 20 years ago Winona's about to turn 50 on the millenium, Tara still looks about 25 years old, she may be almost 100, I do'nt know; we do'nt talk, Tara and I. Well annyway when Tara met Natalie it was love at first sight, Intollorant Tara did'nt seem to mind all Nat's brattyness and fetishes; and, usually uncooperative Natalie took to calling Tara "Misstress" and copying her every habit and whitisism, for once in her life; the BLACKHART had a ROLEMODEL. After about 2 months training it was time for a mission. Gary Simon was a bad Boy. He became the CEO of a major corporation through everything from inside traiding, to threats and acts of violance. Respected and feared he came to be hated as well and it was'nt long before a hit was put out on him. With Mr Simon's own private army of goons (bully macho-wannabee, malcontents), and armed fortress of a mansion, Gary was a difficult to near imposible target, there would only be ONE, assasan for the JOB. Tara Uenhoff. Ehem Make that two, Her apprentice Natalie Mya. Natalie was so exighted to be brought allong on this mission, There were no innosents involved, so she could be as Bad as she wanted to without guilt. As Tara parked the Lincon allong the side of the road, the two Muscular Succubi began there nights fun. Tara swiched on a EMP emiter, to block all satalite and cell comunication to the house, she instructed Natalie as to the location of the underground phone line. In their black strapless minidresses the pair looked like they were going out clubbing, not killing, nieither wore shoes because they wouldent last long annyway. As they approached the 15foot high 2foot thick stone masonry perimiter wall Tara leaned toward Natalie to Kiss her lovinly on the nape of her neck, and said; "Have fun my sweet little BLACKHART! Ill join you latter." Nat lept over the wall, Tara was soo cool, she wanted to be just like her! The guard patrolling the inside of the wall was buissy wondering what the strainge interferance was on his headsed radio, tipical man he took it off and started tapping on it to see if he couuld make it work, He was perfectly oblivious to the deadly and sexy threat from above. Natalie landed on the balls of her bare feet, the gust of wind from her disent knocked the guard flatt on his back between Natalie's wickedly mucsled calves. At first Natalie dident know annyone was there, as she brought one foot up to scratch an itch on her other calf. Recovering the guard grabed Nat's groundbound anckle and tryed to pull the girl down ass first on to p of him, this did'ent happen, Her foot was almost too hot to touch and felt as hard as steel, with all his strength he grabbed and shook her, but she did not budge. Still lost in her thoughts, Natalie scratched lower to get that annoying creepy itch on her ancle. Natalie's big toe nail sliced through the guards finge before he even realised what was happening. when he did, the big macho guy screemed like a modem at 28800. Nat noticed the man's writhing legs when she looked down, so she squatted over him to trap him. Holding both his manly legs down easaly with the pinky and thumb of one hand she looked over her sholder hautaly into the terified eyes of her first victem. His eyes however were focused on Natalie's perfect hard muscular glutes. "I'm sorry fragile lover", said Nat, "but I promiced my Mistress I'd get to the PHONE, now be a good boy and kiss my ass goodby" Natallie giggled fiendishly. Natalie lowered her behind over the guards shaking face, He kissed her Hot ass crack, Natalie's ass sweat burnned his lips and toung her quim furr sliced his face like barbedwire. Natale cooed, the man's cool wet toung was barely preceptable on her hot swetty ass, such soubtle fellings are aways best, Nat thought as she squatted lower and lower trying to increse the sensation of her victems flickering toung. K.........ccrunchsplap Her conscripted worshipers head felt like a cool soft tomato under Natalies quim and ass. Owww! Just started to fell interesting too. Nat's coose was becoming wet and her thick juces enveloped her victem's splattered head so none of his blood or brains stuck to her. Mmmmm, the phone. Natalie said out loud as she survayed the wooded grounds of the mansion. Maybe over here she said looking at a clearing, Natalie took her dress off and dove into the cold hard earth as if it were a swimming pool. Nat's powerfull arms and legs carried her easaly 20feet into the hard clay earth more easaly in fact than an olympic swimmer could travel through water. Natalie noticed annother power she had on this earth, she could see through the soil, by concentraiting; what she saw looked like a cat scan immage "layer by layer". The concentration was more effort than anny physical feat her body performed and the disipline needed to see under the earth delighted Natalie with Pride in accomlishment. Meenwhile Tara strode confedantly up to the front gate, and with one sweeping front kick, her super toes slicked the inch thick toolsteel bars like overcooked pasta, than she clenched her toes and tore the remains of the 15 foot high;neerly ton and a half, steel gate out of its moorings in the stone wall to land with a loud clang crushing the guard rail 20 feet away on the other side of the road. Hearing the unearthly bang, the guard in the gate house picked up is raidio to call more guards, when all he got was static he picked up a phone; not wanting to involve the police"who hated Gary Simon annyway" the guard called the main guard house "where the phone box was located" Just as he finished dialing the most gorgeous currly haired brunette walked up to the gate house's bulletproof glass window, mesmurised he looked into her dark eyes like a pray waiting to be devoured. holding the phone by his side. Tara puckered her lips and kissed the window. the 1000's of atmouspheres of suction litteraly vaporised the reenforced window and sucked the steel door on the other side of the guards booth in like a piece of paper in a strong wind. The guard was instantly defend and disoriented. Tara grabbed eather side of the window frame and pulled the ciner-block and concrete booth down around him with ease. The dumbfounded guard pulled out his 9mm pistol, he was shaking, as he looked in awe at Tara's voluptous Muscular feminine form, she was like a panther, a demoness no no a dark Goddess. Tara walked forward her bare feet crulbing the broken concrete and cinder block benieth them like water crackers, the guard backed away until he tripped on the wreckage and fell, landing flat on his back looking strait up at the attacking Tara. The guard pointed his firearm up at Tara, ingoring the "threat" she arrogantly wipes crushed masonary dust off her feet onto the man's cloths. her feet are soo hot, they almost burn to the touch even through tick blue jeans. and the musky sweat, mesmerises the guard who doesn't yet fire at his attacker. Tara squats down, traping her victem under her hot crotch and granette hard glutes, the look of terror in the gurads face starts Tara creaming herself the hot drippings burning the guard and causing him to fire his gun up at Tara. Two shots ring out one bullet bounces off her stonewall abs the other strikes one of Tara's dimond hard nipples, Tara moans and sighs. She throws her head back and involunatraly grinds her ass and crotch against the soft fragile hips of the man, Tara coos and moans from the subtle erotic feelings as the strongest bones in her victems big manly body crumple like cornflakes barely teasing her inhumanly powerfull crotch As it squishes he man in half like WhippedCreme. She take the gun and emptys it firing its soft little 9mm bullets point blank at both her nipples. when the clip is empty Tara holds he gun to her chest and with one finger presses down and folds the tool steel weppon completely in half between her vollyball sized unhumanly firm brests, than she kneeds her brests together squeesing the remains of the gun to incandesant moltance, the white hot steel drips down her harderthan steel abs to drip into and cool on her pubes like candle wax. The men in the main grard house got a call on the land line from the gate house, when they picked it up there was no voice just heavy breathing than a series of loud booms than a dead line, asuming the worst; a seige on the mansion, all 5 of the guards save for one scrambled to their 2 armored sport utility trucks down the main driveway toard the gate house to repel the seige. Natalie focused hard and she could see the phone box 20feet in front of her, it was in a room a basement room. Natalie swam kicked forward hard and swong her arms forward throuth the cinderblock wall easaly teaing it back out of her way behind her like a fragile paper curtan, she swong her feet lithly down to the floor of the dimly lit basement. the wall behind her rudely and noisaly imploded in her wake. Natalie survayed the room and located the phone box, usualy out in the open this one was in a steel box with a padlock on the door, this presented no real chalange to Nat, only irony. As She walked up to the box and pressed her small firm brests aginst the cool sheetmelal box, the coolness made her shiver and her nipples grow to over two inches in length piercing the sheetmetal door like wet tissue, Cool thought Natalie as she continued to press her chest harder into the steel box; crushing it into the cinderblock wall and than partialy into the wall shattering the cinderblocks like watercrackers. As she crushed the box the electrical shorting sent shivers though Natalies nipples and her whole body when the equipmen had shorted completely out Nat pulled back to admire the life cast in smeared steel of her pert brests. Just as Nalalie began to turn to ascend the starecase up out of the basement, an guard armed with a submanchingun "quite illegal" opened the door at the top of the stairs to see what the unearthly booms were. Looking to the far wall he noticed that one of the eletrical boxes was crushed, crushed in the shape of a womans pert breasts, the adjacent wall was gone somehow pulled inward by some incalcualble force. Looking to the base of the stairs he saw the source of the force, covered in mud, a beautyfull earth godess lean and muscular, her face almost too cute but with a glint of horrible mischef, like some sort of Hard muscled superhuman Jennifer Love Huett. Natilie sweep kicked her beautyfull foot through the hard old oak stair case shattering it to pliners like it wasent even there, the guard fell 10 feet to land at Natalie's sweaty feet he rose to his knees and pointed his weppon up at Natalie fearfully, She took a step toward him, he fired a blast of gunfire at her chest pointblank. The steel jacketed 9mm ammo tickled Natalie's nipples and made bright sparks ricocheting off her invulnerable breasts. Natalie started to gigle al she leaned forward to put one of her muddy sweaty feet on the mans sholder grabing his sholder blade with her toes and squeesing, he stoped shooting and there was an audible "crack" as Natalies super strong toes accidentaly crushed the guard's collerbone. The guard droped his gun and with tearfilled eyes pleaded for his life. Painfully he turned his head to the side and began to kiss an lick Natalies muddy foot; "Please, please, don't kill me, please mistress do'nt kill me". The pleading filled Nat with lust, a humbled bully, the kind of guy that beat up smaller boys at school, and his girlfriend lately, the kind of coward that woud respect and obey someone like Gary Simmon, she had no compasion for him only contempt, spiked powerfully with bloodlust. "You soft fragile body is useless to me weakling I want that gun, Between my legs, if I cum before you run out of ammo, I'll kill you quickly mortal! Quickly The guard picked up the gun with his good hand, Nu Uh! said Natalie quickly grabing the mans wrist on the GOOD side with her strong toes and slowely crushing it, reveling in his whimpering screems and the sickening "crunch" of his weak bones betrween her powerfull toes. "Now Pick it up Little Man, with the Bad sholder, and make me a HAPPY GIRL!" Said Natalie with a cruel darkeyed glare. He picked up the gun, its weight on his crushed sholderblade bade him cry, as he limply holds it up to Natalies perfect furry quim. He pulls the triger and blasts Natalie point blank in the Quim. This time the powerfull steel jacketed ammo tease her wet labia their lethal power unable to penetrate them, most of the ricochets of of her super labia get caught in her equally super quimm fur, as her dimond hard clitorus starts to grow, the gunfire stops The guards pain too great to continue holding the 5 pound machinegun. Natalie puts the gun back in the man's hand and holds the end of the barrel up to her glisening labia now held open with the other hand. Againe the hopless captive pulls the trigger this time the soft flickering of the lethaly powerfull ammunition is inside of Natalie and her thumb is fliking her clit 1000's of times harder than the bullets could, as the pleasure builds Natalie shoves the hot "warm to her" barell of the machinegun up into her, her hand crushing the frame of the weppon like cheese and squishing the gunmans hand to jelly, as Natalies inhumanly powerfull vaginal muscles force the gunbarel to first assume thieir shape than squash the toolsteel like toothpate to incandesant multance, the liquid steet dribbleing down Natalies thighs and splashing down over her toes to burn furrows into the concrete floor. The machinegun as powerfull as it was sas no match for little Natalie and with droplets of steel still cooling on her iner thighs Natalie continued to masterbate with both hands bucking and writhing her toes clenching an crushing the concrete floor beaneath her to dust. Finaly Natalies super hot cum starts to flow first dribbling the fiew superdence and superhot drops splatering on the concrete melting it to glass. Than as Her intence orgasms aproach she comes in a running gush, the milky clear liqid vaporising the steel already on her thighs, than comes the second most intence orgasm and Natale spurts gallons of lovejuce several feet splatering through the insignificant man at her feet and disolving him and the floor benieth him instanly. After catching her breath Natalie leaps up the stairs and runns out through the front door of the little guard house. Just in time to catch the other 4 men getting to their big manely 4x4 trucks. Two men get into the blue Chevy Suburban and rocket down the main driveway. The other two are left behind to loading weppons into the back of the other truck, a Ford Excursion.