TARA THE ASSASIN, By David E Tara the stunning raven haired superviliness approached her quary, The Mob Boss Don Guido Tarentino, as he and his driver-bodyguard Bill were prepairing to leave the parking lot of the Twised Titie (A topless bar owned by Don Tarentino). Tara, easaly looked the part of a gorgeous hardbody profesional dancer;in her skimpy black strapless dress, with her curvy muscular ass and legs and her huge insanely firm breasts. So as she walked up to stand in front of the bosse's gleaming white Mercedies lomosine, no-one thought anything unusual. Bill started the powerful V12 engine and looking behind him put the Mercedies into reverse. Just before the driver hits the gas, Tara slips off her shoes and pushes one foot on the front bumper, crushing her insanely strong bare toes down through the plastic outer bumper and griping the strong steel inner structure, deforming that too between her toes. The driver hits the gas and the car doesn't move, so he gives it more gas. "What the Hell" thinks Bill as the rear wheels start to spin with the power of 400 horses. He turns around to see Tara's cute round face and the superior smirk on it. Bill keeps the gas flored as Tara's super strong legs and feet easily restrain the powerful car. "What the hell's going on. Did she chain the car or somethin'?" thinks Bill as he lets off the gas and slams the car into Drive. "Ok, I'll run the bitch down". Bill once again floors the gas. Once again the powerful Mercedes is helpless against Tara's super legs. This is begining to bore Tara, so she decides to lift her foot up just by flexing her ankle, lifting the front of the huge limo so that the front wheels no longer even touch the ground. Next she shakes her leg waving the car back and forth furriously like a rat in a terrier's mouth. The violent shaking leaves the Boss and his driver disoriented. Tara tires of this game too, she slams her foot dowm, bottoming the car on its front suspention and crushing the bumper to the pavement. Then she gently kicks her foot forward, daintly pointing her toe as it easily rips through the radiator into the engine. "MMMMmmm!!! The hot wet radiator and engine's yielding iron feels like a lover's warm tounge and lips on my toes," thinks Tara, lost for a brief moment in eros. Tara then leeps onto the bonnet, forging her footprints into the thick steel panel, before getting down on her hands and knees and crawling eroticly toard the windscreen, her huge amazingly firm breasts on blatant display to her victems. As she crawls, Tara's nipples delight in the coldness of the Limo's hood,OOhh! Tara cooes as her nipples grow diamond hard tearing down into the bonnet. The metal pulls up as she pulls her breasts up. Now Tara sits up to stradle the wind screen her Dark hairy cunt pressed ever so lightly against the glass. Tara's pubic hair grinds chips and scratches the glass. All this jumping around starts Tara's stomanch bubbling and she can feel a little fart coming on. "This should get their attention," thinks Tara, with her indomitable strength she has no reason to be Lady Like if she dosent feel like it. Tara crunches in the fenders with her insteps as she throws her head back and arches her muscular back to tilt her hips upward,Proudly displaing her asshole to her captive audiance. "Here Go'es!" says Tara supressing a giggle. PURRRRRRRRRRRRRhh! Tara delights as her tiny fart shatters the windscreen to nothing, inside the driver's face is a mask of revulsion and terror, even a little arousal. Tara looks down at Bill as he pulls out a sawed off shotgun from under the seat. "Oooh Stinky little one hu! says Tara giggling like a shoolgirl. Bill wastes no time he levels the shotgun at Tara and fires. KBLAMM! Exighted shivers fill her whole body and a warm warm glow comes over her cunt as the powerfull shotgun blast sprays hot pettlets at Tara's iner thighs and crotch. The powerfull blast "less than half the force of her small fart" feels like tiny grians of salt Gently falling over her. The soubdlety of the feeling making it all the more arousing, INFLAMING Tara with superhuman lust. As she sits up once againe the shotgun goes off, this time the peppery blast is like the warm breath of a lover across her huge breasts her steely nipples burning not from the mere physical impact of the lethal shellshott but more from Tara's own inner fire. "OOhh! lover that feels soooo Goooood on my Tities" says Tara as she begins to finger her Hot Coose, her Womanhood gushing love juce so hot it melts the plastic dash bord. Tara's powerful thighs spasm and flex as her feet slice through the windscreen pillars like butter as she leans forwrd her huge firm breasts cach on the roof crumpling the thick steel back like newspaper. The strong steel roof surendering to her proud breasts renews her passion as Tara brings her foot up to kick the rest of the roof scrunching it out of the way like a mere bedsheet. TARA CONTINUES Now Tara looks down at Bill with lustfilled dark eyes puting her feet on his shoulders, her insteps around his neck. The man looks up at Tara with terror in his eyes, as he holds the shotgun's barrel up to her hairy cunt. Bill's terror and confusion excite Tara as she brings a hand down to hold her wet lips open for the deadly weppon. Bill Fires the shotgun the blast peppers Tara's sensitive clit and labia, she also feels a gentle puff almost make it pased her hungery nether lips. Tara's insatiable super human lust just begins to mount as she reaches down to part her nether lips wider and with the other hand shove the shotgun barrel into her insatiable coose,as she pushes the end of the barrel in, her powerfull labia and clitoris begin to crush into the hard metal, her hot love juce gushing down the barrel to burn Bill's hand. In terror and pain he fires againe. The Blast peppers Tara's inner walls with it's teasinly soft warm puf. OOOOOH!, NUUUUUUUUUUGH!, says Tara, on the edge of orgasm trying to maintain composure. Just as Bill racks the shotgun to fire the last shot Tara quickly grabs his wrists between her toes, causing him to drop the gun. Tara tightens her toes grip causing Bills wrist to make crunching sounds and causing bill agony, which Tara delights in. As she dominates the helpless man this way Tara reaches down and takes the shotgun into her own hands, she teasingly strokes the warm barrel over her rigid nipples, coohing, moaning and acting as if the weppon is the phalus of a lover. Next, she begins to lick and suck the end of the barrel in mock falatio, her pouty lips crushing into the barrel like it was made of icecream. She sticks her long pointy tounge into the open gunbarrel, splitting it easily. Tara smiles down at Bill as she releases his crushed hands placing one hot foot over his crotch and taking her other big toe and forcing it to his mouth, " Kiss my feet and suck my toes, insignifigant one!" say's Tara in a sultry doninant tone. "Yes misstress! Ohh pleeease pleeease, don't hurt me!" Bill pleads. "Shut up and suck!" says Tara, beginning to deep throught the shotgun once again. Bill helplessly sucks Tara's big toe knowing that her slightest twich could easaly rip his head of. In a last ditch effort to keep his dignity, Bill reaches up to grab the trigger of the shotgun. With her hot feet totally dominating him, Bill pulls the trigger to send the last shotshell blasting up the mangled barrel into Tara's smirking bitchy mouth. All Tara feels is a Gentle kiss than the tiny priks of the powerfull shot, to her feel like the fizz of carbonation in soda. Easily pulling the shotgun away from Bill, crumpling it up like tissue and throwing it asside, Tara slides down from the dashboard and kneels above her beaten, terrified victem, He can feel Tara's hot powerfull body against his chest, the fronts of her steely thighs, Her proud jutting breasts crushing into him as she hold him closer. Chewing up the steel shellshot like bubblegum, Tara looks deeply into Bill's terrified eyes, "Should I crush you with my breasts," asks Tara arrogantly. "No, this will be much more cool," says Tara as she places her puckered lips against Bill's forehead, "Goodnight Lover!" she says and she genly spits out her gum. PTUUUH! The smoking hole in the dead man's head sizzles. "You're the one I really want, LOVER!" says Tara, leaping through the front seat and the steel and safety glass partition as if it wasn't there, advancing towards Don Tarentino. TARA FINISHES THE JOB Tara looks down at the horrified crimelord, with her familiarly haughty smirk. "Puny one, if you can turn me on I'll make you death painless," says Tara curling her toes around Guido's belt and draging him off the seat onto the floor. With terified eyes Don Guido pulls a handgun out of his jacket to point up at Tara. Tara quickly grabs the gun from him, being careful not to crush the mere toolsteel in her casual grasp, "Guns are fun," Tara says, rubbing her crotch and massaging a breast, "lets save that one for later, ok?" Tara sets the handgun asside than mounts Tarantino, her hard hot thighs crushing into the Don's hips, her inferno coose burning his cock and balls through his pants; the sensation is both pleasure and pain, terror and promise. Tara holds both Guido's wrists above his head with one of her hands crushing grip. She can feel the scared man's heart beating wildly in his chest as she playfully pokes him with her steely nipples. She forces her tongue down Tarantino's throat, in a painfull dominating kiss that keeps him from breathing. Her inhumanly hard breasts crushing into the man, Tara hears and feels his ribs begin to surender, with a small CRACK. Tara pulls back, SHE HASN'T HAD ENOUGH FUN YET! Tara turns around getting up on her knees now and bending forward to jut her super powerful muscular ass at her now injured pray. She displays her hairy cunt, holding it open with her fingers, while gently stroking the handguns barrel over her swolen lips and clitoris. As she does so every so often the gun snags against her furry pubes, the coarse hair grating into the hard metal of the gun like a grater through cheese. Don Tarantino's mind is filled with horror as he imagines Tara's furry bush grating his face off. Tara then innocently drops the gun down onto Guido's lap. She makes no attempt to stop him as he fumbles for it with his injured hands. As he holds the gun up she guides it toward her parted nether lips. She inserts the gun just past her lips at the entrance to her vulva, her powerful labia swells and crushes into the gun's barrel, holding it captive. As Guido pulls the trigger, Tara kneeds her breasts and pinches her nipples. BANG! OOOH OOOH, more MORE! Tarantino pulls the trigger again and again, the powerful magnum rounds feeling like no more than the twitch of a little worm inside Tara's inhumanly strong vulva. Tara's cunt muscles take over after the gun runs out of ammuniton. Grabing the gun and sucking it in and out, crushing it in the process like it were an overripe banana. The gun's hard metal and powerful bullets insufficient to get her off, so Tara reaches down to pump her fingers in and out of herself while thumbing her clit and rubbing her nipples aginst the torn metal of the car. OOOH OOOH OOOOHM UUUM!!! Tara works herself into a frenzy. As she aproaches orgasm she can feel hot gasses rumbleing in her stomach and bowel. Tara tenses herself for a mindblowing orgasm. Then, looking down her back at her victem with smoldering eyes, she relaxes and lets the pleasure rock though her. "Goodbye LOVER, I promise you won't feel a thing," says Tara as the pulsing orgasm causes her powerful asshole to relax and part. OOH, HOT one! Tara says as she farts. 100000's of PSI at 1000's of degrees Taras hot fart ends the FORMER crime lord's life in a nanosecond. He is vaporized. The once proud Mecedes Limo is shredded and consumed like cotton candy by a blowtorch, molten metal bits fling 100's of feet to splatter on cars and buildings, making them catch fire. Tara walks off into the moonlit night like a dark angel; pale, naked, beautiful, indomitable. THE END (FOR NOW..)