The PowerPuff Princess Show By Supergeek ( Narrator: The City of Townsville... (Camera pans across the city until we see a huge monster wreaking havoc) under attack! (Monster continues doing the typical monster stuff, smashing buildings, stepping on cars and people, that sort of thing. Suddenly three streaks of rainbow colored light zip past the monsters head.) Narrator: Go girls, go! Blossom: Okay girls, attack plan Alpha Omega Bravo! Go! (The girls zip around the monster, probably in an effort to confuse it before taking it down, but it doesn't work. The monster slams them into the ground and stomps on them!) Narrator: Oh no! Is this the end of our little superheroes? Princess: *Ahem* Excuse me, Narrator Boy. Narrator: Hey, go away, Princess! We're trying to do a show here! Princess: That's no way to talk to your new boss! Narrator: What?! Blossom: What?! Bubbles: What?! Buttercup: What?! Monster: Blaugh?!* (*Translation: What?!) Princess: (Handing Blossom a piece of paper) Read it and weep, Poo Poo Puff Girls! Blossom: (Reading) "This certifies that Princess Morebucks, having paid the sum of a zillion bucks, is now the owner and president of Cartoon Network and all shows therein, and that she can make any changes to any of the shows herein that she sees fit in perpetuity. In short, Princess Morebucks is now the most powerful girl in the Cartoon Network Universe!" Princess: That's right, loser! And the first change is gonna be this show! From now on, it's "The Powerpuff Princess Show!" and it stars me as the most powerfullest Powerpuff ever! Buttercup: You have got to be kidding. Princess: Nope. Buttercup: You can't just say your the most powerfullest Powerpuff ever, just like that! Besides, everyone knows that I'm the toughest fighter on this show! Princess: Not anymore, "Blubber Butt"! Buttercup: That's it! (Charges at Princesss and kicks her in the heinie, then hops away on one foot, dancing around in pain. Princess, of course, doesn't feel a thing.) OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! Princess: Ha ha! See? I'm a million bajillion times more powerfuller than an army of you Poo Poo Puff Girls! I'm the greatest, richest, most beautifullest Powerpuff that ever lived! I'm... Narrator: Excuse me, "Boss", can we just get on with this story? Buttercup: Yeah, we've got better things to do than just stand around all day listening to your shameless self promotion. Princess: Fine! (Hands them new scripts) Here! Now just take it from when that monster thingy was attacking you before! Blossom: Okay, everbody take your positions! Buttercup, weren't you under the monster's left foot? Buttercup: Ah, who cares? Let's just get on with this stupid thing! Blossom: Okay, fine. Take it away, Mr. Narrator! Narrator: Let's see, where was I? (Flips through pages of the script) Oh, right, here we are. (Listless) Oh no. Is this the end of our little superheroes? (Yellow streak of light flashes across the screen) Princess: (Hovering in the air and posing) Not so fast evil monster! Now I, Powerpuff Princess, shall defeat you with my incredibly awesome super powers! Blossom: (Listless) Oh look, everyone, it is Powerpuff Princess. We are saved. Bubbles/Buttercup: (Listless) Yay. Narrator: (Listless) Go, Princess, go. (Princess knocks out the monster with one punch, then floats down to receive the applause) Crowd: (Listless) Wahoo. We are saved. Princess: Just doing my job, protecting all of you pathetic losers from that nasty monster! Now, let's hear it for me! Crowd:(Listless) Yay. Princess: Oh come on, you can do better than that! (Throws a whole lot of cash around) Now let's really hear it for me! Crowd: (Somewhat more enthusiastic because of the cash) Yay! Princess: That's better! Now I'll... Monster: Excuse me, do I have anything else to do on this show? Narrator: Let me see (Looks at script) Nope, you're done. Monster: Well, I'll be off then. (Leaves) Narrator: Well, guess that's a wrap. (End sequence starts up) So, once again, the day is saved! Thanks to the... Princess: Not so fast there, Narrator Boy! I'm not done yet! (Cut back to the streets of Townsville) Now, like I was saying, I'm going to show off with my superpowers so everybody can see how great I am! And the first thing I'm going to do is get rid of that stupid capitol building. (Blasts it to smithereens "Dragonball" style) Mayor: Bwaaah! You can't do that to my building! Get her, boys! (The whole Army and Air Force and Police charge at Princess, hitiing her with everything they've got, but of course, it has no effect.) General: Nothing stops her! Princess: That's right, boys! Since I own this whole universe, nothing in it can hurt me! Now kiss off! (Blows the military forces a super kiss, sending them to another planet or something) Bubbles: This is really bad. Buttercup: I'll say! This is worse than that time she bought Townsville! Got a plan, Leader Girl? Blossom: I'm afraid there's nothing we can do now, girls. What we need is a miracle! Newsboy: Paper! Blossom: (Takes newspaper and reads headlines) "CARTOON NETWORK BANKRUPT! NEW "POWERPUFF PRINCESS" CARTOON WORST SHOW EVER MADE! CRITICS AGREE: "THE POWERPUFF PRINCESS SHOW" ISN'T "DA BOMB" IT'S JUST A BOMB!" Princess: What?!?!?!? Buttercup: Well, I'm religious now. Mr. Morebucks: Princess, could I have a word with you? Princess: (Sweetly) Yes, Daddy? Mr. Morebucks: Princess, I've sold this "Cartoon Network" thing back to Mr. Turner. Princess: What?!?!?!? Mr. Morebucks: And at a considerable loss too, young lady! Your stupid ego trip cost me a fortune! Princess: But Daddy... Mr. Morebucks: No buts! I've had it! This time, you're going to pay! Princess: (Nervous) You... you mean? Mr. Morebucks: That's right, I'm taking it out of your allowance for the next fifty years! Princess: NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! (Mr Morebucks drags a kicking screaming Princess away. The crowd goes wild) Crowd :Woohoo! She's gone! Mayor: Bwaaah! Where's my hat? Narrator: Oh Mayor, even that sounded smarter than a Princess script. (End Sequence appears, accompanied by champaigne corks popping and other sounds of celebration) And so, the day, and my career, is saved! Thanks to, lousy ratings! Boy, am I glad that's over. THE END