BULMA GOES SWIMMING A sort of sequel to Bulma's Wish By Supergeek (supergeek4368@webtv.net) It was a really hot day, and even though she no longer had to worry about heatstroke since, thanks to the Eternal Dragon, she could literally sunbathe on the sun, Bulma decided to cool off by going for a swim. So Bulma dove off the hundred foot cliff into what she thought was deep water. She didn't notice that the water was only a foot deep, covering seaweed covered rock. Not that this really mattered to Bulma, of course. She "swam" through solid rock for several minutes before realizing her mistake! Once she did, however, Bulma turned and "swam" toward where she thought deeper water would be. Meanwhile, the Great Sea Serpent surveyed his domain. A thousand miles from tip to tip, he was King of the Depths, indeed, he was Leviathan. In ten thousand years, none had dared challenge him, for none came close to his level of might. But something was wrong. He could feel the tremors in his scales, and he sensed a disturbance in the seas with his forked tongue. Suddenly, the source of his consternation burst through the cliff face next to him. It was one of those upstart humans! Completely naked, so he could tell it was a female, and with blue hair. She casually brushed bits of pulverized rock from her hair, then she turned to the cliff face and, getting a firm grip, pulled the entire cliff down on herself. Leviathan thought that was the last of her, but when the dust settled, a small hand smashed up through the rock and that upstart female shot up from her certain grave with a triumphant smirk. Bulma looked around in satisfaction. Now that she'd gotten rid of that annoying rock, this would be a perfect swimming hole. Suddenly, she felt a gentle tapping on her back. Turning, Bulma saw a school of swordfish coming straight at her! She calmly watched as each of the swordfish hit her and bounced off her invincible bod. Once, a swordfish managed to penetrate into Bulma's pussy, causing her to cum so violently, she punched a hole in the other side of the world, and, incidentlally, killed the swordfish and the Leviathan with her super hot love juices. Of course, now the swimming hole was too hot, so Bulma flew north, grabbed a glacier with one hand, and flew it back to her little swimming hole in order to cool it off some. Once the water had become cool enough, she tossed the glacier back to where she had gotten it, or at least she tried. Unfortunately, the glacier landed on on one of those early warning satellite stations that dot the polar regions. So Bulma dove back into the freezing water and, after everything she had been through, finally enjoyed a nice peaceful swim.