PSYCHED! by Supergeek Colonel Greene looked at the subject strapped on the table. So far, so good. They had taken some girl, a nobody who would never be missed, so that they wouldn't have to worry about some bleeding heart trying to rescue her at some crucial moment, and brought her to this experimental facility in the middle of nowhere. Next, they had strapped her to that lab table and inserted a hypodermic needle and feeding tube into her carteroid artery so that they could shoot her up with mind expanding drugs mixed in with a nutrient fluid. Now, the feeding bag was almost empty, and Colonel Greene watched anxiously as the last drops flowed into the young woman's neck. As soon as the fluid was gone, he gave a subtle signal to one of his techs, who immediately hit the "ENTER" key on his computer, activating the next phase of the experiment. Huge volts of electrical power at a precise frequency flowed through every part of her body as she writhed on the table, her face contorted in agony. Colonel Greene smiled as he watched her from the observation booth, the transparent computer screen that served as a window giving him precise details of her vital signs as the experiment progressed. Soon, if the experiment proved sucessful, her mind would be linked directly into his computer, and she would become the first of many cyberdrones. A new breed of soldier that would never question any order, never balk at the neccessary deaths of civilians, just simple obedience to orders. It would be his crowning achievement. Then something went horribly wrong. There was a slight flicker on his screen, then a stronger power surge blew out every computer in the lab. At first, Greene thought a bug had chewed through the wires insulation, but then he saw the look in the young woman's eyes, and realized the truth. And then the screaming started. "ABORT! ABORT!" "OH GOD HELP US, WE'VE LOST CONTROL!" "KILL HER! KILL HER BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!" But Greene could already see that it was too late for that, as his Guinea Pig calmly tore off her steel bonds like they were made of tissue paper and hopped to the floor, completely ignoring the panicked techs as she stretched her muscles. Then she turned and looked directly at Greene's observation booth, and mouthed "Watch this." directly at him. She turned around again and faced some soldiers who had begun firing on her, their faces frozen in terror as the bullets bounced harmlessly off her body. She raised her hand, almost as if to offer a fond farewell, and the floor flowed like water over the men, sealing them away for all time in a shiny stainless steel tomb. Next, she placed one delicate looking hand through the wall and sliced through it like wet clay, carving herself an exit route. Meanwhile, more soldiers were pounding down the stairs into the secure facility, armed with heavier artillary, they immediately opened fire on the young superwoman, hitting her with a barrage of bullets, grenades and rockets, but nothing seemed to even touch her body. She never turned around, simply smiled up at Greene as the guns suddenly jumped out of the soldiers hands and started blasting everything in the room as though suddenly possessed by some psychotic life. He watched as the soldiers scrambled around the room, bumping into each other in a panicked attempt to avoid their own weapons, the sight might have been funny if the situation weren't so deadly. Finally, she seemed to tire of her little game, and the soldiers flew into the wall with such force that they actually dented it before sliding into a heap on the floor. With nothing left to amuse her in the room, she glanced up and tore Greene's booth apart with nothing more than the power of her mind, then yanked him down to the lower level with her. "Wh-Who are you?" he asked in a terrified squeak, a long way from the arrogant would be conquerer he had been mere hours before. "My name is Molly," she replied, "Or perhaps I should say SuperMolly!" Greene couldn't argue with her choice of name, given what he had seen her do. He stared up at her and wondered how she would decide to kill him. "Oh, don't worry, sweetie" SuperMolly replied with a smile. "I'm not going to kill you. I've got better things to do with my time." "H-how did you...?" Greene stammered "Don't you know? I can read minds too!" SuperMolly repied with a smirk. "Surrender now! That is a direct order!" Greene demanded in desperation. "You must be joking!" SuperMolly laughed. "Don't you get it yet? I'm out of your control now, fool! I can do anything I want, now! Anything!" As she smashed up through three miles of rock and steel to the surface, Greene had to admit that she was right. Looking around himself at the wreckage of his secret base, he had a bad feeling that SuperMolly was just getting started. The End?