COSMIC ROGUE Rogue - and then some. By Supergeek ( Quick intro #1: I figured that the Rogue who appeared in the movie could use a little upgrade, so I gave her one! Enjoy! Quick Intro #2: There is a weapon in the universe more powerful than all others. No more coveted, feared, loved or hated thing exists. Only a fool or a madman... or the right man... or should I say, the right *woman*... would dare possess... The Star Brand! The day that would see Rogue's Empowerment, as Bobby later called it, started off just like any other. She got up, had a hearty breakfast, went to her morning classes, then went outside for lunch. Just as she was about to finish the last of her sandwich, something that looked like a firefly started to zip around Rogue's head. Annoyed, she attempted to swat it away, but when her hand touched it, she felt an incredible power surge up her arm and coursing into her entire body. With a cry that shattered windows for miles around, Rogue fainted. Some time later, she awoke in the infirmiry, with the other X-Men looking on. "How do you feel now, Rogue?" asked Storm. "All right, I guess." Rogue replied. "What hit me?" "We're not sure," said Jean Grey, the resident medical specialist at the mansion. " but whatever it was, it seems to have cured you." "What?!" Rogue was shocked beyond belief. "You mean I'm normal now?" "Well, not quite." said Jean. "You see, when we tried to give you a shot, well..." she let the sentence hang in the air as she showed Rogue a hypodermic needle that had been bent in half. "Wow, what happened to it?" asked Rogue, still a little dazed by all this. "You did, Rogue" said Storm. "You've apparently become invulnerable, watch." Taking another needle, she jammed it into Rogues arm, but it simply bent when it touched her skin. "See? Not even a scratch." "And that's not all," said Jean. "I'm detecting an incredible amount of psi energy coming from you right now. " Placing the bent needle on a table, she said "Here, try to knock this off the table without touching it." "Okay" said Rogue, still a little skeptical about all this. Nevertheless, she concentrated on moving the needle, and no one was more shocked than she was when the needle shot across the room and tore through the wall like it was made of tissue paper. "What happened to me?" she asked, a little frightened by the idea of how powerful she might have become. "I believe I can answer that question for you, Rogue." "Who said that? Show yourself!" said Rogue, who by this time was getting a little tired of all the weirdness. "Gladly" and then a sphere of light appeared before them. "I didn't realize I would find such a suitable host for the Star Brand in this dimension." It said. "I'm pleased that you've accepted it. I hope it won't cause you too much trouble later." "Wait a minute." said Rogue. "I never accepted anything from you!" "Of course you did, Rogue." Said the sphere. "Here, I'll show you." And with that, Rogue found herself on the banks of the Mississippi. "Hey! How'd we get all the way out here?" asked Rogue. "We are not where you think, Rogue." The sphere said, simply. "This is simply a manifestation of the Dreamscape you feel comfortable with. However, that is not important, now. Look." Rogue's attention was directed to a couple of people sitting on the bank, and she was somehow not surprised to find that one of those people was, in fact, herself. Right then, her other self was sobbing into the shoulder of someone who looked a lot like her old boyfriend, Cody. "Oh, god. Why?" sobbed her other self. "Why do I have to almost kill everyone that tries to get close? Why can't I just touch like a normal girl? What's wrong with me?" ""There there, Rogue." soothed "Cody", "It's all right. I'm here to help you, now." "How can you do anything to help me?" sobbed the other Rogue. "You're trapped in my head just like everyone else I ever touched!" "There is something I want to pass on, Rogue. Something that can free you of the prison that your power has created." explained "Cody" "But be warned, if you accept my offer it will change you beyond your wildest imaginations." "You wanna explain that? said the other Rogue "Certianly." said "Cody", then showed her a star shaped tatoo on his palm. "In your language, it would be called, the 'Star Brand'. To put it into simple terms, it is the single most powerful energy source in the universe, and whoever possesses it can do *anything*." "So why are you giving it up?" asked the other Rogue. "I'm not, really." said "Cody" patiently. "In fact, I can't. You see, the Star Brand's power is infinite, and when I pass it on, I'm left with a tenth of the power I started with. Of course, when you're dealing with infinite values, that distinction is irrelevent. But enough of my rambling, you wish to know why I chose you. Very well, the short answer is, I occasionally find worthy people who've been dealt a bad hand by fate, people like you, Rogue, and I feel an obligation to correct those injustices, so I shared this power with them. If you'll accept it, I'll share it with you too." "All right" said the other Rogue. "You've convinced me, I'll accept your offer." As Rogue watched, she saw herself place her hand on "Cody's" palm. There was a blinding flash, and when her vision cleared, she was back in the infirmiry. Rogue peeled off her gloves and looked at her hands, and there, on her left palm, was a star shaped mark, what "Cody" had called, "The Star Brand". So, that confirmed it. It wasn't just a crazy dream, everything that had happened to her today was real. She hopped off the table and walked out of the infirmiry. "Wait, Rogue!" said Cyclops "You forgot your gloves!" "Don't worry," Rogue replied with a dismissive wave. "I don't need them anymore." Then she stepped into the elevator and went up to the first floor. When she arrived, she found Bobby Drake waiting for her. "Rogue!" he said as soon as he saw her "I heard about what happened, are you all right?" "Never felt better." answered Rogue, truthfully. In fact she wasn't sure there was anything beyond what she felt right that moment. She was aware of everything around her in the minutest detail. She could smell Bobby's nervous sweat, hear his heartbeat, and the blood rushing through his veins. She could see his bioelectric aura sparking around the boy like a live wire. She could even sense his emotional state with her newfound empathic powers, and she discovered that he had a crush on her. "Hey, what happened to your gloves?" asked Bobby, interupting her train of thought. "I don't need them anymore, Bobby" Rogue said. Then she proceeded to explain everything that had happened to her. When she was finished, all Bobby could say was "Wow." Smirking at this, Rogue said "Hey, want to see me demonstrate my amazing powers?" Looking down at her outfit, Rogue frowned and said "Okay, first thing I'm doing is getting a new outfit, one that shows some skin!" No sooner had she expressed this desire than her newfound cosmic powers kicked in, rearranging the molecules of her Goth outfit into a green and black string bikini. Looking down at her new attire, Rogue decided she liked these new threads, and judging from his slack jawed reaction, she guessed that Bobby liked them too. "Pick your jaw up off the floor, Bobby" Rogue said, giggling. "We haven't even started yet!" She took Bobby's hands in hers and said "All right, let's go!" And, just like that, they were in Antarctica. Rogue knew that she and Bobby wouldn't be bothered by the cold, and that she wouldn't have to worry about any property damage her powers might cause out here. Turning to Bobby, she said "Hey, want to come back here sometime and go skiing with me?" "Uh, Rogue, there aren't any mountians around here." Bobby answered. "Hmmm, you're right." Rogue said. "We'll just have to do something about that!" She lifted her hands and began to draw them together. Bobby wondered what she was doing for a moment, until he felt the ground shaking violently and heaving up beneath him. Looking around, he was absolutely shocked at what he saw, huge mountian ranges were being pushed up out of the icy ground all around them! "Rogue! What's happening?!" He asked, hardly daring to believe his eyes. "I'm making us some mountians, silly!" Rogue replied with a mischevous grin. Soon, the shaking subsided, and Rogue dusted her hands and said. "There! What do you think, Bobby?" "Incredible!" Bobby was beyond excited by all this. "How did you do that?" "Well," Rogue answered "I just grabbed continent with my mind and crumpled it up! Nothing to it, really!" Bobby was floored by that. His best friend had just crumpled a continent like a sheet of paper? He was still trying to wrap his mind around that when Rogue spoke again. "So, what else would you like to see me do, Bobby?" she asked "Just think of me as your genie, sugar. For today, anything goes!" "Well," said Bobby "I've always wanted my very own submarine." "Oh really?" said Rogue "Well then, watch this!" Using her new Cosmic Vision, Rogue spotted a submarine at the bottom of the South Atlantic. She seemed to disappear for a moment, only to reappear in front of Bobby holding the twenty five thousand ton sub in one hand. She tossed it from hand to hand for a while, making it look totally weightless, before letting it drop with a thunderous crash. She turned to Bobby, saluted and said "Your submarine. Cap'n Drake, Suh!" Bobby felt like a kid at Christmas. He ran all around his submarine, running his fingers along the hull reverently. He was just about to thank Rogue, when his hand hit a huge gash in the hull. "Oh, my." said Rogue "Your submarine is broken! Guess I'll have to fix it for you." She walked up to the sub and grasped the torn hull, bending and pulling and smearing it like gum until the torn sides came together, forming a perfectly smooth hull, with no sign that a gash had ever been there at all. She did the same for all the other gashes on the sub, then turned to Bobby and said, "Repairs complete, Cap'n Drake, Suh! When do you want to get under way?" "Uh Rogue," said Bobby "We're about ten thousand miles from the nearest shoreline, not to mention that this sub's engines have been rusting for over fifty years." "Don't worry about that, sugar!" Rogue reassured him "You just leave the driving to me!" With that, she picked up Bobby and placed him in his submarine. After making sure he was safely sealed in, she lifted the sub and tossed it toward the Antarctic shore. She watched as it sailed through the air, across vast stretches of ocean, over jungles, plains, and deserts. Across vast fields of ice and snow, over more fields, deserts and jungles, until it finlly began to make its descent over a huge field of ice and snow. Looking up, Rogue saw the sub coming down right on top of her and realized what had happened, she had accidently tossed Bobby's sub completely around the world! She caught it gently in her mighty arms, then set it down and let him out. 'Wow!" said Bobby "What a rush!" "Are you all right?" asked Rogue. "Don't worry," Bobby reassured her "I'm fine. Just need to catch my breath!" Just then, they were interupted by the roar of powerful jet engines overhead. Looking up, they saw several gigantic purple and silver robots coming in for a landing. "Oh, hell" said Bobby. "The Sentinals!" "What?" Rogue asked. "Giant killer robots programmed to hunt down and terminate mutants with extreme prejudice." Bobby explained. "Oh really?" said Rogue wih a mischevious grin, "This could be fun!" "Rogue" Bobby said "Don't worry Sugar," Rogue reassured him "I'm Cosmic, now, remember? These tin plated morons don't stand a chance!" She calmly walked up to the first Sentinel and said "Okay, 'Rusty', hit me with your best shot, I dare you!" "Very well" said the Sentinel, and stomped on Rogue, thinking to end this contest in the most efficient manner possible. However, when it lifted its foot, it found that she was completely unharmed! "Is that as hard as you can hit?" Rogue taunted. "I thought someone as big as you would at least be able to muss my hair!" The Sentinel then tried firing its missiles at Rogue. However, she just laughed when the missiles exploded against her chest without doing her the slightest arm. "Steeeeeeerike two!" Rogue said, giggling hysterically. That did it! Now the other Sentinels joined in, firing their missiles and bullets and plasma cannons and tasers at Rogue, trying desperately to find some vulnerable spot on her superbody. Bobby had to look away because all the explosions were hurting his eyes, and when he could look again he found the blasts hadn't had the slightest affect on his friend. "Steeeeeeerike three!" shouted Rogue. "Okay, now it's my turn up at bat!" First, she kicked a Sentinel's feet out from under it, demolishing it nicely. Next, she blew a Sentinel's head off, literally decapitating it with on puff of her Cosmic Breath. She crumpled the third into a ball, which she used to take out the fourth, fifth, and sixth Sentinels. The seventh, seeing the fate of its fellows, decided to make a break for it, but Rogue wouldn't let it. Inhaling with her Cosmic Breath, she pulled the fifty thousand ton robot back to her like a super vacuum cleaner despite the "feeble" resistance of its five hundred billion horsepower thrusters, the incredible force of her lungs causing the titanium steel robot to be squashed between its rockets and her super inhale, until it was finally crushed out of existance. Of course, seeing all of this was just too much for Bobby, who by this time had developed a serious hard on from Rogue's demonstration. Seeing this, Rogue smiled and decided to put her new superbody to another, more personal use. With barely a thought, she created a cozy little cottage out of thin air, then whisked herself and Bobby inside, where they spent the rest of the day enjoying some serious super sex.