Bulma's Night Out Bulma takes the "Ultimate Challenge" By Supergeek (supergeek4368@webtv.net) After working in the lab for nine hours straight, Bulma really needed a break. Not that she was tired, (that was impossible) she just needed a break from the monotony of all those hours of lab work. So, she neatened up her workstation, took a shower, tried on every possible combination of clothes she could think of, found a perfect outfit, and a thousandth of a nanosecond later, she was ready to go. She walked out the front door, waved to her father, then took off for town. (Fortuneately, Dr. Briefs had equipped every room at Capsule Corporation with automatic doors, so he wouldn't have to keep spending money for every new door his daughter ripped out.) Bulma's first stop was a nightclub called "The Gargle Blaster". As soon as she walked in, there were, quite naturally, a few catcalls and wolf whistles. Taking all this in stride, Bulma bellied up to the bar and ordered a "Screwdriver", then drank it like it was water. Seeing this, a rather large, brutish looking thug came up behind her and roughly grabbed her shoulder. "Lishen, you blue haired bimbo!" he slurred. "I'm the biggesh, shtrongesh guy here! Sho, that makeh me bossh, an' what I shay goesh! And I shay you're going to get down on your kneesh and give me a blowjob, now!" Bulma smiled up at the lout, amused. Obviously, he hadn't seen or heard the news lately, which gave her an opportunity for some fun. Speaking in a "sweet girl" voice, she said "Okay, Big Boy, but only if you can hold your liquor better than me." The lout guffawed over this, imagine some little girl thinking she could out drink *him*! He agreed, and the drinking contest was under way. After thirty rounds, the lout was having trouble seeing straight. The room was spinning around, and everything seemed to tilt and blur together, making him feel sick. He got up from the table, took one step, and collapsed on the floor in a heap. Meanwhile, Bulma finished her drinks, paid the bar tab, and was just about to walk out the door when a couple of thugs blocked her. "Not so fast, little girl!" said the first thug "This is a *man's* bar, and no little *girl* can just come in off the street and make us look bad like that!" "Yeah!" said the second thug. "Now, we're gonna have to teach ya not to do that again, the hard way!" As they said this, they advanced on Bulma, cracking their knuckles. The first one drew out a nightstick and rammed it into her stomach, but he was shocked when it just bounced off! He tried again, trying to hit some sensitive area, but with the same result. Soon, the first thug was holding a splintered nub, while Bulma was still smiling at him sweetly. Meanwhile, the second thug snuck upon Bulma with the metallic base of a barstool, and while she was distracted, he let her have it! A loud "KOOONG!" reverberated throughout the bar, and the second thug was left shaking, holding a piece of steel with a perfect indentation of the back of Bulma's head in it. Well, that did it! A riot broke out, and soon there were fists, feet, bottles and chairs flying everywhere! A few drunken fools threw punches and kicks at Bulma, with the result that they wound up in the emergency room later with broken hands and feet. After a while, Bulma decided to put an end to the stupid brawl, so she pursed her lips and gently blew, slamming the combatants, tables, chairs, barstools, and the bar itself against the wall with a force far greater than a hurricane. She then turned around and walked out of the bar, and this time, *no one* tried to stop her. Bulma decided to take a shortcut to The Arena, an entertainment center specializing in amazing displays of super strength, with the guarantee that anyone who could wreck their equipment would get a trillion tons of platinum. So far, no one had been able to collect, not even a Super Saiyan, but Bulma intended to do it! She was pretty eager, hence the shortcut. Of course, Bulma's idea of a "shortcut" was to simply walk in a straight line to her destination, regardless of any obstacles. Hence, she plowed through walls, across a firing range, and into a cage full of wild hyenas. When she arrived, she had plaster dust in her hair, and her good clothes had been torn to shreds by bullets and snapping hyena teeth. She looked down at herself and sighed. She *really* wanted to look her best for this event, but there wasn't anything she could do now. So she walked in and headed for the Ultimate Challenge, a wicked looking contraption covered with dozens of steel tentacles, and carried along by dozens of spider like legs. Moreover, each tentacle carried a lethal weapon on its tip. Clearly, even the strongest fighter would be hard pressed just to survive against it, yet Bulma proposed to destroy it with her bare hands! As she stepped up onto the platform, one of the tentacles wrapped arond her waist and tried to lift her out of the ring. *Tried* being the operative word since, since Bulma merely grabbed the tentacle and refused to budge, no matter how hard the machine pulled. Seeing that something was wrong, the machine in question swung a tentacle with a mace attachment at Bulma, hoping to knock her out, but when it hit her head, it bounced off like a foam rubber ball! Meanwhile, that first tentacle is still pulling and straining, sooner or later, something has to give, and ten seconds later, it does. There is a horrendous shriek of rending steel, and suddenly the machine is short one tentacle! Now the machine attacks in earnest! Dozens of tentacles armed with buzzsaws, knives, axes, and electricity rushed in to get Bulma, except suddenly, she wasn't there! "Yoo hoo! Are you looking for me?" Asked Bulma sweetly from the other side of the ring. The machine activated the sensors on that side of its body and saw that girl smiling at it. She then turned around and *mooned the machine*! This was too much, and the machine flew into a rage, attacking Bulma full force! Dozens of tentacles flailed against her ass, and soon the once lethal weapons were smashed into useless scrap from the impact on her invincible "buns of steel". Next, Bulma turned around and said, "Oh, come on, you can do better than *that*. Now, let's see you give me a *real* challenge!" "Very well." said the machine in a monotone. "As you request." Then a panel slid aside, revealing the muzzle of a huge cannon! The cannon extended until it hit Bulma's left boob, which the machine calculated was her most vulnerable spot. There was a brief hum, and then the machine exploded! See, the blast from the cannon had been unable to penetrate Bulma's invulnerable nipple, so its explosive force was reflected back into the machine, destroying it. Bulma looked at the wreckage and smirked. Now that it was demolished, she had just become one of he richest women on the planet, with enough money to keep her in gadgets and gizmos for the rest of her life. Turning to the manager, she said "I'll take my reward now." "You can't be serious!" said the manager. "Nobody can just carry off a trillion tons of platinum, just like that! Hell, you'll need a crane just to get the *vault open!" "Where is the vault?" asked Bulma. "It's under The Arena, but you're not getting to it today. it was buried under thousands of tons of concrete, so..." but Bulma was no longer listening to him. Instead, she calmly walked outside and digging her fingers into the base of The Arena, lifted the whole thing clear out of the ground, foundation and all! Next, holding the building with one hand, she ripped the five trillion ton vault out of the ground with one finger! Then, she put The Arena back, thanked the manager for a nice time, and flew off with the stupendous vault on her finger, back to Capsule Corporation. Once she got there, she decided to use the platinum to make a trophy, so she ripped open the vault like a Christmas present, then took out the trillion tos of platinum and, molding it like clay, created a gigantic monument to herself. When she finished, she looked at the mile high sculpture and smirked, now *everybody* would know she was the smartest, strongest, most beautiful woman in the *universe*! Deciding that she had spent enough time "exercising", Bulma went inside to relax and watch some T.V..