Bulma vs The Androids This is my version of the "Android Saga" from Dragonball Z, starring the new, improved Bulma! By Supergeek (supergeek4368@webtv.net) "...and in other news, Goku and the other so called 'Z Fighters' have announced their retirement from crimefighting today. When asked what would happen if aliens tried to conquer the Earth again, Goku said 'Bulma can handle that, she's way stronger than any of us now.'" Android 20, alias Doctor Gero, could hardly believe his good luck. He had aways known Goku was an idiot, but he never dreamed Goku would become so weak that he would consider Bulma some kind of superwoman! This was an opportunity too good to pass up. Calling Android 19, Doctor Gero set off to Capsule Corporation to destroy Bulma and conquer the world. Meanwhile, at Capsule Corp., Bulma was moving the facility to a new location, balancing it on one hand while she drank an iced tea held in the other. Finding a good spot, she set it down gently and kicked back for a little relaxation. But it was not to be, as Androids 19 and 20 flew in and landed just in front of her. "Don't bother trying to resist." said Doctor Gero, "I'm much stronger than you, little girl, so you might as well make it easy on yourself and acknowledge me as your master." As he said this, Android 20 pulled on Bulma's shoulder, trying to force her to her feet. He might as well have been trying to move a planet, as she didn't even feel his puny efforts. Not willing to admit defeat, Doctor Gero "popped" a set of hypodermic claws from his fingers and, with an insdious grin, jabbed them into Bulma's throat . Bulma calmly sipped her tea as the claws broke off on her invulnerable skin. Next, Android 19 siezed a huge boulder, at least a thousand feet across, and slammed it down on Bulma's head, trying to knock her out, but it just shattered into dust without affecting her in the slightest! It was right about then that the androids realized that this wouldn't be quite as easy as they had originally thought. "It's time we stopped fooling around." said Doctor Gero. "19, take her energy!" Android 19 complied immedietely, grabbing Bulma's wrists and triggering the energy absorbing mechanism in the palms of his hands. For her part, Bulma simply watched as the 'droid foolishly tried to absorb all her energy. After several minutes had passed, the inevitable happened and Android 19 was destroyed in a spectacular explosion caused by energy overload. Apparenly, he wasn't designed to absorb an infinite amount of power. Seeing the fate of his partner, Doctor Gero took off and headed for his secret laboratory. He just knew Androids 17 and 18 would defeat this woman for him, once he reactivated them. With that wicked, if somewhat inaccurate thought, Doctor Gero landed and keyed in the secret passcode, opening the massive osmium doors and entering his lab. Little did he know that he had been followed all the while by Bulma herself. Oh sure, she could have easily kept him from escaping, but she wanted to see this secret laboratory of his, and her curiosity got the better of her. Meanwhile, Doctor Gero had activated Androids 17 and 18 and was just about to give them their marching orders when a sudden bang, followed by a loud creak drew his attention to the door, where he saw Bulma's face and boobs pushing into it like it was soft clay! Doctor Gero couldn't believe his optical sensors! His "impregnable" door was being deformed like putty by that woman's strength! "Quick" said Doctor Gero to the othr androids. "You must destroy her! It is imperitive that she die, so that my plans for world domination can continue unimpeded!" Suddenly, 18 grabbed the electronic controller from Doctor Gero's hand. "You're not going to control us anymore, Doctor." she said, just as the door was ripped open and Bulma stepped through. "Hi" she said, just as Doctor Gero desperately grabbed a high powered machine gun off a nearby table and opened fire on her. Bulma simply stood in the doorway looking bored while the armor piercing explosive bullets bounced off her body like drops of rain. When the noise and smoke finally died down, Bulma put her hands on her hips and said. "Can't you get it through that thick head of yours that I'm absolutely invulnerable? I mean, you've hit me with everything in your arsenal and you haven't even slowed me down!" "I'm not beaten yet!" said Gero defiantly. " Let's see your invulnerability stand up to my ..." "Oh, shut up!" said Bulma, rolling her eyes. She then inhaled sharply, and the power of her mighty lungs drew everything in the room irresistablely towards her, where it smashed or exploded against her invincible bod. Indeed, so powerful was her inhalation that the laboratory itself began to collapse like a deflating balloon. Fortuneately for Androids 17 and 18, she stopped before the collapsing facility would have squashed them. Casually brushing the remains of the Gero android off her chest, Bulma turned to Android 17 with an appreciative eye. "You're cute" she said, flirting. Then she kissed him and effortlessly pried his teeth open with her tongue, and no matter how hard he tried to bite down or push her tongue out of his mouth, he simply couldn't resist her. 17 was shocked that this godess could so effortlessly overpower him like this, and soon his dick was as hard as it could get. When she finally released him and whispered "Let's fuck." he was helpless to even try to resist. I won't bore you with the details of their lovemaking. Suffice it to say that Bulma's climactic scream shattered windows and set off air raid sirens in fifteen surrounding cities. Well, that was pretty much the end of the whole Android menace. 17 had a long and ultimately futile affair with Bulma, who eventually fell in love with and married Vegeta. Don't feel too bad, though, because he eventually met Maron and they had a real good time as husband and wife. As for 18, she met and fell in love with and eventually married Krillin. The End For Now.