A Bad Day For Bulma Bulma faces the mother of all badass challengers! By Supergeek (supergeek4368@webtv.net) Bulma awoke to the irritating sound of her alarm clock going off. Scowling, she slammed her fist down on the alarm clock, pounding it and the nightstand it stood on throught the floor and deep into the earth below. "Ah, hell" Grumbled Bulma. Despite being the mightiest being in the universe, she was not a morning person, and those who knew this wisely stayed out of her way when she was in one of her grouchy moods. One being, however, wasn't quite so wise. Or perhaps she was simply more beligerant than most. She was Lilith, the Mother of All Monsters, and since she had the powers of all her childen combined, she believed herself to be invincible. She was always in a foul mood, and NO ONE ever dared to challenge her for any reason, she was just too mean and way too powerful to cross. So one can imagine her shock and outrage when she was clobbered by a nightstand as she was reclining in a hot tub filled with white hot molten steel. "WHO DARES?!!" Shouted the Queen of Hell. Her voice shaking the very foundations of the Earth and causing several unexplained disasters. Her entourage stood trembling in terror. They hadn't seen her THIS mad in several thousand years,and they knew something unspeakably horrible was about to happen to whoever had angered her, and that thought paralyzed them. "WELL, WHAT ARE YOU FOOLS WAITING FOR?!!!" Lilith roared. " GET MY MAGIC MIRROR, NOW!!!!!" The demons, spurred into action, dashed off to find her mirror, none of them wanting to be a target of her wrath. A thousandth of a second later, one of her servants returned with the mirror. "IT TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH, FOOL!" she said,(Even her normal tone of voice was enough to make any Drill Sergeant turn green with envy.) slamming him against the wall so hard he shot out the other side like a cannonball through paper. "NEXT TIME, WHEN I WANT SOMETHING, DON'T DAWDLE!" Grasping the mirror in both hands, she commanded it, saying "SHOW ME THE ONE WHO HAS DARED TO PISS ME OFF THIS DAY!!" The surface of the mirror whirled and then clarified into a scene of our heroine going through her morning ritual. Lilith watched in amazement as Bulma brushed her teeth with a wire brush, took a "shower" under a plasma cannon, and then enjoyed herself by sparring with her friends. She smiled as her friends all tried to take her down, hitting her with enough force to shatter mountains, but not enough to move Bulma even an inch. The foolish girl obviously believed herself to be invincible, but Lilith would soon cure her of hat delusion! Turning to her demonic hordes, she pointed to the image of Bulma in the mirror and roared "BRING HER TO ME NOW!!!!" They obeyed her at once, and soon, they arrived at their destination, and Bulma found herself surrounded by a huge crowd of monsters, for that is what demons become when they enter the Earthly Realm. One of them flicked out a ten foot tongue that wrapped around Bulma, pinning her arms to her sides. Another one said "It's useless to struggle, woman! That tongue is far stronger than steel, and not even the combined strength of all the creatures in the universe can budge it!" Bulma just smiled and then flexed her arms, tearing through the monster's tongue like it was wet tissue paper. Then she turned to the monster who had addressed herand said, "I hate to burst your bubble, but I've got more power in my little finger than all the creatures in the universe combined. If I were you, I'd go back where I came from and forget about this stupid fight. None of you have a chance against me, anyway." Upon hearing this, a flame monster began throwing fireballs a thousand times hotter than the sun at Bulma, but she just smiled as the flames hit her body with about the same effect as a gentle sunbeam. Then she pursed her lips and blew out the monsters flaming body like a birthday candle. Another one tried to claw her, but broke his claws on her invincible stomach. Then he tried to bite her breast, but even her softest flesh was more than a match for his teeth, and he came away from the fight with a broken jaw. And so it went on, monster after monster tried and failed to capture and subdue Bulma for their mistress. Finally, Bulma stood surrounded a heap of monsters she had defeated. Seeing this in her magic mirror, Lilith was enraged. How could this little mortal defeat her demonic hordes so easily? She decided she would have to handle this personally, so she rose up into the Earthly Realm and quite literally erupted in front of Bulma. "Wow, that was impressive!" said Bulma to the unknown woman who had suddenly appeared before her. "THAT WAS ONLY THE BEGINNING!" roared Lilith. "NOW YOU SHALL TASTE THE WRATH OF LILITH!!!" The ultimate battle began, Lilith startd by clapping her hands, creating a shockwave powerful enough to demolish everything in its path. Bulma clapped her own hands, generatingg her own shockwave that neutralized Lilith's and sent her sprawling to the ground. Next, Lilith tried to rip her open with her claws, but no matter matter how hard she struck, Bulma didn't seem to feel any of her blows. Lilith hurled a barrage of spears at Bulma, each one capable of ripping through the hardest Earthly substance with ease, but they simply bounced off Bulma's stomach and boobs, blunted by her invulnerabiity. Finally, with a scream of rage, Lilith charged Bulma at full speed and head butted her in the stomach, intending to gore her with her horns, but her horns were no match for Bulma's super hard stomach, and Lilith was soon out cold with a pair of broken horns on her head. As Bulma was wondering what she was going to do with all these monsters, they suddenly vanished into thin air. Bulma shrugged, figuring it was for the best anyway, and set off to find more interesting ways to play with her super strength.