Supergirl Part 2 By Morphinman Cindy had had a fitful night. She awoke with a start as something hard hit her in the left ear. In shock she rolled off the bed and onto the floor. She looked down and was relieved to find it was only her own massive bicep. In her sleep she had grasped the inch thick brass bars of her headboard and crushed them together. The engorged arm muscles had swollen to the point where her 26 inch upper arm hit her head. She sat up and began to worry again about the audition. She wondered if she was ready to play Supergirl in the movie. She flexed her right bicep and smiled as the mountain rose from her upper arm. She was nearly ready ! Cindy stood and flexed her back and lat muscles. She felt her bra straps tighten across her back as her back swelled to 40..45..50..55 inches. Then the tightness stopped as her bra straps snapped under the load. Ahhh. "Let's see any other girl do that !" she thought. Changing into a fresh top, she practiced the posing routine she hoped would get her the role of Supergirl. She hit a couple of arm shots admiring the sweep of her biceps and triceps, muscles that would have ripped through the largest sweatshirt like it wasn't there. She was once again amazed at how big and firm her breasts became when she tensed, their EE cup size not even drooping due to the powerful pecs beneath them. "Hmmm..need to work on that definition" she muttered. "Off to the gym !" The gym was nearly deserted when she arrived. This was good since it was a small gym , and she often needed most of the free weight plates there to get a good pump. Loading one of the EZ curl bars with 3 45 lb plates on each end, she started curling the weight for reps. The 305 lbs would have set a record for any other woman but for her it was just a warm up weight. She giggled as she thought of the big male weightlifters struggling to do even one rep with that weight. She loaded a bar with 6 100 lbs plates and repeated the exercise. This massive weight gave even Cindy some resistance and her arms began to swell in response. Soon she was unable to complete the curls as her biceps slammed into her forearms before she had even bent her arm 90 degrees. Cindy decided to work on her back and delts since her arms were now overpumped. She found two 150 lb dumbbells gathering dust in a corner. "Hmm, I guess no one here can lift these. But I can !" And she proceeded to know off 20 overhead dumbbell presses with ease, the fact that each dumbbell weighed more than she did seeming of little consequence. Next she loaded all the 100 lb wieghts she could find on a chained bar, giving a 2000 lb total. Grabbing the chain, she deadlifted the weight repeatedly, the loud clang of weights drawing attention from the now busy gym. Seeing that there now some big guys around to help her work out, she sweetly asked a couple to add resistance to the military press machine. When they asked why, she told them that the 1000 lbs on the machine was not heavy enough for her. The men laughed then noticed the muscles rippling just below the skin of her arms and stopped laughing. They each grabbed one side of the bar and tried to restrain Cindy as she pressed the half ton weight overhead. Their efforts were futile as her powerful body thrust the weight over her head repeatedly. The men were lifted from the floor as the weight rose, but their combined 500 lbs added no noticeable resistance to Cindy. She said "Maybe I can help you in return?" The bigger man said, "OK, see if you can add some resistance while I work on the pec deck." Cindy accompanied him to the machine and pressed against the bars as he pressed. She said "Whenever you're ready..." not realizing that the big man was already pressing with all his might. Cindy's arms swelled, dwarfing the massive guns of her opponent as she pressed. The bars bagan to bend backwards pinning him to the machine. "Please stop.. you're killing me !" he pleaded. Realizing her mistake, Cindy pulled the bars forward, bending them to approximately their original position. Upset by nearly killing the poor man, Cindy sought the punching bag for stress relief. She found she had to hit the bag gently or it would swing too wildly and threaten to come loose. Seeing her dilemma, one of the men came over and held the bag for her. "Thanks a lot !" Cindy said. "Are you ready ?" "Sure kid", said the man, bracing himself against the bag. He had seen what she was doing to the bag and sensed she was very powerful. "POW" Cindy's fist hit the bag, punching a foot thick hole in it and sending out a cloud of sand. Her helper was still standing , but visibly shaken. She had moved him back nearly a foot with one punch. He silently resolved never to get in the boxing ring with Cindy. Seing how easily she had moved the big man, Cindy felt she was now ready for the world. She showered and changed into the outfit she had brought. Knowing how pumped she would be after the workout, she had brought a white dress with huge billowing sleeves. Surely these can hold my arms in, she thought. One bend of her arm preoved her wrong as her swollen 27 inch peak stretched then pierced the fabric. Gazing at the brown mountain, Cindy sighed. "I need some new clothes" she thought.