SUPERMAN 2 A DELETED SCENE I wrote this because I always feel I could have made the superman films much better than they were. If you have seen the film you will soon know where in the film this story starts. Superman has just flown off to his fortress leaving an angry crowd to face the three Kryptonians and Supergirl just happens to be flying past. If you like my story then please feel free to let me know. Or if you have any sugestions about how I could improve the story or have a sugestion for a story then please send me an email at I'd just spotted Superman flying off leaving what looked like three super powered humans; maybe Kryptonians, and a city full of Innocent people in there hands. I knew he had his reasons. He probably has some trick up his sleve to get them away from earth. I had thought that my cousin and I were the only Kryptoians left but seeing these three brought no joy what so ever. They were using super breath against ordinary people, Three of them for goodness sake, something needed to be done and it looked like I was the one who drew the short straw. I landed lightly on booted feet just around the block. I was wearing one of my old costumes, which still fitted perfectly. The long thigh length red boots and full blue outfit made me feel pretty nostalgic, it made me feel kind of sexy as well, though most men would say I was already that. I walked confidently round the corner. Three lots of super breath made my golden locks fly back behind my head but other than that I was completely unaffected by the rushing wind that had cleared the street of everything not concreted in. I walked on as though out for a stroll on a balmy summers eve. At last they spotted me walking towards them. "Another one." I heard the smaller of the two men say. obviously they'd spotted the red S on my costume and the fact that their super breath didn't affect me. The big one grunted and made a move toward me but the female stopped him with a hand on his arm. "No Dom let me." said the female in a rather over confident tone I thought. "Let me make her bow at your feet general." I think she was asking the little guy this. "Go ahead Ursa defeat her for me, make her kneel and worship general Zod." She broke away from the two men and headed down the broad street toward me. Better odds I thought one against one rather than three against one. We stopped about 10 feet apart. I gave her my best power pose and noticed how beautiful she was, she had an over confident, cocky, smug grin on her face. I think shes going to enjoy this. But I sure won't be the push over she thinks. I consider making the first move but I know that like me she's a woman of steel having the power to hurt me so I need to be careful. I need to keep enough in reserve to keep the other two busy if this one backs out to recover. All I have to do really is keep them busy long enough until Superman returns. I glance over her shoulder at the other two, who seem to be content to stand by and watch. She put her hands on her hips in imitation of my stance and said, "Come on girl take your best shot." Was she arrogant or what? Being invulnerable and super had its effect on you. Sure you can get over confident and even become a bit of a show off, but I hope I never become as arrogant as this woman. She swayed her hip from left to right so cock sure of herself, so certain this would be a push over for her. So I walked up to her slowly the light from the street lamps reflecting off my thigh boots. I could see the two men watching me, desire burning in their eyes. I could see the grinning woman had over the knee boots on herself. Her whole costume was black, all three wore black and I wondered if it were some kind of uniform. She stood watching me, that smug grin spoiling an other wise beautiful face. I wondered if she was trying to trick me and intended to attack first but I got the distinct feeling she wanted me to attack first. No that wasn't it she wanted me to hit her, I was sure of it. In that case I was more than willing to oblige. Upon reaching her I walked around her looking her up and down waiting for her to taunt me. But that didn't happen instead she said, "If you bow down to me now I will spare you your life and let you serve the general." I almost laughed at the absurdity of her words and I almost asked myself which planet she was off. Moving at super-speed I drove a right upper cut under her chin and jumped at the same time using the power of my legs as well as my arm. She shoot up out of sight but I was still able to follow her flight with my telescopic vision, I must have jumped over a hundred foot myself. I landed lightly not needing to use my flight powers, and cast a glance over at the two men. They were looking up at their comrade and I looked up to see where she was. I moved into position considering if I should kick her before she landed but settled for using super-speed instead. Probably out of stubbornness she wasn't using her flight powers to recover her descent. So to add to her fall I smashed a double fist into her back. My fists hit home at about waist height so she only had about three feet left to go but I think she at least quadrupled her rate of decent before her body smashed into the ground. She sunk at least a foot into the asphalt. Quite a nice little crater she's made for herself I thought. I stood at the edge of the crater, I wanted to be the first thing she saw when she looked up. It was a good few moments before she stirred. However she only got a brief glimpse of me standing there because a foot in my back drove me over her crater to the ground. Rolling over quickly I saw it was the bigger of the two men who had hit me. I think he was waiting for me to get up. But I heard a cry of "NO" behind him and suddenly she was standing in front of him. "No Non she's mine." "But Ursa," he protested. "I said no" she said with determination driving a fist into his chest. He flew back towards his general, who stepped out of the way to allow his companion to fly past him unhindered. I looked at this Ursa again. "Your turn," I said placing my fists on my hips my power pose not lost on her. I wondered what she would do expecting her fist to connect with my jaw or stomach. But no she walked over to the sidewalk to a street light, put a hand to either side and kicked her foot at its base. Of course it sheared off easily and she hefted it lightly in her dainty hands. She strutted over to me the street light towering above her head, the smug smile back again. I hope she hadn't noticed my thigh boots had sunk a little into the asphalt as I used my flight powers to root me to the spot. A couple of slow practice swings showed me she intended to swing the street light at chest height. However once I returned her smug smile with a cute one of my own she heightened her swing to head height. Swinging the street light as hard as she could, it impacted the side of my head but I made sure it didn't even move in the slightest. Instead of sending me flying through the air as she'd hoped, the street light flattened against the side of my head and then bent over as it continued on its unstoppable journey. Having meet its match the rest of the length of the street light slid across the side of my face bending as it went, to a perfect 90 degree angle. Ursa looked at me and then at the street light in her hands in utter astonishment. I gave her my bestest smirk which pissed her off just a smidgen because she threw it at me. The street light hit my body and clattered to the ground. She strode up to me not smiling any more and she did the most unexpected of things, she actually stood on my foot pushing the sole of my boot a little further into the asphalt. I'm not sure if it because I'm blond or just plain stupid but as she stood so close I took in her perfume and just glanced down at her foot on mine. Off all the thoughts that could have popped into my head at that time why did it have to be, my boots are slightly higher than hers? Why that thought? I mean three Kryptonians to deal with and I'm comparing the height of boots? Obviously that thought only lasted as long as it took her fist to find its way into my face. At this point I think I need to explain just how things work when you are a super, invulnerable woman of steel. If, like now this Ursa is going to hit me in the face then of course there is pain. No one, even me, can be hit by the equivalent of an express freight train traveling at 800 miles a second, and not feel pain. I would probably bruise as well but you see being super means just that, that your metabolism is super also. So you heal at super speed and the pain fades at super speed. The only problem with being super is that their is a great danger you come to enjoy the pain. Though the presence of Kryptonite can complicate things a little. Pain seared into my head and faded but then the back of my head smashed into the ground. Her foot on mine preventing me flying back and allowed her to follow up with a well heeled boot in my stomach. Then the cleaver bitch took her foot off mine and gave a swinging kick to my chin. The pain at the back of my head faded quickly but my jaw was another matter. But I need to see through the pain to avoid any further follow up. Which I just managed to turn my head in time and her fist bury itself into the road beside my face. Caught momentarily by surprise at her situation. My pain almost gone now I grabbed a handful of her costume and threw her as best I could up and back. I wasn't sure where she landed but by the time I was on my feet she was flying at me fist extended. I had less than a second to react, so i fell backward her fist missing me by a paper width. As I fell I brought my foot up and managed a kick that forced her to lose control of her flight. Again I didn't see where she landed but I hear the sound of breaking glass. a quick burst of super speed brought me to the window before the last piece of glass hit the ground. Ursa had landed in the window display and I though to get her out before we caused any more damage but damage to property was preferable to damage to people. she was on her feet looking for me. I tried to get the advantage moving at super speed but she saw me coming and managed to turn and trip me and I went sprawling through a petition into the store. Ursa dived after me and as I turned onto my back I knocked her fist aside and her forehead collided with my nose. I wrapped my arms around her pinning her arms to her side. But that didn't stop her because she took off smash us through the ceiling and into the next story. Adding my own flight to hers caused us to start spinning. Then we both must have tried switching direction more than once and we twisted and turned in every direction smashing into displays making a hell of a racket and destroying everything in out path. We crashed our way into the next floor up still struggling. Knocking another display stand aside the little and so brought her knee up between my legs which I quite enjoyed really and very nearly asked her to do it again when we smashed our way into the ceiling again. Half way through to the next floor I change direction accelerating rapidly, Which drove her back and ass straight through the floor/ceiling cutting a body wide channel until we reached the outer wall through which we smashed our way. Ursa then managed to slip out of my grip as I got concerned about falling bricks and any potential pedestrians below, a quick look around confirmed the area clear. It was then I noticed a car directly below me and instead of flying off I used my xray vision to see if any one was in the car. I'm not sure exactly why I did that, some thing to do with me being a blond I think because I was so concerned about other people being hurt i forgotten about flying. I saw the car was empty and hit its roof causing all of the windows to shatter and the roof to collapse down to the seats. It didn't hurt of course, even though I had landed awkwardly. I started to roll off the car when I was dragged off by someone pulling at my hair. Ursa pulled me off the car head first, Shit I though wondering what was coming next. I didn't have to wait long to find out as a beautifully booted foot was driven into my face. It wasn't hard but my head went straight through the metal door and my legs clattered to the ground. I don't know if it just me but have you ever had it when one dumb thing leads to another? I could have easily just pulled my head out of the car couldn't I? but no I had to get to my knees first which obviously was too much of a temptation for Ursa as she laid her boot into my ass. my head crashed through the other side of the car along with the rest of me and into the and through the wall of the shop. Knowing I didn't have time to recover I scrambled through the wall, my ass dislodging a few more bricks than my head and shoulders did. I flew straight up to the next floor, my body making yet another hole. X-ray vision shows me Ursa just approaching the wall, and I fly down my feet easily pushing brick aside and they start falling on to Ursa below. Pushing my way through the wall I hope to come down on her. Hearing the wall crack she looks up sees me coming, bricks fall on her bouncing off her face, she doesn't flinch looking up at me with what looks like hatred. Not the walkover she first thought, I just hope the other two don't get bored and decide to join in. My kick hit empty air and suddenly I'm being spun around held onto by my hair. My boots slice through the corner of the building, then my waist. Figuring whats coming next I put all my flight power into flying away from that building. so it is we sail through the air spinning in a kind of long arc when her body slams into the side of, and through another building. Dragging me behind her my head and breasts make her hole bigger. We crash into a desk sending equipment flying. Two black leather covered thighs wrap themselves around my head and squeeze together against my face, a booted foot on each of my breasts. "Fuck" my nipples harden and I find myself hoping she doesn't notice. Half way through a fight and I get turned on, bloody typical, superpowered, stupid fuc....... Ursa pulling on my hair again brought me back to my predicament. I placed both of my hands on a black booted thigh. Concentrate I told myself and tried to pull those sexy thighs apart. A waisted effort against such powerful limbs. "You and I would make great lovers" she said out of the blue. And I just had to rejoin with. "Get rid of those two bozos and I'm sure we could come to some arrangement." She just sniffed at my throw away suggestion. I tried to force her backward using my flight power but she kept us steady with her own. so instead I fired a beam of intense heat vision straight at her left breast. a few moments later she gave a small shudder of delight. Which was all I needed for an upward thrust of her legs and my head slipped from between her lovely thighs. I was out of her head lock but we had both been going full pelt with our flight powers. I shot across the floor on my back, crashing and smashing my way through partitions, desks and equipment. I finally managed to stop after I broke through the building wall back out side. I zipped down catching all the bricks i had dislodged and flew back up throwing them through the hole my body had just made. Ursa's fist smashed into my side sending me tumbling through the air, I struggled to correct my tumbling and turned just in time to spot her fist which was thrust up under my jaw sending me tumbling again head over heels to crash trough some huge windows and onto a highly polished floor. I landed in a heap covered in glass . Ursa landed in the room and laughed. "Come on superslut, just admit your defeat and kneel before general Zod. Slowly I got to my feet feigning exhaustion. I hated being called superslut. And when I ran at her I hadn't a clue what I would do when I got to her. She launched a fist at my face but I was already on my way down cutting her feet from under her. I knew I shouldn't let taunts like that get to me because inevitably it got you into trouble. Hitting the deck with a thud, locking her arm behind her back I pushed her face into the shiny marble floor. Then flying forward I gouged a rut in the marble using her face. Stopping short of a wall I stood up on her back holding her hand her wrist bent back. I fell back landing on my ass then turning it into a roll I back flipped her and she landed half buried in the wall. Pulling her out by the hand I swing her round, smashing her back into the wall. The whole of the wall shakes and bits of brick fall to the floor. I follow up with a fist to her face which knocks her through the wall. Still holding her hand I pull her back towards me and throw a not too well placed fist into the side of her head and back through the wall she goes. I crash through the wall as she is getting to her feet. A well placed boot to her side sending her spinning through the air to crash against the far wall. I think she's beginning to enjoy her invulnerability and is probably enjoying the pain too. With this in mind I charge at her sticking another boot in her side sending her through yet another wall. And I follow my indestructible body ripping easily through the bricks and we're out in the cool night air again. Flying down i catch up with Ursa's falling body my head hammers into her abs and we charge to the ground her body making another crater in the road. As she crests the top of her own personal crater a car smashes into her chest. the front of it crumples around her sweeping her of her feet, and backward to thump into the side of a van. She flies at me the car still wrapped around her body. Now it my turn to have the car crumple around me. And I fly backward smash through some glass doors to rocket across a large foyer and into a pair of elevator doors. I hit the doors so hard they are smashed out of their runners and fall down the elevator shaft. The back of the car is left wedged between the doors and I'm left danging in midair still wedged in the back of the car. I look at Ursa and she smiles at me as she is wedged in the other end of the car. Using the incredible strength in my arms I reach out and grab at either side of the car and fold either side up flying backward at the same time I manage to get myself, the car and Ursa into the elevator shaft. She looks at me and looks down, turns and positively grins at me. By the time she hits the ground we're traveling at mac2. The car explodes into a metal melting inferno. My momentum slices the car in half and I land on top of a laughing Ursa. Our breasts are pressing together and I feel my nipples harden then, to my huge relief I feel her nipples harden under my breasts. We look into each others eyes and as white hot flames dance around us we kiss, a long lingering kiss. She raises her leg to push her knee into my crotch. Our lips parted slowly regretfully, "Your so sexy." Ursa breaths huskily. Flames dance over our fuel soaked bodies, but we pay it no heed. Suddenly a voice rings in my ears. "BRING THEM SUPERGIRL BRING THEM TO MY FORTRESS." "Superman?" asked Ursa, flames dancing on her perfect face. I nodded. "Come on then," she said, "lets see if we can't rid ourselves of a couple of bozos."