URSA Goddess of Earth

By Super Mexican

Ursa gets revenge on the whole earth.

Part 1

Warning: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

Superman and all other characters in this story are copyrights of DC Comics.

This is a nonprofit work of fiction for entertainment purposes only.

This story takes place shortly after the events of the Superman II movie.

Chapter 1: Transformation

Ursa hung from the crystalline support beam she had landed on, she was the lucky one. Non had fallen 100 feet before the hard crystalline base of the Fortress broke his fall and his body. General Zod had been also unlucky, his broken hand was unable to catch the ice out cropping that would have saved his life, and instead his head was crushed underneath his body.

Ursa’s face hurt, her body was all banged up, she had forgotten pain, she was also cold, her invulnerable kryptonian body had made her forget all that. Now painfully the memory of discomfort was back, she was weak, mortal; the bastard son of Jor-El had robbed her of the Godhood she deserved. And that Lane woman, that insignificant “human worm” had the nerve to strike her face, she would kill her first, slowly. Hatred for her enemies burned like the Gates of Hell inside Ursa. She had to survive; Ursa must get her revenge…

Her festering hatred gave her the strength to climb and endure the intense cold. She used her boot’s spiked heels to dig into the ice for support. Her almost naked arms and chest brushed against the ice giving her terrible shivers. The Arctic ice burned her flesh with its freezing embrace. It took her 72 hours to climb up to the platform. She was almost frozen to death. Only the burning desire for revenge kept her going. She walked over to the crystal control panel and studied the controls, she recognized the layout. The foolish “Superman” had left the Emerald control crystal in its place.

Yes, I just have to inverse the polarity of these crystals; soon I will be a Goddess again and have my revenge on the son of Jor-El, and all the pitiful creatures of this planet.”

She changed a couple of the crystals around and activated the molecule chamber with the Emerald crystal. She entered the crystal coffin and waited…

A red beam bathed her body with the crimson energy of Krypton’s red sun. She soon found out that her lesson in pain was not over, she felt as if 1000 burning needles attacked every part of her body. Pretty soon the pain was replaced with a wonderful feeling, she felt powerful, alive, she was a Goddess again! The machine turned off and let her out. The red sun’s energy had given her a golden tan, she was no longer pale and her skin was as smooth as silk, but stronger than diamond.

Now to get my revenge!”

Ursa used her powers to look for her beloved Zod, and her pet Non. First she found the latter, his body broken beyond repair. Her amazing strength lifted the humongous body with ease; she took it up to the platform and started to look for Zod. She soon found him, now her hatred and lust for revenge was enormous.

Her shout shattered the Fortress wall.

“Curse you “Superman”, I will make you pay!”

She took Zod´s body next to Non´s. All her life she had hated all living things, specially her fellow Kryptonians, except for Zod, her beloved master and lover. Now she was truly alone… how could she get her revenge now? Alone she was no match for Superman, he was a strong male, and he had a lifetime of experience using his powers… she could not defeat him all by herself unless………… she could get more power from the lifeless bodies at her feet. She was quite good at molecular and biological mergers. She quickly formed an evil plan. Using her superspeed and strength she modified the Molecule Chamber. Ursa carried with minimal effort both corpses into it, she entered the chamber with one body in each hand and rested both next to her, a blue beam from her index finger activated the Emerald crystal. The familiar crimson beam bathed the corpses and Ursa, little arcs of green electricity danced from the corpses to Ursa´s body, especially to her breasts. She felt wonderful and thought:

It’s working; their bodies are been converted into kryptonian life-force energy. I will have their combined strength and lot more”.

The corpses turned slowly into ashes, but more and more green energy sparkled and danced between the crumbling bodies and powerful female.

She felt more and more power pouring into her little frame, her whole body started to grow… a few inches at a time, but she was definitely getting taller… her breasts were inflating like balloons, they had left their original B cup behind, they were reaching CC size very fast. That was not the only thing growing; her slender arms were getting a lot of muscular definition, where nonexistent biceps lived now huge mountains of muscle expanded on and on. She pulled her arms back into a double bicep pose; she tensed her muscles as they continued to grow. Her shoulders where now the size of bowling balls, the loose kryptonian clothes she wore was now almost painted on. Huge muscles expanded from her arms, she turned her attention to her abdominal muscles which were now perfectly defined. And enormous cleavage was forming between her massive breasts. Ursa´s now trunk like legs were bursting out of her pants. The invulnerable kryptonian clothing could take no more punishment and exploded. She felt more powerful than she could’ve imagined, a true Goddess of power… seven feet tall, FFF breasts that defied gravity, 8 pack abs harder than diamonds, 65 inch biceps, and legs the size of a man’s torso. If her calculations were correct she was now two times stronger than the combined strength of her former self, Zod and Non. Non was two times stronger than Superman, so, she was now almost eight times stronger than the so called “Superman”.

Ursa, the last daughter of Krypton, crashed through the crystal door of the chamber.

I will destroy this Fortress so that no one can take my power ever again”.

She took her time, she wanted to enjoy using her newfound power… she realized the nakedness of her body, but she didn't mind. On the contrary, she wanted the weak, puny creatures of the universe to pay tribute to her amazing body. The mightiest being in the universe approached the crystal control panel. She picked up the Emerald control crystal with one hand and parted her pussy´s lips with her other hand; she impaled herself with the control crystal. The experience was wonderful, the crystal was pumped in and out at super speed, suddenly her vaginal muscles tensed and the crystal was crushed to nothingness, as the crystal shattered her finger entered. She screamed:

Yes!…… yes!….. Yes!….. Yes!….. Yes!….. Yes!

She couldn't control herself; she grabbed the whole control column, ripped it from the ground and forced it into her. The whole column shattered as it was introduced into her pussy. Inside the enormous pressure crushed it beyond our universe. She turned her eyes towards:

The Molecule Chamber”.

She concentrated until two powerful energy beams sprang from her eyes, in half as second the molecule chamber was just red hot molten crystal.

“Now for the Fortress itself”.

The Woman of Titanium plunged through the kilometer thick base of the Fortress as easy as a diver plunges through the air. She put only one hand on the base and started to push up; the noise was almost unbearable for a mortal, millions of tons of ice cracked to free the Fortress. In a second more she was 3 miles over the ice. The massive Fortress felt almost weightless to Ursa.

“I am the most powerful being in the universe”.

Bored she casually threw the Fortress towards the sun. The massiveness of her power started to excite her. One powerful finger entered her powerful pussy at super speed, the sonic boom has heard by all the Russian and American listening posts around the Arctic Circle. She continued the finger attack to her pussy, while her other had fondled her breast with the strength of 8 kryptonian supermen. She was in ecstasy…. She poured more power and speed to the masturbation, her head tilted back, she shut her eyes with all her might, her back arched, her cunt was releasing gallons of cum with enough force for it to reach orbit where it turned to ice, faster, faster, more and more power….. Until…


Her climax had more power than a thermonuclear explosion.

Chapter 2: Destruction

After her climax Ursa flew in bliss, at that point she didn’t care where she was going… until she reached Siberia. Her super powerful eyes spotted what the humans called a road, some sort of line where their primitive vehicles traveled. This one was different; it had metal bars on each end and wooden steps that led no where. The metal bars stretched for many miles. She had found the Trans Siberian train tracks. She glided onto the tracks and bent down, her humongous ass bare for all to see, but there was no one there. She casually picked up both metal bars; she bent them with ease the metal melting like butter in her powerful fingers. On her original power level metal felt like paper, now it was like warm butter. She felt almost no resistance; she knew the metal was in her hand because she saw it. Her fingers almost didn’t register the “strong” metal. As she was playing with the metal her super hearing detected the noise of an engine. She saw a big black metal snake traveling towards her over the metal road. In fact it was one of the few remaining super nuclear battle trains. The rest had to be decommissioned by Russia due to their enormous expense. They carried ten SS-20 nuclear launch platforms. It was truly a big and powerful train. Its amour, especially in the engine car was very thick. The locomotive was supposed to be able to ram a T-80 tank and cut it like butter. It was all reinforced Titanium. The Mega train was traveling at 100 miles an hour. Ursa waited patiently in the middle of the tracks. As the train got nearer, the forward cameras spotted the naked Amazon a few minutes before the disaster. The Russian soldiers inside the metal mammoth had time only to think “that looks like the alien that destroyed the American White House, but she is now in Russian proportions”. Automatic defense mechanisms sparked to life. A tank-like gun turret popped out of the roof. Several canons protruded out of it. One was a 70 cal. gatling gun which fired tank busting depleted uranium shells. The other was a 200mm cannon. A couple of missile turrets popped out of the sides, each with 8 AT-3 Sagger anti-tank missiles, this is one badass tough train, the trouble facing it is a kryptonian ultra-super-bitch with a taste for destruction. Soon thousands of rounds of depleted uranium filled the air. The train’s automatic aiming system functioned perfectly; all the shells hit her breast, the biggest target in Ursa’s body. The massage her super boobs were getting felt fantastic, the uranium splattered against her invulnerable boobs and dimpled them just a few millimeters, her humongous jugs danced at the guns rhythmic fire cycle. The Woman of Tomorrow just stood there feet apart, hands on her hips, enjoying the pathetic attempt to harm her. Soon afterward the 70 cal. shells were spent. The 200mm canon buzzed to life, for its first shot the computer chose a kinetic diamond tipped javelin shell. The javelin was propelled out of the gun at 6 times the speed of sound, instead of explosive power this weapon relied on kinetic energy, the javelin hit dead center on her mighty pussy, parting its powerful lips only slightly. Ursa relaxed her vagaina muscles slightly to let it in. The supersonic penetration made her powerful heart skip a beat.


The javelin’s diamond tip shattered as it hit the invulnerable vaginal walls, super powerful vaginal muscles tensed with more pressure that the metal or diamond dust could take, it instantaneously reached boiling point, a super hot jet of slag diamond, metal and love juices sprang from Ursas pussy melting the train tracks under her feet. Next the cannon fired a napalm filled shell; it burst just a foot in front of her covering her busty body with super hot flames. The incredible heat didn’t even register to her invulnerable skin. Next came a high explosive shaped charge. Made especially to, penetrate 10 feet thick bunker concrete walls. Ursa took the shell and forced it into her wanting pussy. The shaped charge exploded into her vaginal walls. She was in ecstasy.

I hope this “puny humans” have a lot of powerful dildos like this one!

Since nothing worked the computer used the ultimate weapon in it arsenal, a nuclear tipped shell. The train was 500 meters from Ursa, it was their last chance. The powerful shell was fired; Ursa took it inside herself like the last one. The 10 kiloton nuclear blast tried to rip her super vagina in half, but it didn’t have a chance, it only expanded it slightly. The pressure in her vagina took Ursa over the edge….

OOOOOOOOOoooooooooaahhHHHH! Yes..yes…yes YES!!!!!!!!!

Her knees buckled, she knelt over the tracks. Her powerful hands rested on her enormous thighs. She took a deep breath and stood up, back to her former power pose, feet apart, hands on hips, chest out. The train fired the entire missile salvo it had. It aimed 8 missiles at each supertit, the missiles soon impacted on the gargantuan globes of flesh. Each impact giggled the mount of super flesh only slightly. The train was almost upon her, the carnage would begin momentarily. The wedge shaped train impacted dead center in her cleavage. The metal tried to part her tits to make room for itself, but Ursa was tensing her ultra powerful chest muscles, the metal had nothing to do but bend…yield to something stronger that itself. The titanium amour folded itself along the powerful kriptonian body; soon Ursa was completely surrounded by the train. The sudden stop killed every human onboard. Ursa lifted her arms trough the metal and started to tear herself a path through the train. She ripped, bent and twisted everything in her path. Her inch long nipples carved a path which her breasts widened. She decided to stop using her hands and to rely only on her super boobs…. She swung them from side to side ripping everything in their path till they found the atomic reactor that powered this mechanical monster. The reactor was the size of a basket ball, Ursa parted her boulders of flesh and forced the reactor into her cleavage, then she tensed her pectorals and the reactor was crushed within, it reached critical mass and exploded. The blast radiated from Ursa´s cleavage destroying the train, several of the thermonuclear warheads ignited in the nuclear fire, a 200 megaton blast vaporized everything in 100 miles. Ursa reveled in the nuclear hell she had created; the super hot core of the explosion tickled her body. She was left in a 500 meter deep crater.

I’ll kill that Lois Lane human worm next!

She flew at super speed towards Metropolis

Note: Part. II will be published soon!