In the Kingdom of the Blind... Superwoman is Queen By Stoneyman One in a million odds. Most never win those kind of odds. Today is Amber’s lucky day, if the city survives it. Amber felt her way around the corner into an alley. A storm was beginning to build. She could smell the moisture in the air and feel the impending thunder. If she could see, she would see the dark clouds building in the distance shadowing even the skyscrapers above. She didn’t want to be caught out in the wet all by herself. The rain would impair her hearing and that’s all she has left. Her sight left her at a very young age. She’s become accustomed, but sometimes it can be a drawback. Her feet would find the occasional stagnant puddle left there from previous days of rain. It just so happens that for the second time in her life a freak accident would change her forever. This one, however, would be her dream come true. Lightening found her first and a charge was sent through her body that stiffened every muscle in her body. Her foot hit another puddle and a second converged on her chest. Her heart was sent into a palpitating flurry in time with the sparks that burned away portions of her blouse and pants. It seems a flash of a moment passed and she blacked out. “Oooh. Wh...what happened. My head is killing me,” she thought. She brought herself to all fours and began her slow painful crawl to find a wall or something to else to right herself. Even without sight, Amber’s equilibrium told her which way was up. As she moved, she felt all her muscles bunch and tighten. She hadn’t noticed yet that her knees and hands were digging up the concrete beneath her turning it into black sand. Her fingers sank into the alley floor poking finger-deep holes. Her head found a car and placed a fore head sized dent into the door. The occupants inside, a male and female, were shocked to see a 6’0 woman place her hand on the hood and pull the car down into the ground. The tire burst under the pressure and Amber jumped in surprise. The jump carried her to the side of a building and the bricks collapsed around her. A few showered down onto her naked body. The male passenger erection grew as he watched a goddess of a woman destroy a wall with no apparent notice. The bricks bounding away from her breasts without causing any jiggle, as if they were pure steel. She stumbled forward and seemed to be looking around frantically until her thighs met the front side of the vehicle. As her hands found purchase the female opened the door to escape and leave her boyfriend behind. Amber’s hands sank into the metal of the hood and her upper body fell forward. The man almost lost his mind when he saw how her breasts molded the metal into two round craters in the hood of the car. She seemed to stop herself for a moment and move her hands along the car. Almost as if she were blind. The squeal of metal could be heard so deafening that the man covered his ears. He cold see her looking away into the distance as her hands destroyed his vehicle. “Jesus! The girl is blind!” he realized. “Oh my...what’s going on!” she cried. She eventually backed away from the car. Paul could see she was a scene of pure beauty. He recognized the form from one of Wreck Shop’s pictures. Hard muscle adorning a feminine shape. Two proud breasts sitting high on her chest. Her tanned body was flawless. Her cherry blonde hair was long and healthy. And beyond explanation. never seemed to get tangled. Paul had also had a bit of experience with this having been around Caroline the last few years. Usually the women would LOVE it, but they could also see. Amber had left his car totaled by simply waving her hands through it so he abandoned it. She walked into the wall and braced her hands against it. Paul her a crack. She leaned a slight bit and turned her head to the side. Another crack crept along the wall. Paul made a run for it. As Amber went to her shoulder she casually brought the entire 20 story building down. The cacophony was incredible and she covered her ears. Luckily, no one was hurt, yet. “Hey little girl!” Paul yelled. “I’m no little! I’m 18, dammit!” Her voice caused the buildings to quake around her. Knowing to be ready, Paul covered his ears before she said anything. “Ok, but could keep it down to a whisper please? You’re going to kill us all.” he replied softly. She walked out into the street with her arms out in front of her. Unexpectedly, a bus rushed on ward at her. Amber continued unabated and the bus rammed into her at 50 mph. She barely felt the impact, but knew she had been sideswiped. The steel wrapped around her and seemed to trap Amber inside. People were diving out of the bus as Amber began to panic. She spread her arms to release herself and the two halves of the bus were launch at such speed they vaporized in mid air to shower the area with molten steel and rubber. Paul finally got her to stop moving and told her what had happened to her. “I’ll call Caroline so she can help!” he explained. If anyone could help here, it would be her. As Paul dialed a swat team showed on the scene. With practiced discipline they spilled out onto the street and made a semicircle around Amber. The lead officer commanded her to surrender and come with them. Amber began to get nervous and held out her hands pleadingly. She felt it begin to rain. The SWAT team opened fire on Amber and the bullets found their target. Metal slugs peppered her from head to toe as the commander looked on in his scope. His upclose few showed him something he though to be impossible. Amber’s skin repelled the bullets and looked liked popcorn popping from her skin. Her open eye caught one and she blinked in reaction. His jaw dropped as he saw her eyelid smear the lead away and down her cheek. He moved to her breasts and watched her heaving bosom as she breathed. Her nipples so incredibly hard that the metal shattered in sparks on contact. All the smoke began to snake its way up into Ambers sensitive nostrils and she sniffled. The SWAT had resorted to small tank rounds by then. A ‘CLANK’ resounded from each impact with her invulnerable body. Paul noticed that something bad was coming and implored the team to cease fire. His cries fell of deaf ears and he ran again. He knew better than to stick around for what was next. Another tank round blasted Amber in the chest and lodged itself in her cleavage. She reached up to feel what was there and flattened it against her right tit to a thin smear. Her sniffles were becoming louder. The SWAT had exhausted everything when Amber finally sneezed. “Hello Sweetness!” Caroline greeted Paul. Paul bumped into her and fell over. Caroline loved doing that. “No need to explain, dear. I got this!” Caroline walked over to the scene where a deep block wide crater had been blown out. She approached the Amber and pressed up against her. Amber struck out in fear. Her punches and slaps creating shockwaves for miles and a couple other building crumbled against them. Caroline only stood there and let her unleash against her. Her infinite power much more than even the Unbelievable might of the new Amber. Caroline guessed she was easily over 8.5 billion times that of any man. Amber threw all of her strength at Caroline, but she only smiled and waited. Amber eventually calmed down and collapsed into Caroline’s arms. Amber’s face buried into Caroline’s breasts and she began to suckle at her nipple. The moans coming from both created rumbles in the ground. Paul, having left long ago, look into his review mirror and watched another city fall. -Vote for ME!!!