More Than Mortal 3 By Jason White “Do you see this?” Kellie turned her head to look over her shoulder at Jonah who had been watching the whole time. Charlie hung limp and whimpering from her breast, his lips still stretched around her nipple. He pounded at her in obvious pain. She, of course, was ignoring him completely. It was as if she were unaware he was attacking her. Her nipple engorged again stretching his mouth wider. After a few seconds of flopping around desperately, Charlie fell limp. “Yes, I do.” He gawked. The bag in his hand dropped. Kellie turned to her step-brother with a smile. “I still have a free nipple for you.” “Kellie. No. It’s not ri…” “Now, Jonah.” Her voice echoed through his mind. It wrapped around is body and it dripped with erotic promises that made his skin tingle. Jonah could hear an inner voice screaming in protest. His body was deaf to it as he moved to touch her. The rest of the world dropped away. There was only her. “How do I taste, Jonah?” She asked as he licked her breast. Charlie began to respond to her voice again as well. His erection pressed into her thigh. “Nothing compares to you.” Jonah droned. He ached to have her. Kellie was all things to him. “I know.” She stated. She watched his erection grow in his pants. His breath washed over her nipple when she wrapped her fingers around his hardened member. “My you’re a big boy for your age, Jonah.” His reason was slipping. “However, I think you’re right. This feels…weird.” She leaned forward to kiss his forehead. His mind reeled from her mere touch. Blood rushed to his cock stretching it harder and fuller than it may ever be again. Then he blacked out. “Oh look, he’s alive!” Kellie floated over to her step-brother who was lying supine in a pile of leaves. They were nearly nose to nose when finally Jonah noticed. “You’re flying, aren’t you?” He blinked. Kellie nodded with a giggle. “You’re amazing, sis. You’re a walking impossibility.” “I don’t think the term ‘impossible’ applies to me anymore.” Kellie was dressed in what Jonah had brought. She was forced to do some do-it-yourself to everything, but it worked. Her dad’s work pants had to be cut to fit her thighs. The bottom of her rear cheeks jiggled when her hips swayed. Her mother’s spaghetti strap tank top just managed to fit over the top half of her prominent chest. It left the bottoms of her breasts revealed. Kellie didn’t mind. The clothes were at her stepbrother’s request. She could have cared less. “Jonah, meet Charlie.” “Hi, Charlie?” “Charlie is going to be helping us discover more about what I can do. He brought all of his neat toys and is more than happy to be helping out.” She turned to Charlie. Her voice changed again. “Isn’t that right Charlie?” “Yes.” Charlie looked at her desperately. Jonah went cross-eyed. He shivered when she spoke that way. “Another power I discovered.” Kellie watched Charlie set-up while she spoke normally. “I can change my voice to make people, man and woman, mad horny for me. He is effectively my slave. He’s completely lost in it.” She paused. “You did the same just before you blacked out. It’s kind of…creepy. Yet, it makes me feel...oh, I can’t even describe it. It doesn’t even matter what I say. I could be reading about statistics and you would lose all self identity to me.” “That’s incredible.” He panted. He shook the cobwebs from his head. “But I don’t want to kno…” “You even licked me,” she smiled wickedly. “Kellie!” “Okay, okay. What do you say we see what this body can do? What would you like to see first, Jo?” Jonah looked over the small clearing. Charlie was apparently one of the local militia leaders and had a stockpile of weapons of all types hidden away. Rifles of various caliber and type were laid in a neat row. A box of grenades accompanied them. A tazer sat further down along with a series of blades and tools. Jonah looked up at Kellie who looked so much like a little girl at Christmas. He smiled at her and she beamed back. He looked down the row deciding where to start. The ground began to shake. Once more, Jonah was tossed to his knees. He looked at Kellie while he held to the shaking earth. Her impatiently tapping foot was shaking everything around them. “Any day now,” she complained. “The tazer! The tazer, just stop that, please!” He managed to his feet again picking the device up. “Let’s try something non-lethal to start with.” Kellie rolled her eyes. “Fine. Care to do the honors?” She presented the tazer gun to Jonah. He took a moment to figure out how to use it. A moment later he pointed and pulled the trigger. Kellie and Jonah looked at each other. The leads for the weapon were designed to penetrate the skin. At least penetrate normal skin. They bounced from Kellie’s skin. “Maybe we need to try a more direct contact.” Jonah suggested. Jonah replaced the battery. He stepped to his sister and looked into her face. She couldn’t have looked less concerned. He jabbed the tazer into her side pressing the trigger once more. He could hear the buzz and pop of the electric current. Her eyes began to wander around. “You look bored.” “Pretty much. Can we get to the good stuff now?” Kellie looked at the rest of the arsenal. Having hardly noticed anything from the stun gun, Jonah dropped the tazer to his side. “Yes. I suppose it…are you sure this thing works?” “Oh, it works. On you it does.” She mused. “Cute.” Jonah snapped. “Okay, one shotgun coming up.” “Yes!” Kellie laughed when Jonah realized he’d blown her shirt off. Her rounded tits seemed to taunt him as they jiggled slightly with her laughter. She cradled her naked breasts “Nice target selection, Jo! The girls loved the attention!” He blasted her again in the stomach. She giggled. “How does that feel?” Jonah asked. “Honestly? It doesn’t. I mean I don’t feel much of anything. It’s like tiny droplets of spray.” She offered. She removed the rest of her tatters leaving her in the tiny shorts. “My turn!” Kellie took the shotgun from Jonah’s hands. He gave it up happily. She twisted the gun steel so easily it seemed like a noodle in her fingers. She gathered the deadly weapon into a tiny, fist-sized ball before setting it aside. “Okay, little brother. What’s next?” She dusted her hands off. Jonah was once again in a state of shock. “That was easy?” “Are you kidding? That was easier than wadding paper.” Kellie laughed. “Look, it would be too hard to put into words. Let’s move on. Let’s try that thing.” Kellie pointed a fully automatic rifle. Jonah was unfamiliar with it, so Kellie charged Charlie with the task of shooting her. She broke into uncontrollable giggles while the gun spat at her. Her breasts jiggled as he passed the barrel over her torso. “Stop! Stop, you’re killing me!” She laughed hysterically. Charlie ceased his firing. Kellie took a moment to regain her composure. “You always hated it when I tickled you.” Jonah joked. “Yeah, but the gun was a nice tickle.” She blushed. She looked down between her legs. Jonah noticed. “Aww no, Kellie! Not that.” Jonah pleaded. “I have to know! Look, you don’t have to watch. Just go behind the van or something.” Jonah retreated to the driver’s seat and turned the radio on. He knew she’d make noise and didn’t really want to hear it. He found himself turning the radio down when nothing happened for awhile. He heard the muffled sound of the rifle firing. Kellie had Charlie press the still hot barrel against her sex. She breathed nervously and pushed it further into her. She stayed wet, so the muzzle slipped in easily. The heat was no bother to her. Charlie pulled the trigger. “AH-AHH-AAAAAAHHHHHH!” Kellie breathed. She felt every bullet slamming into her hole wonderfully. She shuddered as her body responded pouring muscle through her skin. The rifle only lasted so long and left her unsatisfied save for the knowledge of total invulnerability. “Oh, what a tease!” She sighed. Slowly she shoved the rifle inside her. She floated about the clearing moaning and gasping for breath. Jonah jumped clear of the van before it was rocked onto its side. A tree behind it toppled. He fell to his bottom once again that day as the entire ground shook. He watched in disbelief while trees were uprooted by a straight-line wind that dredged through the forest away from the clearing. He could swear it sound like a moan. Everything seemed to calm. Finally, Jonah peered around the protection of the van. “Kellie, are you okay?!” “Oh hell yes.” Her face was flush with afterglow. There was no sign of the rifle. Jonah tried to reason where it went, but eventually shook it off. He looked at her perfect naked body. She smiled lazily and rose into the air. “Now that is something I could get used to.” “I’m not sure the rest of the planet can, Kellie.” He said as her looked over the damage. “I’m not sure I care.” She breathed. “Huh?” “Oh, nothing, Jo. I’m just musing to myself.” “Hey, watch this!” She looked down at her right nipple. Two beams sliced through the air concentrated on the pink flesh. It swelled and became white hot quickly. She bit her lip and poured on the power. Jonah shielded his face from the heat. Her nipple enjoyed the attention, but Kellie felt the other was being neglected and her energy beams trailed across her chest to her left nipple. Both were glowing like tiny suns on her breasts when she was done. Once again, her body had proven its impossible superiority. “Mmm, that really feels nice.” She lifted one to her lips and suckled it. Steam rushed through her nose while she cooled it within her mouth. She licked the other. It seemed to cool a bit as well. She winked at Jonah. Her nipples still smoldered, as did her body. “Let’s use the grenades, now.” She looked over to the line of weapons while her chest steamed. “What’s the point? You know what’s going to happen.” “Yeah, but its fun watching myself do it!” “Fine.” Jonah said half defeated. He had the sinking feeling that the choice was not his anymore. “And you’d be right.” Kellie winked at him. His heart raced nervously as he looked at her with wide eyes. “Oh, don’t be so shocked. We’ll talk about it later. Grab three of those grenade thingies!”