More Than Mortal, Part 2 by Stoneyman Invincible Me... Kellie’s breathing became deep with anticipation. She was happy to have her step-brother finally leave. Her hands moved to touch all the familiar places. Her thoughts wandered to the images from her dreams again. She was now that woman. Sweat beaded on her skin. She thought of the strength she now wielded. Her hips bucked slamming the ground and shaking the forest. The pressure of an inevitable orgasm built inside her. The outline of her body began to blur while she shuddered. Her hands were in all of the right places, all at the same time. Her eyes flashed white when it hit her. A few miles away, Jonah covered his ears. His head shook. Kellie’s moaning release rang through his skull. “Ow!” He complained. He looked back to where he came from. “Maybe she got it out of her system…” “Don’t count on it, Jo.” She breathed to herself. Jonah reached the house 4 miles away in good time. He waved at his parents quickly hoping to avoid any questions. Upstairs he rummaged through drawers and closet looking for something that would fit. She had been so small before. After a bit of searching he came up with something. “Well, it’s not much, but I’m sure it will fit okay.” Jonah stuffed the article into a small bag and made his way downstairs and out of the house. Outside, before he’d made it off the porch, an explosion ripped through the air. Looking out across the field, he saw a cloud of dust seep through the trees at his point of destination. “A force a freaking nature…” In the woods, Kellie was smiling in an afterglow. Her recovery was seconds quick and she managed to sit up. Her body was covered in sweat and wet soil stuck to her. “Oh wow!” She exclaimed. Walls of earth surrounded her in a bowl several meters wide. Kellie rolled back in laughter. “I guess doing it in my bed is out of the question now.” She hopped from the crater happy and satiated. “Now, for some self discovery.” Kellie looked around her. She had never seen, or noticed, so much. Her eyes were exceptionally acute. She narrowed her glare at a tree. The image zoomed in quickly startling her. In a moment she realized what had happened. She recognized the cell walls and the structure from biology. She could see them. Concentrating, she brought out the cell bodies and molecules that were busy about their work within the plant cell. Kellie’s perpetual smile widened when the atoms revealed themselves. Tiny electrons swirled about the center of each element. Amazingly, she found she could focus on one electron. She watched its energy pulsing as it filled her view. She knew, if there was anything smaller, she could have seen it. “Amazing. I am amazing!” She looked at her own hands and then looked perplexed. Her eyes were unable to penetrate her own structure. Or rather, she could see everything, but her cells were so incredibly dense she’d never be able to decipher it all. “Like I said, amazing.” “Let’s see.” She considered. “I know I’m really strong. With all this muscle, you’d think I would have lost my gymnast flexibility.” She brought her leg straight up over her head. “Then again…” Experimenting, Kellie began contorting herself into various positions. She never found one that she wasn’t easily able to accommodate. Her legs stretched parallel to the ground in a one-handed straddle horse. In a quick, graceful movement, she brought her feet above her to a one-handed hand stand. She spilt her legs perfectly. Her breast hardly moved. Her hand was replaced with one finger while she pressed herself up and down with blurring speed. Once again, she laughed. “Eat your heart out Jane Fonda!” She said aloud. So lost in her own powers, she never noticed a muddy jeep racing down the trail toward her. It came to a sliding halt several paces from Kellie’s rock perch. Both men gawked in surprise at the sight of her. She could only imagine their perspective. She was naked and performing one-finger presses on a rock. The passenger got out and Kellie recognized him right away. “Hi, Mr. Thornton!” She leapt to her feet. He brandished a double barrel shotgun at her. Kellie froze. Human instincts took over. She wasn’t certain she was indestructible. The logic would follow, but it wasn’t a chance she wanted to take. “You damn freak! We saw what you did to the Crawford girl!” “No, no. It’s me! It’s Kellie Crawford. Mr. Thornton, please, you’re scaring me.” “Shut up! I saw you take her over. Get out of her, now!” Kellie realized this wasn’t going well. Plus, she could smell the alcohol on his breath. She noticed his friend rummaging through the back of the jeep. She took a step forward. “Mr. Thornton, stop this. It’s me. Remember the girl you saved from your lake? It’s Kellie.” “Stop saying her name you freak!” Kellie took another two steps and it was enough for the old drunk. He fired both barrels into her chest. He could swear he heard a strange chirping right when he pulled the trigger. Kellie saw a spark in the shotgun close to the shooter. It seemed she waited minutes before the buck shot sprayed from the end of the barrel. “I guess super speed can be added to the list.” The pellets floated slowly through the air toward her breasts. She made a decision to explore this power further some other time. Right now she had a drunkard to control. She blinked to normal. “You use to tickle me a bit differently when I was smaller, Mr. Thornton.” Kellie teased. Making him come to reason was going to be impossible in his state, she decided. “Charlie! Need a little help here!” Charlie came running to his side leveling his AR-15 at her chest. She looked almost happy to see him. A pull of the trigger and the rifle spat in full auto at her. Kellie’s eyes fluttered while they slammed into her tanned skin. “Okay, tickling is fine. Teasing is just rude.” Her body swelled once more. “Shit.” Charlie elbowed Mr. Thornton to the back of the jeep. Kellie watched as they stumbled behind the cover of the large vehicle. With a ‘tsk’, Kellie reached under the vehicle lifting it clear of the ground. It’s weight obviously no hinderance to her single arm. “Where do you guys get this stuff?” She was genuinely surprised as two grenades rolled to her feet. She tossed the jeep off into the cloudy sky and took up both in her hands. The explosion was less than impressive. “Well that was boring.” “Please don’t hurt us! We’re very sorry!” Charlie yelped. “I’m not going to and your apology is accepted. However, Ms. Nipple is less forgiving.” She smiled. Charlie and Mr. Thornton looked at each other. “I think you boys should say you’re sorry to her.” She presented her right nipple as it stiffened larger than they had both seen any nipple do so. “Wh…what do we do?” “Suckle her.” Charlie jumped to her breast grasping it both hands. Kellie yipped in surprise, but didn’t stop him. His mouth surrounded the large engorgement with gusto. Kellie motioned for her neighbor to go. “Bite.” Kellie commanded. Charlie brought his molars to bare. “Ow! How can they be that hard. It’s like biting a diamond!” Kellie could feel his cock swelling against her thigh. She didn’t want that, however. She wasn’t that easy. She grinned and willed her nipple to swell filling Charlie’s mouth. “Mmphrrphhhhahhh” He beat against shoulder and stomach trying to get free from his nipple prison. It swelled large enough that he was unable to release his jaw. Kellie felt herself getting wet again. She could defeat a man with one nipple. “I could get used to this.” She leaned back slightly lifting Charlie from the ground. She supported his weight on her tit while she spoke. “I’m not sure where you got all the weaponry, Charlie. Here’s what you’re going to do with it, though.” She whispered into his ear her intentions. He came in his pants while she spoke, but he understood what her wishes were. He’d die before he disobeyed his goddess. MTM 3: Coming Soon.